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The passage discusses a role-playing adventure scenario involving espionage between Soviet and Chinese agents seeking plans for a secret NATO missile.

The passage notes there is bitter competition between the Soviet and Chinese governments that manifests in their intelligence operations against each other and other countries.

The secret missile is a new NATO missile that both Soviet and Chinese intelligence agencies have been interested in learning details about.

Vol. V, No.

THE MISSILE MlSSlON ©1980 by Mike Carr

INTRODUCTION tongue loosened by too much to drink, as well as the
“The Missile Mission” is an adventure designed need to impress, talk turned to company matters and
for use with TOP SECRET, the espionage role-play- the work being done by Dynamics Engineering. Yes,
ing game produced by TSR Hobbies, Inc. As present- the project was a success, and although security was
ed on these pages, it includes everything which play- tight, who knew that a duplicate copy of the plans was
ers and the gamemaster will need to run the adven- locked away in the safe at the Dynamics Engineering
ture, either as a one-time exercise or as an episode parts warehouse, in addition to the copy kept at the
which takes place within the context of a larger cam- heavily guarded main plant? Who knew, indeed?!
paign. The mission can be played by from two to eight The young Chinese woman knew now, and wast-
players (a minimum of six players is highly prefer- ed no time in taking her leave to report the word to her
able), with an Administrator who moderates the superiors. At the same time, the Russian bug placed
activities of the players and controls the activities of behind the wall painting in the same hotel room also
various non-player characters who may take a part in carried the news to the appropriate ears. The race
the proceedings. was on . . .
* * * * *
Besides being usable by itself, “The Missile Mis-
sion” is designed to give TOP SECRET players and The Dynamics Engineering Company’s parts
gamemasters an idea of the way in which they might warehouse is in a rundown section of the city’s indus-
construct their own scenarios. This is just one exam- trial district. It is a typical building of its type, con-
ple of the many types of adventures which may be structed of cement-block walls and a flat, corrugated
devised to be used with the game’s basic rules and steel roof. There are two primary access doors, with
components. several garage doors for the loading dock areas.
During the week, the warehouse is fairly busy, but
BACKGROUND on Saturday morning the crew is small: two shipping
The rivalry between Soviet and Chinese world clerks working the forklift, a security guard, and two
goals manifests itself in many ways. The bitter com- German shepherds. Of the three around-the-clock
petition between the Communist giants shows in- shifts, this is the smallest.
tensely in military, political, and propaganda circles. * * * * *
This of course carries over into the area of intelli- ADJACENT AREAS
gence, where both adversaries strive to obtain useful The rough map provided with this module shows
information about each other’s activities, aims, and the warehouse and its immediate environs, should
plans. But the two countries also maintain an active such information be needed for reference during play.
espionage effort against other powers—and this
time that is the arena where the competing agents DRAMATIS PERSONAE
will collide . . . . The three groups represented in this scenario are
* * * * * the two opposing agent teams (Soviet and Chinese)
The development of one of NATO’s newest (and and the unsuspecting employees of Dynamics
most secret) missiles has been the object of consid- Engineering Company who happen to be present
erable interest by both the Soviets and Chinese for when the mission is executed. The arrival of local
several years. Despite continuing efforts by police personnel is a possibility.
the intelligence agencies of both countries, few de- Depending upon the number of actual players,
tails have been discovered. As the time nears for the agent teams can be handled as desired. Four
production and deployment of the missile, the in- agents are given for each side, with listings of the
terest in the weapon has grown, although most appropriate Personal Traits for each, and weapons
avenues of espionage have led to dead ends. or equipment carried. If this scenario is
Luck, both good and bad, plays a part in the being used as part of a regular TOP SECRET cam-
conduct of espionage. Whereas bad luck had before paign, the agents listed can be used or discarded as
thwarted various attempts at learning more about the desired; in some instances it may be possible to
missile, good luck (of sorts) had just now provided a simply substitute one or two player characters for
break. That is, if one team of agents could act quickly names given here, if practical. The best scenarios will
enough . . . use either three versus three agents, or four versus
At last night’s lavish New York City dinner party four.
staged by the Defense Contractors Association, both The Dynamics Engineering employees are
Soviet and Chinese agents had been present. In the played by the Administrator, who will determine their
revelry which went into the wee hours of the morning, actions and reactions randomly, keeping in mind that
the drinking was heavy. The sales representative of initially they will not be aware of what is actually
the Dynamics Engineering Company, producer of occurring. At first, they may accost intruders and
the guidance system for the missile, was particularly inquire about why they are on the premises, asking
fortunate, he thought, in persuading to his hotel room them to leave (that is, unless player agents don’t give
the young, attractive Oriental woman who had been them the chance. . .). Once aware of what may be
so interested in him. With this encouragement and a occurring, they can react randomly (by interfering,
July, 1980

fleeing, or calling for help) according to dice rolls in height, a metal container holding parts or assem-
taken by the Admin at probabilities deemed appro- blies of metal and/or plastic. An automated conveyor
priate. apparatus passes near each of the individual bins,
The city police are not a regular part of the Sce- and is part of an overall system which extends into
nario, but are included as extras. Should a call for the main warehouse. The system is designed to pick
help be made in time, or should the mission be unduly out parts and assemblies for packing and shipping,
delayed, there will be a chance (at the Administra- and deliver the packed boxes to the main warehouse
tor’s discretion) that the city police might arrive before for shipping. The conveyor apparatus is 3’ off the
the agents have departed the scene. Their roles are floor, with supports located every six feet along its
to be played by the Admin, and they will react appro- length, which allows easy crawling underneath; two
priately to the situation as they perceive it. “drawbridge” sections of the conveyor are at the
main aisles to allow passage of the forklift truck,
THE SETTlNG which operates in both areas.
The Dynamics Engineering warehouse is a ce- Offices
ment-block building divided into three primary sec- The building’s offices are located in the west/
tions: the main warehouse, the parts storage area, southwest part of the building. There are three indi-
and the offices. vidual offices, plus a traffic office with a window which
looks out into the main warehouse. A supply room
Main Warehouse and file room are also part of this area, as are the two
The main warehouse comprises the majority of rest rooms. A receptionist’s desk and sofa are in the
the building. It is a large, open area where cases of hallway. The entire area has an 8’ suspended ceiling.
packed machine parts are stacked on pallets. The
stacks are of varying heights, ranging from 2’ to 6’ off The building has no security alarm systems.
the floor. Each box is approximately a foot square Many doors are metal fire doors with small wire-rein-
and weighs about 10 pounds. The boxes contain an forced windows which, when locked, have a rating of
assortment of different plastic and metal parts and -/40. Wooden office doors, when locked, have a
assemblies. Bullets will pass through individual rating of -/20. The larger doors are overhead metal
boxes fairly easily; it takes several boxes to stop such garage doors which, when locked, have a rating of
projectiles (the Administrator can determine such ef- -/35 (and which will make some noise when
fects randomly in each case, depending upon cali- opened, either manually or by pushing an electric
ber, distance, number of boxes the bullet must pass wall button on the interior wall near the door). The
through, contents, etc.). Keep in mind that the game garage doors also have wire-reinforced windows
map shows stacks but not individual boxes. which are about 4’ off the floor.
The building’s telephone and electric lines enter
Parts Storage Area on the west side of the building, at a point which is 12’
The parts storage area is a large open room off the ground and 35’ from the northwest corner of
containing numerous parts bins. Each parts bin is 3’ the building.
Vol. V, No. 1

ROOM & AREA DESCRIPTIONS into the main warehouse. The space is a passage for
The various parts of the Dynamics Engineering the guard dogs, as well (it could be a crawlway, too).
warehouse are described below in some detail. Be- On the south wall just to the east side of the
fore using the mini-module, the Administrator should conveyor passage is a large computer console with a
review the descriptions given here and study the keyboard, printer and CRT screen, plus other assort-
playing map to familiarize himself with the setting and ed dials and knobs. This is the control board for the
visualize this building as a place for the mission. automated conveyor packing system. It is turned off.
Effort has been made to provide as useful and On the east wall just south of the rear entrance
complete a description here as possible; however, are stacks of flat cardboard boxes, each stack ap-
questions about the physical surroundings or equip- proximately 6’ high. The box flats are bundled in two
ment/furniture present may arise which are not cov- dozen lots, and are the standard size cartons.
ered in this outline. In such cases, the Administrator One guard dog (“Rex”) is asleep at the conveyor
should feel free to describe the setting and such passageway; if aroused, he will be able to go into
details as he desires, keeping in mind that the place either room (see the TOP SECRET rules section on
is a rather mundane warehouse. page 40, AROUSING HUMAN OR ANIMAL
GUARDS, and subtract 15 from any rolls on the
1. Parts Storage Area: This large open room ANIMAL GUARD REACTION TABLE to reflect Rex’s
measures 48’ x 105', with a 12’ ceiling. It is filled with tendency to growl and bark rather than attack strang-
numerous parts bins, each 3’ high. An automated ers.). Rex has a Life Level of 7 and Injury Points of 4.
conveyor apparatus which is 3’ off the floor runs He will respond to commands given by Chuck Evans,
alongside the bins, but is turned off. the plant security guard.
Access to the room is provided by five doors: an
exterior garage door on the north wall (locked) which 2. Main Warehouse: This large open room
is at a loading dock, the warehouse’s rear entrance measures 90’ x 72’, with a 12’ ceiling. It is filled with
on the east wall (locked), and three doors on the numerous stacks of packed cartons placed upon
south wall—one without a window (locked) which wooden pallets. The stacks are alongside the several
leads to the office hallway, one which opens to the arms of the conveyor system for the most part, await-
main warehouse for foot traffic (unlocked), and a ing shipment out of the warehouse. The stacks vary
small garage door alongside it which is for the forklift in height and size, and the height is shown upon the
truck (unlocked). Additionally, there is an opening in game map for each particular stack (the Administra-
the south wall which is approximately 3’ wide and 6’ tor can use this information to determine visibility and
high (up to 6’ off the floor) where the conveyor passes line of sight as needed).
July, 1980

Vol. V, No. 1

Access to the room is provided by five doors: the with decorative paneling, while the exterior walls and
two entrances from the Parts Storage Area previous- the walls separating the offices from the main ware-
ly described, garage doors on the east and south house and parts storage area are cement-block
walls which lead to the loading docks (the east door is construction). A sofa for waiting visitors is in the front
unlocked and open, the south door is locked), and a hallway, and a receptionist’s desk is at the intersec-
set of double doors (unlocked) with large, wire-rein- tion. All drawers of the desk are locked (-/10). A
forced windows which lead to the office area. A large drinking fountain is against the wall across from the
glass window just to the south of the double doors receptionist’s desk.
provides a view of the Traffic Office, and vice versa. The second guard dog (“King”) is asleep under-
Along the east wall is a large stack of unused neath the receptionist’s desk. He, like “Rex”, will
wooden pallets which reach nearly to the ceiling. respond as previously noted. King has a Life Level of
They are next to a storage room (locked) which con- 5 and Injury Points of 3.
tains miscellaneous items: unused conveyor sec-
tions, cartons of paper goods, machine parts, tools, 4. Traffic Office: The Traffic Office is the nerve
supplies, etc. center of the warehouse. Within it is a long counter
Along the south wall are two small rooms (un- along the east wall underneath a large window which
locked). The first contains the heating and air condi- provides a view of activity in the Main Warehouse.
tioning equipment for the building and little else, while The counter has numerous pigeonholes for all kinds
the second (nearest the loading dock door on the of paperwork. Two desks with typewriters, a filing
south wall) is an employee locker room containing cabinet, and a computer terminal are within the of-
lockers, vending machines, a table, and several fice, and on the walls are an assortment of clipboards
chairs. Outside the door is a drinking fountain (one of containing shipping orders, inventory reports, and
three in the building) and around the corner near the other similar information. Both desks have tele-
loading dock door is a workbench which holds a pipe phones upon them.
wrench (1-20/NC/), screwdriver (1-20/-4/) and Using one of the telephones is Chuck Evans, the
hammer (1-18/NC/) within a tool box atop it. guard for the building. He is talking to his wife while
A forklift truck is parked in the southwest corner of sitting on the edge of the desktop, gazing out of the
the room. It is off, but the key is in the ignition switch. It glass window and into the warehouse. He will con-
is a standard industrial forklift truck (powered by a verse until interrupted by some occurrence, at which
small LP gas tank). It has a maximum speed of 10 point he will investigate (with a 50% chance of telling
mph. All three Dynamics Engineering employees his wife “There’s a problem, I’ve gotta go . . .” before
know how to operate it; others have a percentage hanging up, and a 50% chance of telling her “Hold
chance equal to their Knowledge rating to know how on, there’s a problem”— in which case she will be on
to use it. the line until he either returns or doesn’t return and
Two Dynamics Engineering employees are in the she becomes suspicious of trouble).
main warehouse at the start: Ed Landers is at the Chuck Evans will investigate trouble promptly
workbench, looking over a mass of paperwork which and fairly aggressively, although he is not armed. He
describe the prior week’s shipment orders; Mort Mc- will ask that unauthorized personnel leave the build-
Nally is near the eastern garage door (which is open), ing immediately; if they are discerned as hostile, he
scrutinizing the shipping labels on the 5’ high stack of will either resist them (if feasible, unless obviously
cartons nearest the door. The room is relatively quiet dangerous), seek to warn the others and notify
except for Ed’s radio at medium volume on the work- police, or flee if in great danger. Both guard dogs will
bench and the sound of the air blowers which circu- respond to his verbal commands (including “attack,”
late the air in the warehouse. if necessary).
If Ed and/or Mort perceive danger, they will un- The door to the room is wooden, without a win-
dertake any number of possible actions: alert the dow. On the hallway side it has a plaque reading
others (including Chuck Evans, the guard), attempt “Traffic Office.” It is open slightly, but mostly closed
to call the police (from a wall phone by the work (sounds can be heard through the doorway depend-
bench, or from one of the offices), resist intruders ing upon proximity and loudness).
who are hostile (unless bluffed), or perhaps simply
flee. The Administrator can handle their actions using 5. Traffic Manager’s Office: The Traffic Mana-
logic and appropriate dice rolls. ger’s office has a wooden door (locked) without a
window. The room itself is a typical office, with a
3. Office Hallway: The office hallway connects desk, bookcase, table and chairs, typewriter, and
the main warehouse, the front entrance to the build- stand. There is also a computer terminal atop a small
ing, the various offices and rooms, and the parts filing cabinet (locked) which contains an assortment
storage area at the rear. of business records, letters, and the like. A telephone
The building’s main entrance is a steel fire door is on the desktop.
(locked) with a wire-reinforced window which is larger The office has two exterior windows (the only
than the others of similar design. The words “Dyna- windows anywhere on the outside of the building
mics Engineering Warehouse Offices” are stenciled except for those on the overhead garage doors). The
on the exterior of the glass. windows are fairly heavy glass and appear to have a
The hallway is tiled, with lightly painted walls (the tape alarm, but the tape is a ruse designed simply to
interior walls of the building are wood and fiberboard discourage burglars.
July, 1980

A plaque on the hallway side of the door reads, 7. Women’s Room: This is a typical women’s
“Traffic Office, R. Saunders.” rest room with a sink, counter, two stalls, and a
6. Men’s Room: This is a typical men’s room
with a sink, one stall, and two urinals. 6. Central Office: This room is a typical office,

Russian Agents
Victor Drenovich
Animal Science = 58 7.62mm AKM assault rifle (x)
Economics/Finance = 78 with 20-round magazine
and spare magazine

Vladimir Kozenov
Computer Science = 100 9mm FN Browning pistol (e)
Physical Education = 82 with silencer

Boris Cherovsky
Astronomy/Space Science = 92 Switchblade (gg)
Engineering. Transportation = 70 Sleep gas capsules (2)
Engineering, Industrial = 81 Smoke grenade
Metallurgy = 58 Bulletproof vest
Physical Education = 91 (Note: Coordination trait
Psychology = 89 already adjusted)

Anton Kalenko
Military Science/Weaponry = 108 .357 snub nosed revolver (i)
Vol. V, No. 1

and contains four desks (each with a telephone and large corkboard with various routine company
typewriter), a computer terminal and printer, a photo- memos attached, a calendar, and two sizable paint-
copying machine, several filing cabinets (locked), a ings, as well as a road map of the United States with
word processor, and a paper shredder (with a box full pins marking various locales.
of shredded printouts of no value). On the walls are a The door to the room (locked) is wooden and is

Chinese Agents
Chung Yee
Physical Education = 94 .22 pocket Beretta pistol (d)

Yung Kow
Physical Education = 126 Fragmentation grenade
Military Science/Weaponry = 119 Stiletto (hh)
Sleep gas capsule

Liu Lung Fu
Architecture = 75 9mm short Walther PPK pistol (h)
Astronomy/Space Science = 92 with silencer
Engineering, Mechanical = 61

Sun Ming
Animal Science = 55 9mm Uzi submachine gun (t) with
25-round magazine and
spare magazine
July, 1980

marked with a plaque on the hallway side which and the plaque on the hallway side reads, “Supply
reads, “P. Sloan, S. Miller, J. Slowinski, R. Ramsey.” Room/File Room.”

9. Executive Office: The executive office is fully 11. File Room: A metal fire door (locked) gives
carpeted, paneled, and generally well-appointed. access to the file room from the supply room. The
There is a small conference table with five chairs in room contains three large filing cabinets (locked), a
the western part of the room, and a single desk at the desk with a chair, and a small but heavy (600 pounds)
eastern side opposite the door. The desk is walnut safe. The safe (-/50) carries a brand name and the
and is the most impressive of any in the building. word “tamperproof,” but is in fact nothing extraordi-
Behind the desk is a credenza, as well as a small nary. A sticker near the combination lock reads “Dy-
two-drawer filing cabinet (unlocked) which contains namics Engineering Company policy limits the ac-
memos, letters, and the like. There are two side cess to safeguarded material to those authorized
chairs and a plush sofa also within the room. employees with proper clearance as signified by the
The north, east, and south walls of the room each K300 yellow card. Others seeking access to safe-
feature a single oil painting. Behind the east painting guarded materials or documents will be subject to
(which is behind the desk) is a small wall safe (15/50) immediate dismissal.”
which contains $310 in cash, a certificate for 80 The filing cabinets contain bundles of past in-
shares of Dynamics Engineering stock (worth $24 voices, shipping orders, personnel records, com-
per share currently) in the name of William Ferris, pany memos, and the like. The safe contains $500 in
and a single one-ounce gold coin. cash, product drawings of several Dynamics Engi-
The door to the room is wooden (locked) and the neering machine parts, as well as an envelope with a
plaque on the hallway side reads, “W. Ferris, copy of the blueprint plans for the new missile guid-
Manager.” ance system.
The safe will take a minimum of 20 seconds to
10. Supply Room: The supply room contains open, per attempt.
miscellaneous items: several folding chairs and two
tables stacked against the wall, shelves containing SETTlNG UP & CONDUCTING THE MISSION
an assortment of paper forms (blank invoices, inven- Depending upon the number of participants, the
tory reports, shipping orders, letterheads, envelopes, Administrator can run the mission as desired. Al-
etc.), and a metal cabinet (unlocked) full of office though four agents are listed for each opposing team,
supplies. groups of three can be used. Additionally, substitu-
The door to the supply room is wooden (locked) tions of players’ own characters can be made if the
Vol. V, No. 1

Administrator is agreeable. Other adjustments may parked along the wall just around the corner from the
also be called for if the gamemaster deems them building’s rear entrance (both the main and rear en-
appropriate, as well. trances referred to are normal size doors, not the
Secrecy and limited intelligence are the keys to a garage doors at the loading docks). The mission
successful and enjoyable mission, so it is strongly begins as both groups emerge from their cars along-
recommended that the Administrator emphasize that side the building. Whether they wish to leave some-
fact to the participants: that their own enjoyment will one in the car or leave the keys in the ignition (or
relate directly to their efforts to follow the gamemas- whatever) is up to them, but moving the car should be
ter’s instructions and that they should not discuss discouraged, at least initially. In any event, it is as-
inappropriate information with the other players, sumed that there are two sets of car keys and the
even those on the same team. Administrator should have the players decide who
Once sides have been chosen and agent identi- will have them.
ties assigned (if the number of players is few, one can Both groups will be armed and equipped as listed.
control two agents, though one per player is prefer- Extra gear or weapons should generally not be per-
able), the two groups should be briefed independent- mitted, as the mission has been quickly and hastily
ly of each other. The PLAYERS’ MISSION BRIEF- organized; the Administrator’s judgment should pre-
ING background (below) should be read to each vail in this regard. Neither group will be familiar with
group, and the information thus imparted will be the the warehouse, its construction, or who or what is
same for both teams. Although one group is Russian inside.
and the other is Chinese, they need know nothing As the mission is played, the Administrator
more than the fact that their mission is to locate and should be alone in a room which is separate from the
retrieve the plans as soon as possible-mention of other participants (who ideally should also be kept
who or what might oppose them is not needed. apart, with strict instructions not to discuss the game
The “Warehouse Environs” map is used to pin- in progress). The Administrator should then conduct
point each group’s starting location (where they have the mission by calling first one side and then the other
parked the car). It can be shown to both teams. The into the room to handle their movement and actions,
Soviet agents start in the parking lot just south of the monitoring the time passage as desired while alter-
building, and their car is parked near the sidewalk nating “moves” of the Russian and Chinese prota-
leading to the main building entrance. The Chinese gonists (the pace can be slowed when encounters
agents start in the north parking lot, where their car is and fighting occur). In the meantime, the Administra-

City Police
Officer Milt Savage
Military Science/Weaponry = 88 .357 Police Magnum revolver (j)
Billy club (rr)

Officer Pete Lewis

Law = 69 .357 Police Magnum revolver (j)
Military Science/Weaponry = 62 Billy Club (rr)
World History/Current Affairs = 75

The officers will arrive on the scene in a standard police squad car,
equipped with one 12 gauge shotgun (aa, full choke).
July, 1980

tor can handle the “neutral” non-player characters them will be the winners, regardless of losses. If this
according to logic and common sense, determining mission is a part of a larger campaign, experience
their actions by appropriate dice rolls which reflect points and payoff amounts can be awarded as the
the existing situation and their perception of it. Admin sees fit. Other adjustments in the background
Agents within sight and sound of their fellows can act information, agent assignments, and other details
in concert and communicate, but those operating can be altered as appropriate for campaign play, as
independently or away from others should be called well.
into the room individually. The Administrator can The Administrator should monitor time in handl-
handle this aspect as desired, depending upon the ing play, but should keep in mind that many actions
number of players, whether dual roles are being take time to accomplish. There is a normal tendency
played, etc. in games like this to allow players to do much more
The game map should be kept hidden from the than otherwise would be possible in a short time
players at all times. Prior to the game, the Administra- span, so the actions attempted and the number of
tor can prepare several wall outlines of the exterior seconds passing in a “turn” should be considered.
walls only, filling in the interior details (by tracing,
perhaps, unless a gridded sheet is used) as they are PLAYERS’ MISSION BRIEFING
“seen” by the exploring agents—each agent or team The following mission briefing should be given
having their own floorplan outline. As an alternative, verbally to both teams prior to play. If the Administra-
the Administrator can shield his own game map care- tor wishes, he can give the impression that each
fully, using paper sheets, and exposing what each team has their own briefing, though in fact they are
agent “sees” by moving the shielding sheets as ap- identical . . .
propriate during play. In any event, the intention is
clear; individual gamemasters can do as they wish. In the war of intelligence between East and West,
The side removing the desired plans from the the information-gathering process is neverending.
warehouse and making a successful getaway with New weapons and new technologies are ever com-

Dynamics Engineering Employees

Ed Landers, Warehouseman
None applicable Pocket knife (/-18/-l/)

Mort McNally, Warehouseman

None applicable None

Chuck Evans, Guard

None applicable None
Vol. V, No. 1

the time nears for production and deployment of the

missile, it has become more and more imperative
that we obtain the necessary details, though our or-
ganization’s efforts have so far been fruitless.
Just early this morning, however, our most recent
effort provided an unexpected lead. A representative
of the Dynamics Engineering Company, producer of
the missile’s guidance system, was encouraged to
provide details about the location of a duplicate set of
plans for the missile which are outside of the heavily
guarded main plant. Our source indicates that the
plans are also contained in a safe at the Dynamics
Engineering parts warehouse in a rundown section of
this city’s industrial district. Since this is Saturday
morning, there should be few people on duty and
minimal security, since we know that the warehouse
is not under the same heavy guard as the large main
ing to the forefront, and it is essential that accurate You are ordered to proceed to the warehouse
first-hand information be obtained and relayed to the immediately this morning, enter, locate, and seize
appropriate intelligence offices of the People’s Gov- the plans. Discretion is advised, of course, but you
ernment. As field agents for this noble effort, you should not hesitate to act appropriately in doing what-
have pledged your efforts and lives to ensure that the ever is necessary to complete the mission. The or-
directives and aims of the central office are fully ganization requires those documents (be they blue-
carried out. prints, microfilm, or whatever) at all costs.
The development of one of NATO’s newest (and Due to the haste with which this mission has been
most secret) missiles has been the object of consid- ordered, we regret that full preparation and briefing
erable interest by our government for several years. has not been possible. Use the tools you have been
As you know, despite our continuing diligent efforts, given and your own training and skill to reflect well
few substantive details have yet been discovered. As upon the organization and our peoples. Good luck.

December 1981 Dragon

The Alulu Island Mission

A t ro pi c al ad ven tu re
for TOP SECRET® agents
by Merle M. Rasmussen and James Thompson
“Alpha reports loss of radio contact use their own pre-generated characters in military actions around the world.
with Alulu Island,” announced cryptana- for this mission, and will be allowed to Most recently, he is suspected to be the
lyst Bradshaw. bring along any equipment they can af- person responsible for the silencing of
“That would seem to confirm our sus- ford which they deem necessary. Alulu Island.
picions of subversive activity,” said Ma- Direct military intervention in this mat-
jor K. “Connect me with the Foreign Reconnaissance briefing ter is not recommended until reliable in-
Minister.” Alulu Island is located in the west cen- telligence is received from the island.
The operator hesitated brief/y, then tral Pacific Ocean, about 1,000 miles The primitive native population of some-
handed the headset to the major. “No south of Japan between the Ryukyu Is- thing more than 100 individuals may be
need, sir. She’s on the line for you....” lands and the Bonin Islands just north of under forcible detention, and their lives
“Afternoon, Major. Brit Intel informs the Tropic of Cancer. It is an indepen- as well as the lives of the missionaries
me that Mad Merc has taken over the dent atoll not associated with any island may be jeopardized if military action is
protectorate.” chain. The small (less than a mile in di- attempted.
“Yes, ma’am,” choked the major. “The ameter from outer shore to outer shore) Your mission is to investigate the is-
Japanese and the Americans will be island is outside the domain of the Trust land and its surroundings to determine
informed.” Territory of the Pacific Islands and is whether or not the native population is
“See what you can do about getting it under “unofficial” protection of the Brit- under duress, and to ascertain what Mad
back. The Admiralty doesn’t want to be ish government. British missionaries main- Merc’s intentions are. You are NOT to
involved. I’ll call you in three days.” tain an outpost on the island which also take offensive action against the mer-
The major handed back the headset. It serves as a weather station. cenary force, since this may endanger
was going to be a long night, to be fol- Although the island is politically inac- innocent bystanders. You should either
lowed by three days that would seem all tive and neutral and of little (if any) im- report your findings by radio to an off-
too short.... portance strategically, it has apparently shore military vessel, or report in person
become a pawn in a competition of in- to military officials after disembarking
General introduction ternational influence. Recently, a force the island.
So begins Operation Mad Merc, also of mercenaries assembled from the sur- Agents may approach the island in any
known as “The Mercenary Atoll Mission,” vivors of central African and Latin Amer- fashion they deem appropriate. It is re-
an adventure designed for use with the ican campaigns descended upon the is- commended that a surreptitious subma-
TOP SECRET™ game rules. The adven- land. Shortly after this became known, rine approach be made under cover of
ture is presented as a sequel to Doctor all contact with the island (via a radio in darkness, with agents swimming in from
Yes (The Floating Island Mission), which the missionary outpost) was cut off. It is the sub or paddling in with inflatable
was printed in issue #48 of DRAGON™ believed that Lt. Col. Martin Strikewell, rafts. If a daytime approach is chosen or
magazine. It can be played as a sequel to commonly known as Mad Merc, is the becomes necessary, agents should ap-
the first mission, or can easily be used as organizer of this invasion. pear as (perhaps) natives in an outrigger,
a mission in and of itself. The adventure In the aftermath of World War II, a team of scientists in a research vessel,
is suitable for any number of players Strikewell was discharged from the Brit- or tourists in need of boat repairs.
(agents) up to eight. ish Army after an incident in which many Player/agents who intend to accept
A reconnaissance briefing which fol- innocent civilians were killed. Since that this mission should read no further. The
lows will serve to give agents a solid time he has kept a very low profile; rumor information on the following pages is for
background of information. Players may has it that he has served as a mercenary the Administrator’s eyes only!
Administrator memoranda ing page) is an oblong coral atoll which water “soaks” through to the limestone
The only other information player/a- almost encircles a shallow lagoon. There base fairly promptly after each rainfall.
gents should receive at the start of the is a thin layer of topsoil inland, away There are some small caves in the lime-
mission, aside from the briefing on the from the sandy, wave-pounded beaches. stone and some depressions in the sur-
previous page, is the player map of Alulu On the southwestern side of the isle, face which would hold water for at least
Island on the back page of this module. waves have carved a wide inlet which 24 hours after a rainfall, but these irregu-
None of the information on the other connects the ocean with the lagoon. On larities in the surface are not extensive.
maps and floor plans herein should be the northern side of the island, a shallow The natives rely on the coconut palms
revealed to agents until their activities channel of water divides the island at for many of the necessities of life—food,
warrant such action. Drawings and dia- high tide, but the channel disappears at building material, fiber, and copra (dried
grams which are provided as part of the low tide and a sandbar three feet above coconut meat) rich in oil. Tangled vines
description of a specific item or device the surface of the water rises in its place. and low brush cover the inland area
may be shown to agents at the proper In recent months, the eastern part of where the palm groves do not. Natives
time, and should be revealed if there is the lagoon has been deepened by exca- also eat pandanus (screwpine) fruit,
any confusion over the physical appear- vation, and a channel has been dug which grows in some abundance. Native
ance of the item in question. through to deeper water across the nor- wildlife includes colorful birds, many
Agents should provide the Admin with theast part of the island. These altera- kinds of insects, and an occasional small
the exact time and location of their arri- tions are not represented on the agents’ pack of wild dogs or pigs.
val into the mapped area. This informa- map and will not become known to the The shaded area around the shore of
tion is necessary so that non-player agents until they arrive on (or fly over) the island represents the area which lies
character locations may be determined, the scene. under water at high tide but which is
weather conditions verified, and tidal The excavation and subsequent con- exposed at low tide. (Note that both the
depths ascertained. Agents should be struction have created (among other agents’ map and the Admin’s map con-
aware that leaving the area defined by things) a sea floor in the northeastern tain this information, but that the agents’
the Admin’s map of the island will end area of the lagoon which is 150 feet be- map is incomplete in some respects.) At
the mission for that agent — and the low the surface. The natural floor of the high tide, the outer line represents the
same is true of any island personnel who lagoon is about 50 feet beneath the sur- place at which waves will break before
venture that far away. face at its lowest point. The undersea rolling up toward the beach.
In similar fashion, agents should pre- topography lines on the Administrator’s There is a difference of five feet be-
cisely specify points of attack on the map mark off the water depth in incre- tween the water level at low tide and at
outside of the horseshoe complex. Ex- ments of roughly 10 feet apiece. If an high tide. When the tide is out, the north
actly where an explosive charge is plant- exact determination of water depth at a and west sections of the island are joined
ed, or exactly where a cut is made in a certain spot must be made, remember to by a curved corridor of sand which is
bulkhead, can have a bearing on internal take into account the five-foot difference three feet above water level at its highest
flooding which can be harmful to per- between high and low tide. point. (At high tide, the same corridor
sonnel and to hardware. Alulu has a tropical climate, with uni- lies two feet beneath the surface.)
If the agents are operating with a strict form temperatures ranging from 70° to High tide occurs at 11 a.m. and 11
drop-off and pick-up schedule (as they 80° F. Winds generally blow from south- p.m., and low tide occurs at 5 a.m. and 5
should be), you should be aware of de- west to northeast at 5-10 mph. During p.m. each day. During each six-hour pe-
tails such as the exact time and place the May through December there is a 75% riod between the extremes, the water
drops/pickups are to be made. This in- chance of a midday (2 p.m.) violent level rises or falls at a regular rate (slight-
formation may affect sighting, moment downpour lasting for five minutes, fol- ly less than one foot per hour).
of detection, strategy of defense, and di- lowed by rapidly clearing skies and bril- Alulu Island lies in the midst of the
rection of pursuit if the invaders are de- liant sunshine. There is a 1% chance Japan Current, which flows toward the
tected by security devices. each day that a typhoon will strike, with northeast. Rip tides at the inner edges of
winds of more than 75 mph. If a typhoon the southwest channel may confuse and
Island description strikes, large trees will be snapped off or tire swimmers headed for shore against
Note: Much of the information in this uprooted; buildings may be demolished the current. The speed of the current is
section will become “obvious” to agents and will certainly be damaged; and waves about 2 mph (3 ft/sec) in general, al-
as they approach the island, set foot on will swamp the island, washing anyone though the water moves somewhat fas-
it, and/or investigate their surroundings. on the outer beaches into the sea. ter when passing through one of the
The Admin should freely dole out infor- The reef encircling the lagoon is com- gaps in the reef.
mation about the physical nature of the posed mostly of limestone and covered
island once agents are in a location with bright and colorful coral. The beach- The native population
where simple observation would reveal es are sandy but narrow; beyond the The Micronesians living on Alulu Is-
the information to one standing at that shore, the landscape slopes sharply up- land have light brown skin, black hair
place. Note that this does not pertain to ward. The inland part of the reef, al- (straight or curly) and Oriental features.
such things as geological information (if though only a few dozen feet wide at There are an estimated 140 natives on
agents haven’t done any digging) and best, resembles a tropical forest. The soil the island, each living in one of two vil-
information about, for instance, the depth is thin and poor for farming, but substan- lages which are essentially identical.
of the lagoon (if agents haven’t done any tial enough to support many growths of Note that the actual native population is
diving). coconut palms. There are no streams or somewhat larger than the “official” esti-
Alulu Island (see Admin’s map on fac- other regular sources of fresh water; rain mate known by the agents — and the
December 1981 Dragon

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 6

agents are also initially unaware of the

existence of the second native village,
since it does not appear on the agents’
map, which is reproduced on the last
page of this module.
Most natives speak a rare tongue par-
ticular to this island from the Malayo-
Polynesian language group. Because of
the influence of the British missionaries,
a few children and some young adults
have a simple knowledge of English. A
few of the island’s residents may also
speak Japanese. Some of the islanders
have been introduced to Christianity,
but the majority still fervently worship
the forest or the sea. Celebrations such
as births or marriages are celebrated by
dancing, singing, feasting, game-playing,
and story-telling.
The men make a living by fishing with
nets and by selling copra to occasional
buyers. A few of the wealthier islanders
wear European- or American-style clo-
thing, and some of them have garments
of cloth. Native clothing is made from
The men design and build outrigger
canoes with triangular sails which can
carry up to eight man-sized paddlers.
The fishing in the area is good, and the
people are a peaceful and leisurely lot. If
the islanders are approached in friend-
ship, are pressed for information, and
can be understood, agents will learn that
(in the parlance of the natives) on some
nights a great round house rises from the
water. It sometimes frightens women
and children with screams and growls
and the sound of many heartbeats.

The missionary outpost

The missionaries’ building is a small
wood-frame house on the south side of
the island. In addition to their missionary
work, the churchmen keep weather rec-
ords and often provide medical assist-
ance to the islanders.
1) Front porch: This once-beautiful
veranda is marred by signs of damage
and forced entry. The front door is hang-
ing on one hinge, three-quarters open.
2) Main hall: This area appears to have
been used as a triage area/emergency
room/waiting area for the natives need-
ing medical attention. Ten empty wood-
en chairs are lined up around the walls,
and the walls are pockmarked in several
places by what look like bullet holes.
3) Infirmary: The word “Infirmary” is
printed on the door in English. The door
has been kicked open, and the room has
apparently been ransacked. There is a
mounted human skeleton in the closet.
The room may once have contained oth-
er furniture, but all that remains now is
an examining table, one chair, and a
desk with its drawers pulled out and
4) Bath: A toilet, sink and shower take
up most of the space in this room. There
is, however, no running water. The lid
December 1981 Dragon
and handle of the toilet are wired to a There are five potted tropical plants which appears on the following page —
trap which will go off if someone at- standing around the perimeter of the can be revealed to agents who obtain
tempts to use the facility. Moving the porch (two in the right-hand corner, as information from a sucessful aerial re-
handle or lifting the lid will activate a viewed from the inside of the house). connaissance of the horseshoe.)
smoke grenade which is concealed out- One of the pots (select at random) is If personnel within the complex re-
side the house beneath the window to inhabited by a poisonous green snake. ceive advance notice of an attempt at
the weather room (see below). The gre- An agent searching that particular pot aerial reconnaissance (via radar), or if
nade will spew out a thick cloud of will be bitten unless he rolls his Coordi- the horseshoe’s security devices detect
orange smoke which, within 5 minutes nation or less. the presence of unfamiliar persons on or
after being activated, will rise high Roof: The corrugated-metal roof of near the island, the horseshoe will sub-
enough to be visible from anywhere else the missionary outpost sports a (now merge. The ballast tanks on the under-
on the island or the surface of the la- stationary) radar dish, a weather vane, side of the structure can take on enough
goon. (The grenade was rigged by the an anemometer, two radio antennas, a water in five minutes to sink the horse-
intruders who ransacked the outpost as rain gauge, a collection barrel for rain shoe to the lagoon floor in five minutes.
a signal which would reveal the presence water (with pipes leading down and in- When it is submerged, there is only a 5%
of unwanted visitors, on the assumption side), and a grounded lightning rod. chance of the horseshoe being visible to
that a native would not bother to attempt aerial reconnaissance.
to operate the toilet but a “civilized” per- The native villages When the horseshoe is viewed during
son might.) The two native villages are identical in the day from several hundred feet away
5) Radio room: What’s left of a radio configuration and appearance. In each, at ground level, other details of the top
and a simple transmitter are scattered a small central campfire area is ringed by deck become visible. The periscopes
about this room. The few pieces of elec- seven rectangular huts. The huts are and antennas which protrude from the
tronic equipment here have all been supported on poles two feet off the top deck will be easily seen from ground
mangled by gunfire. Two chairs are over- ground (for protection from water at level, although they might be overlooked
turned on the floor. high tide). The floors are made of wood or misidentified by aerial reconnaissance
6) Weather room: The words “Meteo- planks, the walls of woven fiber, and the because of their small size. Agents will
rological Office” are printed on the door roofs of insect-infested thatch. see anchor chains stretching down at an
to this room in English. The door has If agents encounter a village in the angle into the ocean. Various seams and
been smashed open. Radar equipment, a daytime, the adult males and the out- fittings are discernible, both on the top
barometer, a hygrometer, a wind gauge, riggers will be gone on the daily fishing surface and the par: of the first desk
a weather vane, and a radio are all stored expedition. At sunset the adult males which is visible above the water. There is
or housed in this room, and all of these pull up the outriggers on the outer shore a 10% chance that a small number of
devices are intact and able to be operat- of the island. Fish nets and the day’s people (1-6) will be visible atop the
ed — except that the radio needs elec- catch are hung out to dry on poles at the structure.
tricity. Inside the radio (45/05) in a com- (low tide) water’s edge. When seen from the same vantage
partment is a hidden walkie-talkie unit If agents enter a village peacefully, na- point at night, the top of the horseshoe
which is operational and functioning. tives will offer them food and a place to will be only a shadowy outline. None of
7) Bedrooms: Each of these rooms has stay. If a village is approached with hos- the exterior details of the top deck men-
a bed with springs and mattress but no tility, a conch-horn alarm will be sounded, tioned above will be visible, except for
sheets, blankets or pillows. The rooms alerting residents of the other village and the large cranes whose frames stand out
are devoid of furniture except for a foot- anyone else in the vicinity who is above against the night sky. The agents’ view
locker at the foot of each bed. Each foot- the surface of the water. Within seconds, will be further obscured and inhibited by
locker is unlocked and empty. menfolk at sea or in the other village will the illumination and glare from six rotat-
8) Kitchen: All of the cabinet drawers stop what they’re doing, grab weapons, ing searchlights placed around the pe-
and cupboards are empty. The refrigera- and proceed to the source of the alarm. rimeter of the top deck.
tor and sink do not operate. Garbage is Each village has 15 fighting men, each When its systems and mechanisms are
rotting in a waste can. The stove and one armed with either (determine ran- working properly, the horseshoe com-
oven, fueled by oil, will operate if the domly) a spear or a machete (treat as plex gives off a low, steady hum which is
pilot ‘light on the stove is re-lit (Home (10/52) hunting knife). audible from any place on the eastern
Economics AOK of more than 50). part of the island or the eastern half of
9) Pantry: Empty shelves line all the The horseshoe, general notes the lagoon. Personnel inside the com-
walls of this room. The “hidden horseshoe” is a nuclear- plex do not notice the sound unless their
10) Diesel generator room: This gen- powered floating drydock where the attention is drawn to it. This humming
erator was used to produce electricity floating island from the Doctor Yes mis- sound is what the natives refer to as the
for the building. It is not working at the sion (see DRAGON issue #48) was con- “many heartbeats” of the thing that rises
moment, but it can be re-started by an structed. There are no more such islands from the lagoon.
agent with AOK of more than 50 in Me- under construction. The efforts of the
chanical Engineering. There are three crew are presently directed toward mak- Personnel
gallons of diesel fuel left in the fuel tank ing the “horseshoe” seaworthy in prepa- A day inside the horseshoe complex is
outside the window to this room. (The ration for a scheduled journey to the wa- divided into first shift (0000-0800 hrs),
fuel gauge reads “empty” but the last bit ters around Antarctica. second shift (0800-1600 hrs), and third
of fuel in the tank can be used if the From the air, the complex appears as a shift (1600-2400 hrs). Every employee’s
generator is started up.) This is enough huge, battleship-gray, horseshoe-shaped schedule calls for him or her to sleep
fuel to operate the generator at full pow- structure. Normally, the top ten feet of during either first or second shift, with
er for a total of roughly 3 hours. The the complex (the first deck) is above the one shift at work and the other shift re-
generator must be used at full power in surface of the lagoon. Six gun emplace- served for recreation.
order to operate the radio, but half power ments, five crane mechanisms, two peri- All personnel within the complex will
will suffice to run electrical appliances scopes, and four antennas can be seen know that floating islands can be built on
such as the refrigerator. around the perimeter of the top deck. the floating drydock. All personnel (ex-
11) Back porch: The door on the porch (The overhead view of the top deck on cept the prisoners) will know where each
has been smashed in from the outside. page 39 — not the cross-section map chamber is in the complex and what it is
Dragon Vol. VI, No. 6

used for. However, only qualified per- Only the guards will know that Mad ascertain, via a wrist radio, as many de-
sonnel will be able to operate hardware Merc is on a solitary visit to the northern tails as he can from other observers. He
and devices within each chamber. All village, and he intends to be away from will contact guards not in the control
personnel except the prisoners know the complex for at least the next 72 room and order them to close in on the
how to escape the complex via the lower hours. source of trouble. The guards will keep
airlocks, but they are uneasy about swim- The horseshoe’s security setup is sim- in constant touch with the security chief.
ming too far from the horseshoe be- ple but effective, and a bit tricky. If elec- The rest of the crew, when an alarm is
cause of the underwater minefield (see tronic or visual surveillance discloses sounded, will head directly to their sleep-
hardware descriptions below). Each em- trouble about to occur imminently, a ing quarters. They are given five minutes
ployee of the complex will possess the general alarm will be sounded. At the to report to quarters, after which time
equivalent of 1-100 dollars, and each first hint of actual trouble, Security Chief they will be automatically locked into
worker wears a small, gold-plated trident Baker will head to the security control their chambers for at least 10 minutes.
with his or her name embossed on it. room (if he isn’t there already). He will The missionaries being held prisoner

