Advantages To Disadvantages of Cloud Computing For Small-Sized Business

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Advantages to Disadvantages of Cloud Computing for Small-Sized Business

Conference Paper · June 2019

DOI: 10.1109/ISDFS.2019.8757549

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2 authors, including:

Peshraw Abdalla
Firat University


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Advantages to Disadvantages of Cloud Computing for
Small-Sized Business
Peshraw Ahmed Abdalla Asaf Varol
Department of Software Engineering Department of Software Engineering
Firat University Firat University
Elazig, Turkey Elazig, Turkey

Abstract— This paper presents a complete overview of the Cloud service models contain three service layers: Platform
storage landscape and cloud computing. It explains the major as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Services (IaaS), and
advantages and disadvantages of storing data online using cloud Software as a Service (SaaS). The layer that involves cloud
storage, how this works, and the basic concepts involved in cloud storage is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which incorporates
computing, while also demonstrating the layers of its architecture the virtual and physical resources used to build the cloud [1].
with reference to the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that
contains the cloud storage architecture. The paper further Cloud storage services take the form of three major models:
discusses the concept of Storage as a Service (StaaS), which lets
users or clients utilize cloud storage to save data by providing them • Public cloud storage service;
space without them having to use physical storage. • Private cloud storage service;
Keywords—Cloud Storage, Cloud Computing, IaaS, PaaS, • The hybrid service model, which is a mix between the
iPaaS, SaaS. above two models [3].


In Internet-based computing, cloud storage is a trend that Cloud storage allows users, customers and companies to
utilizes a shared computing system involving numerous store their information and data within the cloud without using
computers that work on a specific network to accomplish a local systems. These data and information can be accessed
particular task on demand. Moreover, cloud storage is used to perfectly via client services and network connectivity. One of
store end-users’ data within the cloud without using a local the essential advantages of cloud storage is that clients such as
system; through network connectivity, this data can be users, customers, and companies can obtain and access their
accessed anywhere and client services can be provided. data from different device locations. Cloud storage has a
Despite the powerful advantages presented by the services number of features, such as availability (data are always
of cloud computing, some security problems have been raised available from different devices, such as PCs and mobile
for organizations and private users, as these services depend on phones), durability (data are safeguarded from crashes), and
data distribution, connectivity, and access to the network. For performance (data can be accessed in a timely fashion) [4].
the purpose of understanding more about the insecurity, There are numerous different systems of cloud storage,
dangers, and associated issues with cloud storage and the some of which have a quite specific focus (e.g. storing
services of computing providers, it is necessary to review the electronic mail or digital images on the web), while other types
techniques by which these services are organized and have the ability to handle several types of digital information.
represented [1]. Some cloud storage systems are small operations, while others
One issue is that of how diverse clients can share a physical are large enough that the real material fills up an entire
facilitating condition so that it can be utilized upon request warehouse. Data centers are systems of facilities used to house
with compensation for every utilization-evaluating model. cloud storage. These use only one server, which is connected to
the internet; users can send their information and data of any
To solve this issue, it is possible to utilize the service model format to the server over the internet, and the data server
of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which involves offering receives the user data and keeps it. Any time the user wants to
physical and virtual equipment (for example, servers, retrieve that data, it can be accessed from the server via a web-
stockpiling and systems administration frameworks) that can based interface. The data server then either permits the user to
be provisioned and decommissioned rapidly through a self- use and handle the data on the data server itself or returns the
service interface. On these IT assets, clients introduce their files to the user [3].
individual operating systems (OSs), middleware, and
applications programming supporting their businesses [2].

978-1-7281-2827-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Cloud computing architecture is defined by three major administration through the internet [7]. SaaS lets users save
layers: cloud infrastructure (IaaS), the cloud application their information and data at a distance.
platform (PaaS), and the cloud application software (SaaS).
When software programs are stored off-site, the client does
The IaaS layer deals with cloud storage; this layer includes the
not have to maintain or sustain them. In other words, it is
physical and virtual requirements that are utilized to build the
outside of the client’s hand if the hosting service decides to
cloud. Resources are prepared and manipulated in both
modify it. Fig. 2 explains SaaS in the stack of applications [9].
physical and virtual servers. The stack that contains the
architecture of the cloud is depicted in Fig. 1. [5].

Fig. 2. SaaS in the Stack of Applications [2]

B. Platform as a Service
PaaS provides application improvement environments to
clients. As a rule, PaaS provides and evolves toolkits and
models for application improvement, as well as forms for
administration and payment service. PaaS delivers packages
commonly including an operating system, implementation
location for programming languages, web servers, and
databases. The clients of PaaS providers can easily improve
Fig. 1. The Stack of Cloud Architecture [6] and execute their software systems on the compressed cloud
service without complications, and can also learn about the
Storage as a Service (StaaS) assists cloud applications to be complexity of administrating layers of software and hardware.
scaled beyond their restricted service. Users with StaaS can Furthermore, the time required is reduced because the clients
save their information and data anywhere and at any time, as do not have to purchase this fundamental infrastructure. It is
well as easily access their resources. Users’ information and typical for the PaaS to supply solutions providing mechanical
data are made available at any time in a high-performance and scaling of the storage resources to the corresponding demands
reliable manner [3]. of the application. In addition, the user of the cloud does not
need to manually assign resources; clients can create,
There are three types of cloud service models: first, implement and manage integration streams using iPaaS
Software as a Service (SaaS), e.g. Gmail, in which the software (Integration Platform as a Service). Fig. 3 explains PaaS in the
supplied is utilized by users; second, Platform as a Service stack of applications [1].
(PaaS), in which applications are implemented in the cloud
administration by client customization; third, Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS), in which skillful users execute their programs
to best utilize the available computing ability. We will
concisely cover these models in more detail below [7].

