Flap Designs For Flap Advancement During Implant Therapy A Systematic Review 2016 PDF
Flap Designs For Flap Advancement During Implant Therapy A Systematic Review 2016 PDF
Flap Designs For Flap Advancement During Implant Therapy A Systematic Review 2016 PDF
mplant osseointegration is defined Purpose: Guided bone regener- closure during GBR were intro-
Copyright Ó 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
and simultaneous approaches in cases postoperative concerns, primary wound membrane and increased volume of
with at least 3 mm residual buccolin- closure protects the healing graft graft material. Most strategies combine
gual bone width.8 Nevins and Mello- and progenitor cells for maximum flap extension, vertical incisions, and
nig9 described early cases of regeneration. periosteal releasing incisions to
horizontal GBR using ePTFE mem- As previously mentioned, mem- increase mobility and passivity of full-
branes, tenting screws, and autogenous brane exposure is the most common thickness (mucoperiosteal) flaps. Park
grafts and/or FDBA in a staged complication of GBR and often has et al30 found that the addition of one
approach. Buser et al10 found lateral a negative effect on regenerative poten- vertical incision extends the length of
bone gain of 3.6 mm in 40 patients trea- tial. Exposure has been reported in 60% the flap by 1.1 mm, the second vertical
ted with ePTFE membranes and auto- of cases of one-stage GBR, leading to incision extends the flap 1.9 mm from
grafts with a complication rate of 5%. 80% less regeneration due to early baseline, and a periosteal releasing inci-
However, membrane exposure is the membrane removal, absorbable mem- sion extends the flap by 5.5 mm from
most common complication with non- brane dissolution, graft contamination, baseline.
resorbable membranes. Possible mech- failure of graft adaptation, and total graft Greenstein et al proposed strategies
anisms behind flap sloughing include failure.13 Exposure of ePTFE mem- to achieve different strata of flap
lack of blood supply due to the imper- branes during a 3 to 6 months healing advancement: minor (,3 mm), moder-
meable nature of the membrane,11 in period reduced the regeneration rate ate (3–6 mm), and major ($7 mm).
addition to the clinician’s inability to from 96.6% to 46.5%.23 Nonresorbable Minor flap advancement may be
advance the flap without tension. Expo- ePTFE membranes have been reported achieved by extending full-thickness
sure of nonresorbable membranes may to have a higher incidence of wound flap reflection beyond the mucogingival
lead to failure of the graft.12 opening and membrane exposure versus junction (MGJ). For moderate flap
Collagen membranes are often the collagen membranes.20,24 Immediate advancement, 2 vertical releasing inci-
absorbable membrane of choice because implant placement may be associated sions are recommended, with the addi-
of their favorable biological properties, with higher wound opening (80%) than tion of periosteal scoring of 1-mm depth
including lower risk of exposure.6 Park delayed approaches (17%–32%).20 as needed. Major flap advancement
et al13 found more bone gain in absorb- In a meta-analysis, Machtei25 may require deeper periosteal scoring:
able membrane groups versus no mem- found 6 times more bone gain in non- 3 to 5 mm into submucosa. In addition,
brane (1.66 vs 1.08 mm), using exposed compared with exposed sites, split-thickness flaps may be employed
a sandwich simultaneous grafting tech- although only 2 studies were included. to further extend soft tissue coverage.4
nique. Nonetheless, flap advancement In their decision tree, Mellonig and Ne- These categories of flap advance-
with primary tension flap closure re- vins26 recommend treating exposed ment are used in this review to group
mains to be one of the key factors to membranes with increased postopera- flap reflection techniques for varying
ensure a successful outcome.14 tive monitoring, premature removal, degrees of augmentation procedures
Compared to horizontal augmenta- attempting coverage, and a staged with the goal of promoting passive
tion, vertical GBR can be more chal- approach. Depending on the grafting primary wound closure to maximize
lenging.15 The overall complication rate approach, implant components such as GBR success.