December 1981 Dragon
will also be locked in. No one will be able
to leave his or her quarters without the
permission of the security officers.
Security Chief Baker also has a way of
learning about intrusions that may not
pose an immediate threat. He is in charge
of monitoring four walkie-talkies located
around the island as further protection
for Mad Merc. Two walkie-talkies were
given to the natives, one for each village.
The natives will promptly report any vis-
itors or signs of visitors to Baker via their
walkie-talkies (but without telling the vis-
itors they are doing so). Mad Merc has
another walkie-talkie, kept on his person
at all times. The fourth unit is hidden
inside the radio in the missionary out-
post, and is constantly in operation.
Agents may be able to locate and remove
it from the radio, but if they do so and
then destroy it, Chief Baker will instantly
know that it has been tampered with. As
long as it continues to operate, any con-
versation sent or received through the
radio will be broadcast directly to Chief
Guards are dressed entirely in black causing an explosion that does 1-10 will detect the explosion of any mine at
—slacks, turtleneck sweater, and deck points of damage to anyone within five any distance from the complex, and ap-
shoes. The sweaters each bear a small feet. propriate security measures (see Per-
gold trident emblem over the heart. Each Mines strung to the same line are al- sonnel, above) will be implemented.
guard is armed with a .45 Thompson ways spaced about 40 feet apart, but the
submachine gun, a 9mm (p-08) Luger lines are staggered so that the entire Mad Merc’s wheelchair: This device
self-load (f), 6 hand grenades clipped to three-dimensional undersea area around outwardly resembles most motorized
his belt, and 5 sleep capsules in a pants the complex is covered by the mine net- wheelchairs, except for the very thick
pocket. Each guard wears a two-way work. There is never more than 10 feet back panel. It is self-powered (electric)
wrist radio/watch. Also carried on the between one mine and the nearest adja- and is steered by a joystick built into the
belt is a gas mask with a small canister cent one; thus, a swimmer going be- left armrest. On the inside of the right
containing a 2-minute supply of oxygen, tween the mines would always be within armrest is a small square black button.
and an extra clip of ammunition for the five feet of at least one of them. (This can Pressing on this button will activate the
Luger. be important if a swimmer becomes en- jet pack which is built into the back of the
Technicians, scientists and engineers tangled in a line; see below). chair.
inside the complex will be attired in The natural buoyancy of the hollow Mad Merc is always strapped into the
white lab coats with slacks and shoes of mines (about two-thirds of the interior chair, in effect “wearing” the back and
their choosing. Each technician also has volume is air) will keep the lines fairly armrests much as a camper straps on a
a dosimeter pinned to his or her coat, for taut and reaching toward the surface, backpack. When he activates the jet
determining the amount of radiation the even if only one unexploded mine is left pack, Mad Merc (plus up to 100 pounds
wearer has been exposed to. on a line. There is only a 10% chance that of extra weight he may be carrying) can
Maintenance workers are usually at- the explosion of a mine will sever the line “blast off“ and travel up to 500 yards.
tired in gray coveralls. They carry no to which it and other mines are attached. Guidance of the jet pack is also accomp-
weapons. The remainder of the person- An agent with experience in undersea lished with the joystick in the left arm-
nel wear casual clothing of their own diving, or even one who is simply careful, rest. Turning the square black button
choosing. will not have much of a problem avoiding clockwise increases the thrust of the jet
the mines on a one-by-one basis. But (for takeoffs and fast getaways), and
Hardware even the most cautious swimmer stands turning it counter-clockwise decreases
Anti-personnel mines: Hundreds of a chance of getting entangled in one or the thrust (for hovering or landing). The
these devices surround the horseshoe more of the hundreds of lines. Anyone jet pack will keep its cargo airborne for a
complex, planted on fish lines at various attempting to swim through the mine- maximum of 60 seconds and can achieve
depths. The mines are set to prevent un- field has a 30% chance of being en- a top speed of 30 mph.
derwater access to the complex, not ne- tangled for every 20 feet traveled any
cessarily access across the surface of time the swimmer is within 100 feet of the Security outposts: The six protrusions
the lagoon. Even when the tide is at its complex. At night, this chance rises to around the perimeter of the top deck are
lowest, there is a 10-foot depth of open 50%. If a swimmer becomes entangled, 6 feet high and 3 feet in diameter. Each
water along the surface. This allows soli- he must roll his Coordination value or cylinder is topped by a hemisphere (see
tary swimmers, rafts, or a small boat with less to get free, with a roll of 95 or higher diagram) which contains a camera, a
a shallow draft to approach the complex indicating that a mine (the nearest one, periscope, a heavy machine gun, and a
without contacting the mines. which is always within the five-foot dam- searchlight. The hemisphere makes a
Each mine is a 6-inch diameter hollow age range) has exploded. At night, the complete rotation every minute.
metal sphere covered with glass spikes. chance of becoming untangled decreas- A bulletproof glass window 6 inches
When a spike is brushed against and es by 50% (must roll Coordination minus wide allows manual operation of the
broken, sea water enters the ball and 50 or less). periscope from inside the structure if the
combines with the chemicals inside it, Sonar equipment on the horseshoe camera ceases to function. The rotation

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 6

of the hemisphere and the operation of inch-square grated opening in the cen- cause the duct to be sealed off for 30
the gun can be controlled from inside, or ter of the floor. The timer is for decom- minutes. Other narrower passages be-
(as is usually the case) from a console in pression purposes; it can be set for up to tween decks serve to carry fresh air
the Security Monitoring Room (Room E, an hour, although it is only necessary throughout the complex, but these ducts
first deck). (considering the maximum ocean depth are all too small to move through. They
Because of the rotation of the six out- in this area) to decompress for a minute are automatically sealed off from the
posts, any area of the complex and the and a half. The airlock can fill with water main duct when the smoke detectors are
surrounding water is covered at all times or be completely emptied in one minute. activated. This security system cannot
by at least one camera and one gun em- The hatch to the outside opens out- be overridden.
placement. The heavy machine guns ward, and is only left open when guards Passageway #2: This shaft is a cable
(PWV 95; PB 0; S-2; M-30; L-80; WS S; R are outside. All airlocks may be locked passage lined with electrical conduit and
10) can be lowered from the horizontal shut from the security monitoring room. color-coded wiring. Cutting even a sin-
plane to 45 degrees below horizontal, Curved lines on the deck maps indicate gle wire without an insulated tool is dan-
but cannot point downward at an angle in which direction each hatch opens. gerous; there is a 75% chance of being
extreme enough to fire on someone hid- shocked each time. A person who is
ing right next to the same outpost. Sliding door: These doors will slide shocked will suffer an automatic 1-10
open automatically when approached, points of damage; if the damage roll is 7
stay fully open for five seconds and then or greater, the shock causes the person
quickly shut again. If something solid to fall to the bottom (sixth deck) of the
stops them from closing (just like an ele- passageway. If the damage roll is 6 or
vator door can be kept open), the doors less, the person takes that much damage
will bounce open away from the obstruc- plus an additional 1-5 points, but is able
tion every five seconds. to keep from falling.
There are sensors on the floor of each Attempting to cut cables or wires at
chamber (five feet away from the door- random will possibly yield the desired
way) which detect footsteps approach- result, although that result may not be
ing a door, and other in-floor sensors immediately apparent to the person do-
which detect any significant amount of ing the cutting. For each wire or cable
water in the room. If the moisture sen- which is cut, roll percentile dice. On a
sors in a room are activated, the sliding roll of 01-75, there is no effect. (Note: An
doors leading to that room will lock shut agent with AOK of at least 75 in Electrical
and cannot be opened unless overridden Engineering will only experience “no ef-
Airlocks: To gain access to an airlock, by someone in the security monitoring fect” on a roll of 01-25.) On any higher
it is necessary to go through a special room. result, roll again and consult the follow-
hatchway (see drawing) which resem- The sliding doors are one inch thick ing table to determine the effect:
bles those found on submarines. There and cannot be deactivated unless a cut- Roll Electric power cut to:
is a wheel with spoke-like handles which ting torch is used to melt a hole in the 01-30 Port top deck
must be spun several times to either adjacent wall to expose the wiring. Some 31-55 Port first deck
open the hatch or seal it. Opening or of these doors are slightly curved. Ar- 56-75 Port second deck
closing a hatch takes 5 seconds. The air- rows on the deck maps indicate in which 76-90 Port third deck
lock door has a small window of bullet- direction a door slides to close. 91-95 Port fourth deck
proof glass which allows a view of the 96-00 Port fifth deck
interior. Vertical passageways Duplication of effect on subsequent
On the right side of the exterior of each Within the floating complex are four rolls is entirely possible.
airlock is a control panel for that airlock vertical passageways large enough (5 The cables provide some handholds
(see drawing). Each panel contains a feet square) for a man to crawl through. and footholds, but anyone with a Coor-
switch and a timer. When the switch is in On each deck where a passageway ap- dination less than 50 has a 25% chance
the up position, water is pumped out of pears, there is a small access panel ne- of falling down the shaft every time they
the airlock. When the switch is down, cessary for maintenance. Six screws hold travel 10 feet up or down.
water is let into the airlock from a six- each panel in place, but anyone with a Passageway #3: This chimney-like
Physical Strength of more than 100 can crawlspace is lined with hot and cold
pry off or smash in a panel. Even when water pipes. Cutting a hot-water pipe will
intact, these panels are far from sound- cause 1 point of damage for each minute
proof. Any noise which is made on or the water cascades down upon a person
from within a passageway will resonate beside or below the cut pipe in the pas-
through the passage and may be audible sageway, even if the person has fallen all
to someone who is near one of the ac- the way to the sixth deck. The passage-
cess panels at any place along that way will never fill up with leaking water,
passageway. but the sides of the passage may become
Passageway #1: This is a ventilation so slippery that only a person with a
duct which usually contains nothing but Coordination of more than 100 can climb
fresh, clean air. The walls are slick, rivet- up the pipes. Even when dry, the pipes
ed metal which echoes even the tiniest are not easy to climb; anyone with a
sound made from within. Due to a lack of Coordination of less than 75 has a 25%
handholds, anyone with a Coordination chance of falling for each 10 feet traveled.
less than 100 has a 25% chance, for each Passageway #4: This passageway is
10-foot distance climbed up or down, of identical to #2, except that the wiring
slipping and falling to the bottom of the contained here is for the starboard side
passageway on the sixth deck. of the complex. Read “starboard” for
Releasing a gas or lighting a fire in the “port” on the table to determine the ef-
duct will set off smoke detectors and fects of a cut wire.
December 1981 Dragon

DECK DESCRIPTIONS raise or lower the hook on a crane and submerged, plastic bags can be fastened
Top Deck maneuver the crane back and forth on its around the gun barrels in a matter of a
Measuring 135 feet stem to stern and trolley (as long as the ignition key for the minute or two to protect them from dam-
165 feet wide at the beam, this horseshoe- crane’s motor is in the lock). age. The guns will operate when under
shaped deck is primarily used for con- If the watertight cover is removed from water, but if one is fired (or the plastic-
struction and doubles as a helipad. Five the slewing motor and enough room is bag seal is otherwise broken) when it is
tower cranes, mounted on ballasted- available, the same agent will be able to submerged, the gun will fail to function;
base trolleys which run on rails, domi- rotate the crane. If the watertight cover is treat it as a jammed shell for combat
nate the deck surface. The cranes will be removed from the diesel engine which purposes.
located at the farthest outboard position powers the trolley in the base, the same Scattered among the tower cranes and
possible on each set of rails. Originally, agent will be able to move the crane outposts along the outer edge of the
the jibs (horizontal booms) will be slewed along the fixed track and stop it at any deck are eight circular hatchways with
(turned) as illustrated in the overhead point. There are 15 gallons of fuel in the no windows but a wheel lock on each
view. tank of each diesel engine, enough to side. All eight are hinged so that they
After watertight covers are removed operate the crane mechanism for 8 hours open upward and out toward the deck
from the electrical switch-boxes, the con- continuously. edge. Ladders below them lead to the
trol cabin, diesel engine, and electric Six periscope, camera, and gun-em- first deck.
motor, an agent with a Construction En- placement outposts ring the outer edge Piercing the foredeck amidships are
gineering AOK of more than 75 who is of the deck. The guns will only work two periscopes, each flanked by a radar
within the control cabin will be able to above water. When the complex is to be antenna and a radio antenna. Each of

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 6

these scopes will be extended 0-19 feet for an average-sized person to squeeze belted ammo for the heavy machine gun
(roll d20, minus 1) up from the deck through the chain opening into the chain above. The security decks are differen-
when first encountered. locker below. There is no artificial light tiated by location: Amidships Port, For-
Near the starboard aft are two valves. source here. An electric windlass oper- ward Port, Forward Starboard, and Amid-
The forward valve covers the diesel fur- ated from the bridge sits near the open- ships Starboard. Each chamber has a
nace snorkel intake and is held shut by a ing to the locker below. It can be hot- stationary surveillance camera.
small hydraulic piston. The aftward valve wired in five minutes by an agent with D: Recreation Room — Brightly co-
covers the diesel furnace snorkel ex- Electrical Engineering AOK of more than lored, comfortable stuffed chairs and
haust and is also held shut by a piston. 75. The pulling of one anchor will not long couches line the walls of this cham-
There is a 5% chance at any given hour dislodge the other four, but will tilt the ber. Tables for card playing, pool, foos-
that both valves will be open. An agent complex and possibly raise that one ball, table tennis, and drawing or writing
with a Physical Strength of more than anchor. are squeezed into all available areas in
100, or someone using an explosive de- B: Security Officer’s Quarters — A this space. There is a fully stocked bar
vice, might be able to force a valve open. bunk bed, wardrobe, desk with chair, (which looks like it gets a lot of use)
If the valves are open, there is a mild and a short-wave radio base station fur- against the port wall. The walls are deco-
suction detectable around the intake nish this chamber. The radio antenna rated with worthless seascape paintings.
hole, and the hot, choking exhaust of a pierces the wall and can communicate A stereo is playing soft rock music.
diesel engine can be felt and smelled with the four walkie-talkies around the Personnel present, 3rd shift: Drysdale,
coming from the other hole. atoll on a preset channel. Security Chief Horse, Krumm, Nitt, Alexander, Drim-
Baker is nearly always in this room; mle, Fox, and Harold.
First Deck though his official on-duty shift is third, E: Security Monitoring Room — Six
Pastel red walls he sleeps in this room during the day and swivel chairs face a bank of 15 television
Stuffy, humid atmosphere rarely leaves even during first and se- screens. All controls are marked in Eng-
A: Hawsepipes (spurling tubes) — Se- cond shifts. lish, and anyone with a Knowledge rat-
parating the first deck into six sections C: Security Decks — Each of these ing of 75 or more should be able to acti-
are five IO-foot-wide hawsepipes con- four curved-wall chambers has three vate and operate any device in the room.
taining anchor chain. Each hawsepipe ladders leading from hatchways on the A single, well-aimed bullet will destroy
can be entered by climbing the anchor top deck. A sealed wooden box behind one particular device, screen, or control
chain or through a hatchway. There is the ladder leading to each security out- in the room.
enough room beside the anchor chain post contains 1,000 rounds of .60 caliber Six of the monitoring screens show

December 1981 Dragon
the views from the cameras mounted on
the outposts on the top deck. In front of
each of these screens is a joystick and a
pair of buttons (see drawing). The “Stop
Pan” button locks a camera onto a viewed

target, stopping the rotation of the hem-

isphere atop the outpost. The camera’s
motion is now controlled by the joystick.
Pressing the “Target” button magnifies
the image on the screen and places a
crosshair grid on the screen for more
precise targeting with the joystick. If the
thumb button atop the joystick is pressed,
a stream of .60 caliber ammo will be fired
from the machine gun at that outpost.
The original 1,000 rounds of ammo at
each gun is enough to operate it for
about 1½ minutes.
The other nine cameras show static
views of various locations within the
complex. One shows a view of the air- primer, enamel paint, light bulbs, small this deck on either side of the horseshoe,
lock on the fourth deck. Four others can chain, a couple of inflatable rubber rafts, and a larger room in the forward amid-
view either the four security decks on and other materials are located here. ships section. The smaller rooms each
this level, or can be patched in for sur- Personnel present, 2nd shift: Foreman. contain two toilets, a mirror, sinks, and a
veillance of the nuclear reactor on the G: Maintenance Shop — The walls paper towel dispenser. The larger room
seventh deck. Three others are for the here are lined with tools and work has two showers, one toilet facility, elec-
insides of airlocks, one on the sixth deck benches. A large supply of various nuts, tric outlets for razors and hair dryers,
and two on the eighth deck. The last bolts, nails, cotter pins, shaft keys, C- cloth towels, soap, and a bin for soiled
screen can be patched to either the Main clamps, and welding rods are sorted in laundry.
or Auxiliary Bridge in order to view the bins along the starboard wall. Screw- Personnel present, 1st shift: Broom.
radar and sonar screens which are lo- drivers, wrenches, electric hand tools, 3rd shift: Broom.
cated there. extension cords, and a 200-pound weld-
The hatches to the Security Monitor- ing machine fill the port wall. Dissected B: Entertainment Center— Half of this
ing Room can be locked from the inside. small engines and a myriad of engine area has been converted into a small
All sliding doors in the complex can be parts are scattered on work benches movie theater. There is a blank white
locked, unlocked, opened or closed from along the forward wall. Against the aft wall, chairs, and a projector. Six general-
here by throwing the proper switches. wall is an air compressor with 900 feet of interest, English-language films are on a
Fastened to one wall of the room is a rubber hose for it coiled nearby. The shelf near the projector.
large, detailed map of the complex. It welding machine will only fit through the The other half of the area contains a
cannot be taken down or removed from external hatchway; any other equipment popcorn popper, unpopped kernels, sea-
the room, and the dark background co- which is portable can be moved out the soning, a vending machine (no coins ne-
lor on which the map details are printed interior hatchway. cessary) for soda, and four study carrels.
makes it impossible to trace large sec- Personnel present, 1st shift: Horton. In the carrels are a manual typewriter, an
tions with any accuracy. The map may 3rd shift: Martinique. electric typewriter, and two computer
be studied or photographed by anyone H: Dry Foods Storage — Large sacks consoles which are only used for game-
in the room. Three gas masks and a fire and cardboard boxes line the walls of playing. Each computer console is equip-
extinguisher are hung near each of the this cubicle. The containers are filled ped with a stack of six game cartridges.
two hatches. An intercom links this area with cereal products, sugar, flour, beans, Personnel present, 1st shift: Atwood.
to the Main and Auxiliary Bridges below. coffee, potatoes, dried milk, and salt. 2nd shift: Rine, Thompson, Jones, Hurt.
Personnel present, 1st shift: Drysdale, 3rd shift: Detmer, Begg, Short.
Horse. 2nd shift: Krumm, Nitt. 3rd shift: Second Deck
Rine, Thompson. Pastel violet walls C: Chain Lockers — Each of these
F: Boatswain’s Stores — Wire ropes, Warm atmosphere chain lockers is 20 feet deep, unlit, and
cable, rigging equipment, fiberglass A: Head — In naval jargon, a head is a partially filled with anchor chain. The
rope, hemp rope, rubber hoses, metal toilet. There are two small toilet areas on smell of rat droppings pervades these
Dragon Vol. VI, No. 6

areas. The floor in these areas is 20 feet

below the first deck. Anyone who is
wounded or not carrying a light source
and drops to the floor of a chain locker
will be bit by 1-6 rats for 1-6 points of
damage per bite. A cable clench in the
exterior bulkhead is where the end of the
anchor chain is securely attached.

D: General Stores — A vast collection

of everyday objects and household items
can be found here. Office supplies, eat-
ing utensils, cooking utensils, motor oil,
slippery hydraulic fluid, bolts of cloth,
and color-coded electrical wire are stored
in cardboard boxes along the walls.

E: Passageway — Usually a solitary

armed guard is stationed here, and will
be sitting in a chair reading a book. A key
to the V.I.P. Quarters hangs beside the
Personnel present, 1st shift: Wicks.
2nd shift: Zyme.

F: V.I.P. Quarters — The sliding door

to this chamber is electronically locked
from the bridge. Inside the room is a sin-
gle bed, a wardrobe, a writing desk, a
chair, books of general interest, and writ-
ing materials.
Father Tuck is being held prisoner in
this room. Occasionally an armed guard
will escort him to the head on the other
side of the passageway. If Father Tuck is
rescued, he will not use a weapon.
Personnel present, all shifts: Father K: Cold Storage — This is a frost- D: Laundry Area — Among stacks of
Tuck. coated freezer compartment full of hang- clean and soiled security-guard uniforms
ing sides of beef, sausages, cheeses, is an industrial washing machine and
G: Sick Bay — Three single hospital poultry, vegetables, fruit, and ice. The clothes dryer. White lab coats and casual
beds and three clothes lockers, plus a room has a thermostat control above the men’s and women’s clothing are waiting
desk and chair, are in this room. Father light switch which is currently set at 0° to be pressed in the mangle. Two electric
Tuck’s assistants, Brother Robin and F., but can be altered from -5° F. to nor- irons, two ironing boards, and a sewing
Brother John, are being held here be- mal room temperature. machine are also in the room. Six pairs of
hind the electronically locked door. If various-sized combat boots wait beside
rescued, they will not use weapons. Third Deck a shoeshine kit. Along the forward wall
Personnel present, all shifts: Brother Pastel orange walls are stacks of dry, folded towels, gray
Robin, Brother John. 3rd shift only: Doc. Dry atmosphere mechanics’s coveralls, and men’s shorts.
A: Head — Same particulars as for the Personnel present, 2nd shift: Vallier.
H: Triage — Injured or ill personnel corresponding area on the second deck.
come here to be diagnosed and treated. E: Auxiliary Bridge — Lining the walls
Counters and shelves along the star- B: Small Arms Arsenal — Lining the of this chamber are seven consoles with
board wall are filled with first-aid supp- double-thickness walls of this chamber matching chairs. The consoles are for
lies, examining equipment, and medi- are six 9mm P-08 Luger self-load pistols radar, the diving control center, the quar-
cines. A guard is located here, keeping and four .45 Thompson submachine termaster post, radio, sonar, SINS (Sub-
an eye and ear out for the prisoners in guns. Beside each weapon is a box of marine Inertial Navigation Systems), and
the Sick Bay. 100 rounds of suitable standard ammu- the complex’s computer. A periscope
Personnel present, 2nd shift: Wicks. nition. Eight-cartridge magazines for the flanked by a radio antenna and a radar
3rd shift: Zyme. Lugers are plentiful, and the four Thomp- antenna stands in one corner of the
son magazines will hold 20 cartridges room. All controls on the auxiliary bridge
J: Operating Room — In the center of each. can be overridden by the main bridge
this clean room, below a set of operating controls unless the main bridge controls
lamps, is an operating table. Crowded C: Chain Lockers — These are the have already been disabled.
into the rest of the floor space are an same areas described under paragraph An agent with AOK of 85 or higher in
anesthetic set-up, trays and cabinets “C” for the second deck. The chambers Computer Science, Electrical Engineer-
containing surgical tools, a respirator, a are, as noted above, 20 feet in depth, so ing, Transportation Engineering, or Mil-
locked (-/30) cabinet containing narcot- the areas represented on the map of the itary Science should be able to operate
ics, and sterile packaged dressings and third deck are vertical extensions of the any console (one unit at a time). By
wrappings. areas mapped on the second deck, with pressing a control at the quartermaster’s
Personnel present, 2nd shift: Doc. 3rd no floor surface between the decks in post, the room can be bathed in red light.
shift: Hurt. these locations. The quartermaster actually pilots the
December 1981 Dragon
complex; the Diving Control Center Of- Flood, Koenig, Soup, Hurt, Begg, and the opposite wall are 12 padlocked (-/25)
ficer is in charge of submerging and rais- Short. lockers containing women’s clothing,
ing the craft. An intercom links the auxil- personal objects, and (1-160) dollars
iary bridge to the main bridge, the moni- H: Food Stores — Six levels of shelves apiece. The floor is carpeted in light blue
toring room on the first deck, and the cover the walls of this room, each stacked shag. There are two clotheslines strung
reactor control room below. with hundreds of canned goods. Every across the room with undergarments
sort of food, from apricots to zucchini, and sweaters draped across them to dry.
F: Female Day Crew Quarters — Six can be found here — but there isn’t a can Personnel present, 2nd shift: Drysdale,
sets of bunk beds line the outer wall of opener in the room. Drimmle, Martinique, DuBois, Atwood,
this chamber. The inner wall is lined with Personnel present, 2nd shift: Soup. Detmer, Guild, Bat, Kingston, George,
12 padlocked (-/25) lockers full of wo- 3rd shift: Stew. Broom, and Lange:
men’s clothing, personal belongings, and
(1-100) dollars each. A bookshelf along Fourth Deck D: Main Bridge — The main bridge is
the back wall is filled, predominantly Pastel blue walls furnished with consoles and chairs iden-
with gothic romance novels. A video Chilly atmosphere tical in function but not in location to
tape player and television beside the A: Head — Same particulars as for cor- those on the auxiliary bridge. As long as
bookshelf are stacked high with video responding areas on the second deck. these consoles are operating, the con-
tape cassettes. trols in the auxiliary bridge can be over-
Personnel present, 1st shift: Thomp- B: Male Night Crew Quarters — Eight ridden from here.
son, Schwattzkopf, Ekler, Smith, Hansen, sets of bunk beds with blankets line the An intercom links the main bridge to
Watson, Straum, Judge, Marconi, Stew, outer wall of this cluttered chamber. the auxiliary bridge, the security moni-
Doc, and Foreman. Along the inside wall are 16 padlocked toring post, and the reactor control room
(-/25) lockers containing men’s clothing, below.
G: Male Day Crew Quarters — Eight personal belongings, and (1-100) dollars A portable tape recorder is sitting atop
sets of bunk beds line the outer walls of each. The floor is carpeted in blue shag. the radio in the main bridge. It contains
this chamber. The inner wall is lined with A dart board with six darts hangs on the an audio cassette with a recorded mes-
16 padlocked (-/25) lockers each con- aftward wall. sage. In order for the message to be re-
taining men’s clothing, personal effects, Personnel present, 1st shift: ‘Box, El- played, the tape must be rewound. The
and (1-100) dollars. A stereo with two ton, Vallier. 2nd shift: Horse, Fox, Ha- message is as follows:
speakers stands against one wall, which rold, Horton, Tsuji, and DeForest. 3rd “Gigantic Gun calling Mad Merc
also has shelves stacked high with var- shift: Wicks. . . . Gigantic Gun to Mad Merc . . .”
ious rock music albums. “We read you . . .”
Personnel present, 1st shift: Krumm, C: Female Night Crew Quarters — Six “Is Stubby around?”
Nitt, Rine, Zyme, Tanaka, Hydrason, sets of bunk beds are positioned along “Um . . . no, he’s at the village.”
Jones, Berkeley, Alexander, Dolphin, the outer wall of this well-kept room. On “Well, tell him that Pong called,
and the Administrator got his sticky
little fingers on the ‘Horseshoe’
blueprints. Got it?”
“Yeah, got it.”
“Over and out.”
Personnel present, 1st shift: Guild,
Bat, DeForest, Kingston, and George.
2nd shift: Judge, Dolphin, Marconi,
Flood, and Koenig. 3rd shift: Baker (if
not in security room).

E: Airlock — This small, empty cham-

ber is used as a safety zone for those on
the main bridge. The hatches at each
end of the room are waterproof, and the
one leading to the main bridge can be
locked from the bridge side. A sign by
each hatch, printed in English and Ger-
man, reads: “Only one hatch should be
open at a time. Seal both hatches during
Condition Red.” A security camera is
posted here and is linked to the security
monitoring station on the first deck.

F: Mess Deck — Nine tables, with 3-4

chairs each, line the walls of this curved
room. Trays of food can be picked up at
the counters separating the mess deck
from the galley. A tray return conveyor
and dishwasher runs along the starboard
wall connecting the mess deck and the
galley. When the dishwasher is operat-
ing, the water inside heats to 150° F. and
would inflict 1-10 points of damage to
anyone coming into contact with it.
Personnel present, 1st shift: Martin-
Dragon Vol. VI, No. 6

barbells and accessories. The set of bar-

bells weighs 150 pounds.
Personnel present, 1st shift: Drimmle.
2nd shift: Alexander, Elton. 3rd shift:

E: Metal Shop — Three 200-pound

welding machines stand near the center
of this room. The walls are lined with
large machine tools including metal
lathes, brake presses, drills, and punches.
Small hand tools on work tables and
hanging on wall pegs include ball peen
hammers, grinders, pliers, wrenches (ad-
justable spanners), hand drills, and
Two acetylene torches, each with two
100-pound fuel tanks on wheeled carts,
are ready for use. Both the oxygen and
the gas must be turned on for a torch to
be ignited. Welding machines and torch-
es are too large to fit through hatches in
the ceiling or floor, but will pass easily
through the wide external hatch.
Also in the room are six 30-gallon bar-
rels, each plainly and truthfully marked
in English according to its contents.
They contain lubricating fluid, hydraulic
oil, cutting oil, cleaning solvent, motor
oil, and sawdust.
Personnel present, 1st shift: Fox, Ha-
rold. 2nd shift: Schwartzkopf, Ekler, Box.
3rd shift: Elton.

F: Plumbing Supply Room — Leaning

against the walls of this room are (1-10)
ique, DuBois, Detmer. 2nd shift: Begg. include a pneumatic nail driver with a foot lengths of plastic pipe, aluminum
3rd shift: Schwartzkopf, Ekler, Tanaka, clip of 30 nails, a router, a 3/8” drill, and a conduit, and ducting material. Boxes of
Smith, Hydrason, Hansen, Watson, Ber- power saw. Other tools include rip saws, metal screws, pipe elbows. T-fittings,
keley, Straum, Tsuji, Horton, Atwood, crosscut saws, hammers, a hatchet, an caps, and other plumbing fixtures are
Guild, Judge, Bat, Dolphin, DeForest, axe, an adz, and a crowbar. A pair of stacked against the aft wall. A circular
Marconi, Kingston, Flood, George, and sawhorses and a push broom complete snorkel exhaust shaft runs from the ceil-
Koenig. the scene. ing to the floor of this room.
Personnel present, 1st shift: Lange.
G: Galley— Hanging around the hood G: Upper Construction Deck — This
of the cooking stove are six large pots C: Wood Storage — Huge wooden exterior construction deck is flat and
and a colander. The walls are lined with keel blocks and disassembled parts of empty, except for four long metal rails
refrigerators, food preparation equip- bilge cradles are stored here. There are and four shorter ones used to support
ment, and storage shelves filled with stacks of fresh, uncut lumber along the floating islands during construction.
clean dishes and silverware. Knives are outer walls, along with six sealed nail Each rusty railing is 1 meter tall and runs
everywhere, and there is usually always kegs. The kegs are plainly marked and toward the open edge of the horseshoe.
water boiling on the stove for one pur- contain nails ranging in size from 8-
pose or another. A large baking oven fills penny to railroad spikes. Each keg Sixth Deck
the remaining space in this cramped weighs between 75 and 100 pounds and Pastel yellow walls
chamber. Thirty meals can be prepared will shatter if it is thrown. Damp atmosphere
and served at one time from this galley. Personnel present, 3rd shift: Lange. A: Water Treatment Facility — Domi-
Personnel present, 2nd shift: Stew. 3rd nating the floor space in this room is a
shift: Soup, Foreman. D: Metal Storage — Bins for the stor- flash distillation plant for desalinization
age of raw metal are lined up along most of sea water. An agent with AOK of more
Fifth Deck of the wall space in this room. The metals than 75 in Hydraulic Engineering will
Pastel green walls range from brittle wrought iron to carbon- quickly recognize the device and be able
Odor of wood shavings in the air hardened plate. Finely tooled steel in a to deactivate it within (1-10) minutes.
A: Fresh Water Reservoir — Approxi- variety of lengths and dimensions, used Water temperatures within the facility
mately 2,000 gallons of fresh drinking for repair work, is stored here. There are range from 10° C. to over 100° C., and
water is stored in this metal-walled tank. also large steel plates, weighing 250 the water quality ranges from salt-satu-
If the tank is emptied, the carpentry shop pounds apiece (used for hull repairs) rated to pure. Fresh water is pumped up
would be inundated with 1 foot of water. stacked here, along with coil springs of to the fresh water reservoir on the deck
varying sizes and long, thin metal bars. above, and from there it is piped between
B: Carpentry Shop — Two lathes, a Strewn around the chamber, mostly in the walls and floors to where it is needed.
band saw, and a rotary saw are the larg- the area of the door leading to the metal Besides the assorted pipes, pumps,
est tools in this room. Power hand tools shop, are the parts of a makeshift set of and intakes surrounding the distiller,

December 1981 Dragon
there are three large, sealed tanks. An There is an oblong white enamel pro- (-/30) and containing a wet suit with
agent with AOK of more than 75 in Hy- trusion up through the grating on the flippers, scuba gear, and a spear gun.
draulic Engineering will recognize the port side. This is the reactor’s heat ex- The air tanks contain one hour’s worth of
tanks as part of a closed-system sewage changer. Running along the mesh sur- air, less if the user dives deeper than the
treatment facility. Opening any valves or face on this part of the deck are three depth at which the airlock is located. A
puncturing any of the tanks will release sets of crane tracks, each containing a solitary camera monitors the airlock and
copious amounts of odorous, adhesive hoist The largest of the three hoists can is linked to the security monitoring sta-
raw sewage. lift 10 tons, the other two can lift 2 tons tion on the first deck. The external hatch
Personnel present, 2nd shift: Straum. each. opens outward, but only when the air-
lock is completely flooded. The external
B: Atmosphere Recycling Plant — Four E: Radioactive Materials Vault — This hatch cannot be opened from the outside.
large cylindrical air tanks, a carbon diox- chamber contains 50 stainless-steel cy-
ide eliminator, and a noisy, electrically linders adorned with radioactive warn- G: Passageway — There is nothing
driven air compressor are crowded into ing labels. Some of them have unused noteworthy about this area except for
this bleak chamber. An agent with AOK core material, others contain radioactive the features indicated on the deck map.
of more than 75 in Chemistry or Mechan- waste. The cylinders all weigh the same
ical Engineering will be able to recog- (25 kilograms each when full, 5 kilo- H: Fuel Room — Two huge white
nize and operate this equipment. grams when empty), and their contents enamel cylindrical tanks dominate this
The ventilation system which runs are treated the same for purposes of de- chamber. Piping leads out of them down
throughout the complex contains gas termining damage from radiation poi- through the deck flooring. An agent with
sensors which automatically seal off any soning. For each minute that a person is AOK of more than 75 in Chemistry or
area containing a strange gas, smoke, or exposed to the contents of a cylinder Transportation Engineering will be able
fumes. The system cannot be overrid- (only possible if one is opened or brok- to identify the smell of diesel fuel in the
den, but will reset itself and unseal the en), that person will take 1 point of dam- room. If one of the tanks is penetrated by
locked-up area after 30 minutes unless age per day for the rest of his or her life. A 20 ounces of plastique or the equivalent,
the danger is still present. pair of large double doors leading into the resultant explosion will destroy ev-
Personnel present, 2nd shift: Berkeley. this room will swing open easily at the erything within 300 feet of the tank ex-
push of a hand. cept the sixth and seventh reactor decks.
C: Reactor Control Room: — Con- Persons within 301-600 feet of the explo-
tained within the reactor deck, inside a F: Airlock — This airlock has an inte- sion will take 1-10 points of damage. The
five-foot thickness of reinforced concrete rior hatch, a flood control switch, and a tanks are bulletproof.
and lead, is the reactor control room. decompression timer. Decompression at
The hatches to the control room can be these depths takes 1 minute. There is a J: Lower Construction Deck — Much
locked from the inside and cannot be drain in the center of the floor and eight like the upper construction deck above,
deactivated without cutting through the lockers along the long walls, each locked this area is also flat and empty except for
inch-thick plate metal hatch.
Three foot-thick, bulletproof windows
overlook the reactor area from here, Be-
side the windows are television monitors
which allow the operators to see all
corners and floor space in the reactor
area. Ceiling-to-floor control panels line
the walls of the control room. An agent
with AOK of more than 100 in Physics
would be able to control the speed of
reaction and the reactor’s power output.
An agent with AOK of more than 75 in
Construction Engineering or Industrial
Engineering would be able to operate
the remote controls for the cranes from
here, but would need someone to con-
nect and disconnect the hoist hooks.
A public-address system in here al-
lows controllers to speak with anyone on
the reactor deck, and an intercom con-
nects the reactor control room to the
main and auxiliary bridges. Any part of
the reactor system can be started, oper-
ated, and stopped from this control room.
Personnel present, 1st shift: Tsuji. 2nd
shift: Hydrason, Watson. 3rd shift: Jones,

D: Nuclear Reactor —-Raising its bul-

bous, white enamel head through the
center area of the metal grating on this
section of the sixth deck is the complex’s
nuclear reactor. The casing is extremely
strong; it would take the equivalent of
120 ounces of plastique to penetrate its
Dragon Vol. VI, No. 6

four rusty support rails each one meter


Seventh Deck
White enamel walls
Clean, dry atmosphere
A: Head — This washroom contains a
shower, two toilet stalls, two wash bas-
ins, and other minor fixtures.

B: Engine Room — Three steam tur-

bines in this room are used to propel the
craft and to generate electricity. The
chamber also contains auxiliary heat
engines (diesel furnaces) which are used
for heating when the nuclear reactor is
shut down. Used steam is sent through
the condenser and then pumped as cold
water back through to the heat engines
or the heat exchanger on the reactor.
Electricity generated by the spinning
turbines is stored in batteries located be-
tween the turbines.
The turbines, the diesel furnace, and
the condenser are all connected by 2-
foot-diameter pipes reinforced with a
layer of steel cable and fiberglass. If a
pipeline is pierced by 20 ounces of plas-
tique or the equivalent, superheated
steam will burst forth under great pres-
sure, instantly cooking anyone within 10
feet of the puncture. Anyone between
10-20 feet away will receive 1-10 points
of damage. The steam will continue to
escape for up to five minutes, and will
not stop at all if the nuclear reactor or the
heat engines are operating.
There are no controls in the engine If the reactor itself is pierced with 120 plus other laundry accessories are in the
room. All operation of this equipment is ounces of plastique or the equivalent, forward section of this two-part chamber.
controlled from the bridge. An agent the superheated-steam effect takes place The aft section has eight locked (-/30)
with AOK of more than 75 in any sort of as well as a radiation leak. Anyone on the equipment lockers, each with white ra-
Construction, Hydraulic, Industrial, or sixth or seventh reactor decks and not diation protection suits, hoods, breathing
Transportation Engineering will be able protected by shielding when the reactor apparatus, boot coverings, and dosime-
to recognize and explain the use of the is punctured will take an immediate 1-10 ters within. The suits, properly worn, will
objects in this room. points of radiation damage, plus 1-10 protect a person from radiation indefi-
An agent with an AOK of more than 75 points per day for the rest of his or her nitely, but there is only enough air in
in Mechanical Engineering will be able life. Radiation may spread to other parts each tank for 30 minutes of work. The
to identify and deactivate the air com- of the complex if the reactor deck is un- breathing apparatus may be used like
pressor located in this room. This action sealed or hatches are opened after the scuba gear. The suits will not protect the
will cause the complex to begin to sink reactor wall has been breached. wearers from the effects of superheated
within 1-10 minutes. Destroying the con- Piercing the heat exchanger (requir- steam.
denser will release hot, salty water from ing 60 ounces of plastique or the equi- Personnel present, 3rd shift: Vallier.
the flash distillation plant on the deck valent) will cause the superheated-steam
above. effect as above, but with twice the range. Eighth Deck
Personnel present, 2nd shift: Tanaka, Anyone within 20 feet is killed, and those Unlit, gray metal walls
Smith, Short. between 21-40 feet will take 1-10 points Humid, salty air
of damage. A: Ballast Tanks — Chambers on this
C: Lower Reactor Deck— Surrounded An agent with AOK of more than 100 in deck are 50 feet from floor to ceiling. All
by five-foot-thick reinforced concrete Construction, Hydraulic, Industrial, or ladders reach up and down for the entire
lined with lead are the heat exchanger, Transportation Engineering or Physics 50 feet, and each chamber has at least
nuclear reactor, coolant pumps, and will recognize the apparatus on this deck one wall with a hatch connecting it to an
heavy water reservoir which make up the as a pressurized boiling water reactor adjacent chamber. These hatches are
nuclear power system. All four devices with a heavy water moderator and an located five feet from the bottom of the
are connected by two-foot-diameter rein- enriched uranium oxide fuel core. There chambers. In the floor of each ballast
forced pipe. Piercing a pipe or a pump are no controls on this deck. All opera- chamber is a hydraulically controlled
with 20 ounces of plastique or the equi- tions are controlled from the reactor Kingston valve to let water in. The valve
valent will cause effects like those de- control room on the sixth deck. holes are six inches in diameter, and a
scribed in the engine room. These pipes Personnel present, 2nd shift: Hansen. physical strength of 300 is needed to
carry superheated heavy water, which is force a valve open or closed. Against an
not radioactive and looks, smells and D: Reactor Workers’ Laundry — An exterior bulkhead near the top of each
tastes the same as natural water. industrial-size electric washer and dryer tank is a main vent which retains air
December 1981 Dragon
Second deck: 5 feet, 2 inches
Third deck: 5 feet, 10 inches
Fourth deck: 6 feet, 4 inches
Fifth deck: 6 feet, 8 inches
Sixth deck: 6 feet, 11 inches
Seventh deck: 7 feet, 1 inch
Flood depths may be reduced if the
complex is raised from the water by fil-
ling the ballast tanks with air. Example:
Agents set a 40-ounce charge of plastic
explosive at the bottom of the exterior
hatch of the wood storage area on the
fifth deck. Igniting the charge blows a
human-sized hole in the bottom of the
hatch, and the chamber quickly floods to
a depth of 5 feet, 10 inches (the “afloat”
flood depth for the fifth deck). Mean-
while, the diving control center raises
the complex to a position with four decks
(instead of the usual one) above the wa-
ter. For purposes of determining flood
depth, this action makes the fifth deck
effectively the second deck (the highest
deck which is underwater in the present
configuration of the complex). Water in
the wood storage area would pour back
out of the hole in the hatch until the
depth is only 2 feet, 10 inches (the nor-
mal flood depth for the second deck
when the complex is afloat with only one
deck above water). When the complex is
raised to this level, water depth in the
ballast tanks is 21 feet.

