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Guide To Apply For MMVY Scholarship

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Hqrqrqrrq ffi-ftft1 RETr, qtqrtsr

qEFf ffir, rrf,ggr rrEq, ,Tlqra


fuir6 l9 / oa / zo.r,

1. qrffi, 4. 3rqfffi,
\JEr RIHT ff,Tr.r, fugtq qerm aen gfr fro-rs ftqr.r,
q-dggr rtqq, .i[qrq frqiq-d rffiq, c*qrd

2. 3Trgffi, 3trlgffi,
fufuRr ftHT. wnezrfu,
sdgs,r qqq, rlq-6 Frggr rq-q. +qrc{

3Trgffi, s-qfffi,
3r-gq,+Hii-c, qgqrffi fuT-rr, ,nrTrd
Hf,ggr rcq, d+t-d

frqq:- gLqrrfr +u-fr ft-sreff q)-wT d Tfi-{ \'fisTr$ rffiE-d otTt{r h-qrqr
gF-5-6/zon /az(t) mfm os/oa/zors d fr-qr;q-rn d ftq frfuq d
q "-{"il
riErr ftqTr ft-{yr t

qr4q-eeT YITFI. n:mffi ari 5c<l-* +tT-ft fr-sTrff

Rrer Tq ohT.4 fr--qtrs frl'rTrr
q)-fiT d frd q-m-q-r$ €{ilfSa 3rreqr trqiqr t'Jq''-s-6/2ott/tz(t) fu{m os/06/2o..|
qffi fuET .rql t t srft frti Tt q-s-sr$ riqilfkd qTtyr @1 q-R \d zil-q-rT t q-qfhd
q[r-mT-ft €qrd-rcrq il6ffi Rren, qtzqtqT of nq$T-iu www.mptechedu.org gq
q-ftil*S d Er-r-tfu qlfs www.scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in sq Bqcrcr g I qo-wr$
Ti{ilD-d 3rrirT 3qlrri q}q-qT d. bqr<-q-{ d frft=q qqq npr e-ii'-fi qq"l t q,t .ild qTfr
sTdqi* d r{dET n eerT ftftT fr'qFfiT{ * .-
1. rfftw (Registration) - d ftq fr'flT'Pff of sdqeTq'
E-s Eil-q-q.r o1 dp1 qrq o-{i

il6-ffi Rrer +t i.*g. www.mptechedu.org 3Teltn gffT{fi +

sr-cgRd q}fd www.scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in qt 3{u;Ir {RilQaTq (q-Sq-{)
6-qtil d,n r ern-aortfioii*in o-ifi d gq-{iil fr-sTPff Ei \16 qq{ 3lTfS \,ti
qrsq-d rilK *'n | {s {ffi 3TrtS T4 qm-{g or sqdFr 3ilTlft qqq fr fr'-sTgfr oi

o-Eqr t t

2. cil-fEq qe (Application Form) i@Prq d sq-{id Iilq {.'R sI{S \tf qTrrd-g
or rrqqtq tnq fu-ilneff ET-dgfu qt-ea' d qrqq t qd'Sen wd 1e+i+e< qt) q
3il-qqq-6 qr=rorRqi Ed oirr nzn zil-w+t d cmr Q €q-Bd 3{rqrqo Twffq 3Tq-€il-s

mt'n r fr.flT?ff .{i E-} \ffiaTq sT{ (oil*fi qa) 6T &-<-erse ww .F-{ lT*fi
Hqrqc qwrq\nr *l
=i-ic- .,,\ N ,^
€Frq o-q qlRTd lr.qen ii q-qf, ottn r


rrcqrcrq (Verification) - tS rrsqti trf,ffi pqrT, qwq-eaT d

roq r\ q}-q-qT q pTrR-d fu-qr qql t, s-+ qflFn !-fuqT d ftd qw-t en{S. V+
qTeq-€ qt-q-rT d 3TfUEtT ta [email protected] € sqart S 3{EEd t-a q-{

nRd frd .iTfn erfrg q{an 6} 3{q-i 3Tfuqd +d4 t [email protected] qq

q-u"q .rr'$ S 1r-q qnn-q-C i-o e-qrc-+aq ilm-ffi Rreil, qtutraaT 6\ 3EftT +d iRd

o-Eqr *r-r t rjqer €qraq rir e-m-ffi RIeTr, qwqtgr dRI qilq qq"q 3il{.S gq

qrw-€ o\ sq-i ros * qffin

sy sdirft | qsrrT qR {q-{ 3il-{S qq qs-q-g sqq}Ir
o-Ei r+rru s{€rT o} rrsan d *o g.ffr q't Tq errW q,}-s of qn-fiT-fr 3iltrsqcn

5q t qfuE .tr{fi E}-fi | eTRr-chtq rr{errr} qfr Rqfr fr ES tfi rg-d n dT'ilftr ot
q|RrHK e}-.ft r fu-q-sr qfteTq tF-{ €{ail gm annf#t q6} {€rTqidRdTeuu}fu"o ot
qrhft |

$erlrn d ftd $ 1) q-ftil{S d ETT{fu *ta qq qfr-fd riiQffq sqi

{d t 3rTriE-d qqi 3lT{-S qq q-s-q-C ol owdrq o-q qs-A d t

t-qfi rflans q) fu ffa .rq afifra TS t q-{g freqErgTi qt-q-rT d ftri qn

t, a d-.,rqT d GID-E-d i-a [email protected] q{ 3ilfqT frqd IrKiltI serT
qrq?rcq EFr qrq, Gr-qD' {€lR d sfi-i t t gs trftTrq S q-fter"T sqiTd
Hrer q-qer qtv
qFrf,r *i q{ Bt u}q-rT q qffF*d o-r qsr eT{.$ \q qrq-q-g qts-qT S eTB-qil +d

[email protected] t ti{er d 3{ftqd ta .n }Rf, fuqr qr}'rT I qerrT En

qw i{E-S qq qTq-{€ sqdr.T o-sfr lrrrq €wrT q'i €ren + t-o. sfi qff \'q
otTN ots of qtrsrft eTrqq-mh' sq t qfrE o-*fr 5iq r qrrrqttq d'irdni qft
fufr { fS t6 reTt q dl,ilftr ftt nRT srq E|.ft t fus-or lrfterq o-q dTarT gtn
drqTf#i ei rar-rffidZlnqTq)fu.d qfi drhft r

q_$-fd rirerTq g.q-+1 riwtT ii TIRTd td fr-sTeff

''il W zlFqqT 6-r alq srkr
oqt qrrd g, s-+d srnfi q-{ deII ffiIffi
o.r tftR'dgrq (ircqTqq) q}-fd d qurq
t lFtft t tftfrrdvn (wcum+) d sqq ri*erTq nq crq-mtfui 6-r wcrrTrl=T oiift ,-
(Fl fr.qTrff rt4qtqT or ffi t r

(s) fu-dT?ff d fi-or/qra-o of snq 6.00 dr€r sq-i t o-q t I

(r) fr-"qTrff i rzff sfi qfteTr vtr of t r

(q) fr-flTpff i qw-n-o frren qosa grur 3Trdfu-a rz ff +t qften t zo qRyrd

qr srr$ 3liqo. ero eteTqr fln erniftro rz fr o1
q$en ii es qfryra rn vsS 3TBcF eiq- qrf, fuq t t

