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Ficha Tecnica Cat cb434

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Double Drum
Vibratory Asphalt

Cat® 3054NA Diesel Engine

Gross power 52 kW 70 hp
Operating weight 6485 kg 14,300 lb
Drum width 1422 mm 56 in
The Tools To Meet Various Density Requirements

The CB-434C has all the tools needed to vibratory amplitudes. High amplitude variety of rollers. The CB-434C is
tailor compactive effort with density works best on thick lifts or harsh mixes. capable of working as a breakdown and
requirements, allowing your operator to Medium amplitude is well suited to intermediate roller because of its high
meet specifications in the fewest passes. 50 mm (2") to 100 mm (4") lifts. Low compactive forces. When operated in the
Some density specifications require you amplitude works well on thin lifts and static mode, the CB-434C is a perfect fit
to meet 94 percent one day and 99 tender materials. as a finish roller because of its high
percent the next. The CB-434C is static pounds per linear inch (PLI). Its
capable of meeting those fluctuating The CB-434C can be used in all phases machined steel drums provide a smooth
specifications because of its three of compaction, reducing the need for a finish in this application.

Caterpillar® 3054NA Diesel Engine
Reliable and durable diesel engine for years of low maintenance operation.

Precise balance and optimum

running speed for smooth operation
and long engine life.
High torque rise for maintaining
power under increased loads.
Adjustment-free direct injection fuel
system keeps fuel consumption low.
Low maximum engine rpm provides
fuel efficiency.
Meets EPA/CARB emissions engine

Pressure Override (POR) Hydraulic System

Fuel efficiency and plenty of horsepower to meet all performance needs.

Propel and Vibratory Circuits use

horsepower efficiently, but not at the
sacrifice of performance.
POR valve balances horsepower
Provides plenty of power and a
responsive vibratory system when
starting and stopping the machine on
each pass.

Vibratory System
Precision system delivers optimum compactive force.

3 Three amplitude selections for

working more efficiently in a wider
2 range of applications.
1 4
Positive weight locking system
ensures position of variable
amplitude setting.
Automatic matching of eccentric
weight and drum rotation direction
improves mat quality.
Automatic vibration start-up and
shut-off helps produce smooth,
6 flawless mats. Manual control
7 possible for joint compaction.
Moving parts are separated from
lubricating oil helping to keep oil
1 Oil Level Sight Gauge 5 Weight Drive Shaft to Motor clean and ensuring long bearing life.
2 Eccentric Weight Housing 6 3-position Counterweight
3 Fixed Eccentric Weight 7 Amplitude Selection Wheel
4 Eccentric Weight Shaft Bearings

Automatic Speed Control

Allows consistent speeds to be maintained throughout a job.

Hydraulically controlled system

ensures smooth, consistent speed is
used on each pass.
Setting the dial limits the top speed
1 of the machine and maintains it.
Operator easily can match travel
speed with vibrations per minute,
helping to meet density
requirements in the fewest passes.
Cruise control-like system eases
operator control of propel speed in
forward and reverse.

1 Automatic Speed Control Dial

Water Spray System
Corrosion-proof system and long-life components for reliable operation.

1 Water-level Gauge
2 Spray Nozzle with Filter
3 Water Tank Drain
4 Filter
5 Water Pump


Two pump system but only one pump Long-life water pumps are self Triple water filtration reduces machine
operates at a time, doubling pump life priming and pressure regulating to downtime caused by system clogs.
in terms of machine hours. provide optimum spray and flow.
Two high-capacity polyethylene tanks
System control switch located on Complete back-up system controlled provide extended operation between
control console is used to select pump from the operator’s station. fill-ups.
and tank to provide pressurized water.
Constant or intermittent spray Large water tank drains allow
Water pumps and in-line filters are capabilities for long operation complete system to be drained in
conveniently located in bumpers for between fill-ups. less than five minutes.
easy service.

Maximum Visibility Position Control Console
Excellent visibility means more precise control and greater production.

