Telemundo, NBC, WSJ Late October Hispanic Oversample Poll

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Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 1

Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

Interviews: 410 Registered Latino Voters, including 247 respondents with a cell phone only Date: October 29-31, 2020

45 Male
Study #200986 55 Female
NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey/Telemundo

Please note: all results are shown as percentages unless otherwise stated.

The margin of error for 410 interviews among Hispanic/Latino Registered Voters is ±4.84%

Unless otherwise noted by a “+” or “++”, all previous data shown reflects responses among all adults.

Q1 We have the ability to complete this interview in English or Spanish. Would you rather complete the survey in
English or Spanish? +

English ..............................................
Spanish .............................................
+ Results shown reflect responses
among registered voters.

Q2a For statistical purposes only, would you please tell me how old you are?
(IF “REFUSED,” ASK:) Well, would you tell me which age group you belong to? (READ LIST) +

18-24 ....................................................................
25-29 ....................................................................
30-34 ....................................................................
35-39 ....................................................................
40-44 ....................................................................
45-49 ....................................................................
50-54 ....................................................................
55-59 ....................................................................
60-64 ....................................................................
65-69 ....................................................................
70-74 ....................................................................
75 and over ...........................................................
Not sure/refused .................................................
+ Results shown reflect responses among
registered voters.

Q2b To ensure that we have a representative sample, would you please tell me whether you are from a Hispanic or
Spanish-speaking background? +

Yes, Hispanic ...................................................

No, not Hispanic...............................................
Not sure/refused ............................................
+ Results shown reflect responses among
registered voters.

Q3 Registered Voter. +

Yes ...................................................
No .....................................................
+ Results shown reflect responses
among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 2
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

Q4 Now, all in all, do you think things in the nation are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things
are off on the wrong track?

10/29- 10/10-
31/20+ 11/18+ 13/16+ 9/16+ 7/16+ 9/15 7/15 12/14 9/14+ 4/13
Headed in the right direction ...... 24 30 35 38 21 32 33 37 27 42
Off on the wrong track ............... 59 58 48 46 58 54 54 47 56 42
Mixed (VOL) ............................ 7 10 11 12 18 9 8 9 11 9
Not sure ................................... 10 2 6 4 3 5 5 7 6 7

10/12+ 30/12+ 8/12+ 7/12+ 6/12 5/12 3/10 9/08+ 7/08+
52 55 43 41 42 40 37 12 16
38 33 44 45 44 42 55 76 74
6 7 8 10 9 10 4 10 5
4 5 5 4 5 8 4 2 5
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Q5 In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president? (IF
APPROVE/DISAPPROVE) And, do you strongly or just somewhat (approve/disapprove) of the job Donald
Trump is doing as president?

31/20+ 9/20+ 11/18+ 9/18+
Total Approve 32 30 32 26
Strongly approve ......................... 22 19 21 15
Somewhat approve .................... 10 11 11 11
Total Disapprove 59 59 65 65
Somewhat disapprove ............... 12 12 14 15
Strongly disapprove .................... 47 47 51 50
Not sure .................................... 9 11 3 9
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 3
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

Q6 I'm going to read you the names of some public figures and groups and I'd like you to rate your feelings toward
each one as very positive, somewhat positive, neutral, somewhat negative, or very negative. If you don't know

Don't Know
Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Name/
Positive Positive Neutral Negative Negative Not Sure
Donald Trump
October 29-31, 2020+ ........................... 19 9 12 11 47 2
September 2020+.................................. 18 8 17 12 44 1
November 2018+ ................................... 20 6 9 14 49 2
September 2018+ .................................. 12 8 15 12 50 3
October 10-13, 2016+ ........................... 6 7 6 14 66 1
September 2016+ .................................. 8 7 6 10 68 1
July 2016+ ............................................. 5 6 7 12 70 -
February 2016+ ..................................... 7 8 9 10 65 -
September 2015 .................................... 3 8 15 5 67 2
July 2015 ............................................... 7 6 8 14 61 4