(Q frnrrff qrt e-fu q-ften di qTTnT-er

Fi .ft 6;1g) :-

(i) d*{ (JEE) tqr qftqrr d r ars 50 6qrt acF t-o qnq of t ner
fi$Z*Yo qqqnq fr s-iaT ftu1 g

(ii) rr$q sl.rdl 3ilr q-iqT qfre{r (NEET) d 3TTErf{ s.{

qqfrfif"q/d$qq q .ffi-q fr elaT fuo' t r

(iii) CLAT Fnffi Ffr Tsfrarl .€) d qrqq * frfU qTqqm-q q q-iaT

ft"qr t r

(iv) erq t'qqr .rfrer S enqrq rR #E yrrcr"T a1 qr$*qq/*ffT€,

qrq?rmq ffid $ti qTfr frfrrffiT iirQmff q Tlqr ftqT t I

(v) R"i afr s-dn qfteTr d eneTn qr r*tq fr"B rirerT-q, T{ ffi 3Telqr

Rd ffi"€Trdq, q{ ffir q fr& sre'-{rn-q n s-}yr fu-qr t r

(q) ftqTPff o) sM frtirn g@ (+s g.ffi 1rq qffi oi gils-s{) fu t r

(6) fusTrff i tq gm- (ir{ gto qd 6ffi of ds-s{) €rarT q q.rrT 6-{
kqT t ererqr q-AqI fu wt fuq wqr t I

6n) fr.dTrff d sTrErf{ fti-o. +tr rerfr 6l fr-{i.f, qR frEqTrff i lTqa-d

qwn/er:qlq n n q*en /wqde {FiqffiE d ft.{/fr}o,zqq.Ofr.yq'.
/sza ftren qraqmq d e-naT ftqT ET | 3TTEIR fti-6 rgri fr iTfrT

fu urtm qfr 3{UEIT }s*|I.$e www.uidai.gov.in ttt €-Tefel Fffiev check

Aadhaar & Bank Account Linking Status d' 3ffT efen O-qfO Active *flI

3Trq{qcn t t q-s sTffir fr-flT?ff gRT +dF' d qTqq t rqii fr qfttr{d ot

tn.rqT B I

(s) qTrs-fttq vqenei 6 qqfrfiTs7fi-eys G Frft {irercii d qq+fiw

qrcqmq t q-ieT a6{ q)-dqT o-r drq di ql-d fr-aT?ff t Rnir sqiTd
fttrqf, emfd a-o ulqrr eir d ord or ergeu den {s tg frertRd q|.Ri
tni d-o-s 91q eF-{ fuq t t

(T) fr-flT?ff d enqn ord o-r fr"qq"T e-.qrF-o o-q ft-qr B t

5 vn-orMi d effiTR qq €r€r3ri qn si-d qa slRrn ft-sT?ffi o) ge ril-q-iT

q)r e1r+r
\\ cp
qr ) n,,,
rerri sell[i-fr-flt elffi/r{qelT o} frq oT,ffi o-Eqr t '

(i) qrr fuqrpff rh1 sr5qrgr s{d gq qrie{ u-a tffi ig ei-}E-d o-sqr t t

(ii) fr.sTrff t Eu qn-dT-ft +t eirq{+-dT d

EfuTd tS qfiwT o} qrqtro Fq
€ 3fS-sT{ znEqr * | frru-S Bq{id frflTrff Td { ,{er .r$ qn-mT-ft o)
ri?nfuf, o-r sdirn I tS Reft q ftsTrff d erq{r eri}qq gr: fr-o qq
fife oq ri-retT q qql 6sr *fi t

(iii) sTttl? frqr'Qff d 3Tiff{ qe o1 n"f sv t 3r$+'ri e-tqr t t

(iv) qoqo d d q6.{"il of t*

er6{ 'Tr$gdl{q
qrfr of
'd t. d fu dfd
qr Br;fr-el t r mcgqn o-rffi lntqtqqtFdf sTffi/ri{elT am gfrR-q-d
qeTqrfidt sTffi/q-{q gs qtrR q-iqlq;T sqrfd qn frglfd.qt d $raEq *
@ eTffir/rirafi d snR-d strfrl

4. rffi (Sanction) - q-.*6' \4{arT d frq go @ GTffi/€rerT FqfR-d o1

T$ t, ffi 11fr-mT-fr ffa w !qc4-er stsft t

tcl l?clct?cl |
-A--'----'---'$ 'dffi/s{ery
\rlcpt\t/ Yt\<it\ frqr:qtr
l11 tr-rrJ\rr\ vl.ft
\Q'il .-
(ei) qtqq-epT Rerd qq-{f, pTrq-dhtq €{q\ - ln-{errcfi q q}-q-rT d qrz fu.fl||fi
d fr\ ar€-fttq qi{€Tr sq fr @ el|ffi/r{qen si'ft t

(e) qtqq-AaT Rarf, qlqilc €{arrcil 'i-5flq qTw ${erT3fi rrqilc g'ffita i
iizrfto qqqmdi fr ri-s-rT d qTT M{qi d fu\ -
. lqs ffi n fi-{7fi? -o qrdlmq riflfu-d @-{i qTifr eT{Inc

qi{arl3r-jElq HqT r{w]T/*"a. {affifl t, r:'qr ffi eTemr

qfrq{al ffi i *qrfr-o qo eTrs-fttq tjifr}Rq-o €{qr @
erffitZ*iterr qirft t

. fuq ffi iT qq-ft-fi\'s qqq-fiq €ilfu-f, e-ii qTS g,-r-qilc

15{€rrlqr{r-ilc_qF-qRiE wTlfr-a t, g-q' ftrd sTQmr qftq{e; ffi n
q9rfuf, enq-fttq ft.fu-f,iT qErfr-qraq @ erfffi/sqen vi'ft t
. frrfl ftrd it s"? ften qialroq €arfu-d tn{i qrfr oTTEFT srq
€renit *erTft-d t, e-s ftrd q oTetqT qfirrwr ffi fr q9lTfr'-d $rfi-fttq
ei-q"ft qeft'-smq $@ cTffi/rirsn rtft t

(9 qrzstqT wq S erw ftpm rflft qns-+tq Tq qrq*c €tetTeri q qtq-iT d

q:{ fr-flreffi d ft\ €qrdit-d-q n-6-ffi frreTr, qtaqi$ @
eiD'orft v*i r

$ierTsi d sq-ra q-fi-i'ii ii

G rifr--dq"T 3Tffi e-E-caaoi orffi
e-{qr d ertgqq
drn t de-o+nf GTlffi B-{$ rllq€ rirQITGil * fiw q-.mft'd eilnE-{ qdt aerr s-tqifrd
gen afi un-#q oti npn fi-q-qT ftqqr$rn wg-fi qit Tn Gtrn<{ q-r} En qtfd d
qLqs i\ Tffi q-{rq otrt oer qifroq"r ig 3I}Rd s-tt r e?D-{q q 1fr-Ed RTRi e1 y$
q-ql-d-qTfl rfie-d-s-df erffiZe-{€rT of stsft r

r=.d@ erfffi/e{€il s]-.qrn--d sil-}T{ q-ri 6} q-q q{fl|-f\,iT d €eriuT o-{i d

rrTet-rrrgT {fr-fn qm-{q qo err+go r6-ir'il or M-d fi qqTR-d o.i.i f ,llj@ Grlffi
d wq * qfr-q$ €qd fuS W t-m-{'i or sfR-d o-{qd q.ii of .f,-qrq-{rft fr ffi
e{ffi/r{ren of e}-.ft r

