Monodon) Production and Bacterial Counts of Modified Extensive

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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 9: 91-98 (2009)

Influence of Salinity and Management Practices on the Shrimp (Penaeus

monodon) Production and Bacterial Counts of Modified Extensive
Brackishwater Ponds
T. Jawahar Abraham1,*, Debasis Sasmal1
Department of Fishery Pathology and Microbiology, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal and
Fishery Sciences, 5 - Budherhat Road, Chakgaria, Panchasayar P. O., Kolkata - 700 094, West Bengal, India

* Corresponding Author: Tel.: +91.33 24328749; Fax: 91.33 24328763; Received 16 June 2008
E-mail:; Accepted 14 January 2009

The influence of salinity and management practices on the production of Penaeus monodon and changes in the counts of
total heterotrophs (THCs), presumptive vibrios (PVCs) and luminous vibrios (LBCs) in nine modified extensive
brackishwater ponds was investigated for one crop period, ranging from 102 to 132 days. The THCs ranging from 104 to
106/ml pond water and 105 to 107/g pond sediment and PVCs from 102-105/ml pond water and 103-106/g pond sediment were
recorded. The LBCs were detected only in high saline ponds in the range of 102-104/ml pond water and 103-105/g pond
sediment. The results of the bacterial counts of low (4-9 ppt), medium (9-15 ppt) and high (15-26 ppt) saline shrimp ponds
indicated that the THCs, PVCs and LBCs of water samples are influenced by salinity and their counts increased with increase
in salinity. Although the production/ha among the ponds did not vary much (P>0.05), the farmers were to extend the culture
period by about 12-18 days in low saline and 20-30 days in medium saline ponds compared to high saline ponds to attain a
harvest size of 29-30 g. The results clearly indicated the positive effect of optimum salinity on the growth and the overall
health status of shrimp, despite the higher counts of heterotrophs, vibrios and luminous vibrios in pond water and pond

Keywords: Penaeus monodon, total heterotrophs, Presumptive vibrios, Luminous vibrios, shrimp production.

Introduction (Alavandi et al., 1995). Bacteriology of cultured

shrimp and the environment in Texas (Vanderzant et
Over the last decade, Indian shrimp farming al., 1971), Sri Lanka (Fonseka, 1990), South-East
industry has transformed from a traditional shrimp Asian countries (Peranginangin et al., 1992; Sung et
trapping system to a capital oriented semi-intensive al., 2001) and South India (Sharmila et al., 1996; Otto
system due to ever increasing consumer demand, high et al., 1999) have been reported. The baseline data on
foreign exchange and stagnation in the wild catch. bacteriological aspects of West Bengal penaeid
The country possesses huge brackishwater resources shrimp pond environment under optimal to sub-
of over 1.2 million hectare (ha) suitable for shrimp optimal growth conditions are scanty. Therefore, this
farming; however, the total area brought under study was taken up to investigate the changes in
cultivation was just 157,000 ha. West Bengal is bacterial counts of modified extensive shrimp grow-
bequeathed with rich resources for aquaculture in out ponds with varied salinity regime.
India. It has cosmic potential for commercial farming
of shrimps. Currently, around 58,000 ha are under Materials and Methods
culture in West Bengal. These brackishwater areas
were reported to have salinity fluctuating between 2 Study area and Farming Practices
and 32 ppt. The aquaculture production of shrimp in
West Bengal increased from 12,370 t during the year In West Bengal, India, the North 24 Parganas,
1990-1991 to 41,000 t in 2006-2007 (Anon, 2007). South 24 Parganas and East Midnapore districts have
The dominant species under culture are Penaeus vast potential areas suitable for aquaculture, where
monodon followed by Fenneropenaeus indicus and shrimps are cultured by extensive, modified extensive
Metapenaeus spp. and semi-intensive methods. Modified extensive
Rapid development of shrimp culture has been brackishwater grow-out ponds culturing Penaeus
accompanied by the occurrence of diseases induced monodon in three locations of Contai region (Lat
both by natural and man-made environmental 21°48' N, Long 87°45' E), East Midnapore district
changes. The important pre-disposing factors leading were selected on the basis of salinity regime and
to disease outbreaks in shrimp culture are adverse categorized as low saline (4-9 ppt), medium saline (9-
environment, high stocking density, nutritional 15 ppt) and high saline (15-26 ppt) ponds. Three each
deficiency, inadequate aeration, insufficient water of low saline ponds in Rasulpur, medium saline ponds
exchange, heavy algal blooms, physical injury and in Korpura and high saline ponds in Petuaghat along
presence of high numbers of virulent pathogens the Rasulpur River, with varied management
© Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) Trabzon, Turkey and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
92 T.J. Abraham and D. Sasmal / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 9: 91-98 (2009)

