A Critical Review On Buckling and Post-Buckling Analysis

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A critical review on buckling and post-buckling analysis of composite


Article · August 2013


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Washington State University

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Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering Volume 2 Issue 3, August 2013 www.fae-journal.org

A Critical Review on Buckling and Post-

Buckling Analysis of Composite Structures
Jifeng Xu1, Qun Zhao*2, Pizhong Qiao3
Division of Composite Materials and Structures, Beijing Aeronautical Science & Technology Research Institute,

Beijing 100083, P.R. China

3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State University

Pullman, WA 99164-2910, USA

[email protected]; *[email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract structures. Both Boeing and Airbus have significantly

Main buckling and post-buckling analysis methods for increased the proportion of composites in their new
composite structures are presented, along with the generation of airliners, with reduced structural weight
discussion on their potential challenges in handling the and the improved flight performance. For the
accuracy of prediction. Common buckling and post-buckling requirement of vibration/noise control, the application
behaviors of composite structures are described, and the of composites in helicopters is even more appealing.
capabilities of corresponding analysis techniques are
The increased proportion of composites in structure
reviewed. Compared with the structures made of metals, the
design has become one important index to gauge the
anisotropy of composite materials is one of the key
difference which could be considered in constitutive advancement of a new type of aircraft.
relations for buckling analysis. Commonly used analytical Anisotropic composites provide more design freedom
buckling prediction methodologies are based on the energy
than conventional materials. However, their increased
principle for approximation; while post-buckling
amount of design parameters incurs some difficulties
investigations usually require iteration algorithms such as
the arc-length method etc. to trace the entire equilibrium in structural analysis. As shell structures, thin
path. Semi-analytical methods, such as finite strip method, composite laminated plates might buckle before they
are also effective algorithms to predict critical buckling loads, reach the strength limit. Buckling of engineering
and they could significantly save computing resources structures may occur in a variety of forms, such as
compared with full numerical analysis models. Practical global or local deflections, and they might lead to the
engineering structures are usually under elastically collapse of structures. Hence, avoiding buckling
supported boundary conditions, and the buckling behaviors
failure is an essential criterion in design of structural
of composite panels under elastic constraints are also
discussed. This brief review is intended to help the readers components. Although a lot of researchers have
in identifying starting points for research in analysis of proved that structures still have the load carrying
buckling and post-buckling behavior of composite structures capacities in their post-buckling phase, the failure
and in designing composite structures against buckling. modes, such as fatigue characteristics, delamination
Keywords status, etc., could not be accurately predicted. In
aviation industry, buckling and excessive nonlinear
Composite Structures; Buckling; Post-Buckling; Structural
deformation on some key parts of aircraft is not
Analysis; Shell Structures; Anisotropy
acceptable because of their effect on aerodynamic
performance. Transverse shear flexibility effects of
composite panels also become more pronounced due
Composites have been widely utilized in engineering to their low ratios of transverse shear to in-plane
structures since 1960s in the last century, and in some moduli, and to attain exact analytical solutions is
aspects they provide higher mechanical and chemical relatively difficult for anisotropic plates. Therefore, the
performances than their counterpart-metals, such as instability of laminated structures is one of the most
specific strength, corrosion resistance, etc. Therefore, complex problems in structural mechanics, and a
the design and analysis methods of composite series of research work has been carried out in the past
structures have been more and more widely decades. A pre-research project POSICOSS (Improved
investigated, especially for large scale engineering POstbuckling SImulation for Design of Fibre
structures such as flight vehicles and marine COmposite Stiffened Fuselage Structures) started in