for vertical GBR is reported at 0% to cover screws may also be exposed.27
45.5%, compared with 0% to 24% for Early barrier removal often limits
horizontal GBR.16,17 The most com- the amount of regeneration achieved MATERIALS AND METHODS
monly reported complication for both but may still lead to successful A literature search was completed
procedures is membrane exposure, rang- GBR.10,27 Potential mechanisms lead- using the PubMed database to generate
ing from 6.95% to 13.1%.10,16–20 This is ing to graft failure after exposure a comprehensive review of flap design
largely due to the difficulty in advancing include bacterial contamination, pres- strategies proposed for use during ridge
the flap to achieve primary wound clo- ence of foreign bodies, and increased and socket augmentation procedures.
sure as well as maintaining flap closure speed of graft resorption.6,28 The flap designs were grouped by their
during the healing period.21,22 ability to achieve flap extension, based
Flap Reflection on categories proposed by Greenstein
Surgical Principles Wound closure should be achieved et al (2009). Two reviewers (A.P. and
Regardless of membrane type or passively, as flap tension increases risk R.S.) searched the PubMed database
graft material, successful GBR hinges of dehiscence.29 In addition to preven- manually using several search terms
on 4 key properties outlined by the tion of exposure, passive primary clo- and pairs of search terms, including,
“PASS” principle: primary wound clo- sure improves wound healing by but not limited to, the words “flap de-
sure, angiogenesis, stability, and space eliminating wound tension, preventing signs,” “guided bone regeneration,”
maintenance.6 Flap design and releas- loss of blood supply, and subsequent “ridge augmentation,” and “socket aug-
ing techniques may facilitate primary tissue necrosis.6 Incision design and mentation.” In addition, a manual
closure, critical to success of regenera- flap reflection and extension techniques search of the following journals was
tive procedures. In addition to promot- may increase flap mobility, allowing conducted: The International Journal
ing soft tissue healing and easing the flap to rest passively over the of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants,
Copyright Ó 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Clinical Oral Implants Research, a horizontal incision in keratinized tis- scoring incisions (for additional
Implant Dentistry, Journal of Peri- sue 3 mm apical to the free gingival 2–3 mm advancement).
odontology, and the International Jour- margin, followed by 2 vertical releasing
nal of Periodontics and Restorative incisions extending past the MGJ. Periosteal pocket flap
Dentistry. Relevant articles in English The flap may be performed before Proposed for horizontal augmen-
from January 1990 to September 2015 or after atraumatic extraction of the tation of knife-edge ridges, this flap is
were included. hopeless tooth. After implant place- indicated for staged GBR before
ment, the buccal plate fenestration implant placement.34 It entails splitting
may be grafted, such as with the the buccal flap into mucosal and peri-
RESULTS sandwich bone augmentation (SBA) osteal components to increase flap
technique,37 and an absorbable colla- elasticity and motility for improved
FLAP DESIGNS Based on the Need for primary closure. Mesial and distal ver-
Flap Advancement gen membrane placed. The flap is re-
placed, and suturing of the vertical tical releasing incisions in the mucosal
followed by the horizontal incisions is flap provide additional flap extension.
Mild flap advancement (1–3 mm). performed to minimize tension. Ideally, The periosteal pocket provides both
Mild flap advancement techniques the implant will be immediately tempo- stability and graft containment. A col-
may be employed for GBR limited to rized to maximize support of the soft lagen membrane is used to cover the
a horizontal dimension requiring 1 to tissue profile. coronal portion of the graft. Horizontal
3 mm of advancement (Table 1 and mattress suturing through the lingual
Fig. 1). Mucogingival pouch flap flap is performed in 2 stages to engage
This technique is also performed the buccal periosteal and mucosal
Esthetic buccal flap for grafting a buccal dehiscence or layers separately. In a case series, this
This technique was proposed for fenestration defect at implant place- flap resulted in an average of 4.3 mm
immediate implants in the esthetic zone ment when esthetic concerns horizontal augmentation and 100%
when a buccal plate defect likely to are minimal.33 This flap design uses of implant success rate.34
result in implant fenestration is pres- papilla preservation incisions and MGJ
ent.31,32 This flap is particularly recom- incisions for “soft tissue camouflage.” Lateral incision technique
mended when existing alveolar bone Another advantage of this technique is This procedure supports localized
loss, thin tissue biotype, or a combina- it may be performed in cases of limited horizontal ridge augmentation using
tion of both, may result in recession, soft tissue thickness because it does not a staged approach to GBR.35,36 The
loss of papilla height, and unfavorable require splitting the flap, as is seen in lateral incision is performed from the
esthetics after flap reflection. It is essen- other techniques, to achieve primary palatal/lingual aspect to create a split-
tially a replaced flap requiring minimal closure. After flap reflection and graft- and full-thickness combined flap. The
additional reflection because of limited ing with the SBA technique37 and a col- combined flap design is purported to
extent of augmentation. It entails re- lagen membrane, additional flap reduce soft tissue complications as
flecting a full-thickness flap with extension is achieved by periosteal compared with crestal incisions.
