The New York Times 2017-01-30
The New York Times 2017-01-30
The New York Times 2017-01-30
VOL. CLXVI . . . No. 57,493 © 2017 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 2017 $2.50
Little Justice for Nepal Victims Closing Arguments in a Retrial Memorial for a Muckraker Federer Wins 18th Major Title
Many have lost faith in a panel formed Prosecutors reiterated their argument As mourners gathered to remember the In Australia, Roger Federer, 35, became
to investigate war crimes committed that Pedro Hernandez was responsible late Village Voice investigative reporter the oldest man to win a Grand Slam
during a Maoist rebellion. PAGE A4 for the death of Etan Patz, who disap- Wayne Barrett, even politicians he singles title in 45 years. PAGE D1
peared in 1979. PAGE A17 criticized during his long career praised
French Socialists Pick Idealist him for his principles and tenacity, Jim
Benoît Hamon, nominated for presi- A Four Seasons Voice Revived ARTS C1-8
Rutenberg writes. PAGE B1
dent, said, “Our country needs the left, Demos by the late Don Ciccone, who
but a modern, innovative left.” PAGE A4 Google Shifts Toward G.O.P.
has prominent parts in several of the Deep Pockets and Compassion
group’s hits, will be released. PAGE A17 The tech company had many close links
The subject of “Becoming Warren Buf- to the Obama administration. Now it is
fett” (above, years ago with his first trying to build bridges to President
OBITUARIES B5-6 wife, Susan) discusses the film. PAGE C1 Trump and a Republican-dominated
Congress. PAGE B1
A Father of Energy Efficiency A Wartime ‘First Oval Office’
Arthur H. Rosenfeld, a physicist and an A tent George Washington used will EDITORIAL, OP-ED A20-21
early champion of energy-saving appli-
ances and buildings, was 90. PAGE B6
have a prime spot at the new Museum
of the American Revolution. PAGE C1 Paul Krugman PAGE A21
Of Islamic State Recruits
Under a new collective punishment
Politicians Try to Keep Up
Legislators facing re-election next
Plus the Cost to Market It
Companies, eager to get their mon-
‘‘ You don’t know if
they ever come back, these
policy by the provincial government year, potential presidential candi- ey’s worth, now spend 25 percent or
in Tikrit, Iraq, at least 345 families dates and would-be leaders of the more of the cost of a Super Bowl ad
accused of ties to the Islamic State party all scrambled this weekend to ROGER FEDERER,
to market the ad itself. PAGE B1
have been evicted and confined to give voice to the fury over President after he defeated Rafael Nadal
Trump’s executive order temporar- in five sets to win the Austral-
Al Shahama camp. The authorities Speaking for the Outsider ian Open. [D1]
say the punishment is intended to ily barring refugees and some other
migrants from coming to the United Long a part of establishment Wash-
force the group’s recruits to pay a
ington, Sean Spicer, President
painful personal price. PAGE A6 States. PAGE A15
Trump’s press secretary, has sur-
prised some colleagues by how
English City Ready to Leave readily he has embraced the White
In Romford, where wealthy London NEW YORK House’s attempts to upend the Three-Ring Dread
becomes not-so-wealthy Essex, a status quo. PAGE B1 In One-Act Series
county that prides itself on its After Years of Separation, Three plays are presented in “Au-
ancient Englishness- not the upper-
class variety with clipped private
Family Takes On Cancer thor Directing Author,” by Neil
After a separation of 17 years, Mi- SPORTS LaBute, Marta Buchaca and Marco
school accents- many say they are Calvani, who direct one another’s
impatient to leave the European guel Ramos arrived in Yonkers in
October to live with his mother, works. A review. PAGE C6
Union. Romford Journal. PAGE A7 Spot in the Hall for Coryell
Mirna Ramos. Then she learned she
had cancer. The Neediest Cases. Could Soothe Chargers Fans Decadent Disco Nights
A Female Doctor’s Risk Nora Burns’s feisty and funny
PAGE A19 Those San Diego fans jilted by the
In Afghanistan, a battle trapped Dr. Chargers’ move to Los Angeles one-woman show “David’s Friend”
LIMITED EDITION Marzia Salam Yaftali, the chief might find some solace in knowing recalls those sex-and-drug-filled
S N OW FA L L B R O O C H doctor for Kunduz Regional Hospi- that two former heroes, including days of gleefully reckless abandon.
18 K / D i a m o n d tal, at home. But the most dire test OBITUARIES A review. PAGE C6
the transformative coach Don
of her career appeared just a few
Coryell, are finalists for the Hall of
doors away. PAGE A8 Emma Tennant, 79 Fame. Sports of The Times. A Museum and a Park
She blended fantasy, science fiction PAGE D1 A New York story: a gated park, a
and social satire in dozens of novels museum seeking to expand, war-
Report an Error: that explored the borderland be- Why Not EuroKnicks? ring neighbors. Why the fight over a
[email protected] or call tween daylight and dreams, anato- tiny patch of green matters. Critic’s
mized contemporary Britain and The New York Knicks were slower
1-844-NYT-NEWS Notebook. PAGE C5
updated the works of Jane Austen than most in seeking international
and other classic writers in sequels talent, but the arrival of Mindaugas
Editorials: [email protected] Kuzminskas and others has offered
or fax (212) 556-3622. that often had a feminist twist.
PAGE B5 a chance at a new identity. PAGE D1 OP-ED
Public Editor: Readers concerned
about issues of journalistic integrity Harry Middleton, 95 A Tighter Fit in Hockey Charles M. Blow PAGE A21
may reach the public editor at Come Feb. 4, goaltenders in the
PA U L M O R E L L I .C OM [email protected] or (212) 556- He spent the last two years of
Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency as N.H.L.will have to wear pants with
8044. a more contoured design. One Crossword C3
895 M A D I S O N ( 72 N D & M A D I S O N ) 212 . 5 85 . 42 0 0 a speechwriter but made a more
Newspaper Delivery: enduring impact as the director of goalie compared it to going from Obituaries B5-6
[email protected] or call his presidential library for more baggy jeans to skinny jeans. TV Listings C7
1-800-NYTIMES (1-800-698-4637). than three decades. PAGE B5 PAGE D3 Weather D6
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A Mastectomy, Then a Shock: Lost Feeling
From Page A1
from 2000. And they have em-
braced cutting-edge techniques to
improve the appearance of recon-
structed breasts and give them a
more natural “look and feel” — us-
ing a woman’s belly fat to create
the new breast, sparing the nip-
ple, minimizing scarring with cre-
ative incisions and offering en-
hancements like larger, firmer
lifted breasts.
Doctors often promise patients
that their reconstructed breasts
will look even better than the
breasts they had before. But they
often describe the potential conse-
quences of the surgery in ambigu-
ous terms. Women say the fact
that sensation and sexual arousal
will not be restored is not made
The main problem is using the
word “feel,” said Dr. Clara Lee, an
associate professor of plastic
surgery at Ohio State University
who does reconstructive breast /RYHLV
surgery. Surgeons who use a
woman’s own tissue to recreate a
breast might tell the patient that it WHEN YOU FOLLOW
will “feel” like a natural breast, re-
ferring to how it feels to someone YOUR HEART
else, not the woman.
“We don’t always mean what’s 5(7851727,))$1< p /29(
important to the patient,” Dr. Lee
“Our focus has been on what
women look like,” said Dr. Andrea
L. Pusic, a plastic surgeon at Me-
morial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center who specializes in breast
reconstruction and has studied
patients’ quality of life after breast
surgery. “What it feels like to the Dane’e McCree with her daughters, Marleigh, left, and Brooklyn, in Grand Junction, Colo.
woman has been a kind of blind 800 843 3269 | TIFFANY.COM
spot in breast surgery. That’s the The lack of sensation is poten- at a manageable level. and reconstructed from her own
next frontier.” tially dangerous. Women who “The surface of the skin is numb tissue 14 years ago. Ms. Holt
The focus on how breasts look have had mastectomies and re- — if you run a needle over it, I knows she’s unusual, she said, but
and feel to other people, rather construction surgery have sus- can’t feel it,” Ms. Romero said. claims she has “just about as
than how they feel to the patient, tained severe burns on their “But I can feel the pain under- much erogenous sensation in the
speaks to the fact that women are breasts from heating pads, hair neath just radiating everywhere.” left breast as in the right.”
still largely judged by their ap- dryers, curling irons, sunbathing She added that her plastic sur- But doctors say such results are
pearance, said Victoria Pitts-Tay- and overly hot showers. geon had told her that she was an rare.
lor, a professor and the head of Several women interviewed re- anomaly and that “this isn’t real, “You don’t want to give people
feminist, gender and sexuality counted times when they had not it’s all in your head.” Other pa- false hope,” said Dr. Frank J. Del-
studies at Wesleyan University. realized a bra was cutting into tients Ms. Romero has met laCroce, a plastic surgeon and a
“There’s such a strong cultural their skin until they saw blood. through Facebook have had the founder of the Center for Restor-
gaze at women’s breasts,” Dr. Many described embarrassing same experience. ative Breast Surgery in New Or-
Pitts-Taylor said. “It does raise the “wardrobe malfunctions,” when a “So many women who join are leans.
question: Who is breast recon- bathing suit or T-shirt shifted to just relieved to know they’re not Restoring sensation is “one of
struction for?” reveal part of their breast without alone,” Ms. Romero said. “They all those things that’s regarded as the
Adding to the confusion has their knowing because they did start out the same way: ‘My doc- holy grail of breast reconstruc-
been the excitement over surgical not feel the air on their exposed tor told me I was crazy.’” tion,” he said. “But no one has
innovations, particularly “nipple- skin. Most surgeons agree that the shown in any scientific article to
sparing” mastectomies. During a A doctor recalled a patient who best chance for sensory restora- date that we’re able to return sen-
traditional mastectomy, doctors had burned herself while draining tion after a mastectomy is a pro- sation in any reliable way.”
remove the nipple and scoop out hot pasta for dinner; she did not cedure that uses a woman’s own
breast tissue, causing consider- Dr. Christine Laronga, a breast
realize she was hurt until she saw body tissue rather than an im- oncologist at the Moffitt Cancer
able nerve damage. But now, in red marks on her skin in the plant because nerves have a bet-
certain cases, the nipple can be Center in Tampa, Fla., said she
shower several hours later. ter chance of regenerating in na-
spared, raising hopes that some tried to make clear to patients that
Some women described losing tural tissue. The procedure has
feeling will be preserved. feeling would not be restored after
the sense of the position of their produced modest results. If sensa-
The actress Angelina Jolie reconstruction, telling them, “It
breasts. tion returns, it is usually limited to
wrote about her nipple-sparing, may look like a breast, but it won’t
“It’s not just about the sexual the perception of pressure, with-
preventive double mastectomy in feel like a breast.”
arousal, it’s the awkwardness,” out improved sensation related to
a New York Times Op-Ed in 2013, said Cathy Balsamo of Berkeley touch, temperature or sexual While doctors agree on the need
inspiring other women at high Heights, N.J. “You can’t figure out arousal. for a mastectomy procedure that
risk of breast cancer to have their your space — almost like you’re “It’s a shadow of the degree of spares nerves, they note that the
breasts removed. But the nipple- bigger than you really are. It’s a sensation that people had before,” goal of the surgery is to make sure
sparing surgery has yet to fulfill bizarre feeling.” said Dr. Edwin G. Wilkins, a plas- the cancer is gone. There is also a
its promise, and in most cases, She added, “When I put on a tic surgeon at the University of risk that efforts to restore sensa-
sensation is not restored. sports bra, I have to look in the Michigan who is running a large tion will trigger a pain syndrome.
For many women, the loss of mirror and focus on the breasts to study on reconstruction outcomes “It’s a very tricky area,” said Dr.
sensation in their breasts can be make sure they’re in the pocket and complications with Dr. Pusic. Ida K. Fox, a plastic surgeon at
devastating. where they belong.” “It’s a poor substitute.” Washington University in St. Lou-
Eve Wallinga, 60, a cancer sur- Nerve damage during mastec- Dr. Aldona J. Spiegel, a plastic is who specializes in breast and
vivor from St. Cloud, Minn., said tomies can create post-mastec- surgeon in Houston who has pio- hand surgery. “You don’t want to
many women who choose risk-re- tomy pain syndrome. Some wom- neered techniques to reconnect restore sensation and give some-
ducing mastectomies believe that en experience tingling sensations, nerves in the breast and restore one chronic pain.”
reconstructive surgery will make and others have debilitating pain. sensation, said the procedure re- Ms. Balsamo, 50, who had a Ø/DG\'LRUÙEDJLQFLQQDPRQFDQQDJHODPEVNLQ
them “whole” again and are not Patients say physicians minimize mained promising. double mastectomy after testing ZLWKHPEURLGHUHGOXJJDJHWDJDQGJROGHQRZOFKDUP
told that the sensation lost during the condition, even though it is “I tell patients that if I am able positive for a genetic mutation
the surgery is unlikely to come fairly common, affecting any- to reconnect nerves in the recon- that increases breast cancer risk,
back. where from 25 percent to 60 per- structed breast, it will improve the said she did not regret the surgery,
“They go into it thinking every- cent of mastectomy patients. sensation. But I never tell them it but wished she had been better in- WK6WUHHW6RKR
thing will be the same when they Michelle Lamon Romero, 45, of will be normal,” Dr. Spiegel said. formed. GLRU'LRUFRP
come out — they’ll just have can- East Longmeadow, Mass., said She added that many of her pa- “I just wish I had known,” Ms.
cer-proof stuffing in their she had been incapacitated by tients had shown “very significant Balsamo said. “They said there’s
breasts,” Ms. Wallinga said. pain since having a double mas- improvement.” going to be a difference in the sen-
“Some are very angry and upset, tectomy two years ago. She lost One of her patients, Karen Holt, sation — not that there wouldn’t
and say, ‘Why wasn’t I told?’ They her job and now relies on a cock- 65, a retired principal from Hous- be any. Before you go in, shouldn’t
feel very betrayed.” tail of five drugs to keep the pain ton, had her left breast removed you know the facts?”
Iraqi Local Authorities Evict and Hold Members of ISIS Fighters’ Families
New York Times journalists are from school and compelled to en-
in the field in central and northern dure a harsh existence in the for-
Iraq to assess the humanitarian lorn Shahama camp.
impact of battles between the gov- “What is the guilt of my chil-
ernment and Islamic State fight- dren? They don’t know anything
ers. about Daesh,” said Eman Khalil
By DAVID ZUCCHINO Hamad, 34. She said she and her
seven children had been evicted
TIKRIT, Iraq — Udbais Musa and their five-room home demol-
says he punched his son and ished to punish her husband, an
threatened to disown him when Islamic State fighter she said she
the 19-year-old announced last had not seen for months.
year that he was leaving home to Ms. Hamad said the family had
join the Islamic State. suffered under the Islamic State’s
Ultimately, Mr. Musa lost both harsh social codes. But now, she
his son and his house. said, she was abused by security
To punish the son, Iraqi security forces who slapped and insulted
forces evicted Mr. Musa and his her as she was forced onto a mili-
family from their home on Tikrit’s tary truck this month.
outskirts on Jan. 4. He said they Hussein al-Gibory, 55, a Sunni
had been transported by military Muslim tribal sheikh and a com-
truck to a windswept displaced mander of a Sunni militia force
persons camp with only the that helped restore Tikrit to gov-
clothes they were wearing and a ernment control, said collective
few tattered personal papers. punishment was counterproduc-
Under a new collective punish- tive.
ment policy by the provincial gov- “It will only turn people away
ernment here, at least 345 families from the government and
accused of ties to the Islamic State strengthen Daesh,” said Mr. Gi-
have been evicted and confined to bory, who wore combat fatigues
Al Shahama camp outside Tikrit with military insignia of the popu-
this month, according to provin- lar mobilization forces — the col-
cial leaders. Officials said about lective name for militia forces in
200 other families had been Iraq.
evicted and held in a school and at He said authorities should use
a separate camp called Rubaidha. “social rehabilitation” to convince
Mr. Musa, 60, now shares a families of Islamic State members
blue-and-white tent with nine that “Daesh is more dangerous
family members whose only PHOTOGRAPHS BY DAVID ZUCCHINO FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES than a nuclear bomb.”
crime was to have a relative who “We are tribal people,” Mr. Gi-
had joined the Islamic State, also Al Shahama camp outside Tikrit, Iraq, where, provincial leaders
bory said. “We should turn to dia-
known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh. say, at least 345 families accused of Islamic State ties were con- logue rather than dragging wom-
Several women evicted from fined this month. Eman Khalil Hamad, left, 34, said she and her en and children from their
their homes and trucked to the seven children had been evicted and their home demolished. homes.”
Shahama camp said Iraqi security Mr. Musa, the father of the ISIS
forces demolished their houses first deputy governor, said the re- Today, pockets of Islamic State fighter, said he felt betrayed by his
with explosives after accusing movals protected families from fighters remain in Tikrit districts government. He said he had
their sons or husbands of joining retaliation by neighbors who lost west of the Tigris River. Security alerted the tribal sheikh in his vil-
the terrorist group. family members to ISIS attacks. officials said the small militant lage, on Tikrit’s west side, after his
The authorities of Salahuddin “There are hostile feelings toward cells occasionally fired mortars son joined the group, and disa-
Province say the punishment these people, and these feelings from Sunni neighborhoods where vowed both his son and the Is-
against the families of ISIS mem- can affect the civil peace we are many of the evictions have oc- lamic State.
bers is intended to force the trying to achieve,” Mr. Hamad curred. The sheikh signed and stamped
group’s recruits to pay a painful said. a letter attesting to Mr. Musa’s in-
Hussein Ahmed Khalaf, direc-
personal price. The Tikrit evictions are per- nocence. But the security forces
tor of the Shahama camp, said
“Our aim is to defy the terror- haps a prelude to postcombat fric- none of the 345 evicted families — who evicted him refused to read
ists and send a stern message to tions in the city of Mosul, 140 miles the document, Mr. Musa said,
1,111 people — had been permitted
the families,” Amar Hekmat, the north, if government forces can clutching the worn letter inside
to return home. All will undergo
deputy governor, said inside the uproot Islamic State forces there. his camp tent.
barricaded provincial govern- Tikrit is a potent symbol of Hadia Ibrahim, 44, a mother of
ment center. Sunni dominion in central Iraq. 11 children, said two of her sons —
But the evictions have set off a
rancorous dispute between offi- ite-dominated security forces and welcome comparisons to col-
Saddam Hussein was born in
Awja, just outside Tikrit, and his
Removals set off a one an Iraqi police officer — had
been killed by the Islamic State.
cials in Tikrit and politicians in
Baghdad. Prime Minister Haider
their militia allies, deep distrust lective punishments, including palaces still tower over the land- rancorous dispute But she said she and her four
daughters were now confined to
persists in Iraq’s Sunni communi- home demolitions, imposed by Is- scape here. Yet Shiite Muslim mi-
al-Abadi, in a letter to the provin- ties. rael against families of Palestin- litias, backed by Iran and known with Baghdad. the Shahama camp after her hus-
cial governor last week, sharply In an interview, Mishan al-Ji- ians accused of attacks. Collective as popular mobilization forces, led band joined ISIS in 2014.
criticized the removals and or- boori, a member of Parliament punishment is prohibited under the charge to evict the Islamic When security forces de-
dered provincial and Baghdad of- from Salahuddin Province, ac- the Third and Fourth Geneva Con- State from the city in April 2015. scended on her home three weeks
ficials to resolve the issue. cused the provincial security com- ventions and is generally consid- The main highway into Tikrit is security screenings to determine ago, Ms. Ibrahim said, they told
The tensions raised by the Sa- mander of human rights vio- ered illegal under international now festooned with posters fea- their fates, he said. her, “You are the family of Daesh
lahuddin officials’ actions cut to lations against “the innocent and law. turing the faces of Shiite mili- Several of those evicted said se- — leave!”
the heart of sectarian grievances the repressed.” Officials in Tikrit cited extraor- tiamen killed in battle and images curity forces had confiscated their Mr. Hamad, the first deputy
across the whole country, where The Salahuddin operations dinary security concerns for the of the revered Shiite imams Hus- cellphones and interrogated them governor, said evicted families ul-
tens of thousands of Sunni fam- commander, Brig. Gen. Juma evictions. sein and Ali. Some of the posters about family members’ ties to the timately might be moved to other
ilies have been displaced either by Enad Sadoon, called critics like “This is a very difficult situation are mounted next to Iraqi govern- Islamic State. They said they had areas, or even other provinces.
the Islamic State or by govern- Mr. Jiboori “barking dogs and for us because of the terrible suf- ment military compounds. not been told when, or whether, “That is to be determined by secu-
ment offensives against the mercenaries” and said they fering caused by Daesh,” Mr. Hek- But local Sunni militiamen, they would be allowed to return rity agencies,” he said.
group. Even as Mr. Abadi’s na- should not interfere in security mat said. “We are under great along with Iraqi security forces, home. Some families with Islamic
tional government has tried to ad- matters in Tikrit. In an interview, pressure to rebuild our city and have themselves carried out some Several acknowledged that fa- State relatives have fled Salahud-
dress reports of abuses by the Shi- General Sadoon did not indicate impose civil order” after almost a of the evictions — all targeting thers or sons had joined ISIS, but din Province altogether to avoid
whether the removals would be year under Islamic State occupa- Sunnis. Thousands of Sunni tribal they insisted that they supported evictions, Mr. Hamad said.
Falih Hassan contributed report- halted. tion in 2014 and 2015, he said. fighters had joined the fight the Iraqi government. They said “Those people,” he said, “will
ing. The evictions have evoked un- Khazhal Hamad, the province’s against ISIS in Tikrit. their children had been removed never be allowed to come back.”
A Pro-‘Brexit’ Corner,
Ready to Get It Done
By KATRIN BENNHOLD mall on one side and a 19th-
ROMFORD, England — At the century church on the other, the
greyhound track in Romford the market has been in operation
mood is tense. “Think big,” one since 1247, a banner at its en-
racecourse employee breathes trance claims. Under the Royal
into my ear, referring not to life Charter granted by King Henry PHOTOGRAPHS BY ANDREW TESTA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
the body for a cremation ceremo- People celebrating in Kathmandu in 2006 after an announce-
ny, only to discover that it had ment that Nepal’s Parliament would be reinstated.
been transferred to a Maoist mili-
tary camp that he was not permit-
ted to visit. Tharu said, the first installment of there was nothing,” he said.
Months later, he would learn the payment, around $900, was “When the government gave the
that his son had been buried in an pocketed by a district-level gov- second amount, the district officer
unmarked plot. Years later, when ernment employee. told me, ‘If you don’t stop search-
the government promised victims “I visited many banks to inves- ing for your lost $900, your $1,800
about $4,500 in compensation, Mr. tigate where my money went, but might also disappear.’”