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Europe since 2000 with main purpose to develop fast ratio), but also the anisotropic material property
and reliable procedures for post-buckling analysis should be considered in composite panels since it
of fibre composite airframe structures, create could also affect the buckling deformation forms.
experimental data base, and propose design guidelines.
Theoretically, structures could still bear extra loads in
Another project COCOMAT (Improved MATerial
their post-buckling phase. However, due to the
Exploitation at Safe Design of COmposite Airframe
bending and torque moment on the node and antinode
Structures by Accurate Simulation of COllapse) was
lines of buckling waveshape, composite parts might
carried out to explore the accurate and reliable
debond from each other. Some other research studies
analysis methods of post-buckling up to collapse, and
found that the extremely large deformation might
a series of simulation principles for buckling behaviors
cause delamination between layers, and the initial
was investigated. In structures made of composites,
buckling loads of delaminated composite panels are
the parts are usually thin-walled components.
significantly lower than those in ideal situation. The
Composite orthotropic panels have similar geometric
crack propagation and fatigue prediction models in
equations with isotropic materials, and the only
buckling conditions still need to be investigated, and
difference is between their constitutive relations; thus,
the problem might be too complex to give
the classical computing methods, such as energy
consideration of all the failure states in a single
method, finite deference, finite element method, etc.,
analysis model. In engineering design, only some
are still suitable for buckling analysis of composite
specific buckling characters are considered to be most
structures by recognizing orthotropic nature of the
effective on structural performance, such as the
material in the stiffness formulae. Finite element
instability features under axial compressive or in-
analysis could provide high precision in predicting
plane shearing load. On the other hand, the analyzed
mechanical features of detailed parts, while analytical
buckling character might be quite different from those
solutions provide higher computing efficiency for
of practical structures if some detailed features are not
preliminary design. In this paper, some most
considered appropriately, and they are elaborated in
concerned buckling features as well as their commonly
the following sections.
used analysis methodologies of composite engineering
structures are discussed that could provide a general Initial Geometrical Imperfection
overview for buckling prediction and design of
Generally, structure components could not be in ideal
composite structures.
shape due to the limitation of manufacture or
Buckling Problem of Composite Structures assembling. Initial imperfections include geometrical
imperfections, local ply-gaps, non-uniform applied
The equilibrium displacement of the structure carrying end loads, and variations of boundary conditions etc.,
certain external load might become extremely large if from which the initial geometrical imperfection is of
the load reaches a critical level and increases further most concern. Without the perturbation caused by
by a tiny quantity. The state at such a critical load level imperfections, a finite element model with ideal shape
is generally called buckling, and the corresponding could only represent the transmission of stress wave,
load is considered to be the critical buckling load. and no buckling deformation will be predicted in
Buckling failure is usually caused by elastic instability. nonlinear analysis. Geometrical imperfection could be
Due to thin-walled configurations, and plate/shell in various forms, but it usually could not be exactly
structures are more likely to buckle under compressive represented in a numerical model. Generally, the
loads. External load usually represents nonlinear normalized buckling wave, obtained from eigenvalue
relationship with the structural deformation in buckling analysis, could be considered as an
buckling phase, and the gradient of load-deflection approximation of imperfection. Therefore, the
curve might be significantly decreased, representing introduction of the perturbation could be treated into
the decrease of structural stiffness. In a complex two steps: eigenvalue buckling analysis is first processed
structure, various buckling modes might occur to obtain the critical loads and deflection modes, and the
according to the matching relationship between deformation form is then defined on the structure by a
structural layout, stiffness parameters, dimensions of small magnitude as geometric imperfections to process
components etc. For an isotropic plate, the buckling nonlinear post-buckling calculation. Linear buckling
waveshape is mainly related to its aspect ratio. In mode could provide accurate simulation of various
contrast, not only the dimensions (e.g., the aspect geometrical imperfections, whereas different perturbation

Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering Volume 2 Issue 3, August 2013 www.fae-journal.org

forms might lead to different instability modes. Delamination usually involves contact leading to
Therefore, the analysis results still need to be corrected nonlinear post-buckling problems, and analytical
by experimental data. Some researchers discussed models might not give consideration of all the
such simulation method of initial imperfections in factors simultaneously. Numerical simulations and
ABAQUS environment, by employing the reduction experiments are needed to provide further investigation
integration element as well as the larger load on the phenomenon. Virtual crack closure technique
increment before nonlinear response occurs, and (VCCT) and cohesive interface element model are
nearly 75% of computational time was reduced commonly used in the finite element analysis of
without losing the accuracy of analysis. delamination features. The two methods employ
similar principle, and they simulate the crack
Delamination-Driven Buckling propagation by the energy release rate criterion. The
Impact of foreign objects or improper manufacture principle of VCCT is based on classical fracture
mechanics, which investigates the behavior of crack
may cause delamination in composite panels, which is
propagation when an initial crack is designated. While
one of the most dominant damage forms of composite
cohesive element is a numerical model based on
structures, and it may lead to significant reductions in
damage mechanics, in which the stiffnesses of the
their load-carrying capacity. Delamination crack may
element decrease when passing a critical stress, until a
grow rapidly under compressive load, which is far
complete failure is achieved, and then the bonding
different from metallic materials whose fatigue fracture
element is eliminated to simulate the propagation of a
occurs under extensional settings. Fibre microbuckling
fracture. Therefore, the entire process of crack initiation
in delamination decreases the compressive strength of
to propagation could be analyzed by cohesive models.
composite panels, and prediction models based on
Delamination-driven buckling is a highly nonlinear and
ideal assumptions may overestimate the critical load.
discontinuous problem, and the potential fracture area
Some researchers found that the compressive strength
should be densely meshed to obtain a converged result.
of composite panels is generally 30-40% lower than the Therefore, the computational efficiency of the implicit
tensile strength due to fibre microbuckling in algorithm based on arc-length method still needs to be
delamination. Therefore, the prediction of delamination- improved.
driven buckling becomes an important branch of
composite structural analysis. Thermomechanical Buckling
A significant amount of research has been devoted to At high temperatures, composite plates are found to
the buckling and post-buckling behavior of buckle without the application of mechanical loads.
delaminated composite laminates, including analytical, Hence, buckling characteristics of composite panels
numerical and experimental studies. Chai et al. under thermal loads have to be understood. Besides
investigated failure inside the laminated plates using a finite element methods, thermomechanical buckling
simple one-dimensional analytical model. The could also be predicted using approximation theories
delamination area subdivides a square panel into four such as energy principles, etc. Shen developed a
regions in their model, and for its simplicity, it was higher-order shear deformation plate theory to study
also developed into further steps by some other the thermal buckling of a simply supported composite
researchers. Suemasu studied the post-buckling laminated plate subjected to uniform and non-uniform
behaviors of composite panels with multiple tent-like temperature loading. A mixed Galerkin-
delaminations, in which an analytical method was perturbation technique is used to determine thermal
formulated on the basis of Rayleigh-Ritz energy buckling loads and post-buckling equilibrium paths.
approximation technique, and the contact between Various design parameters have been taken into
delaminated surfaces is considered by the constrained account to investigate their effect on thermal buckling
points in the delaminated area. Zhang and Wang behavior. The results show that the characteristics of
discussed a layer-wise B-spline finite strip method thermal post-buckling are significantly influenced by
with consideration of delamination surfaces to study the transverse shear deformation, thermal load ratio,
the post-buckling behavior of debonded composite plate aspect ratio, fiber orientation and initial
laminates under in-plane loads, and their result geometrical imperfection, whereas the total number of
showed that initial buckling load of delaminated plies has rather less effect. Different computational
composite laminates is often much lower than the methods used for high temperature composite panels
intact laminate buckling load. were reviewed by Noor and Burton. Topal et al.