Sinking the complex

In order to sink the complex to the
floor of the lagoon, all 13 ballast tanks
under slight pressure within the ballast Flooding must be completely flooded to their full
tank and regulates the depth of water in Calculating flood depth and flood capacity (50-foot depth). The ballast con-
the tank. speed for the horseshoe is complicated trols in the diving control center auto-
Controls for the ballast tanks are found by the fact that pumping air into the bal- matically only allow 49 feet of water
on the bridge. The number of decks last tanks will raise the entire complex depth in the tanks; at this point, the com-
above the waterline is dependent on the above waterline. If the ballast control at plex lies just below the waterline and has
depth of water in the ballast tank. When the diving control center is not operated achieved natural buoyancy. Piercing the
the complex is submerged (zero decks properly, internal flooding will occur. In floor of the seventh deck in the correct
above the waterline), the water in the some cases, flooding may be a desired places and opening the proper hatches
ballast tank is 49 feet deep. For each effect — or even necessary, in order to will release trapped air from the top foot
seven feet the depth decreases, one extinguish burning areas. of space inside the tanks, causing the
deck will rise above the waterline, so that A flooding chamber will fill to either complex to sink to the bottom in five
when the ballast tank is emptied, seven the top of the opening which caused the minutes.
decks (all but the ballast chamber itself) flooding or to the depth given below. (Air
will be above water. which is trapped between the water and Supplementary information
When play begins, the depth in the bal- the ceiling prevents the water level from As is so often the case in complex mis-
last tank is 42 feet (first deck is above rising any further, even though ceiling sions for which only general instructions
water). When the water depth is changed, height on each level is 10 feet.) are given, agents are probably not going
the anchor chains must be let out simul- Flood depth by chambers: If the com- to encounter what they “expect” to see.
taneously, or structural damage may oc- plex is afloat, assume the beginning wa- As has been noted earlier, Mad Merc is
cur. This process is controlled from the terline is even with the floor of the first not even present in the horseshoe com-
bridge. deck. In this configuration, maximum plex. A concerted effort to locate him,
flood depth for chambers is as follows: even if it succeeds, will consume valua-
B: Airlocks— These two compartments First deck: 0 feet, 0 inches ble time and will certainly not tell the
are each identical to the airlock on the Second deck: 2 feet, 10 inches agents what they want to know about the
sixth deck, except that they have slightly Third deck: 4 feet, 2 inches horseshoe and the inhabitants of the is-
more floor space. Fourth deck: 5 feet, 2 inches land. If Mad Merc or any other personnel
Fifth deck: 5 feet, 10 inches associated with the horseshoe are cap-
C: Passageways — These areas are Sixth deck: 6 feet, 4 inches tured, they will refuse to talk and will
not part of the ballast tank system. They Seventh deck: 6 feet, 8 inches attempt to escape. Anyone (including
are used to gain access to the airlocks If the complex sinks to the floor of the Mad Merc) who is captured and has not
from within the complex. There is no- lagoon, any flooded area will accumu- escaped within the limits of the 72-hour
thing else noteworthy about them, ex- late more water: schedule will be left behind when the
cept what is indicated on the deck map. First deck: 4 feet, 2 inches complex gets under way for its journey
Dragon Vol. VI, No. 6

toward Antarctica. has not been jeopardized by the pres- They are, however, naturally apprehen-
The Admin may find it useful to have a ence of the horseshoe complex and its sive about the way the complex rises and
bit of background information available personnel. He intended to use the seclu- falls in the lagoon. The natives, including
on Mad Merc and the missionaries. If sion and protection of the atoll as a se- the chief (who resides in the village Mad
desired, the information given below on cret base of operations for the construc- Merc is not visiting), know nothing about
these characters can be presented to tion of a floating island. However, those the purpose of the complex — but they
player-agents at the start of the mission plans had to be changed when the mis- have been told to keep their walkie-
as facts obtained from official dossiers. sionaries became suspicious of Mad talkies a secret from anyone who might
Optionally, this information may not be Merc’s purpose and attempted to report visit the villages.
revealed at al I, or may only be revealed if the presence of the complex via their In order to keep the native population
agents are somehow able to obtain the weather-station radio. The missionaries at ease, and because he likes to do it,
information during the mission. were taken captive and will be detained Mad Merc has made several short trips to
Mad Merc is the nickname (exact orig- for another 72 hours, to be released just one village or the other, sometimes stay-
in unknown) of Lt. Col. (Ret.) Martin before the horseshoe begins its journey ing for two or three days. The trip he is on
Strikewell, an ex-commando in the Brit- — in search of an even more secluded now is primarily a pleasure trip; even
ish Army who rose to command rank spot in the Antarctic regions where it is though the scheduled departure of the
during the Second World War. Little is hoped that construction can proceed horseshoe is only a matter of hours
known of his activities or whereabouts without more obstacles. away, there is no real need for him to be
for the last several years. His name is Father Tuck is the leader of the three- aboard until just before the engines are
familiar to the older generation as the man missionary staff. A Negro of English started.
man who was held responsible for a bru- descent, he is 61 years old, has gray hair, If investigating agents report the pres-
tal raid on a German village in the clos- stands 5’8” tall, and weighs 145 pounds. ence of the floating drydock to military
ing weeks of the war. He was tried by the Brother John is the youngest (18) of officials, a military assault will not be in-
British after the war and dismissed from the three missionaries. He is a Cauca- itiated. Instead, the agents will be told to
the armed services for acts of “excessive sian, Danish by birth, who attended a further investigate the structure, photo-
cruelty to civilians in a hostile territory.” seminary in England before being as- graphing it for later analysis, and to enter
Mad Merc is 61 years old, left-handed, signed to Alulu Island. he is 5’11”, 165 it if possible. Once they get inside they
and a Caucasian. It is known that he is pounds, with blond hair, and right- are to determine its function, its capabili-
confined to a wheelchair since having handed. ties, and its future destination (if any).
both legs amputated because of disease Brother Robin is 22 years old, a Cauca- Investigating agents who are captured
several years ago. (The special proper- sian of English descent, and (like John) a will be searched, interrogated, and locked
ties of his wheelchair are not generally recent addition to the staff of the out- up in Sick Bay. They will not be released
known.) post. He stands 6’2”, weighs 170 pounds, when the complex gets under way. If
For Administrator’s information only: has blond hair and is right-handed. agents are caught or killed anywhere on
Although he was in fact guilty of the the island or the complex, things will be
crimes described above, Mad Merc has The natives in both villages are not made ready immediately for departure,
mellowed considerably in the interven- overly anxious about the presence of the and the complex will head for open sea
ing years. His intentions on the island horseshoe, since neither it nor the peo- and the safety of the chilly Antarctic
are not hostile, and the native population ple who populate it have harmed them. shortly thereafter.

Primary traits Languages

Sex PS Ch W Co K Cd O Dp Ev HH Su LL J E M G
Strikewell (Mad Merc) M 52 102 101 102 72 51 77 102 77 129 179 15 — 86 71 77

Baker (Security Chief) M 105 90 33 51 83 69 78 87 80 185 167 14 21 76 3 66

Drysdale (Guard) F 70 85 79 66 96 88 68 76 87 157 163 15 17 90 2 81
Horse (Guard) M 90 60 89 100 41 73 95 80 67 157 147 18 - 39 - 75
Krumm (Guard) M 75 41 99 79 37 73 77 60 57 132 117 17 - 36 - 90
Nitt (Guard) M 87 73 93 54 14 59 71 64 66 153 130 18 - 14 - 85
Rine (Guard) M 93 54 95 72 86 89 83 63 74 167 137 19 19 80 9 85
Thompson (Guard) F 65 97 24 19 99 97 42 58 97 162 156 9 66 98 73 41
Wicks (Guard) M 98 36 98 96 76 53 97 71 45 143 116 19 20 70 10 35
Zyme (Guard) M 77 29 71 94 63 91 86 62 65 142 127 15 2 60 - 79

Schwartzkopf (Con. E.) F 83 47 74 65 95 24 45 67 36 119 104 16 13 80 - 93

December 1981 Dragon
Ekler (Con. E. Asst.) F 65 84 71 55 87 04 30 70 88 153 143 14 4 76 - 81
Tanaka (Elect. Eng.) M 48 24 85 62 98 93 78 43 60 108 122 13 91 82 31 72
Smith (Mech. Eng.) F 29 94 75 89 81 78 85 88 117 163 10 7 79 - 60
Hydrason (Nuc. Eng.) M 99 66 44 34 99 89 67 50 78 176 112 14 15 95 3 89
Jones (Nuc. Asst.) M 49 23 63 90 86 05 48 57 14 63 104 11 - 82 - 51
Hansen (Nuc. Asst.) F 48 81 25 68 88 84 76 75 83 131 153 7 - 77 - 65
Watson (Computer) F 19 08 51 38 97 50 44 23 28 47 64 7 12 96 - 76
Straum (Hydraulic Eng.) F 48 06 19 44 81 57 51 25 63 111 107 7 - 42 - 71
Berkeley (Chem. Eng.) M 60 18 82 28 94 70 49 23 44 104 72 14 - 90 - 39

Alexander (Welder) M 94 57 51 82 52 40 61 55 49 153 104 15 - 50 - 81

Drimmle (Fitter) F 44 48 86 83 95 87 86 66 68 112 134 13 11 87 - 67
Fox (Welder) M 97 52 88 42 44 98 70 46 76 173 122 19 - 41 - 93
Harold (Fitter) M 40 27 83 18 93 67 43 27 47 87 84 12 13 89 - 61
Horton (Maintenance) M 86 03 81 13 81 42 28 08 23 109 33 17 9 77 - 42
Martinique (Maintenance) F 67 05 28 07 96 74 42 06 24 91 30 10 91 81 - 33
DuBois (Crane Operator) F 65 69 68 80 38 66 73 75 68 133 143 13 18 61 - 74
Tsuji (Crane Operator) M 24 100 19 66 79 87 77 83 89 113 172 5 73 63 - -
Atwood (Draft Tech.) F 65 61 42 12 88 81 47 37 54 119 91 11 14 66 - 80
Detmer (Draft Tech.) F 68 62 56 81 54 52 67 72 65 133 139 12 - 87 - 43

Box (Metal Labor) M 69 60 75 61 50 73 67 60 66 135 126 14 82 - 82 -

Elton (Metal Labor) M 94 45 97 85 53 86 85 65 65 159 130 19 86 88 - 20
Guild (Radar Operator) F 45 80 45 25 15 30 28 53 55 100 108 9 - 43 - 84
Judge (Radar Operator) F 55 01 45 19 58 01 10 10 01 56 11 10 - 12 84 84
Bat (Sonar Operator) F 83 52 51 72 75 95 84 62 74 157 136 13 76 14 - 25
Dolphin (Sonar Operator) M 61 11 49 43 38 32 38 27 22 83 49 11 - 61 - 86
DeForest (Radio Operator) M 62 19 58 85 71 67 76 52 43 105 95 12 99 98 80 72
Marconi (Radio Operator) F 36 07 34 55 100 79 67 31 43 79 74 7 91 97 81 88
Kingston (Ballast Control) F 12 70 48 85 37 28 57 78 49 61 127 6 78 95 - 86
Flood (Ballast Control) M 17 87 20 90 47 46 68 89 67 84 156 4 - 36 - 86
George (Quartermaster) F 24 76 23 29 41 55 42 53 66 90 119 5 79 75 - 94
Koenig (Quartermaster) M 90 61 70 49 40 70 60 55 66 156 121 16 - 65 - 87

Stew (Chief Steward) F 42 88 41 98 95 37 68 93 63 105 156 8 - 99 - 90

Soup (Asst. Steward) M 88 96 11 77 85 03 40 87 50 138 137 10 85 81 - 86
Doc (Medical Doctor) F 79 32 02 47 97 42 45 40 37 116 77 8 - 85 - 39
Hurt (Medical Nurse) M 41 72 37 102 85 61 55 79 120 134 8 78 05 - 54
Broom (Janitor) F 60 1 2 88 90 110 94 92 51 53 113 104 15 - 80 - 35
Vallier (Launderer) F 33 80 60 102 45 98 100 91 89 122 1 8 0 9 83 86 - 91
Foreman (Boatswain) F 88 67 30 89 66 98 94 78 83 171 151 12 - 90 - 68
Begg (Purser) M 77 74 48 27 74 98 63 51 86 163 137 13 - 81 - 95
Lange (Carpenter) F 67 48 65 95 76 04 50 72 26 93 98 13 - 94
Short (Electrician) M 114 48 10 23 78 43 33 36 46 160 82 12 84 03 - 93

Father Tuck M 55 62 71 70 76 59 65 66 61 116 127 13 - 79 78 -

Brother Robin M 77 75 69 96 80 109 103 86 92 169 178 15 - 93 92 85
Brother John M 122 62 66 90 66 102 96 76 82 204 158 19 79 86 86 -
Native chief M 81 82 84 84 85 82 83 83 82 163 165 17 51 72 95 -

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 6

‘ ‘ I underestimated the people in
Chinatown,’ ’ said Su Wing. The old
sifu sighed as he turned to his pupil, Ming “What happened to the driver and answered the radio operator.
Lau. guard from the other van?” asked the Jarra stepped out of the car they were
“Well,” he continued, “one is never too technician. seated in and leaned back in the open
old to stop learning, especially when “I don’t know. Maybe they ran for help window. “I’m going to take a look inside.
dealing with our own people. Who would or something. We just got back here as Be back quickly.” He crossed the street
believe that Chinese would turn against fast as we could.” and vanished into the shadows near the
other Chinese?” Almost anything being shipped in a warehouse.
“But, master,” asked the initiate, “why Darcy Research van is valuable, at least In a few minutes Jarra reappeared
was their resistance unexpected?” to someone, thought the technician. The next to the car. As he slid into the driver’s
“It was expected, but not nearly in company’s vehicles had been victimized seat, he said, “The vans are in there, all
such proportions. The tongs in China- by thiefs and hijackers before, but never right, but they’re guarded. I counted four
town have fought among themselves for before had two vans traveling together men. The rear doors of the vans were
years. We came to Chinatown expecting been taken at the same time. And these open, but I couldn’t see any sign of the
to be treated with the respect we gained particular vans held something not only Dragonium containers.”
in the old country, but instead we were valuable but dangerous: containers of “Which means they were taken away
treated like enemy tongs. Now the other Dragonium, a scarce and deadly radio- by the rikshas!”
tongs are joining forces to keep the Anfu active isotope. “Maybe,” said the agent. “Since it’s the
out of Chinatown.” “Those fools,” said the technician. “I only lead we have, contact headquarters
“There must be a way to stop them. wonder if they realize what they’re carry- and have them send somebody over to
Anfu must be established in Chinatown,” ing for cargo? If the seal is broken on just that temple, while we watch this place.”
said the initiate. “But the people would one of those containers...” he shuddered.
never stand for a massacre of the tongs.” * * * * *
“I realize this, but the fact remains that * * * * *
the tongs must be removed and the peo- The temple looks harmless enough. It
ple kept silent about our presence. If “Are you sure the vans are in there?” is located at the edge of the area of the
only there was a way to do both....” asked Mark Jarra as he and his contact city known as “Chinatown.” The build-
Su Wing lapsed into deep thought. An sat in their vehicle across the street from ing is constructed of wood and stone;
idea began to form.... Yes, it might just a “derelict” warehouse. It didn’t seem most of the structure is obscured from
work. His students were almost masters possible that the building, which looked view by a ten-foot-high stone wall encir-
of kung fu themselves, and they did need like it would fall down at any minute, was cling the grounds. A clump of small,
the practice. The execution of the plan the hiding place for the two Darcy Re- leafy trees blocks the temple from casu-
would have to be flawless, but he felt search vans that had turned up missing ally prying eyes that look through the
sure the students were capable. There the day before. But if his ever-reliable single wrought-iron gate in the wall.
would be risks, of course, and just one contact in Chinatown was correct, this During the day, little activity can be
unfortunate event would ruin the small was definitely the place. observed going on inside the temple
foothold the Anfu had so far gained in As if to confirm the agent’s own grounds. Only an occasional glimpse of
Chinatown. The risks he would take, and thoughts, Chou Yan Lee said, “Of course a fleeting shape moving in the front
try to compensate for.... I’m sure. Do you think I would have ques- courtyard will reward the most persist-
“Master?” tionable information on a matter of such ent of “snoopers.”
The voice of Ming Lau drifted into his great importance?” At night, the area just inside the pe-
thoughts, unbidden. “I know otherwise,” said the agent rimeter wall is illuminated in spots, and
“Yes?” apologetically. “But I find it hard to be- human shadows can be seen moving in-
“Have you chosen a course of action?” lieve that the vans were so easy to locate, side the temple itself when a body passes
“I have. And I am presently going to especially when the police didn’t even before a lighted window. A lone guard
retire to my quarters. Make sure I am not have a clue.” patrols the perimeter wall, his outline
disturbed until morning,” said the sifu as “Well,” said Chou, “no vehicles have clearly discernible in the dim light, but
he turned and walked toward the interior left this place, so the vans must still be in no one looking through the wrought-
of the temple. there.” iron gate into the courtyard will see any
“Yes, it will work,” he said under his “You forget,” said a voice behind them. other signs of movement outside the
breath. “When I am through, it will work.” “Three rikshas left the warehouse a cou- temple building.
ple of hours ago.” The inhabitants of Chinatown have
* * * * * become apprehensive about the nature
“Which reminds me,” said Jarra, turn-
ing towards the radio operator, “what did and the purpose of the people inside the
The technician was instantly upset our tails pick up on those three?” temple, and very little activity takes place
when he heard the news. “All three drivers stopped at the same in the vicinity. No resident of the area will
“What do you mean, the vans were location after each made several other willingly go near the little temple nor the
stolen?” stops first. All three then proceeded to a building around the temple. Thus, wheth-
“Just what I said,” answered the guard. storage warehouse and haven’t moved er night or day, there is little danger of
“We were driving to the pier, and the next since.” temple inhabitants being observed by
thing you know there’s gas all over the “What’s the place they all went to?” innocents who (if they were more cur-
inside of the cab! The next thing I knew, I asked Jarra. ious or less fearful) might otherwise
woke up in the street with Lucas beside “It doesn’t have a name; just an old have caused problems by informing the
me, and the vans were gone.” temple on the fringe of Chinatown,” local authorities.

36 JUNE 1982
2. LOGGIA: An open-sided, roofed one who tries to sell one or more of the
porch area connects the various sec- paintings to an art collector will get
tions of the temple building. Pillars stand $1,000 to $10,000 for each painting sold,
The areas in and around the temple on either side of the hallway at 10-foot but if the total price of all paintings sold
are described so that Administrators can intervals. The roof is 12 feet above the at one time is more than $15,000, the art
locate needed information quickly. Ba- floor of the hallway. collector will notify police authorities
sically, each section of text contains four The crosshatched areas on the map (see the TOP SECRET rules for “Fencing
sub-sections, as follows: represent silent-alarm pressure pads Purloined Goods”). These originals are
(1) Number of area. Name of area. (40/60) which notify the Security Office owned by Su Wing, and are not stolen
General description of furniture and (see #24) of trespassers. If a pressure merchandise.
equipment found in the area. Concealed pad is seen before it is stepped on, the DAY = “A” lighting is in use (“B” when
objects (concealment rating) and their observer will also notice a set of switches occupied). Roll percentile dice when en-
descriptions, requirements for determin- on the edge of each pad, at floor level, tering the room: 01-75, room is unoccu-
ing value, to whom they are valuable, that allow the pressure pad to be activat- pied; 76-85, Kwan Cheng and Sui Ying
and how valuable they will be. ed and deactivated from any side of the Ho are cleaning the room; 86-99, Su
(2) DAY = Lighting being utilized (A = pad. Wing and his students are eating at the
natural, B = incandescent, or C = fluo- DAY = “A” lighting from courtyards. dining table; 00, all people mentioned on
rescent) from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. in this area. The loggia is unpatrolled during daylight the above list are present in the room.
Names of denizen in the area at these hours, though there is a 5% chance of NIGHT = “A” lighting. This area is
times (followed by a percentage chance encountering Kwan Cheng in the area at empty; there are no patrols inside the
they are in the area at any specific time, any time of day. Main Hall at night.
or the chance of returning after each NIGHT = “A” lighting; overall darkness, NOTES = Only the double doors lead-
minute’s absence) and what they will be except for the light which illuminates the ing into the Exercise Room (see #15) are
doing (followed by percentage chances courtyards. There is a 10% chance of an locked or alarmed (15/30) to notify the
if multiple actions are possible). encounter with either Terrance Davis or Security Office (see #24) of trespassers;
(3) NIGHT = Same as in “DAY” except Rodney Dangrey, who patrol individual all others are unlocked.
this information is for the times between and opposing routes which cover the en-
7 p.m. and 6 a.m. Pitch darkness is natu- 4. QUARTERS: This room has a sleep-
ral lighting at night, but this can be al- ing mat in one corner. At the foot of the
tered to “DAY” lighting (if artificial light mat is a locked metal chest (—/15) con-
is available) in one round. taining clothing and personal grooming
(4) NOTES = Any pertinent data that equipment (comb, vanity mirror, tooth-
does not fit into any of the above catego- brush and toothpaste, wash bowl and
ries. Also included here is incidental in- pitcher, etc.) and a short-legged table
formation the Admin might want to in- with a lamp (“B” lighting) on it and a
troduce into the adventure. throw pillow beside it.
DAY = “A” lighting is in use (“B” light-
ing possible). There is a 25% chance that
1. FRONT COURTYARD: An open-air Kwan Cheng will be resting on his sleep-
courtyard, with trees lining a stone path- ing mat. Otherwise, the room will be
way and obscuring the view of most of unoccupied.
the yard (treat as “target obscured” sit- NIGHT = “A” lighting is in use. Kwan
uation for hit determination purposes). Cheng will be asleep on his mat, but if
The pathway branches into two paths, any loud noises are made within 10 feet
each ending in a set of stone steps lead- of his room, he will be awake and ready
ing up 5 feet to the loggia (see #2). The tire loggia. Both use flashlights which to surprise prowlers.
trees are 11-20 feet in height (determine illuminate a 3-foot area around the light. NOTES = Kwan Cheng is a 72-year-
individually if necessary by rolling a d10 NOTES = Doors leading to areas #16- old, 7th-degree black belt in kung fu. He
and adding 10 to the result). 19 are locked (—/30); doors to the main was formerly Su Wing’s sifu (master) be-
DAY = “A” lighting. No patrols or deni- building (#3) are alarmed and locked fore Su Wing himself achieved that rank.
zen in the area. (25/40), and give notice of trespassers to There is a dead-bolt lock on the inside of
NIGHT = “B” lighting in the four cor- the Security Office (see #24). the room’s door, but the lock is never
ners of the courtyard improve the vision used by Kwan Cheng.
of anyone inside the courtyard to that 3. MAIN HALL: The walls and floor of
possible in normal daylight. Morris Ever- this giant room are parqueted with dark 5. QUARTERS: This room has a sleep-
hart has watchman’s duty on the outer wood, and the interior is tastefully deco- ing mat, and at its foot a metal chest
wall (he patrols by walking on the top of rated in modern Chinese decor. The which is locked (—/15) and contains a
the wall) and has a 10% chance of pass- western section of the room contains collection of diaries and scrapbooks
ing a given point (cumulative per each 30 three small, short-legged tables, each written by Sui Ying Ho as well as clothing
seconds of absence) at any time. He pa- accompanied by six large throw pillows. for all occasions). The room has a night-
trols the wall in a clockwise direction. The eastern part of the room has a longer stand which holds a reading lamp (“B”
NOTES = The gate at the front en- (also short-legged) dining table with lighting) and a book of Chinese history.
trance is wrought iron and has a Diffi- twelve throw pillows around it. The walls DAY = “A” lighting is in use (“B” light-
culty Rating of 45. Anyone attempting to have a variety of items hanging or lean- ing possible). The room is only occupied
break it down will arouse Everhart, who ing against them, mostly paintings (a to- by Sui Ying Ho’s Siamese cat, Kio (Life
will rush to the gate within 60 seconds tal of seven) and some canvas hangings Level = 6/Injury Modifier = 2). The cat will
(and it will only take this long when he is of Chinese poetry. Anyone with an AOK not bother anyone entering the room.
at the extreme other side of the wall). of 100+ in Fine Arts will recognize the NIGHT = “A” lighting. Roll percentile
The gate is locked (—/40). Trees in the paintings as valuable originals by well- dice upon entering the room: 01-80, Sui
courtyard have a 5% chance per foot of known Chinese artists. (All of the poetry Ying Ho is asleep on her mat (there is a
height of being able to support the weight is the work of Su Wing, and would not be 50% chance that Kio will “meow” unless
of a human. recognizable in the same fashion.) Any- the intruders do something to keep the

“ . . . I wish that Master Su Wing would not
bring the trucks here. Not only do I fear for
his safety, but for ours . . . ”

cat quiet); 81-95, Sui Ying Ho is reading in 100 feet of the crash. decorations. Beneath a false bottom (35)
her Chinese history book (“C” lighting); there lies a manila envelope which con-
96-00, Sui Ying Ho is sitting at the table 7. STORAGE: This room is full of tains papers dealing with a new initiate
writing an entry in one of her diaries (“B” shelves reaching almost to the ceiling. of the Anfu organization, Walter Moy.
lighting). Some shelves are empty and very dusty. DAY = “A” lighting is in use. There is a
NOTES = The door to this room is al- On other shelves are boxes marked “Uni- 45% chance that Walter Moy will be here.
ways locked (—/30). If the agents exam- forms” and “Mats.” In the boxes are kung Otherwise, the room is empty.
ine Sui Ying Ho’s diaries, a knowledge of fu exercise uniforms, guard uniforms, NIGHT = “A” lighting is in use (“B”
the Chinese language (75+) is necessary police outfits, and a potpourri of other lighting possible). There is a 30% chance
to understand what is written. After 1-5 uniforms. The boxes labeled “Mats” are that Moy will be practicing his kung fu
minutes of reading, (roll a ten-sided die empty. routines on the practice mats. Otherwise
and divide by two, rounding up) the DAY = “A” lighting is in use (“C” light- he will be asleep on his sleeping mat.
reader will find some interesting entries: ing available). The storage area is devoid NOTES = The door is always locked
“...I wish that Master Su Wing of personnel and is not patrolled, so that (—/30). If the room is occupied, “B”
would not bring the trucks here. the chance of an encounter in this room lighting will be used. Walter Moy has the
Not only do l fear for his safety, but with another person is virtually zero. same chance as Ming Lau of awakening
for ours.... NIGHT = “A” lighting is in use. The because of noise from outside (see #8).
“...My fears were unfounded. The room is always unoccupied and not pa- Walter Moy is a 21 -year-old, 1st-degree
Master has decided to transport trolled at night. black belt who has just recently joined
the stolen goods by riksha to the NOTES = The door is locked (30/45) the Anfu. He is particularly adept at mar-
basement. I think they will use the and alarmed to notify the Security Office tial arts and was enlisted shortly after
gymnasium entrance, though I can- (see #24) of trespassers. To search every aquiring his black belt; at his young age,
not be sure until they get here. I do box in this room would require 30 min- this achievement is nothing short of a
not look forward to that time....” utes for one man, proportionately less miracle.
“...They have arrived. I am not time for more than one. For each 3 min-
sure what the Master intends to do utes spent in normal search, there is a 5% 10. QUARTERS: This room has a
with the metal cannisters, but he chance of being discovered by guards sleeping mat, short-legged desk, throw
has told me that something will be patrolling outside the room, or of guards pillow, lamp (“C” lighting), and several
done in the very near future. The being notified of intruders by people kung fu training manuals.
future can not come too soon....” who pass near the room. The Adminis- DAY = “A” lighting is in use (“B” or “C”
This last entry is dated on the day of trator will determine who, if anyone, will available). There is a 25% chance that
the reading. show up to investigate. Mar Runck will be found reading one of
his training manuals; otherwise, the room
6. KITCHEN: This room has several 8. QUARTERS: This room has a sleep- will be empty.
food preparation areas and includes a ing mat and a dresser (containing extra NIGHT = When an individual enters
stainless steel table, fireplace, oven, kung fu exercise uniforms, street cloth- the room, roll percentile dice: 01-85, Mar
stove, and refrigerator-freezer. There are ing, and scrapbooks filled with clippings Runck will be asleep on his mat; 86-90,
sinks and storage shelves, with dry goods from competitions won by “Ming Lau”). he will be reading his manuals; 91-95, he
lined along the shelf edge, along one On the dresser are five trophies, all for will be found using a small radio, con-
wall and a dumbwaiter in the northeast victories in martial arts tournaments. tacting his Russian agent friends at the
corner (see map). DAY = “A” lighting is in use (“B” light- Soviet embassy in town and reporting
DAY = “C” lighting is in use. Sui Ying ing possible). There is a 35% chance of his findings about the Anfu; 96-00, Mar
Ho will be here 75% of the time, prepar- Ming Lau being found in this room, prac- Runck is out of his room (meeting a So-
ing food for either Su Wing or the per- ticing his kung fu routines. viet contact). If the room is occupied, “B”
sonnel in the basement area. NIGHT = “A” lighting is in use. There is lighting will be used; otherwise, “A” light-
NIGHT = “A” lighting. The kitchen will a 75% chance that Ming Lau will be feign- ing is in effect.
be empty at night, and it is not part of the ing sleep if enough noise was made prior NOTES = As can be gathered from the
patrolled area. to anyone entering his room; otherwise, above description, Mar Runck is a Soviet
NOTES = The kitchen has several he will be found asleep. agent investigating the Anfu operation in
nasty HTH weapons: cleavers (HWV = NOTES = The door is always locked Chinatown. He will not jeopardize his
50), knives (50), and cutting boards (30). (—/30) during the day, and there is a 75% cover to help captured agents, but will
The dumbwaiter can carry 125 pounds of chance the door is locked at night (Ming fight them as if he were a member of
weight in its 4’ x 4’ x 4’ frame. Anyone Lau forgets sometimes). Anfu (though he can be influenced; see
with an AOK of 110+ in Physics will know Ming Lau is a 28-year-old, 4th-degree the TOP SECRET rules on “Contacts”).
this fact intuitively. Others will take some black belt. He is young, and acts very Mar Runck is a 23-year-old, 3rd-degree
time to figure out the proper calcula- cocky when he knows his expertise is black belt. He is of Yugoslavian descent
tions, but can eventually accomplish the greater than those around him, but is an and comes from a “history” of revolu-
task. Anyone who weighs more than 125 introvert when around those with more tionaries; thus, he was prime material for
pounds will cause the cable to snap, and skill. Su Wing is training him to be an the Anfu people to recruit from the So-
will fall (inside the dumbwaiter) to the assassin. viets. Su Wing does, however, have his
basement level 30 feet down. The falling doubts about Runck’s sincerity.
character takes 2d10 damage; see the 9. QUARTERS: This room has a sleep-
TOP SECRET rules, “Damage From Fal- ing mat, some practice mats, and a trunk 11. QUARTERS: This room has sever-
ling.” The noise will alert everyone with- which contains some clothing and room al short-legged tables and pillows. There
38 JUNE 1982
are also several listening devices and 12. QUARTERS: This room has three Chou Leung packs a pistol at all times.
their headsets on the tables. The listen- cots and several shelves containing food Chou Leung is a 21-year-old, 1st-de-
ing devices include a parabolic micro- and cooking utensils. There is a con- gree black belt. He joined the Anfu hop-
phone, worth $350 to the organization; a cealed door (10) leading to room #11. ing to get revenge on the government
transmitter locater, worth $8,750; and a DAY = “A” lighting (“B” available). The that “killed” his father (he died a broken
wired drop microphone, worth $15. The room is usually unoccupied, but there is man because of the welfare system). His
wire from this microphone runs under a 10% chance that one and only one of mother committed suicide shortly after
the floor and beneath room #10. There is the three surveillance agents from room his father’s death, so Chou Leung has
also an all-wave radio scanner/receiver, #11 will be asleep on a cot. Roll d6: 1-2, seen a lot of death and will not hesitate to
worth $9,500, with three headsets con- Chuck Lee; 3-4, Sin Bo; 5-6, Howell deal it out in moderate doses.
nected to it. Glennon.
NIGHT = “A” lighting (“B” available). 14. QUARTERS: This room has a
DAY = “B” lighting. Anfu agents Chuck
There is a 30% chance the room is occu- sleeping mat, a dresser which contains
Lee, Sin Bo, and Howell Glennon are
pied by one of the three agents from clothing, a shelf holding several books
manning the listening devices and keep-
room #11; that agent will be asleep on a on martial arts and fighting techniques, a
ing tabs on Mar Runck. Two agents (roll
cot. Roll d6, finding the result as in the short-legged writing table with desk lamp
d6: 1-2, Chuck Lee and Sin Bo; 3-4,
“DAY” description above. (“C” lighting) and throw pillow, and a
Chuck Lee and Howell Glennon; 5-6, Sin
NOTES = This door is always locked filing cabinet containing information
Bo and Howell Glennon) are watching
(—/60) and is never used by anyone, in- about the Anfu operation in Chinatown.
Runck, or at least listening in on him, at
cluding the occasional occupants. The The documents, though they appear au-
all times.
door connecting room #11 with this one thentic, are worthless frauds.
NIGHT = “A” lighting. Chuck Lee, Sin is never locked. DAY = “A” lighting (“B” available).
Bo, and/or Howell Glennon are keeping There is a 10% chance that Su Wing will
their silent watch. If Runck is out of his 13. QUARTERS: This room has a be found here working on his plans for
room, roll on “DAY” watch table to de- sleeping mat and a large trunk, contain- Chinatown. In this case, he will have with
termine which of his observers is gone ing clothing and personal paraphernalia him some quite authentic papers refer-
from the room. Otherwise, all three (souvenirs from China, scrapbook of ring to the use of radioactive bombs as
agents are in the room. youth, other non-important items), which “controls” on the people of Chinatown.
NOTES = These agents, when not is locked (—/15). Also in the room is a Otherwise, the room will be empty and
sleeping, wear infrared goggles which bookshelf holding a variety of anarchist- no such notes will be found.
allow “night vision” to a limited extent. style books, and a short-legged table NIGHT = “A” lighting. Su Wing will
They all wear rubber-soled shoes to min- with throw pillows. originally be asleep on his mat, but any
imize noise. These pieces of special DAY = “A” lighting (“B” available). noise made prior to entering the room
equipment are used only at night. The There is a 25% chance that Chou Leung has a 25% chance of waking him. Any
door is always locked (—/45). will be reading in his room; otherwise, noise made while actually entering the
Chuck Lee is a 25-year-old, 3rd-degree the place is vacant. room has a 75% chance of waking him,
black belt from China. Sin Bo is a 22- NIGHT = “A” lighting. There is a 10% though he will feign sleep until he can
year-old, 1st-degree black belt from Ko- chance Chou Leung will be found read- effectively attack.
rea. Howell Glennon is a 30-year-old, ing (“B” lighting); otherwise, he will be NOTES = The door is locked during
4th-degree black belt from the Nether- asleep on his mat. the day (—/45); at night, a deadbolt is
lands, a “free agent” employed for his NOTES = The door is always locked applied and so is an alarm (25/65) which
expertise in surveillance. All are Anfu- (—/30) and jury-rigged to alert Chou notifies the Security Office (see #24), as
trained agents: though they are not per- Leung of intruders (a small bell hanging well as Su Wing himself, of intruders.
manently based in Chinatown, and will over the lip of the door will fall when Su Wing is a 56-year-old, 9th-degree
act to protect any other Anfu agent — opened; there is a 5% chance the alarm black belt. He is the organizer and leader
whether or not that agent is a suspected will fail, but deactivation is impossible). of the Chinatown-based Anfu organiza-
infiltrator. Unlike the other students of Su Wing, tion. His cunning and intelligence during

a confrontation are matched only by his 17. QUARTERS: This room has a dages and first-aid medication, and sev-
deadliness. The Administrator should sleeping cot, a night stand with a clock eral bottles of shaving lotion and co-
strive to play Su Wing like the master he radio and a desk lamp (“C” lighting) on logne. The room is always kept clean,
is, with the eloquence of a true noble it, and a large trunk, containing clothing and a very obvious dead-bolt lock is at-
personality. Do not give agents an easy items and extra guard uniforms, that is tached to the inside of the door.
time of it when they try to tackle Su Wing locked (—/15). DAY = “A” lighting (“B” lighting plus
— he’s mean and he knows it! DAY = “A” lighting (“B” or “C” availa- fan when occupied). At any time, there is
ble). Rodney Dangrey will be found a 5% chance someone will be using the
15. EXERCISE ROOM: The southern sleeping on his cot. He will not usually be bathroom. If so, roll d10 to determine
two-thirds of this room’s floor is covered awakened by anything softer than a who: 1=Su Wing, 2=Ming Lau, 3=Walter
with large padded mats for practicing gunshot, much less someone trying to Moy, 4=Mar Runck, 5=Chou Leung,
kung fu routines. On the uncovered floor enter his room. He has been known to 6=Kwan Cheng, 7=Sui Ying Ho, 8=Morris
are five single-unit saunas, a weight and sleep through the noise of a vacuum Everhart, 9=Terrance Davis, 10=Rodney
bench-press machine, three punching cleaner being used in the same room. Dangrey.
bags, and a set of barbells, plus some 30 NIGHT = “A” lighting. The room will be NIGHT = “A” lighting. The bathroom
individual loose weights ranging from 5 empty at night and goes unchecked by will be empty and no one ever checks it
to 20 pounds. A concealed door (10) on passing guards. while on patrol.
the south wall opens onto the street. The NOTES = The door is always locked NOTES = The door is unlocked when
door is a 20-foot-wide steel panel with (—/30). If agents enter this room while the room is unoccupied, locked (—/20)
stonework attached to the street-side Dangrey is asleep, and don’t make any when in use.
surface. When activated, it slides to the blunders or actual attempts to wake him
west behind the solid wall adjacent to it. up, they can probably operate without 20. EXERCISE COURTYARD: This
The area covered by the mats is part of a being disturbed; people passing in the open-air, very well cultivated courtyard
hydraulic lift system which can raise and hallway, if they hear anything, will just has closely cropped grass and a large
lower a 50-foot-square platform from the think Dangrey is up and moving around. willow tree (36 feet tall) growing next to a
basement to ground level. The lift can giant flat-topped rock. Surrounding the
only be discovered if agents move exer- 18. QUARTERS: This room has a courtyard, 5 feet higher than the court-
cise mats off the floor in this area to re- short-legged desk, several throw pillows, yard itself, is the loggia (see #2).
veal the surface beneath. a hammock, and a large metal trunk con- DAY = “A” lighting. There is a 30%
DAY = “C” lighting. There is a 40% taining clothing, pistol-cleaning equip- chance that Su Wing and his students
chance that Su Wing and his students ment, and several boxes of .32 cartridges will be here practicing “live combat.” If
will be training in the room. for pistols. There is a concealed com- they are not on hand, there is a 25%
NIGHT = “A” lighting. This room is un- partment (30) in the trunk bottom that chance that Kwan Cheng will be present,
patrolled and unoccupied at night. contains a locked (—/10) wooden chest. helping to keep the courtyard immacu-
NOTES = A master switch located in The chest contains the components for a late. Otherwise, the area is empty.
the southeast corner of the room near Walther GSP Match Pistol (Rate=1 / NIGHT = “A” lighting. The courtyard
the concealed door will activate the lift Ammo=5 / A=8 / C=0 / F=3 / P=4 / R=5 / will be empty, but intruders stand a 10%
and cause it to descend to the basement Weight=49 oz.) that is worth $900 to any chance of being discovered after being
(see Garage, room #40). The switch will handgun enthusiast. Someone with an in the area for one minute, with a cumul-
be found automatically by any agent AOK of 90+ in Military Science can as- ative +1% to the chance for each minute,
who searches for such a thing, but if a semble the weapon. they remain in the courtyard beyond the
specific search is not made for the switch, DAY = “A” lighting (“B” available). first. To determine the guard who dis-
there is only a 5% chance for an agent to There is a 75% chance that Terrance Da- covers the intrusion, roll d10: 1-3, Ter-
notice the small device, and then only if vis will be asleep in here; otherwise, he is rance Davis; 4-6, Rodney Dangrey; 7-10,
the agent comes within 10 feet of the wandering in the temple area and may Morris Everhart.
southeast corner of the room. The door return (45% chance every 5 minutes). NOTES = Several ladders allow people
leading to room #3 is locked and alarmed NIGHT = “A” lighting. The room will be to climb down from the loggia to the ex-
(15/30) to notify the Security Office (see empty and is not checked by passing ercise courtyard. Anyone who jumps
#24) of intruders. patrols, though any movement might be from the loggia down to the courtyard,
checked out (5% chance that a guard will not using a ladder, could (5% chance)
16. QUARTERS: This room contains a enter the room; roll once for every min- sustain 1-2 points of damage from a
sleeping cot, a writing table with a desk ute inside) by either Rodney Dangrey or twisted ankle or some such injury. The
lamp (“C” lighting), and a dresser hold- Terrance Davis (50% chance for each). large branches of the willow tree can
ing personal clothing and a carrying NOTES = The door is always locked hold 175 pounds of weight before break-
case for an assault rifle. An agent with an (—/45), and the chance of being disco- ing. If there is a disturbance due to an
AOK of 110+ in Military Science will be vered from outside the room at night injury or a tree branch giving way, roll
able to identify the case as belonging to goes up by 25% if a light is used while in d10 to determine which guard arrives to
a 7.62mm AKM. this room. (The door is not flush with the investigate the noise, using the list above.
DAY = “A” lighting (“B” or “C” availa- door jamb, so light seeps out under the
ble). There is a 80% chance that Morris door). The Administrator should apply 21. REAR COURTYARD: This open-
Everhart is in his room. If he is, there is an this modifier when a light shows; then, if air courtyard is just as well manicured as
80% chance he is sleeping on the cot; the discovery roll would not have suc- the Exercise Courtyard (see #20), and
otherwise, he is awake and cleaning his ceeded without the modifier, the agent the trees obscure vision just like those in
rifle. was not heard, and the guard will enter the Front Courtyard (see #1). The pond
NIGHT = “A” lighting. The room is al- intending just to turn out the light. has a large and varied supply of tropical
ways empty at night and is never checked fish, ranging from harmless goldfish to
by passing guards. 19. BATHROOM: This room contains the turkeyfish — whose skin is poison-
NOTES = The door is locked (—/30). a single shower unit, a toilet, a sink, and a ous to the touch — and a variety of coral
Anyone making unnecessary noise while medicine cabinet. The cabinet contains arrangements. The bridge and the cob-
guards are passing outside the door runs aspirin and upset-stomach medication, blestone pathways are not unusual in
the risk (Administrator’s discretion) of but no prescription drugs and nothing any way. The Storage Shed (see #22)
being heard. illegal. There are several boxes of ban- dominates the northeast corner of the