5. mft-dq'T (Disbu rsement) q'rntT !-f,-i'il d ftr-$ s-qrd-qTaq a-o-ffi Rreir,

qrqld:T s+R-oqq-o-o| 3rfffi vtir gm. fr-a-i.f d fr\ v+M erffi S qis
n-s fufu-d Rr+q{ etrffi-d (DSc) 3rqy.rm B) opn gq} wedsT d in-n{fu
+fd s-{ q$-fd cr-qr] e}-'n r {]-fud-i"i Griffi dRT *f, q sqFrer irRT qr-T

qq qfterq fuqT Erti.T ner q*fur qIRT tf6 d lgrfr n ffi w-{-d
r€lrqlRf, of rlr$-rft t

qserelt d r@ erfffi d qrcil @ gq rifr--dq"T 3t-iq'T .l-ri q{

Riq-d-fldq il6-ffi pErT. qwq-+qT d €M erffi gRT orffi qr-$ Sq d-fd
qrRT d' {-t+- qt} Rffi esn.erfuo o-{fr Eq {-th'. 3rTtqT qft frrfl \il-tqT I

tift:Ia-ror-oaf 3Tffi o\ sl-d 6r urft frti.rS {-qiE errM o1 ffi (Monitoring)

fi 6-Eqr erqeqo drrn I
W =ire - {-*-- d qa"rq gftTrf,S qq ifo. d qrqq t d-fd {RI {itifud
qrft *i
q{ eI€In=T o-{i ot
{i{eTrlfr-sTeffdefidqqr d,ft r nRr t {icitrd qFrsT-fr qt*d
qqgflt \rftrT{S +t dlft t

6. qbqT €e)ft--o.r, r{€IFFl, ffi w w"nn-wr+-af qffii o-r fo+sq gfl wt d qrel

q6q $ 1

$d-{ :- sq*mrg-sn I
ri-4r-np iln-fr+t RRTr


L frfiE. / + /tls. /qqqqfifl-q / zors / fuiro /oa/zol.e.

'- iffiffi frren qq q-)PTa fr-fl-s frqrr qi 3r}q qa-nei
1. ugu wfu"o, qr4qtqT yrf{fi, t

2. qez!-irT ytt-{tq, iffi-ffi Rren gq stRTd frro-s fuil-r of eis qmref I

3. lg-rnfl nrs-+tqZrqrTwft/3rTfl-{ qlql{qfud-q7ffi e-eerqfrr q_eTR-fld-q o1

rpnef vq erqq+o orffi fu

ei.t t

4. qr4!-taT Ret-o {Trfqi nrs-+tqZerrqfi/aTm{q H-{r 3{Tfl-q qKlTqffiq

gq 3TIqPqcF
mpilpq-o q-Erfr-eraq/qft-f,T frfrl}fu-o q-aRtrrc?T e1 3fiq vpruei
5. qrf€T 3rri-3rr{ fi vrq€rn,/ \'{ 3il{ d r{qeffir/3rr$ 3rri 3rT{ A alqerrq/fi qw 3
3il{ €{urTqlg1rr6 ffi"q frwfrqroq of 3fi{ qanef gq 3Trqaqfi 6fffi tg I

6. rtrrt{rr fi$rr*fo qqqmq ffidd q,-{i qfr el-q riqq3ir of 3fti qa-nti Vo
3mmqcn. orf+fr Fg t

7. 11rfrd V{ 1rd q a1*rrml\-{.q-d.{ q-$ ftdZffi ftgqftqraq, i-$ R"dr of 3lis

qanei G eirqsq-o oid-otfr i_g t

B. -irqs*T Rel-a vrqw q-qarrqi @t 3rk vlanef Vq enqEq-6 orffi *g t

e. d-q eTrs-q *1 qq_ft-fivc7ficrgc qlqq-mq {fffud q1-{i qTa fufu-cqrrzqo fuRtffT

qqeilsii of 3i-{ qanef gq 3il-qgqo ofoifr { t

10. rrr{fl rfldt{ d srq q"qql. q-{a;T-i} tht 3rii qanei

qq 3il-€{6 orsotfr *g t

-r5$o ftETr-
Process Chart of
Mukhyamantri Medhavi Vidyarthi Yojna

S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 D-1

Through Web Address: • Using User-ID and • Respective institute will All Government Designated Designated Designated Directorate of Directorate of Technical Education,
www.scholarshipportal.m Password received after verify the submitted institutes of M.P. will Government Government Lead Government Medical Technical M.P. will be disbursing authority for
p.nic.in or registration, candidate Application Form of the be sanctioning Polytechnic institute College of Higher Colleges will be Education, M.P. will all the cases.
www.mptechedu.org. will fill their Application candidate against the authority for eligible of the district will be Education of the sanctioning authority be sanctioning
Candidate will get an User- Form and upload the original documents. students admitted in sanctioning district will be for Private authority for
ID and Password. necessary documents Institute will also verify the their institutes authority for Private sanctioning authority institutions / Private Central
through portal. aadhar enabled bank through portal by and Aided for Aided colleges of Universities running Government
• Candidates will Verify details of candidates in using Institute institutions / Private Higher education M.B.B.S. Course in Universities/
all the entries of filled case of Private/Aided Sanction-ID and Universities running Department running the district or nearby institutions and B.E.
Application Form, Lock Institutions. Password. B.E. / B. Tech. Higher Education district through portal / B. Tech. course
it and take Print out of • Institute will recommend Course in the district courses in the district by using Institute running in Private
Filled Application Form. the eligible cases for through portal by through portal by Sanction-ID and and Aided
• Admitted candidate sanction/ temporarily using Institute using Institute Password. institutions / Private
will submit his printed reject the application for Sanction-ID and Sanction-ID and Universities
Application Form correction/ permanently Password. Password. situated outside MP
alongwith all requisite reject the application through portal by
documents at the through portal by using using DTE Sanction-
institute for verification Institute Verification-ID and ID and Password.
purpose. Password.
• Outside M.P. institutions/
Candidates must follow the
guidelines meant for
outside cases that is
available on
nic.in or
पात्रता सम्बन्धी रश्‍

रश्‍ - 01 क्या ्‍यरश्ेश ाा्‍य ेश लाााा लन्य ाा्‍य ेश ि ाासी िा्या्थी सस यजन ा
ेा ााभ ाश सेतश हैं?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍नह ीं।‍यह‍योजना‍केवल‍मध्‍यप्रदेे ‍रा्‍‍य‍के‍िनवाीी‍िव्यार्थियों‍के‍ललए‍

ह ‍लाग‍ू है ।

रश्‍ - 02 ्शाश ्ाााा पा

ू व ार्व ्ें सस यजन ा ेा ााभ रश्ाप्त िेया यया ्ा लब ्ैं श
िेसी लन्य पा्य्रम् ्ें सस ार्व पन रश्ाश रश्ाप्त िेया ह। क्या लब ्ैं सस
यजन ा ेा ााभ ाश सेता हू ?‍

उत्‍तर-‍ योजना‍के‍वतिमान‍िनयमों‍के‍अींतगित‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍केवल‍एक‍ह ‍पाठ्यक्रम‍

हे त‍ु ललया‍जा‍ीकता‍है ।‍यदे‍आपके‍्वारा‍पव
ू ‍ि में ‍लाभ‍ललया‍जा‍चक
ु ा‍है ‍तो‍
आप‍अन्‍य‍ी्र ‍में ‍योजना‍हे त‍ु पा्र ‍नह ीं‍ह।।

रश्‍ - 03 ्ा‍यमि्े मि ्ा ््‍ ा ्ाााा ययजिनत 12ाी े पाक्ा ्ें िेत श रश्ित त
ले रश्ाप्त ेा श ाााश िा्या््वय ेज यजन ा ेा ााभ मि्ाशया?