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presented optimal design of laminated plates methods are considered to predict the buckling load.
subjected to uniformly distributed temperature. The Athiannan compared the result of Timoshenko’s
modified feasible direction method was employed to classical formula with experimental data in the shear
maximize the critical temperature and the fibre buckling problem of a cylindrical shell, and the result
orientation was considered as design variable, in showed an acceptable accuracy. The buckling analysis
which the buckling displacement field is expressed algorithms involve complex elastic/plastic theories,
according to the first-order shear deformation theory. and even for a single square panel, high order partial
Based on the similar algorithm, Ahmed et al. studied differential equations need to be solved to determine
the thermomechanical buckling of composite panels the critical load. The most commonly used buckling
with circular cutouts, and the effects of the variations analysis method is based on classical linear buckling
in design parameters, such as hole diameter, stacking theories, which assume that the structure might
sequence, etc., were investigated. Other researchers collapse as soon as the external load reaches its critical
evaluated the thermal post-buckling behavior of value. Linear buckling theories were oriented from
graphite/epoxy laminated plates in various boundary Euler’s investigation on the carrying ability of columns,
conditions using finite element method, in which the and they were then improved by Timoshenko in shell
nonlinear governing equations were solved as a structures. Linear buckling theories were preliminary
sequence of linear eigenvalue problems to trace the based on the assumption of small deflection and linear
thermal post-buckling path. For simplicity, the elasticity without considering the effect of initial
material properties were assumed to be independent imperfection or deformation. While nonlinear
of temperature in many studies. buckling theories were developed to simulate the post-
buckling behaviors with higher precision, which could
Methods for Buckling Analysis of Composite trace the load-deformation relationship by the
Structures iteration methods. However, the iteration-based
nonlinear algorithm requires much more computation.
The main purpose of buckling analysis is to predict the With the development of improved computer
critical load and buckling deformation, from which the performance and finite element methods, nonlinear
buckling resistance and carrying capacity of the algorithms have become common in engineering
structure can be understood. For an isotropic panel, analysis.
the critical buckling load usually depends on the
aspect ratio and the stiffness. In contrast, analysis of Numerical Analysis Based on Finite Element Models
composite panels must also consider the effect of
The state-of-art in buckling analysis of laminated
anisotropy, which makes the problem more complex.
plates was discussed by some experts such as Leissa
In engineering field, the stacking sequence of the
and Chia et al. Finite element method (FEM) has
laminated plate is generally designed to be symmetric
become one of the most widely used and dependable
and balanced to avoid unpredictable warp deflections.
tools, which can provide meaningful and accurate
The critical load of a balanced symmetric or
results regardless of the complexities in geometry,
orthotropic laminated plate could be estimated by:
material properties, boundary conditions and loading.
2π 2 D22  D11 ( D + 2 D66 )  While the usage of FEM is not without problems, and
=N cort α + β 12  (1)
shear locking might be one of the challenges, which
b  D22 D22 
where Dij (i,j=1,2,6) represents the bending stiffness usually occurs in lower-order quadrilateral element
coefficients of the laminate, and α and β are the based on the first-order shear deformation theory.
correction factors determined by the boundary Shear locking elements might exhibit high stiffening
support conditions of the panel. Experimental data behavior leading to higher buckling loads. Many
could be employed to adjust the correction factors in techniques have been tried over the years to overcome
empirical formulas. Generally, experiments should be this shear locking phenomenon. Singh et al. developed
conducted to obtain the crucial data for typical an accurate four-node plate element to deal with shear
structures, which could be summarized into design locking problem in buckling analysis. Their element
curves, correction factors, formulas etc. These employs coupled displacement field which is derived
empirical data provide reliable and simplified models using static equations of equilibrium. For buckling
for specific problems. For more complex structures, analysis, finite element theory could be mainly
finite element model or some other approximation classified into two categories: one is basically the

Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering Volume 2 Issue 3, August 2013 www.fae-journal.org