Its Embassy
Salam Yaftali’s neighbors in Kun-
duz City turned to her for help.
Their relative had gone into la-
bor with twins and was having
trouble, the streets to the hospital By IAN FISHER
were blocked, and Dr. Yaftali was JERUSALEM — Prime Min-
their best hope. With urban battle ister Benjamin Netanyahu of Is-
all around, she took the risk of rael, who had been closemouthed
leaving her two young children at on the contentious question of
home to try to save three lives. moving the United States Embas-
But on that evening last fall, the sy to Jerusalem, said on Sunday
doctor did not feel like a hero — that the embassy “needs to be
she felt guilty. Her place was at here.”
Kunduz Regional Hospital, where But he pointedly did not de-
she was the chief doctor, directing mand that President Trump im-
her staff members as they han- mediately follow through on his
dled a wave of casualties. But they campaign promise to move the
had begged her to stay home, feel- embassy — made by many presi-
ing she would be at risk if the Tal- dential nominees since the 1970s
iban or even the militiamen fight- but never fulfilled.
ing them found a woman in “Jerusalem is the capital of Is-
charge. rael, and it is proper that not only
“I still struggle with that feeling should the American Embassy be
— why I was not able to come to here, but all embassies should
the hospital that day,” Dr. Yaftali come here,” Mr. Netanyahu said
said in an interview at the hospital before his weekly cabinet meet-
months later. “I am still uncom- ing. “And I believe that over time,
fortable.” most of them will indeed come
Kunduz was already known for here, to Jerusalem.”
danger to medical workers, after The issue seemed to be put off
an American warplane bombed when Mr. Trump told Fox News in
its best hospital to ruins during a an interview last week that it was
previous Taliban siege, in 2015, “too early” to discuss any move. “I
leaving Kunduz Regional Hospital
don’t want to talk about it yet,” he
as its only significant care facility. PHOTOGRAPHS BY NAJIM RAHIM FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
told the network.
For female health workers in Dr. Marzia Salam Yaftali, the chief doctor at Kunduz Regional Hospital, the Afghan city’s main facility, visiting patients there. The announcement of such a
Afghanistan, the risk is com-
move had seemed imminent after
pounded by the traditional beliefs
corner from the main building so I am updated on what is hap- difficult. One of the babies was “I don’t have any medical equip- Mr. Trump’s inauguration on Jan.
of a society that still struggles
were daunting operations that pening at the hospital,” she re- large and in what she described as ment with me — my hands are 20. Officials told the news media to
with the notion of women in the
brought them under fire several called. “shoulder presentation.” empty,” Dr. Yaftali recalled. “I expect news on the embassy, and
times. Then, one night around 9 The streets outside were a bat- worked for them like a local mid- Mr. Trump, asked about such a re-
The Taliban, despite their state-
Their task became only more o’clock, she heard a knock at her tlefield. Both sides fired at anyone wife. There was no place to do a location on the eve of his swear-
ments that they have reconsid-
difficult after mortar shells hit the gate and the voices of her neigh- caught in between. cesarean or an operation. Profes- ing-in, said, “You know I’m not a
ered their position on female edu-
hospital and patients had to be bors outside. Their pregnant rela- “I was nervous — how could I sionally, a cesarean was needed.” person who breaks promises.”
cation and women in the work
moved from some of the rooms to go to the house of the neighbor, The provincial police chief was But Palestinian and other Arab
force, have not behaved that way
the hallways. At the peak of the and their house was just 100 or 200 called, and he sent an armored ve- leaders spoke forcefully against
in practice.
fighting, hospital employees were meters away from mine?” Dr. Yaf- hicle to the house to transport Fa- the move, saying it would amount
The siege last fall was the sec-
tima to the hospital. But the wom-
ond time in a year that the Taliban treating more than 300 wounded
Trapped, but risking tali said. “On the other hand, if I
don’t go to their house, what will an’s relatives would not let her go
to a formal recognition of the Is-
raeli annexation of East Jerusa-
had invaded Kunduz City. The first
time, in fall 2015, women in promi- Stuck at home, Dr. Yaftali essen-
tially took over the public rela-
her life to help a the mother do? She came to our
area and close to me, and she
without them, and would not go
themselves because of the risk: At
lem, after its capture from Jordan
in the Arab-Israeli War of 1967.
nent roles reported being method-
ically targeted. And the insur- tions campaign for a hospital un- mother deliver twins. hoped I would help her, I would the time, civilians were frequently Palestinian leaders said they
der fire. She spoke to radio sta- take care of her.” hit by crossfire, and reports of would revoke recognition for Is-
gents have never reconciled one
tions and newspapers and regu- She braved the street, and when corpses being left on the streets rael, and leaders on both sides
of the central contradictions of
larly updated her Facebook page she got to the house, Fatima was were circulating. worried about violence, here and
their regime in the 1990s: The Tal-
with urgent calls to both sides not tive, a 30-year-old named Fatima, already giving birth on the floor to “Their logic was this: We can elsewhere in the Muslim world.
iban government strictly insisted
to fire on the hospital, and notices was in intense pain and desper- the first child. The second child, sacrifice one mother, but we can- Israel considers the entire city
that women be treated only by fe-
to the public about which facilities ately needed help. however, was stuck, and the not sacrifice several family mem- its capital, and the Palestinians
male doctors, yet they barred girls
from going to school. were still functioning. Dr. Yaftali said she had first ex- mother was in agony. bers by going with you to the hos- demand that East Jerusalem be
“Others in Kunduz were looking amined Fatima, who had traveled Dr. Yaftali intervened to try to pital,” Dr. Yaftali said. the capital of a future state. No
The 300-bed Kunduz Regional
Hospital was built on German do- for water, and I was after a liter of to Kunduz from an outlying a dis- reposition the baby for a safer de- So she sent the police chief’s ar- embassies are in the city. Most, in-
nations but is run by the Afghan gas — to make sure I could turn on trict, a couple weeks before and livery. But her patient’s pain was mored car back to the hospital to cluding the United States Embas-
government. Dr. Yaftali, a gyne- the generator to charge my phone knew that natural birth would be intolerable. bring drugs and medical equip- sy, are in the commercial hub of
cologist, was at home the morning ment, and she tried again to help Tel Aviv, and most world leaders
of Oct. 3 when the Taliban entered deliver the baby. But she knew the say they will make no moves un-
the city. second infant was lost, and there less the two sides negotiate a deal
“I called the director of the hos- was little she could do other than
pital. I told him that I would come try to reduce Fatima’s risk and
to the hospital even if it rains fire,” pain.
Dr. Yaftali said. “He told me: ‘How Dr. Yaftali went back home to
her two children, the youngest
Backing a relocation
will you come to the hospital?
There is no way to get here.’” just 6 months old. And in the to Jerusalem, but not
morning, after the fighting qui-
The director, a burly surgeon,
Mohammed Naim Mangal, ex- eted a little, Fatima was able to go specifying the timing.
pressed another fear over the to the hospital for treatment, but
phone: Many of the staff members with just one of her children alive.
had fled already, and Dr. Yaftali “It was very painful for me. The
scene was not tolerable, as I saw a on the status of Jerusalem.
would be the only woman if she While many Israelis say they
made it to the hospital. There was child dying in the womb of the
mother, and I was not able to help would like to see the embassy
risk to her not only from the extre- here, few count it high among
mist Taliban, but also from the un- him, to help him even a bit,” Dr.
Yaftali said. “That was the darkest their priorities, and many say it is
ruly militias fighting on behalf of not worth risking violence now.
the government. night, and I will never forget.”
After the Taliban were cleared Mr. Netanyahu has said almost
At the hospital, about two dozen nothing on the issue since Mr.
staff members remained, working out, Dr. Yaftali returned to her
work. Her Facebook page, after a Trump made his promise during
nonstop for more than a week. the campaign to move the embas-
They ran out of food quickly, sur- last plea to all the hospital work-
ers who had fled the city to return, sy.
viving on boiled rice. Their trips to “Great,” Mr. Netanyahu said
the medicine depot around the returned to her usual dose of med-
ical advice to her readers. last month on a trip to Azerbaijan.
To this day, though, she is He went no further.
Najim Rahim and Fahim Abed Marc Zell, a chairman of Repub-
contributed reporting. The Kunduz hospital walls bear scars from the fighting during the Taliban’s most recent siege. racked by remorse.
“The day the fighting quieted licans Overseas Israel, which
down, my suggestion to the hospi- worked to turn out the vote for Mr.
tal and the Ministry of Health was Trump among Americans living in
that the first thing I do is resign,” Israel, said he sensed a change in
N A9
Demonstrators gathered on Sunday in Copley Square to protest President Trump’s executive order restricting immigration from seven nations, which was issued on Friday.
Rulings Blocking Parts of Trump’s Order Are the First Step on a Long Legal Path
By ADAM LIPTAK said Anthony D. Romero, the ex- Judge Ann M. Donnelly of the held at John F. Kennedy Interna- against in the issuance of an immi- being held at Dulles International
WASHINGTON — With what ecutive director of the American Federal District Court in Brook- tional Airport after receiving what grant visa because of the person’s Airport. The order in Seattle, from
by legal standards was lightning Civil Liberties Union, which rep- lyn, which issued a nationwide in- he called “alarming reports” that race, sex, nationality, place of Judge Thomas S. Zilly of the Fed-
speed, the judicial branch re- resents the plaintiffs in one of the junction, was an important first the federal government was plan- birth or place of residence.” eral District Court there, applied
sponded to President Trump’s im- cases. “Litigation is going to be a step. ning to violate the court order. Saturday’s court orders, issued to two plaintiffs.
migration order on Saturday key tool for either undoing these “Making it stick will require In an interview, Mr. Schneider- in haste, contained little reason- It is possible that one of the four
night, telling the president that he policies or slowing them down.” both making sure that it’s being man said that the executive order ing. Judge Donnelly, in Brooklyn, cases will definitively resolve an
had moved too fast in barring peo- In a statement issued early Sun- followed at borders around the was unconstitutional and that he wrote that there was a strong like- important aspect of the legality of
ple from seven predominantly day, the Department of Homeland country and upholding it on ap- and other attorneys general were lihood that the two plaintiffs in the Mr. Trump’s order. But the cases
Muslim nations from entering the Security said it would comply with peal,” he said. exploring the possibility of legal case, who seek to represent a were filed very quickly, and civil
United States. the court orders. But the depart- While the government has re- class of refugees, visa holders and rights litigators generally like to
ment added that little had leased some plaintiffs in the four others, could establish that their locate ideal plaintiffs and hone
But the court orders, from
changed. cases, others are being held while removal would violate the Consti- their legal theories before filing
judges in at least four cities, were
just the initial steps in litigation
“The president’s executive or- the cases move forward. Only the most tution’s due process and equal test cases that could turn into le-
ders remain in place — prohibited protection guarantees. gal landmarks.
that may last for years.
The orders were provisional,
travel will remain prohibited, and
On Sunday, there were wide-
spread reports that government
preliminary hints Based on that conclusion and The Brooklyn case, for instance,
the U.S. government retains its
aimed at maintaining the status right to revoke visas at any time if
officials at airports were not com-
plying with aspects of the orders.
about a ban’s fate. the “irreparable injury” the plain-
tiffs would suffer, Judge Donnelly
did not make a claim based on the
First Amendment’s prohibition of
quo. They were limited in scope, required for national security or
applying only to people on their That may have been a product of issued a temporary nationwide in- government establishment of reli-
public safety,” the statement said.
way to the United States or al- confusion and miscommunica- junction barring their removal. gion, though some lawyers said
“No foreign national in a foreign
ready here. They did not rule on tion, but some feared it was an action. “There may be grounds for She did not order their release. that was the executive order’s
land, without ties to the United
the larger question of whether Mr. early sign of a potential constitu- a claim that this does damage to a The order in Boston, from central flaw.
States, has any unfettered right to
Trump’s executive order was law- demand entry into the United tional showdown. state, if they’re damaging our Judge Allison D. Burroughs of the “The smoking gun they put in
ful. States or to demand immigration “The scariest scenario,” said state institutions” like universi- Federal District Court there, was the executive order is the idea that
They were a signal that the fed- benefits in the United States.” Peter J. Spiro, a law professor at ties and hospitals, he said. in one sense broader and in an- they would grant exceptions for
eral judiciary stands ready to as- The four cases — in Boston, Temple University, “is one in The president has broad power other narrower. It limited border minority religions,” Mr. Romero
sess the limits of presidential Brooklyn, Seattle and Alexandria, which the Department of Home- to control immigration. A federal screening practices to those in said. Mr. Trump has said that was
power over immigration policy. Va. — will move forward in the land Security simply ignores the law allows him to “suspend the en- place before Mr. Trump’s execu- meant to favor Christians over
But they gave only the most pre- coming weeks, with briefs and court orders. That would have try of all aliens or any class of tive order, and it barred not only Muslims.
liminary hints about whether the hearings over whether to make been close to unimaginable in pri- aliens as immigrants or nonimmi- removal but also detention. But it But opening such a challenge
courts will strike down part or all the bans on removing the trav- or administrations. In this one, un- grants” if he determines that their seemed to be limited to people ar- requires preparation, Mr. Cole
of Mr. Trump’s executive order. elers more permanent. At the fortunately, it would almost be un- entry “would be detrimental to the riving or held at Logan Interna- said.
Still, leaders of civil liberties same time, the Trump administra- surprising.” interests of the United States.” tional Airport there. “The one thing you can’t do un-
groups were savoring their vic- tion may appeal the orders to fed- The New York attorney general, But another law appears to limit The order from Judge Leonie der the establishment clause is de-
tories in these early skirmishes. eral appellate courts. Eric T. Schneiderman, sent a let- that power, saying that “no person M. Brinkema of the Federal Dis- nomination favoritism,” he said.
“The courts can serve as a bul- David Cole, the A.C.L.U.’s legal ter to federal officials Sunday de- shall receive any preference or trict Court in Alexandria applied “That’s a very promising claim,
wark against these excesses,” director, said the order from manding information about those priority or be discriminated only to legal permanent residents but it requires the right plaintiff.”
Samira Asgari
Not allowed to board a plane on her way to Harvard
Samira Asgari, an Iranian citizen who countries for talented young researchers
was scheduled to fly to Boston on Satur- from around the globe.
day morning to start a postdoctoral fel- “We’ll do whatever we can to get her
lowship at Harvard Medical School, was here,” said Dr. Raychaudhuri, whose fa-
told in Frankfurt on Saturday that she ther worked as a researcher at Eastman
could not board the plane. Kodak for many years after he emigrated
“I was pretty excited to join from India to study in the United States.
@soumya_boston’s lab but denied board- “We have a lot to learn from her.”
ing due to my Irani- In an email, Dr. Asgari said her visa had
an nationality,” she been approved on Jan. 25. On Saturday,
posted on Twitter. she flew from Geneva to Frankfurt. There,
“Feeling safer?” she stood in line to board her Lufthansa
Dr. Asgari, 30, flight, but when she presented her board-
had recently com- ing pass to be scanned, “I didn’t get the
pleted her Ph.D. at expected green light,” she said. “I got a
the Swiss Federal red light.”
Institute of Technol- A man who introduced himself as a
ogy in Lausanne, Switzerland, and was United States consular official told her
planning to study the genetic roots of why that her visa was no longer valid. “The
people respond differently to tuberculosis rules had changed that morning,” Dr.
infections. Asgari said.
Soumya Raychaudhuri, an associate Dr. Asgari called Dr. Raychaudhuri to VICTOR J. BLUE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
professor in the department of medicine inform him and her boyfriend, who had Hamidyah Al Saeedi was traveling to visit her son, a sergeant in the 82nd Airborne Division.
at the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and resigned from his job to accompany her in
Women’s Hospital, had recruited Dr. As- Cambridge, Mass. She then returned to
gari to join his laboratory after hearing
her present her work at a scientific con-
Geneva and took the train back to her
apartment in Lausanne, where she had
Hamidyah Al Saeedi
ference in New York last spring. He said one more day on her lease. Several former Detained en route to meeting her son, stationed at Fort Bragg
the news of her denial was disturbing for colleagues and friends have offered her a
his lab and for all of American science, place to stay temporarily.
Had all gone according to plan, after an overnight that his mother and his father could join him in Amer-
which increasingly competes with other AMY HARMON
flight from Doha, Qatar, Hamidyah Al Saeedi, 65, would ica. “I started the process five years ago to bring both
have landed at Kennedy Airport in New York on Satur- parents to this country,” Sgt. Alsaeedy said.
day and then boarded a connecting flight to Raleigh, In December, his father died. A few weeks later, his
N.C., to meet her son Ali Alsaeedy, whom she had not mother’s visa was approved. He immediately booked a
seen in five years. flight for her. At the moment that the president signed
Ibtisam Mahmoo Hussein It was not by chance that her new life as an Ameri-
can immigrant would begin in North Carolina. Her son
the immigration order on Friday, she was probably
waiting to board her flight in Doha.
Blocked from seeing her critically ill mother is a sergeant in the 82nd Airborne Division, which is When Sgt. Alsaeedy arrived at J.F.K. searching for
based at Fort Bragg. his mother on Saturday, other families were waiting at
When she did not show up at the airport, Sgt. Al- the airport with similar stories. With the help of law-
Ibtisam Mahmoo Hussein’s 91-year-old sisters. saeedy’s immediate fear was that his mother, who does yers, he filed a habeas petition for her release. And his
mother is in an intensive care unit in a Las Ms. Hussein would like to visit their not speak English, had somehow gotten lost. morale was buoyed by the swelling protests outside.
Vegas hospital, and Ms. Hussein cannot mother, in case this is goodbye, but with He flew to New York, where another reality awaited “This country is great because of those people, the
get on a plane to go see her. the travel ban in effect, she cannot do so. him. His mother was not lost: She was being held thousands outside who were protesting and helping
Ms. Hussein, 64, lives in Oman with her “She has no bad intentions,” Ms. Alkafaji somewhere in Terminal 4 by authorities who were people with whom they have no relation,” Sgt. Alsaeedy
husband, a retired diplomat, and she car- said. “They have a good life in Oman.” threatening to deport her. “They wouldn’t even let me said. “Even in my worst situation, I felt hope and free-
ries an Iraqi passport. Several members of The family is originally from Baghdad. see her,” Sgt. Alsaeedy, a newly minted American citi- dom and that there are great people.”
Ms. Hussein’s family — four siblings and zen, said by phone on Sunday morning from the air- But even as the protests were occurring, Sgt. Al-
Ms. Alkafaji came to America in 1979. One
her mother, Shukriya Tawfiq Hussain — port, where he was still waiting for his mother. saeedy received a phone call with crushing news. A
of her brothers followed three years later.
are American citizens. A native of Baghdad, Sgt. Alsaeedy has been work- federal agent told him that his mother would be de-
In 1991, their mother joined them, driven ing for the American government for much of his life.
At the end of last year, Ms. Hussein ported on a flight bound for Germany around 9 p.m. The
out by the gulf war. One by one, her sib- After the 2003 invasion, he was an interpreter for seven agent offered to put Sgt. Alsaeedy’s mother on the
applied for a visa to visit the United States
so she could see her elderly mother for the lings followed. But Ms. Hussein never did. years, working for the American military and the phone to say goodbye. She was crying.
first time since 2013. The process went Now, she is tethered to her phone late into United States Agency for International Development. “I was hoping to see you and hug your child,” she
smoothly, and she was quickly approved. the night in Muscat, Oman, frantic for For his service, he eventually received a special immi- said, according to Sgt. Alsaeedy, who said he was
She began planning her trip, thinking she updates that she cannot receive in person. grant visa and emigrated to the United States. stunned, unsure what to say.
had time to buy the tickets. “I keep crying and looking every five He joined the Army and returned to Iraq in 2015, “It’s not over,” he said, hoping to calm her down.
Then, a few days ago, her mother fell, minutes, asking from my sister about my this time as a United States soldier with the 82nd Air- In the end, his mother was not deported. She was
breaking her hip, and needed surgery. mother’s health,” Ms. Hussein said. borne Division. “I cannot tell you what I was doing,” he held for more than 33 hours, handcuffed for some of the
Suddenly, everything changed. “I’m afraid,” she said, her words catch- said when asked about his role. All he would say was: time, and was denied a wheelchair, according to a law-
“My mom is in a critical situation,” said ing in her throat, “I won’t be able to see “The mission we were doing there, I was a part of it.” yer for Sgt. Alsaeedy. They were reunited at J.F.K. after
Nasreen Alkafaji, one of Ms. Hussein’s her alive.” ELIZABETH A. HARRIS For years, he had been filling out endless forms so 4 p.m. on Sunday. JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN
U.S. Immigration Policy May Alienate Iraqis, Crucial Allies Against ISIS
WASHINGTON — President
Trump’s executive order on immi-
gration is straining relations with
the partner the United States
needs most to reclaim the Islamic
State’s stronghold in Mosul: the
Iraqi officials were taken aback
by the directive, which they
learned about through the Ameri-
can news media because they had
not been consulted first.
The order blocks citizens from
Iraq and six other predominantly
Muslim countries from entering
the United States for 90 days. That
lumps Iraq together with Iran,
Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and
Yemen, nations with no strategic
alliance with Washington.
“The effect is that many Iraqis
will feel that the United States
does not want a long-term rela-
tionship with Iraq,” said Lukman
Faily, who completed a three-year
stint as Iraq’s ambassador to
Washington in June. “We hope it is
a blip. It makes it difficult for us to
decipher what President Trump is
up to with regard to Iraq.”
Mr. Faily has been directly af-
fected by the order. Though he
holds dual British and Iraqi citi-
zenship, he said information he
had received from the American
Embassy in Baghdad indicated
that he would not be allowed to
travel to the United States in the
coming weeks to participate in a
in a telephone interview from A refugee from Mosul, Iraq, at a camp in Syria. Iraq is providing the ground forces for the coming assault against the Islamic State’s stronghold in Mosul.
