Government of Andhra Pradesh Boilers Department: Application ID: BEC2000186
Government of Andhra Pradesh Boilers Department: Application ID: BEC2000186
Government of Andhra Pradesh Boilers Department: Application ID: BEC2000186
Sub : The Boilers Act,1923 and Indian Boiler Regulations 1950 - New Boiler with Makers No.IB-4055
- Erection Work of Boiler - Permission -Accorded - Regarding.
Ref : Lr.No. Nil, dt: 05/10/2020 of M/s. KRISHNAPRABHAS PAPER PRIVATE LIMITED,Pinapalla
(V),Alamuru(M), East Godavari District.
In reply to the reference cited above, you are hereby permitted to entrust the erection work of new
boiler with makers No. IB-4055 to M/s. Universal Engineering Works, Kakinada, East Godavari District
who are a Government APPROVED Boilers erector in Andhra Pradesh State as requested by you.
The Amount paid Rs. 100000/- vide challan No.40084517482020 , dated , 07-OCT-20 is adjusted towards
inspection fee of above Boiler.
The Boiler shall be offered for inspection on ground, during erection and after completion of erection
work to the Deputy Chief Inspector of BoilersRajahmundry Region Rajahmundry as per IBR. After
completion of erection work of the Boiler, work completion report shall be submitted to this office
Your's faithfully,
Director of Boilers ,
Andhra Pradesh,
Digitally Signed By UMA MAHESWARA RAO
Single Desk Approval Ref ID : SDDOB037200052
Date : 08-Oct-2020 18:55:58 IST
Copy to the Deputy Chief Inspector of Boilers, Rajahmundry Region Rajahmundry. Newly prepared
and IBR Folder along with registration proposals shall be submitted to this
office immediately on the next day of issue of provisional order.