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Copyright Ó 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
terminates with a vertical incision no implant threads covered with a mem- graft site (compared with 3 mm). Full-
more than 1 mm beyond the MGJ. The brane secured with fixation screws. The thickness flaps are reflected 5 mm
lingual flap reflection involves raising “first line of closure” is achieved with beyond the defect, which includes
the mylohyoid muscle while contain- horizontal mattress “U-stitches” 3 mm reflection beyond the mylohyoid mus-
ing and protecting vital structures in the apart followed by interposing simple cle in the lingual posterior mandible.
floor of the mouth. In the maxilla, interrupted sutures. Periosteal releasing incisions are used
a coronally positioned palatal flap44 is to increase flap mobility. Suturing is
used. The periosteum (along with Remote flap performed with horizontal mattress fol-
muscle fibers in the mandible) is split This flap is a modification of Tinti lowed by simple interrupted sutures.
from the outer, mucosal portion of the and Parma-Benfenati’s45 “Hockey
flaps. The goal is the extension of stick” flap design for horizontal or ver- Double flap
the flap beyond the incisal edges of the tical ridge augmentation.46 Modifica- This flap was derived for vertical
adjacent teeth. Grafting is performed tions include extending the flap in and horizontal GBR in the posterior
with autogenous particles over the edentulous areas 5 mm beyond the mandible.47 A review of anatomical
Copyright Ó 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
considerations led to the design of augmentation procedures; in Flap sloughing may result from an
a midcrestal horizontal incision with response, several authors have pro- interruption of blood supply leading
a single vertical incision at the mesial posed systems for complication clas- to tissue necrosis; thus, proper flap man-
aspect of the flap to preserve blood sup- sification and management.10,16,50 agement is essential by avoiding exces-
ply to the avascular crestal portion of The primary issue associated with bar- sive flap thinning or perforation during
the edentulous ridge while avoiding rier membranes is early exposure, re- periosteal release.50
vital structures. Similar to the periosteal ported as a percent of complications in Other surgical complications
pocket flap,34 the mucosal and perios- one review as 0% to 24% of horizontal include damage to vascular and neuro-
teal flaps are elevated and sutured GBR at implant placement, 11.9% for logic structures.10 Prevention is key by
separately. staged horizontal GBR, 13.1% for way of appropriate presurgical imag-
vertical GBR at implant placement, ing and planning, as well as intraoper-
Multilayer approach and 6.95% for staged vertical ative identification and avoidance of
This technique uses principles of GBR.17 The use of absorbable mem- vital structures. In the mandible, the
plastic and microsurgery to obtain branes has reduced the incidence of lingual and sublingual artery, in addi-
a double partial thickness buccal flap membrane exposure; however, severe tion to other contents of the sublingual
along with the coronally positioned ridge deficiencies may require the use space, must be avoided during inci-
palatal sliding flap.44,48 of nonresorbable membranes so iden- sions and flap reflection. In the maxilla,
tification, diagnosis, and management the greater palatine neurovascular bun-
DISCUSSION of membrane exposure and other com- dle is most susceptible to trauma. Neu-
plications remain essential. Compli- rosensory disturbances can be avoided
Complication Management cations may be grouped into 2 major by respecting the mental nerve, lingual
Complications have been re- categories: those caused by direct sur- nerve, and rarely, the infraorbital
ported in up to 25% of horizontal gical trauma or those that occur during nerve.50 In addition to attention to
and 45.5% of vertical bone healing. clinical detail, the use of imaging is
Copyright Ó 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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