practices, were sampled for bacteriological and NA, SWC TCBS agar, respectively for the
physicochemical analyses between 2002 and 2003. enumeration of THCs, LBCs and PVCs
The details of farming and management practices
followed in these modified extensive shrimp grow-out Monitoring of Shrimp Health Status
ponds are tabulated in Table 1.
About 50 shrimps were collected, on each
Collection of Pond Water and Pond Sediment sampling day, using four throws of cast net at
different sites of a pond. The shrimps were examined
Samples of water and sediment from nine P. at site for behavioural changes, abnormalities, gross
monodon grow-out ponds with varied salinity were and clinical signs of diseases (Lightner, 1977) and
collected on monthly intervals for one crop period their severity (Lightner, 1993).
ranging from 102 to 132 days. The final sampling
was, however, done either on the previous day of Shrimp Production and Determination of Food
harvest or just prior to harvest. Pond water samples Conversion Ratio
were collected in sterilized polypropylene bottles of
250 ml capacity at a depth of about 20 cm. Pond The details on average body weight, survival
sediment was collected at four places, viz., near the percentage and shrimp production from the modified
inlet, close to outlet, pond center and close to feeding extensive low saline (4-9 ppt), medium saline (9-15
tray in each pond using sterilized plastic corers and ppt) and high saline (15-26 ppt) grow-out ponds were
transferred immediately to a U-V sterilized polythene collected from the farm records. The food conversion
bag and mixed thoroughly. All the samples were ratio (FCR) was calculated by dividing the total feed
placed in insulated containers and brought to the consumed on dry weight basis (kg) by growth in
laboratory within 12-18 h of collection. Samples of terms of wet weight gain (kg).
pond water and pond sediment for physicochemical
analyses were also collected separately as above from Statistical Analyses
each pond.
The results of the bacterial counts were
Physico-chemical Analyses processed by log transformation. ANOVA and simple
correlation were carried out using Microsoft Excel
The physico-chemical parameters of water such Statistical Package.
as temperature by mercury thermometer, transparency
by Sacchi disc, pH by digital pH meter (Hanna, Results
Portugal), salinity by refractometer (Erma, Japan) and
redox potential or oxidation-reduction potential Physico-Chemical Parameters
(ORP) by ORP meter (Hanna, Portugal) were
measured at site. The dissolved oxygen (DO) was The range and mean values of physico-chemical
determined by Winkler’s method (APHA / AWWA / parameters of low, medium and high saline shrimp
WEF, 1998). The total organic carbon (TOC) content grow-out ponds are presented in Table 2. The
of sediment was determined by the method of temperature of pond water ranged between 28 and
Walkley and Black (1934). Soil pH was measured by 32.5°C in all systems with a mean of about 31°C. The
sediment pH meter (ESICO, India). dissolved oxygen (DO) values varied from 5.84 to
7.10 mg/L in low and high saline ponds and from 4.02
Bacteriological Analyses to 6.10 mg/L in medium saline ponds. The pH and
transparency values of water samples were observed
The enumeration of bacterial population of pond to vary between 7.02 and 8.80, and 15 and 62 cm,
water and sediment samples was by spread plating. respectively. The redox potential values were always
Aliquots (0.1 ml each) of water samples diluted in 1% above +49 mV, with a maximum of +246 mV. The
saline were spread on to the nutrient agar (NA), pond sediment pH and TOC values varied between
seawater complex (SWC) agar and thiosulphate 6.80 and 9.30, and 0.11 and 0.86%, respectively (Table
citrate bile salt sucrose (TCBS) agar, respectively for 2).
the enumeration of total heterotrophic counts (THCs),
luminous bacterial counts (LBCs) and presumptive Bacteriology
vibrio counts (PVCs) as described elsewhere
(Abraham et al., 2003; Abraham and Palaniappan, The results of the THCs, LBCs and PVCs of
2004) and incubated at 30±2°C for 24-48 h to count pond water and pond sediment samples of low,
the colony forming units (cfu). Likewise, the medium and high saline modified extensive shrimp
thoroughly mixed sediment sample from each pond grow-out ponds are presented in Tables 3-5. The low
was diluted in 1% saline and aliquots (0.1 ml each) of saline ponds recorded THCs in the range of 2.85x104-
suitably diluted sediment samples were spread on to 7.40 x 105/ml pond water and 1.06x106-1.94x107/g
Table 1. Details of Penaeus monodon farming in the brackishwater modified extensive culture system of West Bengal, India