उत्‍तर‍- इी‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍माध्‍यलमक‍ल ्ा‍म्‍‍ ल‍्वारा‍आयोिजत‍2ववीीं‍क ‍पर ्ा‍

में ‍ 70‍ प्रदित त‍ या‍ उीीे‍ अर्िक‍ अींक‍ प्रदाप्‍त‍ करने‍ वाले‍ िव्यार्थियों‍ को‍ ह ‍

रश्‍ - 04 CBSE/ICSE ्ाााा ययजिनत 12ाी े पाक्ा ्ें िेत श रश्ित त ले रश्ाप्त
ेा श ाााश िा्या्थी यजन ा ेा ााभ ाश सेतश हैं?

उत्‍तर‍- यह‍योजना‍CBSE/ICSE ्वारा‍आयोिजत‍2ववीीं‍ क ‍पर ्ा‍में ‍ 85‍प्रदित त‍या‍

उीीे‍अर्िक‍अींक‍प्रदाप्‍त‍करने‍वाले‍िव्यार्थियों‍के‍ललए‍है ।

रश्‍ - 05 ्ैं श ार्व 2018 ेश पा

ू व बााहाी े्ा े पाक्ा 75 रश्ित त सश ल्धे ले
ेश सा् ्ा‍यमि्े मि ्ा ््‍ ा सश पास े ह। क्या ्ैं यजन ा सश ााभ रश्ाप्त
ेा सेता हू ?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍ हॉ।‍ ककन्‍

त‍ु योजना‍ के‍ अींतगित‍ िनिाितरत‍ पा्र ता‍ ीींधि
ीं ी‍ तप‍ परू ‍ करना‍
यक‍है ।‍

रश्‍ - 06 क्या सस यजन ा ेा ााभ सा्ान्य ायव ेश िा्या्थी भी ाश सेतश हैं?

उत्‍तर‍-‍ ीं
रश्‍ - 07 क्या सस यजन ा ेा ााभ ‍ाा‍यायी तात्र ेज भी मि्ा सेता ह। ?

उत्‍तर‍-‍ जी‍हॉ,ीं इी‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍स्‍वाध्‍यायी‍िव्याथी‍के‍रूप‍में ‍ 2ववीीं‍ क ‍पर ्ा‍

तीर्ण ि‍िव्यार्थियों‍के‍ललये‍भी‍लाग‍ू है ।‍

रश्‍ - 08 ्ैं 12ाी पाक्ा उत्तीर्ण व ेा श ेश बाे ार्व 2017 ेश पा

ू व हक उच्च ल‍यय हश तन
रश्ाश ाश चनेा ्ा क्या लब ्न श यजन ा सश ााभ रश्ाप्त हज सेता ह। ?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍नह ीं।‍यह‍योजना‍वर्ि‍व027-28‍ीे‍प्रदारीं भ‍हुई‍है ‍अतएव‍वर्ि‍व027‍के‍पव

ू ‍ि
प्रदवे ‍प्रदाप्‍त‍कर‍चुके‍िव्याथी‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍लेने‍हेत‍ु पा्र ‍नह ीं‍है ।

सनीि यराय सम्बन्धी रश्‍

रश्‍ – 09 ्ैं श नश.ई.ई. े पाक्ा पास े ह। तज क्या ्ैं सस यजन ा ेा ााभ ाश सेता
हू ?

उत्‍तर‍- ीं
‍ योजना‍का‍लाभ‍JEE MAINS उत्‍तीर्ण ि‍ वर्ि‍ में‍ ले‍ ीकते‍ ह।‍
यदे‍आपक ‍र।क‍2‍लाख‍50‍हजार‍के‍अन्‍ेर‍हो।‍अन्‍य‍ीभी‍पा्र ता‍ीींधि
ीं ी‍
ू ‍ि करना‍आवश्‍यक‍है।‍

रश्‍ – 10 क्या नश.ई.ई. ्ें स पाक्ा ्ें 1 ााख 50 हनाा सश बाहा े ाैंे ाााश िा्या््वय
ेज सस यजन ा ेा ााभ मि्ाशया?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍नह ीं।‍

रश्‍ – 11 क्या ्न श ि नी सनीि यराय ्हािा्यााय ्ें रश्ाश ाश श पा सस यजन ा े

पात्रता हजयी?

उत्‍तर‍- यदे‍आपक ‍JEE MAINS‍में ‍ र।क‍2‍लाख‍50‍हजार‍ीे‍ कम‍है ‍ एवीं‍ िनजी‍

इींजीिनयतरींग‍महािव्यालय‍में ‍प्रदवे ‍लेत‍े ह।‍तो‍रूपये‍2‍लाख‍50‍हजार‍अथवा‍
तिवक‍ ्‍
ु क‍ ‍जजो‍भी‍कम‍हो , इी‍योजना‍अींतगित‍देया‍जायेगा।‍‍ ाीक य‍
महािव्यालय‍में ‍वास्‍तिवक‍ ्‍
ु ‍क‍देया‍जायेगा।
्शड ेा सम्बन्धी रश्‍

रश्‍ – 12 ्ैं श ीट (NEET) े पाक्ा पास े ह। तज क्या ्ैं सस यजन ा ेा ााभ ाश

सेता हू ?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍ हॉ, आप‍ इी‍ योजना‍ का‍ लाभ‍ एम.धी.धी.एी.‍ पाठ्यक्रम‍ के‍ ललए‍ नीट‍
(NEET) उत्‍
तीर्ण ि‍ वर्ि‍ में ‍ ले‍ ीकते‍ ह।।‍ अन्‍य‍ ीभी‍ पा्र ता‍ तप‍ पर्ण
ू ‍ि करना‍
यक‍है ।‍

रश्‍ – 13 क्या ासे य ंा रश्ायाशट ्शड ेा ेेाशन ेश ं्.बी.बी.ंस. पा्य्रम् ेश

िा्या््वय ेज यजन ा ेा ााभ ाश श ेश मिां बा्‍ भा ा लि ाायव ह। ?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍हॉ,ीं इी‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍एम.धी.धी.एी.‍पाठ्यक्रम‍के‍ललए‍लेन‍े पर‍धा्‍‍ ‍

भरना‍ अिनवायि‍ है ।‍ धा्‍‍ ‍ क ‍ ततों ‍ हे त‍ु िवस्‍तत
ृ ‍ एकजाई‍ आेे ‍ देनाींक‍
28/05/व028‍का‍अवलोकन‍ककया‍जा‍ीकता‍है ।‍

रश्‍ – 14 क्या बी. ी.ंस. ्ें रश्ाश ाश श पा यजन ा ेा ााभ मि्ाशया?