40 JUNE 1982
temple grounds. see someone (Su Wing) enter the shed attempts are made to unlock either door
DAY = “A” lighting is the only available. and not come out. (Su Wing has used the from outside the Security Office, a voice
There is a 10% chance of encountering lift to reach room #23.) Otherwise, the over a loudspeaker will tell the occu-
Kwan Cheng and Su Wing as they share shed is vacant. pant(s) to be patient until security files
each other’s company in the courtyard. NOTES = To spot the metal plate, the are checked. If a second attempt is
Otherwise, the courtyard is vacant. safe must be moved. No other procedure made, a ventilation duct will carry sleep-
NIGHT = “A” is the only lighting. There is allowed. If the safe is opened and the ing gas into the chamber. The security
is a 10% chance per minute (cumulative) alarm goes off, the Security Office (see personnel in #24 will then transport the
of being seen by Morris Everhart as he #24) will be notified and will be waiting In incapacitated prisoners to the Detention
patrols the perimeter wall. Also, the #23 for the intruders to enter. The thick Block (see #26).
guards on the loggia have a chance of metal door to the shed has the world’s
noting intruders, as described under #2. finest padlock on it (—/50). The lock will 24. SECURITY OFFICE: This room is
NOTES = There is a 10% chance that withstand gunfire and refuse to open. If filled with a small but complete compu-
anyone stepping into the pond will come hit by a shell larger than .30 caliber, the ter system, video monitors, alarm sys-
in contact with a turkeyfish. The unfor- padlock will be jammed shut. If the one tems, and main overrides for the hydrau-
tunate person will immediately be af- firing is within 5 feet of the lock when the lic lift systems and the lower level door
fected by its poison (consider the effects shot goes off, he or she and all those locks (pneumatic doors only). There are
similar to “convulsionary poison” as in within a 10-foot radius of that person will two chairs, one facing the one-way mir-
the TOP SECRET rules for “Poisons: sustain 0-9 points of damage from frag- ror and the other on the monitoring
Use, Effects, and Antidotes”). Tree height mentation (roll d10, subtract one). Roll screens. A concealed door (25) leads to
should be determined and utilized as per d10 and add 10 for the number of shots a tunnel that connects with the sewers
the procedure described under #1. the lock can sustain before it will finally (see #39). (There is another concealed
Anyone with an AOK of 100+ in Animal fall off. door at the north end of the tunnel with
Science will be able to identify the tur- the same rating).
keyfish and thus be able (with Medical 23. SCREENING ROOM: A hydraulic DAY = “C” lighting. Thomas Haskins
AOK of 30+) to apply the proper first-aid lift runs from room #22 down to this area. and Chai Chang man the consoles dur-
treatment to offset the effects of the The room is devoid of furniture except ing the day shift. If a security breach is
poison. for a (one-way, bulletproof) mirror on detected anywhere in the complex, roll
the east wall. The south door is made of d10 to determine who investigates: 1-3,
22. STORAGE SHED: This shed has a steel and the east door is simple wood Thomas Haskins; 4-6, Chai Chang; 7-9,
solid cement floor with walls and roof of (with an iron core for extra protection). Kwan Cheng; 10, Su Wing.
cement block. It is full of gardening DAY = “B” lighting. No personnel will NIGHT = “C” lighting. Gregory Ben-
equipment (rakes, lawnmower, spread- be found here. son and Shu Shing Lee are on duty. If a
er, several bags of fertilizer and grass NIGHT = “B” lighting. Depending on security breach occurs at night, roll d10
seed, tool boxes full of tools), but the what occurs when agents investigate to see who investigates: 1-2, Gregory
most interesting item is a large floor safe room #22, either Su Wing or the security Benson; 3-4, Shu Shing Lee; 5-6, Morris
mounted on a cart. The safe is locked personnel may be in this location. Oth- Everhart; 7-8, Terrance Davis; 9-10,
(10/60) and empty. If the cart is moved, erwise, the room will be empty. Rodney Dangrey.
the person(s) moving it will notice that it NOTES = All persons who enter this NOTES: When a guard or other deni-
was sitting on a metal plate. This is a room are screened by the Security Of- zen of the temple investigates a possible
hydraulic lift going down to room #23, fice personnel (see #24). If the visitors security breach, use one of these two
and is controlled by pressure studs on have clearance, the south door is un- methods to determine how long it takes
the pad itself. locked from the Security Office to allow for the guard to arrive: (A) roll d10, with
DAY =“A” lighting (“B” available). The access to the remainder of the basement the result equaling the number of min-
shed is empty of personnel at all times. level. At all other times, the south door is utes until the guard’s arrival at the site, or
NIGHT = “A” lighting. Agents in the locked (—/100), and the east door locked (B) calculate the guard’s location and
vicinity of the shed might (10% chance) somewhat less securely (—/60). If any determine the distance and route he

must travel, then move the guard toward fice (#24). over his manuals at the table; otherwise,
the site of the disturbance at the same DAY = “C” lighting. The room will have he is asleep in the bed.
time players are taking their usual ac- no occupants other than those who NOTES = The door is always locked
tions and movements. might have been captured previously in (—/30). Bobbick keeps a 9mm Walther
The computer system in this room will the adventure by security personnel. P-38 U.N.C.L.E. under his pillow at night,
yield a hard-copy list of Anfu agents NIGHT = “A” lighting. (There is a and has it on his person during the day.
based in the United States, and the dimmer switch in the Security Office.)
agents’ organization will pay $1,000 for Occupants, if any, as described in the 30. QUARTERS: This room has a bed,
it, but only those agents with an AOK of DAY section above. a dresser containing guard uniforms and
75+ in Computer Science will be able to NOTES = The hidden camera has an normal street clothing, and a small table
work the equipment in this fashion. infrared filter. The pneumatic door is with two chairs in one corner.
locked (15/60) and connected to the Se- DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available). The
25. STORAGE ROOM: This room has curity Office alarm system. Anyone at- room is always vacant during the day.
five sets of shelves, with each individual tempting to break in or escape the room NIGHT = “A” lighting (“C” when occu-
shelf holding several crates and boxes. will attract one of the two persons on pant is awake). There is a 95% chance
The noise of ceiling fans operating at duty in the Security Office at that time Thomas Haskins is in the room and, if so,
high speed is immediately apparent, and (50% chance for each one). a 35% chance he will be awake, reading a
the odor of gunpowder and gun oil in this magazine; otherwise, he will be asleep.
room is almost overpowering. Each crate 27. QUARTERS: This room contains a NOTES = The door is always locked
contains two dozen 7.62mm AKM as- bunkbed and a dresser (empty unless (—/30) and during the night, Haskins
sault rifles. The boxes contain ammuni- the room is occupied). There is a small has a jury-rigged alarm system (30/30)
tion cannisters, each holding 500 rounds table with four chairs, and a sink and placed on it.
of ammunition for an AKM. Two dollies mirror set-up in one corner.
leaning near the door can be used for DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available). 31. QUARTERS: This room contains a
transporting the boxes and crates. There is a 75% chance the room will be bed, a dresser containing guard uniforms
DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available). occupied by Donald Sims, a truck driver and personal grooming equipment, a
This room is empty at all times. employed by the Anfu, if his truck has nightstand with a lamp (“C” lighting),
NIGHT = “A” lighting. The room is just delivered a shipment of weapons or and a bookshelf with several books on
empty. is picking up a shipment (see Garage, handguns and a complete collection of
NOTES = The alarmed and locked #40, to determine the presence of the Soldier of fortune magazine, worth $150
(15/60) door is made of steel and operat- trucks.) to a collector.
ed by a pneumatic mechanism which NIGHT = “A” lighting. Donald Sims, if DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available). The
can be controlled from the Security Of- present, will be asleep in the bed. room is empty during the day.
fice (see #24). If it is unlocked without NOTES = The door is always locked NIGHT = “A” lighting (“C” when occu-
the security controls or broken open, the (—/30) when the room is empty, but pant is awake). There is an 85% chance
alarm will bring security personnel to sometimes (10%) unlocked when the Chai Chang will be in this room and, if
investigate. room is occupied. so, a 25% chance he will be awake, read-
Anyone who enters this room has a ing his books or magazines; otherwise,
chance of suffering adverse effects from 28. QUARTERS: This room has three Chai Chang will be asleep.
the fumes that collect in here. Roll d10 sleeping mats, a short-legged table with NOTES = The door is always locked
for each agent or NPC who enters and three throw pillows beside it, and three (—/30) and trapped (30/45). The trap,
multiply that number by the character’s trunks containing clothing and shoes. when it goes off, releases sleeping gas
Willpower. This represents the maximum DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available). and sounds an alarm which wakes Chai
time, in seconds, that the character can This room is unoccupied during the day. Chang. Anyone caught in this trap will
remain in the room before suffering the NIGHT = “A” lighting (10% chance that be taken to the Detention Block (see
ill effects, which act the same as “lrri- “C” lighting will be in use). This is the #26). Shih Chang keeps a .22 double-
tant” poison (see TOP SECRET rules), place where the three riksha porters re- action self load under his pillow at night
but at only 50% normal severity (percen- side when they stay at the temple. There and in his back pocket during the day.
tile rolls for losses in Physical Strength is a 50% chance that Fu Hsu, Hsien Yang,
and Knowledge are halved before being and Ching Chan will be in the room, and 32. QUARTERS: This room contains a
applied). If a character stays in the room if so, a 30% chance they are all awake bed; a large metal trunk which is locked
for more than twice as long as his or her when the room is entered; otherwise, all (—/15) and contains street clothing,
limit, treat the effects of the fumes as if a three are asleep. weapon-cleaning equipment, and per-
second “dose” had been taken. This cu- NOTES = The door is locked (—/30) sonal grooming equipment; a portable
mulative effect can be avoided if a char- during the day, but there is a 50% chance (cardboard) closet which contains guard
acter leaves the room for at least ten it will be unlocked at night, whether or uniforms, evening suits, and shoes; and
minutes between visits. not the porters are present. a gun rack which is locked (—/15).
Anyone lighting a match or other flam- DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available).
mable object in here stands a 45% chance 29. QUARTERS: This room has a bed, There is a 75% chance Gregory Benson
of igniting the fumes throughout the a dresser containing grease-stained, but will be in this room and, if so, a 25%
room. The effect of this is equivalent to laundered, clothing and personal groom- chance he will be awake, cleaning his
10 sticks of dynamite going off in an en- ing equipment, plus a table and two rifles; otherwise, he will be asleep.
closed area. chairs in one corner and a shelf holding NIGHT = “A” lighting. The room is va-
repair manuals for diesel and gasoline cant at night.
26. DETENTION BLOCK: This room engines. NOTES = The rifles (all unloaded) in
has a pneumatic steel door and contains DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available, and the gunrack are: a .30 M1 semi-automatic
several chairs and two steel-frame beds. in use when occupied). There is a 10% carbine, a .22 Galil semi-automatic rifle,
A mirror mounted on the wall above a chance that Howard Bobbick will be in a .303 Lee-Enfield bolt-action rifle, a .45
sink is actually a one-way plexiglass mir- here looking something up in one of his Thompson submachine gun, a 9mm Uzi
ror and has a camera monitor on the manuals; otherwise, the room is empty. submachine gun, and a 7.62mm AKM
other side. The entire room can be NIGHT = “A” lighting. There is a 35% assault rifle. In the cabinet drawers are
viewed from a screen in the Security Of- chance that Howard Bobbick is poring 100 rounds of ammunition for each wea-

42 JUNE 1982
pon. The door to the room ‘is always mirror, a paper-towel dispenser, and a
double-locked (—/30 and —/45). Anyone shower in one corner. Floor; walls and
with an AOK of 110+ in Military Science ceiling are covered in ceramic tile. There
will be able to recognize all of the wea- is a closet next to the shower which con-
pons in the gunrack; other less know- tains clean towels and a hamper for dirty
ledgeable persons might not be able to. ones.
DAY = “A” lighting (“C” lighting plus
33. QUARTERS: This room’s contents fan when occupied). There is a 5% chance
include a bed,. a locked (—/15) metal someone is using the bathroom. Roll
trunk in one corner, and a small table d10: 1-2, Thomas Haskins; 3-4, Chai
with two chairs in another. The trunk Chang; 5-6, Gregory Benson; 7-8, Shu
holds guard uniforms and street cloth- Shing Lee; 9, Howard Bobbick; 10, Su
ing. Scattered on the table are a variety Wing. If the room is occupied, there is a
of newspapers and magazines contain- 25% chance the occupant will be in the
ing articles about the recent upheavals shower.
in Chinatown. NIGHT = “A” lighting. The bathroom
DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available). will be empty, and no one ever checks it.
There is an 85% chance Shu Shing Lee NOTES = The door is always unlocked
will be in his room and, if so, there is a unless the room is being used for a
25% chance he will be poring over these shower; then it is locked (—/15).
papers and articles; otherwise, he will be
asleep. 36. DINING HALL: This room has five
NIGHT = “A” lighting. The room is va- long eating tables with two long benches
cant at night. on either side; four lounge chairs in a
NOTES = Many of the locations named semicircle around a television set; two
in the articles (the specific nature and pinball machines; and a dumbwaiter
details of this information is left to the which leads up to the Kitchen (see #6).
Admin’s discretion) are fronts for Anfu DAY = “A” lighting (“C” when occu-
activity. Shu Shing Lee is in charge of pied). There is a 10% chance that 1-5
security for Anfu in Chinatown, and he persons will be in here. If the room is
has the responsibility to check on press occupied, roll d10 and divide by two
coverage of Anfu-related crimes, or in- (rounding up) to determine how many
cidents where the organization might be persons are present. Then roll d10 as
under suspicion of ill deeds. His door is many times as needed to determine who
always locked and dead-bolted (—/50) they are (disregarding duplicate results):
from the inside when he is present; oth- 1-2, Su Wing; 3-4, Gregory Benson, 5-6,
erwise, it is just locked (—/30). Shu Shing Lee; 7-8, Howard Bobbick; 9,
Shu Shing Lee is a 25-year-old, 3rd- Thomas Haskins; 10, Chai Chang.
degree black belt in kung fu. He packs a NIGHT = “A” lighting. There is a 5%
.22 pocket Beretta wherever he goes. chance that 1-2 persons will be here (roll
d10: 1-5 = 1, 6-10 = 2). Roll d10 to deter-
34. VENTILATION CONTROL: This mine who is present: 1-2, Thomas Has-
room is three-quarters filled with ma- kins; 3-4, Chai Chang; 5, Fu Hsu; 6, Hsien
chinery and consoles. It contains the air Yang; 7, Ching Chan; 8, Gregory Ben-
cleaning and recycling units necessary son; 9, Shu Shing Lee, 10, Howard
to keep the underground complex habit- Bobbick.
able. It also is the core of a gas-emission NOTES = The doors are always un-
system which dispenses gases (such as locked. The Admin should refer to the
sleeping gas) into rooms from the venti- “Notes” section of #6 for details about
lation ducts. The main electrical fuse the dumbwaiter.
box for the complex is also in this room.
DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available). 37. DRY GOODS STORAGE: This Next issue:
This room is empty during the day. room is filled with shelves, and each
NIGHT = “A” lighting. This room is or-

shelf has a variety of dry goods stacked
dinarily empty at night as well. on it.

NOTES = The steel door to this room is DAY = “A” lighting (“C” available). The
always locked (—/60). Anyone entering room is vacant.
this room will not be able to hear people
approaching outside, due to the high
NIGHT = “A” lighting. The room is not
occupied. MA
noise level inside the room. To shut
down the electrical system requires an
agent with an AOK of 45+ in Electrical
NOTES = The door is locked (—/15) at
all times. T
Engineering — or, a bullet in the fuse box 38. COLD GOODS STORAGE: This
will suffice. Regardless of the method
used, the electrical failure will alert one
room is a walk-in freezer. On the shelves
that line the walls are a variety of per- An AD&D™
of the on-duty personnel from the Secur-
ity Office (see #24). He will have a flash-
ishable foods.
DAY = “A” lighting (“B” available). No adventure by
light in hand, though he probably won’t
have a weapon ready.
one is in this area during the day.
NIGHT = “A” lighting. No one will be Larry DiTillio
encountered here at night.
35. BATHROOM: This room has four NOTES = The freezer door will swing
toilet stalls, three basins beneath a large shut and lock automatically if measures

aren’t taken to keep it open. There is no same path as the sewer and water mains cinity have two minutes to escape or be
opening mechanism on the inside. The are plastic-protected electrical and gas overcome by the gas.
door is made of steel and must be forced mains. All concealed doors in the Sew-
open (Difficulty rating of 70). The tem- ers have a Concealment rating of 25. 40. GARAGE: This garage contains a
perature in the room is a constant 15 DAY = “B” lighting. There is a 5% complete workshop and sets of tools as
degrees Fahrenheit; without proper at- chance of encountering Howard Bob- well as plenty of parking space. In the
tire a person could freeze to death very bick as he follows the mains to either the southernmost area is a hydraulic lift
quickly. There is enough air in the refrig- Garage (#40) or the long hallway leading which leads to the Exercise Room (see
erator to last one person for four hours. If to his room (#29). #15). On the western side of the Garage
more than one person is trapped, divide NIGHT = “B” lighting. No one will be is a dolly and several metal cannisters
the four-hour limit by the number of found in the Sewers at night. (containing the radioactive isotopes).
people to yield the time left before death NOTES = The chance for a person to DAY = “C” lighting. Roll percentile
due to oxygen starvation. For every ten slip on the slime-covered flooring of the dice to determine what is occurring in
minutes a trapped person or persons Sewers is 25% if the person is moving at the Garage: 01-10, Nothing is occurring,
spends in the freezer, there is a 10% “running” speed, 10% for “walking” nor is anyone around; 11-45, A van is
chance that someone will come on the speed, and 1% for “crawling” speed. This being unloaded of its cargo (stolen wea-
scene to rescue (capture) the trapped chance is rolled every 30 seconds for pons, mostly AKM assault rifles) by
individuals. To determine who does the every person to whom it applies. When- Howard Bobbick; 46-75, Two vans are
rescuing, roll d10 once on the occupant ever a slip occurs, the agent slipping being loaded with stolen weaponry by
table given in #36 for the appropriate makes a percentile die roll against his Howard Bobbick; 76-99, Howard Bob-
time of day. Coordination score. If the roll is made, bick is working on repairing a van; 00,
no damage is done. If it is failed, the The hydraulic lift is moving a van up into
39. SEWERS: This area is part of the agent takes “V” damage (as described in the Exercise Room. Howard Bobbick is
city’s sewer system. The walls and floor the TOP SECRET rules, Combat Table watching its ascent.
are covered with slime which makes Explanations and Results). Any person NOTES = All of the vans are standard
footing treacherous. Above and beyond knocked unconscious by a fall is in im- vans (see TOP SECRET rules, Vehicle
the danger of slipping, the mains contain mediate danger of drowning; see TOP Movement Rate Table) and are worth
about two feet of water (which is enough SECRET rules, Execution Table, for de- $5,000 apiece to the organization. Being
to drown a prone, unconscious person). tails on damage sustained if the victim is stored here are the containers with the
At the street intersections outside the not saved in time. missing isotopes inside. Since the agents’
four corners of the temple complex are Projectile combat inside the sewer mission should be only to determine the
steel ladders which ascend to manholes. system is very dangerous. There is a 10% location of the isotopes, agents should
(Only the two manhole ladders at the chance of a stray bullet puncturing a gas attempt to make their escape immediate-
east side of the complex are illustrated main and flooding the area with deadly ly after determining that the cannisters
on the lower level map.) Following the gas, in which case all persons in the vi- contain the isotopes.

The chart below lists the equipment or denoted by a QRC letter, and ( ) if a V = Valuables found on person, in
possessions normally carried by non- silencer is attached. the form of cash and jewelry.
player characters, plus the languages I = Identification is found on per- W = Person has walkie-talkie that
each non-player character can under- son; if marked “+” then the ID is allows communication to all others
stand and speak fluently, and some gen- forged. with similar unit.
eral guidelines on the nature of each K = Keys are found on person, if Languages:
NPC’s personality. marked “*” then keys are to the per- CH = Chinese KO = Korean
Equipment designations are: son’s quarters and work area (if any); EN = English RU = Russian
A = Armament found on character if “+” then keys are for all rooms. GE = German

NAME A I K V W CH EN GE KO RU Personality Guidelines

Gregory Benson (e) * * $11 42 80 - - 79 erratically abrasive, scrupulous
Sin Bo j * * $43 85 40 - 86 - cruelly arrogant, truthful
Howard Bobbick g
* $86 40 94 42 40 40 well-spoken pessimist, liar
Ching Chan * * $40 85 44 40 79 81 perceptive, diplomatic, honorable
Chai Chang (e) *
* $98 83 82 - - 82 trusting, friendly, truthful
Kwan Cheng + 96 94 - 87 - precise, diplomatic, honorable
Rodney Dangrey (j) * * $24 * 63 79 - - - loquacious, rude, vengeful
Terrance Davis (f)
* $73 * 87 93 40 - 52 perceptive, easygoing, friendly
Morris Everhart * $12 * - 83 - - - moody, taciturn, deceitful
( n ) *
Howell Glennon e * * $93 * 54 77 78 77 77 obsequiously friendly, honest
Thomas Haskins (k) * * $67 40 79 - - - barbarically hostile, liar
Sui Ying Ho b + 84 69 - 83 - kindly, modest, honorable
Fu Hsu * $15 86 85 - - - carelessly aloof, honest
Ming Lau * 94 75 61 - 60 altruistic, diplomatic, scrupulous
* $98
Chuck Lee ( e ) * * $56 79 81 - - 80 violently domineering, deceitful
Shu Shing Lee t 83 62 - - - calculatingly cool, unscrupulous
Chou Leung I * * $32 95 40 74 85 40 mischievous, aloof, honest
Walter Moy * $32 58 84 46 - - studious, solitary, truthful
Mar Runck c + * $42 86 40 - 93 94 cruel, taciturn, liar
Donald Sims * $92 66 94 40 - - pessimistically abrasive, deceitful
Su Wing + 98 72 54 43 61 obsessive, courteous, deceitful
Hsien Yang * 40 89 80 - - 42 obsequious, retiring, honest

44 JUNE 1982


The chart below lists the personal characteristics of each EV = Evasion; HH = Hand-to-Hand Value; WR = Wrestling Value;
non-player character who may be encountered by agents in- SV = Surprise Value; LL = Life Level.
side the temple, plus particular information or knowledge each Information or knowledge possessed by a non-player char-
character possesses, denoted by an asterisk or a number in the acter is coded by letters, as follows:
appropriate column. D = Dangerous turkeyfish in the pond (see #21).
All people are males except for Sui Ying Ho. Names printed in E = Existence of a lower level is known (see #23-40).
italic type are non-combatants; they will not fight, but will K = Hydraulic lift is hidden under exercise mats (see #15).
defend themselves if they cannot flee. R = Radioactive isotope containers are in garage (see #40).
Abbreviations for characteristics are as follows: PS = Physi- L = Hydraulic lift is hidden in storage shed (see #22).
cal Strength; CH = Charm; WL = Willpower; CO = Courage; KN = S = Location of sewer entrance areas known (see #39).
Knowledge; CD = Coordination; OF = Offense; DC = Deception; B = Black belt in kung fu; number is level of achievement.

Gregory Benson 90 86 38 65 58 49 57 76 68 158 147 144 13 * * * * * *
Sin Bo 39 55 89 67 67 106 87 61 81 120 126 142 13 1
Howard Bobbick 68 20 28 96 100 66 81 58 43 111 149 101 10 * * * *
Ching Chan 61 26 85 80 00 85 83 53 56 117 144 109 15 * * * * * *
Chai Chang 86 59 41 18 63 104 61 39 82 168 147 121 13 * *
Kwan Cheng 70 101 120 103 127 102 103 102 102 172 173 204 19 * * * * * * 7
Rodney Dangrey 70 13 82 77 41 89 83 45 51 121 153 96 15 * * *
Terrance Davis 95 29 37 62 83 34 48 46 32 127 143 78 13 * * *
* *
Morris Everhart 107 14 108 25 19 64 45 20 39 146 152 59 22 *
Howell Glennon 81 90 35 50 108 82 66 70 86 167 147 156 12 4
Thomas Haskins 83 99 95 43 49 50 47 71 75 158 130 146 18 * * * * *
Sui Ying Ho 10 95 75 43 63 59 51 69 77 87 61 146 09 * * * * *
Fu Hsu 72 09 45 05 34 23 14 07 16 88 86 23 12 * * *
Ming Lau 109 93 96 86 96 109 98 90 101 210 207 191 21 * * * * * * 4
Chuck Lee 105 61 95 48 73 63 56 55 62 167 161 117 20 3
Shu Shing Lee 84 30 54 43 23 83 63 37 57 141 147 94 14 * * * * *
Chou Leung 113 84 59 83 114 84 84 84 84 197 197 168 17 * * * 1
Walter Moy 81 90 74 80 78 110 95 85 100 181 176 185 16 * * * 1
Mar Runck 110 36 91 103 71 108 106 70 72 182 216 142 20 * * * * * 3
Donald Sims 95 21 50 93 55 95 94 57 58 153 189 115 15 * * * *
Su Wing 129 90 127 111 124 100 106 101 95 224 235 196 26 * * * * * * 9
Hsien Yang 59 56 30 74 54 69 72 65 63 122 131 128 09 * * *

The temple, ground level
Scale: 1 inch = 50 feet, 1 square = 10 feet

46 JUNE 1982
Lower level This adventure contains a few rule
elaborations or alterations the Admini-
strator should be aware of. Some of
these changes are optional; using them
Scale: 1 inch = 40 feet, 1 square = 10 feet will slow the game down, but not using
them will make the action less realistic.
1. MARTIAL ARTS: In martial arts
terminology there are several levels of
achievement, called “belts.” The ranks
below expert level are each denoted by a
belt of a different color, beginning with
white and ending with black. Expert lev-
els are all designated by black belts and
a measure of degree, 1st through 10th.
The TOP SECRET rule system assumes
that agents who have received training in
martial arts are at about the fourth level,
or “red belt.” In this text, the term “ex-
pert” refers only to those with black
The 10th-degree black belt is next to
impossible to attain (an agent will never
attain this level of mastery); beyond the
5th-degree black belt, there is essential-
ly little difference between one expert
level and another.
The following guidelines form a sim-
plified system for playing out the com-
plex art of martial arts fighting.
(A) All Martial Arts Combat Tables in
the TOP SECRET rules are in effect ex-
cept where altered below.
(B) Experts in martial arts, when at-
tacking or being attacked by opponents
not trained in the martial arts, receive the
following bonuses:
They receive their black belt degree
number as a damage modifier, either
as an addition to damage caused or a
subtraction from damage received.
An expert who is a 5th-degree black
belt or higher is entitled to up to 3
Defenses and up to 4 Attacks, with 4
Actions total allowed each turn.
Aside from all else that takes place
in a turn of HTH combat, the expert
martial artist has a 3% chance, per
degree of black belt ability, of render-
ing an opponent unconscious by the
pinching of a nerve or pressure point.
(For length of unconsciousness, see
TOP SECRET rules, Unconsciousness
(C) Experts in martial arts, when at-
tacking or defending against opponents
also trained in the martial arts, receive
the following bonuses:
They receive their black belt degree
number as a damage modifier, an ad-
dition to or subtraction from damage
as appropriate. If the opponent is also
an expert, then each fighter’s damage
modifiers apply. It is possible to take
damage when attacking.
When combating an opponent who
is a 4th-degree black belt or lower, an
expert who is a 5th-degree black belt
or higher is entitled to take up to 3
Defenses and up to 4 Attacks, with 4 locks, stated in seconds. gineering to repair sabotaged equipment.
Actions total allowed each turn. If 3. CONCEALMENT: All concealed ob- 5. INTERCOM/PHONE SYSTEM: The
both combatants are 5th-degree or jects have a “concealment rating” from intercom/telephone system is a self-con-
higher, this benefit does not apply to 01 to 50. This number represents the tained unit. In each room a normal look-
either one. percentage of a searcher’s Knowledge ing push-button telephone is located on
The ability to render a foe uncons- score that must be rolled (less than or the wall near the door. It acts as a normal
cious by pinching a nerve or pressure equal to) on percentile dice to discover telephone, but is also a means of com-
point is negated when an expert fights the object. munication to all rooms in the temple
someone (such as a player-agent) There is always a 5% chance (01-05 on area, except those rooms and areas usu-
who has even the slightest amount of percentile dice) of discovering a con- ally unoccupied. The intercom system
training in martial arts. cealed object when not searching. If a try works in this fashion:
(D) An expert in martial arts, when based on Knowledge is not successful, On the phone’s key pad, push the “#”
facing an opponent armed with a fire- allow a second roll to see if the 5% button followed by the buttons repre-
arm, is at a slight advantage compared to chance pays off. Likewise, there is al- senting the letters “C-O-M-I-N-F-O” (The
a non-expert. The expert has a base 5% ways a 5% chance (96-00 on percentile number is 266-4636.). The telephone will
chance of avoiding a projectile fired at dice) of failing to see the concealed ob- ring twice and be answered by the secur-
him or her. This is modified by 3% per ject, even after a successful search roll ity computer with the following message
degree of black belt attained above the based on Knowledge. If that roll indi- in English: “What person do you wish to
first. For this roll to succeed, the expert cates the finding of a concealed object, converse with?” It waits for the caller to
cannot attempt any action during the roll again; a result from 96-00 indicates say the name (which must be in the same
turn in question except for dodging the that the searcher did not find the object form as the names are given in the NPC
projectile(s) fired by one opponent. If after all. descriptions). If the person exists in its
the dodging roll succeeds, treat the shot In all attempts to find concealed ob- files, it will respond. The truck driver,
as a miss. If the roll fails but falls within jects, only persons who state they are Donald Sims, and the three riksha por-
25% of the number needed, damage sus- actively searching should be allowed ters, Fu Hsu, Ching Chan, and Hsien
tained from the projectile is reduced as any rolls for success or failure of that Yang, are not in the computer’s directory
under (B) above, depending on the de- search. and will not yield a positive response.
gree of black belt ability the expert pos- 4. HYDRAULIC LIFTS: The temple If the name is valid, the computer will
sesses. However, at least one point of has two hydraulic lifts that function as respond with, “I will connect you.” The
damage is always taken. If the roll fails elevators. The mechanisms which oper- phone will ring at the desired person’s
by more than 25%, the shot hits and no ate the lifts are separate from each other, usual location (or another site, if the
damage may be negated due to black- each located at the base of the respec- computer has been instructed to reroute
belt expertise. tive hydraulic lift. someone’s incoming calls), and the con-
2. ALARMS AND LOCKS: All doors Lifts will, when in the “extended” or versation can proceed.
are equipped with locks which are in “up” position, have a dead-bolt safety If the person named does not exist in
plain sight (concealed doors are excep- lock engaged. This will remain engaged, its directory, the computer will send an
tions); thus, describing locks as “(con- preventing the lift from descending due alarm to the Security Office (see #24)
cealment rating/lock rating)” is not ne- to an excessive load, until the release and respond to the caller, “I am sorry,
cessary. Likewise, alarms are easily cir- catch is thrown (a lever is located on the but no one by that name exists in my
cumvented once they are found; thus, upper portion of the lift) or the dead-bolt directory. Are you sure that is the proper
they only need a “concealment rating.” mechanism is moved manually from name?” The computer will continue to
Thus, most lock-and-alarms systems in below, which can be a risky activity. repeat this question, or a very similar
the temple are described together, as It takes two minutes for either lift to one, and will pause for several seconds
“(alarm concealment rating/lock rating).” ascend from the lower level into an “up” between messages, buying time for
The key to a door, if it is used, will deacti- position where the dead-bolt safety is guards to arrive at the caller’s location.
vate any locks and alarms (except for engaged, but the trip down only takes 30 It will take no more than 2 minutes for a
special alarms which are so designated seconds after the dead-bolt is retracted. guard to respond to a false phone call.
in the text) on the door it is used on. Anyone with an AOK of 75+ in Hydraul- The person dispatched to the site of the
The time spent deactivating locks or ic Engineering will be able to dismantle call will be one of the two console opera-
alarms is equal to the “concealment rat- the lift and render it inoperative. It re- tors on duty in the Security Office at the
ing” for alarms and the “lock rating” for quires an AOK of 100+ in Hydraulic En- time (50% chance for each).

If agents escape with the information given in the rules, use these tables: 90: Automatic death of agent, no
they want, they only need to leave the escape possible.
area of the temple map (over the wall, CHANCE OF REVENGE
through the gate, or through a manhole) 40 or less: No revenge extracted; CHANCE OF INTERCEPTION
in order to reach safety. However, if recheck after one month. 40 or less: No interception occurs.
anyone is left alive inside the temple, the 41-75: Agent’s possessions (those 41-75: Agent-is captured; roll on
Anfu will seek revenge in the agent’s fu- not on person) are stolen. “Capture By the Enemy” table in TOP
ture, through “Complications.” If this 76-80: One member of agent’s im- SECRET rules.
adventure is used as a segment of a mediate family is executed. 76-89: Agent is shot; roll for dam-
campaign game, the following guidelines 81-85: Agent captured by Anfu, age. (No further pursuit.)
should be used: which will attempt to execute the 90: Agent is killed by pursuers, no
captive. escape possible.
A. The TOP SECRET rules concerning 86-89: Agent is victim of attempted
“Complications” will be in use unless assassination, survives it if 50% of If no complications occur, the agent in
modified by the following. Willpower is equalled or not exceeded question gets away without a hitch and is
B. In place of the complication tables on percentile dice. free to continue functioning normally.

48 JUNE 1982
TO: Investigation agents You are one of the teams being sent to scout the amusement
FROM: Agency headquarters parks that have received extortion notices. The location of your
RE: Hydra assignment is a park called Wacko World, near the city of
Orlando. As with all of the parks involved, it is possible that
For some time, this agency has been aware that a new criminal Wacko World is actually a front for Hydra’s operations, but we
organization has been formed in Florida. This group, which have no conclusive evidence to support that suspicion.
calls itself Hydra (no relation to the CIA computer system of the
same name), does not appear to have any political aspirations at Your mission is to uncover such evidence, if it exists, or to
the present time, and is primarily geared toward the extortion, determine beyond a reasonable doubt that Wacko World is not
sabotage, and protection rackets. directly involved with the extortionists. You will enter the park,
posing as ordinary tourists, and perform whatever observation
Recently, several owners of amusement parks in the state have and surveillance you can undertake without revealing your
contacted state and federal law enforcement agencies, asking for actual identities. Do not instigate any direct confrontation with
assistance. All had received threats from Hydra, stating that if the Hydra personnel, unless that cannot be avoided. This must be a
owners did not pay large amounts of cash to Hydra, their park “clean” mission in every way, to be accomplished without injur-
facilities would be bombed at a time that would cause considera- ing anyone and without damaging or destroying any property.
ble loss of life as well as destruction of property. Because of the You have one day to collect whatever information you can before
apparent far-reaching scope of this extortion setup, this agency reporting back to headquarters. You will be issued special sur-
has been asked to assist in preliminary investigations of all the veillance equipment and simple firearms, to be used only if your
parks that are involved. lives are in immediate danger. Good luck.

First place winner Designed by

Module Design Contest Al Taylor
Category T-3
A TOP SECRET® mission for 4-8 players
This information for the Administrator’s eyes only!
INTRODUCTION at the park. They may be disconnected and taken away at the end
WACKO WORLD is an adventure designed for a group of 4-8 of the mission, but this is not necessary.
TOP SECRET® agents, most or all of whom are working in the Agents will have access to other types of equipment, which can
Investigation Bureau. The Administrator should read through be supplied to them as desired by the Admin, or at the request of
the scenario carefully before beginning play, and should be thor- an agent. These items include the usual lock-picking kits, minia-
oughly familiar with the physical layout of the park and the ture tape recorders and microphones, cameras (which do not
characteristics of the non-player characters who populate the have to be concealed in a place like Wacko World, where many
scene of the action. people carry them), and related investigative materials.
Two new traits for agents, Observation and Perception, are Each member of the mission team will be issued a small pistol
used in the administration of this mission. These skills were with appropriate ammunition, and under no circumstances will
originally described in Module TS004: Fastpass, and are outlined they be allowed to take explosives, grenades, or automatic weap-
below. Agents will need to make use of these skills in the adven- ons into the park. Bulletproof vests are also not recommended,
ture, and should be briefed on what the skills are and how they since they can be easily detected under clothing, especially the
are employed. light attire that tourists would be wearing in the Florida climate.
Personal communication devices (walkie-talkies, etc.) may be
Observation = (Willpower + Knowledge)/2 taken along at the agents’ discretion. The Admin should
This trait reflects an agent’s ability to notice and remember remember, and should remind agents if necessary, that this is
events and details. An agent with a high Observation score has “only” an investigative mission, not a shoot-‘em-up confronta-
sharp senses and an acute memory, pays close attention to the tion. Agents should be discreet, low-key, and unencumbered with
details of his surroundings, and has an “internal clock” that heavy gear or bulky clothing.
allows him to keep track of the passage of time. The group will be given the use of an agency car containing
An agent with an Observation score of more than 100 has a the tape recording equipment described above. (If more than 5
photographic memory and a sense of direction that functions agents embark on this mission, a second vehicle will be provided
even indoors or in darkness. Such agents seldom get lost, and can to avoid crowding everyone into a single car, but this second ve-
easily retrace their paths through complicated routes and pas- hicle will not be specially equipped.)
sageways. All of an agent’s physical senses are used in Observa- The success or failure of this mission will depend in large part
tion, and the hampering of any of those senses may lower the on how well the agents employ their skills of Observation and
agent’s effective Observation score until the deficiency is cor- Perception. The Admin should take special care to explain those
rected. An agent’s Observation score cannot be increased by the skills to agents before they begin, so that they fully understand
use of a telescope, magnification device, or amplifier. them and are willing to use them.
A player must inform the Admin each time an attempt is made
to use the agent’s Observation trait. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTES
Of course, things at Wacko World are much more complicated
Perception = (Courage + Observation)/2 than they might seem at first. In fact, the park is used as the
This trait is used to detect booby traps, hazards, camouflaged main base of operations for Hydra, and some (but not all) of the
or concealed items, forgeries, counterfeits, and coded messages. It park employees are members of that organization. The park
is also used to spot pursuing agents, disguised persons, the carry- manager, Alex Katakis, is the leader of Hydra; Donald Duck-
ing of concealed weapons, lying, and cheating at games of worth (also a Hydra employee), who holds the title of assistant
chance. An agent with a high Perception score has a special manager, actually takes care of the day-to-day operation of the
sense for knowing when something is not right, or when a situa- park. Wacko World is a publicly held corporation with a board
tion is dangerous. of directors and stockholders, and Hydra isn’t actually involved
If an agent is attempting to conceal or smuggle a weapon or in the ownership of the park; however, the organization has
other item on his person, the smuggler’s Deception score is infiltrated the park’s operation, using it as a cover and as a
adjusted for the Deception modifier of the item before being source of revenue (skimming off some profits here and there).
compared to the Perception score of the observer. For example: If Early in the morning on the day of their mission — before
an agent with a Deception score of 45 attempts to conceal a .45 they arrive at the park, but after they’ve received all their equip-
caliber U.S. Government revolver (Deception modifier 8) from a ment — agents will learn (from a news broadcast or some such
guard with a Perception score of 69, the percentage chance of source) that Wacko World will be visited by a foreign dignitary
discovery is 69 - (45 - 8) = 32%. on that day. The celebrity is Lady Elenore Mayhall of England,
A player must inform the Admin each time an attempt is made who is in the United States on a special diplomatic mission (see
to use the agent’s Perception trait. below). Her intention to visit the park was not announced in the
media until after the agents received their briefing on their mis-
MISSION PREPARATION sion. Lady Mayhall will be highly visible during the time she is
Each agent on this mission will be provided with a special at the park, because she has an entourage of aides and media
phone tap that transmits all conversations it picks up on a representatives around her, and because she presents a striking
scrambled frequency to a tape recording system built into the car image all by herself. She is an exceptionally attractive woman
the agents will drive to the park. The tape recording system is who dresses impeccably and stands out in a crowd — especially a
activated by remote control and need not be manually operated crowd of informally attired tourists. While at the park, she will
by someone in the car, although a manual override is available be continually accompanied by two women and a man (her per-
and can be used if desired or necessary. The tap will also broad- sonal aides), and will be trailed by a cameraman and a reporter
cast a signal to a special set of earphones which can be made to from a local television station.
look like a headphone radio, hearing aid, or other everyday Also present at the park on this day, unannounced and unob-
device. Each agent’s tap broadcasts on a different frequency from served by media, is Lt. Mohammed Abdul Ahmed, the young son
all the other taps; the broadcasting range is one-half mile. These of a Saudi Arabian oil magnate. Lt. Ahmed is on leave from
taps should be planted as promptly as possible once agents arrive Patrick Air Force Base in Florida, where he is taking jet pilot
34 NOVEMBER 1983
training through the U.S. Air Force as a foreign national. He is can easily guess at her reason for being in the park, and the
in uniform, and is visiting the park simply to enjoy himself. An group does not want face the federal investigation that would
agent will recognize him on a successful Perception roll. (The certainly follow if she gets a chance to blow up someone or
lieutenant is included in this adventure only as a distraction for something. Mary Nolan, being naturally paranoid and irra-
agents; he is in no way involved with Hydra, and knows nothing tional, will do everything possible to avoid capture and accom-
of the existence of such a group.) plish her mission — up to and including suicide, as long as she
Also at the park on the day of the agents’ mission, unbe- can take Lady Mayhall with her when she goes.
knownst to Hydra, the agents, or anyone else, is a plain-looking
young woman named Mary Nolan. She is in her mid-30’s, short DISGUISES
and slight, with close-cropped brown hair. She is wearing jeans At Wacko World, there is a small stand called the Makeup and
and a simple tank top, and when she enters the park she will be Magic Shop which, for a fee, will make facial disguises to order
carrying a large shoulder bag. for customers. Although most of the disguises available are
Mary Nolan is an international terrorist. Her purpose for amusing and designed to attract attention (clown faces, for
being at Wacko World is to kill Lady Mayhall in a spectacular instance), customers can also request to be disguised in a more
manner that will draw attention to the cause of her group. Lady inconspicuous fashion, so that they don’t look unusual but do
Mayhall came to the United States to campaign against certain look different from their normal appearance. This is the sort of
“charity” organizations that use the funds they gather to pur- disguise that Mary Nolan will request and receive when she
chase weapons and equipments for terrorist groups operating enters the Makeup and Magic Shop during her stay at the park.
out of West Germany. Mary Nolan belongs to the British branch For agents involved in this mission, the chance of discovering
of one of these groups. She has been trailing Lady Mayhall and and penetrating another person’s disguise is determined by this
her party for the last few days, waiting for an opportune moment procedure: Subtract the disguised character’s Deception value
to make her presence felt — and today is the day. from the observer’s Perception value. The result is the percentage
Mary Nolan is well known to most intelligence agencies as chance that the observer will “see through” the disguise. A result
“The Bombing Lady,” and is universally regarded as fanatical indicating success means that the observer will know that a dis-
and dangerous. Any agent with a Perception score of 60 or guise is being used, will be able to tell what the person’s normal
higher who takes notice of her will see that she seems somewhat appearance is like, and will be able to know the identity of that
paranoid in appearance and behavior, and is very protective of person if that appearance is familiar to the observer.
her shoulder bag, careful to not let anyone brush against it. Any
agent who makes a successful Perception roll after noticing her TIMETABLE
will immediately recognize her, if she has not yet disguised her- This section lists the major events that occur at Wacko World
self. To determine what happens if she is disguised, see the fol- on the day the agents come to the park. The Administrator
lowing section on “Disguises.” should keep a careful account of the passage of time while agents
Within two hours after the agents arrive at the park (see the are in the park, and should combine this information with
“Timetable” section), operatives of Hydra will discover Mary movement rates and other factors to constantly keep track of the
Nolan’s presence and will attempt to capture or kill her. Hydra locations of agents and other important characters.

If an agent is in the vicinity of a certain event when it is sched- appearance) is provided. Orders are to apprehend her
uled to occur, he will notice the occurrence if he attempts and and take her to the security post at King George’s
makes a successful Perception roll. Exceptions to this would Castle. Situation described as “urgent.”
include detecting certain telephone calls, which only a properly 11:05 Lady May hall & co. leave Haunted House, head south.
placed phone tap will reveal. 11:10 Lady Mayhall & co. enter King George’s Castle; Lt.
Ahmed walks off to Star Mountain and stands in line.
8:00 Wacko World opens gates to public. 11:15 Mary Nolan, wearing heavy makeup and a cheap wig
8:45 Player character agents arrive at park in car(s). (from the Makeup and Magic Shop) and a different
9:35 Lady Mayhall and company arrive at park in motorcade. blouse (from her shoulder bag), leaves the Makeup
9:45 Lady Mayhall & co. go to Huck & Tom’s World. Shop and heads north.
10:05 Mary Nolan and Lt. Ahmed arrive on bus at front gate 11:25 Mary Nolan reaches southern end of circular walkway
of park. around King George’s Castle and sits on bench to wait.
10:10 Lt. Ahmed goes to Rocky Mountain Railroad; Mary Lt. Ahmed enters Star Mountain ride, where he will be
Nolan goes on a slow stroll northward along central for the next five minutes.
boulevard, looking for Lady Mayhall’s group. 11:40 Lady Mayhall & co. leave King George’s Castle and are
10:40 Lady Mayhall & co., on impulse, go to Skylift at southern spotted by Mary Nolan, who gets up and follows the
end of park and ride to northern end. group at a distance of 50-75 feet, pretending to be look-
10:42 Mary Nolan reaches entrance to Future Train ride and ing at scenery.
sits down on bench, watching crowd. Lt. Ahmed leaves 11:53 Lady Mayhall & co. arrive at Rocky Mountain Railroad
Rocky Mountain Railroad and goes to Florida Fried and get in line waiting to board; Mary Nolan stands
Frog, where he encounters and speaks to a friend. a few feet behind group, clutching her shoulder bag.
10:44 Lady Mayhall & co. disembark from Skylift at northern 12:02 Having seen all he wants to see, Lt. Ahmed walks south
end of park, then look over their map of the park and leaves the park for the day.
briefly before going to the Haunted House. 12:14 Unless agents have acted prior to this time to prevent it,
10:45 Hydra employee from Shooting Range, on break, recog- Mary Nolan will enter one of the railroad cars just after
nizes Mary Nolan (still at Future Train area) and walks Lady Mayhall’s group boards another car in the same
back to his booth to telephone his superior. Mary train. She will drop her shoulder bag and push it under
Nolan, correctly sensing that someone has been staring the seat, then pretend to be ill and attempt to leave the
at her, quietly gets up and moves off southward. train quickly. Since their attention will be focused on
10:50 Mary Nolan enters Makeup and Magic Shop, gets counter Lady Mayhall’s group, non-agents (including Hydra
assistant to change her looks. Lady Mayhall & co. enter operatives) will not see this as anything unusual.
Haunted House. Agents with a Perception value of 60 or more who are
10:57 Special telephone alert goes out to Hydra operatives in the vicinity at this time will sense that “something is
around park to hunt for Mary Nolan; her location wrong” when Mary Nolan flees; any agents with a Per-
is unknown but a description (of her undisguised ception score of 80 or more who are within 30 feet of

36 NOVEMBER 1983
the railroad car she boarded will immediately focus most of the straightforward operational decisions. He was
their attention on Mary Nolan and the direction she is coerced into joining the organization because of his professional
running from. Unless some action is taken to prevent experience in park management, and has remained silent and
it, a large bomb in her shoulder bag will detonate subservient to Hydra out of fear for the safety of himself and his
shortly after this point in time; see the following sec- loved ones if he betrays or attempts to subvert the intentions of
tion on Mary Nolan in “Major Characters” for more the criminal organization. If he becomes aware that agents are on
details. For information on what happens if the bomb the premises, and if he is confident that he can reveal himself to
goes off, see the “Aftermath” section. those agents without recriminations, he will agree to do what-
ever is in his power to get the agents the information they seek.
MAJOR CHARACTERS (For more information on Donald Duckworth, see the descrip-
Alex Katakis, who serves as the park manager of Wacko tion of area 23.)
World, is the leader of Hydra. He chose the name “Hydra” Lady Elenore Mayhall is a pleasant, calm individual who
because the leaders of his organization have trained their under- doesn’t panic easily. She has set out on a deliberate crusade
lings to take over for them in case they are incapacitated. In against terrorist activities, particularly those involving British
effect, when one “head” of the organism is cut off, another will nationals or those that have intentions of affecting British terri-
grow up in its place. (For more information on Alex Katakis, see tory or property. Although she has the full support of her
the description of area 22.) government and the majority of American and European citi-
Hydra was formed in 1981 by several dissatisfied members of zens, many observers feel that her outspoken nature and her
an organized crime syndicate in Miami. They envisioned an forceful attitudes will eventually get her into trouble. In fact, she
opportunity to make big money by “going legit” through the has received numerous death threats, but she has ignored them.
operation of an amusement park, Wacko World, which was hav- Mary Nolan is a member of the Red Dawn, a terrorist splinter
ing serious financial problems at the time. The syndicate group based in Liverpool, England. The group has accom-
members managed to bail the park out of its money troubles, plished little in its brief lifetime, but has now decided to try to
have a number of their own people installed as park directors thrust itself into the world spotlight by assassinating a public
and employees, and in time severed all connections with their figure. Mary Nolan volunteered for the mission, and flew to the
parent syndicate. United States three days ago to pick up the trail of Lady May-
For a criminal organization, Hydra is not very large. Though hall. During those three days, she has tried twice to get close
it uses terrorist-like methods, it is not political and is motivated enough to Lady Mayhall to plant and detonate the one-pound
entirely by the promise of financial gain. Hydra does not have plastique bomb in her shoulder bag, but has been frustrated for
access to “fancy” technology beyond what is currently and com- one reason or another.
monly available, but it will try to use its limited resources to the The bomb has a 30-second timer attached to it, and contains
fullest. an amount of explosive sufficient to destroy all non-concrete or
Donald Duckworth, the assistant manager of Wacko World, is non-armored materials within a 20-foot radius, while causing
the highest-ranking Hydra official who actually knows some- great damage to objects out to a 60-foot radius or more. Any per-
thing about how to run an amusement park. As such, he makes son within 10 feet of the blast center will be killed immediately

unless that person makes a saving roll of 00 on percentile dice, park shortly. They are to collect their papers, weapons, and port-
indicating that the person somehow survived but now has an able equipment and make their way to the administration build-
effective Life Level of 1. Those within 11-20 feet of the blast will ings at once. Contact with police and other (non-Hydra) park
take 10 + 1-10 points of damage, and those within the 21-30 foot personnel is to be avoided. Any agent who is within 30 feet of a
range will take 1-10 points of damage each. Persons within the Hydra operative and makes a successful Perception roll will
31-60 foot range will each take 1 point of damage from flying notice that some park employees, rather than trying to help at
splinters. the disaster, are collecting belongings and heading in the oppo-
The only weaponry Mary Nolan carries besides the bomb is a site direction. If an agent uses his Perception skill directly on a
.22 caliber self-load Beretta concealed in her boot. She will use Hydra operative, he will notice that the person in question is
this firearm in a life-or-death situation, or if it will help her very nervous and appears to be watching for someone in pursuit.
escape or avoid pursuit. If she is approached by a Hydra opera- Once all Hydra personnel have assembled at the administra-
tive or an agent, she will attempt to flee into a crowd of people, tion area, they will be told to flee to a meeting point in Atlanta,
putting innocent bystanders into the line of fire. If cornered, she Georgia. Each operative will take a different route to get there,
will draw her pistol and open fire, possibly using bystanders as according to a prearranged escape plan. This will put Hydra out
hostages or shields. She cares little for anyone’s life other than of operation for at least two weeks, but the organization (being
her own, but will also be willing to give her own life for “the as small and flexible as it is) will be able to re-start its criminal
cause,” especially if the alternative is capture. Her first priority operations fairly easily, provided that none of the leaders are cap-
will be to escape, by any route and using any means at her dispo- tured or killed.
sal. If she hasn’t had a chance to plant her bomb before being Local police will begin arriving at the park 10 minutes after
discovered, she would not mind using the bomb to help cover the explosion, when one car bearing two officers will be admit-
her escape and possibly kill. her pursuers, although she would ted through the wide gate at the front entrance. Three other local
have to start the timer and then delay dropping the bomb until police cars (two officers apiece) and two ambulances will arrive
the last possible instant, while still giving herself time to run within five minutes thereafter. Two State Police cars and five
clear of the blast area. more ambulances will arrive 20 minutes after the bomb goes off.
The first goal of the police and ambulance workers will be to
AFTERMATH treat the wounded; at least 20 people, and perhaps as many as 40,
If Mary Nolan fails to get her bomb planted, the Administrator will be suffering lacerations and abrasions caused by flying
can use the details given above to guide him in completing the debris. The police will do nothing to prevent people from leav-
scenario. But, if she succeeds . . . ing the park; the officers aren’t numerous enough to practice
The bomb explosion will immediately panic the crowd at the effective crowd control anyway. But they will make informal
park, and most of the people within 150 feet of the blast will attempt to question people to find out what happened, and they
head for an exit as fast as they can. Mary Nolan will do all she will listen to anyone who is willing to talk (such as an agent, or
can to escape in the confusion, pushing people aside if necessary a cooperative employee). If a gun battle or chase is in progress
in her haste to get to and through the front gate. (She will not be when police arrive, they will attempt to capture or incapacitate
distinguishable by virtue of this, however, since at least dozens of everyone involved and take them into custody for questioning.
other people will be pushing and shoving just as vigorously.) About 30 minutes after the explosion, television and news-
Any agent with a Perception score of 80 or more who is within paper reporters will arrive on the scene to add more confusion to
20 feet of her at any time during her attempted escape will sense the surroundings. Reporters may hamper the efforts of agents or
something unusual about her hasty departure from the park, and police who attempt to gather information by following anyone
may try to follow and/or apprehend her. whom they think looks suspicious or is acting strangely.
The explosion will destroy the Rocky Mountain Railroad
shortly after it leaves its starting point, killing everyone aboard WACKO WORLD: GENERAL NOTES
the train (a total of 42 people) except Lady Mayhall, who will be The park is surrounded by an 8-foot-tall chain-link fence with
seriously injured and will require immediate treatment and hos- a small barbed-wire overhang at the top. The fence is normal in
pitalization. This incident will only serve to further fire her all respects (not electrified, equipped with sensors, etc.). If an
desire to eradicate terrorism, perhaps leading to future adven- agent tries to climb over the fence, the Admin should make
tures involving her and the player-character agents. Observation rolls for any Hydra operatives in the vicinity who
Some park employees — but only if they are not Hydra opera- might have a chance of spotting the intruder. If a fence-climber
tives — will rush to the scene of the explosion just after it occurs is seen, security guards will ask him to halt, and if that doesn’t
(just as many tourists will do, causing extreme crowding in the bring the proper response, they will fire over his head as a warn-
immediate area of the train ride). Within 10 minutes after the ing. Signs posted at 20-foot intervals along the outside fence
blast, a telephone alert will go out to all employees who are announce that the park is patrolled at all times, and no admis-
associated with Hydra, warning them to prepare to leave the sion to the public is allowed except through the front gate.

