Three-Dimensional Analysis For The Effect of Piles Geometry and Arrangement On The Dynamic Response of Piled Raft Foundation
Three-Dimensional Analysis For The Effect of Piles Geometry and Arrangement On The Dynamic Response of Piled Raft Foundation
Three-Dimensional Analysis For The Effect of Piles Geometry and Arrangement On The Dynamic Response of Piled Raft Foundation
Dr. Mahmood Rashid Al-Qayssi1, Dr. Saad Faik Al-Wakel2, *Ihab Ghaleb Abdulwahhab3
1) Assist. Prof., Building and Construction Engineering Dep., University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.
2) Assist. Prof., Building and Construction Engineering Dep., University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.
3) M.Sc. student, Building and Construction Engineering Dep., University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Abstract: In the present study, three-dimensional analysis is presented to investigate the effect of pile
dimensions and configuration on the dynamic response of piled raft foundation subjected to vertical
vibration. The analysis considered several factors effecting on the maximum amplitude of vertical
displacement of deep foundation such as length, diameter, number of piles and spacing between piles.
Furthermore, a validation for an experimental piled raft models depending on a scale factor of (20) using
(Plaxis 3D) computer software is presented. The sand is simulated using (mohr-coloumb) model, while
the concrete is simulated as linear elastic material. It has been found that the increasing length and
diameter of piles lead to decrease the maximum amplitude of displacement. On the other hand, the results
showed that the increasing number of piles and increasing the spacing between piles can minimize the
dynamic response of the foundation.
Keywords: Amplitude of Displacement, Dynamic Response, Piled Raft, Pile Configration.
تحليل ثالثً األبعاد لتأثير خواص الركائز على اإلستجابة الحركية ألساس حصيري مذعم بالركائز
مطمور فً الرمل
َتى إعتعشاض تحهُم ثالثٍ األبعاد نذساعت تاثُش أبعاد وتشتُب انشكائض عهً اإلعتدابت انحشكُت العاط, فٍ هزِ انذساعت:الخالصة
انتحهُم َتضًٍ عذة عىايم تأثش عهً انغعت انقصىي نإلصاحت انعًىدَت نألعاط انعًُق.ٌحصُشٌ يذعى بانشكائض يعشض إلهتضاص عًىد
عالوة عهً رنك َتى أعتعشاض تحقق نًُارج عًهُت ألعظ حصُشَت. عذد انشكائض و انًغافت بٍُ انشكائض, قطش انشكائض,يثم طىل انشكائض
انشيم تًت يحاكاتت كًُىرج.)Plaxis 3D( ٍ) بئعتخذاو انبشَايح انحاعىب02( ِيذعًت بانشكائض إعتًادا عهً يعايم قُاط يقذاس
ٌ وخذ إٌ صَادة طىل وقطش انشكائض َؤدٌ إنً َقصا.)Linear Elastic( ) بًُُا انخشعاَت تًت يحاكاتها كًُىرجMohr-Coloumb(
انُتائح بُُت إٌ صَادة عذد انشكائض وصَادة انًغافت بٍُ انشكائض فٍ األعاط يٍ انًًكٍ أٌ تقهم, يٍ َاحُت أخشي.انغعت انقصىي نإلصاحت
.اإلعتدابت انحشكُت نألعاط
1. Introduction
Finite Element Method (FEM) is the most commonly accepted analysis tool for
solution of engineering problems. Effective pre and post processing capabilities make
modeling and interpretation of results simple. It is relatively easy to incorporate changes
if any repetition of the analysis is required without much loss of time. Viewing of
animated modes, shapes and dynamic response makes understanding of the dynamic
behavior of the machine foundation system, relatively simpler.
There are many issues that need careful examination before using finite element
computer software such as modeling capabilities, analysis capabilities and processing
but the most important one is the validation of results, which is necessary before
accepting the results of numerical analysis [1].
Manna and Baidya, [2] studied the influence of nonlinearity on the dynamic response
of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete piles subjected to strong vertical excitation. Forced
vibration test of single piles (L/D = 10, 15 and 20) and group piles of (2×2) (S/D = 2, 3
and 4 for each L/D ratio) were conducted in the field for two different embedded
conditions of pile cap. From the measured nonlinear response curves, the effective pile-
soil system mass, stiffness and damping were determined and the nonlinear response
curves were back-calculated using the theory of nonlinear vibration. The test results
were compared with the continuum approach of Novak with dynamic interaction factor
approach using both linear and linear-equivalent numerical methods. Reasonable match
between the measured and predicted response was found for linear-equivalent methods
by introducing a weak boundary-zone around the pile to approximately account for the
nonlinear behavior of pile-soil system. The test data were used to establish the empirical
relationship in order to estimate the extent of soil separation around the pile with soil
under vertical vibration.
Padron et al., [9] studied the accuracy and effectiveness of the superposition method
to assess the coefficients of the dynamic stiffness and damping of embedded footings
supported by vertical piles set in uniform visco-elastic soil. Comparison between these
coefficients of piled embedded footings and those obtained by superposing the separate
coefficients of the corresponding pile groups and embedded footings reveals that the
average of the relative differences is about (10–30%). The results were presented in a
set of normalized charts and simple expressions, which can be used to estimate the
dynamic stiffness and damping of piled embedded footings, on a condition that the
coefficients of the two separate components were known. Since such impedance
functions for both embedded footings and pile groups were available for a wide range of
cases, the superposition approach studied here was attractive.