Operator comfort is maximized with Gauges and controls move with Isolated operator’s station with four
large operator’s station and convenient console keeping them in same relative rubber mounts help eliminate vibration
location of controls. position to the operator. before it reaches the operator, controls
and instrumentation.
Control console rotates to five Unobstructed visibility of drum
operating positions, maximizing surfaces and edges.
operator visibility.

Streamlined Water Tanks
Excellent operator visibility increases production.

Visibility to objects 1 m (3.3') high

and 1 m (3.3') in front of the machine
or behind the machine.
Provides excellent sight lines to ground
personnel working near machine.
Tapered edges provide excellent
visibility to the front, rear and sides
of machine.

60/40 Articulation
Easier, more positive maneuvering near curbs and objects.

Off-center articulation with 60% of

the machine length behind the pivot
and 40% forward.
Operator can concentrate on only one
drum when entering or leaving a curve.
Helps prevent damage to existing
structures when moving away from
curbs and other objects.
Helps build operator’s confidence
and improves productivity.

Reduced maintenance requirements mean increased work time.

Large, swing-open service doors on Oil bath lubrication of eccentric Quick-connect hydraulic test ports
both sides of the machine provide easy weight bearings reduces routine simplify system diagnosis.
access to routine maintenance points. maintenance.
Remote mounted quick start post for
Pivot-up operator’s platform provides Spray nozzles are easily removed easy jump starts.
access to engine valve covers. without the need of tools.
Ground level servicing simplifies Remote mounted fittings simplify
maintenance. draining hydraulic and fuel tanks.

Optional Equipment
Note: Standard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for specifics.

Automatic Speed Control (ASC) helps drums clean by providing a secondary Ground Speed Indicator measures
ensure consistent speeds are maintained cleaning action to remove minor asphalt rolling speed. The analog dial is
throughout a job. A rotary dial to the right particles not removed by the drum calibrated in kilometers per hour and feet
of the forward-reverse propel lever scrapers. The mats can be retracted from per minute.
actuates a variable relief in the hydraulic the drums when not in use.
Vibratory Tachometer displays
system. Setting the dial at a predetermined
Coco Mats retain water as it is vibratory system frequency. It is
point will limit top speed of the machine.
distributed by the water spray system. installed on the instrument panel in front
The operator can then push the propel lever
The coco mats allow water to seep out of of the operator.
all the way forward or all the way back and
them. This provides a continuous
the machine will automatically accelerate Vertical Exhaust moves outlet from
distribution of water and keeps the water
to the predetermined speed and maintain it. ground level to above and away from
spray system from having to work
operator. This eliminates fumes from
ROPS/FOPS Canopy provides operator continuously.
blowing near ground personnel or near
protection in the event of machine roll-
Working Lights illuminate the work the mat.
over or from falling objects. It is the two-
area under dim and dark conditions. It
post type which bolts directly to the Spark Arrestor Muffler helps to
consists of four variable adjustment
machine frame. eliminate sparks that may be emitted by
flood lights positioned two forward and
exhaust system.
Water Distribution Mats help keep two rearward.
drum surfaces wet in extremely dry, hot Dual Amplitude Vibratory System is
Suspension Seat provides comfortable
or windy conditions. The mats are available as a Custom Shop
operation. It includes pivoting armrest and
constructed of flexible rubber and are Modification. Amplitude changes are
allows adjustment for height, weight and
designed to hold and disperse water on made with a switch on the control
distance from control console.
the drum surfaces. They also keep the console. Custom Shop Modifications
typically require longer lead times.