linear method which determines buckling load by transient dynamic event, or the continuation methods
eigenvalue extraction, and the other is the incremental might lead to difficulties when simulating this
arc-length method in combination with Newton- phenomena. Thus, the explicit dynamic analysis might
Raphson iteration to trace the load direction and path, be needed to depict the highly non-linear transient
which could handle nonlinear problems. responses. However, the inefficient iterations for the
convergence might be the main limitation of the
In linear buckling analysis, the critical load and
explicit algorithm.
buckling mode are obtained by solving the eigenvalue
of stiffness matrix in linear system. Linear buckling Analytical Solutions for Buckling Problems
problem of finite element analysis could be expressed
Numerical finite element models could provide
as [1]:
precise prediction of mechanical features but requires
[ K ] − λ  K g   {δ } =
0 (2)
  large amount of computational resources, which might
where [K] and [Kg] are the global elastic stiffness be more suitable for detailed analysis rather than
matrix and geometric stiffness matrix, respectively. λ overall demonstration of structural performance.
and {δ} represent the eigenvalue and displacement Instability behaviors of composite structures are
eigenvector, respectively. The minimum value of λ usually caused by in-plane compressive or shearing
corresponds to the normalized initial buckling load, loads, and analytical methods for some simplified
which is usually called the buckling factor, and the structures at component level are still widely
corresponding eigenvector gives the mode shape. One investigated for their acceptable accuracy and high
of the most commonly used eigenvalue extraction calculation efficiency. Some researchers completed the
algorithm is Lanczos method. This method could optimization of a rocket launch structure by analytical
reduce the number of non-zero elements in the approximation, and the result proved that the
coefficient matrix of eigenvalue equation by Lanczos stiffened shell structure could save more than 40% of
vector, and it extracts multiple orders of eigenvalues structural weight compared to that of unsitffened
with high efficiency. Eigenvalue buckling analysis thick panel under buckling constraints. Another
could not trace the actual deformation. Without investigation optimized the layout of a composite
considering the effect of dynamic deflection and initial wing structure considering various buckling modes,
imperfection, the linear buckling model might slightly and they combined empirical equation with surrogate
over-estimate the carrying capacity of structures. model to predict local buckling features for composite
However, they usually provide high computing wing panels. Approximation models for buckling
efficiency and are widely used for the prediction of problems usually employ energy principle or semi-
overall structural performance. analytical approaches to determine the critical
buckling load of structures, of which the Rayleigh-Ritz
Post-buckling characters usually represent extremely method, Kantorovich method, finite strip method, etc.
large deflections and need non-linear algorithm for are commonly used. Most analytical methods are
prediction. In non-linear incremental approach, the governed by orthotropic or anisotropic plate buckling
displacement increment iterates along the load theory for laminates which are symmetrically stacked
equilibrium path, which is usually called the arc- with respect to the plate mid-plane. Unsymmetrical
length method. The solution is searched using laminates require a more complicated theory with
incremental and iterative algorithm, where the loads bending-stretching coupling.
are applied by a serial of steps. For each load level an
1) Rayleigh-Ritz Method
iterative process is performed in order to reduce the
errors transferred to the next load level. Thus the Based on energy variational theory to solve the
entire load-deformation path could be traced. Lee buckling loads, energy principle is one of the most
proposed a modified explicit arc-length method by commonly used theories for the approximation of
combining dynamic relaxation with kinetic damping buckling analysis. The crucial step of this method is
technique, which does not require the computation of to select an appropriate displacement shape
tangent stiffness matrix to search the equilibrium path. function in order to properly describe the
For some highly non-linear structural instability deflection of the plate in its buckled state and at the
problems, such as buckling mode-switching, either the same time to satisfy the boundary conditions. The
classical arc-length method might become less critical buckling load is then obtained by solving
effective, since the problem could be considered as a characteristic equation according to the minimum

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potential energy principle. Rayleigh-Ritz energy ABAQUS computed data.