The edict followed inflamma-
tory comments that Mr. Trump Baghdad is essential. But current signed a Strategic Framework To contain the political damage, the flow of former Iraqi interpret- tary bases in Arizona to fight our
made during a visit to the C.I.A. and former American officials are Agreement, which calls for close officials said a long-planned call ers and cultural advisers who common enemies,” they wrote in a
worried that the directive will diplomatic, economic and security between Prime Minister Haider have worked closely with the statement issued Sunday.
this month, in which he said that
have a corrosive effect on Ameri- ties and is still in effect. al-Abadi of Iraq and Mr. Trump Americans and have sought spe- The more fundamental ques-
the United States should have
can-Iraqi relations at a critical “If I were an Iraqi, I would be might be arranged for this week. cial visas to move to the United tion is whether the White House
“kept” Iraq’s oil after the Ameri-
stage in the fighting. waving this signed agreement in Mr. Trump spoke on Sunday with States for their own protection. can balance the fulfillment of a
can-led invasion and might still King Salman of Saudi Arabia and
“My brothers in Iraq’s Army, the face of the current administra- “The people we need to accom- campaign promise to carry out
have a chance to do so. with the crown prince of the
who I proudly fought with, are tion,” said Ryan C. Crocker, who plish the mission are nervous, and “extreme vetting” of citizens from
More broadly, it clashes with a United Arab Emirates, but neither Muslim countries with the need to
memo that Mr. Trump issued on fighting ISIS tonight,” Mark negotiated the accord and served rightly so, that our country is go-
Hertling, a retired Army lieuten- as the United States ambassador Saudi Arabia nor the Emirates are ing to turn our backs on them,” maintain strong ties with Muslim
Saturday calling on the Pentagon covered by the new order. partners in its fight against the Is-
to submit a new plan for stepping ant general who led American to Iraq under Presidents George said Steve Miska, a retired Army
Iraqi officials who are close to lamic State. The air bases that the
up operations against the Islamic forces in northern Iraq, wrote on W. Bush and Barack Obama. “It is colonel, who spent 40 months and
the Americans worry that the Is- United States uses to bomb the
State, including by empowering Twitter. “The Iraqi govt is now totally inconsistent.” three deployments in Iraq.
lamic State will exploit the policy group are all in Turkey or Arab
“coalition partners.” winning. And we ban their citi- Iraqis who are already skeptical Senators John McCain of Ari-
in its propaganda to recruit new countries, as are American troops.
With Iraq furnishing the ground zens?” about Washington have also volunteers. As of early Sunday, zona and Lindsey Graham of “The president’s actions on ref-
forces for the coming assault on The order, which administra- seized on the order to stir up oppo- the terrorist group had made no South Carolina, Republicans who ugees and immigration are cer-
western Mosul, and with more tion officials said was drafted sition against the United States. official pronouncement. However, have been strongly supportive of tain to backfire,” said Matthew G.
than 5,000 American troops in the without the input of Defense Sec- Moktada al-Sadr, the fiery cleric individual members and support- the military, expressed concern Olsen, a former director of the Na-
country, the political support of retary Jim Mattis and Middle East whom many Iraqi Shiites support, ers have been sharing the order that a strict application of the or- tional Counterterrorism Center.
experts at the State Department, accused the United States of “ar- and news articles about it. der might even block Iraqi pilots “The policies validate the terror-
Falih Hassan and Omar Al-Ja- has offended the Iraqis in several rogance.” Yet another worry has been ex- from coming to the United States ists’ claim that we are at war with
woshy contributed reporting from respects. “So get out U.S. citizens from pressed by veterans, and even for training. Islam, and will alienate our Mid-
Baghdad, and Rukmini Callimachi During the Bush administra- Iraq before you expel communi- members of Mr. Trump’s own “This executive order bans dle East allies and isolate Ameri-
from New York. tion, the United States and Iraq ties from U.S.,” he said on Twitter. party: that the order will interrupt Iraqi pilots from coming to mili- can Muslims here at home.”
Monsignor Sullivan said. “They Mr. Gari said he decided to realize Mr.
move in a direction, and in a tone, Brian Gari, above, bringing him both the joy of hearing Mr. Cic- known as “The Cool Ghoul.”
Ciccone’s “last wish,” and, on a recent week- wrote the songs and cone’s youthful voice again, but also a Mr. Gari wrote an adoring fan letter to
and in an attitude, that we think is
day, he was in a music studio near Union twinge of sadness that he was not around to Mr. Ciccone in 1966. Mr. Ciccone wrote back
not the right tone. When we think of
Square working with a sound engineer, Pe-
backed Don Cic-
immigrants and refugees, we think participate and enjoy the results. and their ensuing correspondence led to a
ter Millrose, to give Mr. Ciccone’s remark- cone, below, on
of opportunities. We think of assets. “It had been my dream to do this album, friendship. By 1971, Mr. Gari was a strug-
able vocals on the old tapes a proper setting. piano on recordings but I never thought it would happen after he gling songwriter and Mr. Ciccone was look-
Some of the tenor of these orders they made as demos
first seemed to think of threats. They One number called, “I Just Had to Say died,” said Mr. Gari, who kept the tapes ing for his next recording contract. Mr. Gari
first seemed to think of liabilities. My Last Goodbye” had the jaunty, melodic to interest record among a large trove of materials he has would play him the catchy teenage love
No. We see human beings as oppor- feel of Todd Rundgren, or the band Chicago labels. Mr. Ciccone, amassed in the sprawling, rent-regulated songs he had written with melodies that he
tunities, as assets.” in the 1970s. who sang on some apartment on West End Avenue where he described as in the “sunshine pop” vein.
The United States has had a com- Working from Mr. Gari’s stylistic cues, of the Four Seasons’ has lived for more than 50 years while writ- Of the 20 songs they recorded, several
plex history with refugees during Mr. Millrose layered piano, bass and drums, biggest hits, also led ing almost 1,000 songs, several books, and were made into fully produced songs, in-
wars, turning away 1,937 refugees, and then toyed with horns, strings and the music and lyrics for “Late Nite Comic,” cluding “Bicycle Ride,” and “Silent Celebra-
the Critters in the
most of them Jewish, fleeing the other effects to punctuate Mr. Ciccone’s which had a brief Broadway run in 1987. tion,” which were issued by the Metromedia
phrasings. 1960s.
Nazis aboard the S.S. St. Louis in Mr. Gari has been married twice and label on a 45 r.p.m. record.
1939. As Mr. Gari suggested various riffs or held both his weddings in the apartment, They recorded through 1973, when Mr.
In 1943, during World War II, motifs, Mr. Millrose played them on a key- which is full of memorabilia, including a Ciccone joined the Four Seasons for a ten-
Treasury Department officials, in- board and added them to the digital record- vast archive of Upper West Side photos and ure that lasted through 1981. One of his Four
cluding the secretary, Henry Mor- ing until the spare track had become a slick, film clips he has shot since he was in ele- Seasons bandmates from the era, Lee Sha-
genthau Jr., pushed President Frank- sturdy, fully orchestrated song. mentary school. piro, will produce one of the songs, Mr. Gari
lin D. Roosevelt to find ways to res- Mr. Millrose worked from sheet music One room is packed with items from Mr. said.
cue Jews in Europe, who were being of lyrics and chords written by a teenage Gari’s maternal grandfather, Eddie Cantor, Mr. Gari said he hoped to release a CD of
exterminated by the Nazis. With Mr. Gari with help from his mother, who un- the movie and radio star. the 20 songs, several of which will include
Executive Order 9417, Roosevelt like Mr. Gari, had the musical training to Shortly before his death, Mr. Cantor guitar work by his friend Dean Bailin, who
created the War Refugee Board. write the melodies on music paper. wrote a letter to the 12-year-old Brian, prais- played the memorable guitar fills on the
When the war ended, Morgenthau Some original elements would not be ing his creativity and anointing him as “the 1979 hit “Escape (The Piña Colada Song).”
pressured President Harry S. Tru- preserved, like the simulated rainstorm one to carry on the tradition of show busi- Mr. Gari said he would be happy if the
man to continue the relief efforts, augmenting a lover’s farewell in “She Left ness in the family.” “Ciccone Sings Gari” CD sold just enough
according to Morgenthau’s son, on Good Terms.” The two recorded the song Mr. Gari immediately began writing copies to cover his recording costs.
Robert M. Morgenthau, the former in Mr. Gari’s apartment and used the bath- songs and riding the bus around Manhat- “I’m doing it because it’s the right thing
district attorney of Manhattan. room shower for rainfall sound effects, tan, selling his songs to music publishers. to do. I’m doing this in his honor,” he said. “It
Robert Morgenthau, 97, served in along with Mr. Ciccone making sounds of He enjoyed watching Mr. Ciccone perform fulfills my dream and his last wishes. I’m ta-
the Navy during the war, seeing thunder. with the Critters on “Disc-O-Teen,” an after- king his death and making something pos-
Continued on Page A19 Mr. Gari called the project bittersweet, noon dance show hosted by John Zacherle, itive out of it.”
“You couldn’t get to P.S. 206” through her princess days look- “There’s nothing wrong with being a do-gooder,” says Brad Meltzer, whose series of children’s books has sold briskly since the fall.
— his elementary school, about ing at reality TV stars and
four blocks from the Ocean Ave- thought, is this the best we
nue building — “without walking taken off. We still need someone Mr. Trump a legitimate presi- Eliopoulos, who draws the illus- King Jr.” With “I Am Rosa
have?” he continued. “I watched to come save us.” dent. trations for each “I Am” book, Parks,” it has led the “I Am”
past what looked like the entire my son watch anyone who plays
set of ‘Sesame Street,’” he said. He started with “Heroes for Mr. Meltzer enjoyed the per- made a conscious decision to series to double-digit percentage
professional ball in the N.B.A. or My Son,” which he worked on sonal payoffs of doing the re- show the subjects as not always increases in sales since the week
“ ‘Sesame Street’ was a mirror of the major leagues and thought, is
my life. It had crazy characters between thrillers. Then came a search, like visiting the work- perfect. of the presidential election. The
this the best we have? My daughter, and “Heroes for My shop where the puppets for “The goal is, these aren’t series went on to sell more than
who were just like my friends
and family.” Daughter.” Then he began the “I “Sesame Street” take shape. stories of famous people, these 10,000 books in December, double
It left him longing, by the time Am” series with “I Am Abraham “I had my hand inside Snuffle- are people on their good days,” the sales of December 2015.
Lincoln” and “I Am Amelia upagus,” he said. “I’ve had a Mr. Meltzer said. “Rosa Parks Along the way, the King book
he was a grown-up, “for a world
where you can dream and hope
Children’s books Earhart,” both published in 2014, private lunch at the White stands up to a bully when she’s 11 became the top seller in the
and pretend.” that show ‘a little bit before the world was struggling
with fake news and alternative
House, and I don’t think it was as
cool as getting to run Snuffleupa-
years old. Or Jim Henson, get-
ting rejection after rejection.”
series, displacing “I Am Abra-
ham Lincoln.”
It is a world he has tried to
create in a series of children’s of a better world.’ facts. gus.” Mr. Henson’s rejections came “If you have heroes selling like
books that he sees as antidotes “The appeal of these books is But the books present their from television stations in Wash- that,” Mr. Meltzer said, “it means
for a society that has “confused these things really happened,” he subjects as they slogged through ington, one of which eventually America has a tolerance prob-
fame and hero” and that lionizes said, telling the story of a young their everyday lives, doing the hired him anyway, when he said lem, and we need tolerance.”
people who are “famous for daughter loves reality TV. That’s reader whose father is a friend of everyday things everybody does he knew puppetry. (He had A couple of weeks ago, Mr.
being famous.” He does not men- her ‘Sesame Street.’” his. The little girl reached the — even well-known figures, never worked a puppet before, Meltzer appeared on Newsmax
tion any names, but he is no fan And that, he concluded, was last page of “I Am Rosa Parks” before they become well known. though he did go to the library to TV, the cable channel offshoot of
of reality television stars or how not good enough. He decided to and asked, “This is real?” “For me, these stories are not read up on it.) the conservative magazine
reality television differs from “fight back and show a little bit The “I Am” series, published the stories of famous people, Mr. Meltzer knows about rejec- Newsmax. He sized up the an-
what he remembers watching of a better world” by writing by Dial Books for Young Read- they’re the stories of what we’re tion after rejection — 24 publish- chor who was about to interview
when he was a child. children’s books about heroes. ers, is written in the first person. capable of on our very best ers turned down his first novel. him as “a staunch Republican
“Our kids are being fed “Heroes are never what we Mr. Meltzer imagines the words days,” he said. That explains the He put it aside and began what dad.”
garbage through their eyes,” said want; they are what we need,” of famous people, but does his series title, which appears in a became “The Tenth Justice.” Mr. “The red light’s about to go
Mr. Meltzer, 46. “When I was 5, Mr. Meltzer said. “In the Depres- research: “I Am Martin Luther little box on the covers and title Meltzer has now written more on,” Mr. Meltzer said. “He leans
Jim Henson taught me you can sion, Flash Gordon — it was King Jr.” mentions as a source pages of each book: “Ordinary than 20 books, all best sellers, over to me and says, ‘Want to
use creativity to put good in the depressing. As World War II Representative John Lewis of People Change the World.” In big but something happened last hear my Kermit?’ It’s not us and
world.” comes, Superman. It’s not that Georgia, the famed civil rights type on the inside flaps of the month that had never happened them, it’s we. We’ve played this
“The magic of Jim Henson is he was the most entertaining, he leader, whom President Trump book jackets are statements like before: One sold so many copies, dangerous game called us versus
not a funny voice or the ability to was what we needed. It’s why all criticized on Twitter after Mr. “We can all be heroes.” the publisher ran out. them for the last year and a half.
make a cute puppet. It’s dream- these superhero movies have Lewis said he did not consider He said he and the artist Chris That was “I Am Martin Luther It’s time to get back to we.”
Reunited at Last, a Family Braves Cancer Together
EAR DIARY: Feathers will fly in disarray.
A friend of my wife’s By LISA W. FODERARO
who was visiting asked if Yet at night it will coo
she had ever seen “Frank.” And protect you, YONKERS — Miguel Ramos’s
“Frank who?” Wings of silkiness over your mother, Mirna, set off for the
“Frank from ‘Blue Bloods,’ the head. United States when he was almost
TV show.” 4. She was both running away
“Sure, we once saw Tom Sell- Adopt-a-pigeon, from a violent domestic situation
eck walking down Park Avenue,” Clean its feathers. and running to-
my wife said. De-lice, debug and humanize. ward the same
Her friend was staggered, You’ll be walking it forever opportunities
unable to imagine a city where, Through parks of your life. that have drawn
without a ticket or intent, you generations of
Nora Glikman immigrants to-
just run into famous people. So
we made our list: ward America’s
Dear Diary: borders.
Neil Armstrong, Bill Irwin, I am on a crowded No. 1 train
Fran Lebowitz, Woody Allen, Left behind,
heading from 96th Street to Mr. Ramos
America Ferrera, Conan O’Brien, Lincoln Center, standing in a
Neil Patrick Harris, Jane Fonda, bounced be-
crush of humanity. tween aunts and
Ted Turner, Ivanka Trump, Two men are holding on next
Emma Watson, Katie Couric, uncles in his na-
to me, trying to talk to each tive Honduras and in Guatemala.
Henry Kissinger, Ruth West- other. I hear nothing of their
heimer, Richard Meyer, Frances At 10 he was forced to sell clothes
conversation. One of them looks door to door; at 14, he milked cows
McDormand, Joel Coen, Robert uncannily like Aaron Copland. At
Duvall, Ben Stiller, Jeffrey Tam- and did farm chores starting at 3
72nd Street, as he is pushed up a.m. But all along, he managed to
bor, Reese Witherspoon, Cyndi against me, I ask, “Has anyone
Lauper, Al Pacino, Steve Kroft, stay in school, and he even at-
ever told you that you look like tended college for a few years.
Emma Thompson, Candice Aaron Copland?”
Bergen, Spike Lee, Robert De And while he saw his mother just
“Yes,” he says, unsmiling, “and twice for brief visits in the 17 years
Niro, Bruce Springsteen, Sting, also like Rachmaninoff.”
Dianne Wiest, Charlie Rose, after she left for the United States, MICHELLE V. AGINS/THE NEW YORK TIMES
“He is a composer,” the second he would talk to her nearly every
Peter Bogdanovich, Mike Nich- man says. Mirna Ramos with her son Miguel, 22, this month in their apartment in Yonkers, where they live
ols, Téa Leoni, Larry Bird, Blythe day as he grew older.
“Of what?” I ask. In October, Mr. Ramos finally with her younger son. After their years apart, Mr. Ramos moved from Honduras to be with her.
Danner, Beverly D’Angelo, Bob “Of serious music.”
Balaban, Liam Neeson, Natasha came to the United States to be re-
“What is his name?” I ask. united with his mother. A new pro-
Richardson, Jessica Lange, his goals on account of her. (While
“Michael Z. . . . ” (I cannot gram aimed at Central American he studied computer science for
Stephen King, Phil Donahue,
Marlo Thomas, Richard Gere,
hear it clearly.) minors provides young people three years at a university, he How to Help
The train pulls in to the 66th from Honduras, Guatemala and
Uma Thurman, Dan Marino, hopes to pursue a degree in psy- Checks payable to The New York Albert Lea, Minn. 56007-9847
Street station. El Salvador with a safe, legal al-
Chris Rock, David Hockney, chology.) Times Neediest Cases Fund may
“Are you off to the opera?” the be sent to:
Keith Richards, Steven Van ternative to the perilous journey “I want him to study and really
second man asks. Church Street Station
Zandt, Marisa Tomei, Rhea Perl- by car, by foot and over rivers that learn English and prepare for life P.O. Box 5193 P.O. Box 4100
“Yes,” I say, “but how did you
man, Tina Fey, Scott Pelley, Matt many make to reach the United in the United States,” she said, sit- New York, N.Y. 10087 New York, N.Y. 10261-4100
Lauer, Roberto Alagna and Ralph States. ting on a day bed and rubbing her All donations are acknowledged; Donations may be made with a
“Because you knew who Aaron
Lauren. He settled into her simple leg, which was in pain. “I want him special letters are not possible. A credit card at 800-381-0075, or
Copland was.”
We wanted to include Pope apartment building here, about to have a career.” check intended for a particular online at
“Of course,” I reply, “but that is agency participating in the
Benedict XVI, Pope Francis and five miles north of the Bronx in Soon after arriving in the
no reason to be going to hear annual campaign should be
President Obama, but they didn’t Westchester County. The stairs United States, Mr. Ramos was For instructions on how to do-
‘Manon Lescaut.’” written to and mailed to the
meet the criteria. We had to leading to the second floor list to helped by Catholic Charities Arch- nate stock, call 212-556-1137.
“Have a lovely evening,” he agency, noting that it is a Needi-
stand behind a barricade to see one side. Ms. Ramos, 47, also has a diocese of New York, one of the No agents or solicitors are autho-
says. est Cases gift.
them. 17-year-old son, Denilson Gonza- eight organizations supported by rized to seek contributions for
“Thank you,” I say, squeezing
David Fowler lez, who was born in the United The New York Times Neediest BROOKLYN COMMUNITY The New York Times Neediest
toward the door. SERVICES
States. Her two sons share a bed- Cases Fund. The group’s immigra- Cases Fund.
Ellen Handler Spitz 285 Schermerhorn Street
Dear Diary: room. tion department processed his ap- The New York Times Company
plication to the Central American Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217
I attended Fordham University Dear Diary: “It was worth the wait,” Mr. Ra- pays for all administrative costs
in the early 1980s and would mos said through a translator. Minors program and helped accli- CATHOLIC CHARITIES of the Fund, so every dollar
On New Year’s Eve in 2000,
often venture from the Bronx Smiling broadly in his Mickey mate him to American life. It led ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK donated to the fund goes directly
my mother and I were stranded 1011 First Avenue to serve those in need.
into Manhattan on the trusty D Mouse T-shirt, he added, “Ever him through the process of apply-
in snowy Manhattan. I was 19, New York, N.Y. 10022
train. since I can remember, I’ve wanted ing for Medicaid and for food The New York Times Neediest
and we were returning from a Cases Fund has been recognized
Once, returning to campus late to be with her.” stamps, among other benefits. CATHOLIC CHARITIES
trip to visit family in Arizona. by the Internal Revenue Service
— probably after a night spent But the joyous reunion was Catholic Charities also helped BROOKLYN AND QUEENS
After a canceled flight, a layover 191 Joralemon Street as a not-for-profit public charity
exploring the Village — I was bracketed by tragedy. A few him enroll in an English language
in Ohio, a 90-minute wait for Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 under Section 501(c)(3) of the
waiting for the train at West months before Mr. Ramos arrived, class, but because of his mother’s
luggage and a bus from Newark Internal Revenue Code. Contri-
Fourth Street. The platform was Ms. Ramos’s husband — Denil- illness, Mr. Ramos has put it off for THE CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY butions to the Neediest Cases
to the Port Authority terminal,
mostly deserted, and in those son’s father — died unexpectedly now. 711 Third Avenue, Suite 700 Fund are tax-deductible to the
we were ready to climb into a
days, the subway at night was Yet he knows that learning Eng- New York, N.Y. 10017 extent permitted by law. Federal
taxi and head home to Astoria.
pretty scary to me. lish — and quickly — is critical to Identification Number: 13-
That seemed unlikely after COMMUNITY SERVICE SOCIETY OF
I noticed an older couple finding a job to support his family NEW YORK 6066063. A copy of the Neediest
three cabbies turned us down.
nearby. The woman appeared to “I don’t go to Queens,” each ‘Living with her is and eventually attending college.
For now, he is doing what he can to
633 Third Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10017
Cases Fund’s latest annual finan-
cial report may be obtained,
be holding a pile of religious one said as they rolled up their
tracts that she had been distrib- windows. the best thing that study English on his own. To help,
upon request, from the Fund or
from the New York State Attor-
uting on the platform. She Catholic Charities used $249 in
slumped down on a bench next to
As we dragged our suitcases
through slush-covered streets, I
ever happened to me.’ Neediest Cases funds to buy him
40 Broad Street, 5th Floor
ney General’s Charities Bureau,
Attn: FOIL Officer, 120 Broad-
a man who I figured was her an online Rosetta Stone course in New York, N.Y. 10004 way, New York, New York 10271.
squinted into the distance.
husband. English and an additional $246 to
“Mom,” I said, “we’re in Times INTERNATIONAL RESCUE To delay may mean to forget.
They immediately began a buy a Chromebook.
Square on New Year’s Eve, and of an aneurysm. Two months after COMMITTEE
loud argument. I don’t remember Money is a constant worry. His P.O. Box 6068
it’s almost midnight.” Of course Mr. Ramos moved in, his mother
what it was about, but it went on mother pays $1,300 month in rent
we couldn’t get a cab. was told that she had Stage 4 can-
for a while, and the platform was and has only enough savings to
I stared at the sparkly ball cer, which had started in her
filled with the sound of dueling cover the family’s expenses “I feel very weird not being able in him that allows Mr. Ramos to
overhead, marveling at Times breast and spread to her lungs
accusations. through the end of February. If to bring something to the table,” imagine a future in which he
Square in its most-famous hour. and liver. Ms. Ramos, who earned $26,000 a Mr. Ramos said about his lack of chases not only a career in psy-
I was standing next to an older My mother shouted. Miracu- Now, instead of taking a crash year as a butcher, is not well
man. He turned to me, our eyes lously, she had hailed a cab with course in English — Mr. Ramos income. “It’s stressing me out be- chology, but other passions. He
enough to return to work, they do
met, and he said in a low voice, a driver willing to go to Queens. speaks almost none — and trying cause I don’t know English. I don’t envisions creating a foundation
not know how they will pay the
“Looks like there’s some trouble Once inside the taxi, my to get a job, he is caring full time even know how to order food someday to assist others. “I would
rent. They also have monthly bills
in paradise.” mother told the driver our travel for his mother. She is on a three- when I go out.” like to help people with cancer
— $130 for phone service and $180
Richard R. Ramponi nightmare. As always happens, month leave from her job in the Nonetheless, he says that being through psychology, maybe even
for electricity.
she proceeded to get his life meat department of the Stew with his mother these past few financially,” he said.