A. Software as a Service
Software as a Service (SaaS) offers data and application
services. The service provider offers all of the infrastructure
and platforms required, and furthermore supplies applications
and data. SaaS is the initial model of cloud service; it is the
consummate and most famous model, representing the most
numerous provider choices by far [8].
SaaS offers a perfect application for containing complicated
programs; for instance, those used in client relation
Fig. 3. PaaS in the Stack of Applications [2]
administration (CRD) or for undertaking resource
C. Infrastructure as a Service • On-request self-service: Clients can regularly access
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the third service offered IaaS contributions by means of a Web portal that
by cloud vendors and involves providing storage and enables clients to design and arrange servers, as well as
calculation resources that can be used by developers and IT the stockpiling and availability of the network. One
organizations to provide customized business solutions. A essential part of such an on-request self-service entry is
cloud supplier would aim to design its IaaS provisioning the observation, which permits overseeing the status of
capability as a modular service with published interfaces, the resources of provisioned IT, their setup and the
allowing it to be used in many different environments. Fig. 4 comparing charges. This data can likewise regularly be
explains PaaS in the stack of applications [10]. removed from the cloud supplier in a mechanized
manner utilizing an API.
IaaS points to online administration solutions that are
unique to the client in terms of the subtleties of the basic • Pay-per-use: Models of pricing for IaaS are frequently
infrastructure: for example, security systems, physical area, based on an hourly charge for servers, the amount of
stack adjusting, physical processing assets, information information stored every month, and the amount of
segmenting, reinforcement, and recuperation bolstering, among information traded by means of the cloud supplier’s
others. While the customer does not oversee or control the network every month. Costs for servers range from a
hidden cloud infrastructure, they have control over storage and couple of pennies each hour for small servers to varying
operating systems, as well as limited authority over resources amounts of dollars every hour for bigger and potentially
[1]. bunched servers. To facilitate the figuring and
examination with customary servers preparing a control,
unpredictable disk storage and memory costs are
usually decided as indicated by a specific arrangement
of server designs that take after conventional servers.
Generally speaking, these server arrangements are
available in different sizes (for example, S, M, L, XL,
XXL and so on).
• Pooling of resources: IaaS cloud resources are shared
between clients on the hardware infrastructure level.
Consequently, the IT resources pooled between various
clients of an IaaS cloud typically include the servers,
data center, and those network components that are
entirely physical (for example, the switch, router, links
and firewalls, as well as the staff who maintain and
Fig. 4. IaaS in the Stack of Application [2] manage the data centers).
• Rapid elasticity: The adaptable utilization of servers is a
Infrastructure clouds (IaaS) can essentially be assembled in
key element of IaaS clouds, resulting in their prosperity
two ways: infrastructures of service or centers of the cloud.
and essentially separating them from other server-
Both permit the majority of the abilities one anticipates from
facilitating contributions. In a run-of-the-mill IaaS
offering, new servers are set up in minutes, while disk
• Scale on interest; storage and firewalls are provisioned right away.
Essentially, all resources charged for can be arranged to
• Pay-as-you-go; maintain a strategic distance from further charges in
• Conversion of capital consumptions to operational uses; only a few minutes. This fast flexibility on the
foundation level facilitates including or dispensing with
• Programmatic API (Application Programming infrastructure resources upon request [2].
Interface) and GUI (Graphical User Interface);
• Basic framework: stockpiling, servers, system, power, III. SECURITY OF STORAGE
and network [11]. The safety of storage includes physical security of storage
media and security of information. Cloud storage security, as a
The properties of cloud computing are empowered in an general network form of storage, involves authority,
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud as follows: certification, auditing, encryption etc. Automatic redundant
• Access through the network: Remote access to specific replications make recovery easy once a failure occurs. The
servers and network capacity. Plates are one of the key security of cloud storage can also extend to the entire storage
highlights of IaaS. Commonly, when first setting up a service process, involving software, hardware, data, security of
virtual server, it can be accessed remotely through a the network and private security for clients, etc. Cloud storage
safe shell (SSH) or graphically (e.g. by utilizing the tends to merge with cloud security that is more robust [12]. A
remote desktop protocol that is contingent upon both the number of different cloud storage providers are presented and
OS running on the server and its design). Clients the security properties for these providers are compared in the
commonly get full access to the servers. table below.
TABLE I. SECURITY AND PRIVACY FEATURES deal with your capacity execution is a straightforward
Zero web browser, leaving the complexities of management
Two- EV for Encryp
Provider factor HTTPS -tion
Know- Compliance to the service provider.
• Cost-effectiveness: Cloud storage is useful for
Google Drive yes useless no no Safe Harbor
mitigating ownership fees. Removing costly systems
OneDrive yes yes no no and the requirement for the client to maintain them
Amazon no no no no Safe Harbor
normally gives organizations noteworthy cost reserves