Particulars Low saline ponds (4-9 ppt) Medium saline ponds a (9-15 ppt) High saline ponds (15-26 ppt)
Pond 1 Pond 2 Pond 3 Pond 1 Pond 2 Pond 3 Pond 1 Pond 2 Pond 3
Pond area (ha) 0.20 0.40 0.40 0.0992 0.1285 0.11 0.28 0.38 0.35
Source water Rasulpur River Rasulpur River Rasulpur River Rasulpur canal Rasulpur canal Rasulpur canal Rasulpur Riverb Rasulpur Riverb Rasulpur Riverb
Numbers stocked 20,400 40,000 40,000 11,700 17,800 11,200 24,000 36,000 36,000
Stocking density (no/m2) 10.20 10.00 10.00 11.79 13.85 10.18 8.57 9.47 10.29

T.J. Abraham and D. Sasmal / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 9: 91-98 (2009)
Source of seed Hatchery and Hatchery and Hatchery and Hatchery and Hatchery and Hatchery and Hatchery Hatchery Hatchery
wild wild wild wild wild wild
Aerationc + + + - - - + + +
Water exchange (%)d 5 5 5 0 0 0 5-10 5 5-10
Feed, Brand CP Aqua, Water Water Base CP Aqua CP Aqua Avanti Wockhardt Water Base CP Aqua CP Aqua
Feeding method Feed trays (3) Feed trays (4) Feed trays (4) Feed trays (2) Feed trays (2) Feed trays (2) Feed trays (3) Feed trays (4) Feed trays (4)
(numbers) and broadcast and broadcast and broadcast
Water depth (m) 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.80 2.00 1.70 1.00 1.00 1.10
a: Filling and draining by pumping as there were no inlet and outlet; b: Lower reaches of Rasulpur River; c: By pumping; d: Need based, after one month of stocking

Table 2. Range and mean values of physicochemical parameters of shrimp culture ponds during culture operation

