2B201-324E - B - Aquilion3264 Trouble Shooting
2B201-324E - B - Aquilion3264 Trouble Shooting
2B201-324E - B - Aquilion3264 Trouble Shooting
No. 2B201-324E*B
R-1 *
Troubleshooting Guide
Procedures for [Reset Scansys] and [Reset System]
The solutions instruct that [Reset Scansys] or [Reset System] is to be performed in some cases. The procedures for
them are as follows.
1. Move the mouse cursor to the upper left of the monitor screen and leave it for 5 seconds or longer.
2. The following window surrounded by a white border is displayed in the center part of the monitor.
Reset Window
Reset Scansys
Reset System
Reset Film Que
Film Que Clear
3. Hover the mouse cursor (x) over [Reset Scansys] or [Reset System] and wait for a few seconds. The reset
function should start.
The error message "Error occurred in Scan System. xxxx" is displayed......................................................................15
The error message "Error in recon-process. xxxx" is displayed. ..................................................................................15
The error message "Error in RDD. xxxx" is displayed. .................................................................................................16
The error message "Error in Fibre channel. xxxx" is displayed. ...................................................................................16
Other messages are displayed while the imager is running. ........................................................................................24
6. Turning the power ON, after the system was terminated abnormally and the power turned OFF......................26
The power of the Navibox is suddenly turned OFF. ......................................................................................................26
The gantry movement is stopped by the emergency stop button. ................................................................................26
The switch of the distribution board is turned OFF........................................................................................................27
The system stopped due to a power interruption..........................................................................................................28
7. Other problems............................................................................................................................................................30
A faint ring artifact appears on the screen. ...................................................................................................................30
Liquids enter the inside of the system...........................................................................................................................30
Mouse operation is disabled. ........................................................................................................................................30
Keyboard operation is disabled.....................................................................................................................................31
The error messages "Error in Keyboard. xxxx" or "Error in communication between Keyboard and SS."
are displayed. ................................................................................................................................................................31
Couch vertical movement stopped temporarily and started moving only in low speed. ...............................................32
Gantry tilt, couch horizontal movement, or couch vertical movement stopped and the position indicator
on the control panel blinked. .........................................................................................................................................33
The error message "Error in Image data disk (power source). Call service." is displayed. ..........................................33
The error message "Error in Image data disk (battery). Call service." is displayed......................................................34
The error message "Error in Image data disk (FAN). Call service." is displayed..........................................................34
The error message "Error in Image data disk (HDD). Call service." is displayed. ........................................................35
The error message "Error in RDD. xxxx" is displayed. .................................................................................................35
During startup
Click the [OK] button on the error message. Ensure there is enough
disk space for the image files before starting scanning.
Solution 1
The disk space for the image files is less
than 50%. This may cause scanning to be
interrupted if the disk space continues
Solution 1
Cause If due to an emergency you are unable to stop scanning, select [NO] on
A communication error has occurred the warning window. Operation is enabled only for the system for the
between the scanning monitor and the Solution 2 scanning monitor.
image processing monitor.
The error message "Error in DTB. Call service." is displayed.
Shut down the system and turn the power of the console OFF. Then
reboot it after 1 to 2 minutes have passed. Start operation from the
Solution 1 patient registration after rebooting.
The reconstruction system has not started
up normally.
Shut down the system and turn the power of the console OFF. Then
reboot it after 1 to 2 minutes have passed. Start operation from the
Solution 1 patient registration after rebooting.
A file system error has occurred.
During scanning
Click the [DETAIL] button on the error message and click the [OK]
button. A hard reset occurs. Then click the [Confirm] button and
Solution 1 perform scanning again.
Cause If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system. Then
The movement of the unit specified in the turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation from
error message is not completed normally. Solution 2 the patient registration after rebooting.
Cause If the couch top position is obviously abnormal, shut down the system.
The couch top does not move to the end of Then turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation
the target position. Solution 2 from the patient registration after rebooting.