method is proved to be effective in analyzing the
2) Galerkin Method
global buckling load of orthotropic plates.
According to its principle, the total potential Galerkin method is another effective algorithm for
energy should be a minimum to make equilibrium solving differential equations, and it could also be
stable, and the corresponding forces are critical used to establish an eigenvalue problem for linear
buckling loads. The total energy Π of the system buckling analysis. Galerkin equation system could
could be expressed by the algebraic be given by:
superimposition of the potential energy V
introduced by the external forces and the strain
∫∫ L(ω )ϕ ( x, y)dxdy = 0
i (6)
where L(ω) is the governing differential equation of
energy U, respectively, which is represented in the
the panel, and the shape function could has a
mathematical form as:
similar form as that in equation (4). Equation (6)
Π U (ω ) + V (ω )
= (3) could also be considered as a linear equation
Based on the theory of elasticity, U and V could be system of Ci. For a nonzero solution, the coefficient
expressed by the equations including displacement determinant should be equal to zero. Thus, an
shape function ω(x,y) as: eigenvalue problem could be obtained for buckling
 1 ∂ 2ω 2 ∂ 2ω ∂ 2ω ∂ 2ω 2 load, which is similar with the principle of the Ritz
=U 2 ∫∫ [ D11 ( ∂x 2 ) + 2 D12 ∂x 2 ∂y 2 D 22 ( ∂y 2 )
 method. Fiorenzo and Erasmo investigated the
 ∂ω 2 ∂ 2ω ∂ 2ω ∂ 2ω 2 accuracy of plate theories for buckling and
+4( D16 2 + D26 2 ) + 4 D66 ( ) ]dxdy
 ∂x ∂y ∂x∂y ∂x∂y vibration analysis, and the results were obtained
 2
based on both the Ritz and Galerkin methods.
 ∂ω   ∂ω 
 1
2 ∫∫
=V [ N x  + N y  (4) When the boundary terms in the governing
  ∂x   ∂y 
 ∂ω ∂ω equations are neglected, the two methodologies
+2 N xy ]dxdy lead to the same results. Jaberzadeh formulated the
 ∂x ∂y
 n mathematical relationship between buckling
ω ( x, y ) = ∑ Ciϕi ( x, y ) capacity and the plate aspect ratio, as well as the
 i =1
boundary rotational stiffness using Galerkin
The shape function usually consists of polynomials method. The contribution of rotational constraint
with the undetermined coefficients Ci. The stiffness is converted into part of the strain energy,
minimum potential energy could be obtained by which could be considered as an effective
finding the first derivative of the total potential approximation for the elastically-constrained
energy with respect to these unknown constants boundaries.
and equating it to zero:
Based on the first-order shear deformation theory,
∂ ∏ / ∂Ci = 0 (5)
a modified meshless Galerkin method is used for
This expression could be considered as a system of solving buckling problems. The meshless method
linear equations with respect to constant Ci, and it discretizes the structure by a series of distributive
results in an eigenvalue problem. By solving the nodes. The approximative solution could be
minimum eigenvalue, the critical buckling load derived by interpolation among these nodes. The
could be obtained. meshless Gelerkin method could be used to
In most cases, the Ritz method could derive an establish the stiffness equation, and then the
explicit result for buckling load. Therefore, the governing equations of buckling behaviour could
prediction of critical load does not require much be derived by combining the stiffness matrix and
computing resources, which is one of the main stress matrix. Since meshless method does not rely
advantages of the analytical methods. Eirik et al. on finite elements, some problems caused by mesh
developed an analytical model for buckling analysis distorsion can be avoided by this approximation
of stiffened panels, where the computational model model
was prompted by considering the stiffened panel
3) Finite Strip Method
as a plate with anisotropic stiffness coefficients,
and the Ritz energy principle is utilized to derive In the analysis of shell structures, the finite strip
the equilibrium equation. Their results have method (FSM) could be considered as an efficient
demonstrated a satisfactory agreement with method to predict buckling loads, which is under

Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering Volume 2 Issue 3, August 2013 www.fae-journal.org