Location of Pond Parameters

the ponds number Water Sediment
Temperature Dissolved pH Salinity Transparency Redox pH Total organic
(ºC) oxygen (mg/L) (ppt) (cm) potential (mV) carbon (%)
Rasulpur, Pond 1 30.00-31.50 6.04-6.94 7.02-8.60 4.40-8.90 22.00-42.00 60.00-103.00 6.80-9.20 0.56-0.62
Midnapore (30.9±0.63) (6.61±0.39) (7.93±0.81) (6.68±1.27) (32.25±8.42) (74.25±19.47) (8.40±1.10) (0.58±0.02)
(East) - Pond 2 30.00-31.00 5.84-6.70 7.50-8.80 4.20-9.00 20.00-43.00 59.00-71.00 6.80-9.30 0.50-0.65
Low saline (30.5±0.58) (6.26±0.36) (8.12±0.59) (6.61±1.35) (30.75±9.57) (65.00±5.48) (8.38±1.16) (0.56±0.06)
Pond 3 28.00-32.00 6.25-6.95 7.50-8.60 4.00-9.00 15.00-45.00 49.00-84.00 6.80-9.10 0.22-0.70
(30.75±1.89) (6.67±0.30) (7.93±0.50) (5.98±1.39) (27.00±12.75) (74.25±16.94) (7.88±1.15) (0.43±0.24)
Korpora, Pond 1 30.00-31.00 5.27-6.10 8.20-8.60 9.50-15.00 20.00-45.00 71.00-116.00 8.00-9.10 0.22-0.65
Midnapore (30.43±0.32) (5.68±0.35) (8.30±0.19) (11.82±2.28) (30.85±10.78) (101.75±10.73) (8.34±0.42) (0.41±0.17)
(East) - Pond 2 30.20-32.10 5.25-5.95 7.62-8.55 9.50-15.00 23.00-45.00 69.00-110.00 8.10-9.10 0.24-0.57
Medium (31.10±0.62) (5.53±0.36) (8.32±0.43) (12.12±2.73) (39.12±10.61) (97.75±11.48) (8.45±0.39) (0.35±0.08)
saline Pond 3 31.00-32.50 4.02-4.84 7.60-8.50 9.00-15.00 20.00-35.00 67.00-107.00 8.00-9.00 0.11-0.86
(31.75±0.57) (4.35±0.30) (8.10±0.31) (12.25±1.56) (29.85±2.36) (87.81±15.69) (8.43±0.36) (0.34±0.19)
Petuaghat, Pond 1 30.00-32.00 6.27-7.10 8.30-8.70 18.50-26.00 16.00-45.00 71.00-246.00 8.10-9.20 0.27-0.65
Midnapore (31.10±0.78) (6.78±0.36) (8.50±0.18) (21.88±3.08) (30.75±11.87) (120.75±83.73) (8.43±0.52) (0.46±0.19)
(East) - Pond 2 30.00-32.00 6.25-6.95 7.60-8.80 19.50-25.00 23.00-45.00 49.00-200.00 8.20-9.10 0.22-0.27
High saline (31.00±0.82) (6.53±0.30) (8.35±0.53) (21.92±2.73) (39.00±10.71) (87.75±74.84) (8.58±0.39) (0.25±0.03)
Pond 3 30.00-32.00 6.31-7.10 7.60-8.60 15.00-24.50 44.00-62.00 49.00-142.00 8.10-8.40 0.27-0.59
(31.00±0.82) (6.58±0.35) (8.10±0.48) (21.00±4.18) (53.50±8.06) (81.25±43.65) (8.23±0.13) (0.43±0.18)

Table 3. Changes in the bacterial counts of low saline (4-9 ppt) brackishwater modified extensive shrimp ponds

Days of culture Pond 1 (0.2 ha) Pond 2 (0.4 ha) Pond 3 (0.4 ha)
Pond water Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml
0–7 3.05 x 104 <1.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102 7.25 x 104 <1.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102 3.50x 104 <1.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102
2.18 x 105 2.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102 4.10 x 104 <1.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102 2.85 x 104 4.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102

T.J. Abraham and D. Sasmal / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 9: 91-98 (2009)
30 – 37
60 – 67 1.11 x 105 2.20 x 102 <1.00 x 102 4.60 x 104 <1.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102 6.35 x 104 1.60 x 102 <1.00 x 102
90 – 97 7.40 x 105 2.70 x 102 <1.00 x 102 1.09 x 105 3.40 x 102 <1.00 x 102 4.70 x 105 6.00 x 101 <1.00 x 102
114 – 120 2.10 x 105 3.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102 3.20 x 105 2.70 x 102 <1.00 x 102 5.20 x 105 1.70 x 102 <1.00 x 102
Pond sediment Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g
0–7 1.63 x 106 2.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103 1.56 x 106 <1.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103 1.96 x 106 2.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103
30 – 37 1.27 x 107 2.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103 2.93 x 106 2.30 x 103 <1.00 x 103 4.15 x 106 2.40 x 103 <1.00 x 103
60 – 67 4.60 x 106 <1.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103 2.67 x 106 <1.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103 1.94 x 107 <1.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103
90 – 97 1.06 x 106 1.10 x 103 <1.00 x 103 1.99 x 106 7.30 x 103 <1.00 x 103 2.18 x 106 6.20 x 103 <1.00 x 103
114 – 120 8.00 x 106 1.60 x 103 <1.00 x 103 4.10 x 106 6.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103 1.80 x 107 7.50 x 103 <1.00 x 103
THC: Total heterotrophic counts; PVC: Presumptive vibrio counts; LBC: Luminous bacterial counts

