RMS Value Measurement

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EJECE, European Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2017

RMS Value Measurement Using a Meter Based on

ARM Cortex-MO Microprocessor
Ajakida Eski, Orion Zavalani, and Denald Komici

 b) Thermal
Abstract—In an electrical grid at the transmission and c) Analog computation (Direct and Indirect computation)
distribution system level, to guarantee the system security and d) Sampling technique based computation
the power quality, the RMS value of voltage and current is an The Rectify-and-average method is accurate only when
important issue. We calculate the RMS value by processing the
the input waveform is an undistorted sine wave otherwise
samples of a signal in the time domain. A software based
explicit RMS converter is presented to transform the the serious errors develop. Thermal method is a high
alternating voltage and current waveforms into their RMS bandwidth solution having high design complexity and cost
values. This paper briefly covers the mathematics of RMS and constraints, while Analog computation method has the
offers an algorithm of RMS measurements based in FIR problems of bandwidth restrictions [2]. The Sampling
digital filter, which are more versatile when compared to the technique based measurement, calculate the RMS value
analogue filters in their characteristics such as programming
using digital signal processing based on hardware or
flexibility, ability to handle both low as well as high frequency
signals accurately. The measurement system is designed using software.
ARM Cortex MO, PSoC4, CY8C4245AXI-483 architecture In this paper, is presented the software based explicit
which is responsible for executing algorithms required for the RMS converter to transform the alternating voltage and
calculation and ensures high performances and low cost. To current waveforms into RMS values. The measurement
check the accuracy of the metering system, the proposed system is designed using ARM Cortex MO microcontroller
metering values are compared to the readings of a standard
which processes the sampled data to calculate the true RMS
FLUKE metering and it is concluded that the meter has been
successfully completed. Since the proposed approach provides value. The proposed approach ensures high performances
low cost solution for true RMS metering, it can be used in and low cost. Since the proposed approach provides low
industrial and commercial applications especially as Digital cost solution for true RMS metering, it can be used in
panel meters and harmonic detectors. industrial and commercial applications especially as Digital
panel meters and harmonic detectors.
Index Terms— Algorithm; Digital Filter; RMS Value.
In an electrical grid at the transmission system level, to The Root Mean Square (RMS) is a fundamental
guarantee the system security, voltage RMS control is an measurement of the magnitude of an alternating signal. Its
important issue. Whereas at the distribution system levels, definition can be both practical and mathematical. In
this is an issue about power quality. Variations in voltage mathematics, the standard deviation [3] is a statistical
magnitude can affect the performance of electrical- measure used to quantify the signal deviation from the
electronic end-user equipment. Therefore, the Root Mean mean value, which means that the deviation measures only
Square (RMS) is a fundamental measurement of the the AC component of the signal. Another term commonly
magnitude of an alternating signal and variations in the used in electronics is RMS value (root-mean-square) which
voltage RMS is limited to a range by international measures both the AC and DC components of the signal.
standards. When the RMS value of a signal is identical to its standard
The power electronics and switching devices have non- deviation then the signal has no DC component.
linear voltage-current characteristics. Using these devices Defined practically in electrical engineering, the RMS
are introduced the harmonic currents in the power system value or effective value [4] of a given AC signal is the
which change the sinusoidal nature of the ac power current amount of DC required to produce an equivalent amount of
and voltage and increase I2R losses in the system [1]. Since heat in the same resistive load.
the analog instruments used for RMS measurement are Digital signal processing is performed in the time or
calibrated for sinusoidal signals they introduce appreciable frequency domain. In this paper, although the time domain
error when total harmonic current distortion is more than method calculates the RMS value of the whole signal
100%. For accurate measurements of RMS values need to spectrum and not of the harmonic components, we use it
replace them with modern digital meters. because it is simpler and more accurate [5] than the
The AC measuring methods are classified as frequency domain methods.
a) Rectify and average The mathematical definition of RMS value of a signal is

Publishedn on November 15, 2017. 1 T

A. Eski, O. Zavalani and D. Komici are with the Faculty of Electrical XRMS = √ ∫0 [x(t)2 ]dt (1)
Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania. (e-mail :
[email protected])

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejece.2017.1.2.6 1
EJECE, European Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2017

