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16 Infallible Techniques
to Train and Manage
A guide to developing and managing the millennial
generation in the worlplace.

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2 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials

Index Millennials: the new era 3

What are they like? 3
Are we ready for their arrival? 4
A generation radically different: 4
How to manage and train Millennials?  5
The infallible techniques to manage them… 6
1. Cater to their needs 6
2. Listen to them 6
3. Be transparent 6
4. Provide feedback 7
5. Offer flexibility 7
6. Share goals 7
7. Give meaning 8
8. Make them happy 8
9. Help them change the world 8
To train them 9
10. Connect training and success 9
11. Guarantee freedom  9
12. Use new technologies 10
13. Mobile Learning 10
14. Make it social  11
15. Make it useful 11
16. Turn it into a challenge 11
And an extra technique that you can’t miss… 12
17. Turn it into a game 12
About Gamelearn 14
3 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
Millennials: the new era

What are they like? Millennials: the new era

They are already here… and they are here to stay.

We call them Millennials or Generations Y-Z. Born between 1980 and

2000, they make up nearly 50% of the workforce, and in 2025 they
will be the 75%.
They are skilled in They are good at
technologies collaborating
What are they like?
They are skilled in technologies. They were born with a console
in their hands, listening to music in their iPods, making friends on
social networks and using their latest-generation cell phones:
They consider that new They are eager players
technologies will make 74% consider that new technologies will make their lives
their lives easier
75% use social networks.
83% sleep by their cell phones.

They are online: The most part of them use social networks, send
They use social networks Recognition and
rewards e-mails, use instant messaging, videoconferences, they send each
other images and pictures and record videos. Millennials share
their lives.
They are multi-task professionals: Generation X took pride in using
two screens; Millennials use up to four or five.
They sleep by their Balance between
cell phones their professional and They are good at collaborating: Ideal for teamwork and building
personal lives
up a community.
They are eager players: Competitive and always looking for new
They are used to receiving recognition and rewards instantly.
They are particularly worried about the balance between their
They are online They are impatient
professional and personal lives, so they look for flexibility in their
They are impatient: If there is anything they don’t like, they will
change it. They change companies, products, professions… any-
thing. They are used to changing at click speed. Millennials have
They are multi-task
professionals their own priorities.
4 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
Are we ready for their arrival?

Lack of adaptation of Are we ready for their arrival?

Lack of adaptation of organizations:

63% of mobile and online training lacks quality.

67% make use of eLearning MOOCs which are not motivating.
63% 71% do not use new technologies or advanced digital formats
such as games, video games or simulators.

63% of mobile and online

training lacks quality “68% of those responsible for training and
HR say that the management of Millennials
in their companies has become one of their
main challenges.”
Global Human Capital Trends 2015,
de Deloitte
Make use of eLearning MOOCs which
are not motivating
A generation radically different:
Millennials have nothing to do with previous generations:

71% They have been spoilt by their parents, who told them they “were
special” without telling them why.
They play in leagues with no winner or losers, everybody wins.
Do not use new technologies And they received prizes just for playing.
or advanced digital formats
such as games, video games or Parents tell them: “Enjoy, learn to play and practice a little”.
5 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
How to manage and train Millennials?

How to manage and train Millennials?

16 infallible techniques… The infallible techniques to manage them…

1. Cater to their needs
2. Listen to them
3. Be transparent
4. Provide feedback
5. Offer flexibility
6. Share goals
7. Give meaning
8. Make them happy
9. Help them change the world
To train them
10. Connect training and success
11. Guarantee freedom 
12. Use new technologies
13. Mobile Learning
14. Make it social 
15. Make it useful
16. Turn it into a challenge
And an extra technique that you can’t miss…
17. Turn it into a game
6 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
The infallible techniques to manage them…

The infallible techniques to manage them…

1. Cater to their needs

They are used to being Millennials require immediate attention. They have grown up sending
connected and getting messages and using social networks. They are used to being con-
nected and getting instantaneous feedback every time they post. This
instantaneous feedback reality applies to work, where they expect the same environment.
every time they post.
2. Listen to them
Millennials are impatient, they ask and they need answers. They want
to be able to ask questions and get continuous professional advice.
Their curiosity is endless and they are eager to receive new knowledge.