The error message "Error in xxx (Time Out). xxxx" is displayed.
Click the [DETAIL] button on the error message, and click the [OK]
button. Then click the [Confirm] button, and start scanning again.
Solution 1
Cause If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system. Then
The movement is not completed within the turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation from
time set by the system. Solution 2 the patient registration after rebooting.
The error message "Error in xxx condition. Set them again." is displayed.
Click the [DETAIL] button on the error message, and click the [OK]
button. Then click the [Confirm] button, and perform scanning again.
Solution 1
Cause If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system. Then
Scanning parameter setting has not been turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation from
completed properly. Solution 2 the patient registration after rebooting.
During scanning
The error message "xxx XC xxx" or "Over kV (or mA)." are displayed.
Click the [DETAIL] button on the error message and click the
[XC RESET] button. A hard reset occurs. Then click the [Confirm]
Solution 1 button, and perform scanning again.
If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system. Then
turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation from
Solution 2 the patient registration after rebooting.
An X-ray controller error occurred.
Click the [DETAIL] button on the error message, and click the [OK]
button. Then click the [Confirm] button, and perform scanning again.
Solution 1
Cause If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system. Then
A communication error between the turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation from
console and the gantry, or a communication Solution 2 the patient registration after rebooting.
system error in the gantry occurred.
The error message "Error in offset data Acquisition. Retry Acquisition." is displayed.
Click the [DETAIL] button on the error message, and click the [OK]
button. Then click the [Confirm] button, and perform scanning again.
Solution 1
Cause If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system.
An error occurred during the offset data Then turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation
acquisition before scanning. Solution 2 from the patient registration after rebooting.
The error message "Error in data xfer to Host, RTM. xxxx" is displayed.
Move the cursor to the upper left of the monitor and leave it there for a
few seconds. When the window appears at the center of the monitor,
Solution 1 move the cursor to [Reset Scansys] and leave it there for a few
seconds. The system is rebooted. Start operation from the patient
registration after rebooting.
Cause If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system.
An error occurred in the communication Then turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation
system in the console. Solution 2 from the patient registration after rebooting.
During scanning
The error message "The data transfer system in the gantry is abnormal. xxxx" is displayed.
Click the [DETAIL] button on the error message and click the
[ERROR CLEAR] button. A hard reset occurs. Then click the [OK]
Solution 1 button, and perform scanning again.
Cause If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system. Then
An error occurred at the data transfer turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation from
system in the gantry. Solution 2 the patient registration after rebooting.
Move the cursor to the upper left of the monitor and leave it there for a
few seconds. When the window appears at the center of the monitor,
Solution 1 move the cursor to [Reset Scansys] and leave it there for a few
seconds. The system is rebooted. Start operation from the patient
registration after rebooting.
Cause If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system. Then
An error occurred at the pre-processing turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation from
section for the acquisition data in the Solution 2 the patient registration after rebooting.
The error message "Error occurred in Scan System. xxxx" is displayed.
Click the [OK] button on the error message. Then click the [Confirm]
button, and perform scanning again.
Solution 1
Cause Shut down the system, and turn the power OFF. Then reboot it.
An error occurred at the scan control Start operation from the patient registration after rebooting.
section in the console. Solution 2
Move the cursor to the upper left of the monitor and leave it there for a
few seconds. When the window appears at the center of the monitor,
Solution 1 move the cursor to [Reset Scansys] and leave it there for a few
seconds. The system is rebooted. Retry the raw data reconstruction
after rebooting.
An error occurred at the reconstruction
processing section in the console.
During scanning
Move the cursor to the upper left of the monitor and leave it there for a
few seconds. When the window appears at the center of the monitor,
move the cursor to [Reset Scansys] and leave it there for a few
Solution 1 seconds. The system is rebooted. Start operation from the patient
registration after rebooting.
In addition, this problem may be caused by an error in the raw data
saving area. Therefore, contact your Toshiba service representative.
An error occurred at the control section of
the raw data disk in the console.