wide investigations. The major two variants of FSM post-buckling analysis of composite laminated
are semi-analytical FSM (S-A FSM) and the spline plates subjected to progressive uniform end
FSM (SFSM). The basic difference between them shortening, using the spline finite strip method
lies in the longitudinal representation of the with both classical plate theory and shear
displacements. In the semi-analytical FSM, the deformation plate theories. Ovesy and Assaee
representation of a displacement quantity in the developed a non-linear multi-term finite strip
longitudinal direction is by a series of smooth, method for the post-buckling analysis of thin-walled
continuous analytical functions which run the symmetric cross-ply laminated plates under
whole length of the structure. While in the spline uniform end shortening. Their method was based
FSM or SFSM, a displacement function is on solving von Karman’s compatibility equation to
represented in the longitudinal direction by a series obtain mid-plane stresses and displacements, and
of local, polynomial spline functions. Compared then, by invoking the principle of the minimum
with the former one, the spline FSM is a more potential energy, the equilibrium equations of finite
versatile procedure, with the advantage that the strips were derived. The results were discussed in
longitudinal expression remains the same detail and compared with those obtained from the
whenever the end condition change. The basic finite element analysis, which provided confidence
philosophy of FSM is to discretize the structures in the validity and capability of the developed
into longitudinal strips and interpolate the finite strip model in handling the post-buckling
behavior in the axial direction by different problem.
functions, which could be considered as some kind
Finite strip method invokes analytical shape
of simplified finite element method in which a
functions and discretization model in longitudinal
special element called strip is used. Since
and transverse directions, respectively, and it
discretization is only applied in one direction (i.e.,
combines the merits of both analytical and numerical
in the transverse or circumferential direction) and
methods and provides satisfactory accuracy as well
the other direction (i.e., the longitudinal direction)
as computational efficiency, especially in the
of the panel employs analytical functions, a finite
buckling problems of plate/shell structures. The
strip model has much fewer degrees of freedom
determination of shape functions for the finite strip is
than the finite element model. Therefore, it could
a main issue of FSM. An unreasonable deflection
be more computationally efficient.
shape function might cause difficulties in post-
A great deal of research has been carried out to buckling analysis and at the same time could affect
investigate the applicability of the finite strip accuracy of solutions. To provide higher accuracy for
method. Subsequently, many useful extensions have complex engineering structures is another challenge
been developed. Wang investigated analysis of such a semi-analytical method, which is based on
capability of predicting the bucking stresses of simplified mathematical models. Therefore, further
prismatic shell structures using B-spline FSM. Dawe investigations need to be processed to improve the
et al. studied the response of plates using the semi- practicability of this method.
analytical finite strip method for plates with
4) Kantorovich Method
symmetric initial imperfection, in which the
geometric functions were represented by Fourier Some researchers developed another algorithm
series. Ovesy described both spline and S-A FSM for named Kantorovich method based on the
predicting the post-buckling response of composite variational principle, which is another semi-
laminated plates with initial imperfections, in which analytical method requiring iteration to reduce a
the geometric nonlinearity was introduced in the set of governing partial differential equations into
strain-displacement equations in the manner of von the governing ordinary differential equations
Karman assumptions, and the formulations of the (ODE), and the converged solution could be
finite strip methods were based on the concept of considered as the critical load. Computation
the principle of the minimum potential energy. examples show that the convergence of solutions of
Their study of the results revealed that the Kantorovich method is very fast. The iterative
buckling response of composite panels is strongly equations can be derived either by using the
influenced by the form and magnitude of initial Galerkin equation or other approximations based
imperfections. Some other researchers studied the on the principle of minimum total potential energy

