The Problem and Its Background

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One of the difficult and exciting aspect of life is Adolescence, this

is the period of life when a child develops into an adult (ages ranging

from 10-19 years old). People in this stage encounter differences and

struggling in developing physiological changes that lead to their

identity confusion. Moreover, identity is even more difficult term to

delimit that adolescence.

Adolescents go through, and are expected to cope with hormonal

changes, puberty, social and parental forces, work and school

pressures as well as encountering many conditions and problems.

Adolescents, most commonly known as “Teens” feel overwhelmed

when faces with stresses concerning schools. This is also the time

when identity confusion starting to reveal among teenagers. Some of

the teenagers encounter identity crisis wherein they do not know what

they wanted to do. Teenagers depend to their parents and give them

the right to choose which path their parents wanted them to have.

Adolescence is a stage where you can encounter both happiness and


Erick Erickson (1959, 1963, 1968) has been the most influential

writer on identity in the past decades, he places identity within the

context of ego-psychoanalytic theory, viewing it as the epigenetically

base psychosocial task distinctive, but not exclusive, to adolescent.

According to Erickson’s theory, the concept of identity imagines a

building that consists of many psychological components or

dimensions integrated dynamically and which change gradually with

age and experience so that the individual can gain a clear and

coherent self- knowledge and what an individual could be in life.

James E. Marcia a Clinical and developmental psychologists

(1996, Marcia, et al. 1993) identify status model has been one of the

earliest and most enduring systematic approaches used by social

scientist to examine selected dimensions of Erickson’s (1968)

adolescent identity-formation concept, whereas Marcia and Colleagues

(Marcia et, al. 1993) have used such psychosocial domains as:

occupational, religious, political, family, and sexual values as indicators

of Global identity status. Marcia’s theory suggests that individuals

begin to construct their personal identities during childhood, and that

their identities will develop during adolescence and early adulthood. He

classifies individuals into one of four identity statuses.

Students nowadays are not very fond with the subject MAPEH,

composing of four integral components namely: Music, Arts, Physical

Education and Health. Some skipped classes, feeling lazy and doing

things that are not related to topic. But, among all these situations,

some students manage to listen and give their best in participating in

the said subject. MAPEH has different importance. Music helps the

students to maintain their relaxation and their concentration, listening

to Mozart’s and other Classical composer songs motivates the students

and calm their mind, other genre also offered new taste to the

students like Kpop, RnB etc. Knowing the history of music make the

students understand the music. Arts on the other hand, is one of the

mandates learning area in MAPEH that includes media arts, painting,

drawing, sculpting etc. Arts help the students to express their feeling

and to show their creativity. Physical Education includes informal

games, dance in a variety forms, self-testing activities, individual and

dual sports as well as highly organized team sports that promotes

good body mechanics. These activities help one individual to be

physically and mentally healthy, through these the students can show

their ability. Health as defined by World Health Organization as a

“state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely

the absence of disease”. In other words, one’s health involves whole

being and the environment in which we live. A healthy body comes

with a healthy mind, and students able to understand it by learning

their health and lifestyle. These are the importance of MAPEH to the

students and it has a big role that will help them when they go to the

stage of Adolescents

This study aims at discovering the ideological statuses

(Achievement, Moratorium, Foreclosure and Diffusion) among the

students of Grade 9- Yakal. It is also aimed at identifying whether

there are differences according to Gender and Grade variables.


1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

2. What is the identity status of the respondents?

3. What is the performance of the respondents in MAPEH?

4. What is the impact of identity status to the performance of the

respondents in MAPEH?

5. Is there a significant relationship between identity status and

performance in MAPEH of the respondents?