“As long as we have the rent and
Dear Diary: story. His name was Rangan, and Leonard’s food store in Yonkers, months has been transformative, He also aspires to travel. And he
food, we’ll be O.K.,” said Ms. Ra-
it turned out he lived around the and recently began receiving che- despite the uncertainty and hard- yearns to dance. “I love meringue,
All the lonely old people mos, trying to stay positive.
corner from us. motherapy. ship. “Living with her is the best hip-hop and salsa,” he said, the
Adopt — a pigeon of New York. Her younger son, Denilson, is a
As we drove over the 59th thing that ever happened to me,” anxiety etched on his face melting
Put a leash on one of favor, She is too tired and nauseated senior at Saunders Trades and
Street bridge, colored Christmas he said. “There’s a connection. at the thought. “I would like to
Take it for a walk. to cook, clean or do laundry, so Technical High School. An honors
bulbs shimmered on sky- She understands me, supports me dance for someone famous. May-
those tasks have fallen to Mr. Ra- student, he is now applying to col-
scrapers, and headlights twin- and is proud of me.” be Ricky Martin or Lady Gaga.”
It will color your life — mos. And his mother is visibly lege and plans to study engineer-
kled in the snow. The digital
With droppings, frustrated that her son has put off ing. Perhaps it is his mother’s faith Nearby, his mother beamed.
numbers on the dashboard
Gusts of wind, and glowed: 11:59.
“It’s almost the new year,” I
president refuse to back down.
Not only is Trump a literacy-lite, con- VER the last 20 years, my wife
million, which is then subject to federal,
state and local taxes. But with the border
The tax’s proponents also argue that en- A Mexican standoff
and I have built several fash- couraging domestic consumption —
spiracy-chasing, compulsively lying bigot,
he is also a narcissistic workaholic who ion companies, including
adjustment, her company’s imports will
now be subject to tax — assuming she im-
which, put differently, means sending that epitomizes
fewer dollars overseas — would drive up
now wields the power of the presidency.
You could not have conceived of a more
Lilla P and Leo & Sage, that
we design and distribute. We
ports 100 percent of her goods, that would
raise her tax base from $1 million to $5 mil-
the value of the dollar, making imports Trumpism.
dangerous combination of characteristics. employ about 30 people directly, and doz- cheaper and offsetting the higher tax bill.
lion, even though she isn’t making any
He is the paragon of the clueless and an ens more indirectly as freelancers and If it were only that easy. Many factors
idol of the Ku Kluxers. Already, people feel sales representatives. Entrepreneurs like other than trade affect the value of our
will not, as he promised during the cam-
deluged by a never-ending flood of na- us should be ecstatic over the pro-busi- currency, including interest rate differen-
paign, pay for that useless wall along the
tials and expectations, geopolitical con-
tional damage and despair. But Americans
are not prone to suffering in silence. Amer-
ness rhetoric coming out of the White
House and Congress. But we’re not, be-
A levy on imports would cerns and domestic policies. A stronger
border. So his spokesman, Sean Spicer,
went out and declared that a border tax
ica’s period of mourning has ended; the
time of anger and active opposition has
cause they are considering unfair tax-
code changes that, if put in place, could
drive up prices for dollar might help a little, but as a business
owner, I wouldn’t bet on it.
on Mexican products would, in fact, pay
for the wall. So there!
dawned. The greatest two motivators of
electoral activism in this country are a de-
hurt businesses like ours — and millions of
American consumers.
shoes, shirts and TVs. And while encouraging exports in man-
ufacturing is a good idea, a border adjust-
As economists quickly pointed out,
however, tariffs aren’t paid by the ex-
sire for change and durable fear: In The proposal in question is the border ment tax could have a distorting effect on porter. With some minor qualifications,
Trump, those two are wed. adjustment tax, which Republicans are commodities like oil. America is much less basically they’re paid for by the buyers
The most recent move to excite and out- dependent on imported petroleum than in
mulling as part of a comprehensive corpo- more money. Based on the proposal, her — that is, a tariff on Mexican goods
rage the opposition was Trump’s move to the past, in large part because we produce
rate tax reform, and which President tax bill would in all likelihood exceed her would be a tax on U.S. consumers. Amer-
“indefinitely suspend the resettlement of so much of it at home. A border adjust-
Trump has embraced as a possible way to profits. ica, not Mexico, would therefore end up
pay for a wall on the Mexican border. Our fashion designer has three options. ment tax would encourage domestic oil paying for the wall.
The idea behind the tax is pretty simple. She can shut her doors — and I know producers to sell their bounty abroad, Oops. But that wasn’t the only prob-
Right now, companies can write off the where it would be exempt from income
The people will stand up cost of imports, whether they’re finished
many people in the industry who, already
skating on thin profit margins, probably taxes. But the imports that would then be
lem. America is part of a system of agree-
ments — a system we built — that sets
required to meet domestic demand would
to the president. products or parts that are assembled do-
mestically. In my industry — clothing and
will. She can start buying domestically —
an option for some, but again, domestic be subject to the tax. Commodities traders
rules for trade policy, and one of the key
rules is that you can’t just unilaterally
footwear — 97 percent of what is sold in supply chains in textiles and other sectors will leap at the chance to make money off hike tariffs that were reduced in previous
America is contracted out to mills around are spotty and expensive. the difference between the cost of im- negotiations.
Syrian refugees and temporarily ban peo- the globe, then import the pieces for sale Her third option is to pass on the cost to ported and domestic oil; by some esti- If America were to casually break that
ple from seven predominantly Muslim na- or final assembly here. In a market where consumers, and that’s what most busi- mates, they could drive its price 25 per- rule, the consequences would be severe.
tions from entering the United States,” ac- consumers demand low-priced, high- nesses will probably do. These wouldn’t cent higher. The risk wouldn’t so much be one of re-
cording to a New York Times editorial. quality products, it’s nearly impossible to be small increases; in many industries, We do need corporate and personal tax taliation — although that, too — as of em-
The ban is nonsensical and likely uncon- do it any other way; American mills are imported goods are one of the biggest ex- reform: The tax code is too complex, and ulation: If we treat the rules with con-
stitutional, as well as chaotic and damag- either outdated or too small, and Ameri- penses. If the tax passes, consumers will compliance is too costly. But a border ad- tempt, so will everyone else. The whole
ing to our national security interests. can production costs are too high. have to get used to paying a whole lot justment tax is not reform. It is a penalty trading system would start to unravel,
As The Times noted Saturday: “Since A border adjustment tax would “adjust” more for shoes and shirts. on those industries that rely on imports with hugely disruptive effects every-
the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, no one our tax bill by no longer allowing de- And for TVs as well, because it’s not just and have no easy replacement for them. It where, very much including U.S. manu-
has been killed in the United States in a ter- ductions on imports. At the same time, it fashion designers who will be affected. shifts the costs of corporate tax reform facturing.
rorist attack by anyone who emigrated would exempt companies from income Anyone reliant on the global supply chain and domestic manufacturing incentives So is the White House actually plan-
from or whose parents emigrated from taxes on goods sold abroad, as an incen- will be hurt by this tax — from electronics directly onto the backs of American con- ning to go down that route? By focusing
Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan tive for exporters to base their manufac- manufacturers to toymakers — and the sumers in the form of significantly higher on imports from Mexico, Mr. Spicer con-
and Yemen, the seven countries targeted American consumer will be stuck with the retail prices. Congress and the White veyed that impression; but he also said
in the order’s 120-day visa ban, according Thomas Nakios is the founder of the tab. House may be pro-business, but a border that he was talking about “comprehen-
to Charles Kurzman, a sociology professor Nakios Group. Supporters of a border adjustment tax adjustment tax is anything but. 0 sive tax reform as a means to tax imports
at the University of North Carolina.” from countries that we have a trade
The report continued: “There was a ran- deficit from.” That seemed to be a refer-
dom quality to the list of countries: It ex- ence to a proposed overhaul of corporate
cluded Saudi Arabia and Egypt, where the taxes, which would include “adjustable
founders of Al Qaeda and many other ji- border taxes.”
countries where Mr. Trump has major terpreters. In an odd twist of fate, I met been cleared to come to the United States To be fair, this is a widely misunder-
business ventures.” URING much of 2004, an Iraqi with Gen. John Kelly, now President with his pregnant wife and 18-month-old stood point. Many people who should
Furthermore, as CNN reported on Sun- man whom I’ll call Frank, to Trump’s secretary of homeland security, son. My wife and I began to prepare our know better believe that value-added
day, on Friday night the Department of protect his identity, served who was then in charge of legislative af- guest room for their arrival. taxes, which many countries impose, dis-
Homeland Security decided that the re- with my Marine Corps unit fairs for the Marine Corps. Officially, he But now, because of a new executive courage imports and subsidize exports.
strictions “did not apply to people with with great distinction. While needed to ensure that I wasn’t going to order by President Trump, Frank is no Mr. Spicer echoed that misperception. In
lawful permanent residence, generally re- our platoon lived among Iraqi soldiers in embarrass the Marine Corps. But I’ll longer welcome. fact, however, value-added taxes are ba-
ferred to as green card holders.” a village outside Falluja, our interpreters never forget his words to me: Abood had sically national sales taxes, which nei-
And he is far from alone. The order Mr.
The report continued, however: “The were our bridge to the surrounding com- worn the Marine Corps uniform in com- ther discourage nor encourage imports.
bat, and we had an obligation to keep him Trump signed on Friday suspended en-
White House overruled that guidance munity. Our relationships with local reli- try of all refugees to the United States for (Yes, imports pay the tax, but so do do-
overnight, according to officials familiar gious and tribal leaders kept us safe. Al- safe. mestic products.)
Following that hearing, Congress cre- 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefi-
with the rollout. That order came from the though the area was dangerous and at- And the proposed change in corporate
ated a special visa program for Iraqis nitely and blocked entry into the United
President’s inner circle, led by Stephen tacks on United States troops were fre- taxes, while differing from value-added
Miller and Steve Bannon.” who helped the United States during the States for 90 days for citizens of seven
quent, in that town, my unit was never taxation in some ways, would similarly
Yes, that Steve Bannon, the one who was war. (A similar program was later creat- predominantly Muslim countries, in-
touched. That was thanks to the efforts of be neutral in its effects on trade. What
recruited to the Trump campaign from his cluding Iraq. Almost immediately my
Frank and other local interpreters. this means, in particular, is that it would
job as executive chairman of Breitbart phone lit up with emails and texts from
That November, my platoon of 30 Ma- do nothing whatsoever to make Mexico
News and is now Trump’s chief strategist, other military veterans who had been
rines and 30 Iraqi National Guard sol- pay for the wall.
the one who said of Breitbart to Mother diers pushed into Falluja for the second Iraqis and Afghans who fighting to get their Iraqi or Afghan inter-
preters to the United States. Some were Some of this is a bit technical — see my
Jones in July: “We’re the platform for the day of the fierce battle to retake the city blog for more details. But isn’t the U.S.
alt-right.” Alt-right is just a slick, euphe- from insurgents. As one of my squads as- helped our troops already on flights to New York and San
Francisco. Now those people, including government supposed to get stuff right
mistic repackaging and relabeling of white saulted a building, my platoon sergeant
nationalists, whether they be white sepa- and Frank were shot and had to be evac- embody what we stand Frank and his family and hundreds of before floating what sounds like a decla-
ration of trade war?
ratists, white supremacists or actual Nazis. uated by helicopter. To this day, Frank others in the special visa pipeline, are in
Also, as The Wall Street Journal re- feels pain in his leg. for as a nation. limbo. So let’s sum it up: The White House
press secretary created a diplomatic cri-
ported on Sunday, Trump added Bannon to His willingness, and the willingness of When he signed the order, Mr. Trump
sis while trying to protect the president
the National Security Council while remov- many other Iraqis like him, to brave bat- declared that his action would keep Is-
from ridicule over his foolish boasting. In
ing the director of national intelligence and lamic terrorists out of America. “We
tle and help American forces put them the process he demonstrated that no-
the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ed for Afghans.) This was not a partisan don’t want them here,” he said. “We want
and their families in grave danger from body in authority understands basic eco-
This is outrageous. What does Bannon issue, but an issue of national honor and to ensure that we are not admitting into
militants. nomics. Then he tried to walk the whole
know about national security? It is becom- responsibility, and thousands of people our country the very threats our soldiers
ing worrisome that in this reign of bigotry, In 2006, another one of my interpret- have come to the United States on those thing back.
ers, Abood, and his family were forced to are fighting overseas.” All of this should be placed in the
Bannon may be the brain and Trump the visas. But his measure is keeping out the
brawn; Bannon the spiritual president and flee Iraq after militants left a dog’s head Seven months after I testified, Abood larger context of America’s quickly col-
outside their door with a note saying that very Muslims we do want here. Frank lapsing credibility.
Trump the spurious packaging. and his family arrived in the United and thousands of other Iraqis and Af-
America will not stand for this, so if ob- they would be next. I owed my life to States, as refugees. He passed away five Our government hasn’t always done
Abood and cannot count the number of ghans who worked with our forces in the right thing. But it has kept its prom-
sequious conservative politicians or lily- years ago from cancer, but his daughters
times he put himself in harm’s way to combat embody so much of what we ises, to nations and individuals alike.
livered liberal ones won’t sufficiently and wife are here. One daughter is a New
protect “his” Marines. Two of Abood’s stand for as a nation. And like so many Now all of that is in question. Every-
stand up to this demagogic dictator, then York City police officer, and another is
the American people will do the job them- four daughters also served as interpret- applying to join the force. Abood, like past immigrants to America, like so one, from small nations who thought
selves. ers. At the time, there was no way for Frank and many other interpreters, many of our ancestors, they are fleeing they were protected against Russian ag-
Over the weekend, protesters sponta- them to immigrate to the United States, joined our ranks because he believed repression for the hopes of a better life. gression, to Mexican entrepreneurs who
neously popped up at airports across the so he and his family fled to Jordan, where America stood for something bigger More important, they did something thought they had guaranteed access to
country to send an unambiguous mes- they waited with faint hopes that Amer- than itself. They believed America was that fewer and fewer Americans have our markets, to Iraqi interpreters who
sage: Not in our name; not on our watch. It ica would open its doors. an exceptional country. chosen to do: They wore, at great risk, thought their service with the U.S. meant
is my great hope that this will be a perma- Upset with the plight of these close al- Two months ago, I got an email from the uniform of our military. Frank fought an assurance of sanctuary, now has to
nent motif of Trump’s term. If no one else is Frank. He was still living in Baghdad and bled alongside us. And now, in his wonder whether they’ll be treated like
going to fight for American values, it falls Zachary Iscol, a former Marine infantry with daily fears for his and his family’s time of need, we have turned our backs stiffed contractors at a Trump hotel.
to the American people themselves to do officer, is on the board of the International safety. After six years of vetting, includ- on him, and on the very ideals that make That’s a very big loss. And it’s proba-
so. 0 Refugee Assistance Project. ing what seemed like countless inter- this country great. 0 bly irreversible. 0
Study of Tech Addiction Return to Growth Expected
Who’s More Obsessed? Apple to Report Earnings
Generation X is more consumed Robust sales of the iPhone 7 are
by social media than younger projected to improve results after
millennials, a new report says. 2 a series of revenue declines. 2
N B1
A variety of businesses responded
to President Trump’s order on im-
migration — some with outrage,
some with caution. Page B2.
In New Era,
Facing Reporters at the Front Line Google Aims
To Build Up
Sean M. Spicer, long an insider, embraces taunted by the freeze-dried ice cream down from one presidential spokesman Sean M. Spicer,
the White House’s war on the status quo.
brand Dippin’ Dots and held up as the
poster child for an administration that
to the next.
Until recently, Mr. Spicer was the pub-
lic voice and chief strategist of the Re-
Trump’s press
G.O.P. Ties
can play fast and loose with the facts.
publican National Committee, the epit- secretary, at the By CECILIA KANG
No wonder he was looking for his flak
By MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM jacket. ome of establishment Washington. Now end of a big week.
WASHINGTON — Few compa-
WASHINGTON — In his first, rocky “Is this bulletproof?” Mr. Spicer he is the face of an administration bent nies have been as intimately tied
week as President Trump’s press secre- asked one afternoon last week, peering on upending the status quo and waging to the Democratic Party in recent
tary, Sean M. Spicer was scolded by his into a closet in his sparse West Wing of- war on the news media, surprising col- years as Google. So now that Don-
boss, pilloried as a liar, hammered by fice as he hunted for the combat vest leagues here with how comfortably he ald J. Trump is president, the giant
journalists, mocked by Stephen Colbert, that, by cheeky tradition, is passed Continued on Page 3 company, in Silicon Valley parl-
ance, is having to pivot.
The shift was evident a day af-
ter Congress began its new ses-
sion this month. That evening,
about 70 lawmakers, a majority of
ADVERTISING them Republicans, were feted at
the stately Smithsonian Arts and
Industries Building, where they
$5 Million for a Super Bowl Ad. clinked champagne and bourbon
glasses and posed for selfies with
the 600 guests assembled in their
Fed Officials Will Be Back at Center Stage
The Federal Reserve probably doesn’t mind that nobody has been
paying much attention to monetary policy lately. The Fed’s chair-
woman, Janet Yellen, joked recently that she hoped stories about the
central bank would move from the front page to the 19th page of the
newspaper. But the Fed will make a brief return to center stage on
Tuesday and Wednesday, when officials gather in Washington for the
first policy-making meeting of the year. The central bank has pre-
dicted three rate increases in 2017, but the first is unlikely to come in
January. Fed officials, just like everyone else, are waiting to see what
effect the Trump administration will have on the economic outlook.
Dominic Barton, a McKinsey executive, said in a memo that he was “very disappointed” by President Trump’s immigration order. Manufacturing Index’s Latest Readings Are on the Way
This week, the private Institute for Supply Management will report
Companies Scramble to Address Trump Order the latest readings of its manufacturing index for January. On
Wednesday at 10 a.m., the index for January will be announced. Ana-
lysts expect a further increase to 55.0 percent from 54.5 percent in
December, when it hit a two-year high. Regional manufacturing sur-
By PATRICIA COHEN lowed in the U.S.” In a message to were trying to identify affected where low unemployment creates veys have been healthy, and the factory sector appears stable. (A
After the initial shock of Presi- his employees on Sunday, Howard passengers and help them with re- a tight labor supply.” He called ref- reading above 50 indicates expansion.) PATRICIA COHEN
dent Trump’s order on Friday re- Schultz, the chief executive of booking or obtaining refunds. ugees “valued members” of the in-
stricting entry to the United Starbucks, said the company Whatever their personal views dustry’s 500,000-person work
States by citizens of seven pre- planned to hire 10,000 refugees in on Mr. Trump’s order, employers force.
the 75 countries where it operates. and executives had to do a quick At multinational General Elec- Facebook’s Quarterly Report Is Expected to Be Strong
dominantly Muslim nations and
all refugees, businesses and trade Jeff Immelt, the chief executive risk analysis of how their reaction tric, Mr. Immelt stepped carefully, Facebook will report its fourth-quarter fiscal results on Wednesday.
of General Electric, told his staff in might affect their staff, customers saying that the situation “is very Analysts expect the company to deliver another blockbuster quarter
organizations began to respond
an internal blog post that “I share and sales. Concerns include not fluid and would evolve quickly in of advertising revenue. Wall Street anticipates an earnings per share
over the weekend, some with out-
your concern,” adding, “There just potentially unfavorable fu- the coming days.” He said, “Our ratio of $1.31 on total revenue of $8.5 billion. As always, investors will
rage, some with caution. would be no G.E. without people of
The ride-hailing service Lyft ture changes to federal policies priority at G.E. is our people and pay close attention to Facebook’s mobile user numbers and the per-
all religions, nationalities, gender, and regulations affecting their our customers,” and noted that the centage of revenue derived from mobile devices. Also of note: the
promised to donate $1 million over sexual orientation and race.” companies but also a president company had both in the seven af- advertising performance of the photo-sharing network Instagram.
the next four years to the Ameri- Many airlines, caught off-guard who has a penchant for denounc- fected countries. MIKE ISAAC
can Civil Liberties Union “to de- by the sudden policy change, ing critics and firms that cross “We stand with them and will
fend our Constitution.” Brian scrambled to follow the new direc- him. work with the U.S. administra-
Chesky, a founder of Airbnb, tive while attending to their rat- For some, the ban was seen as a tion,” Mr. Immelt added, “to strive
wrote on Twitter that his com- tled and distressed customers. direct attack on workers and their to find the balance between the
pany, a short-term home rental United Airlines, for instance, families. The New York taxi driv- need for security and the move-
service, would provide “free hous- posted a statement on its website ers’ union, whose membership of ment of law-abiding people.”
ing to refugees and anyone not al- saying that travelers affected by 19,000 is largely Muslim, joined a Executives at the global con-
the order “will not be able to
protest at Kennedy International sulting firm McKinsey & Com-
Hiroko Tabuchi, Nicholas Confes- board” flights to the United States.
Airport on Friday night. Drivers pany fielded phone calls from anx-
sore, Anita Raghavan and Shivani Other domestic and foreign air-
temporarily halted pickups at the ious colleagues wondering if they
Vora contributed reporting. lines issued statements that they
airport, and the union issued a should travel to the United States
statement saying government for assignments. About 80 of the
programs that “sanction outright firm’s 23,000 employees were po-
Treasury Auctions Set for This Week Islamophobia” cause hate crimes
and violence against drivers to in-
tentially affected, McKinsey said.
For the time being, the firm told
The Treasury’s schedule of fi- Jacksonville Electric Authority, Fla., $91.5 crease. employees who could be barred
million of electric system revenue and electric
nancing this week includes Mon- system subordinated revenue bonds. J. P. Morgan
On social media, some called for entry to the United States to stay
day’s regular weekly auction of Securities. a boycott of the ride-hailing serv- put and advised those already in
Manatee County School District, Fla., $132.5
new three- and six-month bills million of sales tax revenue bonds. Raymond ice Uber for continuing to operate the country not to travel outside
and an auction of four-week bills James.