Joe Biden
October 29-31, 2020+ ........................... 27 24 21 7 18 3
September 2020+.................................. 22 24 20 12 17 5
October 2012+ ...................................... 30 20 19 10 12 9
September 26-30, 2012+....................... 16 21 22 11 15 15
August 2012+ ........................................ 19 24 21 10 13 13
July 2012+ ............................................. 13 21 23 9 14 20

Mike Pence
October 29-31, 2020+ ............................. 17 7 14 11 31 20
September 2020+.................................... 15 11 17 14 27 16
September 2016+ .................................... 10 3 19 4 16 48

Kamala Harris
October 29-31, 2020+ ............................. 21 15 17 7 19 21
September 2020+.................................... 20 18 15 9 15 23

Anthony Fauci
October 29-31, 2020+ ............................. 26 12 18 5 5 34

Amy Coney Barrett

October 29-31, 2020+ ............................. 16 9 15 7 16 37
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Anthony Fauci ......................................................... 38 10 28
Joe Biden ................................................................ 51 25 26
Kamala Harris ......................................................... 36 26 10
Amy Coney Barrett .................................................. 25 23 2
Mike Pence ............................................................. 24 42 -18
Donald Trump ......................................................... 28 58 -30
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 4
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

Thinking now about the November elections…
Q7 Please tell me how interested you are in the election this November, using a scale from one to ten, on which a
"ten" means that you are very interested in the elections and a "one" means that you are not at all interested.
You may choose any number from one to ten. (RECORD NUMBER 1-10. IF "NOT SURE," RECORD AS "DK.")

10/29- 9/26-
31/20+ 9/20+ 11/18+ 9/18+ 9/14+ 10/12+ 30/12+
10, very interested ....... 63 58 52 41 34 58 53
9................................... 4 9 11 8 6 10 6
8................................... 12 11 12 13 13 15 18
7................................... 5 4 8 12 12 4 8
6................................... 3 4 5 4 10 5 4
5................................... 6 6 5 9 9 4 6
4................................... - 2 2 2 3 - -
3................................... 2 2 2 1 3 1 1
2................................... 1 - 1 1 2 1 -
1, not interested at all .. 3 3 1 7 8 2 4
Cannot rate ................ 1 1 1 2 - - -

8/12+ 7/12+ 6/12+ 5/12+ 9/08+ 7/08+ 4/06+

42 49 43 44 67 59 36
7 6 9 12 9 5 10
13 13 14 12 12 16 15
8 10 9 9 4 3 12
3 5 2 6 2 5 6
6 8 8 7 2 5 11
3 2 2 1 1 1 2
4 1 2 2 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 - 1 1
10 4 8 4 2 4 5
- 1 2 2 - - 1
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 5
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

Q8 If the election for president were held today, with ONLY (ROTATE) Donald Trump and Mike Pence as the
Republican candidates and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidates, for whom would you

31/20+ 9/20+
Donald Trump and Mike Pence ................. 29 26
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris .................... 62 62
Depends (VOL) ....................................... - -
Neither/other (VOL) ................................. 2 3
Not sure .................................................. 7 9
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Q8A Even though you are not supporting Donald Trump now, what are the chances that you might support Trump in
this year's presidential election--is there a fair chance that you might support him, a small chance, just a very
slight chance, or no chance at all you might support him?

31/20+ 9/20+
Fair chance you might support .................. 2 2
Small chance ............................................. 8 8
Very slight chance ................................... 8 11
No chance at all you might support ........... 51 50
Not sure ................................................... 2 3
Currently supporting Trump ....................... 29 26
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


Q8B Even though you are not supporting Joe Biden now, what are the chances that you might support Biden in this
year's presidential election--is there a fair chance that you might support him, a small chance, just a very slight
chance, or no chance at all you might support him?