The following hypothesis were explored in this study:

1. There is no significant relationship between the identity status

and performance in MAPEH of the respondents;

2. There is a significant relationship between the identity status and

performance in MAPEH of the respondents;


The outcome of the study may provide better understanding to

the relationship of identity status and the performance of students in


The Learners. Since they are the center of the study, this may

provide information for them to understand more about their identity

status regarding on their skills and how it may or may not affect their

performance in school

The Teachers. This is for them to know that every student has

a different interest when it comes to the components of MAPEH. This

may help them know what components do their students excel.

The School. The result may help the school to provide more

activities for the students to enhance their critical thinking as well as

their physical skills in their performance in MAPEH.

The Future Researchers. This will serve as their guidelines for

them to have enough knowledge and information about the study of

the related field.


Adolescence. It refers to the period of life when a child

develops into an adult.

Adolescent. It is composed of the Grade 9 – Yakal students

age 16 to 17 years old.

Assessment. It refers to the gathering of information and

results of the 3rd quarter final average of the

students based on their identity status.

Identity. It refers to the qualities, beliefs that make a

particular group person or group different from


Identity achievement. It is the stage of identity status where an

individual has finally achieved a “through

sense of self” that requires self-exploration

and an exploration of the options that are

available in life.

Identity diffusion. It is a stage of identity status wherein a person

has not yet fully realized their social identity or

defined their personality traits and are not

actively seeking to.

Identity foreclosure. It is a stage of identity status in which a

person has not explored other options or ideas.

The individual has just adapted the traits and

qualities of parents and friends.

Identity moratorium. It is the stage of identity status in which the

adolescence is currently in a crisis exploring

various commitments and is ready to make

choices but has not made a commitment to this


Impact. It refers to the influence of identity status to

the performance in MAPEH of the students.

Performance. It refers to the average grade of the students



The study is focused on grade 9-Yakal students of the National

Teacher College under Mr. Amiel Angeles during the S.Y 2018-2019.

The study is about the impact of identity status and the

performance in MAPEH of the respondents. The respondents are

limited to grade 9-Yakal students because of several factors. This

includes the time, constraint of the study and the availability of the

students. The primary data gathering method used was standardized

test to determine the student’s performance based from their identity

status. There are Forty – Five (45) Grade 9 – Yakal students that will

be asked to answer the survey.

The researcher used purposive sampling in which the students

answered the 64 item questions (Objective measure of Ego Identity

Status) given if there’s an impact between the identity status and the

performance of the students in MAPEH.


The following literature and studies were utilized in the course of

the study. There are presented in topical form


Identity has been called a sense, an attitude, a resolution, and

so on. The better developed this structure is, the more aware

individuals appear to be of their own uniqueness and similarity to

theirs and of their own strengths and weaknesses in making their way

in the word. The less developed this structure is, the more confused

individuals seem about their own distinctiveness from other and the

more they have to rely on external sources to evaluate themselves.

The identity structure is dynamic, not static. Elements are continually

being added and discarded. Over a period of time, the entire gestalt

may shift. Although the content of individual identities may be

interesting, the most crucial area for stud is the underlying process:

the patterning of more or less desperate parts into a flexible unit.

Identity Statuses

It developed as a methodological device by means of which

Erikson’s theoretical notions about identity might be subjected to

empirical study. They seem now to have become a part of identity



In this state, an adolescent may blindly accept whatever

ideology or values system that has given to them from their parents or

family members. This indicates a “pseudo-identity” that is too rigid or

fixed to meet life’s future crises.

Identity Diffusion

This state is a struggle of identity that is marked by no real

progress in deciding an occupation or ideology of one’s own. There is

no commitment to anything or ability to develop one’s sense of self.

An individual may have had an identity crisis, but it would not have

been resolved.


This site marks little real commitment to an ideology or

occupation but is also a state of experimentation. It also marks an

ongoing identity crisis and the examination of alternate life choices.

Identity Achievement

This state is the state of clarity and of development on one’s

identity. It marks a commitment to an ideology or more direction in

terms of occupational goals. These decisions have been autonomously

made and developed by a formed of ego identity


According to A.T. Jersild (2010) Adolescence is a span of fears

during which boys and girls move from childhood to adulthood

mentally, emotionally, socially and physically.