New York City Municipal Water Finance
during the protests at J.F.K. Uber for now. In a memo to employees
on Tuesday. Authority, $330 million of water and sewer system later said it would create a $3 mil- on Sunday evening, Dominic Bar-
second general resolution revenue bonds.
At the close of the New York Barclays Capital. lion legal defense fund to help ton, McKinsey’s global managing
cash market on Friday, the rate on North Clackamas School District No. 12, Ore., drivers with immigration prob- director, said, “I want to say up- EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY
$137.9 million of general obligation development
the outstanding three-month bill impact bonds. Piper Jaffray. lems. front that I am very disappointed Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi last week.
North Clackamas School District No. 12, Ore.,
was 0.51 percent. The rate on the $185.8 million of general obligation bonds. Piper
Outside major urban centers, and concerned by this turn of
six-month issue was 0.63 percent, Jaffray. the meat-processing industry ex- events.” ECONOMY
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, $478.5 million of
and the rate on the four-week is- Oklahoma Turnpike System second senior revenue pressed support for newly arrived In California, officials with the
sue was 0.49 percent. and second senior revenue refinancing bonds. refugees and other migrants, who political network overseen by the India Is Set to Unveil Its Next Annual Budget
Wells Fargo Securities.
The following tax-exempt fixed- Roseville Joint Union High School District, frequently fill tough jobs in their billionaire conservative activists On Wednesday, the Indian government is scheduled to unveil Prime
Calif., $50 million of election of 2016 general
income issues, valued at $50 mil- obligation bonds. Stifel Nicolaus. plants, but avoided harsh denun- David H. and Charles G. Koch re- Minister Narendra Modi’s budget for the next fiscal year, which will
lion or more, are scheduled for Royal Oak, Mich., $126.6 million of taxable ciations of the president or his leased a statement on Sunday start on April 1. Mr. Modi’s decision to ban larger-denomination ru-
limited tax general obligation bonds. J. P. Morgan
pricing this week: Securities. policies. criticizing Mr. Trump’s handling pee bills from circulation has slowed the economy, and the question
TUESDAY San Antonio, $90.5 million of water system
junior lien revenue refinancing bonds. Siebert “Historically, our industry has of the issue. now is how much the government can afford to cut taxes and reduce
Maryland University System, $115 million of
revenue bonds. Competitive.
Cisneros Shank. been an excellent starting point “We believe it is possible to revenue to rekindle economic growth. Much of the gain from cancel-
Texas Tech University System Board of
Maryland University System, $52.3 million of
Regents, $85 million of revenue financing, system for new Americans,” Barry Car- keep Americans safe without ex- ing larger-denomination bills accrues not to the government and its
revenue refinancing bonds. Competitive.
revenue and improvement bonds. Citigroup Global
penter, the chief executive of the cluding people who wish to come budget but rather to India’s central bank. KEITH BRADSHER
Aldine Independent School District, Tex., $124.1 Texas Tech University System Board of North American Meat Institute, here to contribute and pursue a
million of unlimited tax refinancing bonds.
Raymond James.
Regents, $296.2 million of taxable refinancing and
improvement bonds. Raymond James. an industry lobby group, said in a better life for their families,” Brian The Bank of England Will Announce Interest Rates
Brevard County School District, Fla., $52.1 University of Colorado Hospital Authority, $300 statement. “Immigrants and ref- Hooks, co-chairman of the Kochs’ The Bank of England on Thursday will release its latest monetary
million of refinancing certificates of participation. million of revenue PUT bonds. Citigroup Global
Wells Fargo Securities. Markets. ugees can be an important compo- donor network, said during the policy decision and unveil its updated forecast for inflation The an-
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Via Metropolitan Transit Authority, Tex., $82.2
Authority, $300 million of public utility senior lien million of contractual obligations. Morgan
nent of some companies’ labor consortium’s annual winter meet- nouncement will be followed by a news conference by Mark Carney,
revenue bonds. Goldman Sachs. Stanley. forces, especially in rural areas ing. the Bank of England governor. The Monetary Policy Committee is
widely expected to keep interest rates steady, as the British economy
has performed better than expected since Britain’s June vote to
Report Says Social Media leave the European Union, known as “Brexit.”
The Office of National Statistics said last week that Britain’s econ-
omy had grown at an estimated 0.6 percent rate from October to De-
Bewitches Older Users, Too cember. That was ahead of forecasts by economists. In August, the
central bank cut its benchmark interest rate to 0.25 percent, the low-
est level in its 322-year history, and expanded other measures to bol-
ster Britain’s economy over fears that Brexit could weigh on growth.
By JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH ubiquitous the smartphone has The rate had remained 0.5 percent since March 2009. CHAD BRAY
Everyone knows the ster- become. The report, released on
eotype: silly millennials, tethered Jan. 17, found that in the United
to their phones, unable to accom- States, 97 percent of people 18 to
plish the simplest tasks without 34, and 94 percent of people 35 to
scrolling through their Instagram 49, had access to smartphones.
feeds, snapping their friends or Seventy-seven percent of those 50
tweeting inanely. and older used smartphones, the
report found.
But a Nielsen report released
this month showed that Ameri- The 29-page report was based
on data from 9,000 smartphone
cans from 18 to 34 are less ob-
users and 1,300 tablet users across
sessed with social media than
the country from July through
some of their older peers are.
September. The data was not self-
Adults 35 to 49 were found to
spend an average of 6 hours 58
The report also broke out which
minutes a week on social media
networks, compared with 6 hours
lar on smartphones, finding that John Cryan, the chief executive of Deutsche Bank.
19 minutes for the younger group. Facebook still dominated on mo-
More predictably, adults 50 and bile, with about 178.2 million
over spent significantly less time unique users in September. It was BANKING INDUSTRY
on the networks: an average of 4 followed by Instagram, with 91.5 Annual Results From Deutsche Bank Are Expected
hours 9 minutes a week. million unique users; Twitter, with
Sean Casey, the president of Deutsche Bank will be the latest of Europe’s biggest lenders to report
82.2 million unique users; and
Nielsen’s social division, said the its annual results. The bank, Germany’s largest, will update invest-
Pinterest, with 69.6 million users. ors on its performance in the fourth quarter on Thursday, followed by
finding initially surprised him be- Snapchat, a favorite of younger
cause “the going thought is that a news conference by John Cryan, its chief executive. Deutsche Bank
users, was sixth on the list, behind said this month that it would “substantially limit” bonuses for the
social is vastly owned by the the professional networking site 2016 financial year after it agreed in December to pay $7.2 billion to
younger generation.” LinkedIn. resolve an investigation by the American authorities into its sale of
“It’s kind of synonymous,” said Finally, the report looked at sec- toxic mortgage securities. CHAD BRAY
Ah, the comfort of a sneaker Mr. Casey, who wrote the fore- ond-screen activity on social me-
and the style of … not-a-sneaker. word to the report. “When you dia, measuring how many times ECONOMY
That’s pure Hubbard. Because your feet think of millennials, you think of Facebook and Twitter users em-
social.” ployed those sites to post about First Jobs Report of the Trump Presidency Is Coming
deserve to look good and feel good. Mr. Casey, 46, said that eventu- programs they were watching or On Friday at 8:30 a.m., the Labor Department will report on job cre-
ally, the finding started to make to interact with others’ posts. ation and the unemployment rate in January. The announcement is
more sense to him. Again, in this category, it was the first jobs report of the Trump presidency, and economists are ea-
“At a time when we wanted to be Generation X that could not look ger to see if rising consumer and business confidence reported after
connected, it came out right when away from its devices: On an av- the election has translated into job creation.
we were at the top of our media erage day, the report found, 42 The median forecast calls for a gain of 170,000 jobs for the month,
consumption,” he said. “It’s be- percent of those interacting with with the unemployment rate unchanged at 4.7 percent. In addition to
Free shipping and returns. Order online or call 844.482.4800. television on Facebook were from looking at the overall numbers, experts will watch whether the trend
come second nature to our gener-
ation.” 35 to 49; only 40 percent were mil- of healthier increases in average hourly wages late last year contin-
The finding underscores how lennials. ued in January. NELSON D. SCHWARTZ
$5 Million for a Super Bowl Ad. Another Million or More to Market It.
pays off in a big way.” making it harder for agencies to campaign, bolstered by celebri- us a longer time span to engage tremendous opportunity to do it,
From First Business Page The willingness of companies maneuver their way into online ties or new products, with execu- consumers, and I believe it’s a but like any story, you can’t just
lead-up to the big game. to pay record prices for Super buzz without buying a spot, as tives ready for interviews. better return on our investment,” tell it once,” said Randy Freer,
The briefing illustrates the Bowl ads while simultaneously Old Spice did in 2010. The plat- Bud Light, for example, an- said Molly Peck, Buick’s director the chief operating officer of Fox
effort companies put forth each spending more to promote them forms “have caught on and have nounced a new tagline, “Famous of marketing, adding that the Networks Group.
year to market the most expen- shows how coveted consumer monetized all the extensions Among Friends,” as part of its company wanted to match the Snickers is aiming to do that
sive commercial space on TV. attention has become in the age around the Super Bowl,” said event this month. Lexus issued a interest it generated last year for this year with the Super Bowl’s
The average cost of a 30-second of smartphones and social media. Lawrence Teherani-Ami, the news release about its Super being a first-time advertiser. The first live commercial, which will
ad for the Super Bowl crept up to It can also be a mind-bending media director for North Amer- Bowl ad on Jan. 23, which fea- Super Bowl is still a rare oppor- star Adam Driver from the HBO
$5 million this year, according to thought experiment, given that ica at the ad agency Wieden & tures music from Sia, noting that tunity for companies to reach series “Girls.” The concept,
ad buyers, from an estimated the ads are attempts to sell con- Kennedy. it would be the brand’s “first more than 100 million viewers on which its public relations firm
$4.8 million last year. Brands, sumers on a product or brand. “Whether it’s Twitter, Face- official use” of a new global a day that “people really want to was pitching to news outlets as
eager to get their money’s worth, As recently as 2011, it was book, Instagram or YouTube, tagline, “Experience Amazing.” see the ads, they’re not skipping far back as December, will be
may spend anywhere from 25 relatively novel for companies they all have different types of The hope is that articles about over them, they’re watching accompanied by a 36-hour live
like Volkswagen to share teasers buys you can make,” he said. the ads will drive a flurry of them in real time and engaged,” stream, highlights posted to
percent of that cost to the same
and full versions of their ads “The Super Bowl has created a “earned media,” industry parl- she said. Facebook and behind-the-scenes
amount on marketing tied to the
before the Super Bowl. Now, the cottage industry for other media ance for morning show seg- Roughly 80 national commer- footage from two social influenc-
ads themselves, said Mary Scott,
main question for companies companies to take advantage of ments, articles, blog posts and cial slots were available for pur- ers. The extra effort will cost
a president at UEG, a sports and
seems to be how early to start. it as well.” social media chatter. Often, com- chase this year. The average “several” hundred thousand
entertainment marketing agency.
More brands are choosing a Starting in January, public panies will supplement that with price of a 30-second in-game dollars, the company said.
“Even though the spots have
“drumbeat” approach over one relations firms and executives at “paid media,” like promotions on Super Bowl ad was $2.4 million “It’s more and more difficult
incredible viewership — as much big moment, said Tara Walpert YouTube or Twitter, search key- in 2007, according to figures from
large brands offered the news for people to talk about the ad
as the game itself — you never Levy, the vice president of media previews or exclusive words or display ads. Kantar Media that were not and see our ad and get noticed,
know,” Ms. Scott said, adding agency and media solutions at peeks at their commercials, as Buick waited until the game adjusted for inflation. The firm so that’s why we are taking an
that she recommends clients YouTube, which has seen more long as they agreed not to pub- last year to debut its first Super estimated that in-game advertis- approach that is more about
spend an amount equal to at companies prerelease and pro- lish the ads or information about Bowl ad. This year, the company ing generated $2.6 billion in sales creating a platform.” said Berta
least 25 percent of the cost on mote Super Bowl ads over the them until a specific time — say, is releasing the ad early, and to networks between 2007 and De Pablos-Barbier, vice president
promotions related to their Super past few years. Jan. 26 at 6 p.m. for Mercedes- spending twice as much as it did 2016. of marketing for Mars Chocolate.
Bowl ad. “There’s become more Social media is also far more Benz, or Jan. 31 at 8 p.m. for last year on social media promo- “As advertisers more and more “Television advertising continues
of a game around the game in far more developed as an indus- Buick. Often, the ads were just tions. look to tell their narrative and to be an important part, but on
terms of ensuring that really try than it was several years ago, one part of a broader brand Releasing the ad early “gives tell content stories, this is a its own it’s not enough anymore.”
Byron Dobell, 89, Magazine Editor Emma Tennant, Whose Books Explored
Byron Dobell, an editor at Time-
Beyond the Fringe of Realism, Dies at 79
Life, Esquire and New York maga-
zine who played a pivotal role in By WILLIAM GRIMES
the careers of Tom Wolfe, Mario Emma Tennant, who blended
Puzo and other writers, died on fantasy, science fiction and social
Jan. 21 at his home in Manhattan. satire in dozens of novels that ex-
He was 89. plored the borderland between
The cause was complications of daylight and dreams, anatomized
Parkinson’s disease, his daughter, contemporary Britain and updat-
Elizabeth, said. ed the works of Jane Austen and
In the early 1960s Mr. Dobell other classic writers in sequels
(pronounced dough-BELL) was a that often had a feminist twist,
managing editor at Esquire, un- died on Jan. 21 in London. She was
der Harold Hayes, when Tom 79.
Wolfe approached the magazine The cause was posterior corti-
offering to write about Southern
cal atrophy, a rare form of
California’s subculture of car cus-
Alzheimer’s disease, her daughter
Rose Dempsey said.
Exhaustive reporting led to a
severe case of writer’s block. With An unusually prolific writer,
the deadline fast approaching, Mr. Ms. Tennant produced dystopian
Wolfe called Mr. Dobell to say that fantasies like “The Time of the
he could not produce the article. Crack” (1973), about a seismic
“O.K., he tells me, just type out my fault under the Thames that de-
notes and send them over and he stroys half of London, and comic JONATHAN PLAYER
will get somebody else to write it,” novels of manners like “The Ad- The author Emma Tennant in 1995.
Mr. Wolfe wrote in the preface to ventures of Robina, by Herself:
his first book, “The Kandy- Being the Memoirs of a Debutante turned to London, where she at- sible, finding confirmation in such
Kolored Tangerine-Flake Stream- at the Court of Queen Elizabeth II” tended St. Paul’s Girls’ School. She works as Bulgakov’s ‘The Master
line Baby.” Above, Byron Dobell, right, at New York magazine in 1974, with (1986). left at 15. After attending a small and Margarita’ and the writing of
Under the salutation “Dear By- Michael Kramer, left, and Aaron Latham. Below, “Red Roses,” In “Alice Fell” (1980), one of finishing school in Oxford, study- Bruno Schulz that there was noth-
ron,” Mr. Wolfe began typing out by Mr. Dobell, who took up painting. many novels in which she looked ing languages and art history, she ing inherently ‘silly,’ as the Eng-
his notes overnight, in a mounting deeply into the psychology of spent a year studying art at the lish would have it, in showing the
frenzy as inspiration grabbed modern women, she recast the Louvre. world through lenses both fantas-
hold. “I wrapped up the memoran- myth of Persephone and Demeter tic and real: that the English were
Ms. Tennant was presented at
dum about 6:15 a.m., and by this as a mother’s search for her errant indeed limited by a creative fee-
court in 1956, and a year later she
time it was 49 pages long,” he daughter in the urban underworld bleness and love of irony which
married Sebastian Yorke, the son
wrote. “I took it over to Esquire as of Soho. left them out of the most interest-
soon as they opened up, about of the novelist Henry Green. The
Perhaps most provocatively, marriage ended in divorce, as did ing writing, all going on in other
9:30 a.m. About 4 p.m. I got a call she wrote audacious sequels to fa- her marriages to Christopher parts of the world.”
from Byron Dobell. He told me mous English novels. In “Two
they were striking out the ‘Dear Booker, a founder of the satirical This new orientation was re-
Women of London: The Strange weekly Private Eye, and the jour- flected in “The Time of the Crack”
Byron’ at the top of the memoran- Case of Ms. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde”
dum and running the rest of it in nalist Alexander Cockburn. and the two novels that followed,
(1989), she transformed Robert In addition to her daughter “The Last of the Country House
the magazine.”
Louis Stevenson’s dark tale into a Rose, she is survived by her hus- Murders” (1974) and “Hotel de
The essay, published in Novem-
contemporary feminist parable. band, Tim Owens; a son, the writ- Dream” (1976).
ber 1963, is now considered a mile-
In two Jane Austen sequels, er Matthew Yorke; another In 1975 she founded the influen-
stone in the evolution of the New
Journalism. “Pemberley: Or, Pride and Preju- tial literary journal Bananas,
Mr. Dobell also worked with dice Continued” (1993) and “An which published new work by Mr.
Gay Talese and David Halberstam Unequal Marriage: Or, Pride and Ballard, Beryl Bainbridge, Angela
Prejudice Twenty Years Later”
at Esquire as they made the tran-
sition from newspaper work to (1994), she risked the wrath of A love of myth, magic Carter and the science-fiction
writer Michael Moorcock. She
long-form journalism. as the associate director of editori- in 1977 and as a top-level editor un-
Janeites by imagining Elizabeth
Bennet’s anxieties as the wife of
and dream, an ear for served as editor for three years.
“Byron was really the sensitive al planning at Time-Life Books der succeeding changes of owner- Her many novels also included
person at Esquire when it came to and later in the decade as senior ship. Mr. Darcy and detailing the cou- satire, and a voice for “Queen of Stones” (1982), a femi-
prose writing,” Mr. Talese said in ple’s squabbles and estrange- nist retelling of William Golding’s
an interview. “In my case he had
editor of Life.
He left Esquire in 1967 to be-
At American Heritage, which
he edited from 1982 to 1990, Mr.
ments. a feminist sensibility. “Lord of the Flies”; “Faustine”
ideas for stories that I didn’t think come the editor of Book World, a Dobell shifted its emphasis to Writing in The Village Voice in (1991), about a woman in her late
were worthy, but when I did them literary weekly started by The 20th-century history, with stories 1990, the critic Gary Indiana called 40s who makes a pact with the
— they were so successful. He was Washington Post and The Chicago on the Watergate scandal and the her work “a startling procession of Devil to return to her 20s; and
daughter, Daisy Cockburn; a sis-
the center of that magazine.” Tribune. He took an irreverent ap- rise of suburbia. He was inducted novels unlike anything else being ter, Catherine Tennant; a brother, “The Beautiful Child” (2010), a
Byron Maxwell Dobell was proach. He gave Mr. Puzo, who into the Magazine Editors’ Hall of written in England: wildly imagi- Toby; and three grandchildren. ghost story revolving around an
born on May 30, 1927, in the Bronx. had yet to achieve fame as the au- Fame in 1998. native, risk-taking books inspired unfinished manuscript by Henry
Under the pen name Catherine
His father, Jacob, an immigrant thor of “The Godfather,” free rein Mr. Dobell was married four by dreams, fairy tales, fables, sci- James.
Aydy, Ms. Tennant published “The
from Lithuania, was a floor man- times. His first and fourth mar- ence fiction and detective stories, In 1995, the estate of Margaret
Color of Rain,” a dark satire about
ager in a garment factory. His informed by a wicked Swiftian vi- Mitchell chose her to write a sec-
riages ended in divorce. His sec- the British upper classes, in 1963.
mother, the former Marie Schaef- sion of the U.K. in decline.” ond sequel to “Gone With the
ond and third marriages ended Her publishers submitted it for
fer, was a homemaker.
He began making charcoal
Playing a pivotal role with his wives’ deaths. In addition Emma Christina Tennant was the Prix Formentor, awarded Wind.” (The first, “Scarlett,” by Al-
to his daughter, he is survived by a born on Oct. 20, 1937, in London. yearly in Majorca, Spain. The exandra Ripley, was published in
sketches from casts at the Heck- in the careers of Tom grandson. Her father, Christopher Grey Ten- chairman of the judging panel, the 1991.) St. Martin’s Press paid $4.5
scher Foundation in his early nant, was the second Baron of
teens and assembled a portfolio Wolfe and others. For many years Mr. Dobell met
weekly to paint from a model with Glenconner, with a family fortune
Italian novelist Alberto Moravia,
denounced it as a prime specimen
million to publish it but rejected
Ms. Tennant’s first draft of the
that earned him admission to the derived from a large chemical
the caricaturist David Levine, the of the decadence of the British novel, “Tara” — so forcefully that
High School of Music and Art. business. Her mother was the for-
designer Walter Bernard and the novel. the project collapsed.
He went on to attend Columbia mer Elizabeth Powell.
as a reviewer, putting his take- portraitist Aaron Shikler. In his Ms. Tennant found her footing “I’ve never had this experience
University, where he studied hu-
down of Paris Review’s celebrated spare time he painted portraits of Shortly before the outbreak of in the early 1970s after discover- before, where I put heart and soul
manities and earned a bachelor’s
author interviews on the journal’s friends. World War II, the family moved to ing writers whose anti-realist into a book and it wasn’t pub-
degree in 1947. After serving two
front page. “Eventually, I was getting so the Glen, a mammoth Gothic folly qualities dovetailed with her own lished,” Ms. Tennant told The New
years in the Army, he spent time in
Paris on the G.I. Bill, nominally to In 1969, Mr. Dobell was named many commissions that I said to implanted in a deep valley near love of myth, magic and dream. In York Times. “The most awful feel-
study at the Sorbonne. editor in chief of the newly formed my late wife, ‘You know, I think I Peebles, in the Scottish Borders. It 1980 she told the reference work ing was just seeing the book sit-
Early in his career, he was a pic- book division of McCall’s Publish- can make a living painting por- was in the woods outside Emma World Authors: ting there like a lump.”
ture editor at U.S. Camera, an as- ing, a subsidiary of Norton Simon. traits, and other things,’” he told Tennant’s childhood bedroom “It became gradually clear to Ms. Tennant wrote three vol-
sociate editor at Popular Photog- It was an ill-fated venture that The Observer. He had 11 solo window that the 19th-century me, after meeting British science- umes of memoirs about her so-
raphy and a features editor at lasted only a year, but he landed shows in New York, and his por- Scottish writer James Hogg had fiction writers — J. G. Ballard cially and politically well-con-
Pageant, a small-format general- on his feet, joining Clay Felker, traits of Betty Friedan, Edward M. set his fairy tales, which en- amongst them — that a way to the nected family — “Strangers: A
interest monthly, and at This whom he had replaced at Esquire, Kennedy and Mr. Felker are in the chanted Emma and led her to his center for me lay in the fantastic; Family Romance” (1998), “Girli-
Week, a supplement for Sunday as managing editor at New York collection of the Smithsonian’s novel “The Private Memoirs and and despite the very deep tude: A Memoir of the 50s and
newspapers. magazine in 1972. National Portrait Gallery. Confessions of a Justified Sinner.” loathing of the British literary es- 60s” (1999) and “Waiting for Prin-
He began his first stint at Time- After Rupert Murdoch bought His success as an artist, he told That book became a decisive influ- tablishment for any writing that cess Margaret” (2009) — as well
Life in 1960, as a senior editor at New York magazine, Mr. Dobell The Observer, was “not only as- ence on one of her most celebrated could be so described, I set out to as a memoir about her love affair
Time-Life Books. He would return returned for two tours of duty at tonishing to my friends, but totally works, “The Bad Sister” (1978). read as many Latin American and in the late 1970s with the poet Ted
to the company in the early 1970s Esquire, serving as editor in chief astonishing to me.” When she was 9, the family re- Central European writers as pos- Hughes, “Burnt Diaries” (1999).