38 NOVEMBER 1983
40 NOVEMBER 1983
All employees of the park who are not Hydra operatives are observing such an agent will notice the telltale bulges and out-
aware that some of the “regular” park employees carry guns and lines of the vest and holster, and will recognize them for what
wear bulletproof vests. They have been told, however, that these they are. If enough of these people are observed, it should strike
workers are special plainclothes security men, and they are the the agents as odd that so many employees are heavily armed and
only ones allowed to use the red telephones in the park (see the armored, seemingly far beyond any reasonable need for security.
section on “Telephones and Taps”). The average statistics for non-Hydra park employees are found
Furthermore, normal employees have been ordered not to on the Master Characteristics Chart accompanying this text. All
reveal to outsiders which of the park workers are undercover employees who are Hydra operatives are individually listed and
security men. However, if an agent presents some identification, described on the same chart.
a non-Hydra employee may be willing to identify some or all of
the gun-toters for him. (Every park employee, Hydra and non- TELEPHONES AND TAPS
Hydra alike, wears a name badge with his or her correct name on Three kinds of telephones are inside Wacko World: normal
it.) To determine the outcome of such an attempt to get informa- pay phones, black “internal” phones, and red “security” phones.
tion, compare the agent’s and the employee’s Charm traits and The pay phones (25 cents for a local call) are the only ones the
index the result on the Contact Reaction Table in the TOP public is normally permitted to use; park employees will not use
SECRET rule book. If the agent fails to “fascinate” the employee them except in emergencies. The black “internal” phones are
he contacts, that employee will instead notify the “security” men mainly for use by employees to contact another extension within
that someone tried to get this information. Following that turn the park, although they can be used for outside calls as well.
of events, a telephone alert to Hydra personnel will go into Hydra operatives rarely use the black phones.
effect, and a Hydra operative will be assigned to follow the The red phones are for the exclusive use of Hydra operatives.
agent. Hydra wants to avoid a gun battle or other physical con- They are “internal” phones much like the black ones, except
frontation inside the park, and most Hydra operatives will go to that they can be made to all ring at once during an alert, or at a
considerable lengths to avoid this — up to and including “allow- time when the park manager wants to contact all Hydra person-
ing” an agent to leave the park property before directly nel simultaneously. If the number “00” (two zeroes) is dialed on
approaching that agent. any red phone, all other red phones will ring at the same time.
Hydra employees often use the red phones for personal conversa-
PARK EMPLOYEES tions, both within the park and to outside locations.
All regular park employees wear tan pants, a tan zippered Each of the park telephones has its three-digit extension
jacket (very light fabric) with name badge and park emblem, and number printed clearly on the face. An adhesive sticker on each
black shoes. Those who are obviously security men wear green phone lists all other extensions in the park (both black and red
pants and jackets, with walkie-talkies and gun holsters at their phones). Black phones may be used to call a “red number,” but
belts and bulletproof vests under their jackets. only at the cost of a reprimand (or worse) for the employee who
The “special security” employees described above wear tan performs such an action.
outfits, but with bulletproof vests and shoulder holsters under There is a 50% chance that any park employee will allow a
their jackets. An agent who makes a Perception roll while tourist to use a black telephone in a non-emergency situation (in

the interest of good will) and upon request of the tourist. No CROWD DENSITY
employee, Hydra operative or otherwise, will permit the use of a If a gunfight breaks out between Hydra and the agents (with
red phone by a tourist, and all non-Hydra employees know better or without Mary Nolan), it will be vital to find out how many
than to try to use the red phones themselves. tourists are in the way of the bullets. There are essentially three
If agents attempt to put taps on park telephones (which they levels of crowd density in Wacko World, according to the follow-
are expected to do, to perform their mission), the process of bug- ing table:
ging one phone takes only 10 seconds. If a black phone is Density Locations Effects on gun combat
tapped, there is a 20% chance for each 10-minute period thereaf- Heavy Near any ticket booth -10% to hit; any missed
ter that it will be used and the conversation on that phone can be or entryway to a park roll of 10 points over
overheard and recorded. Nothing useful will be gained by bug- attraction; around score needed to hit
ging a black phone, although some interesting local gossip may any restaurant or means bystander was
be heard. auditorium; anywhere wounded or killed
If any red phone is bugged, there is a 10% chance during each children and adults
10-minute period thereafter that the phone in question will be would congregate
used. If a conversation takes place, the Admin may choose one of Moderate Walkways, through the -5% to hit; any roll of
the three possible types of conversations listed below, select park; areas behind 91-95 means bystander
another topic altogether, or roll on the following table: buildings was wounded or killed
1-3 Hydra agent calling a non-Hydra park employee on Light The administrative Treat as normal gun
unimportant business (what time is it, wanna go out section of the park; the combat
with me, how about a card game tonight, etc.). parking lots; anywhere
4-8 Hydra agent calling another Hydra agent inside park on that few or no people
unimportant matters; 50% chance that some passing would be around (off
reference to Hydra will be made. paths or away from
9-10 Hydra agent calling another Hydra agent on a matter park buildings)
directly related to the organization (when’s the next
weapon-cleaning session, any word from Mr. Katakis on AREA DESCRIPTIONS
plans for the future, any money coming in from 1) Main Gate: This is where the public enters and exits Wacko
blackmailed parks, etc.). World. Tickets are purchased here ($8 for adults, $5 for children
Whenever something unusual or threatening (fistfight, purse- under 16). This is also the only checkpoint in the park; visitors
snatching, etc.) occurs inside the park, a Hydra agent will use the are asked here to surrender all food, drinks, pets, alcohol, and
nearest red phone to call the park manager’s office and the secu- drugs before entering. The possession of weapons in the park is,
rity posts at King George’s Castle and the front gate; dialing of course, illegal for anyone except security guards. Normally, no
“123” will connect the caller to all of those sites at the same time. one is searched, and attendants at the gate give only a cursory
There won’t be any unusual occurrences at the park on the day once-over look at those entering (5% chance of spotting an
of the agents’ visit, unless the agents themselves are the cause. agent’s shoulder holster or some other abnormality). Anyone

44 NOVEMBER 1983
identifying himself as an agent will be referred to the security end of the park to the other. The lift sends one car out every 60
station adjacent to the main gate area. The four attendants at the seconds, operating automatically, and it takes 4 minutes for a car
front gate know nothing about Hydra, and the ticket booths do to reach the other end of the park. The cars are lifted to a maxi-
not contain telephones. (In the event of a disturbance, the secu- mum elevation of 50 feet and maintain this height above the
rity station is within easy shouting distance.) ground for most of the trip, making them excellent observation
posts. Two employees work at each end of the lift; none of them
2) Security Station and Pet Kennel: This station is manned by are Hydra operatives. There is a black phone in each of the
one receptionist (non-Hydra) and eight security guards, who are buildings at either end of the lift.
all Hydra operatives. The security men wear green uniforms (as
described under “Park Employees”). At any given time, six of the 5) Huck and Tom’s World: Visitors are taken on a short boat
eight guards will be wandering the park grounds individually, ride across a “river” to an island where life in the 1880’s is
checking the fences and generally making sure all is well. All depicted. Three employees work at the boat docks, none of them
security men carry .357 snub-nosed revolvers and wear bullet- Hydra agents. A small workshop is in the building by the docks,
proof vests under their jackets; they are described by number in containing rescue equipment, rafts, tools, and one black phone.
the Master Characteristics Chart.
The security station is divided into a pet kennel, a reception- 6) Fort Sioux: This is a large wood-and-fiberglass replica of an
ist’s area, a waiting room, and a security office where the guards Old West army fort, with an ice-cream stand and gift shop inside
rest and take coffee breaks. The security office has a red phone, a its walls. Three of the eight people working here (Bruce, Dave,
file cabinet, and a desk littered with paperwork, but none of the and Carol) are Hydra operatives. Each of the three carries a .357
documents offers anything revealing about Hydra. A large map snub-nosed revolver in a shoulder holster and wears a bullet-
on the wall, however, contains markings that indicate that proof vest. The gift shop has three pay phones, one black phone
“Injun Joe’s Caverns” is significant in some way; any agent who behind the counter, and one red phone in a small alcove for
makes an Observation roll while examining the map will notice employees only.
this. The security alarms in this building (Admin’s choice of
type) are turned off during the day. 7) Injun Joe’s Caverns: Essentially a man-made cavern dug out
of a hillside, this attraction doubles as an armory for Hydra. A
3) Locker Rooms: This building contains hundreds of indi- secret door, set in one wall of the cave, is protected by a security
vidual lockers that park visitors may rent for $1 per day to store alarm. The door can be detected by an agent who searches the
their personal valuables while they are at the park. It also has a cavern and makes a successful Observation roll at a -40% penalty.
pair of rest rooms and two public pay phones. Two park This roll can be attempted once per turn for as long as the search
employees, one male and one female (both non-Hydra) monitor continues. An agent who locates the secret door has a chance of
the locker rooms. Anything left unclaimed in the area for more finding the hidden alarm at the same time, equal to that agent’s
than a week is turned over to park security. Observation score minus 30%. The alarm has an efficiency rating
of 60%, so deactivating it requires a percentage roll of an agent’s
4) Skylift: This is an elevated cable-car ride that goes from one Deactivation score minus 60.

If the alarm is triggered, it will set off small beepers on the of the employees are Hydra agents. The control booth has a
belts of each of the three Hydra agents in the area (see the area 6 black telephone.
description). One of the operatives will telephone for assistance,
while another gets on the intercom system wired into the cavern 15) The Haunted House: A huge building with walkways built
and asks everyone inside to leave quietly (claiming that there is through it in the manner of a fun house, the Haunted House
some sort of ventilation problem). The third agent will stand includes highlights such as meetings with famous monsters, a
near the cave entrance and look over the exiting tourists, ready to ride in buggies pulled by phantom horses, and the usual ghosts,
draw his or her weapon and fire if necessary. Once everyone has skeletons, and vampires. Although there is nothing exceptional
left the cave (or this seems to be the case), the three agents will about the Haunted House, one of the workers (Ralph) is a Hydra
enter the area and carefully examine it, then make a report to operative. He has a careless habit of scratching at his bulletproof
their superiors on the red phone inside Fort Sioux. vest, adding +20% to an agent’s chance of detecting that he’s
Beyond the secret door is a short tunnel leading to a 20-foot- wearing one. He carries the standard “Hydra issue” .357 snub-
square room stocked with various weapons, particularly a nosed revolver, fully loaded. The work station here has both a
number of M-16 rifles. The serial numbers on these weapons, if red and a black telephone.
examined and checked out, will be evidence of the fact that they
were stolen from a unit at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, about six 16) The Wild Jungle Ride: Visitors here can get into canoes
months earlier. The Admin may add other weapons and ammu- and paddle around a small watercourse to be attacked by croco-
nition to this stockpile as desired, within reason (no heavy diles, have monkeys drop Styrofoam coconuts on them, be
artillery or nuclear weapons, of course). sprayed by elephants, and have angry natives shout at them from
the banks. All of the “perils” are mechanical, of course, and
8) Makeup and Magic Shop: For a price of $5, visitors to this harmless. The canoes actually run on tracks just below the sur-
small building can have themselves disguised by one of the four face of the water, and cannot be forced to leave their courses.
employees inside (none of them Hydra agents). This price Anyone taking this trip will be drenched by spray from the
includes only the application of makeup; other disguise elements mechanical elephants (which is one of the reasons that visitors
such as hair dye (easily washed out), wigs, and articles of cloth- are required to check their valuables at the front gate). Four
ing are available at additional cost. It takes five minutes for an employees (all non-Hydra) work here, and the area has no
employee to apply one simple makeup job, perhaps longer for telephones.
more detailed requests. The building contains one black phone.
17) Under Construction: This building and several others near
9) Merry-Go-Round: This ride has two attendants (non-Hydra) it are not completed, and are not even finished enough to reveal
and, if examined, will be found to contain nothing of interest to what sorts of structures they are supposed to be. A mobile crane
agents. There is no telephone on the premises. and a bulldozer are parked between this building and area 19;
either vehicle may be started and operated by an agent with an
10) Sutter’s Mill Gift Shop: This building contains a gift shop, AOK of 50 or more in either Construction, Mechanical, or
a game room with video machines, a snack bar, and a first-aid Transportation Engineering. There are no workers here at this
station. Of the eleven people working here, only one (Dr. Barnes) time (they are only present during off hours) and no telephones.
is a Hydra agent. The doctor’s nurse, Jane Blake, has noticed
that the doctor keeps a gun in his desk but thinks nothing of it; 18) Pirates of the Bahamas: This attraction, a fun house sim-
she has also noticed that the doctor is quite distant and difficult ilar to the Haunted House, has been closed for repairs since
at times, having to go away “on business” fairly often. Actually, being damaged in a recent thunderstorm. There is nothing of
the doctor is the “pick-up man” for some of Hydra’s extortion interest to the agents on the premises; the building contains a red
schemes. There are black phones in the gift shop and snack bar, and a black phone, but both are disconnected for the time being.
a red phone in the first-aid station, and three pay phones next to
the snack bar. The doctor has a .22 small-frame revolver, fully 19) Under Construction: See area 17 for details.
loaded, and 11 extra bullets.
20) King George’s Castle: The castle building contains a large
11) Mystery Maze: This is a building with a mirrored maze auditorium, dressing rooms, bathrooms, a gift shop, a janitor’s
inside. It has one employee (non-Hydra) and no telephone. storage area, and a lounge that sells mildly alcoholic drinks. A
kitchen and fast-food stand are also present, and each of those
12) Moon Walk: Two employees (both non-Hydra) work at two areas has a black telephone. A “lover’s lane” park with a
this building, which is simply a giant inflated tent with air bags fountain is behind the castle, accessible only by passing through
on the floor for visitors to bounce around upon. There is no tele- the castle area.
phone on the premises. A stairway next to the gift shop leads to the second floor of the
castle, where an auxiliary security station for the park is located.
13) Shooting Range: Two Hydra agents (Fred and Manfred) This station is a single room, 30 feet by 40 feet, containing two
work here, monitoring an electronic shooting gallery; the guns desks, a red phone and a black phone, a lo-foot-square holding
fire light beams, not bullets. Neither of the attendants is armed, cell, and a rest room. The station is normally manned by three
but hidden under each of the side counters on either side of the Hydra operatives, each outfitted with a .357 snub-nosed pistol
range is a box containing six bulletproof vests, a loaded .357 and a bulletproof vest. One of the three, John Olsen, is the chief
snub-nosed revolver, and three boxes of additional ammunition. of park security and the second-ranking agent in Hydra behind
The area has one red telephone. Alex Katakis. The other two guards are Marac and Tom.

14) Rocky Mountain Railroad: This is a miniature train ride, 21) Employee Lockers: Park employees, both Hydra operatives
one of the more popular features of Wacko World. A typical ride and otherwise, store their personal gear in this building when
lasts for 4 minutes; during this time animated cows, cars, and they come to work in the morning. There are no guards on the
bandits will appear on or around the ride to entertain pas- site, but there is a 10% chance whenever the building is entered
sengers, and the route includes sharp curves and tunnels to add that someone (30% Hydra, 70% civilian) will be inside, either tak-
to the excitement. Two employees man the electronic controls ing something out of a locker or putting something away.
for the train, and one other worker acts as the “engineer,” sup- All park employees have a key to the outside door of the build-
posedly driving the train. Actually, the “engineer” has no con- ing and a key to one of the lockers inside. They are required to
trol over the speed of the train; all he can do is use the brakes to have both keys in their possession at all times. The building is
stop the train if someone tries to get off when it’s moving. None protected by a house-style, door-tripped alarm (as per the TOP

46 NOVEMBER 1983
SECRET rule book). An agent can detect the alarm system before seems to be concerned with the daily operation of the park, not
opening the door by rolling his Observation score, at a penalty even an openly displayed map or schedule of events.
of -15%. If it is tripped, the alarm is very loud and cannot be The building has a sonic motion-detector alarm system that is
turned off except by putting a key in the outside lock. Nothing turned off during the day when the site is occupied.
in the building or in any of the lockers will be useful to the
agents as evidence. Each locker that is in use has a 30% chance of 23) Administration Office: This building contains the office of
containing money or valuables worth $10-100; all of the lockers Donald Duckworth, the assistant manager of the park, plus a
are closed and locked, but only one third of them (32 out of 100) receptionist’s area, rest rooms, and an employee lounge with
are presently being used. The building has no telephones. vending machines. No one except Duckworth and his reception-
ist is normally present for any length of time during a working
22) Park Manager’s Office: This small building contains a day. The receptionist’s desk has a black phone, and Duckworth’s
receptionist’s desk, the manager’s office, and two rest rooms. A desk holds both a red and a black phone.
black telephone is on the receptionist’s desk and a red one in the Nearly everything in Duckworth’s office is related to the man-
manager’s office. Alex Katakis will be in his office during the agement of Wacko World. However, in one drawer of his desk
day, reviewing plans that Hydra has developed for setting up a (left unlocked by accident) are papers containing references to
drug-smuggling operation in the Caribbean. In his desk, behind the extortion plot. If confronted with these papers by an agent,
locked drawers (to which only he has a key) are plans and notes Duckworth will confess his involvement in Hydra and ask for
relating to the currently operating extortion ring and several help in getting “unstuck” from that organization. (See the other
minor criminal operations that Hydra has pulled off in the past. details about Duckworth under the “Major Characters” section
Katakis uses a .45 revolver which is normally stored in one of his above.) He has a .357 snub-nosed revolver in his desk, but won’t
desk drawers. use it. His receptionist is not a Hydra employee and is unarmed.
Katakis’ receptionist is Martha Collins, a Hydra operative who The building has a sonic motion-detector alarm that is turned
also has a .45 revolver (hidden in her purse). She wants to further off during the day.
herself in the organization, and has no intention of telling
anyone the truth about Wacko World and Hydra. If anyone 24) Star Mountain: A miniature roller coaster ride is set into a
investigates and obviously doesn’t have any hard information to large fiberglass “mountain,” and tourists are treated to many
go on, she will direct their attention to another nearby park, amusing scenes using animated dolls. At one point, the ride
Clown Town, claiming that the manager of that park is the one becomes completely dark, and passengers are then exposed to
behind the extortion scheme. She will plead with any agent she brilliant, multicolored lights. The ride lasts for five minutes. It is
tells this to, asking that she not be revealed as the source of that manned by four employees (all non-Hydra), and the ticket booth
information because she fears reprisals from the “criminals.” She contains a black telephone.
will not attempt to use her weapon unless someone draws on her
first; then she will attack at first opportunity, shooting to kill. 25) Future Train: This is a slow monorail train ride, with the
Anyone who gets a close look around the manager’s office will track 12 feet off the ground. The train holds up to 24 people at
see that there is almost nothing about the environment that one time, and the ride lasts for 10 minutes, including scenic stops

along the way. The monorail is completely enclosed, and no one 31) Empty Booth: This appears to have been a cotton-candy
can leave the train between the start and finish of the ride. The vendor, but it now contains no personnel and only a couple of
train passes through Star Mountain via a tunnel, and passes over pieces of machinery. The park management has plans to install
several other areas of interest as well. The loading station is some other attraction here soon.
staffed by four employees, and two others ride the train, serving
as engineer and announcer; all are non-Hydra. The booth at the 32) Florida Fried Frog Restaurant: “Lip-1ickin’ Good!’ reads
entrance contains a black telephone. the motto, although tourists and agents may feel differently
about that. The area has five employees (non-Hydra) and a black
26) Bumper Car Ride: An ordinary attraction of its kind, mon- phone.
itored by two non-Hydra employees. There is no phone.
33) Raceway Car Show: This building displays eighteen race
27) Silversmith: Future Train riders can look on as four young cars, mostly either Indy-style (open-wheel) or stock cars. Three
craftsmen (all non-Hydra) practice the art of silversmithing in civilian employees and two Hydra operatives work here. One of
this elevated building. It contains no telephone. the Hydra agents, Jamie, carries a .45 revolver and wears a bul-
letproof vest under his jacket. Neil, the other operative, carries a
28) The Swinging Vines: This is a carousel-like ride using pas- .357 Police magnum and also has a bulletproof vest. If an agent
senger chairs suspended by ropes from a revolving wheel. Two draws a gun on either of these persons, they will both pull out
non-Hydra employees work this attraction; it has no phone. their weapons and fire at once, then try to flee the park as
quickly as possible. Any agent making a Perception roll when
29) “Admin’s Choice”: This amusement area has been left seeing either of them will recognize the person in question as a
“undeveloped,” for the Administrator to add a personal touch to professional killer; they are wanted in Washington, D.C., and
the park. No Hydra agents work here, and the Future Train Kentucky, respectively, for murder. The building has one red and
makes a stop here before returning to the station. The area con- one black phone.
tains one black phone.
34) The Raceway: This is a special raceway track for tourists to
30) Movie House: Although this theater can seat 250 persons, drive midget “race cars” on. The racers cannot exceed a speed of
rarely are more than 40% of the seats occupied for a show. 10 mph, and can only be driven by adults. The area is monitored
Today’s film is “Our Friend the Alligator.” The movie runs for by Larry, a Hydra operative who has a .45 revolver and a bullet-
25 minutes, and shows start at half-hour intervals. The marquee proof vest. He will react like Jamie and Neil (see area 33 descrip-
promises that next week’s movie will be “Those Incredible Walk- tion) if someone draws a pistol on him. An agent who makes a
ing Catfish.” Four ushers and a projectionist work this area, Perception roll when viewing him will recognize Larry as a
none involved with Hydra. The projectionist’s booth has a black hired gun who is wanted in Kentucky. He is also a master of
phone, and there are two pay phones in the lobby. martial arts.
Alex M 70 94 86 83 98 79 81 89 87 89 92 158 176 88 235 16
Donald M 56 63 60 73 85 41 57 68 52 63 73 108 120 73 157 12
Martha F 58 50 89 94 83 59 77 72 55 71 86 113 127 90 206 15
Guard #1 M 94 83 64 74 79 99 87 79 92 90 72 186 171 73 352 16
Guard #2 M 69 40 72 88 61 73 81 61 57 67 67 126 118 78 214 14
Guard #3 M 89 93 99 99 75 69 85 87 81 72 87 170 168 93 251 19
Guard #4 M 79 62 75 46 43 83 65 54 73 63 59 152 127 53 237 15
Guard #5 M 76 44 76 52 71 58 55 49 51 59 74 127 100 63 206 15
Guard #6 M 46 78 92 38 94 42 40 58 60 68 93 106 118 66 176 14
Guard #7 M 93 51 87 71 91 63 67 59 55 77 89 148 114 80 243 18
Guard #8 M 62 52 77 80 76 45 61 66 47 61 77 109 113 79 180 14
Dr. Barnes M 37 48 79 75 70 40 58 62 44 55 75 81 106 75 156 12
Average (non-
Hydra) employee M or F 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 50 150 10
Lady Mayhall F 31 97 98 97 85 67 82 97 82 76 92 114 179 95 196 13
Lt. Ahmed M 92 83 87 82 65 88 85 83 86 77 76 178 169 79 267 18
Mary Nolan F 68 70 00 96 72 98 97 83 84 85 86 152 167 91 266 17
Bruce M 51 62 37 30 93 48 39 46 55 71 65 106 126 48 136 09
Dave M 70 89 45 88 56 65 77 89 77 61 51 147 138 70 180 12
Carol F 46 46 68 61 50 80 71 49 63 56 59 109 119 60 194 11
Fred M 96 64 96 96 31 74 85 80 69 53 64 165 149 80 266 19
Manfred M 85 93 73 71 40 98 85 82 96 69 57 181 178 64 256 16
Ralph M 52 55 85 65 50 54 60 60 55 52 68 107 115 67 191 14
John Olsen M 89 44 65 90 43 85 88 67 65 64 54 154 132 72 239 15
Marac M 86 31 32 00 98 72 86 66 52 85 65 100 118 83 152 12
Tom M 40 45 80 60 80 92 76 53 69 86 80 109 122 70 212 12
Jamie M 96 94 93 99 89 85 92 97 90 87 91 186 177 95 274 19
Neil M 90 93 98 97 99 91 94 95 96 95 99 186 191 98 279 19
Larry M 99 00 90 96 86 00 98 98 00 93 88 199 193 92 289 19

SX: Sex CO: Courage DP: Deception OB: Observation PR: Perception
PS: Physical Strength KN: Knowledge EV: Evasion HH: Hand-to-hand Value MV: Movement Value
CH: Charm CD: Coordination DE: Deactivation SU: Surprise Value LL: Life Level
WI: Willpower OF: Offense

48 NOVEMBER 1983
April 1981 Dragon


by Merle Rasmussen
James Thompson
“Looks like a floating death trap, if you the TOP SECRET rulebook). As long as destruction of the vvorld’s economy, is
ask me,” observed Major K. there is lighting and the agents can see, also a mystery. Due to the limited infor-
“I say swim in at night and blow the they may refer to this map throughout mation we possess, it is necessary to
submarine doors,” suggested Zebra the execution of the mission. From time infiltrate the complex, ascertain if the
Seven. “What do you think, Alpha?” to time the Administrator may describe plates are actually there, and if they are
Alpha studied the map, glanced at her or reveal characters or hardware encoun- to recover them. The arrest of Dr. Yes
watch. “Too dangerous for one,” she tered within the complex. and the other inhabitants of this com-
said. “I’ll have my strike team assembled plex for interrogation would be neces-
at once. Never been down under before Reconnaissance Briefing sary.
. . . they say the fishing is superb.” Located within a pocket of the Great The recovery of the plates is vital;
Reef is a mobile island hideout. It is therefore, a frontal, military-type assault
So begins “The Floating Island Mis- believed that the original plates used to on the complex would jeopardize the
sion,” an espionage adventure for the print several denominations of Swiss success of the mission. The inhabitants
TOP SECRET™ espionage role-playing francs (recently stolen from that govern- could be expected to destroy the plates
game. This is a complete mission for one ment) have been spirited here. If some- in such a situation to keep them from
to eight players. The mission can be a one were to produce mass quantities of being recovered.
one-time adventure, or can serve as a counterfeit francs indistinguishable from
small part of a much larger campaign the legal tender, the resultant effect Embarkation
designed by a gamemaster (Administra- upon the Swiss economy would be catas- Agents approach the island in any way
tor). All that is needed is a TOP SECRET trophic. Also, the stabilizing influence of they deem appropriate. It is recommend-
rulebook, an imaginative Administrator the Swiss franc is unquestioned; its dem- ed that the team should reconnoiter this
who has read the mission thoroughly, ise as a viable medium of exchange complex from a distance first. Also, the
and approximately a half-dozen willing would cripple other more erratic mone- team’s approach should be subtle, so as
(suicidal?) players (agents) to partici- tary systems such as the U.S. dollar, the not to alarm the inhabitants until the last
pate. British pound, and the Soviet ruble. possible moment: The recovery of the
Players are allowed to bring in their The architect, builder and owner of plates is vital.
own, pregenerated characters on the this floating island is a person known as A player/agent who plans to accept
mission, plus any equipment they have Doctor Yes. The doctor’s origins and this mission should read no further. The
which they think will be necessary. As an current, as well as past, affiliations are information, maps and diagrams that fol-
added bonus, all players are supplied unknown. The purpose of stealing the low are FOR THE ADMINSTRATOR’S
with an agent map (found on page 44 of plates, whether it be blackmail or the EYES ONLY. Players stop reading now!
Dragon Vol. V, No. 10

ADMINISTRATOR MEMORANDA trait value. Heavily encumbered swim- before needing to decompress. The fol-
Contained in this module are the Ad- mers will sink, except that buoyancy and lowing chart shows how long an agent
ministrator’s maps, a list and description drag must be taken into account. All can be underwater without needing to
of the personnel that populate the island communication between divers under- undergo decompression:
complex, and some drawings and statis- water must be non-verbal. If a writing Depth Time limit*
tics of the various ingenious devices slate is used, the reader must be at short in feet in minutes
invented by the inhabitants, plus a plot range. Expensive underwater speakers 33 or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no limit
that weaves these elements together. can receive voices from a surface loca- 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...310
The environment in which this mis- tion up to 1,000 yards away, but agents 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
sion takes place is based on the maps should be warned that use of such speak- 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..100
found on page 44 of the TOP SECRET ers may be detected by hydrophones 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
rulebook. It is left up to the Administra- located outside the island complex. 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
tor whether or not to reveal this informa- Agents may use any of the three types 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
tion to the players before the mission. of scuba gear, but the following limits 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The use of the maps is recommended, to apply: *Total elapsed time between leaving
prevent the Administrator from having Closed-circuit systems make no noise surface and beginning ascent, not just
to verbally describe all the basic features and emit no bubbles but may only be time at great depth.
of the floating island, but it is not manda- used for thirty minutes at thirty feet If an agent must undergo decompres-
tory if the Administrator wants to keep depth or less. Semi- closed-circuit sys- sion, his/her ascent is limited to one foot
agents as much in the dark as possible tems emit a constant stream of bubbles. per second = 60 feet per minute.
about what they are encountering. Open-circuit, demand-type scuba gear In warm waters such as these, agents
If the TOP SECRET maps are revealed only releases bubbles when the diver may be in the water for 3-7 hours before
to the players, it would be logical to exhales. A trail of bubbles cannot be there can be a chance of exhaustion or
depict them as secret blueprints which seen by cameras on the island, but bub- unconsciousness. Death because of pro-
came into the hands of the agents in a bling may tip off guards in the complex longed exposure in water of these temp-
mysterious manner. The maps on page once some chambers are flooded and eratures is unheard of.
44 do illustrate most of the essential agents are hiding in them. Agents wear-
physical features of the complex, but do ing flippers will have to remove them if PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION (Exterior)
not include any information as to the they intend to walk within the complex. The island (see Adminstrator’s Maps),
actual contents of any given room or All equipment will have to be carried on if approached by day, appears to be a
chamber, and do not include many spe- belt hooks instead of in a bulky back- circular, sandy island (diameter: 140 ft.)
cial features which are depicted on the pack. Flashlights may be needed. with no vegetation. The sand slopes up
Administrator’s maps and described in Agents may work for up to 35 minutes slightly towards the center where a 25’ x
the text which follows. on the ocean bottom below the complex 25’ x 15’ metallic gray shed stands with
Agents should provide a specific time two large solar panels serving as a roof.
at which they are making their attack so On the south side of the island is a rec-
the location of the characters within the tangular inlet (25’ x 55’) that leads to a 15’
complex can be known. Agents should double door. Equally spaced around the
be aware that leaving the area defined by perimeter of the island are six sandy-
the map by any means will end the mis- colored outposts (See figure 1).
sion for that particular character. The At night, each of the six outposts emits
specific point of attack, especially the a powerful searchlight beam that com-
setting of an explosive or the cutting of a pletes a 360-degree rotation every min-
bulkhead, should be specified exactly, ute. At 99 yards from the island, if the
because this affects possible flooding team is struck by the light, there is a 1
and the status of internal hardware. percent chance of being seen. Each yard
The agents’ drop and pickup locations closer to the island increases the chance
and methods should be specified before of being observed by 1 percent (e.g. at
the mission because this may affect 50 yards, the percent chance of being
sighting, moment of detection, and stra- seen is 50 percent). The camera rotates
tegy of defense if the invaders are seen with the light (as well as the gun). During
on security screens. daylight hours, every yard advanced
Agents (and other characters) with a closer than 99 yards increases the chance
Fitness rating of Weakling cannot swim. of being observed (by the camera) by
Agents and others can hold their breath two percent. Modifiers such as camou-
for as many seconds as their Willpower flage, size of craft, and the height of
April 1981 Dragon
waves must be taken into account. Cam- side of this structure is a port 3 feet in check for the pumping action must be
eras and periscopes can ordinarily see diameter for water input and there is made every ten minutes (intake port
from sea level to the eaves of the roof on another 3-foot-diameter port on the east first). When the pumps are not in opera-
the shed, a height of 15 feet above sea side for the output. There is a ten percent tion the opening inside the paddlewheel
level. Guns can be lowered or elevated in chance per each ten minutes that water is closed off by a solid metal plate (inch-
an arc of 90 degrees centered around is being sucked in through the intake thick). The plate serves as a valve which
horizontal, or 45 degrees in either direc- port. If an agent is within five feet of the automatically opens when the pump is
tion. If the island is approached from the opening and his Movement value is less running. Behind the plate is a filter, sim-
south at night, it will be seen that the than 300, he/she will be unable to resist ilar to a chain-link fence, to keep out
inlet is well illuminated by an under- the suction and will be drawn to his larger objects which may be sucked
water light located in the wall beneath doom inside. through the paddlewheel.
the door of the shed. The outflow hole also has a ten-per- Also on the bottom of the cylinder are
An underwater approach would reveal cent chance (per ten minutes) of func- four slight indentations, one corres-
to the agent a gigantic cylinder with ponding to each of the air locks. The
walls of two-inch-thick plate steel, the hatches are 2-inch-thick armor plate
bottom of which is more than sixty feet (steel). If the agents attempt entry here,
from the surface. During the day, sun- refer to the section on the airlocks.
light easily illuminates the cylinder’s Because of the curved metallic struc-
entire depth through the clear water. On ture of the complex, several strange
the top of the cylinder rests a large circu- effects occur:
lar plate. Jutting out from the cylinder 1. Mine and metal detectors are inef-
like spokes are six L-shaped pipes 8 feet fective since they are constantly
in diameter and 2 inches thick. The sur- registering a metallic presence.
face of the cylinder is featureless except 2. Radio transmission and reception
for the submarine doors (two swinging from inside the complex to the out-
doors 12’ wide) on the north side, and side is impossible. Transmission and
the seven 10’ x 15’ adjoining bulletproof reception between points within the
glass panels on the south side. At night, complex is frequently poor, but pos-
light pours out of these windows; the sible.
glow is easily seen from the surface and 3. Thick-walled, curved metal hallways
even the air (from the right angles, of cause bullets, shotgun pellets, and
course). If an agent looks into these especially flames and explosives to
windows refer to the Living Area, Level follow the curve of the wall. 90-
six. degree ricochets are possible.
The ocean floor is twenty feet from the tioning; if an agent is within ten feet of 4. The sounds of explosions and loud
bottom of the cylinder. The area beneath the opening he will be repelled five feet. noises are transmitted through the
the cylinder is covered with staghorn Inside each hole (input or output) there metal walls laterally and from level
coral (a pointed variety) and sponges, is a pump something like a paddlewheel to level. The exact origin of a sound
and laden with brightly colored tropical that regulates the flow of the water. All from another level cannot be deter-
fish — plus an occasional shark that will pump housings and major components mined, but those hearing it can tell if
only be interested if the water is bloodied. are at least inch-thick steel plate. If the the sound is from above or below
On the bottom of the cylinder is a large current pulls or pushes someone through them,
square elevator protrusion (See figure 2). the pump, he/she is crushed to death. 5. Electricity will travel along the path
This 25’ x 25’ structure extends 5 feet The intake pump cannot operate at the of least resistance from its source to
below the sixth level, allowing room for same time as the outflow pump. Once the salt water surrounding the com-
the elevator raft to descend and for the having been drawn inside the intake plex and short circuits will generally
water pumps to be housed. On the west port, no one can resist the current. A stay within the metal walls.