31/20+ 9/20+
Fair chance you might support .................. 3 3
Small chance ............................................. 3 7
Very slight chance ................................... 6 6
No chance at all you might support ........... 23 19
Not sure ................................................... 3 3
Currently supporting Biden ........................ 62 62
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Q9 What is your preference for the outcome of the upcoming congressional elections -- (ROTATE:) a Congress
controlled by Republicans or a Congress controlled by Democrats?

10/29- 10/10- 9/26-

31/20+ 11/18+ 9/18+ 13/16+ 9/16+ 9/14+ 10/12+ 30/12+ 8/12+ 7/12+ 6/12+ 5/12+
Republican-controlled Congress ........................... 28 26 21 25 29 28 23 22 29 24 27 30
Democrat-controlled Congress .............................. 54 60 64 63 63 61 65 67 61 64 66 58
Not sure ...............................................................
18 14 15 12 8 11 12 11 10 12 7 12
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 6
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

Thinking again about the presidential election…
Q10 Now, which of the following best describes how you would feel if (ROTATE, READ ITEM) were elected
president on Tuesday--optimistic and confident that he would do a good job, satisfied and hopeful that he would
do a good job, uncertain and wondering whether he would do a good job, or pessimistic and worried that he
would do a bad job?


Optimistic Satisfied Uncertain Pessimistic
And And And And Not
Confident Hopeful Wondering Worried Sure
Joe Biden
October 29-31, 2020+ .............. …………. 31 28 14 19 8
Donald Trump
October 29-31, 2020+ .............................. 20 12 16 47 5
October 10-13, 2016+ .............................. 8 8 17 64 3
July 2016+ ............................................... 9 6 20 63 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Q11 Some people we have spoken with have already filled out their ballot for the Federal election for President,
Senate, Congress and statewide offices being held in November – Have you already cast your ballot in the
election by voting by mail or in person at an early polling location? (DO NOT READ CHOICES:) (IF NOT YET
VOTED, THEN ASK:) And do you plan to vote early - either by mail or in person - or will you vote at the polls on
Election Day? +

31/20+ 9/20+
Total Plan to Vote Early ................................ 72 54
Total Voted Early ........................................... 58 16
Yes, voted by mail ......................................... 27 10
Yes, voted early in person ............................. 31 6
No, plan to vote early by mail ........................ 4 21
No, plan to vote early in person ..................... 10 17
No, will vote at the polls on Election Day ......... 22 40
Don’t plan on voting (VOL) ........................... 3 1
Not sure ......................................................... 3 5
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Changing topics…
Q12a Do you have confidence that the results of the presidential election will be counted accurately or not?

31/20+ 9/16+
Yes ........................................................................... 54 58
No ............................................................................ 34 30
Not sure/refused .................................................... 12 12
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Q12b Now, more specifically, thinking about YOUR vote, do you have confidence that your own vote will be counted
accurately or not? +

Yes ........................................................................... 78
No ............................................................................ 15
Not sure/refused..................................................... 7
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 7
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

Thinking some more about yourself…
Q13 How much difference do you think it will make in the lives of you and your family who wins the upcoming
presidential election--a great deal, quite a bit, just some, or very little?

31/20+ 10/12+
A great deal of difference .................... 39 50
Quite a bit of difference ....................... 17 21
Just some difference ........................... 20 16
Very little difference............................. 18 11
Not sure ............................................. 6 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Thinking again about the candidates running for president …

(ROTATE Q14 & Q15)
Q14 Has what you have you seen, read, or heard in the past couple of weeks about Donald Trump and his campaign
for president given you a more favorable impression of him or a less favorable impression of him? If you have
not seen, read, or heard anything in the past couple of weeks please just say so. +

More favorable .................................................... 25

Less favorable ..................................................... 50
Has made no difference (VOL) ........................... 10
No, Have Not Seen/Heard/Read Anything ............ 13
Not Sure .............................................................. 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Q15 Has what you have you seen, read, or heard in the past couple of weeks about Joe Biden and his campaign for
president given you a more favorable impression of him or a less favorable impression of him? If you have not
seen, read, or heard anything in the past couple of weeks please just say so. +