उत्‍तर‍- मध्‍
यप्रदेे ‍में ‍िस्थत‍ ाीक य‍ेन्‍त‍र्चककत्‍
ीा‍महािव्यालय‍में ‍प्रदवे ‍लेने‍पर‍
ीा‍महािव्यालय‍में ‍ योजना‍
क ‍पा्र ता‍नह ीं‍होगी।

रश्‍ – 15 क्या िेसी भी ्शड ेा ेेाशन ्ें रश्ाश ाश श पा सस यजन ा ेा ााभ मि्ाशया?

उत्‍तर‍- नीट‍(NEET)‍प्रदवे ‍पर ्ा‍के‍माध्‍यम‍ीे‍केन्‍र‍ ाीन‍एवीं‍मध्‍यप्रदेे ‍ ाीन‍

के‍ मेड कल‍ कॉलेज‍ अथवा‍ मध्‍यप्रदेे ‍ में ‍ िस्थत‍ प्रदायवेट‍ मेड कल‍ कॉलेज‍ के‍
एम.धी.धी.एी.‍पाठ्यक्रम‍में ‍प्रदवे ‍प्रदाप्‍त‍करने‍पर‍इी‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍लमलेगा।‍
नीट‍(NEET) के‍अिततरक्‍त‍केन्‍र‍ ाीन‍के‍ ीे‍मेड कल‍कॉलेज‍जो‍स्‍वयीं‍क ‍
पर ्ा‍के‍आिार‍पर‍एम.धी.धी.एी.‍पाठ्यक्रम‍में‍प्रदवे ‍ेे त‍े ह।, में ‍प्रदवे ‍प्रदाप्‍त‍
िा्ध मि ्ा सम्बन्धी रश्‍

रश्‍ – 16 ्ैं श ेे् ाे ं मि् टश ‍ट े पाक्ा पास े ह। तज क्या ्ैं सस यजन ा

ेा ााभ ाश सेता हू ?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍हॉ, आप‍इी‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍(CLAT) उत्‍तीर्ण ि‍वर्ि‍में ‍ले‍ीकते‍ह।, परन्‍त‍ु

अन्‍य‍ीभी‍पा्र ता‍ीींधि
ीं ी‍ तप‍पर्ण
ू ‍ि करना‍आवश्‍यक‍होगा।

रश्‍ – 17 क्या ्ैं िा्ध सश सब्धत (CLAT) पाक्ा ेश लितराक्त पाक्ा ेश ्ा‍य् सश
रश्ाशमि त िेसी लन्य िा‍ािा्याायम्हािा्यााय ्ें रश्ाश ेश मिायश पात्र हू ?

उत्‍तर‍- हॉ,ीं ीींस्‍थान‍ ्वारा‍ आयोिजत‍ पर ्ा‍ के‍ माध्‍यम‍ ीे‍ केवल‍ रा्‍‍र य‍ िवर्ि‍
विव्यालय, नई‍ दे्‍‍ल ‍ एवीं‍ दे्‍‍ल ‍ िवश्‍
विव्यालय‍ में ‍ िवर्ि‍ ीे‍ ीींधर्ीं ित‍
स्‍नातक‍पाठ्यक्रम‍में ‍प्रदवे ‍प्रदाप्‍त‍करने‍पर‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍प्रदाप्‍त‍होगा।‍

लन्य पा्य्रम् सश सब्धत रश्‍

रश्‍ – 18 क्या सस यजन ा ्ें भाात साेाा ेश स्‍त स‍्ा ्ें सचामिात रेजशनं

रश्जरेजा्, ड्या
ू ड रेजी या सटकरेजशटश पज‍ट रेजशननं रश्जरेजा् ेश ेजसव ्ें रश्ाश ाश श
पा ााभ मि्ाशया?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍हॉ, परन्‍

त‍ु अन्‍य‍ीभी‍पा्र ता‍ीींधि
ीं ी‍ तप‍पर्ण
ू ‍ि करना‍आवश्‍यक‍होगा।‍

रश्‍ – 19 क्या ्.रश्. ेश िा‍ािा्यााय म्हािा्यााय ्ें सचामिात बी.ंस.सी, बी.ं,

बी.ेा्, मिसिंय त्ा ‍ ाते ‍ता ेश लन्य सभी पा्य्रम् ेश मिां सस
यशान ा ेा ााभ मि्ाशया?

उत्‍तर‍- म.प्रद.‍के‍िवश्‍
विव्यालयों/महािव्यालयों‍एवीं‍ अने
ु ान‍प्रदाप्‍त‍महािव्यालयों‍में‍
ीींचाललत‍‍ ीमस्‍त‍पाठ्यक्रमों‍को‍योजना‍में ‍ ीिमिमललत‍ककया‍गया‍है ।‍ककन्‍
िनजी‍्े्र ‍के‍िवश्‍
विव्यालयों/महािव्यालयों‍के‍ललये‍यह‍योजना‍लाग‍ू नह ीं‍है ।‍

रश्‍ – 20 क्या पजाकटश िक् े ेेाशन ्ें रश्ाश ाश श पा सस यजन ा ेा ााभ मि्ाशया?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍ हॉ।‍ पोल टे िक्नक‍ कॉलेज‍ में ‍ 2व‍ वीीं‍ क्ा‍ उत्‍तीर्ण ि‍ करने‍ के‍ आिार‍ पर‍
प्रदवेल त‍पाठ्यक्रमों‍के‍िव्याथी‍योजना‍में ‍िनयमानी
ु ार‍ीिमिमललत‍ह।।‍
रश्‍ – 21‍ क्या ि नी ्हािाे्
यााय ्ें सचामिात मिसिंय पा्य्रम्‍्ें रश्ाश ाश श पा सस
यजन ा ेा ााभ मि्ाशया?

उत्‍तर‍– जी‍नह ।‍

रश्‍ – 22‍ क्या ि नी ्हािा्यााय ्ें सचामिात ‍ ाते पा्य्रम् ‍्ें रश्ाश ाश श पा
सस यजन ा ेा ााभ मि्ाशया?

उत्‍तर‍–‍ िनजी‍्े्र ‍के‍केवल‍इींजीिनयतरींग‍महािव्यालयों‍के‍धीटे क/धीई‍पाठ्यक्रम‍एवीं‍

ु ार‍
लाग‍ू ह।।‍ र्
े ‍िनजी‍्े्र ‍के‍महािव्यालयों‍में ‍ीींचाललत‍ र्
े ‍पाठ्यक्रमों‍के‍ललेय‍े
यह‍योजना‍लाग‍ू नह ‍ह।।‍

याशे रश्ि्रमया सश सब्धत रश्‍

रश्‍ – 23 यजन ा ेा ााभ ाश श ेश मिां िेस रश्ेाा लप्ााई ेा ा हजया?