Surface Level

Gun Emplacement Harpoon Tube

Secret Hatch Walk-Through Hatch With Controls

Ceiling Hatch Above Furniture Glass Wall

Floor Hatch Ladder

Sliding Door Swinging Doors

Dragon Vol. V, No. 10

HARDWARE DESCRIPTIONS When the elevator is fully raised, there is inside of the top half. The two sections
The Outposts: (See figure 1) 3 x 3 x 6 a five-foot space between the roof of the can then be shoved up until the bottom
ft. Each of the six spheres atop the out- elevator and the ceiling of the shed. of both is even with the ceiling of the
posts possesses a camera, periscope, The Elevator: (See figure 3) This is an cage, which is also chain-link. (See num-
heavy machine gun, and a searchlight. engineering marvel designed by Doctor bered sequence in figure 3) Lifting these
The sphere makes a complete rotation Yes. It is powered by water, and it floats doors is not a problem, since they oper-
every minute. A bulletproof glass win- on sea water, the level of which is con- ate on a system of pulleys.
dow six inches wide allows the peri- trolled by the pumps below. When the The floor of the elevator consists of 70
scope inside the outpost to be used for elevator ascends, the valve below lets in sets of rollers which rotate east and
manual surveillance if the camera ceases water, the pressure pushes the elevator west. These rollers aid in the loading and
to function. Because of the rotation of up the shaft until the desired level is unloading of large objects. The guards
the six outposts, all areas of the island reached, and then the valve closes. To and other inhabitants of the island have
and the surrounding water are covered make the elevator descend, water is learned to stand on these rollers without
at any given moment by at least one pumped out the other valve at the bot- falling, but agents with a Coordination
camera/gun emplacement. Because the tom of the shaft; when the desired level of less than 50 must make a coordination
roll. Rolling a number less than Coordi-
nation will result in 1 point of damage to
the agent. There is a 25-foot-long rope
coiled on the elevator floor. In the south-
west corner is a control panel for the
elevator. There are seven buttons, mark-
ed with the word “Surface” and the
numbers 1-6, and an on-off switch.
When the elevator reaches the desired
level, the door in the shaft wall will open
automatically when the cage door on the
side of the elevator is raised. The only
exceptions are the control room and
bedroom doors on the sixth level, which
can only be opened normally from the
room side.
To summon the elevator from inside
the complex all that is necessary is to
press the button located on the wall to
the right of the elevator shaft door. The
shaft door will not open until the elevator
arrives. It will take fifteen seconds for
each level the elevator is distant for it to
come to the level desired. For example, if
an agent was on level 2 and pressed the
guns can only fire in a 45-degree angle is reached, the pump stops and the valve button when the elevator was on level 6 it
lower than horizontal, a man could hide shuts. Underneath the elevator itself is a would take 15 seconds x 4, or a minute,
right next to an outpost and not be in the buoyant, 2-foot-thick “raft” that supports for the elevator cage to arrive. The shaft
path of fire from that gun. the cage and prevents water from splash- door will open and close automatically
Each heavy machine gun (PWV 95; PB ing inside the cage. Attached to the roof but the cage door must be manually
0; S-2; M-30; L-80; WS S; R 10.) is oper- of the cage are two cables that lead to raised and lowered. The elevator will not
ated from the control room. A hand gre- the crane in the attic. The crane is used travel unless both the shaft door and the
nade landing within five feet of an out- only as a safety device and stabilizer. cage are closed. There is a single light
post has a 30% chance of knocking out The entire complex is hooked to the source in the middle of the cage ceiling
its camera, and a 20% chance of knock- bottom of the ocean by four chains. which is always on. If the elevator switch
ing out its searchlight at the same time These chains not only anchor the com- is flipped off, the elevator will stop imme-
or by a subsequent explosion. plex but also prevent the island from diately, even between floors.
An agent with a Physical Strength of at bobbing up and down when great a-
least 85 can knock over an outpost, mounts of water are being pumped in
which would reveal a horizontal hatch in and out of the shaft. If two adjacent
the sand below it. This 30-inch-diameter chains are cut when under the greatest
hatch can be easily opened from the tension (when the elevator is down and
outside, and leads to a lo-foot-wide, the shaft empty of water) then the side of
15-foot-deep circular chamber with a the complex which was cut free would
ladder. The upper end of the periscope bob up out of the water about eight feet.
extends 5 feet out of the sand beside the If two or more chains are cut under the
hatch. Knocking an outpost over will least tension (when the cage is in the
bend the periscope beyond use. shed and the shaft filled with water),
The Shed: It is constructed out of cor- then the island would bob upward only
rugated gray metal 25’ x 25’ x 15’. Two slightly. If all four chains are cut, the
solar panels comprise the roof. In the island will float safely out to deeper
attic is a crane motor with two cables water within 60 minutes.
leading down, a confusing array of cop- Each of the four sides of the elevator is
per wiring, an electrician’s tool box, and a chain-link door. These 25-foot-wide
a hammer with some nails. The space doors consist of two five-foot-high sec-
below the attic is the elevator shaft. tions. The bottom half slides up on the
April 1981 Dragon
approaching a door, and other sensors Bernies do not float. They are unaf-
which detect any significant amount of fected by power outages.
water in the room. The footstep sensors If an agent flips a Bernie over (Physi-
are 5 feet from the door. If the moisture cal Strength 85 or better), the six wheels
sensors are activated, the doors will not on the bottom will whirl in every direc-
open unless overridden by the control. tion. The agent will also see several
room. The doors are one inch thick and holes of various sizes, a circular brush,
can not be deactivated unless a cutting and a hole in the center with a cylinder-
torch is used to melt a hole in the wall to shaped brush revolving. Air is sucked in
expose the wiring. Some of these doors through the center hole.
are slightly curved. Arrows on the Admin-
istrator map indicate which way each
door slides to open.
The Bernies: (See figure 7) This device
is a combination vacuum cleaner, trash
compactor, and stereo. It also mops and
waxes the floor. The mechanism resem-
The Airlocks: (See figure 4) To gain bles a three-foot-tall silver beetle. The
access to any of the airlocks it is neces- “eyes” are not for seeing, but in reality
sary to go through a special hatchway. are the cloth covering for the stereo
These hatchways resemble those seen speakers, and what appears to be a nose
in submarines, featuring a wheel with is actually a slot for eight-track tape car-
spoke-like handles that must be spun tridges to be plugged in. Prying open the
several times to open the hatch and to nose slot will reveal a tape. Removing it
fasten it shut. Opening or closing a will stop the music. There is a 75%
hatch takes 5 seconds. There is a small chance for each Bernie encountered to
window with bulletproof glass in the contain a tape and be playing music.
door providing a view of the airlock. On Tapes from other Bernies are interchang-
the right side of the exterior of each able. Around the bottom edge of the There is one Bernie per level; each
hatch is a control panel for that airlock. hemisphere is a rubber bumper; kicking room (excluding the airlocks and the
These panels consist of a switch and the bumper will cause the Bernie to turn elevator) has a ten percent chance of
timer. (See figure 5) When the switch is to the right at a 90-degree angle to the having a Bernie when an agent enters it.
up water drains out, and when the switch point of impact. Once the agents find a Bernie on one
is down water is let into the room from a Bernie is impervious to all but armor- floor they will find no others (except for
piercing bullets, and when such a bullet the repair shop) on that floor. They will
hits the device, it will stop 80 percent of always find one in the last room they
the time and 20 percent of the time will explore on a certain level, if a Bernie had
be unaffected. If a Bernie is bombed by a not been previously found on that level.
hand grenade it will not be hurt; how- The Bernies move (roll) at a normal
ever, all other explosives will destroy it walking pace. Usually, they will move at
(a grenade exploding at the front of one random, bouncing off walls and going
will knock out its speakers). Smoke and down hallways; however, they will tena-
sleeping-gas capsules will have no effect ciously follow any trail of dirt, water, or
six-inch-square grated opening in the on the Bernie. The machines’ batteries blood to its source. Upon contact with
center of the floor. The timer is for are well protected so they will continue any solid obstacle, they will bounce and
decompression purposes; it can be set to operate even in a flooded chamber. turn a different direction.
for up to an hour, although it is only
necessary at the maximum depths in
these areas to decompress for a minute
and a half. The airlocks can fill up or
empty out in a minute. Each airlock has a
circular hatchway in its floor leading to
the outside. (See figure 6) These hatches
are 30 inches in diameter, have a wheel
on the inside only, and no window. The
hatch to the outside opens inward and is
only left open when guards are outside
and the airlock is filled with water. All
airlocks may be controlled from the
Control Room. All hatches must be open-
ed or closed manually. Small arrows on
the Administrator map indicate which
way each hatch opens.
Sliding Doors: These doors slide open
automatically when approached. They
stay open for five seconds and then
close. If something solid blocks them
from closing, the doors will bounce open
away from the obstruction every five
seconds. There are sensors on the floor
of each room which detect footsteps
Dragon Vol. V, No. 10

The Escape Route: The control room, person in the forward position can pilot minutes. Most occupants carry an air
laboratory, kitchens, tools and storage it. Underwater the sub will travel 290 feet tank and wear scuba gear. If the engine
area, and the generator room are all in 5 seconds, or 370 feet in the same time ignition key is not in the lock, an agent
connected by an emergency escape on the surface. The cockpit can be pres- with a 75 or better in Electrical or Trans-
route. Each room has a table with some surized, forcing water out. The glass top portation Engineering can hotwire the
sort of mat below it and a light fixture on is bulletproof and latches from the inside. sub in 60 seconds,
the ceiling directly above it. The tables A control switch on the dashboard will Air Tanks: An air tank containing com-
are 30 inches high. When a person stands electronically open or close the sea pressed air is a potentially dangerous
on the table and turns the light fixture doors on level 6 when the sub is within weapon. For this adventure an air tank
counterclockwise, the fixture folds down 100 feet of the doors. To hang onto the filled with one hour’s worth of air (based
revealing a 30-inch-diameter circular sub from the outside, an agent must on 71.2 cubic feet per tank at one atmos-
opening, and the table rises another 30 have a Coordination of more then 100 phere of pressure) will behave as fol-
inches. (See Figure 8) Whoever is stand- due to its streamlined design (very few lows: If the explosion of at least 2 ounces
ing on the table is now five feet off the hand holds and foot holds). Armament of plastique, a grenade blast, or an
ground and his feet are five feet from the includes six pneumatically fired har- armor-piercing shell hits the tank valve
ceiling. The underside of another table poons with explosive heads, an oil re- there is a 90% chance that the tank will
can be seen through the circular open- serve, and a pointed ramming nose. Two become an unguided missile with an
ing. With a short jump, the person can of the harpoons are mounted to fire effective range of at least 50 feet. If
pull himself up to the floor under the behind the sub, usually through the unconfined, the tank will be propelled
table on the next level. The only excep- released dark oil cloud. The harpoons along a straight path, covering 50 feet in
tions are 1) on the 6th level where there each have a PWV of 2, a point-blank about one second, and will then fizzle
is a chair with a hydraulic pedestal modifier of +4 and a short-range modi- out and drop to the floor. If in a confined
instead of a table (See figure 9); 2) on the fier of -50. With the explosive head, they space, the tank will ricochet randomly
4th level where the table is on the floor; it inflict a +6 on damage when they hit. The off the walls, ceiling, and floor, smash-
folds up from the floor on hinges reveal- ramming nose has PWV of 0, and can ing normal furniture, equipment, and
ing a five-foot-high step-ladder (See only be used at point-blank range with a glass in its path. Any character in the
figure 10). The stepladder pops out either -6 modifier on damage. However, as tank’s path will not be able to stop it and
manually from the 4th level or automati- long as the minisub can maneuver it can will suffer 1-10 points of damage to a
cally from the 5th level if the light fixture attack swimming agents in this manner. random body location. The tank will
on that level is turned (leaving room for The harpoons and oil cloud can be acti- continue to ricochet until it has travelled
someone to crawl up from below); and 3) vated by either occupant. Harpoons that at least 50 feet altogether, possibly hit-
opening the light fixture on the ceiling of miss their target continue on their path ting a person more than once in the
the generator room reveals a crawlway for 50 feet and then drop to the bottom, process.
to a hatch on the surface. This hatch is where they explode on contact. Only If the explosion of at least 2 ounces of
lightly covered by sand and has a wheel armor-piercing shells or at least 2 oun- plastique, a grenade blast, or an armor-
on both sides. It opens upward. (See fig- ces of plastique will damage the min- piercing shell hits the body of the tank
ure 6) All the inhabitants have memo- isub. Ten feet of chain or wire in the there is a 90% chance it will explode. The
rized a path to the ocean which avoids propellers will stop its forward motion. explosion will be equivalent to 20 oun-
land mines planted under the sand. Re- See page 41 and 42 of the TOP SECRET ces of plastique. Anyone within the blast
member, escape is attempted upward rulebook if the vehicle is attacked. Per- radius should treat the fragmentation of
and out of the complex if it should be sonnel from the complex will not surface the tank as a grenade.
infiltrated or flooded. Traveling down- within 3000 feet of the island, which is Bloodthirsty Administrators may want
ward through the Escape Route is diffi- the range of the heavy machine guns on to double the force of a one-hour tank to
cult at best. the outposts. There is enough charge in 100 feet and 40 ounces of plastique. Par-
The Submarine: This minisub has room the batteries for an hour of travelling but tially used tanks will have a reduced
for two persons in its cockpit. Only the only enough air in the cockpit for 15 effect.

April 1981 Dragon

LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS that he will set off a land mine that deals vides a view from sea level to 15 feet
out 1-20 points of damage. (For a des- above sea level.
Puncturing the ceiling of Level 1 (with cription of the gun emplacements see Opening the hatchway will reveal the
a hole big enough for a person to move the Outpost section.) The escape hatch inside of a sphere, where a belt of ammo
through) will cause sand to pour down from the generator room is lightly cover- will be hanging from the gun. Video
from the surface. This quickly forms a ed by sand but cannot be located with a cables and an electric cable trail down
sand pile on the interior floor which metal detector (nor will the mines be beside the upper end of the periscope.
agents with a Movement value of less detectable, due to the metal of the island The 30-inch-diameter hatch has a wheel
than 300 will be unable to climb out of. itself). If agents, for some reason, dig in on both sides and hinges upward. (See
The six-inch-thick floors and ceilings the 5’x5’ area the hatch is located under, figure 6)
of the complex are filled with masses of they will automatically find it. It can be The emplacements are named North-
hydraulic lines, electrical conduit, mois- opened from either side but it hinges east, East, Southeast, Southwest, West
ture sensors, pressure sensors, ventila- upward. (See figure 6) The five-foot- and Northwest. The guns can only be
tion tubes, hot and cold water pipes, and deep crawlspace ends at a hinged light operated (fired) from the control room
propane gas leads. fixture (See the Escape Route section). and if detached from their mountings
There is at least one light source in will be too cumbersome to use.
every chamber. The light switch to a LEVEL ONE Boat Area: A new speedboat resting
chamber or hallway is always inside the Periscope, Camera, and Gun Emplace- on a two-wheeled trailer is stored here.
door to the right after one has passed ments: These six ten-foot diameter cham- There are five gallons of gasoline in the
through the doorway. Sunlight filters bers are unlit and seldom visited. They tank of its outboard motor. Elevator
down through the level 6 living area win- are connected to the main complex by doors form one side of the chamber.
dows during the daytime. 20-foot-long tubes eight feet in dia- Moving the wheeled trailer requires a
The interior walls, ceilings, and floors meter. Physical Strength of at least 65. The igni-
are covered with buffed steel plate, gen- Inside each 15-foot-tall chamber is a tion key is generally not present but an
erally one inch thick except near doors. sealed wooden box containing 200 agent with a 75 or better in Electrical or
At doors the inner and outer walls are rounds of .60 caliber belted ammo for Transportation Engineering will be able
each one inch thick and seperated so the the heavy machine gun above. (See fig- to hotwire the boat in 60 seconds. Any-
doors can slide between them. Near ure 1) A metal ladder in the center leads one can pilot the craft once it is on the
hatches the interior walls are two inches up to a hatchway beneath the sphere surface.
thick. The walls of the elevator shaft are atop the outpost. Video cables and elec- Northeast Quarters: This is the private
also doubly thick (two inches) to with- tric cord run across the ceiling from the room of Bruce Nee, a security guard. It
stand outside water pressure and to hatchway into the wall. The lower end of contains a single bed, 4-drawer dresser,
reinforce the entire structure. a manual periscope extends down beside chair, drawerless desk, and mirror, plus
Surface Level: There is not much to the hatchway and can be swivelled to several kung fu-type wall posters and
add to the initial surface description view the surface level above by a person photographs of Nee in action. He also
except for the land mines. There is a 20% standing on the ladder. The periscope has a stereo, two speakers, and a collec-
chance for every 10 feet an agent walks cannot be raised or lowered, and pro- tion of Oriental albums.
Dragon Vol. V, No. 10

Fuel: The outer door to this room has a

sign on it that says “Danger: No Smok-
ing in this Area” in English. The north
and south walls are each lined with four
five-foot-tall liquid propane tanks. There
is a 25% chance that an open flame
against it or an armor-piercing shell hit-
ting it will ignite one of these tanks, set-
ting off a chain reaction. A tank adjacent
to one which has exploded has a 50 per-
cent chance of also igniting. Each tank
will explode separately with a force equal
to plastique ranging in quantity from 10
to 100 ounces. Two propane-powered
standby generators are located in the
center of the floor. If the main power
supply from the generator room is dis-
rupted, both of these generators will
automatically start after five seconds of
darkness. The north generator powers
all the lights and the elevator. The south
generator powers all other electrical de-
vices in the complex. Electric cables and
propane lines crisscross the ceiling and
walls. An elevator door is found on the
east wall of the room. An agent with an
Electrical Engineering knowledge of
more than 75 will be able to short out
either generator seperately.
Southeast Quarters: Security guard
Chuck Morris rooms in this smelly, mus-
ical cubicle. Besides a single bed, desk,
chair, dresser, and mirror, Morris keeps
an odorous pet gerbil in a cage on the
floor. A clock on the desk is set ten min-
utes fast. His stereo is on and is playing
“outer-space” music.
Helicopter Area: A pontoon helicopter
on rollers stands in this space in front of
the elevator doors. Its rotor is detached
and is resting on the floor beside it. It
takes only five minutes for two people to brates with an electric hum unless the door reads in English, “Disaster Area!
attach the rotor once the copter is out of generators are disrupted. Enter at your own risk!” This cluttered
doors. There are twenty gallons of gaso- Three of the room’s walls are covered pit of a bedroom is the residence of Dale
line in the gas tank. Two persons can be with shelves of silver solar battery canis- Craig, a security guard. Instead of the
seated in the cockpit. Moving the copter ters. These are all wired together and usual fluorescent white light, this room
over the rollers requires a Physical directed to either the north or south is lit with purple and ultraviolet (black
Strength of at least 75. An agent with a electrical generator near the center of light) tubes. Scattered papers and clo-
Transportation or Aeronautical Engineer- the room. The north generator powers thing glows eerily on the floor. On the
ing knowledge of more than 75 will be all the lights and the elevator. The south ceiling above the bed is a full-length
able to pilot the two-passenger craft one powers all other electrical devices in poster of James Pong shooting a gigan-
once it is out of doors. There are no keys the complex. If these generators are tic revolver, autographed, “To Dale, an
in the ignition lock, but an agent with 75 stopped or destroyed the standby gen- agent with potential. James Pong.” The
or better in Electrical, Transportation or erators (in the room on the other side of poster is worth $5000 unmarred, less if
Aeronautical Engineering can hot wire the elevator) will kick in after 5 seconds defaced.
the copter in 60 seconds. Once on the of darkness. Hot-water pipes enter the The single bed is unmade; the dresser
surface and assembled, the copter can west end of each generator from the is crammed with wrinkled clothing. The
be started. It takes at least two minutes ceiling. chair is stacked with science-fiction
for the rotors to warm up before takeoff Anyone tampering with the electrical books, and the mirror is smeared with
can be achieved without crashing. wiring or hot-water pipes who has a fluorescent red and green paint which
Southwest Quarters: Spartan neatness Coordination or Electrical Engineering says “James Pong Fan Club” in English.
is exemplified in guard Mark Johnson’s knowledge of less than 75 will be shock- Anyone with a Willpower of less than 75
private quarters. There is only a single ed and harmed with W type of light dam- who enters the room will get a mild
bed, the clothing in the drawers is folded, age to the hand or arms. An agent with a headache from the ultraviolet rays. The
and there is a cleaning kit for a Luger in 75 or higher in Electrical Engineering headache will last for 1-10 minutes. Six-
his bottom dresser drawer. will be able to short out the system teen handballs lie scattered on the floor
Generators: Unknown to the player safely. and anyone with a Coordination of less
characters using the maps on page 44 of In the center of the room is an immov- than 75 who enters the chamber has a 25
the rulebook, there is only one door to able, four-legged, square metal table percent chance of stepping on one. If
this room. This door is from the elevator with a rubber mat underneath it. one is stepped on, there is a 10% chance
only The hallway outside the room Vi- Northwest Quarters: A sign on this of the victim falling to the floor.
April 1981 Dragon
LEVEL TWO of fifty shells each, of all of the following it which is piled high with disassembled
calibers: .22, 9mm, .357 magnum, and mechanisms awaiting attention. Under
North Boat Repair: A rowboat on a .45. Excessive heat in the area will cause the table is a square rubber mat. Run-
two-wheeled trailer is stored here. There bullets to explode. There is a 40% chance ning from a socket in the south wall are
are three workbenches nearby which of one bullet hitting any agent in the two extension cords which stretch out to
can be moved and contain all types of room, a 30% chance of two bullets, 20% the workbenches in the South Boat Re-
woodworking tools: hammers, planes, for three bullets, 10% for four bullets, pair. The sliding door is pinching the
chisels, saws, and drills. Moving the and a 5% chance of five bullets striking cords and may have worn away the
trailer with boat or any of the work- any given agent in the room. insulation.
benches onto the elevator requires a In the metal cabinet on the south wall The disassembled mechanisms include
Physical Strength of at least 55. are 4 unloaded .357 Police Magnums, two .60 caliber heavy machine guns
Weapons: This arsenal would be ex- one 9 mm short Walther PPK selfload, which are too heavy to fire since they are
pected to be well guarded — but the and a gun-cleaning kit. unmounted, plus a dissected Bernie, a
doors are not even locked. Inside, stack- South Boat Repair: A new speedboat broken bicycle, a twisted floorlamp, and
ed against the east wall, are six wooden with an outboard motor is stored here on a mangled boat propeller.
crates, each containing 200 rounds of a two-wheeled boat trailer. There are Also in the room are two pairs of oars
.60 caliber belted ammo for heavy ma- five gallons of gas in the mounted out- for the rowboat, six cans of motor oil, a
chine guns. These full crates will not board motor. Moving the trailer with the five-gallon drum of slippery hydraulic
float. On a wooden table in the middle of boat on it requires a Physical Strength of fluid, a 200 lb. welding machine, a weld-
the room are twenty spears, five unload- at least 65. Two movable workbenches ing rod, and a portable cutting torch.
ed double-barreled spear guns, and two in the area contain wrenches, pliers, Assorted nuts, bolts, nails, washers, and
unloaded .16 gauge shotguns. Under hammers, drills, and there is an exten- insulators are in a bin along the south
the table are two flamethrowers com- sion cord stretching from each of them wall. The cutting torch acts like a flame
plete with propellant tanks. All one needs into the tool room. Anyone can pilot the thrower at point-blank range only.
to do to operate one is to strap it on, turn speedboat on the surface but without an Flat floors covered with oil or hydrau-
on the gas, and light the tip. The flame ignition key it must be hotwired. An lic fluid will cause running characters
will travel for 50 feet including curves, agent with knowledge of more than 75 in with a Coordination of less than 75 to fall
which amounts to less than one quarter Electrical or Transportation Engineer- 50 percent of the time. The oil or fluid
of the way around the outer hallway ing can do the wiring. can only be ignited by open flame, not a
(outer circumference 235 feet). In a metal Tools and Storage: This room has a bullet or an explosion. Remember, oil
cabinet on the north wall are ten boxes square, unmovable table in the center of floats on water!

Outer Hallway: This 10-foot-wide con-
cave hallway floor leans toward the cen-
ter of the complex at a 30-degree angle,
appearing as a continuously banked
curve. The floor is wooden and gives
slightly when stepped on. It is used as an
indoor track for jogging.
Food Storage: This dry storage area is
lined with shelves of canned foods of all
types imaginable. In the middle of the
room are stacked boxes of cereal pro-
ducts and 50-pound sacks of sugar,
flour, beans, coffee, potatoes, and salt.
Unmarked Northeast Chamber: This
is a freezer full of hanging sides of beef,
sausage, cheeses, poultry, fish, vegeta-
bles, pork, lamb, hamburger, steak, pork
chops, and ice. The room has a thermos-
tat control above the light switch which
is currently set at 0 degrees Fahrenheit
but will go from 5 below to normal room
Recreation: This is where employees
can work off their frustrations and keep
their muscles in tone. There are weight
machines, barbells, a bench, 6 jump
ropes, punching bags, and 3 sweaty
towels thrown around the room.
Southeast Quarters: “Sweetbeam”
Leotard rooms, here. In the room on his
dresser are 3 boxing trophies, empty
pop bottles, and a pair of boxing gloves.
The single bed, desk, chair, and mirror
are unremarkable. Yellowed newspaper
clippings from his earlier boxing days
are taped to the northern wall.
Bath: This common bath has shaving
mirrors on the south wall with sinks,
Dragon Vol. V, No. 10

showers, toilets, and towel storage along guards do. The room smells of burning square metal worktable in the center of
the north wall. orange blossom incense and the incense the room with a rubber mat under it, the
Southwest Quarters: Mohammed burner throws flickers of orange light room is filled with customary conven-
Chang, a security guard, lives in this across the dark metal walls. The light iences. There is a microwave oven, a
metal hovel. Instead of a single bed he switch doesn’t work. On the north wall of propane stove, a cabinet full of china
sleeps in a hammock. His few personal this bizarre apartment are two posters, plates, bowls, and cups. Also, there is a
belongings and clothing barely fill the one of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the refrigerator full of milk, eggs, butter,
top drawer of his dresser. The other other of Confucius. A prayer mat rests cheese, lunchmeat, fruit, vegetables, and
drawers are empty. He has no desk, on the floor near the eastern wall. sausage. Near the refrigerator is a sink, a
chair, or mirror in the room as the other Kitchen: Aside from an unmovable dishwasher, and a full trash compactor.

Unmarked Northeast Chamber: This
is a refrigerated walk-in wine cellar.
Along the west wall are racks of sake,
cognac, champagne, and rare wines.
The racks against the south wall contain
bottles of beer, red dinner wine, white
dinner wine, vodka, tequila, and carbo-
nated mixers like tonic water and soda.
Vodka and tequila can be ignited but do
not generate much heat. The room is
chilled enough that an occupant’s breath
will condense as a white cloud. The
thermostat above the light switch is set
above freezing but can be lowered to 20
degrees Fahrenheit or raised to room
Recreation: This nearly empty room
has dark spots speckled on the four
white walls. One handball lies in the
middle of the room. The room is an
improvised handball court.
Southeast Quarters: This is the bed-
room of Scotty Sparks. In addition to his
single bed, desk, chair, dresser, and mir-
ror, he keeps on a small workbench a
pile of electronic parts. On the desk are
several diagrams and circuit boards as
well as a soldering gun (HTH value of
Bath: This steamy room contains two
large cedar tubs. The east one is full of
hot (120 degrees F.) water, the west one
contains cold (40 degrees F.) water.
Wooden benches surround the tubs and
drip condensed steam onto the slightly
concave floor. The entire room is a
sauna. There is also a sink, toilet, towel
storage, and a shaving mirror. Food Storage: This dry storage area is es, nonflammable floor-cleaning solvent,
filled with vegetables, sacks of rice, bags twelve-volt battery packs, a clothes wash-
Southwest Quarters: Ian Graves used of egg noodles, canned fruit juices, water- er, a clothes dryer, bed linen, towels,
to live here. The room is as he left it: bed cress, chestnuts, beans, bean sprouts, toilet paper, lumber, and one-inch-thick
unmade, dresser drawers open. The desk and warm rice wine. Dried octopus and metal plates.
and chair are unremarkable. The mirror fish hang from the ceiling. A lighted five- Library: This quiet, carpeted area
is cracked. gallon aquarium along the east wall con- doubles as a meeting room. A long table
tains six live lobsters and a multitude of surrounded by ten chairs is centered in
Kitchen: This room appears to be an live snails. the room. The west wall is lined with
eating area as well as a kitchen. The technical books, leisure magazines, and
square metal table with six-inch-high LEVEL FIVE maps. The maps are of Australia, Swit-
legs has a hinged edge and a woven mat Storage: Stacked in boxes and bins zerland, and the world’s ocean bottoms.
beneath it. (See figure 9) The room is throughout this area is a potpourri of Along the curved east wail are a micro-
decorated in Oriental Modern. Instead supply items for the entire complex. fiche reader, a cabinet full of technical
of chairs there are four cushions on the These items include fluorescent light and engineering microfiches, a video
floor. An electric wok, chopsticks, a tubes, electronic parts, 24 one-gallon console for gaming or education, and a
fondue set, authentic china dishes, and cans of motor oil, 24 one-gallon cans of small table holding an instant coffee
a miniature gong are stored in a cabinet hydraulic fluid, spark plugs, rubber hos- maker, sugar, cream substitute, and sty-
along the south wall. ing, metal pipes, clamps, circular brush- rofoam cups.
April 1981 Dragon
Print Shop: This room is set up to print
counterfeit money. A large printing press,
a hydraulic paper cutter, a horizontal
drying rack, and a tall storage cabinet
nearly fill all the floor space. In the stor-
age cabinet are reams of special unprint-
ed currency paper, 4 tubes of colored
ink, extra ink rollers, five one-gallon
cans of flammable ink solvent, and flat-
tened corrugated cardboard boxes. There
is a wastebasket near the door to the
south, which leads to the brig. In the
bottom of the basket, covered with crum-
pled paper, are the eight plates for print-
ing Swiss Francs. Something is defi-
nitely wrong with them though. Running
across the surface of all eight plates are
deep fractures as if the plates had been
dropped. Close inspection of the crump-
led paper will show inked impressions
made with the cracked plates. The uncut
counterfeit bills are obviously worthless
and unusable. The plates ordinarily would
have brought a $5,000 reward from the
Swiss government, if returned in mint
condition. In damaged condition like
this, the plates would be worth a sub-
stantially smaller reward ($2,000) — but
a reward nonetheless.

Brig: The door to this chamber is

locked. Inside this room is a single bed, a
chair, a toilet, and a sink. On the desk are
novels by Ian Fleming, an ashtray filled
with cigarette butts bearing three gold
bands, and a reading lamp plugged into
a wall socket behind the desk.
Laboratory: This area contains the life LEVEL SIX tiny goldfish dart to and fro inside it.
support systems for the complex. In the Above the bed is an ornately carved
northern third of the room are tanks of Airlock: For full description, see pas- wooden Swiss cuckoo clock. To the
oxygen, filter chambers, and air-condi- sage under HARDWARE DESCRIP- north of the bed is a vanity with a lighted
tioning units which make up the closed TIONS. In each chamber is a full scuba makeup mirror and a short chair. The
recycling system. Any agent with a Civil, suit, with flippers, mask, an air tank with vanity’s two drawers are filled with cos-
Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering an hour of air, a waterproof searchlight, metics. On the west wall are four wooden
knowledge of more than 85 will be able and a depth gauge/compass wrist mech- clothes closets full of women’s clothing.
to operate or shut down the system. Gas anism. Ian Grave is tied up in the west To the south of the bed is a writing table
sensors within the ventilation system airlock. and chair. One of the drawers contains
will automatically shut the system down Submarine Dock: Poised on rollers in writing instruments. The other contains
for 30 minutes if any nonbreathable gas this humid compartment is a mini-sub an envelope. In the envelope is a short
is introduced. These many sensors can- with room for two. The glass top is usu- note in English reading, “Dear Doctor:
not be deactivated. The system cannot ally open when the sub is unoccupied. A thanks for the blueprints. They’ll be put
be restarted in less than 30 minutes. pair of metal sealed doors on the north to good use in my rulebook. Thanks
In the southern third of the room are side of the room open into the sea, creat- again, MMR.”
tanks, pumps, sediment chambers, and ing a 25-foot-wide passageway. A con- Living area: This is the private work
trickle filters which make up the closed trol switch within the mini-sub electron- and entertainment area of Doctor Yes.
water-recycling system. Any agent with ically operates the sea doors. There is no Seven thick panes of clear, bulletproof
a Civil, Electrical, or Hydraulic Engineer- access to the elevator from the lock. glass cover the floor, revealing the color-
ing knowledge of more than 65 will be Bath: Mirror tiles cover the walls and ful coral on the sea floor twenty feet
able to shut down the system. Salt water ceiling of this white-carpeted private below the complex.
can be desalinized here. Fresh water can bath. In the northern most corner is a The area contains a well-stocked bar
be cooled or heated at this location also. white triangular tub. On the west wall is a with five stools, a round card table with
In the center of the room is an unmov- white toilet and sink. On the east wall is a four overstuffed chairs, an eight-foot
able square metal table. Underneath it is counter top with shelves for towels and pool table with accessories, a foosball
a square rubber mat. The cluttered table- toiletries underneath. The only door leads table, a six-foot couch with end tables,
top contains an oscilloscope, unfinished from the Wardroom to the south. and a lit drafting table. In the four draft-
electronic circuit boards, one wire rack Wardroom and Bedroom: Dominating ing table drawers (from the top down)
with a dozen colors of wire, two solder- the center of this plush, dark-carpeted are: drawing instruments, blank paper,
ing guns, a 2-way wrist radio which is slumber room is an eight-foot-wide cir- preliminary sketches, and finished draw-
tuned to the guards’ frequency, and a cular bed. The water bed is made of ings for larger islands and floating city
small carbon-dioxide fire extinguisher. strong transparent vinyl, and a dozen structures.
Dragon Vol. V, No. 10

red thumb button which if pressed will

fire a continuous stream of .60 caliber
ammo from that outpost’s gun for as
long as it is pressed. All six outposts
could be controlled simultaneously if
enough people were inside the control
A seventh smaller screen centered be-
neath the outpost screens shows an
underwater view of the 25’ x 55’ inlet.
Instead of a joystick for this screen,
there is a panel with five buttons. (See
figure 13) Pressing one of these buttons
will fire two harpoons at a 45-degree
intersecting angle toward the center of
the inlet. (See the Top View, Surface
Level map for details) The pairs of har-
poon tubes are spaced ten feet apart and
their position is fixed. Each harpoon has
a PWV of 2, a point-blank modifier of +4,
and a short-range modifier of -50. Due to
the narrow inlet and camera angle the
harpoons are no good at medium or long
range. They are barbed and inflict +2
points of damage when they hit.
On the east wall of the control room,
Control Room (See figure 11): A cen- device or control. Six television-type north of the narrow elevator door, are
tral swivel chair attached to the floor screens dominate the upper part of the four airlock master contols which allow
faces banks of monitors and controls on west wall. They each have a revolving any airlock to be flooded with water or
the west wall. (See figure 9) There are view of the sandy surface of the island as filled with air up to 7 atmospheres in
three colored switches and a microphone seen from a camera in one of the out- pressure for decompression use. A knob
on the right arm of the chair and one posts. Directly in front of each screen on with a gauge above it controls and indi-
white on the left. A red switch turns the the console is a joystick with a pair of cates the exact pressure in an airlock.
lights in the control room to red. The buttons. (See figure 12) The “stop pan” (See figure 14) Any agent with a rating of
blue switch turns on the microphone so button locks a camera onto a viewed more than 60 in Medicine/Physiology
the operator can speak to anyone in the target on the surface stopping the came- will be able to properly decompress
mini-sub up to 3000 feet away. The yel- ra’s circular rotation. The camera’s mo- someone in an airlock. Anyone else will
low switch turns on a compressor to tion is now controlled by the joystick. inflict 1-10 points of damage to them.
flood the control room with air at a great Pressing the “Target” button magnifies To the south of the elevator door is a
enough pressure to force any seawater the image on the screen and places it on master elevator control board which indi-
out for 15 minutes. If the room is still a crosshair grid for targeting with the cates which floor the elevator is on. It can
watertight when this occurs, all occu- joystick. The joystick is topped with a override the controls inside the elevator
pants breathing room air will take 1-6
points of pressure damage. The white
switch activates the hydraulic pedestal
beneath the chair, raising it five feet
straight up toward the light fixture. The
chair will begin to rise immediately and
reach its peak in 5 seconds. Flipping the
switch back will lower it just as fast. The
white switch cannot be operated when
the chair is in motion.
All controls are marked in English.
Any agent with a Knowledge rating of
more then 70 should be able to activate
and operate each device in the room. A
single well-aimed bullet will destroy one

April 1981 Dragon

and other floors and force the elevator to switches, As long as there is electrical
go where the operator in the control power any functioning light in any cham-
room wishes it to go. (See figure 15) ber, hallway, or elevator shaft may be
Further south on the east wall is a mas- turned on by using this master lighting
ter door and lighting control switch board. panel. From the panel, power can be cut two sets of scuba gear with one-hour
All switches are labelled. Refer to level to any chamber or hallway device includ- tanks (full), two sets of flippers, two
maps and level descriptions for names ing the recycling systems and the escape weight belts, two diver’s knives (-9/-6),
and locations of chambers within the route hydraulic system. Battery-powered two wrist-worn depth guage/compass
complex. Each chamber has a separate Bernies are unaffected by any power mechanisms, and two portable under-
switch. Any elevator, chamber or hall- shutoff. Airlock and gun emplacement water searchlights.
way door may be electronically locked hatches are always operated manually. FLOODING
or hydraulically opened and closed any- Prep Room: Departing and incoming When any chamber below water level
where in the complex as long as the aquanauts often use this chamber to is punctured or opened it becomes sus-
main or auxiliary generators are still dress in. Along the northernmost curved ceptible to flooding. Three factors have
working. All doors and (including the wall are six double-shot pneumatic spear- to be considered each time a chamber
escape route) hatches ordinarily have a guns loaded and ready to fire. Along the wall is punctured or a door or hatch is
130 difficulty to deactivate and then a westernmost curved wall is a high-pres- opened:
difficulty of 40 to force open. This is only sure compressed air system for filling air 1. Is the chamber adjacent to the
after the one-inch plate metal has been tanks. An agent with knowledge of 85 or outer perimeter of the complex or
cut away from the mechanisms in the better in Mechanical Engineering will be adjacent to a previously flooded
doorframe. The entire escape route Or able to turn on the compressor and chamber?
any segment of it may be opened or operate the mechanism. In lockers along 2. How far below the surface of the
sealed shut with the flick of one of six the east wall are stored two wet suits, ocean is the chamber?
3. How large an opening was made
into the chamber?
A flooding chamber will fill to either
the top of the opening which caused the
flooding or to the height given below,
whichever is deeper. Trapped compress-
ed air against the ceiling prevents water
from coming in further.
Chamber flood depth
If the complex is still afloat, maximum
flood depths for rooms and chambers is
as follows: Level 1, 2 feet, 10 inches;
Level 2, 4 feet, 2 inches; Level 3, 5 feet, 2
inches; Level 4, 5 feet, 10 inches; Level 5,
6 feet, 4 inches; Level 6, 6 feet, 8 inches.
(Ceiling height on each level is 10 feet.)
If the complex is on the bottom or
sinks after being partially flooded, all
flooded areas will accumulate water be-
yond the “afloat” flood depth: Level 1, 5
feet, 2 inches; Level 2, 5 feet, 10 inches;
Level 3, 6 feet, 4 inches; Level 4, 6 feet, 8
inches; Level 5, 7 feet; Level 6, 7 feet, 2
Remember that water flows downhill,
and opening a flooded chamber from
below will cause that water to pour down
the lower chamber. Due to moisture
sensors in each chamber, flooding will
cause doors and ventilation shafts to
automatically seal shut. There is always
a 10% chance that the salt water in a
flooded room will be electrified, causing
1-10 points of damage to an agent’s
body. Electrical devices used in a flooded
chamber or taken from that chamber
only operate 10% of the time.
Dragon Vol. V, No. 10

The speed at which a chamber floods flooded. This does not include the eleva- that shark away or toward another per-
to its maximum depth depends on the tor shaft. son. Anyone attacked may only fight
size of the opening made into it. If the lt will take two and a half minutes for against two sharks at a time, all others
chamber is adjacent to the outer perime- the half-flooded complex to hit bottom. getting a free bite. If someone injures a
ter of the complex, the depth affects the The complex wilI remain upright. During shark, one other shark will attack the
rate at which the water flows in. Flood this time all flooded chambers will slowly injured one and wilt no longer be inter-
time is in seconds and is calculated as fill to their maximum “bottom” depth. ested in humans. Once a shark attacks
follows. The floor hatchways in the four airlocks successfully, it wilI attack only that cer-
Using the map containing the chamber will be seated against the ocean bottom tain victim and will not also attack an-
being flooded, count all the full floor and cannot be used. The mines buried in other person. A human cannot outswim
squares and partial squares (more than the sand on the surface level will float up a shark.
half of one) which the room includes. out of the sand filling the surrounding Sharks attack savagely, tearing chunks
Using this number as a base figure, waters with approximately 35 live explo- of flesh from the victim by thrashing
incorporate any of the following multip- sives. Rescue craft in the area as well as their heads from side to side. Only about
liers which apply: craft from within the complex will have 20 percent of those attacked have sur-
Size of opening: to dodge these deadly hazards. Use the vived. Heavy bleeding from gaping
Hatch-sized (man-sized) x1 same odds for exploding these mines as wounds and shock cause death in most
Smaller than hatch-sized x2 when they were buried in the sand. cases.
Larger than hatch-sized x.5 Of the more than 225 known species
Location of opening: UNDERWATER ACTIONS of shark only 10 percent are believed to
(First multiplier used if complex is As explosions rip open the complex be dangerous to divers. They are espe-
afloat; multiplier in parentheses used if walls and chambers flood with sea water, cially dangerous off the coast of Austra-
complex is on bottom.) within seconds the entire complex will lia, where this floating island is located.
Level 1 x1.3 (x1.5) rock and vibrate. On occasion, opening Naturally curious, cannibalistic, and po-
Level 2 x1.4 (x1.6) a hatch or door to a chamber will cause ssessing a rather one-track mind, they
Level 3 x1.5 (x1.6) pressure changes which may affect your should be avoided when possible.
Level 4 x1.6 (x1.6) hearing. Releasing air from a flooded It is believed sharks are attracted to
Level 5 x1.6 (x1.7) chamber wilt cause the water to rise to shiny objects, light-colored articles,
Level 6 x1.6 (x1.7) the top of the opening connecting it to splashing on the surface, explosions,
Note: These multipliers are only used the unflooded chamber. Water will try to but most of all....blood!
far flooding which involves penetration fill the next chamber. The weight of PERSONNEL
of the outer perimeter of the complex’s water behind or above a hatch must be All personnel within the complex, in-
exterior walls. The first set of multipliers considered when agents attempt to enter cluding the prisoner in the brig, will
(for size of opening) is used to deter- a flooded chamber or exit the submerged know what each chamber is and how to
mine flood time for newly flooded com- complex from an air-filled chamber. operate ail hardware and devices. All
partments created by a rupture in an Throat mikes and electronic equip- personnel except the prisoner will know
interior walk. The multipliers for location ment will have a 75% chance of fizzling about the escape route and the safe path
of the opening only apply when the out each time they are immersed in across the minefield to the edge of the
opening is on the outer perimeter of the water unprotected. Reduce this chance island. They will also know which quar-
complex. to 50% if waterproofing precautions are ters are assigned to each person and
Example: Agents place 40 ounces of taken. Powder-firing weapons which get each person’s duty schedule, even dur-
plastic explosive outside the brig on the wet are extremely unreliable and even ing an alarm. Everyone except the pri-
fifth Level, six inches above the floor. when waterproofed will only fire 25% of soner will know that the plates were
They ignite it electronically and it punc- the time after immersion. If a shell fails to ruined by Ian Grave and he’s being tor-
tures a man-sized hole in the two-inch- fire treat it as a misfire as explained on tured by decompression in the west air-
thick metal perimeter. From the Cham- page 25 of the TOP SECRET rulebook. Lock by Doctor Yes. Each person wilt
ber Flood Depth information, the Admin- Condensation inside plastic sacks or know the contents of his or her own
istrator knows the chamber will fill with wax after 15 minutes has the same effect quarters. Only Doctor Yes and the pri-
water to a depth of six feet, four inches. as water on bullets and powder explo- soner in the brig know that the prisoner
To find out how fast it floods, the Admin- sives. Remember to review the Explo- is the Doctor’s son, who infiltrated the
istrator applies the formula as follows: sives and Underwater Combat sections complex single-handedly. All the guards
Number of squares in brig (5) x man- in the TOP SECRET rulebook. will know that Dr. Yes will try to escape
sized puncture factor (1) x Level 5 flood during an alarm via mini-sub. Mark John-
time factor (1.6) = eight seconds until SHARKS son and Chuck Morris each carry a key
room is flooded. If any agent or character bleeds in the to the helicopter, and of all the person-
Example: Agents ignite 20 sticks of water at any time there is a 10 percent nel only they or Doctor Yes can pilot it.
waterproof dynamite on the top edge of chance per person per minute that 1-10 Doctor Yes is the only one carrying a
the outer doors to the submarine cham- sharks wilI attack that agent or others in key to the mini-sub, but any personnel
ber on level 6. The explosion creates a the water. Sharks may enter flooded member may pilot it. Doctor Yes and the
larger than man-sized puncture in the chambers (one shark at a time) if blood four guards each carry matching keys to
two-inch-thick doors. The entire cham- streams from inside the complex and the speedboats. Anyone may pilot these
ber will flood since the puncture is near there is a man-sized or larger hole for vehicles. Doctor Yes, Scotty, and the
the top of the door next to the ceiling. them to enter. Each explosion will have a guards each wear a wrist radio (See Per-
The time to flood the entire chamber is 25 percent chance of attracting 1-10 sonnel Alarm Reactions). All personnel
25 (number of squares) x 1/2 (opening sharks. Each shark will have a Life Level carry the equivalent of 1-100 dollars on
larger than a hatch) x 1.6 (Level Six flood of (1-10) +9 and an attack value of (1- their person at all times.
time factor) = 20 seconds. 10)+9 as the number of injury points it All personnel can swim. Guards will
SlNKING: will inflict per attack. Agents cannot possess weaponry, protection, and am-
The entire complex will sink twenty harm sharks with their bare hands but munition randomly determined from
feet to the bottom when 25 or more rolling their Offense value or less on page 16 of the TOP SECRET rulebook.
chambers and hallways of any size are percentile dice for each shark will drive Roll for each guard separately.
April 1981 Dragon
Scotty Sparks: Height 5’8”; Weight
Personal traits of floating island’s personnel
145 lbs; Nationality United States; Race
PS Ch W Co K Cr O D E HV WV SV LL Caucasian. Blond hair, blue eyes. An
Dale Craig 85 85 85 97 81 93 95 91 90 175 180 181 18 electronics genius, a coward and a very
Mark Johnson 99 80 84 59 9 7 9 0 75 70 85 182 171 153 18 depressed man, Scotty Sparks has been
unable to function since his close friend
Chuck Morris 90 68 85 93 9 4 9 8 95 80 83 173 185 163 18 fan Grave was sentenced to die by Doc-
Bruce Nee 84 76 100 64 68 100 89 70 89 173 173 159 18 tor Yes. He is impervious to the charms of
“Sweetbeam” Doctor Yes, but fears her instead. Scotty
Leotard 96 97 105 94 47 126 110 96 112 208 206 208 20 is usually in his bedroom or the labora-
tory, moping. When agents find him he
Mohammed Chang 50 50 50 50 5 0 5 0 50 50 50 100 100 100 10
will react very lethargically; however,
fan Grave 63 37 50 33 8 4 2 3 28 35 31 94 91 66 11 Scotty will act much differently if he is
Scotty Sparks 82 63 31 27 180 87 57 45 75 157 139 120 11 taken to the sixth-level air lock in which
Doctor Yes 37 120 113 80 163 67 74 100 94 131 111 194 15 his friend is imprisoned. Scotty will beg
Prisoner 115 156 128 157 142 158 158 157 157 272 273 364 24 the agents to save fan, and if they do not
he will risk his life in an attempt to rescue
his friend. He does know how to operate
PERSONNEL DESCRlPTlONS accepted by them. When he does wear the decompression equipment from the
clothes he will put on his Exterminator control room. Reward: $6500 for safe
The Guards jacket. In his shorts pocket are the keys return,
Dale Craig: Height 5’9”; Weight 160 to an automobile (obviously not on the Doctor Yes: Height 5’5”; Weight 118
lbs; Nationality British; Race Caucasian. premises); Reward: $3500 alive. lbs.; Nationality Swiss; Race Caucasian.
Very long brown hair, blue eyes (usually “Sweetbeam” Leotard: Height 5’5”; Long white hair, pink eyes. Albinism
covered with mirrored sun glasses). Often Weight 122 lbs.; Nationality Canadian; apparent at short range even when she is
wears blue denim jacket with silver chain Race Negroid. Bald, deep brown eyes. in scuba gear. Her albinism and lisp
over right shoulder. Across the back of The natural leader of the guards and the seem to enhance her beauty rather than
his jacket is stenciled “THE EXTERMI- personal favorite of Doctor Yes. His lan- hinder it. This could be said about her
NATORS”. He is a very sloppy dresser guage is never filthy, but his spontaneous age also; her sixty years have not marred
and looks generally unkempt. In his comments often insult the other guards; her looks. Her anonymity in the outside
wallet there is no money (his currency is his easy smile and quick hands make world is due to her brilliance as a crimi-
kept in a front pants pocket), but there is everyone very reluctant to fight him. He nal. Not once have the authorities even
a card which says “James Pong Fan is very nostalgic about his boxing days. suspected her in the many highly suc-
Club”. When cornered with no way out Sweetbeam enjoys killing and never takes cessful escapades she has mastermind-
he will threaten that his friend Pong will prisoners. No reward offered. ed. On this caper, however, luck has
avenge his death. He doesn’t like taking Mohammed Chang: Height 6’6”; finally gone against her. The plates were
prisoners. Reward: $3500 alive. Weight 163 lbs; Nationality Swiss; Race destroyed by clumsiness, and her name
Mark Johnson: Height 6’1”, Weight Caucasian/Mongoloid. Long black hair, is connected to the theft of them. She is
165 lbs.; Nationality British; Race Cauc- hazel eyes. He has been with Doctor Yes in a foul mood and is usually in the con-
asian. Short blond hair and blue eyes. longer than anyone else on the island. trol room, personally perpetrating and
Shy and reserved, he detests Dale Craig Mohammed is a very withdrawn person supervising the slow execution of fan
but functions well with others, except and does not associate with the others Graves. If not there, she will either be in
perhaps Doctor Yes. There is a streak of frequently, although his admiration for her bedroom or in the Living Area doing
humanity in him but it doesn’t run too Sweetbeam is very high. Doctor Yes drafting work. Reward: $10,000 alive.
deep. He doesn’t take prisoners. He is seems to feel very protective toward Weapon: She will be armed at all times
also extremely neat and punctual. No Mohammed and looks upon his ambi- with a .22 pocket self-load Beretta. En-
reward offered. valence with amusement. Mohammed graved on the grip in English is “From
Chuck Morris: Height 5’8”; Weight 195 rarefy makes decisions and tends to fol- J.B. to Mom with love.”
lbs; Nationality British; Race Caucasian. low the others around. No reward offered. The Prisoner: Height 6’0”; Weight 167
Medium-length brown hair, green eyes. The Others Ibs.; Nationality British; Race Caucasian,
He likes to order the others around, but Ian Grave: Height 5’10”; Weight 177 Black hair, blue eyes. He possesses a
usually does so without success. When lbs; Nationality Swiss; Race Caucasian. cruel-looking mouth and often pops out.
the action starts he uses his head and Crewcut silver hair, brown eyes. He’s with subtle puns. Under his left arm is an
sets traps against his opponents. He’ll currently in an air lock by the control empty chamois holster. His clothes fit
rarefy be surprised and his back is usu- room. His hands are bound and he is well, and agents may note a certain
ally towards the wall. Chuck enjoys cap- suffering from decompression sickness arrogance in his actions. This man shows
turing prisoners and interrogating them. (the bends). He is doubled over and is in no fear when a gun is pointed at him and
The other guards consider him strange too much pain to communicate. If the will usually joke about it. If there are any
but do respect him. He sometimes wears agents help him to recover, fan will tell female agents in the group they will feel
a blue denim jacket with “THE EXTERMI- them that he was being executed for a very strong attraction toward this man.
NATORS” stenciled across its back. Re- accidentally dropping all the plates and If a female agent is attractive, she will
ward: $3500 alive. rendering them worthless. He will reveal notice him eyeing her approvingly and
Bruce Nee: Height 5’10”; Weight 155 that the cracked plates are currently in he will try to engage her in conversation.
lbs.; Nationality British, Race Caucasian; the wastebasket in the print room. Ian In his shirt pocket is a package of ciga-
Short brown hair, blue eyes. Often goes will also plead with agents not to kill his rettes which bear three gold bands and
around the complex wearing shorts and good friend Scotty Sparks. If the agents in his pants pocket is a set of keys to a
nothing else. He often fakes punches do not bring Ian back to normal slowly, Bentley automobile. When this man is
and kicks towards the other guards; he will be in too much agony to talk and left alone with a single agent he will try to
sometimes he will playfully punch Dale will soon thereafter die. Ian Grave was obtain possession of the agent’s wea-
Craig in the arm. Although he irritates the intended printer of the counterfeit pon. This prisoner will call Doctor Yes
the other guards occasionally, he is currency. No reward offered. “Mother” if he comes upon her unex-
Dragon Vol. V, No. 10

pectedly and will be definitely uneasy in

her presence. If the agents will trust this
man, he will aid them to his full ability.
He will not give out his name. Reward:
$11,000 alive (from the British Secret