Shut down the system, and turn the power OFF. Then reboot it.
Retry the raw data reconstruction after rebooting.
Solution 1
An error occurred in the communication
system in the console.
During image
Move the cursor to the upper left of the monitor and leave it there for a
few seconds. When the window appears at the center of the monitor,
Solution 1 move the cursor to [Reset Scansys] and leave it there for a few
seconds. The system is rebooted. Retry the raw data reconstruction
after rebooting.
An error occurred in the reconstruction
processing section in the console.
Move the cursor to the upper left of the monitor and leave it there for a
few seconds. When the window appears at the center of the monitor,
move the cursor to [Reset Scansys] and leave it there for a few
Solution 1 seconds. The system is rebooted. Start operation from the patient
registration after rebooting.
In addition, this problem may be caused by an error in the raw data
saving area. Therefore, contact your Toshiba service representative.
An error occurred in the control section of
the raw data disk in the console.
The error message "Error in Fibre channel. xxxx" is displayed.
Shut down the system, and turn the power OFF. Then reboot it.
Retry the raw data reconstruction after rebooting.
Solution 1
An error occurred in the communication
system in the console.
During operation of
the image file
If the problem is not solved by solution 1, move the cursor to the upper
left of the monitor and leave it there for a few seconds. When the
Solution 2 window appears at the center of the monitor, move the cursor to
[Reset System] and leave it there for a few seconds. The system is
The error message "The registration area of background job is full." is displayed.
Cause This error causes the transfer queue to stop. Click the image transfer
The background job queue overflows. button in the command box, and delete the job in the image transfer
Additional processing requests are Solution 1 queue. Try the image transfer again after the image transfer queue
disabled. has been deleted.
The error message "Failed to xxx Aquilion DVD." is displayed.
Cause Check the media and the drive, and try the process again.
An error occurred during DVD processing. Solution 1
If the problem is not solved by solution 1, move the cursor to the upper
left of the monitor and leave it there for a few seconds. When the
Solution 2 window appears at the center of the monitor, move the cursor to
[Reset System] and leave it there for a few seconds. The system is
Move the cursor to the upper left of the monitor and leave it there for a
few seconds. When the window appears at the center of the monitor,
Solution 1 move the cursor to [Reset System] and leave it there for a few
seconds. The system is rebooted.
An error occurred in the file system.
During operation of
the image file
Cause Retry reconstruction processing of the raw data. For the detailed
Scan ID is abnormal. procedure, refer to section 6 "Raw-Data" in the Reference volume.
Solution 1
During filming
Cause Wait until the other system has finished using the analog board and
The analog board is being used by another then try again from the printing queue.
system. Solution 1
The error message "Cannot get filed data." or "Generate image error." are displayed.
Cause Turn the power of the imager OFF and then ON. Try again from the
An error occurred in the imager. printing queue from the CT system.
Solution 1
Turning the power
6. Turning the power ON, after the system was terminated abnormally and the power turned
The power of the Navibox is suddenly turned OFF.
Cause Wait for a few seconds and turn the power ON. Recovery by the
The Navibox is suddenly turned OFF software is performed. Wait for the completion of recovery.
without going through the proper Solution 1
* Turn ON the power of the system within 72 hours. Otherwise the
termination process.
image data may be lost.
Cause Perform the system shut down process and turn the power of the
The gantry movement stopped by the Navibox OFF. Wait for a few seconds, and then turn the power of the
emergency stop button without going Solution 1 Navibox ON.
through the proper termination process.
* Turn ON the power of the system within 72 hours. Otherwise the
image data may be lost.
The switch of the distribution board is turned OFF.
Cause The solution differs depending on when it was turned OFF. Contact
The switch of the distribution board is your Toshiba service representative.
suddenly turned OFF without going through Be careful of the following when the power is turned ON.
the proper termination process.
• Confirming the air conditioner
To avoid problems with the system due to a rise in the temperature of
the scanning room, ensure that the air conditioner is running.