Cloud Drive that more than counterbalance the charges for cloud
storage. The fees associated with having the capacity to
Copy no no AES- no Safe Harbor
256 obtain elevated amounts of accessibility and the
adaptability an organization requires are moreover
Box yes no AES- no Safe unmatched in terms of savings. In essence, the
256 Harbor,
APEC economies of scale accomplished by server farms
basically cannot be coordinated by anything except the
Dropbox yes useless no no Safe Harbor largest of organizations [14].
iCloud yes yes AES- no
128 • The methodology of storing information in remote
min cloud servers is known as cloud storage. Storing on the
cloud is far better than other conventional storage
Mega no no AES- yes Safe Harbor
128 strategies. A portion of the explanation behind that is:
Tresorit yes yes AES- yes Safe Harbor - Companies do not have to establish physical storage
256 devices at their own server farm or workplace;
- Maintenance tasks involved with storage, including
the backup and purchase of additional storage devices,
Users are required to input two pieces of information (at the
are taken out of a service provider's responsibility,
two-factor level) for login purposes: for instance, their
permitting the organization to focus on its core
password and a (one-time) passcode sent to the client.
EV (Extended Validation) Certificates include an additional
-Companies only have to pay for the storage they use
security level to ensure that nobody intercepts your information
while it is in motion between you and your cloud storage
system. • Lower impact failures and upgrades: Cloud computing
typically delivers cost-effective storage hardware
There are a number of algorithms used for data encryption.
redundancies. This results in uninterrupted service
The field of encryption offers the NIST-suggested AES-256.
during a scheduled or unplanned breakdown. This also
On the other hand, zero-knowledge encryption refers to cases
applies to hardware upgrades, which will no longer be
when the cloud storage provider cannot decrypt the user’s
visible to the client;
information. The data encryption process happens on the user’s
end, after which it is sent it to the provider via a secure • Simplified layout: Cloud storage solutions free up the
connection. capacity for the IT director of Detailed Planning.
Compliance demonstrates a commitment to the privacy and Flexible cloud-based storage solutions are provided as
security of data. There are many standards for data required, eliminating the need for more storage that can
confidentiality and security, such as ‘Safe Harbor’, which be required to accommodate them [14];
means that the cloud storage provider meets the information • Center competency: By utilizing public clouds, the
security and privacy needs of the EU’s information protection client is basically redistributing its centers of data and
regulations [13]. administration of infrastructure to organizations whose
central competency is administrating infrastructure.
IV. ADVANTAGES OF CLOUD STORAGE Consequently, the client invests less time administrating
There are a number of key advantages of utilizing cloud infrastructure, freeing up additional time to concentrate
storage and uses that take the preferred standpoint of capacity on its own core competencies;
in the cloud.
• Utility estimating: The client pays only for the resources
• Simplicity of administration: The support of the it consumes. This enables the end client to add more
programming, general infrastructure, and hardware used cloud services when it needs to scale up. The client no
to buttress stockpiling is definitely improved by an longer needs to secure physical equipment in this
application in the cloud. Applications that take the model, and accordingly is afforded a tremendous
favorable cloud-based form are generally far less opportunity to dispense with squandered figure cycles
demanding to set up and maintain than a proportionate by expending only what is required, when it is required;
level of administration installed on the premises.
• Elasticity: The client has an apparently unending pool
Frequently, on the client’s side, all that is required to
of resources at its disposal and can design its software
solutions to powerfully increment or decrease the VI. CONCLUSION
measures of calculating the resources it needs to handle We are living today in what is known as the information
peak burdens. This enables the client to respond in real century. Thus, saving and protecting the information created by
time to unusual spikes in traffic, while under a specific users is vital; different companies need to save and protect this
on-premises cloud or non-cloud arrangement, the client information in an easy way such that it is always available to
would need to officially secure or rent the important users. By using cloud storage, clients, customers, and
resources required in order to deal with usage peaks organizations will become able to protect and save their
[16]. information within the cloud without having any physical
devices or local systems. For the purpose of understanding the
V. DISADVANTAGES OF CLOUD STORAGE cloud storage and how it works, we described the layers that
In addition to the benefits, there are also a number of define cloud computing architecture. In particular, the layer of
disadvantages and risks associated with utilizing cloud storage. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) includes cloud storage, along
Some of these disadvantages are shown below: with the virtual and physical resources used to build the cloud.

• Leaks and data access without permission between This paper presents detailed information about cloud
virtual devices operating on the same server; storage and cloud computing. It covers a different number of
cloud storage providers and compares these providers to each
• Errors on the part of a cloud supplier in handling the other. Subsequently, it also discusses the key advantages and
correct management and saving of sensitive data; disadvantage of cloud storage and demonstrates some of the
associated challenges.
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