Personnel locations
The following information will provide
the locations of each member within the
complex during any given eight-hour
12:01 a.m. to 8 a.m.; Craig and John-
son in control room, Level 6; Morris in
library, Level 5; Nee in Recreation area,
Level 3; Leotard in Southeast quarters,
Level 3; Chang in Southwest quarters,
Level 3; Sparks in Southeast quarters,
Level 4; Dr. Yes in Wardroom and bed-
room, Level 6.
8:01 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Craig in Northwest
quarters, Level 1; Johnson in Southwest
quarters, Level 1; Morris and Nee in con-
trol room, Level 6; Leotard in Recreation
tors and fuel room on Level 1. Guards 7. There are secret hatchways finking
area, Level 4; Chang in Southwest quar-
located on Levels 4 through 6 generally the levels.
ters, Level 3; Sparks in Southeast quar-
are directed to the Living area and Bed- 8. The guards race bicycles on Level
ters, Level 4; Dr. Yes either in control
room on Level 6. Guards without ammo 4.
room (70%), Wardroom and bedroom
will head for the weapons room on Level 9. All the printed Swiss francs are
(20%) or Living area (10%), all Level 6.
2. located on the submarine.
4:01 p.m. to midnight: Craig in Kit-
3. Scotty Sparks will remain in the 10. “The Exterminators,” a terrorist
chen, Level 3; Johnson in Library, Level
chamber he occupied when the alarm group, form part of the guards. They are
5; Morris in Southeast quarters, Level 1;
was sounded and will not be aggressive. worth $3,500 if any one is captured alive.
Nee in Northeast quarters, Level 1; Leo-
tard and Chang in control room, Level 6; If taken to the sixth level he will try to free
Graves as described above. EPILOGUE
Sparks in Laboratory, Level 5; Dr. Yes
4. Ian Grave and the Prisoner in the Escape is defined as swimming, boat-
either in control room (70%), Wardroom
Brig will both be yelling for help in Eng- ing, or flying off the boundaries of the
and bedroom (20%) or Living area (10%),
lish. They can only be heard by someone map on page 44.
all Level 6.
on the level they occupy. If any agents escape with the plates,
At all times, fan Grave will be located
in the west airlock, Level 6, and the Pri- other valuables, or personalities. they
OPTlONAL RUMORS receive their appropriate rewards and
soner will be in the Brig, Level 5.
At the discretion of the Administrator, experience.
Personnel Alarm Reactions: rumors (both true and false) may be told If agents are unsuccessful; (all killed,
All guards, Scotty, and Dr. Yes com- to the players before the agents’ assault captured, or escaped without reward)
municate in English via two-way wrist begins. Each player should be taken the floating island will reappear some-
radios. Due to the small size of the staff, aside and told one of the 10 rumors where else in the world one game week
all members recognize each other’s fisted below, determined randomly. Play- later. All captured agents will suffer the
voices. ers may share their rumor information same fate as fan Grave. They will be
As soon as the alarm is sounded (when with other players if they so desire. In the placed in a chamber which will be pres-
anyone with a wrist radio notices an fist below, rumors 3, 4 and 9 are false. surized for ten minutes and then sud-
invading agent and alerts all staff mem- Additional false rumors may be substi- denly depressurized. This will cause 1-
bers), the following actions take place: tuted for true ones on the fist by the 10 points of damage each time it is
1. Doctor Yes will immediately head Administrator. performed. Decompression sickness is
toward an airlock, put on scuba gear, 1. A high-ranking British agent has extremely painful, especially in the major
and attempt to escape via mini-sub. She been captured by Doctor Yes. Reward joints of the body. Dizziness and nausea
will only return when she has received $11,000. accompany severe cramps which will
the coded signal, “The goldfish are swim- 2. The only known picture of James double over a victim in excruciating
ming their little hearts out.” A staff mem- Pong, an assassin to be killed on sight, is pain. So much for those who visit the
ber must send this message from the located somewhere in the complex. It is floating island of Doctor Yes!
control room. All staff members know worth $5,000 to the U.S. CREDlTS
this phrase. 3. It has been heard that Van Gogh’s Initial Concept: James Thompson. Module
If her submarine escape is thwarted ear is somewhere on the island. It is Design and Development: James Thompson
she will attempt to swim out through the worth $8,000. and Merle M. Rasmussen.
sea doors or a hatchway wearing scuba 4. An extremely rare species of tropi- Helpful Suggestions: Mark Elliott, Chris-
gear. If this is not possible she will try the cal fish is possessed by Doctor Yes. It is tian Johansen, Mark W. Johnson, Scott Nel-
escape route. worth $8,000 alive. son.
Playtesters: Frank Clatterbaugh, Eric Craw-
2. Guards located in the control room 5. Scotty Sparks, an electronics gen-
ford, Mark C. Bowerman, Howard E. Bell Jr.,
will try to hold that position at all costs ius, is on the island. $6,500 will be paid Dave Bowerman, Chris Laizik, Michael Spoto,
and will direct the other staff members. for his safe return to his home govern- Donald R. Simmons Jr., Eric Nelson, Christian
Guards located on Levels 1 through 3 ment. Johansen, Scott Nelson, Mark Elliott,,
generally are sent to protect the genera- 6. Doctor Yes is a woman. Art: Merle M. Rasmussen.

April 1981

Dragon Vol. V, No. 10

Carrying a
heavy load?

Let a
do it
f o r You!
by Robert Plamondon expeditions should have backups on the mule. This also applies
to weapons in general and bowstrings in particular.
Many players of fantasy role-playing games have their char- Special-purpose equipment can be very important if you can
acters take mules with them on adventures, hoping to fill their correctly predict what you need to take. This category includes
empty saddlebags with loot. Few players think of putting more all of those crazy things you think just might come in handy,
than a few arrows and an extra bottle of wine on the mule for the such as rope and pulleys, mining tools, or a battering ram. In
trip in; mules are for the journey home. many dungeons some of these things would be considered
This often turns out be a fatal mistake, for a mule can carry an essential, while in as many others they would be totally worth-
enormous amount of gear to keep the party going in unex- less. Special-purpose equipment is usually selected after find-
pected circumstances. If you’ve ever run out of light and arrows ing out the specifics about the area of the adventure, although
in the same expedition, a well-laden mule is probably just what chaotics might decide to bring along all sorts of junk in any
you need. circumstances, on speculation.
One method of arriving at the optimum assortment of gear for Another important class of items, at least to low-level charac-
your faithful pack animal is to try everything and then throw out ters, is “repellants,” which include garlic, belladonna, wolves-
the stuff you never use. This is the method I used with my thief, bane, mirrors, and holy water. Evil characters might add poison
Black Bart, who was fortunate enough to run in a world where to the list. Repellants are rather poor as offensive weapons, but
mules could carry amazing loads due to DM leniency. In a they discourage certain opponents (wolvesbane disgusts were-
stricter dungeon, this method would undoubtably lead to over- creatures, while garlic and mirrors turn vampires off), or even
loading the mule and reducing its movement rate, as well as kill them, such as when a mirror reflects back a basilisk’s gaze or
leaving no extra carrying capacity for treasure. We therefore holy water destroys one of the undead. Belladonna is included
need to arrive at a more efficient system for sorting out the as a repellant because it’s a sort of vaccine against lycanthropy,
useful gear from the rest. and because it doesn’t fit any of the other specific categories.
Probably the most common type of equipment to load onto Note that holy water is quite a powerful weapon against the
the mule is consumable goods; stuff that will be used up in the undead; unless there is a powerful Cleric in your party, your
course of an adventure, such as food, torches, arrows, and beer. only real chance to overcome the nastier undead creatures is to
These are the kinds of items that the characters probably don’t shower them with holy water. If you have a negative armor class
want to carry around themselves, at least in large quantities, and magic weapons you might try single combat with the next
and since they gradually get used up the mule will have more vampire that turns up, but when you get six levels drained off
and more room for treasure as the adventure progresses. before you kill him I’ll be right there saying, “I told you so.” Any
Another major category for dungeon gear is replacement cretin can throw holy water, and vampires and the like are often
items. Such things as lanterns and axes tend to get broken when much more vulnerable to half a dozen people hurling vials at
used as makeshift molotov cocktails and iron box openers, them than to a single fighter with a bright sword.
respectively. Items which tend to get broken or mangled on The last categories are tools, mule gear, and miscellaneous.
Each time an aircraft approaches the re- much interaction with the outside world
AGENT FILE search station and requests landing instruc- would defeat the purpose of their research.
tions, the pilot is informed that the airfield Billeter assured them that when visitors do
CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND is under localized whiteout conditions and is land, they are treated cordially but encour-
MISSION BRIEFING advised to fly to another nearby research aged to leave fairly promptly.
GEOGRAPHY: Whiteout Base is located outpost if the craft must set down. (Local- The leader explained further that Atlantis
on a flat, icy island at 64 degrees 15 min- ized whiteouts are not uncommon in Ant- II was involved in researching agriculture in
utes south, 60 degrees 30 minutes west, ten arctica, but the reported whiteout polar regions, with the intent of achieving
miles away from Camp Perez. It is situated conditions at the Atlantis base have become self-sufficiency. He said the project is
on property claimed by Great Britain, so prevalent that the research station is funded by Atlantis Enterprises.
Chile, and Argentina. Estimates of its hu- known to outsiders as “Whiteout Base.“) The scientists identified themselves and
man population range from 80 to 120. It is known that research is carried on at explained the reason for their visit. Billeter
HISTORY: In 1947, President Gabriel Whiteout Base, even though exact discov- agreed to their request to set up a tempo-
Gonzalez Videla of Chile established several eries and experiments have not been re- rary outpost about 500 yards southeast of
research stations to reinforce his country’s ported to the scientific community. Outside Atlantis II to conduct their own research,
claim to the Antarctic peninsula. Although researchers hypothesize that the residents of and allowed the team to maintain constant
geothermal activity was detected very close Whiteout Base are involved in agricultural radio contact from their base.
to the site in question, the station was aban- and geothermal energy research. The scientists used the outpost to keep
doned after two years because the Chilean CURRENT STATUS: Responding to 24-hour surveillance on Atlantis II. Activity
government was unwilling to finance its the urgings of SCAR members, the UN outside the complex was almost negligible,
continued operation. Security Council decided to inspect the much less than would be expected for a base
The site lay dormant and unoccupied research station. A little more than two of its size. No aircraft or ground vehicles
until 1971, when Atlantis Enterprises con- weeks ago, a plan was conceived to have a arrived or departed during the surveillance
tacted Salvador Allende Gossens (the new team of SCAR scientists, including a repre- period, which lasted more than 11 days.
president of Chile) and offered to buy the sentative of the Security Council, fly to the During this time, the scientists made brief,
station. Both Argentina and Britain pro- research station in an effort to open a line of scheduled visits to the complex every three
tested the sale of the station on the basis of scientific communication between the sta- days to exchange meteorological data. Their
the international treaty of 1959 which stated tion and other Antarctic bases. requests for other information were refused.
that no person, organization, or govern- The scientific team embarked, flew to- On day 12 of the surveillance, geiger
ment may own land in Antarctica until ward the research station, and requested counters at the scientists’ camp detected
1989. Allende ignored their protests and landing instructions. The pilot was in- significant levels of radiation emanating
sold the station to Atlantis Enterprises. formed that severe whiteout conditions over from Atlantis II. They contacted the base,
Beginning five months ago, routine satel- the airfield made landing impossible. The asked about the cause, and were told that
lite reconnaissance of Antarctica showed scientists feigned radio failure, approached information was privileged. The scientists
evidence of construction and expansion at unchallenged, and landed safely — under detected the source as a cloud of radioactive
the Atlantis site. Best information suggests clear skies. steam that was airborne and beginning to
that Atlantis Enterprises has revived an old The scientists were greeted at the airport drift. They requested permission to leave
association with an ultra-survivalist group, by a guard who was efficient but not hostile. the base, and were told that their plane
the Children of Neptune (CON). This He transported them to the research station, would be ready for takeoff in one hour.
group has been connected with subversive which looks from the surface like a cluster of They abandoned camp, keeping all their
activities including drug trafficking, the greenhouses. surveillance records and notes on the com-
selling of military secrets, and the counter- The team stayed in the complex as visi- plex, as well as maps and photographs they
feiting of Swiss francs. tors for about 24 hours. They were given had procured at Atlantis II. Just after tak-
Only in the last year has any detailed tours by qualified personnel of certain areas ing off, they contacted the UN Security
information surfaced about CON. The of the complex, and were politely but firmly Council and sent a coded radio message
agency has thwarted two CON operations denied access to other locations. They were concerning the radioactive cloud. Shortly
(the Floating Island Mission and the Merce- under constant personal supervision by at thereafter, the Ellsworth base had this con-
nary Atoll Mission). The purpose behind least one guard, in addition to any tour tact with the SCAR aircraft, at 1000 hours
the construction of a floating island and a guides. on June 2:
nuclear-powered floating drydock can only When the scientists tried to question “Ellsworth, this is Penguin One.
be guessed at. Plans and blueprints belong- personnel about the “whiteout” ruse, every- Come in, Ellsworth. Over.”
ing to CON have been discovered for entire one claimed to know nothing about it except “This is Ellsworth. We read you,
floating cities and submarine cities. Now, it the leader of the outpost, who identified Penguin One. Over.”
is apparent that CON is on the way to himself as William Billeter, Canadian by “Ellsworth, we are airborne from
assembling one of these future-survival birth, and the head administrator of the Whiteout Base. Prepare to receive a
cities in Antarctica. complex called Atlantis II. Billeter ex- complete report as soon as we land at
Atlantis Enterprises has ignored all at- plained that airport personnel are instructed Ellsworth. Our ETA is 1200 hours.
tempts at contact by the Scientific Commit- to discourage casual visitors by claiming a Over and out.”
tee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) and whiteout exists, because the station’s work “We’ll be ready for you, Penguin
governmental agencies of several countries. is centered around self-sufficiency, and too One. This is Ellsworth, over and out.”

42 JULY 1984
One hour later, this message was received report to Dr. Michael T. Jameson for sup- Will B. Driver, getaway driver. Enjoys
from Penguin One: plemental verbal instructions. Jameson can tailing and high-speed chases with any
“Ellsworth, this is Penguin One. Do be found in the base library. He is an vehicle.
you copy, Ellsworth? Over.” agency contact working for the UN Security “Paper Chaser,” bureaucratic paper-
“We copy, Penguin One. This is Council. shuffler with piloting skills. She enjoys
Ellsworth. Over.” It is suggested that your team transport adventure and danger.
“Ellsworth, we are having fuel prob- all issued equipment from New Zealand,
lems. We’ve just passed our PNR since Antarctic bases are poorly equipped Investigation bureau
[point of no return] and the gauges are for espionage missions. A limited supply of Miss Ecoute, interpreter and language
dropping fast. We’ll try to put her cold-weather equipment, food, water, and arts specialist. She speaks English-92,
down on the Filchner Ice Shelf. Our vehicles can be obtained from any Antarctic French-90, Spanish-88, German-40, and
current position is 73 degrees South, 47 base. Russian-91.
degrees West. We’re going down.” Pierre Piton, French mountain climber.
There was no further contact. Agent player character list Carries his own crampons and 50’ of nylon
Choose one of the following agents to rope.
ASSIGNMENT play. The Administrator will give you an “Dynamo,” fast-talking, fast-acting natu-
Because of the mystery about what hap- AGENT DOSSIER after you have chosen ral leader; at least he thinks so. Enjoys
pened to Penguin One, the Security Coun- an agent to play. conversation.
cil has decided to increase the intensity of its
investigation of Atlantis II. SCAR intends Assassination bureau Ellsworth Base
to send an investigative team to Atlantis II “The Mugger,” a vengeful vigilante. Supplemental verbal instructions
to discover the source of the radioactive Stalks lowlife criminals with a large-caliber “It has been determined that Penguin
steam, the complete plans of William Bille- handgun. One crash-landed on the Filchner Ice Shelf.
ter, and his intended means of achieving his Olga, former trainer for an Olympic The Soviets recovered the bodies of the
goals. The group has contacted your agency wrestling team. Likes to crush her oppo- SCAR scientists and the aircraft’s ‘black
to assemble such a team. Violence is to be nents with her bare hands. box.’ The bodies and the black box were
kept to a minimum. turned over to the Americans at Ellsworth.
Your team and its equipment will be Confiscation bureau No maps or photos were reported found by
transported from Christchurch, New “Klepto,” picks up souvenirs unrelated to the Soviets. It is assumed that the maps
Zealand, to Ellsworth Base, Antarctica. At missions. Has large collection of tools and survived in a special flameproof container
Ellsworth your team is to immediately clothing. now hidden under snow or wreckage at the
crash site.
“Your team must decide how to proceed.
You may fly to the crash site to assist in the
search for the maps and evidence, or you
may set course for another base. Under the
treaty of 1959, any base in Antarctica is
accessible to you, since no base can refuse
permission for a plane to land. This should
also apply to Atlantis II.
“Once you arrive at Atlantis II, the exact
means of penetration is left up to you. The
agency suggests that your team feign air-
craft engine trouble and make a forced
landing on the Atlantis II airstrip. From
there you are to attempt to infiltrate the
main complex, collect data, and return to
base to report your findings. At no time are
you to reveal your true assignment to Atlan-
tis II personnel.
“If chemical, biological, or radiological
(nuclear) warfare devices are encountered in
the field, you should make no attempt to
disarm or contain the devices. Proper au-
thorities (decontamination or bomb disposal
units) should be notified at once, even at the
risk of jeopardizing a delicate mission.
Caution supersedes any political or national
“It is currently winter on the continent,
which means there is continual darkness in
most places south of the Antarctic Circle.
The average temperature on the coast is -40
degrees Fahrenheit. Any overland traveling
is extremely hazardous. The extreme cold
tends to jam conventional weapons. Trigger
guards prevent mittened hands from pulling
triggers. Bare flesh begins freezing after one
minute of exposure to sub-zero tempera-
tures, and bare skin freezes to metal. The
agency recommends that agents avoid out-
door battles entirely.”

ADMINISTRATOR’S FILE a small atoll in the Northwest Pacific uncov-
ered another CON construction. A floating
drydock used to construct floating islands
Adventure preparation One year ago, supplies and CON person- confirmed the existence of CON and in-
Information in the AGENT FILE should nel began congregating in Chile before creased the possibility of additional floating
be given to players in the order it is pre- being shuttled by plane and ship to the islands. The Mercenary Atoll Mission also
sented here. First, they should read the Antarctic Peninsula. Two runways were hinted at the existence of another CON
Christchurch, New Zealand Mission Brief- built with two hangars and temporary hous- construction in Antarctica.
ing. Then players make their character ing. A pipeline was driven deep into geo- CON is attempting to make Atlantis II
selections based on the brief descriptions (or thermal rock. Slush pumped down the pipe self-sufficient for two major reasons. First,
use their own characters), and they depart became superheated steam to supply power to insure the continued survival of their
for Ellsworth Base to finish organizing for the base. During the brief warm season, members in the event of a supply-halting
supplies and receive their final verbal in- trenches were bulldozed in the sun-softened world holocaust or a blockade against them
structions. snow. Seventy-two prefabricated housing on the part of outside countries, they must
A player who chooses a pregenerated units were placed in the trenches. Corru- be prepared to provide themselves with the
character should first determine the bureau gated metal was used to form curved snow necessities of life.
classification of the character he wishes to roofs over the subsurface passageways; the Second, in 1959, twelve countries pro-
play. Next, he should either choose an avail- snow froze in position, and the curved claimed a treaty that prevented any territo-
able character from that bureau, or select corrugated metal was removed. Clear rial claims in Antarctica from being settled
one randomly. In any event, the player’s acrylic Quonset huts were built on the for 30 years. Although the Children of
choice is made without knowing details such surface of the snow between the snow- Neptune have staked out a large tract of
as the character’s exact ability ratings. One roofed passageways. The Quonset huts were land, neither CON nor any country owns
of the eight Agent Dossiers will be given to connected with plywood hallways. In the land in Antarctica. In 1989, CON hopes to
the player by the Admin once the player’s center of the buildings and tunnels, a claim and own part, if not all, of Antarc-
decision is made. The personal traits of the 60-foot-tall geodesic dome was constructed. tica. CON bases its hopes on the fact that
characters are fixed, and may not be ad- The dome is 150 feet wide and is composed although several countries have permanent
justed upon receipt of a dossier. of 665 transparent, triangular panels sup- scientific outposts and military bases in
Once the players have completed their ported by an aluminum skeleton. Antarctica, none of the countries have a
preparations for the game, the referee fin- CON personnel wasted no time moving truly self-sufficient colony. CON’s claim will
ishes setting the stage by bringing the player into the finished base and setting up house- have at least some validity, since entire
characters from the mission briefing to the keeping. A meteorological tower and a families have taken up residence at Atlantis
place where the mission is to begin. This is radio antenna were raised. Live plants, II. Also, most Antarctic bases depend on
usually a matter of providing a brief narra- food, clothing, and laboratory equipment food, fuel, and supplies from home coun-
tive (such as, “After obtaining supplies and arrived by the planeload. Housing units tries. Atlantis II hopes to grow its own food
getting organized, your group is taken via became mess halls, storage areas, mainte- supplies, use naturally occurring geother-
transport plane from Christchurch, New nance shops, and laboratories. Atlantis II mal energy, and manufacture all it needs to
Zealand to the United States Base, became the long-awaited colony of the function as an independent community.
Ellsworth.“). Children of Neptune. However, now that CON’s crimes have
In the meantime, CON has evolved from been made known to the world, Billeter
Plot synopsis a survivalist group into an ultra-survivalist feels the group’s survival is threatened. He
The Children of Neptune (CON) began faction planning world domination after the has instituted a new offensive plan. A team
as a survivalist group dedicated to insuring superpowers mutually annihilate each other. of CON engineers has begun constructing
the survival of its members in the event of a With Atlantis II as its headquarters, CON small nuclear devices designed to destroy
world war or other global tragedy. At that plans to rule the survivors of the earth’s the other Antarctic bases. Billeter hopes that
time, the Children of Neptune practiced northern hemisphere, using a fleet of float- setting off a single nuclear explosion at a
natural food farming, supply hoarding, ing islands. These islands are to be con- United States or Soviet base will cause an
outdoor survival, weapon use, and other structed in nuclear-powered floating international crisis. If one side blames the
survivalist techniques. The group seemed drydocks. At present, CON has constructed other, a war could break out, increasing
relatively harmless until William Billeter Atlantis II in Antarctica, a floating drydock Billeter’s chances of continental or world
became their leader. in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, and a domination. If a war does not break out,
Billeter, a former Arctic explorer, is a floating island in the Great Barrier Reef. Billeter plans to claim responsibility for the
popular, dynamic speaker and businessman. In recent years, CON activities came to bomb and threaten to destroy other Antarc-
Under his leadership, group membership the attention of the world’s peacekeeping tic bases unless Atlantis II is recognized as a
and revenues increased throughout the authorities when CON became involved in political entity and given land of its own in
world. Billeter contacted several investors to crime to raise money for construction. In Antarctica.
provide capital to form a natural food fran- what is referred to as the “Floating Island Recently, while workers were building
chise. This franchise became incorporated Mission,” international authorities financed one of the nuclear weapons, an “accident”
under the name Atlantis Enterprises. a small team of agents to retrieve stolen occurred in the laboratory. This incident
Soon afterward, the Children of Neptune Swiss franc printing plates. Once the manu- forced radioactive dust up an exhaust pipe
began planning their own colony. The idea factured floating island had been invaded to the surface. The laboratory was not
of Atlantis II was born in 1970, and the and secured, an intensive investigation of contaminated, but the outside snow and the
search for a natural undeveloped building the premises followed. Vague references pipe were.
site began. In 1971, Atlantis Enterprises hinted at CON’s involvement in the coun- Most of the residents of Atlantis II are
purchased a plot of land on the Antarctic terfeiting scheme. It is conjectured that ignorant of the outside world’s discovery of
Peninsula where a Chilean research station CON was intending to produce counterfeit the floating island and the drydock, and are
once stood. In 1981, Atlantis Enterprises Swiss francs in order to finance the con- not guilty of any wrongdoing except their
purchased 72 prefabricated, heavily insu- struction of Atlantis II. Apparently, CON devotion to Billeter. They are intentionally
lated housing units and the components for personnel had no intention of flooding the kept ignorant of outside events by Billeter
a geodesic dome. Thousands of feet of pipe, world’s financial market or extorting money and his small group of advisers, who make
hundreds of fuel oil barrels, sixteen Quonset from the Swiss government. all the policy decisions.
huts, and tons of assorted non-perishable Agents investigating the activities of A small secret group of dissenters, calling
supplies were shipped to Chile. Colonel Martin “Mad Merc” Strikewell at themselves “625,” want to flee Atlantis II.

44 JULY 1984
Atlantis II aerial view themselves to Atlantis II from there, or
proceed on foot or by land vehicle across the
ice floe. If the team flies in and asks for
landing permission at Atlantis II, personnel
there will tell them that the landing strip is
currently under whiteout conditions and the
aircraft cannot be safely directed to land.
(Actual weather conditions depend on what
was rolled for the current six-hour game
The Children of Neptune will welcome
anyone who lands at their airstrip, and will
offer the agents mechanical assistance and
fuel. If the agents don’t want lodging, they
will be expected to stay at the airport until
their plane is ready to fly again (which
would make this a short mission).
If the agents landed the plane because of
alleged engine or mechanical trouble, Yang
will offer to inspect and repair the aircraft;
it will take him 1 - 10 hours to discover that
nothing is wrong. He will report this fact to
Billeter, who will instruct him to “Snow-
bank” the aircraft. (See the section on Code
Yang will only attempt to sabotage the
aircraft if all the agents leave the airport
area. To cover the time he needs to spend
alone with the plane, Yang will tell the
agents that he could not find any engine
trouble or control problem with the aircraft,
but discovered structural wing damage.
Repairs can be made in 1-10 hours (Ad-
min’s choice or random), and in the mean-
time they are welcome to stay as guests in
the main complex. Agents may be forced to
stay because of approaching nightfall or bad
weather. Of course, they can simply accept
the invitation (and probably lose the serv-
ices of their aircraft) as a means of getting
inside the complex. When they enter, the
male agents are housed in Unit #23 and
female agents in Unit #8.

If Billeter captures any agents, members of character traits are left for the Admin to If the agents approach overland in vehi-
“625” may help the agents get away — if determine as well. cles, they will be detected on radar one mile
the agents agree to take them along. At Ellsworth Base, the agents meet their away. Yang will approach them in a Sno-cat
contact for the verbal briefing and then to find out where they are going and invite
Plot directions decide how to set out. They may refuel their them into the main complex.
It is impossible to accurately predict the plane immediately at Ellsworth and fly
activities of player-character agents assigned themselves to either the crash site, Camp Agents who approach on foot won’t be
to a free-form adventure. The adventure is Perez, Atlantis II, or someplace else. A pilot detected by radar, but will be seen 80% of
riddled with clues, rumors, characters, and will not go with them, which means that at the time on the base’s infrared surveillance
objects intended to provoke action and steer least one agent in the group must have equipment. Two guards will come out on
the agents. At certain points in the plot, piloting skill. The agents may choose to open snowmobiles to investigate. If the
they must make vital decisions. It is impor- park their aircraft and proceed on foot or by agents are discovered and remain friendly,
tant that the agents be reminded of the other means, but this is ill advised for dis- they will be invited to stay in Unit #23 and
urgency of their mission from time to time tances of more than a few miles. If agents Unit #8. If agents are unfriendly, they will
so that their actions are self-motivated, even want to embark on an overland trek, re- be hunted by guards and shot at by Atlantis
if incorrect. mind the players of the time and distance II personnel using heavy machine guns
The action should begin with the agents factors involved that make this impossible. placed inside empty fuel oil barrels around
being called to a Mission Briefing at a Agents won’t find anything important if the surface of the complex.
United Nations Security Council safehouse they visit the site of the Penguin One crash An agent who commits a crime at Atlan-
in Christchurch, New Zealand (see the — no map case, no radiation on the wreck- tis II will be considered armed and danger-
AGENT FILE). The agents may be at- age. Based on the reports made by the ous. Guards will attempt to arrest the
tacked by thugs in a car waiting outside the surveillance team when they were still on agent(s) without harming Atlantis II per-
Christchurch safehouse. These thugs are the island, the agents should realize that sonnel. Captured agents will be turned over
not associated with the mission, but the they can probably get into Atlantis II easily, to SCAR for legal action. Agents who es-
action will get the players in the mood for so they don’t need maps and photographs cape the complex and attempt to leave via
later fast action during the investigation. beforehand. their own aircraft will discover their aircraft
The thugs can be armed with any hand-held Camp Perez is 10 miles from Atlantis II. has been sabotaged — when it crashes an
weapon the Admin chooses. The thugs’ The characters may choose to refuel and fly hour after they’re in the air.
WEATHER Weather Conditions and Damage Chart in horizontal row of the temperature chart.
The climate of Antarctica affects play either the coastal or interior column. This number corresponds to the air temper-
directly. Temperature and wind combine to (“Coastal” is any place within 50 miles of ature. By cross-indexing the temperature
create deadly weather conditions. Agents the sea; “interior” is the rest of the conti- result with the wind speed result, the Ad-
who do not take the weather into account nent.) This number corresponds to wind min can find the base number of Injury
may be injured or killed. velocity and determines what row of the Points a character will receive in every ten
Weather conditions should be checked temperature chart to consult. To use the minutes of exposure under these weather
once every six game hours. Roll two ten- temperature chart, add +4 to the second die conditions. Agents who travel on foot or in
sided dice, and find the number rolled on roll if agents are in an interior location, and unheated vehicles will be subject to the full
the first die in the left-hand section of the then find the resulting number in the top dangers of the Antarctic cold.



First die: Second die: (may be modified)
Speed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Coast Inter. Conditions (mph) +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120
1 1 Calm 0-1 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7
2 Light air 1-3 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7
2 3 Light breeze 4-7 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7
3 4 Gentle breeze 8-12 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8
4 5 Moderate breeze 13-18 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8
5 6 Strong breeze 19-31 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8
6 7 Fresh gale 32-46 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8
7 8 Whole gale 47-63 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9
8 9 Hurricane 64-96 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9
9 10 Hurricane 97-138 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9
10 Hurricane 139-208 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9

Whiteout Weather damage modifiers

Any boldface result on the Weather When calculating weather damage, the number of Injury Points to be subtracted from a
Chart indicates the potential for real white- character’s Life Level may be modified by one or more of the following conditions:
out conditions. Sometime during the next Character is: Modifier
six hours (Admin’s discretion), snow will Standing, lying, or inactive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+3
begin falling or blowing so hard that the Walking or moderately active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+0
horizon will become indistinguishable from Running or extremely active. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-3
the foreground. These conditions will last Immersed in water or wearing wet clothes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+5
for 1-100 minutes (roll percentile dice). Missing mittens or boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+2
Visibility becomes very limited at best. Missing mittens and boots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+4
Small open crevasses become hidden from Protected from the wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-2
view (see the Terrain rules below). Attempt- Moving at less than 20 mph in unheated vehicle without a cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+1
ing to travel overland or in the air without a Moving at 20-60 mph in unheated vehicle without a cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+2
compass will cause the travelers to become Moving faster than 60 mph in unheated vehicle without a cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+3
lost (Admin’s discretion). Any aircraft Wearing inexpensive parka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-1
caught in a whiteout should not try to land Wearing moderately priced parka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-2
or take off. If either of those maneuvers is Wearing expensive parka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-3
attempted, refer to the Explosive Use Wearing custom parka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-4
Against Vehicles Chart on page 37 of the Wearing a space suit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-5
TOP SECRET® Game Rulebook.

TERRAIN and MOVEMENT Rough terrain is crossed at one-half

Characters who travel overland without TERRAIN CHART normal movement, regardless of the means
using marked roads run the risk of stum- of overland locomotion used.
bling into crevasses (cracks in the icy sur- Dice roll Terrain Crevasses Small crevasses are 1 - 10 centimeters wide
face). The danger of crevasses is further 01-40 Smooth None by 10-100 centimeters long and deep. Me-
heightened by the fact that they can be 41-58 Rough None dium crevasses are 10-100 centimeters wide
hidden beneath a thin layer of ice and snow. 59-66 Smooth Sm & open by 1-10 meters long and deep. Large cre-
An intelligently outfitted convoy of vehicles 67-74 Rough Sm & open vasses are 1 - 10 meters wide by 10-100 me-
moving over unmarked terrain usually has a 75-78 Smooth Sm & hidden ters deep.
large crevasse detector in the lead. Agents 79-82 Rough Sm & hidden Agents can always avoid open crevasses
can procure a crevasse detector vehicle 25% 83-86 Smooth Med & open (the sort that are not hidden by ice or snow
of the time from any base, and with this can 87-90 Rough Med & open crust) by simply jumping over or walking
travel fairly safely. 91-92 Smooth Med & hidden around them — except for small, open
The Admin should roll percentile dice 93-94 Rough Med & hidden crevasses encountered during whiteout
once every game hour of travel and use the 95-96 Smooth Lg & open conditions; those crevasses are treated as if
Terrain Chart to determine present condi- 97-98 Rough Lg & open they were hidden.
tions. Unmarked crevasses will not occur 99 Smooth Lg & hidden Vehicles can cross any small crevasses
along marked roads or paths. 00 Rough Lg & hidden without slowing down or being affected.

46 JULY 1984
Any vehicle taken across a medium crevasse less than the dice roll, he (or his vehicle) of combat. Revolvers will misfire on a roll
will be stuck for 1-10 minutes, and every slips and falls into the crevasse, doing dam- of 99-00, but will not jam. (See page 25 of
passenger will take 1 Injury Point of dam- age to the individual or each passenger as the TOP SECRET Game Rulebook.)
age from the sudden stop. Any vehicle follows:
driven across a large crevasse is stuck per- Small crevasse — Twisted ankle, 1 PHYSICAL SECURITY
manently, and every passenger takes 2 Injury Point of damage. All exterior doors can be assumed to be
Injury Points of damage. Hidden crevasses Medium or large crevasse — Dam- locked (-/20) at night. Interior doors are
can be detected and avoided by any charac- age from falling (see p. 33 of the TOP locked 50% of the time. Desks, files, and
ter who succeeds in a percentile dice roll vs. SECRET Game Rulebook). drawers can be considered locked 75% of
his Coordination. Each character must Only the lead character risks taking dam- the time. Persons inside private rooms will
make this roll if a group is spread out on age if characters travel single file on foot. probably have the door locked and chained
foot; if more than one character occupies Characters on foot may choose to rope as well. Security chains have a Difficulty
the same vehicle, check the driver’s Coordi- themselves together. Modify all of the tied rating of +10. Vehicles have the keys in them
nation for success in detecting and avoiding leader’s damage from falling downward by 5% of the time.
crevasses. If a character’s Coordination is one half.
Most rooms will have a light switch inside
TRANSPORTATION CHART the door on the wall to the right, and from
Top speed Velocity Range Seating Chance of 1-10 light sources in the room. Unless oth-
Mode of movement (mph) (ft/turn) (miles) capacity access erwise noted, most ceiling lights operate
Snowshoes/skis 3 25 — — 100% from a light switch and are of the
Dogsled 25 185 1000 3 5% fluorescent-tube variety.
Open snowmobile 65 480 144 3 90%
Cabbed snowmobile 55 405 126 2 70%
Sno-cat 30 220 370 8 50% PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS
Sno-cat w/detector 15 110 370 6 25% Whenever an agent in the main complex
Hovercraft 75 550 330 10 — is outside a unit or the dome, there is a
Helicopter 120 880 300 4 25% chance of encountering a passing pedestrian
Cargo plane 170 1250 1500 15 95% or seeing a random object. These encoun-
ters can occur anywhere except outdoors.
Top speed of a vehicle cannot be main- in it. Since hovercraft are experimental, The frequency of checking depends on the
tained indefinitely; adjust foot-per-turn there is a 10% chance each hour the vehicle time of day as indicated on the following
figures downward proportionately when is driven that it will break down. An agent charts. A second encounter will not occur
vehicles are traveling at less than top speed. with an AOK value of more than 75 in until the first encounter is ended. In some
Chance of access is the probability that any Electrical or Mechanical Engineering can cases, the specified random encounter may
single base will have one or more pieces of repair any breakdown in 1-100 minutes. not occur if the non-player character in-
the listed equipment. Both hovercraft are enclosed and heated. volved was injured or put out of action
Agents will almost always use one of the Aircraft: The Administrator must keep in during an earlier encounter.
modes of movement given on the Transpor- mind that bad weather affects low-flying
tation Chart. In dire circumstances when a aircraft. A helicopter dropping off passen-
character is on foot without snowshoes or gers might be hit by a whiteout, become DAYTIME ENCOUNTER CHART
skis, his base movement rate is one-half disoriented, and crash. Parachutists jump- (10am to 10pm)
normal (walking speed 1½ mph). This rate ing into gale-like winds will be blown miles Roll percentile dice for every 10 minutes.
is cut in half again, to ¾ mph, in rough off course and be subject to hazardous
terrain. landings. It is suggested that the Adminis- Dice roll Encounter
With snowshoes or skis: Characters move trator describe the weather conditions and 01-25 None.
at normal rates (walking speed 3 mph). let the agents make the decision on whether 26-35 Sound of footsteps.
Dogsled: Atlantis II has a pair of 6-dog to act. 36-45 Shadows moving on the wall in
sleds. The dogs may pull at full speed for All engine-powered vehicles may carry the distance.
only 15 minutes; their usual speed is four extra fuel, which can double their maxi- 46-50 Sound of unintelligible conver-
miles per hour. mum range. Broken windows that are not sation in the distance.
Snowmobiles, open or cabbed: These repaired will cause vehicles to cease being 51-60 Maintenance person cleaning
vehicles are usually available at any base. enclosed and heated, exposing passengers to or doing repair work. Will
When available, they can be borrowed for the elements. No base will loan personnel to ignore most people unless he/
the mission. Cabbed snowmobiles have serve as pilots or drivers who would assist she is approached.
heated enclosures, offering protection from the agents on their mission. 61-70 Someone calls out a name and
the elements. approaches agent with an
Sno-cat: These are enclosed, heated EQUIPMENT outstretched hand in greeting.
vehicles with skis on the front and treads on The standard parka consists of pants and The person has mistaken the
the rear. A Sno-cat with crevasse detector is a padded pullover coat with a hood. Face agent for someone else.
much like a regular Sno-cat, with a spider- masks, goggles (sunglasses during daylight), 71-80 A group of 1-10 children on
web framework extending from the front mittens, and boots are standard supplemen- their way to the indoor pool.
bumper that detects crevasses before the tary clothing. Because of the increased Five pet penguins accompany
vehicle passes over them. The vehicle can padding of a parka, all damage from com- the children.
be driven faster than 15 mph, but the detec- bat is halved. This includes both projectile 81-90 Security person approaches on
tor will not function properly at higher and hand-to-hand combat. routine circuit. He is checking
speeds. Standard weapons should have the trigger doors to be sure they are
Hovercraft: Two of these experimental guards removed so they can be used with locked. He will not speak to the
aircraft are in Antarctica, one at Ellsworth gloved or mittened hands. Because of the agent or stop unless the agent
Base and the other hidden at Atlantis II. extreme cold, most guns used outdoors will stops him.
The hovercraft at Ellsworth can only be misfire on a roll of 96 and jam on a roll of 91-00 Cracking and low-level rumble
borrowed if all agents on the mission travel 97-00 during the hit determination dice roll of icy walls settling.

NIGHTTIME ENCOUNTER CHART 71-75 Maintenance person cleaning 86-90 Security person approaches on
(10pm to 10am) or doing repair work. Will routine circuit. He is checking
Roll percentile dice for every 20 minutes. ignore most people unless he/ doors to be sure they are
she is approached. locked. He will not speak or
Dice roll Encounter 76-80 Someone calls out a name and stop unless the agent stops him.
01-25 None. approaches the agent with a 91-95 Cold, chilly draft from above
26-35 Faint light in the distance. hand outstretched in greeting. showers agent with minute ice
36-55 Sound of distant running The person has mistaken the crystals falling from ceiling.
footsteps headed south. agent for someone else. 95-00 Five pet penguins waddle
56-65 Faint distant laughter in 81-85 Hysterical woman (Vera) ap- toward characters expecting to
unknown direction. proaches, begging group to be fed. The birds will not leave
66-70 Young couple walking take her away from Atlantis II, until they are fed or until
hand-in-hand toward dome. back to someplace warm. agents run out of sight.