Value Analysis Total Customer

Support System
Application Flexibility Reliability Parts availability—most parts on
■ Three amplitude vibratory system ■ Rugged, dependable Caterpillar diesel dealer’s shelf when you need them.
increases application flexibility. engine. Computer-controlled, emergency search
■ Independent selection of drum ■ Propel and vibratory motors are system backup.
vibration. isolated from vibration for longer life.
Parts stock lists—dealer helps you plan
■ Excellent visibility to drum edges and ■ Ultra-fine filtration of hydraulic
on-site parts stock to minimize your
drum surfaces. systems.
parts investment while maximizing
Productive Operation ■ Corrosion-proof drum spray system
machine availability.
■ Wide drum coverage. with triple-water filtration.
■ Excellent maneuverability. ■ Dual water pumps with back-up Service capability—dealer’s shop or
■ Close side clearance and high curb capability controlled from operator’s fast field service by trained technicians
clearance reduce hand work. station. using latest tools and technology.
■ High capacity water system. Serviceability Machine management services—
Operator Aids ■ Pivot-up operator’s station and swing effective preventive maintenance
■ Maximum Visibility Position (MVP) open doors provide ample access to programs, cost-effective repair options,
control console offers excellent diesel engine. customer meetings, operator and
visibility from several different ■ Hydraulic components are located for mechanic training.
operating positions. easy access and service.
■ Choice of automatic or manual ■ Grouped hydraulic test ports simplify
vibration control. monitoring pressures.
■ 60/40 articulation simplifies ■ Spray system nozzles and filters are
maneuvering. easily removed and cleaned without
■ Priority-demand hydraulic power- the use of tools.
assist steering.

Engine Service Refill Capacities Brakes
Four-stroke cycle, four cylinder Liters U.S. Service brake features
Caterpillar® 3054NA diesel engine. Gallons ■ Closed-loop hydrostatic drive system
Meets EPA and CARB emissions engine Fuel Tank 114 30 provides dynamic braking during
regulations. Cooling system 21 5.5 machine operation.
Engine oil (w/filter) 7,6 2 Secondary and parking brake features
Ratings at 2,200 RPM kW hp Vibratory bearing ■ Spring-applied/hydraulically released
Gross power 52 70 lubrication 11 2.9 on front and rear drums. Actuated by
Hydraulic tank* 49,2 13 switch on console or automatically
Ratings of Caterpillar machine engines Water (Spray) tank 2 x 333 2 x 88 when pressure is lost in brake circuit
* Figures show fill tank to “full” level. Actual tank
are based on standard air conditions of capacity is higher. Hydraulic/Charge oil filtered by 10 or when engine is shut off.
micron charge oil filter. A filter condition indicator is Brake systems meet SAE recommended practice J1472
25°C (77°F) and 99 kPa (29.32") Hg dry located on the filter head. and EN500.
barometer. Power is based on using 35°
API gravity fuel having an LHV of
42,780 kJ,kg (18,390 Btu/lb) when used
at 30°C (86°F) [ref. a fuel density of Transmission Frame
838.9 g/L (7.001 lb/U.S. gal)]. Net A single variable displacement pump Fabricated from heavy gauge steel plate
power advertised is the power available supplies oil flow to the two fixed- and rolled sections. The frame is joined
at the flywheel when the engine is displacement, radial-piston motors at the articulation pivot. 60% of the
equipped with fan, air cleaner, muffler driving the drums. A single propel lever machine is rear of the articulation pivot
and alternator. located on the control console provides and 40% is in front of the pivot. The two
smooth hydrostatic control of the sections are joined by two hardened steel
The following ratings apply at 2,200 machine’s infinitely variable speeds in pins that are supported by heavy-duty
RPM when tested under the specified both forward and reverse. roller bearings. A vertical pin provides a
standard conditions for the specified Speed (forward and reverse): ±35° steering angle and a horizontal pin
standard: Work and travel 0-11,6 km/hr 7.2 mph provides frame/yoke oscillation of ±10°