where XRMS is the RMS value, x(t) is the instantaneous non-recursive digital filters as they do not have the
voltage of a function time, T is the time measurement (in feedback (a recursive part of a filter). The transfer function
the classical approach, an integer multiple of the signal of the FIR filter approaches the ideal as the filter order
period). Squaring both sides of this equation yields increases. FIR filters can have an exactly linear phase
response. The implication of this is that no phase distortion
1 𝑇
𝑋𝑅𝑀𝑆 2 = ∫0 [𝑥(𝑡)2 ]𝑑𝑡 (2) is introduced in to the signal by the filter. FIR filters are
simple to design and they are extremely stable with respect
The integral can be approximated as a running average: both to time and temperature. The low sensitivity to filter
coefficient quantization errors is an important property of
1 𝑇 FIR filters [10] that is valuable for their implementation on
𝐴𝑣𝑔[𝑥(𝑡)2 ] = ∫0 [𝑥(𝑡)2 ]𝑑𝑡 (3)
𝑇 DSP processors or on an integrated circuit.
As the name implies, the moving average filter operates
Then (2) simplifies to by averaging a number of points from the input signal to
produce each point in the output signal. Using a recursive
𝑋𝑅𝑀𝑆 2 = 𝐴𝑣𝑔[𝑥(𝑡)2 ] (4) algorithm, in which the result of one calculation is used in
future calculations, the moving average filter will run like
Note that taking the square root of both sides of (4) yields lightning in computer. In fact, it is the fastest digital filter
𝑋𝑅𝑀𝑆 = √𝐴𝑣𝑔[𝑥(𝑡)2 ] (5)
which is an alternate way of expressing the RMS value of
the function. The proposed measurement system is based on a single
This alternative way of expression of the RMS value low cost microcontroller for sampling and digital
overcomes the inherent limitation of direct calculation (1), processing of the input signal. The ARM Cortex MO,
which requires the precisely definition of the integration PSoC4, CY8C4245AXI-483 microcontroller is responsible
limits. This proposed method is known as an average power for executing algorithms required for calculation of RMS
converter similar to the explicit RMS converter which has value.
been used primarily for monolithic RMS/DC converters The A/D Converter of microcontroller performs the
[6],[7]. digital conversion of all the input signals. The bandwidth
RMS estimation for digitized signal is based on the and accuracy of measurement system are the two main
following equation. specifications. The bandwidth of the system is decided by
the sampling frequency while accuracy depends on
resolution of the A/D Converter. The ADC’s sample rate
𝑋𝑅𝑀𝑆 ≅ √ ∑𝑀∙𝑁 2
𝑘=1 𝑥𝑘 (6) should be selected to be sufficient to meet the Nyquist rate
for the type of measurement that will make (i.e., slightly
where xk is the value of each signal sample, M is the total greater than twice the highest frequency that is desired to be
number of cycles in the measurement period and N is the measured), otherwise, the high-frequency content will alias
number of samples/cycle. The voltage and current in an at a frequency inside the spectrum of interest (pass band).
electrical power system are parameters that change slowly For measurements with a certain accuracy over a given
and they can be considered as constant values during the range, the resolution (effective number of bits) of the A/D
sampling period [8], [9]. Therefore, the measurement Converter is calculated.
accuracy is not affected by averaging of the sample values For achieving the accuracy of the order 1%, A/D
during the measurement period. converter with 12 bit resolution and sampling rate of 3200
In this paper, a software based explicit RMS converter is sample/second is sufficient. In this study, calculation of
presented to transform the alternating voltage and current voltage RMS values are done at each period of 1 sec. ARM
waveforms into their RMS values. This method requires the microcontroller of system communicates with the next level
calculation of the square, average and square root functions equipment as a monitoring PC via the Serial interface.
for each new sample of the signal being analyzed. Fig. 1
shows the average RMS converter implementation. IV. TESTING, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The performance of the measurement system has been
evaluated in the laboratory for voltage measurement. Fig. 2
shows the implementation of laboratory testing.
To evaluate the performance, the proposed metering
system has been tested in the Laboratory. We have
performed the measurements both with the proposed system
as well as with standard FLUKE meter.
Fig.1. Explicit RMS current converter

This algorithm uses the moving average filter, which is a

low-pass digital FIR for calculating the averaging of the
samples over M number of cycles. FIR filters are digital
filters with finite impulse response. They are also known as

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejece.2017.1.2.6 2
EJECE, European Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2017

Table 1 shows the measured RMS values of the voltage

with the standard meter and the proposed system as well as
the calculated values of the relative measurement error.

In this paper, we have presented the RMS value
measurement executing a digital filter based algorithm in an
ARM Cortex-MO microcontroller. We have selected an
A/D converter with 12bit resolution and sampling rate of
3200 sample/second so that the measurement system meets
the specified bandwidth and accuracy. The calculated error
values presented in Table 1 meet the required measurement
accuracy by demonstrating that the proposed measurement
system has been successfully developed. Since the
proposed approach provides low cost solution for true RMS
measurement, it can be used in industrial and commercial

[1] IEEE 519-1992: “Recommended practices and requirements for
Fig.2. Photo of realized measurements harmonic control in electrical power system”,IEEE1992
[2] Gerard N. Stenbakken, “A wideband Sampling Wattmeter,” IEEE
Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS 103, No.10
October 1984.
Measured RMS value of voltage (volt) [3] Steven W. Smith, Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition, 1999
Relative [4] Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of
Function Proposed error Electric Circuits
generator measurement (%) [5] Martin Novotny, Milos Sedlacek, RMS value measurement based on
standard meter)
AFG3021B system classical and modified digital signal processing algorithms,
0,1 0,021 0,0218 -0,08% Measurement 41 (2008) 236–250
0,2 0,045 0,0459 -0,09% [6] RMS to DC Conversion Application Guide, Charles Kitchin, Lew
0,3 0,069 0,0697 -0,07% Counts (2nd Edition, analog Devices, 1986, USA)
0,4 0,094 0,0939 0,01% [7] Linear Circuit Design Handbook, Hank Zumbahlen (editor)
(Elsevier-Newnes, 1st Edition, 2008, USA)
0,5 0,117 0,1173 -0,03%
[8] P.Petrovic, “New Digital Multimeter for Accurate Measurement of
,6 0,141 0,1418 -0,08% Synchronously Sampled AC Signals,” IEEE Trans. Instrum.Meas.,
0,7 0,166 0,1662 -0,02% vol. 53, pp. 716–725, June 2004.
0,8 0,193 0,1933 -0,03% [9] Gerard N. Stenbakken, “A wideband Sampling Wattmeter,” IEEE
0,9 0,216 0,2165 -0,05% Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.PAS 103,No.10
1 0,237 0,2372 -0,02% October 1984.
[10] Taylor, Fred J., Digital filters: principles and applications with
MATLAB. IEEE series on digital & mobile communication; 30
The FLUKE meter readings are considered as true ISBN 978-0-470-77039-9,2012
values. From the measured values has been calculated the
relative error of measurement.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejece.2017.1.2.6 3

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