ABBY 63 26 40 91 29 56 74 59 41 43 159 10 104 100
ABEL 90 46 21 64 54 56 60 55 51 55 167 11 141 106
BILL 95 76 103 96 82 87 92 86 82 85 285 20 177 168 e, t
BONA 56 64 45 35 43 46 41 50 55 45 147 10 111 105
CARL 72 60 75 76 62 89 83 68 75 76 236 15 147 143
CORA 90 46 21 64 54 56 60 55 51 55 167 11 141 106
DALE 46 92 41 40 35 95 68 66 94 65 185 9 140 160
DAWN 73 35 57 74 85 75 75 55 55 80 205 13 128 110
EARL 28 62 65 50 50 68 59 56 65 59 161 9 93 121
EDNA 49 79 40 31 80 45 38 55 62 63 134 9 111 117
FAY 63 26 40 91 29 56 74 59 41 43 159 10 104 100
FELIX 76 49 39 24 69 71 48 37 60 70 186 12 136 97
GAY 40 91 99 86 60 99 93 89 95 80 238 14 135 184
GUY 85 93 88 54 95 53 54 74 73 74 226 17 158 147
HANS 38 53 27 65 30 99 82 59 76 65 164 7 114 136
HOPE 29 75 99 81 40 58 70 78 67 49 186 13 96 145
IAN 40 91 61 86 60 44 65 89 68 52 145 10 108 157
IDA 89 96 79 81 86 77 79 89 87 82 245 17 176 176
JACK 36 91 46 89 91 46 68 90 69 74 128 8 105 159 e
JANE 33 33 27 76 68 51 64 55 42 60 111 6 75 97 e
KAREN 70 51 63 95 61 91 93 73 71 76 224 13 141 144 e
KEN 46 91 89 79 62 27 53 85 59 45 162 14 105 144
LANA 61 45 60 76 84 65 71 61 55 75 186 12 116 116
LANCE 94 48 66 82 87 49 66 65 49 68 209 16 143 114
MAE 52 92 75 32 78 92 62 62 92 85 219 13 144 154 e
MARK 91 70 62 56 62 79 68 63 75 71 232 15 166 138 e
NADA 43 41 65 70 55 77 74 56 59 66 185 11 102 115 f
NEIL 33 50 79 81 86 34 58 66 42 60 146 11 75 108 f
OPAL 89 96 46 45 37 76 61 71 86 57 211 14 175 157 f
OTIS 90 50 92 99 78 63 81 75 57 71 245 18 147 132 e
PAMELA 85 51 91 70 80 47 59 61 49 64 223 18 134 110
PAUL 66 80 70 90 68 91 91 85 86 80 227 14 152 171 d
RENE 68 105 36 53 42 56 55 79 81 49 160 10 149 160 f
RITA 95 90 94 47 61 96 72 69 93 79 285 19 188 162 e
SARA 68 70 81 93 55 90 92 82 80 73 239 15 148 162
SAUL 70 79 90 80 62 90 85 80 85 76 250 16 155 165 d
THORA 75 94 84 74 38 42 58 84 68 40 201 16 143 152 f
TOM 100 81 35 27 35 97 62 54 89 66 232 14 189 143 e
UNA 80 66 62 94 65 61 78 80 64 63 203 14 144 144
VERA 65 75 60 91 56 100 96 83 88 78 225 13 153 171 e
VIC 60 93 28 45 26 50 48 69 72 38 138 9 132 141 d
WADE 85 62 88 36 95 53 45 49 58 74 226 17 148 107 d
WANDA 52 89 62 54 95 33 44 72 61 64 147 11 112 133 k, t
XENIA 68 105 36 53 42 56 55 79 81 49 160 10 149 160 k, t
YANG 95 90 94 47 61 96 72 69 93 79 285 19 188 162 k, t
YING 95 90 94 47 61 96 72 69 93 79 285 19 188 162 k, t
ZEKE 68 70 81 93 55 90 92 82 80 73 239 15 148 162 k, t
ZOLA 70 79 90 80 62 90 85 80 85 76 250 16 155 165 k, t

48 JULY 1984
Statistical and personal information on Location Code name
the residents of Atlantis II is given in the Name Sex Occupation Day Night knowledge
Personal Trait Values and Weaponry Chart
ABBY F Botanist Dome #19 F W
and the Occupation and Location Chart
ABEL M Nuclear engineer #68 #1 BDF W
that accompany this text.
BILL M Leader #45 #20 ABDF S W
Personal trait values are abbreviated in
BONA F Electrical engineer #68 #3 BDF W
the chart headings: PS = Physical Strength;
CARL M Mechanical engineer #66 #4 BDF W
CH = Charm; W = Willpower; CO = Cour-
CORA F Hydraulic engineer STB #1 BDF W
age; K = Knowledge; CD = Coordination;
OF = Offense; DP = Deception; EV = Eva- DALE M Chemical engineer #68 #2 BDF W
sion; DA = Deactivation; MV = Movement DAWN F Welder #59 #4 BDF W
Value; LL = Life Level; HTH = Hand-to- EARL M Fitter #59 #3 BDF W
Hand Combat Value; SV = Surprise Value. EDNA F Maintenance #53 #2 BDF W
Statistics not given in these listings can FAY F Maintenance #53 #20 ABDF S W
easily be computed, using the traits given FELIX M Metal laboratory #59 #19 W
along with some imagination.
GAY F Radar operator #61 #21 W
Those characters who carry weapons
GUY M Radio operator #22 #46 W
have the necessary information listed under
HANS M Doctor #32 #21 F W
the QRC (Quick Reference Code) column;
HOPE F Doctor #15 #5 F W
weaponry includes a loaded gun plus one
IAN M Nurse #32 #25 FO TW
full extra clip of ammunition.
IDA F Nurse #15 #5 F W
The Occupation and Location Chart uses
some abbreviations: STB = Steam turbine JACK M Cook #13 #25 F TW
building; QH = Quonset hut; SMB = Small JANE F Cook #34 #5 F W
metal building. KAREN F Cook’s assistant #13 #5 F W
KEN M Cook’s assistant #34 #25 F TW
CODE NAMES LANA F Janitor #22 #41 W
Individuals with knowledge of code LANCE M Launderer #29 #25 TW
names may divulge that information or
MAE F Carpenter #58 #6 F TW
acknowledge its use (as a password, rumor
MARK M Electrician #43 #25 F TW
or whatever) as appropriate to any given
NADA F Babysitter #11 #5 F W
situation. The use of code names by non-
NEIL M Babysitter #11 #25 FO TW
player characters is at the discretion of the
OPAL F Teacher #12 #5 F W
Administrator. Player characters may en-
OTIS M Teacher #12 #25 FO TW
counter problems if they indiscriminately
use inappropriate code names. The names PAMELA F Radio operator #46 #5 W
and their meanings are: PAUL M Vehicle mechanic #38 #26 F W
Windfall: CON is attempting to make RENE M Vehicle mechanic #38 #26 F W
Atlantis II self-sufficient for two reasons, RITA F Nuclear assistant #67 #6 BD TW
code-named Wind and Fall. SARA F Geologist #64 #6 F TW
Wind (W): First, it is necessary to CON’s SAUL M Nuclear assistant #67 #25 BD TW
survival to provide its members with the
THORA F Equipment operator #66 #6 BDF TW
necessities of life in case they are cut off
TOM M Meteorologist #61 #26 W
from the rest of the world. This could occur
UNA F Metallurgist #66 #6 F TW
if outside countries form a blockade against
VERA F Plumber #52 #6 FO TW
CON or if a world war does break out and
VIC M Diesel mechanic #51 #26 F W
there is nowhere left to obtain supplies.
WADE M Purser #27 #26 F W
Fall (F): In 1959, twelve countries pro-
claimed a treaty that prevents any territorial WANDA F Guard/pilot #45 #5 S W
claims in Antarctica from being settled for XENIA F Guard/pilot #7 #45 S W
30 years. At the moment, no country owns YANG M Guard/pilot SMB#2 SMB#2 B S W
land in Antarctica. In 1989, CON hopes to YING M Guard/pilot QH#1 QH#1, S W
claim part, if not all, of the continent. ZEKE M Guard STB STB F S W
Breakaway: Now that CON’s crimes ZOLA F Guard #7 #45 F S W
have become known to the world, Billeter
feels the group’s survival is threatened. He
has instituted two new offensive plans, Antarctic bases unless Atlantis II is recog- radioactive dust up the chimney from Unit
code-named Break and Away. nized as a political entity and given land of #66, alerting the ill-fated scientific inspec-
Break (B): A team of CON scientists has its own in Antarctica. tion team. Agents who are captured by
begun constructing small nuclear devices Thawout: Among the Children of Nep- Billeter’s forces may be freed by members of
designed to destroy the other Antarctic tune are a group of dissenters who disagree “625” performing a Thaw operation.
bases. Billeter hopes that setting off a single with Billeter’s policies and have secretly Out (0): The members of “625” want to
nuclear explosion at a United States or joined together into a conspiracy against escape Atlantis II with the 20 children from
Soviet base will cause an international Billeter. They call themselves “625” after the nursery (Unit #11) and school (Unit
crisis. If one side blames the other, a war the numbers of the housing units they live #12). They will try to slip a message to any
could break out, increasing Billeter’s in (Units #6 and #25). The code names they Atlantis II visitor asking the visitor to help
chances of continental or world domination. use are Thaw and Out. them escape.
Away (A): If a war does not break out, Thaw (T): This is the code name for an Dustcloud (D): While workers were con-
Billeter plans to claim responsibility for the act sabotaging Billeter’s projects. Thora is structing a nuclear weapon, an accident
bomb. He will threaten to destroy other responsible for “accidentally” releasing the occurred in the nuclear laboratory. This

accident forced radioactive dust up an ex- LANGUAGES resources, or the control of military person-
haust pipe to the surface. The laboratory All agents and NPCs speak fluent En- nel. If the agent’s agency or government
was not contaminated, but the surface snow glish. Other languages known by the pre- had wanted military involvement, they
and the pipe were. generated agent characters are listed in their wouldn’t have sent agents on an espionage
Snowbank (S): This is the code name for respective dossiers. Languages other than mission in the first place.
quieting all who visit Atlantis II. All unwel- English will possibly have limited utility on A secret agent should never be allowed to
come visitors are silenced after leaving so this mission — but a foreign language request photographic analysis after surveil-
they can’t tell anyone what they have seen. might be handy if two or more characters lance has been conducted by a spy plane or
The SCAR investigation team was the want to converse without being understood a satellite. An agent should never be al-
victim of a Snowbank operation. Small by others. The Admin can assign fluency in lowed the use of a cargo-carrying helicopter
holes were punched in their plane’s fuel other languages to the personnel of Atlantis with rockets or given command of 25 para-
tanks so they would run low on gas and II as desired. troopers. Not only is such use of military
either have to return or crash. Billeter may force unwarranted on a low-profile espio-
be planning to Snowbank the player charac- MILITARY INFORMATION nage mission, it is expensive, wasteful, and
ters by sabotaging their vehicles (Adminis- Agents should not be allowed indiscrimi- beyond the scope of the TOP SECRET
trator’s choice). nate military ordnance, use of military game.

General descriptions for encounter areas Airport be disintegrated. Any character in the blast
are given, but much remains for the Ad- The Atlantis II airport consists of two zone will suffer l-100 Injury Points. The
ministrator to describe, such as furnishings hangars and two sheet metal structures. All bombs are meant to be radio-detonated on
and other small details. four buildings are heated by steam pipes in separate frequencies, but the controls to
Entry into any outdoor environment can the floor. Each hangar contains a helicopter, detonate the bombs are not aboard the
be gained from any point outside the perim- a cargo plane, and a Sno-cat, all fueled and airplanes; Billeter has the detonators in his
eter of a map. Those who exit the map area ready to operate. The Sno-cats are used to possession.
are assumed to have escaped any immediate maneuver aircraft, as emergency vehicles, Sheet metal building #1 contains a kennel
danger and will generally not be pursued and as transports from the airport to the housing 12 Alaskan huskies (+3/-1), two
unless they have broken the law. main complex. Barrels of aviation fuel and dogsleds with six harnesses each, and a
Player characters will seek information gasoline surround the buildings. locker of raw frozen meat.
through conversation with the characters Aboard each cargo plane is a 55-gallon Sheet metal building #2 contains the
they encounter. Answers to routine or insig- barrel strapped down tightly with restraints. quarters of Yang, an 8’ tall giant employed
nificant questions will usually be obtain- A geiger counter brought near it will detect as a guard and airport caretaker. An inter-
able. For more in-depth queries, use the a very hot radioactive source. The barrel com connects Yang’s quarters with the
“Contacts” rules from the TOP SECRET contains a miniature nuclear device (secu- security office in the main complex.
game, depending on the means employed rity rating -/75) powerful enough to produce If an aircraft lands on the Atlantis II
by the player characters. The Administrator a crater 100 feet in diameter and a blast airstrip, Yang will be dispatched with
should play the roles of the encountered zone with a one-mile radius. If the device is lighted hand-held signals to direct the air-
characters during this verbal interplay. detonated, anything within the crater will craft toward the parking mat in front of the
airport. If the aircraft follows his signals and
parks, he will assist passengers with unload-
ing and then take them and their luggage to
the west opening of the west tunnel at the
main complex. Yang is armed. His parka,
boots, and mittens are bulletproof.
Yang has an identical twin brother, Ying,
who lives in Quonset Hut #1 at the main
complex. Ying is usually available to make
a trip to the airport and help transport large
groups of visitors, or to bring part of a
group in to the main complex while Yang
stays at the airport with the others. Neither
Yang nor Ying will allow any visitors inside
the airport buildings without supervision.

Steam turbine building

This structure stands beside the drilling
platform derrick. The entire complex, in-
cluding this building, is heated and powered
by steam. From the derrick attached to the
steam turbine building, a slushy ice-water
mixture is pumped down to the geothermal
rock beneath the Antarctic surface. The
mixture turns to steam, which is piped back
to the surface and routed against a series of
turbine blades. These blades rotate genera-
tor shafts, which in turn create electricity.
The steam condenses into hot water and is
piped throughout the complex for heating
Zeke is quartered within the steam tur-
bine building as a guard and technician.
50 JULY 1984
Main complex, surface level

MAIN COMPLEX It extends another 15 feet down into the Beside each pair of double doors in the
SURFACE LEVEL snow and is 150 feet across. The dome is dome is a button that opens or closes the
The Quonset huts and the geodesic dome composed of 665 triangular transparent doors unless overridden by security.
emit a violet light through their transparent panels supported by an aluminum Personnel present, Daytime: Abby.
walls. This violet glow is reflected on the gridwork.
snow outside the complex and can some- Hanging inside the top of the dome are Quonset huts
times be seen up to a mile away or on incandescent and ultraviolet lamps, and Sixteen transparent acrylic Quonset huts
clouds above the complex. The violet color four surveillance cameras. The cameras are are connected to each other and the dome
comes from ultraviolet lamps used to raise wired to the security control room; they by plywood corridors. Both incandescent
plants in the Antarctic darkness. point at four sections of the balcony, but do and ultraviolet lamps hang from the tops of
The main complex is relatively silent at not scan the lower-level pathways, double each hut. Along the walls of each hut are
all times. Voices and other sounds that doors, or floor. waist-high tables filled with growing plants
might carry between the huts are drowned Access to the floor of the dome is gained from around the world. Huts #1 through #4
out by the sound of the wind blowing ice through four sets of double doors leading contain flowering plants. Huts #5 through
crystals against the exterior walls. The from the main tunnels of the complex. #8 contain food crops. Huts #9 through #12
dome and the Quonset huts are heated by Grass-covered paths lead from each door- contain tropical plants. Huts #13 through
hot water pipes that run through the con- way, intersecting in the center of the dome’s #16 contain trees, aquatic plants, and cacti.
crete floors of each building. floor. The parts of the floor sectioned off by All plants are grown by experimental
The transparent dome and Quonset huts the paths contain gardens and a heated methods. Some are started hydroponically
cannot be penetrated by standard bullets; pool. in warm-water pipes with holes drilled in
explosives or incendiaries must be used to On the upper level of the dome, eight them for the roots to grow through. The
cut through the tough acrylic surface. narrow corridors leading from the Quonset seedlings are then planted in nutrient-rich
huts connect by doorways to the dome’s soil on the waist-high tables or placed float-
Dome balcony. Two stairways in the southeast ing on Styrofoam rafts with their roots hang-
The central dome stands 45 feet above quadrant of the balcony lead to the lower ing in a fertilizer solution. Some vine plants
the surface of the surrounding snow and ice. level, coming out on either side of the pool. climb vertical strings while others cling to
A-shaped frames, multiplying the available 95; PB 0; S -2; M -30; L -80; WS Slow; air in to help fuel the generators, and the
growing space. Ceiling-mounted conveyors Rate 10. two smaller ones will expel the diesel en-
move hanging root systems through gine’s exhaust gases.
nutrient-rich misting troughs. The plants Windmills Three ice-encrusted chimneys penetrate
respond favorably to ultraviolet light, grow Four 60’ tall, 3-bladed windmills stand the surface beside Hut #12. These three
to maturity, and are harvested. around the perimeter of the dome. These chimneys are exhaust ports for diesel fur-
Any agent with an AOK score of 75 or generate electricity for the dome. naces used to heat water in Unit #51. If the
higher in Agriculture or Botany will be able turbines in the steam turbine building stop
to identify the various experimental grow- Chimneys rotating, these three chimneys will expel the
ing methods. These methods include aero- All chimneys protrude 3 feet above the diesel furnaces’ exhaust gases.
ponics, hydroponics, trickle irrigation, surface of the ice. The chimney on the east side of Hut #16
floating matrixes, conveying systems, in- The chimney on the east side of Hut #4 appears to be surrounded by gray rock dust.
tercropping, and nutriculture. Stilts, availa- leads to the galley in Unit #13; the chimney This chimney connects with the experimen-
ble in several of the Quonset huts, are used on the west side of Hut #7 leads to the tal ore refining machine in Unit #66. A
to reach the tops of some plants. galley in Unit #34. One third (33%) of the geiger counter held near this chimney will
Quonset Hut #1 contains a plywood room time either chimney is being examined, it indicate a trace of radioactivity. It was dust
with a garage-style overhead door leading to will be emitting warm air that smells like from this chimney, combined with blowing
the outside. The room contains a fully cooking food. snow and ice crystals, which the surveil-
fueled hovercraft, a spiral staircase leading The chimneys near the northwest and lance camp detected as radioactive steam.
down, and the personal belongings of Ying, southwest quadrant windmills are vents for
the 8’ tall twin brother of Yang (see the the sewers below the restrooms in Unit #16 Antenna tower
Airport section). Ying serves as a guard and and Unit #31. The chimney west of Hut This 100’ high tower supports an an-
is the hovercraft operator. #16 is a vent for the sewers below the re- tenna connected to the radio in Unit #46.
strooms on Unit #69 and Unit #70. The Six guy wires support the antenna tower. A
Ramps chimney between Hut #6 and Hut #7 con- 2’ tall triangular fence surrounds the base
Four vehicle ramps made of concrete nects to the dryer vents from the laundry in of the tower.
slope from the surface down 15’ to large Unit #29. Humid air with bits of lint are
metal double doors. These doors lead to the exhausted from here one third (33%) of the Meteorology hut
west, north, east, and south tunnels. time. The humid air freezes when it reaches This small white wooden building is large
the surface and coats the chimney with ice enough for one man to squeeze inside.
Fuel oil barrels dotted by multi-colored lint. Weather instruments inside the hut are
Although fuel oil is not often used at Four chimneys penetrate the ice between connected to displays and data analyzers in
Atlantis II, many fuel oil barrels stand on Hut #10 and Hut #11. The two large chim- Unit #61. A small radar dish mounted on
the surface of the snow surrounding the neys are air intakes for the diesel generators top of the meteorology hut rotates con-
main complex. Twenty of the oil barrels are in Unit #44. The two small chimneys are stantly. Just south of the meteorology hut is
really infrared surveillance cameras and exhaust ports for the same generators. If the a wind direction indicator and an anemom-
remote-controlled gun mounts. The weapon turbines in the steam turbine building stop eter. These instruments are also connected
statistics are: Heavy Machine Gun, PWV rotating, the two larger chimneys will pump to indicators in Unit #61.

MAIN COMPLEX ing the units are not heated directly, but high with videotape cassettes of classic
SUBSURFACE LEVEL they are a lot warmer than the outdoors. movies.
The temperature is about freezing (32 de- Personnel present, night: #5, Hope, Ida,
Connecting tunnels grees F.), and there is no wind; characters Jane, Karen, Nada, Opal, Pamela, and
The double doors leading inside from the do not suffer Injury Point damage from the Wanda; #6, Mae, Rita, Sara, Thora, Una,
ramps all open into 20’ wide tunnels that elements while they are in the tunnels or and Vera.
intersect with the floor of the dome. The trenches.
west and east tunnels are lit, but the north Two open snowmobiles are parked near Units #7 - #8
and south ones are not usually illuminated. the outer double doors in the west tunnel, Night crew female dormitory: Eight beds
The double metal doors at the extreme ends and two more in the east tunnel. The north line the west wall of this room. The east
of each tunnel have a security rating of and south tunnels each contain four Sno- wall is lined with eight padlocked (-/25)
(-/50) and a forced entry difficulty rating of cats (with cabs) and two open snowmobiles. lockers, six of them empty and two contain-
65. (See the Forced Entry rules on pp. 34- ing women’s clothing, personal belongings,
35 of the TOP SECRET rulebook.) Northwest Quadrant and 1-100 dollars each. The floor is car-
A closed-circuit surveillance camera is peted in light blue shag. There are two
fastened to the ceiling just outside each set Units #1-#4 clotheslines strung across the room with
of double doors (eight cameras in all). The Apartments: Each of these four apart- stockings and sweaters draped across them.
cameras are connected to monitors in Unit ments is the home of a CON scientist, his or Personnel present, day: #7, Xenia and
#45. If security personnel see someone her spouse, and two children. Zola; #8, unoccupied.
approaching a set of doors, the doors will be Personnel present, night: #1, Abel and
opened automatically for any group led by Cora; #2, Dale and Edna; #3, Bona and Unit #9
someone wearing an Atlantis II parka (if Earl; #4, Carl and Dawn. Theatre/Lecture hall: This area has been
entering from outside) or a white lab coat (if converted into a small movie theater. There
entering the dome). The doors will close Units #5 - #6 is a blank white wall at the north end of the
and lock automatically after a person or Day crew female dormitory: Eight beds room. Chairs and a projector stand facing
group has passed through. line the west wall of this room. The east the white wall. Six general-interest, English
Branching off the east and west tunnels wall is lined with eight padlocked (-/25) language films are on a shelf behind the
are a total of 16 side passageways that lead lockers each containing women’s clothing, projector.
to subsurface units within the complex. The personal belongings, and 1-100 dollars
north and south tunnels each have two side each. A bookshelf along the north wall is Unit #10
passageways. The large tunnels and the filled with novels. A videotape player and Recreation hall/Gymnasium: This room
smaller trench-like passageways surround- television beside the bookshelf are stacked contains two weight machines, a set of

52 JULY 1984
barbells, two workout benches, six jump Unit #17 gaming or education, and shelves full of
ropes, two punching bags, and a treadmill. Fresh water reservoir: A cylindrical metal general-interest books.
It has a padded floor. tank in the center of this room contains
2,000 gallons of fresh, clean water. A water Unit #29
Unit #11 pump (used to both fill and empty the tank) Laundry: Among stacks of soiled
Nursery: During the day this room con- can be operated and/or repaired by any security-guard uniforms are an industrial
tains two babysitters and six babies. character with an AOK score of 75 or washing machine and clothes dryer. White
Personnel present, day: Nada and Neil. higher in Hydraulic Engineering. lab coats and casual men’s and women’s
clothing are waiting beside an unheated
Unit #12 Unit #18 mangle to be pressed. Two electric irons,
School: During the day this room con- Food storage: Large sacks and cardboard two ironing boards, and a sewing machine
tains two teachers and fourteen children. boxes filled with cereal, sugar, flour, beans, are also in the room.
Personnel present, day: Opal and Otis. coffee, potatoes, dried milk, and salt line Personnel present, day: Lance.
the west wall of this room. Six levels of
Unit #13 shelves cover the east wall, each stacked Unit #30
Galley: Six large pots hang around the with hundreds of canned goods. Every sort Clothing storage: Stacks of dry, folded
hood of a cooking stove. The walls are lined of food, from apricots to zucchini, can be towels and sheets line the west wall. Pillow-
with well-stocked refrigerators, racks of found here. cases, gray mechanic’s coveralls, and five
knives, food preparation equipment, and expensive parka sets are stacked along the
storage cupboards. Inside the cupboards are Southwest Quadrant east wall.
clean dishes, serving bowls, platters, and
silverware. There is usually a large pot of Units #19 - #22 Unit #31
water boiling on the stove when the galley is Unit #19 - Unit #22: APARTMENTS. Males’ toilet and showers: This room has
occupied. (Treat boiling-water splashes as Each of these rooms is the home of a CON the same features as Unit #16.
W type damage using the Hand-to-Hand family consisting of one man, one woman,
rules.) A large baking oven and a butcher and three children. Unit #32
block fill the rest of the room. Thirty meals Personnel present, night: #19, Abby and Males’ medical facility: These three small
can be prepared and served at one time Felix; #20, Bill and Fay; #21, Gay and rooms have the same furnishings and sup-
from this galley. Hans. plies as Unit #15.
Personnel present, day: Jack and Karen. Personnel present, day: #22, Guy and Personnel present, day: Hans and Ian.
Unit #14 Unit #33
Mess/Dining room: Eight tables with four Units #23 - #24 Mess/Dining room: This room has the
chairs each line the east and west walls of Night crew male dormitory: Eight beds same furnishings and features as Unit #14.
this room. Trays of food can be picked up at line the west wall of this room. The east
the door separating the mess from the gal- wall is lined with eight empty, unlocked Unit #34
ley. A tray-return conveyor and dishwasher lockers. The floor is carpeted in light blue Galley: This room has the same furnish-
is along the west wall, connecting the mess shag. ings, equipment, and features as Unit #13.
deck and the galley. The water inside the Personnel present, day: Jane and Ken.
dishwasher heats to 150 degrees Fahrenheit Units #25 - #26
when the dishwasher is in use. Anyone Day crew male dormitory: Eight beds Unit #35
unfortunate enough to come in contact with line the west wall of this chamber. The east Cold food storage: This interior of this
the heated water inside the dishwasher will wall is covered by eight padlocked (-/25) unheated unit is lined with frost. The unit
suffer W type damage as in the Hand-to- lockers each containing men’s clothing, contains hanging sides of beef and shelves
Hand rules. personal belongings, and 1-100 dollars. A filled with sausages, cheeses, poultry, vege-
bookshelf along the north wall is filled with tables, fruit, and fish.
Unit #15 novels. A videotape player and television
Females’ medical facility: This unit is beside the bookshelf are stacked high with Unit #36
divided into three small rooms. The Triage videotape cassettes of classic movies. Fresh water reservoir: This room con-
room has first-aid supplies, examining Personnel present, night: #25, Ian, Jack, tains the same features as Unit #17.
equipment, and medicine on shelves along Ken, Lance, Mark, Neil, Otis, and Saul;
the west wall. In the center of the sterile #26, Paul, Rene, Tom, Vic, and Wade. Northeast Quadrant
Operating room is an operating table that
doubles as a dentist’s chair. Crowded into Unit #27 Unit #37
the rest of the room are an anesthetic set- General stores: A vast collection of every- Parts storage: The walls of this room are
up, trays, and cabinets containing surgical day objects and household items can be lined with tools and workbenches. A large
tools and a respirator. One locked (-/30) found here. Office supplies, eating utensils, supply of various nuts, bolts, nails, cotter
cabinet contains narcotics, sterile packaged motor oil, slippery hydraulic fluid, bolts of pins, shaft keys, C-clamps, and welding
dressings, and splints. The Sick room con- cloth, and color-coded electrical wire are rods are sorted in bins along the east wall.
tains three hospital beds and three unlocked stored in cardboard boxes stacked on metal Screwdrivers, wrenches, electric hand tools,
clothes lockers. A desk and two chairs stand shelves along the walls. extension cords, and a 200-pound welding
near the door leading to the south. Personnel present, day: Wade. machine are on shelves along the west wall.
Personnel present, day: Hope and Ida, in
Sick room unless busy elsewhere. Unit #28 Unit #38
Library: This quiet, carpeted area dou- Vehicle maintenance: Dissected small
Unit #16 bles as a meeting room. A long table sur- engines and a myriad of engine parts are
Females’ toilet and showers: This room rounded by ten chairs is centered in the scattered on work benches along the east
contains five toilet stalls and five shower room. The west wall is lined with technical and west walls of this room.
stalls. There are electric outlets above each manuals, leisure magazines, and world Personnel present, day: Paul and Rene.
of the five sinks. Across from the sinks are maps. Along the east wall are a microfiche
shelves holding folded towels and bars of reader, a cabinet full of technical and engi- Unit #39
soap, plus a bin for dirty clothing. neering microfiches, a video console for Heavy supplies: Electrical wire, metal

54 JULY 1984
cable, hemp rope, rubber hoses, metal Pressing the TARGET button magnifies the Units #43-#46 and #50-#54 will take 1-10
primer, enamel paint, light bulbs, ultravio- image on the screen for more precise target- Injury Points from the explosion, and all of
let lamps, small chains, and other materials ing with the joystick. If the thumb button those areas will be moderately to severely
are stored here. atop the joystick is pressed, a stream of .60 damaged.
caliber ammunition will be fired from the Both tanks are about two-thirds full at
Unit #40 machine gun in the fuel oil barrel. The present. They are bulletproof.
General stores: This room has the same original 1000 rounds of ammo in each gun
contents as Unit #27. is enough to operate it for about a minute Units #49 - #50
and a half. Empty rooms: These chambers may be
Unit #41 The weapon statistics are: Heavy Ma- used as cells to hold captured agents and as
Janitorial supply: Brooms, mops, and chine Gun, PWV 95; PB 0; S -2; M -30; a storage area for captives’ equipment. The
cleaning supplies are stored here. L -80; WS Slow; Rate 10. outside door of each room may be pad-
Personnel present, night: Lana. If the RETRACT button is pressed, the locked (-/25) from the outside. The door
infrared camera will be lowered into the fuel leading between the rooms may be key
Unit #42 oil barrel. The camera image will appear to locked (-/20) from either side.
Furniture storage: Chairs, tables, desks, roll off the top of the monitor screen as the
beds, and mattresses fill this musty room. image fades to black. The START button Unit #51
raises the camera out of the barrel and Heat plant: This room contains three
Unit #43 starts it panning the surroundings again. auxiliary heat engines (diesel furnaces)
Electrical supplies: In the center of this Twelve of the monitoring screens show which are used to heat water when the
room is a square wooden table. The clut- stationary views from surveillance cameras steam turbine building is shut down. Hot
tered tabletop contains an oscilloscope, inside the main complex. These images are water is circulated from the heat engines
unfinished electronic circuit boards, one in natural light. Eight of these cameras are through pipes in the concrete floors of each
wire rack with a dozen spools of colored outside the double metal doors in each of building unit, and then back to the heat
wire, two soldering guns, two 25-foot exten- the subsurface tunnels. The other four are engines. Fuel lines run from the heat en-
sion cords, and a small carbon-dioxide fire attached to the roof of the dome and trained gines to the diesel fuel storage tank in Unit
extinguisher. on different sections of the balcony. These #47. A character with an AOK score of 75
Personnel present, day: Mark. twelve cameras have wide-angle lenses that or higher in Construction, Hydraulic, In-
produce a somewhat distorted picture. The dustrial, or Transportation Engineering will
Unit #44 cameras are stationary and not equipped be able to operate the heat engines.
Standby diesel generators: Two diesel- with guns; their twelve monitors do not Personnel present, day: Vic.
powered generators are located in the center have joysticks and control buttons in front
of this room. If the main power supply from of them. These cameras are always on and Unit #52
the steam turbine building generators is operating unless they or the monitors are Plumbing supplies: Leaning against the
disrupted, both of these generators will disabled or damaged. west wall of this room are several 1- 10 foot
automatically start after five seconds of All the metal double doors enclosing the lengths of plastic pipe, aluminum conduit,
darkness. The northern generator powers tunnels on the subsurface level of the main and ducting material. Boxes of metal
all lights and electrical devices on the sur- complex can be locked, unlocked, opened, screws, pipe elbows, joint cement, T-
face level of the main complex, the airport, or closed from the security control room by fittings, caps, copper tubing, and plumbing
and the steam turbine building. The south- throwing the proper switches. An intercom fixtures are stacked against the east wall.
ern generator powers all lights and electrical links the steam turbine building and the Personnel present, day: Vera.
devices on the subsurface level of the main airport with this room, so that any sound
complex, including the dome. Electrical occurring at those locations can be heard. Unit #53
cables and diesel fuel lines crisscross the Three gas masks and a fire extinguisher Tools and storage: This room has a
ceiling and walls of the room. A character hang near each of the two doors. square metal table in its center piled high
with an Electrical Engineering AOK score Personnel present, day: Bill and Wanda. with disassembled mechanisms. Pumps,
greater than 75 will be able to short out, Night: Xenia and Zola. filters, valves, tubing, control boxes, inter-
stop, or start either operating generator com parts, and fan motors lie scattered
separately. Unit #46 about the table. Also in the room are six
Radio room: This room contains a radio cans of motor oil, a five-gallon drum of
Unit #45 transmitter/receiver connected to the an- slippery hydraulic fluid, one 200-pound
Security monitoring room: Six swivel tenna tower on the surface. welding machine, welding rod, and a porta-
chairs face a bank of 32 television screens. Personnel present, day: Pamela. Night: ble cutting torch. Assorted nuts, bolts,
All controls are marked in English. Any Guy. nails, washers, and insulators are in a bin
character with a Knowledge rating of 75 or along the south wall. The cutting torch acts
higher should be able to activate and oper- Units #47 - #48 like a sword at point-blank range only and
ate any device in the room. A single, well- Diesel fuel storage: Each of these rooms is can inflict 1 - 10 points of flame damage per
aimed bullet will destroy any particular practically filled by a huge cylindrical tank hit.
device, screen, or control in the room. containing diesel fuel. Piping from the tank If the floor of this unit or another unit is
Twenty of the monitoring screens show in #47 runs toward the heat plant in Unit covered with oil or hydraulic fluid, a char-
the slowly panning views from the surveil- #51; the tank in #48 is connected to the acter with a Coordination of less than 75
lance cameras mounted in the empty fuel oil standby generators in Unit #44. who tries to run on it will fall 50% of the
barrels outside the main complex. The A character with an AOK score of 75 or time he steps on the surface. The oil or
images appear to be dark except for heat higher in Transportation Engineering or hydraulic fluid can only be ignited by open
sources, which appear in various shades of Chemistry will recognize the smell of diesel flame, not by a bullet or an explosion. It
red, orange, and yellow. fuel in either of these rooms. If either tank will not soak into icy tunnel floors, nor will
In front of each of these twenty screens is is penetrated by 20 ounces of plastique (or it melt the ice beneath where it is burning.
a joystick and four buttons. The STOP PAN the equivalent), the resultant massive explo- Personnel present, day: Edna and Fay.
button locks a camera onto a viewed target, sion will ignite the other tank as well. The
stopping the sweep of the infrared camera area of Units #47, #48, and #49 will be Unit #54
above the fuel oil barrel. The camera’s destroyed, and everyone in those areas at Parts storage: The contents of this room
motion is now controlled by the joystick. the time of the blast is killed. Characters in are the same as those of Unit #37.

Southeast Quadrant The set weighs 150 pounds and can easily Unit #67
roll along the floor at ankle height. Nuclear laboratory: A geiger counter in
Unit #55 this room will indicate a trace of radioactiv-
Vehicle maintenance: This room has the Unit #61 ity. Any character with an AOK of 75 or
same features as Unit #38. Meteorology laboratory: Inside this lab higher in Geology will recognize that the lab
are the gauges and equipment connected to is used for packaging uranium ore. The
Unit #56 instruments outside on the surface. Radar walls of this unit are lead-lined, and three
Parts storage: This room contains the equipment, a thermometer, a barometer, a sets of lead aprons and lead-lined gloves are
same equipment as Unit #37. hygrometer, a wind gauge, and a wind available (hung on the wall when not in use)
direction indicator are all here. for workers and visitors to wear.
Unit #57 Personnel present, day: Tom. Personnel present, day: Rita and Saul.
Wood storage: There are stacks of fresh,
uncut lumber along the east and west walls Unit #62 Unit #68
of this room. Six sealed, plainly marked nail Hydrogen laboratory: This laboratory Assembly area: A geiger counter in this
kegs stand beside the door in the south wall. contains a table covered by apparatus and room will detect a trace of radioactivity. The
The kegs contain nails ranging from 8- three hydrogen-filled balloons, each three walls of this unit are lead-lined. Any charac-
penny size to railroad spikes. Each keg feet in diameter. Any character with an ter with an AOK score of 75 or higher in
weighs between 75 and 100 pounds. If AOK score of 75 or higher in Chemistry Industrial Engineering will immediately
dropped or thrown, a keg will shatter upon will recognize the apparatus as hydrolysis recognize that the room is used for assem-
impact with a wall or floor. equipment. Electrical current is passed bling something extremely radioactive and
through normal drinking water. The current dangerous. Eight ounces of plastique, two
Unit #58 separates the oxygen from the hydrogen. wire detonators, and an electronic timer are
Carpentry shop: Two wood lathes, a band The hydrogen is collected in tubing, in the room along with various hand tools
saw, and a rotary saw are the largest tools pumped into a tank, and used to fill and miscellaneous equipment.
in this room. Power hand tools include a weather balloons. Popping the balloons will Personnel present, day: Abel, Bona, and
pneumatic nail driver with a clip of 30 nails. cause a loud but harmless explosion which Dale.
The nail driver has a PWV of 50, an Injury can be heard outside the unit.
Point modifier of -5, a point-blank modifier Units #69 - #70
of 0, and a short-range modifier of-25. It Unit #63 Dressing rooms: Each of these units (#69
will not fire beyond short range. Glaciology laboratory: This lab is cur- for males, #70 for females) is divided into a
Other power tools in the room include a rently empty and unused. dressing room and a restroom. In each
router, a 3/8“ drill, and a power saw. Hand dressing room is an industrial-size electric
tools in the room are two rip saws, a cross- Unit #64 clothes washer and dryer, plus other laun-
cut saw, two hammers, a hatchet, an axe, Geology laboratory: This lab appears to dry accessories. Along the east wall of each
an adz, and a crowbar. A pair of sawhorses be currently unused but contains pickaxes dressing room are eight locked (-/30) equip-
and a pushbroom are along the north wall. and whisk brooms. On the tables along the ment lockers. Each locker contains a white
Personnel present, day: Mae. east and west walls are all sizes of rocks and radiation protection suit with hood, breath-
core samples. Characters with an AOK ing apparatus, boot coverings, and a dosim-
Unit #59 score of 75 or higher in Geology will be able eter. A suit, properly worn, will protect a
Metal shop: Two 200-pound welding to tell that many of the samples are from character from radiation indefinitely, but
machines stand near the center of this igneous rock, which indicates the presence there is only enough air in each suit tank for
room. The walls are lined with large ma- of geothermal activity. The same character 30 minutes of not too strenuous work. A
chine tools including metal lathes, brake will find what appear to be trace samples of suit will not protect the wearer from the
presses, drills, and punches. Small hand gold, uranium ore, and oil shale. It will effects of cold, steam, explosion, gunshot,
tools include ball peen hammers, grinders, occur to the character that if the samples or a hand-to-hand attack.
pliers, wrenches, drills, and calipers. were collected by Atlantis II personnel, they
An acetylene torch with two 100-pound must know that they are sitting on a verita- Unit #71
fuel tanks on a wheeled cart is ready for ble goldmine of natural resources. A geiger Garbage room: This room is filled with
use. Both the oxygen and the gas must be counter will detect radioactivity in the ura- the sights and smells of garbage. Eventually,
turned on for a torch to be ignited with a nium ore samples. the biodegradable part will be used as plant
spark from an igniter or by an open flame. Personnel present, day: Sara. fertilizer, and the metal and glass garbage
The room also contains 30-gallon barrels, will be separated for recycling.
each plainly marked in English according to Unit #65
its contents. The barrels contain lubricating Mining equipment storage: This room Unit #72
fluid, hydraulic oil, cutting oil, cleaning contains shovels, pickaxes, rock crushers, Hot waste: This chamber contains 25
solvent, motor oil, and sawdust. grinders, drill bits, and a small red box stainless-steel cylinders adorned with radio-
Personnel present, day: Dawn, Earl, and containing 10 sticks of dynamite. active warning labels. Some of them contain
Felix. unused radioactive core material, others
Unit #66 contain radioactive waste dust. The cylin-
Unit #60 Ore refinery: This room is dominated by ders all weigh the same (25 kilograms each
Metal storage: Bins for the storage of an experimental ore refinery machine. Any when full, 5 kilograms when empty), and
metal take up most of the wall space in this character with an AOK score of 75 or their contents cause radiation poisoning.
room. The metals range from brittle higher in Geology will be able to tell that For each minute that a character is exposed
wrought iron to carbon-hardened plate. the equipment is well used and appears to to the contents of a cylinder (only possible if
Finely tooled steel in a variety of lengths be for refining uranium. It looks like the one is opened or broken), that character will
and dimensions, used for repair work, is crushed ore is dumped in one end of the receive 1 Injury Point of damage each day
stored here. There are also large steel plates machine and uranium ore is separated from for the rest of his or her life. (Loss of 2 pts.
weighing 250 pounds apiece stacked here, the worthless rock at the other end. A geiger per day for 2 minutes’ exposure, etc.) A
along with coil springs of varying sizes, and counter will indicate a trace of radioactivity geiger counter in this area will detect a trace
long, thin metal bars. everywhere in this room. of radiation if no containers are opened. If a
Strewn in front of the door to Unit #59 Personnel present, day: Carl, Thora, and container is opened, the geiger counter will
are the parts of a makeshift set of barbells. Una. indicate a very hot source of radiation.

56 JULY 1984
WHITEOUT agent dossiers
Administrator: Photocopy this page, then clip out agent descriptions and hand them to players when their selections are made.

‘The Mugger’ Assassination bureau Olga Assassination bureau

86 60 89 86 49 78 Languages: 92 34 58 80 52 81
Language: Russian 92
English 84
82 73 69 64 273 18 81 67 68 67 231 15
Superior Areas of Knowledge: Superior Areas of Knowledge:
HTH SV Engineering, Construction/Civil. . . . . . . . .78 HTH SV
Engineering, Construction/Civil. . . . . . . . .62
155 142 Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 160 135
Engineering, Hydraulic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
Engineering, Mechanical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Medicine/Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Metallurgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
Military Science/Weaponry. . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Political Science/Ideology . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81

‘Klepto’ Confiscation bureau Will B. Driver Confiscation bureau

64 79 56 70 68 94 75 62 82 96 74 87
Language: Language:
English 90 English 88
82 75 87 81 214 12 92 79 75 81 244 16
Superior Areas of Knowledge: Superior Areas of Knowledge:
Astronomy/Space Science . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
151 162 150 154
Engineering, Electrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Engineering, Mechanical. . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Engineering, Electrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Engineering, Transportation . . . . . . . . . . .116
Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Mathematics/Accounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
Social Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Physics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82

‘Paper Chaser’ Confiscation bureau Miss Ecoute Investigation bureau

PS CH W CO K CD Languages: PS CH W CO K CD
46 76 80 94 82 66 English 92 Spanish 88 38 89 52 60 94 70
Language: Russian 91 German 40
English 87
80 85 72 74 192 13 65 75 80 82 160 9
Superior Areas of Knowledge: Superior Areas of Knowledge:
HTH SV Biology/Biochemistry. . . . . . ... ... . . . 68 HTH SV
Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
118 157 Botany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . 77 118 155
Botany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .86
Ecology/Earth Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Fine Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . 106
Engineering, Aeronautical. . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Geography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . 73
Engineering, Transportation . . . . . . . . . . .92 Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . 98
Mathematics/Accounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . 89
Social Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Political Science/Ideology . . ... ... . . . 91
Religion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . 64

Pierre Piton Investigation bureau ‘Dynamo’ Investigation bureau

Languages: 78 75 90 88 50 96 67 90 65 74 76 72
French 91 Language:
English 96
92 82 86 73 264 17 73 82 81 74 204 13
Superior Areas of Knowledge: Superior Areas of Knowledge:
Ecology/Earth Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 HTH SV HTH SV
Argiculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Engineering, Aeronautical. . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 164 168 148 163
Economics/Finance . . . . . . . . . ......... 69
Engineering, Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Engineering, Hydraulic. . . . . . ......... 84
Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Law...................... ......... 76
Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Mathematics/Accounting. . . . . ......... 68
Medicine/Physiology . . . . . . . . ......... 88
Political Science/Ideology . . . . ......... 90
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 112

D R A GON 57

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