The vast majority of them are looking for a job where their creativity
will be valued. They want their superiors, directors and coworkers to
listen to their ideas. Remember, they think that their boss can learn a
lot from them.

3. Be transparent
They need to understand Millennials are an entrepreneurial generation, so transparency is es-
that every one of their sential to them. They need to know the course that the company is
taking and how they can contribute to the achievement of its goals.
actions is useful to achieve
They want to know what is expected of them. They need to under-
their goals and the goals
stand that every one of their actions is useful to achieve their goals
of the team. and the goals of the team, so you must make them feel proud of
their work. Keep constant communication and, most importantly, be
7 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
The infallible techniques to manage them…

4. Provide feedback
They do not like to wait 6 80% ask for regular feedback from their bosses. They do not like to
months or a whole year to wait 6 months or a whole year to receive formal evaluation of their
receive formal evaluation
Rewarding and recognizing can become two fundamental tools to
of their work.
motivate them. Remember not to miss any opportunity of giving
them feedback, even if it involves areas for improvement; they want
to improve and develop continuously.

5. Offer flexibility
Millennials demand flexibility.

93% want a job where they can be themselves and this means dress-
ing in a way they feel comfortable. In addition, among other things,
they want to work until the task is fully completed, regardless of the
number of hours spent: time in the office should not matter.

Of course, they want to have a flexible schedule and even have the
possibility of teleworking.

Because of this demand, an increasing number of companies are of-

fering free food, fun and flexibility to keep their employees happy.

6. Share goals
Transparency and communication are essential qualities for these
new generations. And as part of this transparency, they demand to
know the company goals because they tend to choose companies
that share the same principles with them.

Your goal is to align the goals and needs of the company with the
goals and personal interests of the workforce. Just do not forget
that Millennials are not only concerned about the economic perfor-
mance of the company. For them, success also means to achieve job
satisfaction, improve productivity, create a good working environ-
ment or reach a balance between family work and personal life.
8 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
The infallible techniques to manage them…

7. Give meaning
95% of Millennials say they 95% of Millennials say they work harder when they know the pur-
work harder when they pose of what they do. We must ensure that everyone is committed
to the cause. The first step to achieve this is to give meaning to what
know the purpose of what they do. Each of them should perfectly understand what their role
they do. and responsibilities are in reaching the common goals.

Become their mentor. Their guide. Teach them how to do it and how
Each of them should to manage their interactions and behaviors. Moreover, 75% of them
perfectly understand call for a mentor: “Parents have been mentors to them, and in a pro-
fessional environment they expect their leaders to be mentors too.”
what their role and
responsibilities are in 8. Make them happy
reaching the common Millennials are not only in it for money. Their ultimate goal is not
goals. to become rich. What is more, half of them prefer not to have a job
before having one that they hate. They do not hate money, but value
meritocracies, and so expect to be paid for their performance.
Among their main priorities
is to “love what I do”. Therefore, among their main priorities is to “love what I do”, not high
wages and big bonuses. Your role is becoming increasingly impor-
tant, as you must help them reach that happiness in their jobs.

9. Help them change the world

As a generation, Millennials want to be part of that change in the
world (Millennial Impact Study from Achieve). Help them change the
world and you will have done it.
9 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
To train them

To train them

10. Connect training and success

93% of Millennials Connect training to their goals and career success. Offer content
highlight freedom as one that is actually relevant. By relevant, we mean content which is of
high quality and useful, with direct applicability to their jobs. And by
of the most important applicability we mean that they should see training as a real tool that
aspects at work. will help them achieve their goals.

Do not forget that 65% of them use a second screen and are ac-
If they do not like tive users, which means that if they do not like something, they will
something, they will disconnect instantly.

disconnect instantly. 11. Guarantee freedom

93% of Millennials highlight freedom as one of the most important
aspects at work. In the same way that they demand professional flex-
ibility, they will ask for flexible training. If you impose training on them,
it will result in disinterest, lack of motivation and high dropout rates.

Millennials want to follow their own pace, so you must give them the
opportunity to create their own learning pace. Offer e-learning in a
way that they can organize themselves as they wish: to do the training
at the time they prefer and wherever they want (multi-device).
10 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
To train them

12. Use new technologies

74% of them consider new They expect platforms rich in quality, interactive, personalized,
technologies essential updated and real-time. They like the different, new and innovative.
Note that 74% of them consider new technologies essential tools in
tools in their lives. their lives because they give them freedom and equality.