More favorable .................................................... 47

Less favorable ..................................................... 26
Has made no difference (VOL) ........................... 11
No, Have Not Seen/Heard/Read Anything ............ 14
Not Sure .............................................................. 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 8
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

Thinking now about issues…
Q16 If you had to choose JUST one (ROTATE) the economy or coronavirus, which of these two issues is more
important to you in deciding your vote for president – or is something else more important to you in deciding
your vote? +
The economy.................................... 34
The coronavirus................................ 46
Some other issue ............................. 8
Both (VOL) ....................................... 10
Neither (VOL) ................................... -
Not sure .......................................... 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered

Q17 Now, for each of the following please tell me if you approve or disapprove of President Trump’s handling of each
item. (ROTATE)


Approve Disapprove Opinion (VOL)1 Not Sure
The economy
October 29-31, 2020+ .................................................................................
49 39 6 6

The coronavirus
October 29-31, 2020+ .................................................................................
28 64 4 4
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Thinking now just about the coronavirus…

Q18 Which of the following best describes your feelings about the coronavirus in the United States? (ROTATE

The worst is behind us .................................................................................

The worst is yet to come ..............................................................................
The coronavirus is not that major of a problem ............................................ 9
Not sure .....................................................................................................
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Q19 Thinking about what, if any, impact the coronavirus has had on you and your family’s day to day life, would you
say it has -- (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM, BOTTOM TO TOP) changed your life in a very major way, a fairly
major way, only a small way or has it not changed your life in any way? +

Changed your life in a very major way ......................................................... 42

A fairly major way .........................................................................................
Only a small way ..........................................................................................
Has not changed your life in any way ........................................................... 6
Not sure ......................................................................................................
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 9
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

Now I am going to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only.
QF1 A lot of people are unable to get out and vote for many reasons. Did you happen to vote in the November 2016
election for president? (IF “YES,” ASK:) Which of the following statements describes your vote? (ROTATE

(IF “SOMEONE ELSE,” ASK:) And, was your vote for Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, or someone else? +

Voted for Trump because you liked him or his policies ................................ 12
Voted for Trump because you did not like Clinton or her policies ................. 7
Voted for Clinton because you did not like Trump or his policies ................. 14
Voted for Clinton because you liked her or her policies ............................... 33
Voted for Gary Johnson (VOL) ................................................................... 1
Voted for Jill Stein (VOL) ............................................................................ 1
Voted for someone else (VOL) .................................................................. 1
Voted, not sure ........................................................................................... 1
No, Did Not Vote .......................................................................................... 27
Not sure...................................................................................................... 3
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

QF2 Are you currently employed? (IF "CURRENTLY EMPLOYED," ASK:) What type of work do you do? (RECORD
UNDER "6--OTHER.") (IF "NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED," ASK:) Are you a student, a stay-at-home mom or
dad, retired, or unemployed and looking for work? +

Currently Employed
Professional, manager .................. 22
White-collar worker ....................... 13
Blue-collar worker ......................... 21
Farmer, rancher ............................ 1
Not Currently Employed
Student ......................................... 4
Stay at home mom/dad................. 7
Retired .......................................... 16
Unemployed, looking for work ...... 8
Other............................................. 6
Not sure ...................................... 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

QF3 What is the last grade that you completed in school? (DO NOT READ CHOICES.) +

Grade school ........................................................... 9

Some high school .................................................... 5
High school graduate .............................................. 24
Some college, no degree ........................................ 17
Vocational training/School ...................................... 3
2-year college degree ............................................. 17
4-year college/bachelor's degree ............................ 16
Some postgraduate work, no degree ...................... 1
2-3 years postgraduate work/master's degree ........ 5
Doctoral/law degree ................................................ 1
Not sure/refused .................................................... 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 10
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