Visa Ban
In Limbo
An order affects films,
theater and museums.
PARIS — The Iranian director of “The
Salesman,” which is nominated for an
Academy Award for best foreign-lan-
guage film, won’t attend next month’s
Oscars ceremony. The Metropolitan
Museum of Art worries that exhib-
itions, archaeological surveys and ex-
cavations with institutions in the Mid-
dle East will have to be canceled or
curtailed. And the Sundance Institute
Theater Program may have to scale
back its exchange program with art-
ists from the Middle East and North
As President Trump’s executive or-
der seeking to keep many foreigners
from entering the United States
sowed widespread confusion
throughout the immigration system
and at airports around the globe, cul-
tural figures and institutions were cal-
culating how the new policies would
harm their art and missions.
“Scholarly exchanges and interna-
tional collaborations are key to our on-
going work, and we are very con-
Workers at the new Museum of the American Revolution install a linen tent used by George Washington. The museum will open on April 19 in Philadelphia.
black face, not in blackface,” Dr. deGregory improvisation, interactive and participa- just a halftime show of music,” Mr. Wells Warren Buffett agreed to be involved in
said. “H.B.C.U.s have provided black musi- tory call-and-response type of component.” said. “Shows come and go.” the film “Becoming Warren Buffett.”
Arts, Briefly
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Visa Ban Leaves Artists in Limbo
ficial submission to the Academy Awards.
Marcel Mettelsiefen, the director of
“Watani: My Homeland,” an Oscar-nomi-
nated documentary, said the film’s Syrian
protagonist, Hala Kamil, would not be able
to travel to the Oscars ceremony because
she has a Syrian and a German refugee
The film follows Ms. Kamil and her chil-
dren as they seek asylum in Germany. “It is
very sad she cannot come,” Mr. Met-
telsiefen said. “She is the star of the movie.”
Ms. Kamil has been a frequent visitor to
Music and Arts the United States, even giving a speech on
the plight of refugees at the United Nations
in August.
from the Hussein Hassan, the Kurdish director of
the feature “Reseba — The Dark Wind,”
Venetian which was to have its North American pre-
miere at the Miami Film Festival next
RepUblic month, said he had withdrawn his visa ap-
plication to protest Mr. Trump’s policy.
The film’s producer and one of its screen- COHEN MEDIA GROUP
February 3–21, 2017 writers, Mehmet Aktas, said the movie, a
Above, Shahab Hosseini, left, and
drama about a bride-to-be who survives an
Taraneh Alidoosti in a scene from “The
attack by ISIS on her village, showed that
This festival features Venetian not all Muslims are terrorists. Festival or-
Salesman.” Left, Shahpour Pouyan, an
Iranian artist who is living in New York.
vocal masterpieces and virtuoso ganizers have said they still planned to
show “The Dark Wind.”
instrumental music are featured. Philip Himberg, the artistic director of
the Sundance Institute Theater Program, clined to name the affected actor, citing con-
Highlights include Jordi Savall said he feared the visa ban would shut down cerns about his safety in Iran.
and Hespèrion XXI leading a a fruitful workshop exchange for theater “This is completely and utterly un-Amer-
professionals from the Middle East and ican,” said Arian Moayed, an actor who is a
musical tour through the 1,000- North Africa. Since it started in 2012, about founder and an artistic director of Water-
60 Arabic-language professionals have at- well. “He doesn’t know what to do — we’re
year history of the Venetian tended the workshops in Utah, Wyoming, trying to find him a lawyer.”
Republic, the Venice Baroque Berlin and Morocco. Lawyers are struggling to understand
“It shatters my heart,” Mr. Himberg said. what the visa ban means. “There’s a lot in
Orchestra performing Vivaldi’s He added that the program was supported here that is subject to interpretation,” said
by a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Jonathan Ginsburg, an immigration lawyer
rarely heard oratorio Juditha Trust, and the Sundance Institute didn’t in Virginia who specializes in visas for art-
triumphans, and Monteverdi’s know what would happen if the artists the ists and performers. He said the language
grant was intended to bring to the United made clear that nationals from the seven
epic opera L’incoronazione di States could no longer travel there. countries “appear to be banned for 90 days,
The ban is also expected to affect muse- even if they have applied for and received a
Poppea with Concerto Italiano. ums. Curators at the Metropolitan Museum U.S. visa.”
of Art said the order could disrupt or limit PAULA ABREU PITA, VIA NATHALIE OBADIA GALLERY He added: “The flip side is that we may
La Serenissima: Music and Arts from the Venetian Republic is its loans to and from the affected countries not appreciate just how broadly worded
sponsored by Chubb.
and would restrict travel by colleagues and corpus was expressed in the Codex Ham- these things are until someone decides to
The Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism artists to the United States for education, murabi, an ancient Iraqi monument about interpret them more aggressively.”
has granted La Serenissima: Music and Arts from the Venetian justice, set up in public so that all citizens For now, many artists from affected coun-
Republic its official support (“Patrocinio”) in recognition of Carnegie research, fellowships, workshops, confer-
Hall’s celebration of Italy’s extraordinarily rich cultural legacy. ences and other training. They said it might could access their rights,” said Kim Benzel, tries who are legal residents in the United
Carnegie Hall gratefully acknowledges the support of the Ministry also scuttle their hoped-for archaeological the curator in charge of the museum’s De- States say they can’t leave the country for
of Heritage and Culture and Tourism in Rome; the Embassy of Italy surveys and excavations in partnership partment of Ancient Near Eastern Art. fear of not being able to return. Shahpour
in Washington, DC; and the Consulate General of Italy in New York.
with Iraq and Iran, and a joint publication “It was one of the many contributions of Pouyan, an Iranian artist living in New York
project on Nishapur with Iran. Iraq to the world, and in this case, to democ- under a green card whose work is at the
Mr. Trump’s move is “particularly ironic, racy itself,” she added. “Where and how did Metropolitan Museum of Art, said he would given that the earliest formulation of what
we recognize today as the concept of habeas
things go so wrong?”
President Trump’s order has already
be unable to travel to Toronto for a group
exhibit or to Paris for a solo exhibition in
complicated a coming production of “Ham- March.
212-247-7800 Thomas Erdbrink contributed reporting from let” by Waterwell, a nonprofit theater in “I am stuck here. I can’t leave the country
Box Office at 57th and Seventh Tehran. Stephanie Goodman, Barbara Grau- New York. One of the actors, an Iranian citi- and as an artist it means I can’t make shows
stark, Randy Kennedy, Michael Paulson, Ben zen who trained at Yale, is now in Iran and and present my works internationally,” he
Artists, programs, and dates subject to change. © 2017 CHC.
Sisario and Liam Stack contributed reporting uncertain whether he will be allowed to re- wrote in an email message. “This is such a
United Airlines® is the Official Airline of Carnegie Hall. from New York. turn to the United States. The company de- mess.”
MasterCard® is the Preferred Card of Carnegie Hall.
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DISNEY presents
ever actually read “Ulysses,” Nora Burns recounts raucous years of dancing and drugging with her best pal in this personal show at the Club at La MaMa.
bers are forced to confront their
troubles and one another. The while he chugs a concoction he
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 What’s on Monday
2 WCBS The Insider (N) Entertainment The Big Bang Kevin Can Wait The Odd Couple The Odd Couple Scorpion “Little Boy Lost.” A boy News (N) The Late Show With Stephen Col-
Tonight (N) (G) Theory (PG) “Who’s Better “The God Cou- (Season Finale)from Ralph’s class goes missing. bert Leslie Mann; Lewis Black; Dan Warren Buffett opens the door on his Ne-
Than Us?” (PG) ple.” (N) (PG) (N) (PG) (14) Levy. (N) (PG) (11:35) braska life, but not necessarily his invest-
4 WNBC Extra (N) (PG) Access Holly- The New Celebrity Apprentice “I’m Going Full Ballmer.” Teams promote
Timeless “Karma Chameleon.” Wy- News (N) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy ment strategy. Things become positively
wood (N) (PG) the Los Angeles Clippers. (N) (PG) att and Rufus travel to the 1980s. Fallon Ricky Gervais; Vanessa
(N) (PG) Hudgens. (N) (14) (11:34) vicious on “The Bachelor.” And Kim Cattrall
5 WNYW Modern Family Modern Family Gotham “Mad City: The Gentle Art Lucifer “A Good Day to Die.” Lucifer News (N) The Big Bang The Simpsons TMZ Live (N) stars in a sizzling BBC update of Agatha
“Moon Landing.” “Fears.” (PG) of Making Enemies.” Gordon’s uncle must find the professor’s soul. (N) Theory (PG) “Waiting for Duff- (PG) Christie's “The Witness for the Prosecution.”
(PG) Frank pays him a visit. (N) (14) (14) (9:01) man.” (PG)
7 WABC Jeopardy! (N) Wheel of For- O The Bachelor Nick takes a date to a LOLO concert. (N) (14) Quantico “JMPALM.” The recruits News (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (14) (11:35)
(G) tune “Leave Win- learn about betrayal. (N) (14)
ter Behind.” (N) (10:01) What’s on TV
9 WWOR Family Feud (N) The Big Bang Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit News (N) Inside Edition Harry Porsha Williams; Patrick Wil- Anger Manage-
(PG) Theory (14) “Authority.” (14) “Cold.” (14) (N) (PG) son. (N) (PG) ment (14)
11 WPIX Two and a Half Two and a Half Supergirl “We Can Be Heroes.” O Jane the Virgin “Chapter Fifty- News (N) Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Friends (14)
Men (PG) Men (PG) (N) (PG) Three.” (N) (PG) Subway.” (PG) Jimmy.” (PG)
13 WNET PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow “Indianapolis.” O Mary Tyler Moore: A Celebration POV “Seven Songs for Long Life.” Charlie Rose (N) (PG) Tavis Smiley
(N) (Part 1 of 3) (G) Mary Tyler Moore’s career. (PG) Strathcarron Hospice in Scotland. (N) (N) (G)
21 WLIW MetroFocus SciTech Now (G) Mercy Street (N) (14) Victoria on Masterpiece (PG) Victoria on Masterpiece (PG) MetroFocus World News Globe Trekker
25 WNYE Faces-Philanth Brooklyn Savvy NY Stories Her Big Idea (N) Women in Media Black Ballerina (G) Start Up (G) Roadtrip Nation Arts in Context Remembering
31 WPXN Criminal Minds “Jones.” (14) Criminal Minds “Ashes and Dust.” Criminal Minds (14) Criminal Minds “Open Season.” Criminal Minds “Legacy.” (14) Criminal Minds
41 WXTV Despertar Contigo (N) (14) Vino el Amor (N) (14) El Color de la Pasión (N) (14) Noticias (N) Noticiero Uni Deportivo
47 WNJU Caso Cerrado: Edición Estelar (N) La Fan (N) La Doña (N) (14) El Chema (N) Noticias Titulares y Más La Doña (14)
48 WRNN News (N) John Denver Buddy Holly Phil Collins Flat Sexy Abs IT Cosmetics A Place for Mir One Smile at a Time (PG) IT Cosmetics Arthritis Pain?
49 CPTV PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow (N) (G) Antiques Roadshow (Part 3 of 3) Alzheimer’s: Every Minute Counts POV (N) (PG) NHK Newsline VIA HBO
50 WNJN One on One News Nature (PG) Nova “Building Pharaoh’s Chariot.” Secrets of the Dead (PG) News One on One Charlie Rose (N) Warren Buffett
55 WLNY 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Dr. Phil (N) (14) News (N) Judge Judy (N) Judge Judy (PG) Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Ent. Tonight
63 WMBC Larry King Sp. More Hair Sermon Time Change-World News CBS Great Sat Darkspots Regrow Hair Nip&Tuck Wrinkles! More Hair BECOMING WARREN BUFFETT (2017) 10 p.m. on
68 WFUT Moisés y los 10 Mandamientos Moisés y los 10 Mandamientos La Viuda Negra (14) Blue Demon Noticias (N) Noticiero Uni Laura (14) HBO and HBO streaming platforms. De-
PREMIUM CABLE spite an estimated net worth of $74 billion,
FLIX Detention (2003). Dolph Lundgren, . Born on the Fourth of July (1989). Tom Cruise. Heroic marine becomes paraplegic anti- Black Hawk Down (2001). Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor. War and fam- Mr. Buffett still lives modestly in his home-
Alex Karzis. (R) (6:15) Vietnam War activist. Powerful and agonizing, via Oliver Stone. (R) ine in Somalia. Eye-catching action without mercy, via Ridley Scott. (R)
town, Omaha. From there he manages
HBO Batman v Super- Vice News The Young Pope “Fifth Episode.” The Young Pope “Sixth Episode.” O Becoming Warren Buffett (2017). The life of the Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008).
man: Dawn Tonight (N) Voiello orchestrates a scandal. (MA) (N) (MA) legendary investor. (N) (PG) Jason Segel, Kristen Bell. (R) (11:35) Berkshire Hathaway, the fourth-largest
HBO2 I Am Legend (2007). Will Smith, Alice Braga. Lone plague survivor battles Balls of Fury (2007). Dan Fogler, Christopher Walken. Hidden Figures: The Young Pope “Sixth Episode.” Boxing company in the world, and plans how to
zombies. Two stars: Smith and empty Manhattan streets. (PG-13) (7:15) (PG-13) HBO First Look Voiello is questioned about Tonino. give away the majority of his fortune to
MAX Transformers: Revenge of the MI-5 (2015). Kit Harington, Peter Firth. Former agent is brought back to Live Free or Die Hard (2007). Bruce Willis, Justin Long. America’s com- . The Bourne Ul-
Fallen (2009). (PG-13) (5:45) track down his mentor. (R) (8:15) puters fall under attack. Unexpectedly funny, with creepy plot. (PG-13) timatum (12:10)
philanthropic causes, mostly the Bill and
SHO The Affair “310.” Noah’s visit dis- Homeland “The Covenant.” Saul The Affair “310.” Noah’s visit dis- Homeland “The Covenant.” Saul The Affair “310.” Noah’s visit dis- Everything Must Melinda Gates Foundation. “If you’re in the
tracts Juliette. (MA) goes to Abu Dhabi. (MA) tracts Juliette. (MA) goes to Abu Dhabi. (MA) tracts Juliette. (MA) Go (2010). (R) luckiest 1 percent of humanity, you owe it to
SHO2 Bridge of Spies (2015). Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance. A lawyer tries to negotiate the release . Gangs of New York (2002). Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio. When streets were really mean (the the rest of humanity to think about the
of a captured pilot. (PG-13) 1860s), via Scorsese. Flawed but brutal, important, indelible. (R)
other 99 percent,” he has said. Here, Mr.
STARZ . Total Recall (1990). Arnold Black Sails “XXIX.” Teach and . True Lies (1994). Jamie Lee Curtis, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Wife learns mild-mannered Black Sails “XXIX.” Teach and Rack-
Schwarzenegger. (R) (6:02) Rackham seek revenge. (MA) husband is international spy. Lively, satiric eye-filler. (R) ham seek revenge. (MA) (11:22) Buffett allows the filmmaker Peter Kun-
STZENC The Wedding Ringer (2015). Kevin Hart, Josh Gad. Pathetic groom Aloha (2015). Bradley Cooper. Vet reunites with old Into the Blue (2005). Paul Walker, Jessica Alba. Four deep-sea divers hardt into his life — including his frequent
hires professional best man. Few laughs on the menu. (R) (7:15) flame while falling for pilot. Haole problems. (PG-13) cross paths with drug smugglers. Soggy. (PG-13) (10:45) chats with students, his daily reading ses-
TMC Paranoia (2013). Liam Hemsworth, Forsaken (2015). Kiefer Sutherland. Ex-gunslinger The Salvation (2014). Mads Mikkelsen. Peaceful settler Rampart (2011). Old-school L.A. cop struggles to sur- sions and his routine visits to McDonald’s
Harrison Ford. (PG-13) (6) and minister father protect town. Musty. (R) hunts outlaw gang. Luridly beautiful, lavishly violent. (R) vive in new era. Sun-scorched noir. (R) (11:05)
— to chronicle how he became one of the
richest men in the world, and how he
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 changed the way Americans consider
A&E The First 48 “Heart of Gold; Last The First 48 “Night Out; One The First 48 “Brutal Business.” Po- The First 48 “Kiss of Death.” (14) The First 48 “Street Law; Standing The First 48 (14)
Breath.” Stabbing death in Louisville. Gram.” (14) lice probe the murder of two friends. (10:01) Up.” (14) (11:03) (12:03) capitalism and charity. “At 86, actuarially, I
AHC Nuremberg: Nazi Judgment Day WWII in the Pacific (PG) WWII in the Pacific (PG) WWII in the Pacific (PG) WWII in the Pacific (PG) WWII-Pacific know what’s in the books, but literally I get
AMC . Back to the Future (1985). Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd. Teenager carried back in . Back to the Future Part II (1989). Michael J. Fox. Forward to 2015, with ex-bully as rich- Back to the Fu- to do what I love, and it’s easy for me,” Mr.
time to parents’ 1950’s courtship. Immensely entertaining. (PG) est man in town. Merrily mind-boggling. (PG) ture Part III Buffett said in an interview with The New
APL The Last Alaskans “Home Again.” The Last Alaskans (PG) (8:01) The Last Alaskans (PG) (9:01) The Last Alaskans “Alone.” (10:01) The Last Alaskans (PG) (11:01) Last Alaskans York Times. “I do not feel that my life is
BBCA Star Trek: Voyager (Part 2 of 2) Star Trek: Voyager “The Gift.” (PG) Star Trek: Voyager (PG) Star Trek: Voyager “Nemesis.” Star Trek: Voyager “Displaced.” Star Trek: Voy. past its most interesting points.”
BET Death at a Funeral (2010). Keith The New Edition Story “Part One.” Legendary R&B group New Edition. The New Edition Story “Part Two.” New Edition puts business first. The New Edition
David, Loretta Devine. (R) (5:30) (Part 1 of 3) (14) (Part 2 of 3) (14) (10:04) Story (Part 3 of 3) THE BACHELOR 8 p.m. on ABC. Corinne and
BLOOM Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia (N) (G) Bloomberg Markets: Asia (N) (G) Charlie Rose (PG) Bloomberg Markets: Middle East Bloom. Tech. Taylor have a catfight. Then the 13 bach-
BRV Vanderpump Rules “The D Pic.” Vanderpump Rules “Jax’s Roast.” Vanderpump Rules “Ambush.” Summer House “The Wrath of Watch What Vanderpump Rules “Ambush.” (14) elorettes head to New Orleans for the
Lisa surprises Katie with a risqué gift. Kristen hosts a roast for Jax. (14) (N) (14) Wirkus.” (N) (14) (10:01) Happens Live (11:31) dreaded two-on-one date with Nick.
CBSSN College Basketball Boston University vs. Lehigh. College Basketball Southern Illinois-Edwardsville vs. Belmont. Snowmobile Racing N.F.L. Monday
CMT Last Man Standing Last Man Standing Days of Thunder (1990). Tom Cruise. Stock-car racers. Loud, pretentious, flat. (PG-13) Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Days of Thunder (1990). (PG-13)
CN Steven Universe Adventure Time King of the Hill Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Family Guy (14) Family Guy (PG) Robot Chicken
CNBC American Greed “Deadly Gold Dig- Shark Tank All-natural dog treats. Shark Tank A new dating app. (PG) American Greed “The Real “War American Greed “Charity Begins At
American Greed
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per 360 (PG)
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(Y7) Charlie (G) Middle (G) Charlie (G) die (G) die (G) Says Goodbye.” in the House!” (G) Bertie.” (G) (G) Gina Rodriguez, center
DIY Maine Cabin Masters (G) Maine Cabin Masters (G) Maine Cabin Masters (G) Maine Cabin Masters (N) (G) Maine Cabin Masters (G) Maine Cabin
JANE THE VIRGIN 9 p.m. on CW. Jane (Gina
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key.” (14) ing Bid.” (N) (14) Strikes.” (N) (14) Mode.” (N) (14) (10:01) Strikes.” (14) (11:01) (14) (12:02) Rodriguez) and Rafael worry that Mateo is
E! E! News (N) (PG) Fashion Police (N) (14) Fashion Police (14) Revenge Body With Khloé E! News Biggest moments from the awards night. (N) lagging developmentally.
ELREY . The Crow (1994). Brandon Lee. (R) (6) Twelve Monkeys (1996). The making of Terry Gilliam’s “12 Monkeys.” Street Fighter (1994). Jean-Claude Van Damme. (PG-13)
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FX . Avatar (2009). Sam Worthington, Snow White and the Huntsman (2012). Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron. Man sent to capture Snow instead Snow White and the Huntsman (2012). Kristen Stew-
voice of Zoë Saldana. (PG-13) (4:30) joins her quest. Recaptures fairy tales’ menace. (PG-13) art, Charlize Theron. (PG-13)
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of Walter Mitty the 1960’s. Awestruck approach to modest coming-of-age comedy. (PG) 1960’s. Awestruck approach to modest coming-of-age comedy. (PG) (9:36) (MA) (11:42) Evolution (12:02)
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GOLF The Golf Fix . Tin Cup (1996). Kevin Costner. Down-and-out driving-range owner. Flirty and funny. (R) . Tin Cup (1996). Down-and-out driving-range owner. Flirty and funny. (R)
GSN Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud The Chase (PG) Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Mary Tyler Moore
HALL Last Man Standing Last Man Standing All Things Valentine (2015). Sam Page. Blogger has bad Valentine’s luck. The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls
HGTV Love It or List It (G) House Hunters House Hunters Love It or List It (N) (PG) House Hunters Hunters Int’l Tiny House Tiny House Love It or List It MARY TYLER MOORE: A CELEBRATION 9 p.m.