उत्‍तर‍- अगर‍ आप‍ इी‍ योजना‍ क‍ पा्र ता‍ रखते‍ ह।, तो‍
www.scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in‍ या‍ www.mptechedu.org‍ पर‍ जाकर‍
प्रदथमत:‍रिजस्‍टे न‍करवाना‍होगा।‍उीके‍उपराींत‍प्रदाप्‍त‍यज
ू र‍आई ी‍एवीं‍पाीव ‍ि
ीे‍पोटि ल‍पर‍ह ‍आवेेन‍प्र ‍ीधलमट‍करना‍होगा।‍तत्‍
चात भ‍भरे ‍हुए‍आवेेन‍
प्र ‍का‍िप्रदींट‍आउट‍प्रदाप्‍त‍कर‍ीभी‍आवश्‍यक‍ेस्‍तावेज‍ीींल‍‍न‍कर‍ीींधर्ीं ित‍
ततु ‍करना‍होगा।‍ीींधर्ीं ित‍ीींस्‍था‍्वारा‍ेस्‍तावेजों‍के‍ीत्‍यापन‍
उपराींत‍ पा्र ‍ पाये‍ जाने‍ पर‍ पोटि ल‍ पर‍ ीत्‍यापन, स्‍वीकृित‍ एवीं‍ ीींिवतरर्ण ‍ क ‍
कायिवाह ‍उपराींत‍आपको‍िनयमानी
ु ार‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍प्रदाप्‍त‍होगा।‍‍

रश्‍ – 24 याशे ेश मिायश िे े‍तााशन े उपा‍धता ल्‍य्थी ेश पास या‍ये हैं?


 मध्‍
यप्रदेे ‍का‍िनवाीी‍प्रदमार्ण -प्र ‍
 20वीीं‍एवीं‍2ववीीं‍पर ्ा‍क ‍अींक‍ीच
ू ी‍
 आय‍प्रदमार्ण -प्र ‍
 आिार‍नमि‍धर‍
 अने
ु ान‍प्रदाप्‍
विव्यालयों‍या‍महािव्यालयों‍में ‍प्रदवे ‍के‍
प्रदकरर्ण ‍में ‍‍आिार‍ललींक‍ध।क‍खाता‍
 मेवार‍फ ी‍का‍िववरर्ण ‍एव‍रीीे
रश्‍ – 25 क्या सस यजन ा ेश ााभ ेश मिां ्शाा यधाा बा ंा बैंे खाता या‍ये
ह। ?

उत्‍तर‍- इी‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍लेने‍के‍ललए‍िव्याथी‍का‍आिार‍नींधर‍आवश्‍यक‍है ।‍
आवेेन‍प्र ‍में ‍िव्याथी‍के‍ध।क‍खाते‍क ‍प्रदिव्‍‍ट ‍का‍प्रदाविान‍नह ीं‍है ।‍

रश्‍ – 26 क्या सस यजन ा ेश ााभ ेश मिां ्शाश बैंे खातश ेा यधाा सश मिाे हज ा
या‍ये ह। ?

उत्‍तर‍- जी‍हॉ।

रश्‍ – 27 क्या ह्ें सस यजन ा ्ें याास ा खा श ेा प।सा भी येया नायशया?

उत्‍तर‍- योजना‍के‍अींतगित‍स्‍नातक‍स्‍तर‍हे त‍ु िवलभन्‍न‍ीींस्‍थानों‍को‍ेे य‍ ्‍

ु ‍क‍के‍रूप‍
में ‍ प्रदवे ‍ ्‍
ु ‍क‍ एवीं‍ वह‍ वास्‍तिवक‍ ्‍
ु ‍क‍ जमेी‍ ्‍
ु क‍ ‍ एवीं‍ कॉ न‍ मनी‍ को‍
छोड़कर ‍जो‍ ्‍
ु ‍क‍िविनयामक‍ीलमित‍अथवा‍मध्‍यप्रदेे ‍िनजी‍िवश्‍
िविनयामक‍आयोग‍अथवा‍भारत‍ीरकार/रा्‍‍य‍ ाीन‍्वारा‍िनिाितरत‍ककया‍
गया‍है , का‍ह ‍भग
ु तान‍ककया‍जायेगा।‍

‍रश्‍ – 28 क्या रश््् याशे ्ें पर्ण

ू व भय
न ता रश्ाप्त हक हज श े ि‍्ित ्ें र्
श ाामि
हश तन ्िातीय याशे रश्‍तत
न िेया ना सेता ह। ?

‍उत्‍तर‍- ीे‍आवेेक‍जो‍ ्
ै णर्ण क‍वर्ि‍व027-28‍में‍मख्
ु ‍यमीं्र ी‍मेिावी‍िव्याथी‍योजना‍
क ‍पर्ण
ू ‍ि राल ‍हे त‍ु अपना‍आवेेन‍प्रदस्‍तत
ु ‍नह ीं‍ कर‍ीके‍ह।, वे‍ र्
े ‍राल ‍हे त‍ु
अपना‍ ्िवतीय‍ आवेेन‍ अपने‍ लॉर्गन‍ आई ी‍ एवीं‍ पाीव ‍ि के‍ माि भयम‍ ीे‍
ु भयमीं्र ी‍ मेिावी‍िव्याथी‍ योजना‍के‍पोटि ल‍ पर‍उपलध भि‍िवकल भप‍के‍्वारा‍
प्रदथम‍ आवेदेत‍राल ‍धैक‍खाते
ंीं ‍ में ‍ प्रदाप्‍त‍कर‍लेने‍ के‍उपराींत‍ह ‍प्रदस्‍तत
ु ‍कर‍
ीकते‍ह।।‍्िवतीय‍आवेेन‍क ‍प्रदकक्रया‍पव
ू ािनी
ु ार‍ह ‍रहेगी।‍

रश्‍ – 29 क्या यजन ा ेा ााभ रश्ाप्त ेा श ेश उपाात भी याशे पत्र ेज ल ाेे

ेाााेा लन्य स‍्ा पा्य्रम् ेश मिां रश्‍तत
न िेया ना सेता ह। ?

‍उत्‍तर‍- ीे‍ आवेेक‍िजन्‍होंने‍ मख्

ु य
‍ मीं्र ी‍मेिावी‍िव्याथी‍योजना‍का‍लाभ‍प्रदाप्‍त‍कर‍
ललया‍है ‍ अथाित भ‍िजनक ‍राल ‍ीींचालनालय‍तकनीक ‍ल ्ा‍्वारा‍ड स्‍पीि‍ क ‍
जा‍चुक ‍है , ीे‍ आवेेक‍प्रदाप्‍त‍राल ‍अपने‍ ध।क‍खाते/ीींस्‍था‍के‍ध।क‍खाते‍ के‍
यम‍ ीे‍ मख्
ु ‍
यमीं्र ी‍ मेिावी‍ िव्याथी‍ योजना‍के‍ पींजाध‍ ने नल‍ ध।क‍खाता‍
क्रमाींक‍ 63200002000053व5, IFSC Code – PUNB0631000 में‍
स्‍थानाींततरत‍कर‍अपना‍आवेेन‍अनलॉक‍करवा‍ीकते‍ ह।।‍उ्‍‍लेखनीय‍है ‍ कक‍
इी‍खाते‍में ‍नगे‍राल ‍जमा‍ककये‍जाने‍का‍प्रदाविान‍नह ीं‍ककया‍गया‍है ।‍इी‍
हे त‍ु राल ‍स्‍
थानाींततरत‍होने‍ के‍उपराींत‍स्‍वीकृतकताि‍ अर्िकार ‍क ‍लॉर्गन‍एवीं‍
पाीव ‍ि पर‍ीे‍ ''तरकवर '' िवक्‍‍प‍के‍अींतगित‍इीका‍प्रदाविान‍ककया‍गया‍है ।‍
ीे‍आवेेकों‍के‍आवेेन‍प्र ‍स्‍वीकृताकताि‍अर्िकार ‍्वारा‍अनलॉक‍ककये‍जा‍
ीकेंगे।‍ स्‍वीकृतकताि‍ अर्िकार ‍ आवेेन‍ अनलॉक‍ ककये‍ जाने‍ के‍ पव
ू ‍ि यह‍
ीिु निश्चत‍करें गे‍कक‍आवेेक‍ीे‍प्रदाप्‍त‍राल ‍मख्
ु ‍यमीं्र ी‍मेिावी‍िव्याथी‍योजना‍
के‍खाते‍ में ‍ स्‍थानाींततरत‍हो‍चुक ‍है ।‍अनलॉक‍होने‍ के‍उपराींत‍आवेेन‍प्र ‍में‍
ु ‍यमीं्र ी‍मेिावी‍िव्याथी‍योजना‍
का‍आवेेन‍जमा‍कर‍ीकेगा‍या‍अन्‍य‍योजना‍छा्र विृ ति ‍के‍ललए‍अपना‍आवेेन‍

