Green Switching: Myths and Facts About SF Versus SF Free Medium-Voltage Switchgear

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Green switching
Myths and facts about SF6 versus SF6 free Medium-Voltage switchgear

Myth: Switchgear that uses SF6 gas is more efficient and environmental friendly
Manufacturers of switchgear that uses SF6 gas claim that SF6 gas has a cooling effect on the conductors and
that for this reason a network based on this type of equipment is more efficient. This might be the case for High-
Voltage (HV) equipment where the gas is used for electrical insulation purposes and the manufacturers also
make use of the cooling effect of the gas by convection. This is though only applicable for larger tanks, larger
pressure and larger currents. For MV switchgear however, this principle is not used as much, as the volume and
pressure of the SF6 gas are much lower. Also, there are alternative cooling principles that are as efficient that do
not use SF6 gas.

SF6 gas free MV switchgear has to comply with all relevant IEC standards, such as IEC 62271-1, IEC 62271-100 and
IEC 62271-200, as well as being of a compact and efficient design. The environmental impact of the switchgear is
determined by a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), where the carbon footprint of the product is determined over the
manufacturing, full service life and end of life phase. Based on the output of various LCA’s it is proven that SF6
gas free MV switchgear is as good as, perhaps even superior, from an efficiency and environmental point of view
to MV switchgear that uses SF6 gas.

Myth: SF6 free switchgear requires more space

This claim is unfairly based on two comparisons: on the one side a comparison of High-Voltage switchgear, where
outdoor Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS) has indeed a bigger footprint than compact Gas Insulated Switchgear
(GIS) which uses SF6 for insulation. On the other side the comparison that is sometimes used is large and old-
fashioned Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS), where the size is also larger than the more compact SF6 insulated MV
switchgear. However, both comparisons are unfair as for over 10 years modern SF6 free MV switchgear has been
available that is just as compact as SF6 MV switchgear. This modern compact SF6 free switchgear is available
for ratings up to 24 kV, and the technical performance is perceived as equal or even better than its SF6-containing

Myth: SF6 switchgear has a longer lifespan

Manufacturers of SF6 switchgear claim that SF6 MV switchgear has a longer lifespan due to the fact that all
primary parts are situated in a stainless steel tank. However, experiences in the field from several large utility and
industrial users show that this is not the case. Due to the daily and annual temperature cycle, the gaskets that
are used to keep the SF6 gas contained wear, and this over time results in leakage. Due to the leakage of SF6 gas
into the environment the insulation level decreases, which will eventually lead to a critical failure. Independent
research by a reputable test laboratory [1] has shown, that 40% of the switchgear that has been tested does not
meet the guaranteed lifespan claims of the manufacturer.
green switching
Myth: SF6-free switchgear needs more maintenance
Manufacturers of SF6 MV switchgear claim it needs less maintenance than SF6 free MV switchgear. This
might be the case for withdrawable Air Insulated Switchgear, where utilities and industrial users typically use
preventive maintenance schemes to check the condition of the vacuum circuit breakers and relays every 5 years.
This might also be the case for older types of compact solid insulated switchgear, that doesn’t have a sealed
enclosure. Due to severe ambient conditions, humidity, dust and aggressive gases, the primary parts of this open
switchgear might be impacted, leading to a need for a more intensive maintenance scheme of at least every 10
years. This is though not the case for modern, compact, SF6 free MV switchgear where all primary parts and the
mechanisms are housed in a hermetically sealed enclosure. Modern SF6 free MV switchgear is maintenance free
for at least 25 years.

Myth: There is not an alternative to using SF6 switchgear

This is not true, as firstly, all manufacturers that produce SF6 MV switchgear also produce SF6 free Air Insulated
Switchgear, suitable for IEC ratings up to 36 kV. Secondly, and most importantly SF6 free MV compact switchgear
is also widely available from several manufacturers and has been used since the 1990’s. Compact SF6 free
switchgear is available from various European manufacturers, and the continued use of SF6 gas is a critical issue
which is publicly recognized by large manufacturers such as Eaton, Schneider [2] and Mitsubishi [3].

Myth: The effect of SF6 switchgear on climate change is insignificant

Manufacturers of MV switchgear that uses SF6 gas claim that the contribution of SF6 to climate change is very
low. This is based on a current contribution figure of 0.01%. Indeed at first glance this is a small percentage yet
it only tells half the story as the concentration of SF6 gas in the atmosphere is increasing by 8% per year and
the contribution is already more than the equivalent of 200 Mt CO2 equivalents per year. Scientific research [4 &
5] shows that, without significant measures to eliminate SF6 emissions, the annual global emissions of SF6 gas
will continue to increase and the contribution to climate change will be the equivalent of 500 Mt CO2- by 2050.
The Global Warming Potential of SF6 is 22,800, and this will increase over time as the gas blocks infrared light at
specific wavelengths that are not blocked by any other greenhouse gas.

Other factors to consider are that the lifetime of SF6 in the atmosphere is more than 3000 years, and once in the
atmosphere, it will stay there for 3 millenniums. For this reason SF6 gas is listed in the Kyoto Protocol as one
of the substances of which the emissions should be eliminated. Sweden and Australia already have specific
legislation that prohibits the use of SF6 when alternatives are available, or legislation that tax the import and
use of SF6. There are also voluntary agreements in several other countries to minimize the emissions from SF6
switchgear. Despite these measures the annual global SF6 gas emission rate is currently more than 70% of the
annual production rate, which stands at around 10,000 tons SF6 gas per year.
green switching

1. Yvan Tits et al., Lifetime estimation of SF6 MV switchgear according to on-site conditions in DNO’s distribution
networks. CIRED 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Frankfurt 2011.



4. Levin et al., The global SF6 source inferred from long-term high precision atmospheric measurements and its
comparison with emission inventories. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2010

5. Rigby et al., History of atmospheric SF6 from 1973 to 2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2010

Green Switching Platform 26-34 Liverpool Road Luton, Beds LU1 1RS, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 158 239 0981 Email: [email protected]

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