• Warming-up of the X-ray detector
When the power of the system remains OFF for a long time, a period
of approximately 2 hours is required for stabilization of the X-ray
detectors after the power is turned ON. Do not perform scanning
Solution 1
during this period. Perform scanning for the TOS phantom before
examination and check that the image has no artifacts. For the test
procedure, refer to subsection 3.1 "Pre-operation check" in the Basic
• Recovery processing time
Recovery processing by the software is performed. Wait until
recovery processing is completed. Recovery processing may take
up to 1 hour. If the system is used to examine emergency patients,
another diagnostic modality should be available.
• Turn ON the power of the system within 72 hours. Otherwise the
image data may be lost.
Turning the power
Cause There is no backup power supply unit attached to the CT scan system.
The power of the system is shut down Therefore, the situation is the same as "The switch of the distribution
without going through the proper board is turned OFF".
termination process.
First, turn the power of the console OFF.
Then turn the power of the Navibox ON after the power supply
resumes. Recovery is performed.
Be careful of the following when the power is turned ON.
• Confirming the air conditioner
To avoid problems with the system due to a rise in the temperature of
the scanning room, ensure that the air conditioner is running.
• Warming-up of the X-ray detector
Solution 1 When the power of the system remains OFF for a long time, a period
of approximately 2 hours is required for stabilization of the X-ray
detectors after the power is turned ON. Do not perform scanning
during this period. Perform scanning for the TOS phantom before
examination and check that the image has no artifacts. For the test
procedure, refer to subsection 3.1 "Pre-operation check" in the Basic
• Recovery processing time
Recovery processing by the software is performed. Wait until
recovery processing is completed. Recovery processing may take
up to 1 hour. If the system is used to examine emergency patients,
another diagnostic modality should be available.
• Turn ON the power of the system within 72 hours. Otherwise the
image data may be lost.
7. Other problems
A faint ring artifact appears on the screen.
Cause Press the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Del] keys at the same time. The shut down
The mouse is not recognized. Solution 1 process starts.
Keyboard operation is disabled.
The error messages "Error in Keyboard. Call service." or "Error in communication between Keyboard
and SS." are displayed.
Solution 1
Couch vertical movement stopped temporarily and started moving only in low speed.
Gantry tilt, couch horizontal movement, or couch vertical movement stopped and the position indicator
on the control panel blinked.
If the problem is not solved by solution 1, shut down the system. Then
turn the power of the system OFF and reboot it. Start operation from
Solution 2 the patient registration after rebooting.
The error message "Error in Image data disk (power source). Call service." is displayed.
The system can be used in this status. If another power source of the
image data disk drive malfunctions, a system failure will occur.
Solution 1 Contact your Toshiba service representative.
A power source of the image data disk drive
The error message "Error in Image data disk (battery). Call service." is displayed.
The system can be used in this status. If another backup battery for
cache memory in the image data disk drive malfunctions or is in
Solution 1 discharge status, the cache memory will be nonfunctional and a system
failure will result. Contact your Toshiba service representative.
A backup battery for cache memory in the
image data disk drive malfunctioned or is in
discharge status.
The error message "Error in Image data disk (FAN). Call service." is displayed.
The system can be used in this status. If another cooling fan in the
image data disk drive malfunctions, the power of the Image data disk
Solution 1 drive is turned OFF after the data on the cache memory is written to
HDD and a system failure results. Contact your Toshiba service
A cooling fan in the image data disk drive
The error message "Error in Image data disk (HDD). Call service." is displayed.
The system can be used in this status. If another HDD in the image
data disk drive malfunctions, image data cannot be read and a system
Solution 1 failure will result. Contact your Toshiba service representative.
A HDD in the image data disk drive
The system can be used in this status. If another HDD in the same
raw data disk drive malfunctions, raw data cannot be written and read.
Solution 1 Therefore scanning/reconstruction cannot be performed and a system
failure results. Contact your Toshiba service representative.
A HDD in the raw data disk drive
35 E