QF4 Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or something else?
(IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) Would you call yourself a strong (Democrat/Republican) or not a
very strong (Democrat/Republican)? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "NOT VERY STRONG
DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICAN.") (IF "INDEPENDENT," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican
Party, closer to the Democratic Party, or do you think of yourself as strictly independent? (IF "NOT SURE,"

Strong Democrat............................... 33
Not very strong Democrat ................. 14
Independent/lean Democrat ............. 7
Strictly Independent .......................... 12
Independent/lean Republican ........... 6
Not very strong Republican .............. 5
Strong Republican ............................ 13
Other (VOL) .................................... 5
Not sure .......................................... 5
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

QF5 Thinking about your general approach to issues, do you consider yourself to be liberal, moderate, or
conservative? (IF "LIBERAL" OR "CONSERVATIVE," ASK:) Do you consider yourself to be very
(liberal/conservative) or somewhat (liberal/conservative)? +

Very liberal .........................................................14

Somewhat liberal ................................................12
Moderate ............................................................36
Somewhat conservative .....................................21
Very conservative ...............................................13
Not sure............................................................4
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

QF6a/b Are you a current or retired labor union member? (ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY "NO" OR "NOT
SURE" IN QF6a.) Is anyone else in your household a current or retired labor union member? +

Labor union member .........................................

Union household ...............................................
Non-union household ........................................
Not sure ..........................................................
+ Results shown reflect responses among
registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 11
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

QF7a What is your religion? +

Protestant (includes Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal,

Presbyterian, and other Christians) .......................................... 19
Catholic...................................................................................... 59
Jewish........................................................................................ -
Muslim ....................................................................................... -
Mormon/LDS/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ........ -
Other ......................................................................................... 7
None .......................................................................................... 10
Not sure/refused ...................................................................... 5
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

QF8 How would you describe your economic circumstances—(ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM, BOTTOM TO TOP)
poor, working class, middle class, upper middle class, or well-to-do? +

Poor ................................................ 12
Working class ................................. 30
Middle class .................................... 46
Upper middle class ......................... 8
Well-to-do ....................................... 2
Not sure/refused ........................... 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.


QF9 Do you live in a suburban area that is closer to a large city or in a suburban area that is farther away from a
large city? +

Closer to a large city...................................... 59

Farther away from a large city ....................... 39
Not sure....................................................... 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

QF10 When it comes to staying up with the news, which of these news sources, if any, do you watch or consume


The cable channel MSNBC .................................................................. 33
The cable channel CNN........................................................................ 32
Broadcast network news, such as NBC, ABC, or CBS ......................... 30
The cable channel Fox News ............................................................... 26
Progressive or liberal news outlets, blogs, or websites ........................ 15
Conservative news outlets, blogs, or websites ..................................... 14
Or, do you not watch or consume any of these to follow the news ...... 9
Watch different TV news (VOL) ......................................................... 13
Get news from some other source (VOL) .......................................... 5
Not sure .............................................................................................. 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #200896 -- page 12
Late October 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo Survey

QF1c And, will the 2020 election be the first time you have ever voted for President? +

Yes ................................................................ 17
No.................................................................. 82
Not sure....................................................... 1
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

QF10a What language do you mainly speak at home--English or Spanish? +

Mainly speak English ........................ 44

Mainly speak Spanish ....................... 28
Speak both equally (VOL) ............... 26
Not sure........................................... 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered

QF10b Were you born in the United States, the island of Puerto Rico, or somewhere else? +

United States ........................................................................................ 58

Puerto Rico .......................................................................................... 6
Another country .................................................................................... 34
Not sure .............................................................................................. 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

QF10c Where were your parents born? +

Both parents born in mainland U.S. ..................................................... 26

Both parents born in Puerto Rico ........................................................ 6
Both parents born in another country ................................................... 49
One parent born in U.S. and one born outside U.S. ............................. 15
Not sure.............................................................................................. 4
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

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