Table 4. Changes in the bacterial counts of medium saline (9-15 ppt) brackishwater modified extensive shrimp grow-out ponds

Days of culture Pond 1 (0.0992 ha) Pond 2 (0.1285 ha) Pond 3 (0.11 ha)
Pond water Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml
0 – 15 1.50 x 105 1.00 x 103 <1.00 x 102 3.68 x 105 <1.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102 2.60 x 105 1.00 x 104 <1.00 x 102
30 – 45 3.00 x 105 5.00 x 103 <1.00 x 102 4.35 x 105 <1.00 x 102 <1.00 x 102 3.85 x 105 1.00 x 104 <1.00 x 102
5 4 2 5
60 – 75 1.20 x 10 1.00 x 10 <1.00 x 10 5.70 x 10 2.00 x 103 <1.00 x 102 1.63 x 105 3.54 x 104 <1.00 x 102
90 – 105 1.90 x 105 3.20 x 103 <1.00 x 102 5.00 x 105 4.80 x 104 <1.00 x 102 1.26 x 106 1.00 x 105 <1.00 x 102
5 3 2 5
122 – 132 3.90 x 10 2.03 x 10 <1.00 x 10 9.85 x 10 5.50 x 103 <1.00 x 102 1.10 x 106 1.00 x 105 <1.00 x 102
Pond sediment Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g
0 – 15 3.20 x 106 <1.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103 1.72 x 106 7.50 x 103 <1.00 x 103 1.75 x 106 1.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103
30 – 45 2.10 x 106 <1.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103 3.20 x 106 1.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103 2.00 x 106 5.00 x 103 <1.00 x 103
6 4 3 6
60 – 75 2.90 x 10 <1.00 x 10 <1.00 x 10 4.40 x 10 1.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103 2.80 x 106 1.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103
90 – 105 1.60 x 106 1.80 x 104 <1.00 x 103 1.10 x 106 1.10 x 104 <1.00 x 103 1.13 x 106 1.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103
5 3 3 6
122 – 132 6.80 x 10 7.50 x 10 <1.00 x 10 1.75 x 10 1.20 x 104 <1.00 x 103 2.03 x 106 1.10 x 104 <1.00 x 103
THC: Total heterotrophic counts; PVC: Presumptive vibrio counts; LBC: Luminous bacterial counts
Table 5. Changes in the bacterial counts of high saline (15-26 ppt) brackishwater modified extensive shrimp grow-out ponds

Days of culture Pond 1 (0.28 ha) Pond 2 (0.38 ha) Pond 3 (0.35 ha)
Pond water Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml Cfu/ml
0–7 3.10 x 105 8.00 x 103 <1.00 x 102 4.80 x 105 2.90 x 104 <1.00 x 102 3.75 x 105 8.00 x 103 <1.00 x 102
35 – 42 4.90 x 105 2.15 x 104 1.00 x 104 7.00 x 105 4.10 x 104 2.00 x 103 1.12 x 106 1.20 x 104 3.00 x 103
60 – 67 3.40 x 105 1.50 x 104 5.00 x 102 1.10 x 106 2.00 x 105 5.50 x 102 9.70 x 105 1.50 x 104 2.00 x 102

