Understand A Range of Quality Controls and How Service To The Customer Can Be Improved
Understand A Range of Quality Controls and How Service To The Customer Can Be Improved
Understand A Range of Quality Controls and How Service To The Customer Can Be Improved
Quality management can be measured in different ways. It is not difficult to find out that the
For examples:
c. For specific production needs, additional materials or inventory which are generally not
be used
d. For sold goods and done service, because they need warranty repairs
g. Recalls and corrective actions need to be taken for products and etc.
By assessing the customer’s feedback and their requirements, a company may judge
their quality management that whether they meet the customer’s requirements or not.
Another good way of judging own quality management is benchmarking. In this process,
one company compares their own quality management with those who are the best in
this field. A company may measure their quality management system with the help of
the ISO 9000 family of standards. Because they are designed to help companies ensure
It is important for all companies to understand the customer needs firstly. Many
procedures are conducted to understand the customer needs, but survey is the most popular
procedure among them. It is important for a business to consider what kind of survey they
should use and who they should choose for it – users or non-users?
Users are the existing customers. New products or service need to be introduced to
them in order to keep their satisfaction. Needs, expectations, the trend in the market and even
limitations can be identified by using this survey. Non users are who they are now not but
potentially will be customers. They are non users may be due to unaffordable prices or
dissatisfied to the products or service. From the non user surveys, the reason why they do not
use the products or service will be identified and products for their
desire can be also produced while keeping the standards of the company.
Most of the time, a business company uses user base survey. This survey helps to find
their actual strengths and weaknesses. By asking relevant and proper questions, a business
company may get proper feedback from their users about the demand and needs of their
products or service. They also find the satisfaction level of the users about their product or
service by this survey. Non-users survey is also very useful for a company although it can be
unusual in marketing research. The company comes to know why these people do not use
their products or services, besides that, they come to know what they want from the
company, what measures will be taken to satisfy them, what are the certain criteria, and
where their competitors are better than the company, etc. Although using both type of
surveys needs much administrative efforts and time, both are really important to determine
customer’s needs. User survey helps a company to find out whether they are doing good or
not in business. In the other hand, non-user survey helps to find out what they can not meet
customers’ needs. If a company gets proper responses from user and non-user, it will help
3.3 List The Methods Of Consultation Employed In One Quality Scheme To Encourage
1. Form surveys
A form should be designed to get quick reply from under-represented groups as well as
should be help to identify the nature of the replies. Under-represented groups should be
2. Telephone surveys
3. Interviews
A person may be selected from the under-represented groups randomly for interview.
4. Group interviews
5. Mail surveys
Some people may be selected from the under-represented groups and to get their response
pre-paid envelops can be sent with a set of questions requiring short answers.
6. Electronic surveys
This method is like to the mail surveys, here e-mail is used to sent the questionnaires.
3.4 Identify the Value of Complaints Procedures and Analyse How They May Be Used to
Improve Quality
Complaints are always treated as negative reactions from customers. But a company
which applies quality management and concerns about quality service treats complaints as an
opportunity to identify the faults of their products or service and improve them. Most of the
companies set up customer service department to handle complaints and advice from
customers, in order to satisfy them. The data collected during the complaints procedures can
be used for planning and employing quality management practices. Other than complaints
about products or service themselves, sometimes customers may complain against staff who
sell products or provide service to them. Then the company may improve employees quality
The customers identify weakness points of the products or service before they buy them
or after using them, which include size requirements, colour requirements and etc. The
weakness points of products or service may directly affect the sales revenue, because
customers may give up to buy them when they find the products or service cannot meet their
requirements. And even if they buy them, they will soon find the weakness points of the
items they buy, that may affect their confidence on the company’s products or service unless
their complaints are well handled. In bank service, the weakness points can be high service
charge, low interest, lack of or inconvenient branches and so on. This may help banks to
service. Once customers find them low quality, it is hard to retain the customers’ loyalty and
banks and wishes to deal with the investment through online banking, but the system always
delays and is difficult to use. Soon the customer will feel discourage to use the system, and
choose another one which can provide a better and fluent online banking system in order to
deal with their investment easily. Complaints on online banking should be recorded and
transaction and investment for customers. A sound online banking system is one of the points
Besides that, low quality of staff may also cause customers’ dissatisfaction. Staff should be
well trained to be polite and understand their products and service well. Especially the tellers
well, as quality means meeting the requirements and satisfaction of customers. Face the
weakness and dissatisfaction identified by customers is the most direct way to improve the
quality. A satisfied complaints procedures and system may help to identify problems and
quality service.
Be Able to Apply The Principles Of Quality Management to Improve The Performance of
An Organization