Privilege Walk Questions
Privilege Walk Questions
Privilege Walk Questions
if your ancestors were forced to come to the USA not by choice raise your hand
2. if you grew up in a single parent household raise your hand
3. if you grew up with neither parent raise your hand
4. if you were ever called names because of your race, class, ethnicity, gender, disability, or
sexual orientation raise your hand
5. if you were ever ashamed/embarrassed of your clothes, house, car, etc. raise your hand
6. if one or both of your parents have or had “white collar” professions raise your hand
7. if you ever tried to change your appearance, mannerisms, or behaviors to avoid being
judged or ridiculed raise your hand
8. if you studied the culture of your ancestors in school raise your hand
9. if you went to school speaking English and a second language raise your hand
10. if there were more than 50 books in your house when you grew up raise your hand
11. if you ever had to skip a meal or were hungry because there was not enough money to
buy food when growing up raise your hand
12. if you were taken to museums or artistic performances by your parent(s) raise your hand
13. if one of your parents was unemployed or laid off during your life raise your hand
14. if you have health insurance raise your hand
15. if you attended a private k-12 school raise your hand
16. if your family had to move because they could not affect rent or mortgage raise your hand
17. if your parents or guardians told you that you were beautiful, smart, and capable raise
your hand
18. if you were ever discouraged from academics or jobs because of race, class, ethnicity,
gender, disability, or sexual orientation raise your hand
19. if your parents or guardians encouraged you to attend college raise your hand
20. if you have a disability raise your hand
21. if your family owned the house you grew up in raise your hand
22. if you saw members of your race, class, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation
portrayed on tv in a degrading role raise your hand
23. if you own a car raise your hand
24. if you were offered a job because of your association with a friend or family member
raise your hand
25. if you ever inherited money or receive steady funds from extended family raise your hand
26. if you had to rely primarily on public transportation raise your hand
27. if you were ever stopped or questioned by the police because of your race, class,
ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation raise your hand
28. if you were ever afraid of violence because of your race, class, ethnicity, gender,
disability, or sexual orientation raise your hand
29. if you were ever the victim of violence related to your race, class, ethnicity, gender,
disability, or sexual orientation raise your hand
30. if your parents own their own business raise your hand
31. if you were generally able to avoid dangerous place raise your hand
32. if you were ever uncomfortable about a joke related to your race, class, ethnicity, gender,
disability, or sexual orientation but felt unsafe to confront the situation raise your hand
33. if at least one of your parents graduated college raise your hand
34. if your parents told you that you could be anything you wanted to be raise your hand
35. if you are a citizen of the USA raise your hand
36. if you took out loans for education raise your hand
37. if you felt unsafe alone at night raise your hand
38. if you have gotten to travel outside of the USA raise your hand
39. if you get time off for your religious holidays raise your hand
40. If anyone in your immediate family has ever served time in a state or federal penitentiary
raise your hand