T.J. Abraham and D. Sasmal / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 9: 91-98 (2009)
85 – 92 8.10 x 105 7.10 x 104 7.00 x 102 7.20 x 105 5.50 x 104 4.50 x 102 1.20 x 106 6.00 x 104 6.00 x 102
102 – 104 6.90 x 105 8.00 x 104 9.00 x 102 1.10 x 106 9.00 x 104 7.00 x 102 2.30 x 106 1.50 x 105 8.00 x 102
Pond sediment Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g Cfu/g
0–7 5.90 x 105 3.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103 9.20 x 105 5.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103 3.50 x 105 1.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103
35 – 42 9.30 x 105 4.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103 6.45 x 105 9.00 x 104 3.50 x 104 3.80 x 106 5.00 x 104 <1.00 x 103
60 – 67 1.60 x 106 3.50 x 104 1.00 x 103 2.00 x 106 4.50 x 105 1.50 x 104 4.30 x 106 6.00 x 104 1.00 x 104
85 – 92 7.10 x 106 1.40 x 105 4.00 x 104 4.30 x 106 8.00 x 105 3.00 x 104 7.60 x 106 1.25 x 105 7.00 x 104
102 – 104 6.70 x 106 3.10 x 105 6.50 x 104 5.80 x 106 1.00 x 106 9.00 x 104 2.80 x 107 3.10 x 106 1.00 x 105
THC: Total heterotrophic count; PVC: Presumptive vibrio counts; LBC: Luminous bacterial counts

96 T.J. Abraham and D. Sasmal / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 9: 91-98 (2009)

pond sediment. The PVCs were observed to be in the epicommensals with severity grade ranging from 0-
range of <1.00x102-4.00x102/ml pond water and 0.5 was noticed on shrimps of all the ponds with
<1.00 x 103-7.50 x 103/g pond sediment (Table 3). increasing DOC. The shrimps of medium saline
In medium saline shrimp ponds, the THCs in the ponds, however, experienced stress due to lack of
range of 1.20 x 105-1.26 x 106/ml pond water and 6.80 oxygen and mortalities. The FCR (1:1.08-1:1.10) and
x 105-4.40 x 106/g pond sediment were recorded. The survival (87-91%) in high saline ponds were better
counts of presumptive vibrios were in the range of than the low saline (1:1.26-1:1.46; 76-87%) ponds.
<1.00 x 102-1.00 x 105/ml of pond water and 1.00 x On the other hand, the medium saline ponds, which
103-1.80 x 104/g of pond sediment (Table 4). The were about 1.7-2.0 m deep, had no provision for water
LBCs could not be detected in the lowest dilution inlet and outlet for effective water exchange and also
tried in water and sediment samples of low (Table 3) for aeration, recorded low survival (60-75%) and high
and medium saline ponds (Table 4). FCR (1:1.36-1:1.49). The crops were successful and
The high saline shrimp grow-out ponds had the production/ha achieved was in the range of 2067-
higher counts of presumptive vibrios (8.00 x 103 - 2595 kg in low saline, 2273-2490 kg in medium
2.00 x 105/ ml and 1.00 x 104-3.10 x 106/g) and saline and 2200-2650 kg in high saline ponds (Table
luminous vibrios (<1.00 x 102-1.00 x 104/ml and 6). The differences in shrimp production among the
<1.00 x 103-1.00 x 105/g). The counts of luminous three categories of ponds were insignificant (P>0.05).
vibrios were observed to be high in all the high saline
ponds at around 40 days of culture. The THCs were Discussion
recorded in the range of 3.10 x 105-2.30 x 106/ml
pond water and 3.50 x 105-2.80 x 107/g pond sediment The intensification coupled with unscientific
(Table 5). farming practices has led to serious environmental
There existed highly significant differences in and shrimp health related problems in most of the
the THCs of water samples among the grow-out farms. Successful shrimp farming depends on
ponds of different salinity regime (P<0.000001)) and maintaining salinity, pH, DO and other water and soil
among the days of culture (P<0.0002). Significant quality parameters in appropriate ranges. Temperature
differences in the THCs also existed among the is an important component, which greatly influences
medium saline (P<0.02) and high saline (P<0.01) and directly affects the pond dynamics, controls the
grow-out ponds. The differences among the THCs of effect on the rates of both food consumption and
pond sediment samples from different salinity regime metabolism and the growth (Wootton, 1996). The
were insignificant (P>0.05). However, the differences present study recorded temperature within the
in the THCs of sediment with days of culture (DOC) optimum level (26-32°C) recommended for P.
were significant (P<0.02). Likewise, significant monodon culture (Chiu, 1988) in the ponds of all
differences were observed in the PVCs of water categories (Table 2). Das and Saksena (2001) noted
samples among the ponds (P<0.002) and DOC an inverse significant correlation of temperature with
(P<0.000001), and also of sediment samples among the growth and the low temperature negatively
the ponds (P<0.0001) and DOC (P<0.000001). The impacted shrimp metabolism. Although the DO
levels of LBCs did not vary much (P>0.05) among the values were always above 4 ppm, it was
high saline ponds, but differences were noted with comparatively low in medium saline ponds as there
DOC (P<0.0001). The correlations between the was no provision for water exchange and aeration
salinity and THCs, and salinity and vibrios were (Tables 1 and Table 2). Critical oxygen level can
statistically significant (P<0.05). hamper the production and survivability of shrimp as
was observed in medium saline ponds (Table 6). The
Shrimp Production DO content of water in shrimp ponds is influenced by
quantity of flushing of freshwater, tidal flow,
There were no abnormalities and diseases in low temperature, salinity, algal growth and organic matter
and high saline ponds and the overall health status of decomposition. The balance between the autotrophic
shrimp was good. A very few scattered presence of and heterotrophic productions in brackishwater