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for eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The iteration rotation provided by stiffeners was taken into
procedure is repeated until the eigenvalue account through a Saint-Venant torsion bar. Paik
converges to a specific value of critical buckling and Thayamballi developed simple design
load. Since the displacement functions could be formulations for buckling strength as a function of
automatically forced to satisfy the boundary the torsional rigidity of support members, and the
conditions during the iterations, an advantage of result demonstrated that, as the stiffness of stiffener
this method is that the initial assumed becomes larger, its enhancement effect increases
displacement function in the first iteration could be nonlinearly from the initial value of a simply
arbitrarily selected regardless of the type of supported boundary to that of a clamped boundary.
boundary conditions. By applying Ritz method to an eigenvalue problem,
Qiao and Zou derived the explicit solution of
5) Approximation of Elastically Restrained buckling load for orthotropic panels carrying non-
Boundaries uniform compression and elastically restrained at
Approximate analytical methods usually make the unloaded edges. By weighting the buckling
some significant simplification for composite shape functions corresponding to simply
plate/shell structures. Theoretical analysis of supported and clamped boundary conditions, the
composite structures at component level usually buckling load of the composite plate with one free
considers that the composite panels are pinned or edge and the other rotationally restrained was
rigidly supported by other adjacent structures, derived in their further research. Their work
which might be difficult to achieve in real practice. verified that the 1st order variational theorem of
Boundary supports in real structures usually potential energy is very effective for solving critical
provide finite value of rigidity, which is in contrast buckling load of orthotropic plates with elastically-
supported boundaries, and comparison with
to the idealized simply or clamped supported
existing formulas and with the finite element
boundary conditions. Design guidelines for
computations leads to an excellent agreement. A
restraning capacity might lead to conservative
comparison of finite element model with the
result if they are based on the simply supported
analytical method is represented in literature, in
boundary conditions. More accurate buckling
which the local buckling load of a stiffened
analysis could lead to a lighter weight design;
structure is analysed. The relative error of
therefore, the elasticity of boundary constraint
approximzation model lies between 0.62% and
should be taken into account.
3.0%, which demonstrates the feasibility of the
The methods referring to buckling analyses with analytical method for design purpose.
elastic restraints are applied mainly to flat plates,
Buckling behaviors of composite structures are
and then extended into stiffened orthotropic panels,
sensitive to the layout and shape of components,
which is a typical structure form in engineering
and the deformation mode might be transformed
field. Most of the analytical buckling approaches
during the optimized iteration process. Finite
are based on the energy principles, where the
element analysis could not usually guarantee the
contribution of boundary constraint elasticity is
continuity of the optimization model, and the non-
considered as one additional term in the expression
gradient based algorithms might be needed to
of structural deformation energy. Stamatelos et al.
solve the problem, which requires large amount of
considered a segment of stiffened panel and
computing resources. One advantage of the
replaced the stiffeners by equivalent transverse and
analytical method is that it could provide closed-
rotational springs of varying stiffnesses, which act
form prediction models for various buckling
as the elastic edge supports. The buckling analysis
modes, and therefore, the follow-up optimization
was processed based on the Ritz energy method,
could be processed with high efficiency using the
and a comparison of their methodology results to
gradient based methods, which is more suitable for
respective finite element results demonstrated a
the evaluation of overall structural performance.
satisfactory agreement. Bisagni developed an
analytical formulation for local buckling and post-
Concluding Remarks
buckling analysis of isotropic and laminated
stiffened plates. The structure was evaluated Commonly used buckling analysis methods for
considering the skin of the stiffened plate located composite structures are discussed, and the potential
between two stiffeners. The restraint to plate edge challenges of these methods in accurate buckling and

Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering Volume 2 Issue 3, August 2013 www.fae-journal.org

post-buckling analysis are critically reviewed. in Engineering 37(1994): 229-256.

Anisotropic characteristics of composites could affect
Bisagni C, Vescovini R. “Analytical Formulation for Local
buckling behaviors, which makes the problem more
Buckling and Post-buckling Analysis of Stiffened
complicated than metallic materials of isotropic nature.
Composites have some special failure mode due to Laminated Panels.” Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009):
buckling deformation, such as delamination, which 318-334.
might affect buckling resistance of the structure, and Buermann P, Rolfes R, Tessmer J, et al. “A Semi-Analytical
analysis algorithms considering some detailed Model for Local Post-buckling Analysis of Stringer and
imperfections need further investigations. The
Frame Stiffened Cylindrical Panels.” Thin-Walled
prediction of the critical buckling load could be
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characteristic system of equations. Energy variational Bui T. Q, Nguyen M. N, Zhang C. H. "Buckling analysis of
theory has been proved effective by a number of Reissner–Mindlin plates subjected to in-plane edge loads
approximation models. In contrast, the iteration process using a shear-locking-free and meshfree method."
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trace the equilibrium path. Semi-analytical method is
another effective approach to analyze buckling and post-
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