Dorothy Rogers (2010) has viewed this period as a process of

achieving the attitudes and belief needed for effective participation in

the society. Thus, there is no absolute age limit for a clear-cut

boundary between the Adolescence and adulthood.

Kroger, (2010) conducted a meta-analysis of investigations containing

longitudinal or cross-sectional data on identity status movement or

stability patterns over time.

Physical Activity

According to Mahar (2006), Habitual physical activity is vital for

enhancing overall health. Lifestyle behaviors adopted in childhood tend

to track into adulthood, and more active children tend to be more

active as adults their sedentary peers, thus aiding in the prevention of

diseases such as obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and

other health problems. Unfortunately, physical activity among children

and adolescents has declined. And increasing numbers of children are

spending more time in sedentary activities. A review of the literature

reveals that few studies have been conducted to evaluated the

physical activity levels of elementary school children during a typical

school day. Likewise, few studies have been conducted to evaluate the

effects of physical activity on the classroom behavior of elementary

school children.

Additional research is also needed to evaluate the effectiveness

of classroom-based physical activity programs on on-task behavior and

academic performance. Because on-task behavior can be directly

linked to physical activity that is performed immediately preceding the

observation period, it may be the most appropriate variable to

evaluate relative to academic performance. Test performance is

influenced by factors other than physical activity performed at school

and usually can be linked directly to physical activity behavior.

Additional information on the effectiveness of classroom-based

physical activity program on academic performance (e.g., standardized

tests and grades) can, however, provide a stronger rationale for why

school systems should make policy changes to require more physical

activity during the school day. Finally, it is recommended that students

be tracked for several years to evaluate the chronic effects of a

classroom-based physical activity program on physical activity levels,

body composition, and academic performance.

Chapter 2


This chapter present the population of the study, the methods

applied in conducting the study and the procedures and instruments

used in gathering the data.

The descriptive correlational design of research was used in the

study in order to analyze and interpret the relationship of the data

between Identity Status and Performance in MAPEH of the Grade 9 –

Yakal students of the Junior High School Department of the National

Teachers College, Quiapo, Manila. The researchers used frequency and

percentage as statistical tools.


The instruments and techniques that were used by the

researchers to gather data needed in this study was:

The researchers used Survey or Questionnaires as one of the

sources of gathered data which will be provided by the researchers

consisting of questions, given to the respondents, imparting their

responses to each items aligned with the study. It is also a research

instrument consisting of a series of statements for the purpose of

gathering information from respondents.

The researchers used Likert scale to easily describe the opinion

of the respondents using the survey by just rating themselves if they

are Strongly Disagree or Strong Agree that they experience a certain

event in their lives based on the given statement in the questionnaire.

In preparing the instrument that would be used gathering data,

the researchers consult a few thesis, dissertations and books

connected to the topic of this study. Then, choosing items that can

help in the objective of this research is a must. After that, the

researchers used the made up questionnaire namely Objective

Measure of Ego Identity Status (OM-EIS).

The survey-questionnaire that had been distributed to the

selected Grade 9 – Yakal students.


The respondents of the study involved the 45 students were

from Grade 9 – Yakal of the Junior High School Department who are

currently enrolled at The National Teachers College Quiapo, Manila

during the Academic Year 2018-2019.

The researchers used the Purposive Sampling Method because

the researchers intend to get the 3rd Grading Grade of the respondents

and to conduct the study conveniently.


The data and information gathered to answer specific questions

in the study were analyzed by the used of percentage (%).

Frequency and Percentage. There were used to determine

attributes of the respondents’ in terms of their demographic profile:

Age and Gender. To get the percentage of a group of respondents, the

total frequency of each group was divided by the total number of

respondents. The quotient obtained was multiplied by one hundred.


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