HIST American Pickers “One Giant Pick American Pickers “Beer Factor.” American Pickers “Divide and Pawn Stars (N) Pawn Stars (N) Pawn Stars (PG) Pawn Stars (PG) American Pick- on PBS (check local listings). Nearly 47
for Mankind.” (PG) Frank meets an old friend. (PG) Conquer.” (N) (PG) (PG) (10:03) (PG) (10:33) (11:03) (11:33) ers (PG) (12:03) years ago, Ms. Moore, who died on
HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Primetime Justice How It Really Happened The motive behind the Menendez murders. How It Really Happened Forensic Files Wednesday, turned the world on with her
ID See No Evil “The Vanishing Nurse.” See No Evil “Watching Amy Lord.” Vanity Fair Confidential “Murder Murder Calls “The Dark Horse.” Killing Fields “The Search War- Vanity Fair Con- smile and inspired a generation of women
A nursing student disappears. (14) Police use footage from five ATMs. on the Sunset Strip.” (N) (14) (N) (14) rant.” (14) fidential (14)
to toss their hats into the wind with the
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Donna parties. (PG) (PG) (PG) (PG) (14) (14) (Part 1 of 2) (14) (PG) (PG) Donna parties. arrival of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” In
LIFE Secretariat (2010). Diane Lane, Taken (2009). Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace. Slavers kidnap former spy’s SIX “Pilot.” Rip Taggart is captured SIX “Her Name Is Esther.” The team Taken (2009). this 2015 tribute, Dick Van Dyke, Betty
John Malkovich. (PG) (5) daughter. Exploitative throwaway. (PG-13) by Boko Haram. (MA) attempts to detain a courier. (11:02) (PG-13) (12:02) White, Carl Reiner, Valerie Harper, Ed
LMN The Client List (2010, TVF). Jenni- Girls Night Out (2017, TVF). Mackenzie Mauzy, Katherine Barrell. McK- Undercover Wife (2015, TVF). Jewel Staite, Ryan Robbins. Woman Girls Night Out Asner and Cloris Leachman discuss what
fer Love Hewitt, Cybill Shepherd. (6) enzie and her friends have to save her fiancé from a vengeful ex. investigates husband’s murder. (2017, TVF).
made Ms. Moore a national treasure. “I
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00
LOGO Roseanne Dan My Girl (1991). Dan Aykroyd, Jamie Lee Curtis. Funeral-home fun and phobias. Big case of Out of Iraq A love story in Iraq. (14) My Girl (1991).
think Mary Tyler Moore has had more
seeks time alone. the cutes with manipulative morbid streak. (PG) (PG) (12:05) influence on my career than any other
MLB Intentional Talk M.L.B. Now M.L.B. Tonight The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988). (PG-13) M.L.B. Tonight M.L.B. Now single person or force,” Oprah Winfrey
MSG MSG Fight Night MSG Fight Night The Game 365 MSG Fight Night The Lineup MSG Fight Night MSG Fight Night says.
MSGPL AHL Hockey 2017 All-Star Game. U.F.C. Reloaded From Las Vegas.
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she has enlisted to drive her home. “I like
OVA Artful Detective (N) (PG) . The Last Samurai (2003). American soldier caught in 1870’s Japanese conflict. Bedeviled hero, mythic battles, via Zwick. (R) . Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
their company. I like their skin. I like their
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muscles, their musk, their gleam, their
OXY Snapped “Pamela Phillips.” (6:59) Snapped “Omaima Nelson.” (PG) Snapped “Michele Williams.” (PG) Snapped “Vonlee Nicole Titlow.” Snapped “Marjorie Orbin.” (PG) Snapped (12:01)
vigor, their heft — and their spring. I like to
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look.” Soon, he’s getting paid to eat out of
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her hand. Not long after, he’s a suspect in
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her savage death. The screenwriter Sarah
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modern sizzle to this BBC update of
SUN Christine (1983). Keith Gordon, John Stockwell. Stephen King’s killer Predators (2010). Adrien Brody, Topher Grace. Human warriors are big game on alien . Alien (1979). Tom Skerritt, Si-
car. Contrived and clanky. (R) planet. Chaotic stew of blood and mud. (R) gourney Weaver. (R) Christie’s 1925 story, starring Kim Cattrall
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John Saxon, Johnny Depp. (R) (6) sense. (PG-13) ing the undead. More like a video game than ever. (R) City”) as French, her beauty faintly dimin-
TBS Family Guy (14) Family Guy Family Guy American Dad American Dad Family Guy Family Guy (14) Family Guy “A Conan Comic Bill Burr. (N) (14) 2 Broke Girls ished by age, her longing tinged with pre-
“Road to Vegas.” “Finder Keepers.” (14) (14) “Vestigial Peter.” Fistful of Meg.” (14)
. Operation . Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956). Dan Dailey, Cyd Charisse. Smooth, The Las Vegas Story (1952). Victor Mature, Jane Rus- . Viva Las Vegas (1964). Elvis
dation and pathos.
TCM MGM Parade
Crossbow (5:30) witty, ornate musical. Stunning Charisse. sell. A lost cause. Some cheer from Hoagy Carmichael. Presley, Ann-Margret. (11:45) KATHRYN SHATTUCK
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tradicts a confession. (PG)
Television highlights for a full week, recent
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TRU Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Fameless (N) Fameless (14) Fameless (14) Fameless (14) Carbonaro Eff. local television listings.
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USA Modern Family Modern Family W.W.E. Monday Night Raw Royal Rumble results. Friday Night Tykes “Home of the CSI: Crime Definitions of symbols used in Ratings:
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✩ Recommended series (G) General audience
WE CSI: Miami “Pro Per.” The team CSI: Miami “Murder in a Flash.” A CSI: Miami “Under the Influence.” A CSI: Miami “Legal.” A woman is CSI: Miami “MIA/N.Y.C. - NonStop.” CSI: Miami “In- ● New or noteworthy program (PG) Parental guidance
probes a drive-by shooting. (14) high-school senior is found dead. (14) woman is hit by a bus. (14) murdered at a nightclub. (14) Horatio goes to New York. (14) nocent.” (14) (N) New show or episode suggested
WGN-A Cops Traffic stop. Cops (14) Outsiders (MA) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006). Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom. (PG-13) Cops (PG) (CC) Closed-caption (14) Parents strongly cautioned
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YES Nets Pregame N.B.A. Brooklyn Nets vs. Miami Heat. Nets Postgame FA Cup Soccer Crystal Palace FC vs. Manchester City.
45 From Anthony, Four Overtimes, and Still the Knicks Lose At Farmers,
ATLANTA — The Knicks and
drove at the rim and made a layup
with 2.6 seconds left in regulation
Surge Gives
the Atlanta Hawks played the 11th
quadruple-overtime game in
to tie the game. Millsap made hard
contact with Anthony at the rim.
“The game should have been
N.B.A. history on Sunday, but the
ending was all too familiar for the
Knicks, a
over at that point,” Anthony said,
assuming he would go to the line His First Win
and nail the free throw.
HAWKS 142 142-139
loss at Anthony made a baseline By KAREN CROUSE
KNICKS 139 Philips jumper at the end of the first over- SAN DIEGO — After signing
Four overtimes Arena. time to force a second overtime. his scorecard on Sunday, Jon
The After he fouled out, Lee engi- Rahm was hustled to a television
game lasted 3 hours 39 minutes, neered the heroics by drilling a 26- interview before he had time to re-
and the Knicks made 128 field-goal footer with 1.5 seconds left to tie it trieve his Rolex wristwatch from
attempts, 51 of them 3-pointers. at 123-123 and force a third over- his golf bag. He had arrived in the
Four Knicks players fouled out, in- time. winner’s circle ahead of schedule,
cluding Carmelo Anthony, who The Knicks would not fold even and his management team was
scored a season-high 45 points in as the starters Kristaps Porzingis scrambling to make sure he repre-
46 minutes. The Hawks’ Paul Mill- and Joakim Noah and the reserve sented his sponsors well.
sap played 60 minutes. His side O’Quinn fouled out. The Knicks One of his handlers gave Rahm
took 119 shots. The Knicks’ re- led by 130-128 in the third over- the Rolex off his wrist, which
serves played minutes that were time, but Dennis Schroder’s driv- Rahm returned as soon as the in-
fit for starters: Justin Holiday, 36; ing layup tied the game for Atlan- terview was over.
Mindaugas Kuzminskas, 36; Kyle ta with three seconds left. With a closing seven-under-par
O’Quinn, 25. The Knicks had a hot start in the 65 on the South course at Torrey
The Knicks, playing without fourth overtime, the first for the Pines, Rahm, 22, became the
Anthony after he fouled out with team since 1951, but then went five youngest winner of the Farmers
12.9 seconds left in the second straight possessions without a Insurance Open. He finished at 13-
overtime, very nearly forced a point. under 275 for a three-stroke vic-
fifth overtime. Guard Courtney “To not be out there that last tory over Charles Howell III and
Lee missed a dead-on 3-point at- overtime, a little difficult to watch, Cheng Tsung Pan.
tempt from the right wing with 2.9 especially knowing the flow of the Rahm, who tied for third at the
seconds to play. game,” Anthony said. Quicken Loans National last sum-
“I felt good, I had another five in No matter how long the game or mer, won in his fifth start of the
me,” Knicks guard Brandon Jen- how hard the fight, the Knicks 2016-17 wraparound season and in
nings said, adding that he thought seem to draw the same ending: his 17th PGA Tour appearance. He
it was a great team effort, given They lose. It was their 15th loss in was the first player to make this
how many players fouled out. 20 games. They played without tournament his first victory on the
“This one definitely hurts.” guard Derrick Rose, who injured PGA Tour since Jay Don Blake in
Jennings had 18 points. Holiday his ankle on Friday night. 1991.
had 15 off the bench. Their gallant effort was not nec- For much of the final round, the
Anthony had 28 points in the essarily wasted. players jockeyed for position like
first half as the Knicks found a “Take this game and build off,” thoroughbreds at the nearby Del
groove and led, 65-61, at the break. Anthony said. “Guys stepped up. Mar racetrack. Nine players held
The Knicks are desperately try- You can’t question the effort. We at least a share of the Sunday lead
ing to turn a corner and make the can only keep looking forward. I before Rahm, a 2016 graduate of
playoffs, but there has been con- don’t think we’re that far away. We Arizona State, seized control of
siderable tumult around Anthony just have to keep fighting.” the tournament with two eagles
amid reports that the team is try- Anthony has a no-trade clause, on the final six holes, both on par
but the Knicks and the team’s 5s.
Anthony said after the game on president, Phil Jackson, seem de- On the 529-yard 13th, Rahm hit
Sunday that he just tried to focus
The Knicks’ Carmelo Anthony forced a second overtime with this shot at the end of the first one. termined to move him and get a his second shot out of a fairway
on basketball. The trade talk may lottery pick. Asked if a game like bunker to 19 feet and made the
have made his focus even sharp- cus on basketball, and playing don’t hear that. It’s when you’re is going to stop him from doing this might build a bond with his putt. On the 536-yard 18th, he
er: This was his fifth game in the basketball, and not worrying off the court you have to start what he does,” Jennings said of teammates so strong that he drained a 61-footer after reaching
last eight with at least 30 points. about everything else that’s going dealing with all that.” Anthony. “He just had 45 tonight.” would reject any trade, Anthony the green in two, for one of four 3s
“I’m feeling good about myself, on out there.” Jennings agreed that the only The game never should have just waved it off. recorded on the hole in the round.
about my body,” Anthony said, As for the trade rumors, he thing that matters is basketball. gone into the first overtime, much “It’s hard for me to think about “It was important to keep com-
“feeling healthy, being able to fo- said: “Once I’m on the court, I “I don’t think anything negative less the fourth, Anthony said. He that at this moment,” he said. posure, keep it going, and I’m just
so glad I was able to keep my mind
on the game and I was able to
think clearly,” said Rahm, who is
EuroKnicks? A Rookie Adds to a Struggling Team’s Belated Trend six months younger than Phil
Mickelson was when he won the
first of his three titles in this tour-
nament in 1993. “And I’m just so
From First Sports Page happy it finally happened.”
then refined in recent seasons in Like Rahm, Mickelson starred
Spain, include a strong outside at Arizona State. He said he had
shot and general savviness on of- played enough practice rounds
fense. His defense is a work in with Rahm to get a full measure of
progress, but it’s not far-fetched to his talent.
think he is on his way to becoming “I think he’s one of the best play-
a solid role player in the N.B.A. ers in the world,” Mickelson said,
Maybe with the Knicks. adding, “There’s an intangible
He has come to symbolize an that some guys have where they
evolution of sorts in the makeup of want to have the pressure, they
the Knicks’ roster. The Knicks, want to be in that tough position,
though playing in the most inter- they want to have everything fall
national of American cities, were on their shoulders. And he has
slower than some other N.B.A. that.”
teams in looking abroad for talent. Rahm, a native of Spain, started
In one notorious instance when the day three strokes off the lead,
they did, they selected 7-foot which was held jointly by another
Frédéric Weis in the first round of youngster, the 24-year-old Patrick
the 1999 draft — only to have the Mindaugas Kuzminskas of the Knicks going against Kelly Rodgers, and the defending cham-
overmatched Frenchman never Oubre Jr. of the Wizards, left, this month and in front of James pion, Brandt Snedeker, a veteran
play a second for the team. Harden, above, during the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup trying to join Mickelson and Tiger
In 2008, the Knicks brought in semifinal between Lithuania and the United States. Woods as one of the event’s three-
Mike D’Antoni, a West Virginian time winners.
who had made his mark profes- Snedeker, an eight-time tour
sionally in Italy, to be the team’s Kuzminskas said. longtime Lithuanian star in Eu-
winner, closed with a 73. He said
new head coach. Shortly after- Zita Kuzminskas was born in Si- rope and now the assistant gen-
eral manager of the Denver after the third round that he be-
ward, the Knicks, in the first round beria in 1955 after her parents had
Nuggets. “We kind of joke around lieved his experience would give
of the draft, took 6-11 Danilo Galli- been deported there from Lithua-
that we took Naismith’s book of him an edge on Sunday — “know-
nari, a 19-year-old from Italy who nia, then part of the Soviet Union.
basketball and made it our bible.” ing what it takes to get it done here
was playing in Milan. Her family returned to Lithuania
Lithuania now has four players and realizing what this golf course
But the D’Antoni-Gallinari com- when she was 4, and she went on
to play professionally there as in the N.B.A., an achievement that can do to you.”
bination didn’t last long. Gallinari By valuing experience,
was traded away in 2011 as part of well as for the Lithuanian national isn’t lost on Karnisovas. The bas-
team. ketball community in Lithuania is Snedeker, 36, showed his age. In-
the deal that brought Carmelo An- spired by Woods, who won the
thony to the Knicks from Denver. And at 61, she still plays in sen- small and tight-knit. Karnisovas’s
ior tournaments. Her reputation, parents know Kuzminskas’s. first of his 79 PGA Tour titles in his
And D’Antoni was gone a year lat- fifth start as a pro, the young gen-
as a hard-nosed rebounder and Kuzminskas is good friends with
er, departing because of his con- eration has developed a group
defender, has been in the back- Domantas Sabonis, who is Arvy-
flicts with Anthony. mind-set that there is no time like
ground of her son’s career. Three das’s son and an Oklahoma Thun-
Now, Anthony is again in a the present to start collecting vic-
years ago, Kuzminskas said, he der rookie.
standoff, this time with Jackson, tories.
earned a reminder from his coach And there is this: Twenty-seven
who appears intent on trading
with the Lithuanian national team years after Sarunas Marciulionis The self-confidence can be con-
him. But regardless of how that ELSA/GETTY IMAGES
after flubbing a play. made his debut with the Golden tagious. Justin Thomas watched a
plays out — whether it is Anthony State Warriors as the first Lithua-
‘‘If you were as tough as your 21-year-old Jordan Spieth win the
who leaves, or maybe Jackson (or France and the veteran Sasha Vu- terested as other teams in inter- nian player in the N.B.A., Kuzmin-
mother,’’ Kuzminskas remem- Masters in his second trip to Au-
maybe neither) — one thing is dif- jacic of Slovenia, although both national players. skas became the first member of
bered the coach admonishing him, gusta National, and it inspired
ferent this time around: The have very limited roles. “But now, given the fact that al- the Sarunas Marciulionis Basket-
Knicks have acquired a European “you would be one of the best play- him to win four tour events before
Before this season, the Knicks most a quarter of the league is ball Academy to follow him there.
accent that is likely to last for a ers.’’ his 24th birthday. Rahm, who tied
counted about three dozen for- made up of players from outside “If he gets to be a rotation play-
while. “My mother, she was a big for third in his first PGA Tour start
eign-born players in their history, the United States, you don’t want er someday, they will have hit the
In addition to Kuzminskas, the fighter, a good rebounder, a great as a pro, at Congressional Country
although some, like Patrick Ew- to be behind the curve anymore,” lottery,” Fraschilla said of
Knicks have Kristaps Porzingis, defender,’’ Kuzminskas said. Club last summer, watched Thom-
ing, Dan Gadzuric and Ernie Fraschilla said. And the Knicks — Kuzminskas and the Knicks. And,
the 7-3 Latvian, who in his second Kuzminskas was a late-bloom- as win three times in this wrap-
Grunfeld, went to high school and whatever other problems they he noted, “without much of a fi-
season seems certain to become college in the United States. have at the moment — no longer ing player. As a teenager, when around season and was motivated
nancial investment.’’ to produce a victory, lest he fall be-
an N.B.A. star, and Willy Hernan- This surge on their roster — the are. many of his peers were starting to
Back in Lithuania, Kuzmin- hind the title train.
gomez, the 6-11 rookie from Spain, Knicks had five foreign-born play- Kuzminskas was plucked out of show up on N.B.A. radars, skas’s parents watch every game,
who has been asserting himself as ers last season, too, but except for Spain’s top league, where he had Kuzminskas was on the second “I wanted to win this season, es-
working out a harried routine to pecially after getting a little taste
a presence in the middle. Porzingis, they were of less conse- played for three years. His trip to team at his own school. bridge the time difference.
Anthony or no Anthony, quence — more closely aligns the N.B.A. was far slower than He looked for other careers that of it at Congressional,” he said.
It starts with his father waking
Porzingis and Hernangomez them with the league trend. Their that of Porzingis, who made his would keep him close to basket- Pan, 25, who played at the Uni-
up at 2 in the morning. When his
seem destined to play a lot of min- front office did not make anyone N.B.A. debut at age 20, and Her- ball. At 15, Kuzminskas turned to versity of Washington, said the
son enters the game, he runs over
utes together in the Knicks’ front- available to talk about the Euro- nangomez, who made his at 22. journalism, interviewing his to wake up Zita, who works as a round had had the feel of a Pa-
court, and Kuzminskas, often pean contingent, but Clarence But Kuzminskas rebuffed sev- brother’s teammates for stories. teacher. When Kuzminskas goes cific-12 Conference tournament
enough, could be alongside them. Gaines Jr., the Knicks’ vice presi- eral offers to come to the N.B.A. on At 16, he earned a referee’s license back to the bench, Zita goes back and added, “My anxiety got me a
In other words, the Knicks, at dent for player personnel and a nonguaranteed contracts that of- and worked games in his home- to sleep again until the next sub- little bit, but I still played great,
least in part, could become the Eu- longtime adviser to Jackson, is fered only training camp tryouts. town, from high school to adult stitution. got a lot of solid up-and-downs for
roKnicks. And why not? Nothing credited with pushing for Instead, he waited until last sum- leagues. “My mother is saying, ‘I still par, so a lot to take to the next tour-
else has worked. Porzingis as the Knicks wrestled mer, when he received his first He is the 11th Lithuanian to cannot believe I am watching the nament.”
This all comes as more than 100 over whom to take with the No. 4 guaranteed deal, from the Knicks, make it to the N.B.A. It is an im- game and you’re running in front Great things were expected of
international players, hailing pick in the 2015 draft. worth $6 million over two years. pressive feat for a country of together with all of the guys,’” Howell after he turned pro in
from 41 countries and territories, In taking a close look at If it took him a while to get to the roughly three million people. But Kuzminskas said. 2000. He won the first of his two
were listed on N.B.A. rosters at Porzingis, the Knicks also became N.B.A., it is clear that Kuzminskas in Lithuania, basketball is close to Perhaps even more unbeliev- tour titles in his 68th start.
the start of this season, according aware of Hernangomez, since was almost destined to play bas- a religion. able would be a Knicks team that “These young guys seem to
to the players association. The they were teammates on the same ketball. While his father, Vladas, “It’s like high school basketball is really good again. That would come out not only ready to win,
Utah Jazz had a league-most sev- Sevilla club. So Hernangomez was a national table-tennis cham- in Indiana,” Fraschilla said. “Bas- seem to be off in the distance but they do win,” Howell said, add-
en foreign-born players, while ended up a Knick, too. pion, his mother, Zita, had been a ketball is a way of life there. For somewhere, but perhaps the Eu- ing, “It pushes players like me to
several teams had six. Mean- Fran Fraschilla, ESPN’s inter- top-level player on the hardwood. him to be in the N.B.A. is abso- roKnicks — Porzingis, Hernan- keep working hard at it because
while, the Knicks have five for- national basketball analyst, said His older brother, Saulius, played lutely huge for Lithuania.” gomez and Kuzminskas — will obviously the generation coming
eign-born players in all, with the he agreed with the notion that the professionally in Europe. “It’s the No. 1 one sport by a help make it happen. Remember: and the guys behind me are bet-
other two being Maurice Ndour of Knicks, in the past, were not as in- “It was already in my blood,” mile,” said Arturas Karnisovas, a Nothing else has worked. ter.”
Email: [email protected]
rough,” Fouts said. “We were
drawing 25-30,000, and most of
Coryell has influenced the teams
of today, like the Dallas Cowboys,
as a San Diego Charger, with no
mention of L.A.”
For Men’s Title Match, Fans Reach Deep Into Their Pockets
By BEN ROTHENBERG said. had been drawn to Federer’s graceful rived two hours before the match. putting a golden ticket up for sale, many
MELBOURNE, Australia — The Aus- Some fans who had attended earlier movements over the years because of Saskia van Rheenen, a Dutch graduate fans who had tickets to what became
tralian Open offered N.B.A.-style on- rounds of the tournament and flown her background in dance. She booked a student, had attended the first week of their dream final said even the loftiest
court seating for the first time this year, home scurried back to Melbourne for the trip to Melbourne for the first three the tournament before her travels took prices had not tempted them.
priced at an eye-popping 25,000 Austral- final. rounds of the tournament, fearing that her to Wanaka, a small town on the South Fiona Wong, an Australian Federer
ian dollars, or $18,900, for the men’s final Ronny Chow, a lawyer from Hong her chances to see the aging Federer Island of New Zealand. Once Federer fan who has the Twitter handle @fed-
for an up-close-and-personal experience. Kong, attended the first week of the tour- play were running out. reached the final, she could not shake the erering, had bought tickets to the finals
But when the demand spiked after a nament, then booked a last-minute trip Greene extended her trip by three idea of returning. for the past five years, ultimately selling
back to Melbourne with his wife to see days to see Federer win his fourth-round “I thought, no, it’s too much money, too them once Federer was eliminated.