Table 6. Details of Penaeus monodon production from brackishwater modified extensive grow-out ponds

Particulars Low saline ponds Medium saline ponds High saline ponds
(4-9 ppt) (9-15 ppt) (15-26 ppt)
Pond 1 Pond 2 Pond 3 Pond 1 Pond 2 Pond 3 Pond 1 Pond 2 Pond 3
Total days of culture 114 114 120 132 122 127 104 104 102
Average body weight* (g) 29.50 28.25 27.20 30.00 30.00 29.50 29.50 29.00 29.00
Survival (%) 86.20 87.00 76.00 65.50 59.90 75.60 86.90 91.00 89.00
Total production/pond (kg) 519 983 827 230 320 250 615 950 930
Total production/ha (kg) 2595 2458 2067 2318 2490 2273 2200 2500 2650
Food conversion ratio 1:1.26 1:1.32 1:1.46 1: 1.44 1:1.49 1:1.36 1:1.10 1:1.08 1:1.09
*: At the time of harvest
T.J. Abraham and D. Sasmal / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 9: 91-98 (2009) 97
shrimp culture ponds determines the oxygen (Paranginangin et al., 1992), respectively. Otta et al.
dynamics (Chiu, 1988). Although the redox potential (1999) documented THCs ranging from 103 to 105/ml
values of pond water fluctuated greatly possibly due and PVCs from 101 to 104 /ml from P. monodon
to varying organic load and the demand for oxygen, it culture ponds of east and west coast of India. Further,
remained always on the positive side between 49 and the THCs recorded in shrimp pond sediment samples
246 mV (Table 2) thus, indicating the overall health were higher than in water so also the PVCs, probably
status of these ponds. due to continuous availability of substrate and
The water pH values recorded in all the ponds nutrients in the form of unconsumed feed, shrimp
(Table 2) were, however, slightly deviating from the excreta, dead plankton and other organic and
optimum range recommended (7.5-8.5) for ideal inorganic matter on the pond bottom. The fact is that
shrimp culture (Chiu, 1988). Das and Saksena (2001) the sediment gives shelter to both planktonic and
observed a direct correlation (P<0.01) between pH biofilm forming bacteria, while water column contain
and salinity, and growth of P. monodon. The only planktonic (free living) bacteria. The salinity
transparency values were generally low during the levels showed significant positive correlation
monsoon months which might have been caused by (P<0.05) with THCs and vibrios. The high saline
the addition of surface run off through rainfall. modified extensive ponds had more vibrios including
Nevertheless, the mean values of different ponds were luminous vibrios. The results are in conformity with
well within the recommended transparency values for Abraham et al. (2003), who reported salinity
shrimp culture (20-40 cm), except the pond 3 of dependant distribution of luminous vibrios in shrimp
Petuaghat. Das et al. (2001) in their studies in the farms. The dominance of luminous bacteria within
coastal belt of Orissa, India observed that the growth first 32-42 DOC possibly indicate shift in bacterial
of P. monodon was significantly related with abundance within the high saline ponds and conform
dynamics of transparency because higher values of the observations of Lavilla-Pitogo et al. (1998). The
transparency caused more photosynthetic activities results of the quantitative bacterial counts of three
leading to the availability of more natural food. different salinity regime shrimp ponds (Table 3, Table
Although the optimum salinity suitable for shrimp 5) indicated that the THCs, PVCs and LBCs of water
culture is about 15-25 ppt (Boyd, 1995) which is vital samples are influenced by salinity and their counts