Net Power kW hp
EEC 80/1269 49 66 Steering Drum Spray System
ISO 9249 49 66 Priority-demand hydraulic power-assist Entire drum spray system is corrosion-
SAEJ1349 JUN95 49 66 steering system provides smooth, firm proof and includes two full-frame, low-
machine handling. The automotive-type profile polyethylene water tanks—one
Dimensions steering wheel and column are integral above each drum. Water level gauges are
Bore 100 mm 3.937" with the operator’s swivel platform and located on each tank within easy sight of
Stroke 127 mm 5" allow steering from multiple positions. the operator.
Displacement 4L 243 cu. in. The system consists of two diaphragm
Minimum turning radius: pumps driven by electric motors. Only
Dual-element, dry-type air cleaner with Inside drum edge 3404 mm 11' 2" one pump operates at time, supplying
visual restriction indicator. Outside drum edge 4832 mm 15' 10.25" pressurized water to both sets of drum
Steering Angle (each direction) 35° spray bars. Pump operation is controlled
24-volt electrical starting system with Hydraulic system—two 76 mm (3") from operator’s station. System provides
55 amp alternator and two 12-volt bore, double-acting cylinders powered complete back-up capability controlled
maintenance-free Cat batteries. by a gear pump. from operator’s station.
Output @ 2200 rpm 22,7 liter/min 6 gpm Spray can be continuous for maximum
Engine throttle is two-position wetting action or intermittent for
electric control. maximum duration between fill-ups. Six
easy-to-clean spray nozzles on each spray
bar are easily removed for replacement or
cleaning without the need for tools.

Water capacity 2 x 333 liters 2 x 88 gal

10 CB-434C specifications


Length (A) 4191 mm 13' 9" Curb Clearance (vertical) (G) 381 mm 15"
Width (B) 1613 mm 5' 4" Side Clearance 95 mm 3.75"
Height at steering wheel (C) 2261 mm 7' 5" Minimum turning radius:
Height at top of ROPS (D) 2997 mm 9' 10" Inside drum edge 3404 mm 11' 2"
Drum width (E) 1422 mm 56" Outside drum edge 4832 mm 15' 10.25"
Wheelbase (F) 2616 mm 8' 7"

Vibratory System Weights (approximate)

Drum width 1422 mm 56" Operating weight includes lubricants, coolant, 80 kg (175 lb)
Drum diameter 1100 mm 43.5" operator, full fuel tank, full hydraulic system and half-full
Drum shell thickness, nominal 16 mm 0.625" water tanks.
Weight at front drum 3113 kg 6,864 lb
Weight at rear drum 3372 kg 7,436 lb Operating weight with ROPS 6705 kg 14,780 lb
Vibration selection Independent per drum Shipping weight with ROPS 6170 kg 13,600 lb
Eccentric weight drive Hydraulic direct, auto reversing Average linear load/PLI w/ROPS 23,6 kg/cm 132 lb/in
Bearing lubrication Oil bath Operating weight without ROPS 6485 kg 14,300 lb
Hydraulic filtration 10-micron, absolute Shipping weight without ROPS 5950 kg 13,120 lb
Weight distribution front/rear 48% 52% Average linear load/PLI wo/ROPS 22,8 kg/cm 128 lb/in
Frequency 48 Hz 2900 vpm
Nominal Amplitude
High Range 0,69 mm 0.027"
Mid Range 0,55 mm 0.022"
Low Range 0,34 mm 0.013"
Centrifugal Force Per Drum
High Amplitude 74,7 kN 16,800 lb
Mid Range 59,1 kN 13,282 lb
Low Amplitude 37,4 kN 8,400 lb

The instrument panel is located in front oil temperature, engine oil pressure, Machine controls are located at the
of the operator and contains the start engine coolant temperature or charge operator’s right on the control console.
switch, two-position electric throttle, pressure. A four-segment operational These include propel lever, drum spray
hour meter, alternator indicator light, light cluster is also positioned on the switch, vibration switch, vibration mode
electrical system fuses, fuel gauge, and instrument panel. It illuminates if the selector, horn and secondary/parking
four-segment warning light cluster. An vibratory system, drum spray system, brake switch.
audible alarm sounds and the four- turn signals (option) or lights (option)
segment warning light cluster illuminates are engaged.
if abnormal conditions occur in hydraulic

CB-434C specifications 11
CB-434C Double Drum Vibratory Asphalt Compactor

© 2000 Caterpillar
QEHQ9206-02 (5-00)
Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
(Replaces QEHQ9206-01)

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