Roger Federer vs. Rafael Nadal final was
the final. match against Kei Nishikori, and she much hassle,” van Rheenen said. “But I Wong, who attended Federer’s previ-
set, those seats might have qualified as a
flew home to Hawaii before the quarterfi- couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was in ous six matches at the tournament, said
bargain. Fans dug deep into their bank
nals. Wanaka, and I thought if I’m going to do the thought of selling her ticket to the fi-
accounts and traveled long distances to
Not long after her homecoming, her it, I have to do it now, because if Nadal nal had never crossed her mind, even
witness the improbable rematch be-
tween two great Grand Slam champions. A dream final so wildly husband sensed that she would rather be wins, the prices are going to go crazy, and when she saw list prices of more than
somewhere else.
Ticket prices for the final, which
ranged from about $300 to $600 at face
expensive that it becomes “He said, ‘If it was me, and it was John
then I can’t afford it anymore.”
Van Rheenen went for it, first buying a
“This is so cliché, but it’s priceless to
Elway with the Broncos right before he
value, quickly spiraled upward. Tickets simply priceless. retired, and somebody said, “Here’s
ticket to the final for about $1,600, then me,” she said. “When am I going to see
for under $1,500 for anywhere in Rod La- booking a flight to Melbourne for $530. Federer in a Slam final again? Any
some tickets,” there’s no way I’d come
ver Arena were nearly impossible to home,’” Greene said. “I said, ‘Don’t tell “It is a lot of money, but for me, I amount of money, it wouldn’t matter.”
find; one ambitious Ticketmaster listing me that right now!’ He said, ‘Well, it’s thought, I’m never going to get this Others left on the outside longed for a
offered a pair of front-row seats for about He scheduled a 10-hour stay in Mel- chance again,” she said. “This is proba- close-up view.
true. We totally miss you, but I know this
$20,000 each. bourne with nine-hour flights each way. bly their last Grand Slam final against Jen Gundry, a Nadal fan from Mel-
is so big for you.’”
Jessica Ye and April Liu, Chinese stu- Their plane and match tickets combined each other, and for me, it was literally my bourne, balked at the prices at Rod Laver
Greene’s mind was quickly made up.
dents studying in Melbourne, bought for about $19,000, he said. No. 1 bucket list item, a Federer-Nadal Arena but jumped at the chance to watch
“So I immediately pulled out my phone
tickets for $1,900 in the hours before the Chow had seen Federer win his 17th and I started checking flights,” she said, match. And I was only a three-hour flight the final at Margaret Court Arena, which
final on the reselling website Viagogo. Grand Slam title, at Wimbledon in 2012, laughing. “On the car ride home from the away.” the tournament opened up to fans who
“It’s jolly worth it,” said Ye, a Federer and said he felt he “shouldn’t miss this airport. I had just gotten off a 10-and-a- There were no regrets. bought grounds passes for about $23.
fan. “Of course, for him, yeah. But if it one.” So Chow got to witness Federer’s half-hour red-eye, and I started looking “Already after the first set, I sent a They could watch the match on a video
was anyone else, I wouldn’t do it.” 18th Grand Slam title, too, as Federer de- at flights.” message to my family: ‘It’s already screen inside, and the champion visited
Liu, who brought Spanish and Catalan feated Nadal in five sets. Greene booked a refundable flight, ac- worth the money,’” she said. “I already with his trophy after the awards ceremo-
flags to show her support for Nadal, was “It’s pathological; it’s addictive,” Chow counting for a possible quarterfinal loss forgot about the money. This was, hands ny.
equally single-minded. “If only Roger said of his tennis habit. by Federer. When he advanced to the down, the best day of my life.” “It’s a cool idea just to be nearby,” she
plays, I’m not going to buy it, either,” she Juliann Greene, from Kailua, Hawaii, semifinals, she boarded the flight and ar- Despite the possible payoff from said.
Metropolitan Forecast
Regina 10s
TODAY ................................Clouds breaking
e Winnip
i Quebec
Spokane 30s High 36. In the wake of a cold front, a
Halifax Record
Por t and
H Montreal slightly colder day will prevail across the highs
Bismarck Portland
P or
region. Expect clouds and flurries to give
ene Fargo Ottawa
gs Burlington
n on way to some sunshine as high pressure
s Toronto
o Bos
builds toward the area.
n s St. P
S Paul
a Albanyy
40s Pierre TONIGHT ...................................Mainly clear
s M
kkee Buffalo Har
o xFFalls
Fa 30
0 20s New York
N Low 26. High pressure will continue 50°
s Reno
H Cheyen
s Moines
M Chicago
o Cleveland Pittsburgh
building east into the region. This will
Salt Lake
30s result in a mostly clear and dry night. It
City Indianapolis
i Wa
S Fran
San F n
co Denver Kansas will be colder and more seasonable than
ng i Richm
40s Colorado
o Topeka
ka City the past few nights.
e on 40°
n Las Springss 60s St. Louis N
gas Lou
Louisville 40s Normal
TOMORROW ........................Afternoon snow highs
Wichita Raleigh
Los Angel
Ange Santa
ta Fe
e Nashville Charlotte High 38. A fast-moving clipper will ap-
ahoma City Memphis
his proach the area, bringing a mostly cloudy
P hoen
enix Albuquerque
Albuquerq Little Ro
San Diego
o Columb
m sky along with a bit of snow in the after- 30°
ck Atlanta
70s Tuc
uc on
o noon and evening. Little to no accumula-
50s Normal
s El P
Paso Ft. Worth
tion is expected. lows
Jacksonville WEDNESDAY .............................Partly sunny
on Rouge
o Mo
Mobile 60s The system will depart as high pressure 20°
u San Antonio New O
s Hilo
0s 80s H Hou
ouston Orleans Tampa
a starts to build into the region. Periods of
clouds and sunshine will prevail.
Corpus Christi
C 70s
Nassau FRIDAY ...................Some sunshine, colder 10° W T F S S M T W T F
20 10s
0s Weather patterns shown as expected at noon today, Eastern time. Thursday will be seasonable, with more
sunshine than clouds. The high will be 38. TODAY
Friday will be partly sunny and colder, with Forecast
<0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+
Actual range
age a high of 32. High High Record
30s Juneau
eau lows
4 12 6 12 4
Trends Temperature Precipitation
Cities Little Rock
Los Angeles
New Delhi
p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.
Average Average
High/low temperatures for the 16 hours ended at 4 Louisville 39/ 23 0.03 39/ 34 PC 50/ 32 PC Seoul 37/ 29 0.22 27/ 16 S 29/ 21 PC Avg. daily departure Avg. daily departure Below Above Below Above
p.m. yesterday, Eastern time, and precipitation (in Memphis 48/ 34 0.01 57/ 43 S 63/ 45 S Shanghai 71/ 41 0.02 41/ 34 C 46/ 37 PC from normal from normal Last 10 days
inches) for the 16 hours ended at 4 p.m. yesterday. Miami 61/ 53 0.24 73/ 50 S 74/ 59 S Singapore 84/ 76 0.08 85/ 76 C 86/ 75 Sh
this month ............. +5.9° this year ................ +5.9° 30 days
Expected conditions for today and tomorrow. Milwaukee 29/ 15 0.04 30/ 28 Sn 38/ 24 SS Sydney 79/ 72 0 93/ 77 W 94/ 72 W
Mpls.-St. Paul 28/ 19 0.01 36/ 30 Sn 34/ 20 SS Taipei 80/ 63 0 67/ 59 C 66/ 63 C 90 days
C ....................... Clouds S ............................. Sun Nashville 45/ 31 0.02 48/ 39 PC 60/ 36 PC Tehran 41/ 25 0.06 44/ 29 S 47/ 35 PC Reservoir levels (New York City water supply) 365 days
F ............................ Fog Sn ....................... Snow New Orleans 64/ 44 0 68/ 49 S 73/ 55 S Tokyo 53/ 42 0.06 65/ 40 PC 50/ 38 W
H .......................... Haze SS ......... Snow showers Norfolk 53/ 36 0 43/ 27 W 55/ 42 S Yesterday ............... 76% Chart shows how recent temperature and precipitation
Oklahoma City 63/ 33 0 71/ 36 S 66/ 34 S Europe Yesterday Today Tomorrow
I............................... Ice T .......... Thunderstorms Est. normal ............. 88% trends compare with those of the last 30 years.
Omaha 39/ 27 Tr 51/ 30 S 42/ 26 PC Amsterdam 43/ 34 0.26 45/ 32 C 41/ 35 C
PC........... Partly cloudy Tr ........................ Trace Athens 52/ 38 0.01 50/ 40 PC 49/ 36 C
Orlando 60/ 46 0.34 62/ 40 S 70/ 45 S
R ........................... Rain W ....................... Windy Philadelphia 43/ 30 0 39/ 25 Sn 40/ 33 C Berlin 43/ 26 0 37/ 33 Sn 38/ 28 C
Sh ................... Showers –.............. Not available Phoenix
44/ 36 0.15
22/ 8 Tr
49/ 39 R
27/ 18 PC
46/ 45 C
31/ 28 Sn
Recreational Forecast
N.Y.C. region Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Portland, Me. 41/ 20 0 32/ 11 PC 28/ 20 Sn Copenhagen 37/ 30 0.24 38/ 34 C 39/ 33 C
New York City 42/ 35 0 36/ 26 PC 38/ 33 Sn Portland, Ore. 46/ 36 0 47/ 37 C 42/ 31 C Dublin 47/ 31 0.11 53/ 47 R 51/ 38 R Sun, Moon and Planets Mountain and Ocean Temperatures
Bridgeport 44/ 31 0 37/ 23 C 37/ 33 Sn Providence 44/ 24 0 36/ 19 C 35/ 28 Sn Edinburgh 45/ 32 0.01 44/ 41 C 50/ 38 R
Caldwell 42/ 28 0 36/ 21 PC 36/ 29 Sn Raleigh 53/ 31 0 44/ 26 S 61/ 41 S Frankfurt 39/ 27 Tr 44/ 34 Sn 43/ 32 C First Quarter Full Last Quarter New
Danbury 40/ 25 0 34/ 15 C 33/ 27 Sn Reno 40/ 25 0 48/ 30 PC 53/ 35 PC Geneva 43/ 34 0.05 42/ 39 R 45/ 38 Sh Today’s forecast
Islip 42/ 29 0 36/ 20 Sn 36/ 31 C Richmond 50/ 30 0 41/ 24 PC 55/ 37 PC Helsinki 35/ 32 0.02 37/ 25 C 33/ 28 C
Newark 43/ 30 0 38/ 25 PC 38/ 32 Sn Rochester 31/ 18 0.02 24/ 17 SS 34/ 29 Sn Istanbul 43/ 34 0 41/ 32 C 39/ 33 S White
Trenton 41/ 29 0 37/ 22 PC 37/ 30 Sn Sacramento 59/ 34 0 61/ 37 F 58/ 43 PC Kiev 28/ 18 Tr 19/ 6 S 24/ 15 C Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 18 Feb. 26 14/-1 A couple of flurries
White Plains 41/ 28 0 35/ 21 C 35/ 30 Sn Salt Lake City 29/ 18 0 35/ 23 PC 42/ 32 PC Lisbon 61/ 53 0.11 59/ 51 C 56/ 48 R 7:32 p.m. 9:59 a.m.
San Antonio 70/ 43 0 75/ 42 S 76/ 46 S London 50/ 35 0.60 53/ 48 R 55/ 45 Sh Green
United States Yesterday Today Tomorrow 8/-3 A couple of flurries
San Diego 74/ 51 0 76/ 51 S 70/ 51 S Madrid 47/ 35 Tr 55/ 43 PC 59/ 39 PC Sun RISE 7:08 a.m. Moon R 8:39 a.m.
Albany 38/ 19 Tr 30/ 15 PC 31/ 26 Sn Moscow 22/ 13 0 15/ 7 S 20/ 18 Sn
San Francisco 60/ 43 0 62/ 43 PC 60/ 47 PC SET 5:11 p.m. S 8:13 p.m. Adirondacks
Albuquerque 47/ 26 0 51/ 28 S 54/ 29 S Nice 58/ 46 0.05 59/ 45 PC 60/ 49 PC
San Jose 64/ 40 0 67/ 40 PC 66/ 46 PC NEXT R 7:07 a.m. R 9:13 a.m.
Anchorage 25/ 12 0 26/ 23 PC 31/ 20 SS Oslo 34/ 26 0.21 32/ 22 SS 29/ 22 C 14/0 Snow showers 40s
San Juan 88/ 73 0.10 85/ 73 Sh 84/ 74 PC
Atlanta 53/ 33 0.02 52/ 39 S 66/ 46 S Paris 45/ 36 0.10 53/ 50 Sh 54/ 45 Sh Jupiter S 10:21 a.m. Mars R 9:18 a.m.
Seattle 51/ 42 0 47/ 38 C 44/ 30 Sh Berkshires
Atlantic City 46/ 30 0 39/ 28 Sn 45/ 38 C Prague 22/ 12 0 31/ 28 Sn 36/ 26 Sn R 11:08 p.m. S 9:27 p.m.
Sioux Falls 35/ 25 0.01 41/ 27 W 34/ 20 PC 24/8 Times of clouds and sun
Austin 69/ 40 0 77/ 43 S 76/ 48 S Rome 55/ 38 0 57/ 46 S 57/ 47 PC
Spokane 35/ 21 0 34/ 27 C 29/ 17 Sn Saturn R 4:11 a.m. Venus R 8:57 a.m.
Baltimore 45/ 29 0 38/ 26 SS 47/ 33 PC St. Petersburg 35/ 31 0.07 34/ 32 Sn 35/ 24 C
St. Louis 40/ 27 0.03 51/ 38 PC 51/ 32 PC S 1:35 p.m. S 9:05 p.m. Catskills
Baton Rouge 63/ 40 0 69/ 45 S 75/ 52 S Stockholm 36/ 29 0 38/ 26 C 35/ 27 C
St. Thomas 82/ 73 0.06 83/ 73 Sh 84/ 74 PC 22/11 Clouds and sun, a flurry
Birmingham 54/ 33 0 56/ 42 S 68/ 44 S Vienna 24/ 17 0.05 29/ 21 PC 29/ 27 Sn
Syracuse 33/ 18 0.03 25/ 15 SS 32/ 25 Sn Boating
Boise 27/ 12 0 25/ 17 C 32/ 25 C Warsaw 34/ 22 0 34/ 22 PC 35/ 20 PC
Tampa 61/ 53 0.32 64/ 48 PC 70/ 52 PC Poconos
Boston 43/ 26 0 34/ 20 PC 33/ 30 Sn
Toledo 32/ 17 0.07 29/ 25 PC 37/ 25 SS North America Yesterday Today Tomorrow From Montauk Point to Sandy Hook, N.J., out to 20 22/13 Periodic sunshine
Buffalo 28/ 17 0.13 25/ 19 SS 34/ 27 Sn
Tucson 68/ 41 0 74/ 40 S 75/ 40 S nautical miles, including Long Island Sound and New
Burlington 36/ 15 0.05 24/ 10 PC 28/ 20 Sn Tulsa 58/ 34 0 68/ 35 S 63/ 34 PC Acapulco 91/ 70 0 86/ 72 PC 84/ 72 PC
Casper 37/ 25 0 40/ 27 PC 37/ 18 PC York Harbor. Southwest Pa.
Virginia Beach 50/ 36 0 43/ 30 W 55/ 43 S Bermuda 71/ 64 0.02 67/ 60 Sh 64/ 61 PC
Charlotte 53/ 29 0 48/ 31 S 64/ 40 S Wind will be from the north, then northwest at 10-20 24/19 Snow showers 50s
Washington 48/ 32 0 39/ 29 SS 51/ 38 PC Edmonton 37/ 24 0 29/ 16 S 20/ 7 Sn
Chattanooga 48/ 31 0.06 47/ 35 S 64/ 37 S Wichita 57/ 32 0 66/ 30 S 58/ 30 PC Guadalajara 73/ 40 0 77/ 45 PC 74/ 44 R knots. Waves will be 2-5 feet on the ocean and 2 feet
Chicago 27/ 15 0.01 29/ 28 Sn 38/ 26 SS Wilmington, Del. 43/ 28 0 39/ 23 Sn 41/ 33 C Havana 70/ 63 0.21 72/ 58 PC 73/ 57 PC or less on Long Island Sound and on New York Harbor.
Cincinnati 34/ 19 0.03 33/ 29 PC 45/ 32 W Kingston 88/ 76 0.01 87/ 73 PC 87/ 74 PC
West Virginia
Visibility will be clear to the horizon. 60s
Cleveland 33/ 23 0.06 29/ 25 SS 40/ 29 Sn Africa Yesterday Today Tomorrow Martinique 84/ 73 0.01 83/ 70 PC 85/ 71 PC 22/18 A snow shower in the a.m.
Colorado Springs 56/ 29 0 58/ 29 S 60/ 31 PC Algiers 58/ 47 0.18 63/ 44 S 68/ 47 S Mexico City 67/ 41 0 71/ 46 PC 72/ 48 PC High Tides
Columbus 34/ 22 0.01 31/ 28 PC 42/ 31 C Cairo 61/ 48 0 63/ 47 PC 64/ 48 Sh Monterrey 65/ 36 0.01 69/ 44 PC 76/ 46 PC Color bands
Concord, N.H. 39/ 17 0 33/ 11 PC 29/ 22 Sn Cape Town 77/ 59 0 74/ 58 PC 76/ 62 S Montreal 32/ 27 0.05 19/ 8 PC 23/ 9 C Atlantic City ................... 8:47 a.m. .............. 9:10 p.m. Blue Ridge indicate water
Dallas-Ft. Worth 65/ 39 0 73/ 45 S 75/ 47 S Dakar 76/ 66 0 76/ 66 S 75/ 65 PC Nassau 79/ 66 0.03 75/ 60 PC 75/ 62 S Barnegat Inlet ................ 8:59 a.m. .............. 9:24 p.m. 30/23 A snow shower in the a.m. temperature.
Denver 57/ 30 0 59/ 32 PC 61/ 28 PC Johannesburg 79/ 55 0 75/ 62 T 78/ 58 C Panama City 93/ 71 0 90/ 70 PC 90/ 73 PC The Battery .................... 9:28 a.m. .............. 9:56 p.m.
Des Moines 36/ 27 0.01 44/ 31 PC 39/ 26 PC Nairobi 84/ 55 0 82/ 58 PC 82/ 59 PC Quebec City 30/ 16 0.03 20/ 0 C 13/ 3 PC Beach Haven ............... 10:26 a.m. ............ 10:52 p.m.
Detroit 33/ 20 0.02 29/ 25 PC 37/ 27 Sn Tunis 59/ 45 0.04 60/ 44 PC 63/ 45 S Santo Domingo 86/ 66 0.02 87/ 67 PC 88/ 66 PC Bridgeport ................... 12:29 a.m. ............ 12:44 p.m.
El Paso 57/ 32 0 62/ 34 S 66/ 37 S Toronto 29/ 21 0.08 25/ 16 PC 31/ 26 Sn City Island .................... 12:09 a.m. ............ 12:25 p.m.
A colder day will prevail across the region,
Fargo 30/ 26 Tr 38/ 30 Sn 31/ 8 SS Asia/Pacific Yesterday Today Tomorrow Vancouver 46/ 37 0.06 45/ 32 C 42/ 25 PC
Hartford 40/ 23 0 34/ 16 C 32/ 27 Sn Baghdad 53/ 38 0.02 53/ 35 S 58/ 37 S Fire Island Lt. ................. 9:54 a.m. ............ 10:20 p.m. with a mix of clouds and sunshine. A
Winnipeg 18/ 9 0.02 32/ 23 Sn 26/ -5 Sn
Honolulu 78/ 66 0.02 79/ 65 W 78/ 66 PC Bangkok 91/ 71 0 92/ 71 S 92/ 71 S Montauk Point .............. 10:28 a.m. ............ 10:56 p.m. storm in the upper atmosphere will
Houston 66/ 44 0 74/ 47 S 75/ 55 S Beijing 37/ 22 0 34/ 13 PC 37/ 16 S South America Yesterday Today Tomorrow Northport ..................... 12:31 a.m. ............ 12:46 p.m.
Indianapolis 30/ 16 0.01 32/ 28 PC 41/ 28 W Damascus 44/ 20 0 50/ 27 S 51/ 27 S Buenos Aires 91/ 69 0 96/ 76 S 87/ 71 C Port Washington .......... 12:20 a.m. ............ 12:34 p.m. produce a few flurries and heavier snow
Jackson 58/ 37 0 65/ 44 S 72/ 49 S Hong Kong 71/ 66 0 74/ 60 C 69/ 61 PC Caracas 88/ 75 0 88/ 76 PC 87/ 73 PC Sandy Hook ................... 9:08 a.m. .............. 9:34 p.m. showers. Highs will range from the teens
Jacksonville 62/ 37 0 59/ 36 S 71/ 45 S Jakarta 84/ 75 0.28 86/ 75 T 85/ 74 Sh Lima 85/ 74 0 86/ 74 PC 86/ 74 PC Shinnecock Inlet ............ 9:01 a.m. .............. 9:29 p.m.
Kansas City 43/ 27 0 55/ 30 S 48/ 28 PC Jerusalem 49/ 35 Tr 52/ 38 S 48/ 38 Sh Quito 69/ 52 0.26 67/ 52 R 68/ 51 Sh Stamford ...................... 12:32 a.m. ............ 12:47 p.m.
in the north to the low 30s in the south. A
Key West 67/ 60 0.11 73/ 60 PC 71/ 65 S Karachi 79/ 56 0 78/ 60 PC 83/ 58 PC Recife 88/ 77 0.07 88/ 78 Sh 87/ 79 Sh Tarrytown ..................... 11:17 a.m. ............ 11:45 p.m. fast-moving clipper system will bring
Las Vegas 59/ 40 0 61/ 41 PC 64/ 43 S Manila 86/ 72 0.17 86/ 75 T 87/ 75 T Rio de Janeiro 93/ 77 0.02 91/ 77 PC 91/ 77 PC
Lexington 36/ 20 0.02 35/ 31 PC 48/ 32 PC Mumbai 93/ 70 0 91/ 73 PC 91/ 72 PC Santiago 93/ 64 0 94/ 62 S 93/ 60 S
Willets Point ................. 12:13 a.m. ............ 12:26 p.m. some snow later tonight and tomorrow.