रश्‍ – 30 यधाा मिाे खातश ्ें ाामि रश्ाप्त ेा श ेश मिां क्या तव ह। ?

‍उत्‍तर‍- मख्
ु ‍
यमीं्र ी‍मेिावी‍िव्याथी‍योजना‍के‍अींतगित‍ ीे‍ आवेेक‍िजनका‍भग
ु तान‍
आिार‍ललींक‍ध।क‍खाते‍में ‍ककया‍जाना‍है , िजनके‍आिार‍क ‍जानकार ‍ने नल‍
पेमेंट‍ कापोरे न‍ ऑफ‍ इींड या‍ (NPCI) में ‍ अप ट
े ‍ होना‍ आवश्‍यक‍ है ।‍ यह‍
कायिवाह ‍आवेेक‍्वारा‍स्‍वयीं‍ह ‍अपने‍ध।क‍के‍माध्‍यम‍ीे‍ीिु निश्चत‍क ‍जाना‍
है ।‍ने नल‍पेमेंट‍कापोरे न‍ऑफ‍इींड या‍(NPCI) में ‍ध।क‍खाते‍आिार‍ललींक‍है‍
या‍ नह ीं‍ इीका‍ पर ्र्ण ‍ आवेेक‍ ्वारा‍ आिार‍ क ‍ अर्िकृत‍ वेधीाईट‍
www.uidai.gov.in‍ में ‍ उपलब्‍ि‍ िवक्‍‍प‍ Check Aadhaar & Bank Account
Linking Status के‍माध्‍यम‍ीे‍ककया‍जा‍ीकता‍है ।‍
Directorate of Technical Education, Madhya Pradesh

Process Chart of
Mukhyamantri Medhavi Vidyarthi Yojna

Through Web Address: www.scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in or www.mptechedu.org.
Candidate will get an User-ID and Password.

 Using User-ID and Password received after registration, candidate will fill their Application Form and upload the
necessary documents through portal.
 Candidates will Verify all the entries of filled Application Form, Lock it and take Print out of Filled Application Form.
 Admitted candidate will submit his printed Application Form alongwith all requisite documents at the institute for
verification purpose.

 Respective institute will verify the submitted Application Form of the candidate against the original documents.
Institute will also verify the aadhar enabled bank details of candidates in case of Private/Aided Institutions.
 Institute will recommend the eligible cases for sanction/ temporarily reject the application for correction/ permanently
reject the application through portal by using Institute Verification-ID and Password.
 Outside M.P. institutions/ Candidates must follow the guidelines meant for outside cases that is available on
www.scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in or www.mptechedu.org.

All Government Designated Government Designated Government Designated Government Directorate of Technical
institutes of Polytechnic institute of Lead College of Higher Medical Colleges will be Education, M.P. will be
M.P. will be the district will be Education of the district sanctioning authority sanctioning authority
sanctioning sanctioning authority will be sanctioning for Private institutions / for Central Government
authority for for Private and Aided authority for Aided Private Universities Universities/ institutions
eligible students institutions / Private colleges of Higher running M.B.B.S. Course and B.E. / B.Tech.
admitted in Universities running B.E. education Department in the district or nearby course running in
their institutes / B. Tech. Course in the running Higher district through portal Private and Aided
through portal district through portal Education courses in the by using Institute institutions / Private
by using by using Institute district through portal Sanction-ID and Universities situated
Institute Sanction-ID and by using Institute Password. outside MP through
Sanction-ID and Password. Sanction-ID and portal by using DTE
Password. Password. Sanction-ID and


Directorate of Technical Education, M.P. will be disbursing authority for all the cases.
Standard Operating Procedure for Chief Minister's Meritorious Students Schemes

Standard Operating Procedure

Effective, Rule-based and Transparent
implementation of
Mukhyamantri Medhavi Vidhyarti Yojana

A Government of Madhya Pradesh initiative

Implementation by

Directorate of Technical Education, GoMP

Technical Partner

Submitted by :

Version 1.3

Standard Operating Procedure for Chief Minister's Meritorious Students Schemes

1. Objectives
To design, develop and facilitate an online, work-flow based platform so as to facilitate online
collaborative functioning by various stakeholders and ensure rule-based, transparent and effective
implementation of the scheme.

2. Service level expectation from the system

The system must allow the Sanction and disbursal of the amount to the eligible within 3 working
days of online submission of the proposal by the concerned college / institute.

3. Stakeholders

1. Meritorious Students (as per the definition of the scheme and revisions thereafter)
2. Institutes (eligible as per the definition of the scheme)
3. Scholarship Verification Officers as designated by the institute
4. Offices / Colleges designated as Sanctioning Authority by the department
5. Officers / Colleges designated as Disbursal Authority by the department
6. Scheme PMU cell of Directorate of Technical Education
7. NIC - ICT solution Provider
8. Nodal Bank - for processing Digitally Signed e-Payment Orders

4. Pre-requisites
1. Register all Institutions & their Courses as eligible under the scheme
2. Issue credentials for all institutes in Step #1. Institutes operational within MP State already
have a username and password .
3. Identify, Register and Train all Sanctioning Authorities.
4. Issue credentials for all Sanctioning Authorities in Step #3.
5. Map All Institutions to a relevant Sanctioning Authority.
6. Identify, Register and train Disbursing Authority on issuing Digitally Signed ePayment
7. Issue credentials for Disbursing Authority in Step #6.
8. All Sanctioning Authorities are to be mapped to the Disbursing Authority.
9. Ensure Disbursing Authority have a valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and are sensitized
on the use of the DSCs.
10. The Sanctioning and Disbursing Authorities are sensitized for the prompt disposal of all
Scholarship proposals requesting scholarships.