Abdulrasool, [3] studied the dynamic analysis of deep foundations on uniform dry
sand experimentally and numerically by the finite element method. The numerical
analysis involves the displacement response under the effect of dynamic loads of
harmonic vertical mode of vibration. The aim of the study is to analyze the dynamic
response of machine foundations, in addition to simulate the machine on deep
foundation numerically by using the finite element method. It was concluded that when
the piles length and the number of piles increases will lead to decrease in the
displacement response of the pile foundation because of the increase in the mass of
foundation. It was found that the dynamic response of the deep foundation is influenced
by the spacing between piles also.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
2. Numerical Analysis
2.1. Computer Software
Computer packages based on finite element method is widely used to simulate
geotechnical engineering complex problems. In this study, (Plaxis 3D) has been used to
simulate the piled raft foundation with four piles in order to study the effect of various
factors on the dynamic response of the foundation.
(PLAXIS 3D) is a finite element package that has been developed specifically for the
analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering. The simple graphical
input procedures enable a quick generation of complex finite element models, and the
enhanced output facilities provide a detailed presentation of computational results. The
calculation itself is fully automated and based on complex numerical procedures [4].
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
In order to simulate the soil behavior, an appropriate material model and parameters
must be assigned to the geometry. In (Plaxis 3D) soil properties are entered in material
data sets. The (Mohr-Coloumb) model is chosen for the soil. The material properties of
the soil which are taken from the experimental model are listed in "Table 2".
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
The second part of the deep foundation is the four piles which have the same
dimensions of (0.42) m diameter and (8) m length. Each pile is simulated as embedded
pile, and the skin resistance is simulated as linear. The input is defined by the skin
resistance at the pile top (Ttop max) and at the pile bottom (Tbot max). This way of defining
the pile skin resistance is mainly applicable to piles in a homogeneous soil [6]. The tip
bearing is defined by (Fmax). The total pile bearing capacity (Npile) is given by:
The type of the connection of the top of the pile is selected as a rigid, which makes
the rotation and displacement are both coupled with the rotation and displacement of the
structural or soil element. On the other hand, the type of the connection at the bottom of
the pile is selected as free which allows the connection point to rotate and moving
relatively to the soil.
The pile interaction with the surrounding soil is simulating by special interface
elements. "Fig. 2" shows the simulated piled raft foundation with four piles.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
The static load is representing the scaled weight of the machine, which is defined as
surface load on the base of the machine, whereas the dynamic load is calculated due to
The scaled parameters which is defined using a harmonic load multiplayer as shown in
"Fig. 4".
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Initial phase represents the initial conditions of the soil, which include the initial
geometry configuration and the initial stress state. The soil and the pile cap volumes in
addition to the embedded piles are activated in this phase to simulate the initial
condition of the model. Ko procedure is selected as calculation type for this phase. The
static and dynamic loads are deactivated during this calculation phase. The static load
which represents the weight of the machine is activated in the static loading phase and
Ko procedure is also selected as calculation type.
The dynamic load is activated in the next phase and the calculation type is defined as
dynamic with a time interval of (5 seconds) consists of (256 step) of calculations.
Special boundary conditions have been defined to account the reflected waves from the
model boundaries.
After the creation of the phases, the node at the center edge of the pile cap is selected
to be considered in the curves of the results then the calculation process is executed.
Figure 6. Predicted vertical displacement with time for the piled raft model with four piles configuration.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Figure 7. Predicted vertical displacement with time for the embedded piled raft model with four piles
Table 5. The measured and predicted amplitude of displacement of the piled raft foundation.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Table 6. Percentage of reduction in the dynamic response due to increasing the piles length.
Figure 9. Reduction in the maximum amplitude of displacement due to increasing the piles length.
From the results, it can be observed that the maximum amplitude of vertical
displacement is decreased linearly by increasing the piles length as shown in "Fig. 9".
This reduction occurred due to the mass excess of the system from the increased piles
length which led to increase the damping of the system.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Table 7. Percentage of reduction in the dynamic response due to increasing the piles diameter.
Piles Diameter Increase in the Max. Amplitude of Percentage of
(mm) Pile Diameter (%) Displacement (mm) Reduction (%)
0.3 - 0.073 -
0.42 40 0.069 5.5
0.54 80 0.067 8.2
Figure 11. Reduction in the maximum amplitude of displacement due to increasing piles diameter.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
response for the three models. The maximum amplitude of the vertical displacement and
the percentage of reduction due to increasing number of piles are shown in "Table 8".
From the dynamic response results it can be seen that the maximum amplitude of
the vertical displacement for the four piles model is less than the single pile model.
Moreover, the nine piles model showed a small reduction than the four piles model as
shown in "Fig.13". This behavior can be related to the interaction of the waves
transmitted from the piles.
Figure 13. Reduction in the maximum amplitude of displacement due to increasing the number of piles.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Figure 14. Effect of the spacing between piles on the dynamic response.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
4. Conclusions
From the present study, several conclusions have been made:
1. A good agreement has been achieved between the predicted and the measured
results. This is mean that the numerical modeling which is adopted in this study to
simulate the machine foundations on dry soil is satisfied.
2. The maximum amplitude of displacement is decreased linearly by increasing the
piles length due to the mass excess of the system. The increased piles length led to
increase the damping of the system.
3. The increase of piles diameter led to decrease the maximum amplitude of
displacement. Moreover, as the piles diameter decreases, the reduction in the
maximum amplitude of displacement decreases.
4. The maximum amplitude of the vertical displacement for the four piles model is less
than that of single pile model. On the other hand, the nine piles model showed
smaller reduction than the four piles model.
5. The maximum amplitude of the displacement is decreased with the increase in the
spacing between piles. The reduction decreases by using spacing between piles more
than (5D) compared to the closely spaced piles.
A list of symbols should be inserted before the references if such a list is needed
L Pile length
D Pile Diameter
S Spacing between piles
φ friction angle
Ttop max Skin resistance at the pile top
Tbottom max Skin resistance at the pile bottom
Fmax Tip bearing
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
5. References
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