for pond dynamics, the shrimps were grown in increased with increase in salinity. In the
salinities between 4 and 26 ppt in West Bengal, India brackishwater environments, wide variations in THCs
(Table 2). Likewise, in an earlier study also the occur due to many factors. Colwell and Morita (1974)
salinity range of 6.5-25.5 ppt favoured the growth of demonstrated values ranging between 102 and 105/ml
P. monodon (Das et al., 2001). The higher levels of for any given day and location and no predictable
salinity recorded during the summer months were pattern of these fluctuations in marine near-shore
well within the optimum limit. But, during the environments. Similar results were recorded in the
monsoon months the values reduced to 4 ppt in shrimp grow-out ponds of this study.
Rasulpur region and the role of fall in salinity might As shown in Table 6, the culture period
bear close relationship with fall in THCs and PVCs decreased with increase in salinity and the shrimp
(Tables 3-5). production and FCR were affected by management
The pond sediment pH values ranged from practices. The stocks of P. monodon attained the size
slightly acidic (6.80) to highly alkaline (9.30). These of about 29 g in 102–104 days in high saline grow-out
are probably the results of acidic nature of the soil ponds compared to 114-120 days in low saline and
and/or the practice of addition of lime or lime stone 122–132 days in medium saline ponds. The crops
powder during the course of shrimp culture. The results were successful and the production/ha achieved was
of the present study are, more or less, in conformity 2373±223 kg in low saline, 2360±93 kg in medium
with Chakraborti et al. (1986) and Chattopadhyay and saline and 2450±187 kg in high saline ponds. The
Mondal (1986). The observed increase in TOC (Table results of shrimp production of the present study
2) together with bacterial counts (Tables 3-5) with conform to the observations of Saha et al. (1999)
DOC may probably be the result of accumulation of recorded in Sunderbans regions of West Bengal.
organics on pond bottom. These results corroborate Although the production/ha among the three
the findings of Sharmila et al. (1996) and defer with categories of ponds did not vary much (P>0.05), the
those of Boyd (1992) who reported 1.5 - 2.5% TOC in farmers were to extend the culture period by about 12
shrimp pond soil. –18 days in low saline and 20-30 days in medium
The ranges of THCs recorded in West Bengal saline ponds and to incur additional operational
modified extensive shrimp grow-out ponds (Tables 3- expenditure compared to high saline ponds to achieve
5) are within the levels reported earlier in India a harvest size of 29-30 g. Despite the higher counts of
(Sharmila et al., 1996; Prabhu et al., 1999; Otta et al., heterotrophs, vibrios and luminous vibrios in pond
1999) and South-East Asia (Peranginangin et al., water and pond sediment, the results clearly indicated
1992; Sung et al., 2001). Relatively high THCs to the the positive effect of optimum salinity on the growth
tune of 1.2 x 108/g and 2.23x108/g sediment of shrimp and the overall health status of shrimp as has been
culture ponds were noticed in Tamil Nadu, India observed earlier (Das et al., 2001; Das and Saksena,
(Prabhu et al., 1999) and South-East Asia 2001).
98 T.J. Abraham and D. Sasmal / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 9: 91-98 (2009)

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