Standard Operating Procedure for Chief Minister's Meritorious Students Schemes
Functions of Institutions
1. Will register their bank account for receiving the scholarship amount (only in case of
Government Institutes)
2. Will create awareness amongst the students on the scheme
3. Will facilitate the eligible students for registration of their applications for seeking the
benefit under the scheme
4. Will verify the application of the students against the original documents, Aadhar Number,
their bank account details linked with their Aadhar Number and other important information
that decide the eligibility and entitlement of the student for the scheme.
5. Will also record the following cases:
a. The fee has been paid by the student
b. The fee has NOT been paid by the student
6. Will verify the application forms registered by the students
a. Recommend the eligible cases for sanction of benefit
b. Temporarily reject the applications that needs to be corrected
c. Permanently reject the cases which are fake, non-eligible are to be blocked
7. Will print the scholarship sanction recommendation proposal and keep in the office record
after signature and stamp of the institute/Officer. The online generated scholarship sanction
recommendation proposal will be available on the portal for Sanction Authority.
8. Will follow the guideline available on portal for outside M.P. candidates and send requisite
documents to DTE for sanction.
9. Will refund the amount to the students, if the fee is already paid by the student, in cases of
Government institutions.

Sanctioning Authorities (SA)

1. Sanction Authority has to be responsible office / officer.
2. List of sanctioning authorities for various colleges will be displayed in public domain.
3. Proposed Sanctioning Authorities:
a. All Government institutes operating in MP will be designated to function as
Sanctioning Authorities for students registered in their institutes
b. For all Government Aided/ Private institutions situated in Madhya Pradesh, one
Institute at district/nearby district level (As the case may be) will be designated as
the Sanction authority.
c. DTE PMU will be designated as the Sanction authority for all institutions situated
outside the Madhya Pradesh State.
4. The Sanction Authority will ensure they are aware of all Institutions which are mapped to
them for granting Sanctions.
5. The Sanction Authority will scrutinize the applications recommended by the Institutes and
sanction the amount to be disbursed and forward for disbursal.
6. The Sanction Authority will print the scholarship disbursement recommendation proposal
and keep in the record after signature and stamp of the institute/Officer. The online
generated scholarship disbursement recommendation proposal will be available on the
portal for Disbursement.
7. The SA will maintain the records of all sanctioned cases and rejected cases.

Standard Operating Procedure for Chief Minister's Meritorious Students Schemes
8. The SA will be responsible for yearly audit of sanctioned cases.

Disbursement Authority
1. List of Disbursal authorities for various sanctioning authorities will be displayed in public
2. Proposed Disbursal Authorities
a. The work of disbursal authority is very sensitive as s/he will be responsible for
Digitally Signing the ePayment Order for ePayment.
b. DTE PMU will be designated as the Disbursal authority for all institutions.
3. Ensure they are aware of all Sanctioning Authorities which are mapped to them for disbursal
of sanctioned amount.
4. Have a valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) with them.
5. They have registered the DSC with the Scholarship Portal.
6. Process sanction orders for disbursal of sanctioned amount and initiate e-Payment by
digitally signing the e-Payment order.
7. Track the Status of e-Payment

Nodal bank:
Will facilitate end to end integration with the MMVY Portal. It will allow the MMVY portal to
electronically share the digitally signed payment file with the banking system in a secure and
trustworthy manner for Aadhar and Account based transactions. The banking system will
acknowledge the file to the MMVY Portal and process the file within 1 working day. The banking
system will provide response i.e. beneficiary account credit date, time, amount, transaction
number against teach payment request, in case of successful payment and reason code for
rejection, in case of rejection. Bank will also provide a Online dashboard and reports for online
monitoring and reconciliation of the payments orders.

Process Flow
Registration of Students
1. All Students who intend to avail Scholarships under the ambitious Chief Minister's
Meritorious Students Schemes need to register on the online portal.
2. The registration would include the
A. Demographic Profile
i. Student's First name, Last Name
ii. Father's Name
iii. Name of the Board through which the Student qualified Class 12th
iv. Roll No in the Class 12th Examination, Percentage
v. Aadhaar No
vi. Gender
vii. Category
viii. Date of Birth
ix. Address

Standard Operating Procedure for Chief Minister's Meritorious Students Schemes
B. Contact
i. Current Residential Address
ii. Permanent Address
iii. Email Address
iv. Mobile No of the Student
v. Alternate Mobile No of the Student
vi. Mobile No of the Parent/ Guardian
C. Academic
i. Name of the Institution
ii. Course
iii. Course year
3. Student will also upload the scanned copy of the specified documents on the portal .
4. Student will be allowed to edit the application.
5. He will have to lock and forward his application to the Institute online.
6. A Student would then be required to submit the form to the Institute in a physical form
along with the supporting documents for the first year. For subsequent course years, he may
be required to submit the additional documents through student login-ID and password.
Each application form would have a identifier which would help the Institute to process the

1. An Institute would receive the physical copy of the application form and stamp the receipt
attached with the form for the student.
2. The identifier in the physical form will be used to authenticate the request for processing of
the application.
3. An Institute would examine the application from the student and may choose the following
a. Reject the application Permanently: The action is taken if any information in the
form after examination disqualifies the student from availing the scheme and the
student is NOT eligible for the scheme as per the definition of the scheme . This
action prevents the student from availing the scheme even if he/ she re-applies or
modifies his/ her existing application.
b. Reject the application Temporarily: The action is taken if any information in the form
is inconsistent or in-coherent with the academic record of the student at the
institute and needs updation. If an application is temporarily rejected he/ she can
modify his/ her application subsequently, submit the modified application to the
c. Forward the application to the Sanctioning Authority: This action is taken if the
information in the form is consistent with the academic record of the student and
the student is eligible for the scheme as per the scheme definition.
4. The institute needs to choose any of the 3 actions listed above within 1 working day of the
receipt of the online form.
5. If the institute is a Government Institution then it would furnish its own account details for
receiving fees. In case of private institute the amount will be transferred into the Aadhar link
bank account of the students.

Standard Operating Procedure for Chief Minister's Meritorious Students Schemes

Sanctioning Process
1. The Sanctioning Authority would examine the online application and exercise due diligence.
2. The Sanctioning Authority would examine the application form of the student and may
choose the following action
A. Reject the application Permanently: The action is taken if any information in the
form after examination disqualifies the student from availing the scheme. This
action prevents the student from availing the scheme even if he/ she re-applies or
modifies his/ her existing application. Ex: 1. The institute is barred or black listed. 2.
The student is not meritorious in the qualifying examination.
B. Reject the application Temporarily: The action is taken if any information in the form
is inconsistent or in-coherent with the academic record of the student at the
institute. If an application is temporarily rejected he/ she can modify his/ her
application subsequently, submit the modified application to the institute.
C. Sanction the application and forward for disburshment: This action is taken if the
Sanctioning Authority is satisfied with the information in the form and intends to
initiate payment of the Scholarship to the Student.
3. The Sanctioning Authority needs to choose any of the 3 actions listed above within 1
working day of the actual receipt of the form. The Sanctioning Authority will Sanction the
amount to be disbursed and forward for e-payment.

1. The Disbursing Authority will register its Digital Signature on portal
2. The Authority would digitally sign the system generated e-Payment order
3. The Portal will automatically push the digitally signed e-Payment Order to the bank server
for processing at a regular frequency.
4. The Disbursal Authority needs the above action within 2 working day of the sanction of the

Alerting System

A start of art alerting system has to be implemented so as to keep the student / applicant updated
on various actions being taken by the different authorities on his application.

1. Voice Call Alert System: A voice Call Alert System will be designed and implemented on
portal. The system will initiate a call to the registered phone number of the student
updating him on the Status of his application and action taken. The student will get a call on
his registered phone. Once, he picks up the call a pre-recorded message will be played.

2. SMS alert will be sent to the applicant for each action and stage of the application

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