Millennials have grown up in a digital society, with technology

About 90% of Millennials influencing almost every aspect of their lives, so they will look for the
already have their own same thing in training. Create a technological environment. Gener-
smartphone. ate commitment and engagement through technology.

13. Mobile Learning

About 90% of Millennials already have their own smartphone, 93%
recognize checking it in bed before going to sleep and 83% directly
sleep by their phones. In a generation of this kind, the inclusion of
smartphones in any training actions or talent retention is of key

The smartphone is already part of their lives, so you have to change

your way of thinking when preparing a new initiative within your
company: the smartphone is an ally of training.
11 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
To train them

14. Make it social

Millennials seek personal 75% of them use social networks daily and they have become the
satisfaction and look major drivers of collaborative economy. Millennials want to feel part
of a community at work.
for challenges, whether
About 90% of them want their workplace to be social and fun. They
individual or collective.
have grown up with the need to share, to be part of groups where
they have common interests. You must get your training to become
65% of them are avid or, at a social learning environment.
least, regular players.
15. Make it useful
Make training useful. Offer quality content, applicable to the job and
to personal life. Show them that training is a real tool that will help
them in their personal and professional growth.

State the benefits and advantages of your training without neglect-

ing the quality of what you are offering. Remember: the irrelevant is
rejected by Millennials.

16. Turn it into a challenge

If you want to have Millennials “on your side”, you must make your
training different, innovative, fun... Make it a challenge. Turn it into a
competition and get their full involvement.

Their philosophy implies a break with previous generations, who

have so far privileged duties and wage stability. Millennials seek
personal satisfaction and look for challenges, whether individual or
collective. It is important to know that they will do their best to be
the masters of their own destiny.
12 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
And an extra technique that you can’t miss…

And an extra technique that you can’t miss…

17. Turn it into a game

Millennials have grown up playing. And they have played video
games. This is one of the characteristics that best define them, so we
can say that they are real players: 65% of them are avid or, at least,
regular players.

Including the “gaming” variable in your training programs becomes a

winning bet. Gamification techniques, simulators, video games (also
known as Serious Games) become your greatest allies.
13 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
Brief conceptual clarification…

Brief conceptual clarification…

Gamification and game-based learning are two different things:

Gamification refers to the use of gaming mechanics such as points,

levels and competition to motivate students.

Game-based learning happens when the game itself is able to train

students. The video game is specially designed to train through
simulation and constant feedback.

Dozens of studies confirm the power of videogames as training

tools. These are some of the results obtained when comparing
game-based learning and traditional training:

The game increases task completion by a 300%.

Source: “A Meta-Analytical Examination of It improves learning retention by a 90%.
the Instructional Effectiveness of Comput-
er-Based Simulation Games, Tracy Sitzman It increases student confidence by a 20%.
(Federation of American Scientists) It improves the conceptual knowledge of the student by an 11%.
14 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials
About Gamelearn

About Gamelearn
Gamelearn™ is the world leader in skills training through video
games and a pioneer in the development of game-based learning
solutions. With over 15 years of experience, it has trained more than
200,000 professionals from more than 1,000 companies.

Gamelearn™ has revolutionized corporate training by creating the

most awarded ‘game-based learning’ platform worldwide, becoming
a global solution for any Training and Development department:

Based on the cloud: no need to install additional software.

Universal access: just an internet connection is required.
Multidevice: Adapts to any device, PC, tablet, smartphone…
Multilanguage: A training solution translated to more than 5

Gamelearn™ takes learning to the next level by ensuring greater

effectiveness of the training by integrating theoretical content of the
highest quality, advanced simulators and gamification elements in a
unique format: a course-video game (also known as Serious Game).

This methodology has been implemented among all the profiles

of more than 1,000 corporate customers around the world, not just
Millennials, proving that all generations are demanding a different,
practical and fun training: game-based learning.
15 / 16 infallible techniques to train and manage Millennials

Millennial Impact Report, de Achieve

The Deloitte Millennial Survey, de Deloitte:


Global Human Capital Trends:


A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Instructional Effectiveness of

Computer-Based Simulation Games, Traci Sitzmann

Millennials, Coming of Age, de Goldman Sachs:


How Millennials Want to Work and Life, de Gallup:


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