Assignment 9M's Checklist
Assignment 9M's Checklist
Assignment 9M's Checklist
SL. Question Yes No Remarks/
No. Comments
1. Who are the organization’s suppliers? Producer’s &
2. Does the organization have good working Yes Healthy working
relationships with them? environment.
3. Are they reliable and responsive? Yes
4. Do they provide quality inputs? Yes Maximum.
5. How much do they cost? Reasonable
6. Do they have spare capacity? Yes
7. Where are they located? Around Bangladesh
2. Machinery
SL. Question Yes No Remarks/
No. Comments
1. What kind of plant, equipment and other Factories,
tangible assets are used by the organization Machineries,
to turn raw materials into finished products? goodwill, brand
2. What is the age, condition and utilization Good condition
rate of these asset? Utilization rate max
3. Are they technologically up to date? Yes Always
4. What is the likely replacement cost? Depends on market
5. What is the quality of finished products? No compromise with
quality issue of the
3. Make-Up
SL. Question Yes No Remarks/
No. Comments
1. What is the culture and structure of the Family-friendly
organization? culture.
2. What intangible assets does the organization Brand Value, Logo,
possess, e.g. patents, trademarks, brands, Good will & overall
and good will? public acceptance.
4. Management
SL. Question Yes No Remarks/
No. Comments
1. What are the skills, experience level and Leadership
vision of senior management? Subject-specific skills
Change management
Strategic thinking
Decision making.
2. What is the management structure and Get more
prospects for career progression? responsibility,
promotion, and earn
a higher salary.
3. Are management loyal to the organization, Yes
and are there programs in place to
align management incentives with the long-
term interests of the organization?
5. Management Information
SL. Question Yes No Remarks/
No. Comments
1. Does management have the ability to generate Yes Management
and share relevant and timely information have the right.
within the organization?
2. Does management have the ability to easily Yes But
collect and analyze information from within the sometimes it
organization to support strategic decision becomes
making? complex
6. Markets
SL. Question Yes No Remarks/
No. Comments
1. What customer segments and regions does the Youth
organization serve?
2. What products are sold in each market? Smart phone
& accessories.
3. What is the market position of the Center
4. What is the position and life cycle of its Growth
7. Men and Women
SL. Question Yes No Remarks/
No. Comments
1. How many staff does the organization employ? 400
2. How does the organization attract, select and By Offering
recruit new candidates? better
incentives &
select/ recruit
by candidates
willing to
work & skill.
3. What skills do they have, and what training Technological.
programs are in place to support their Workshop,
development? seminar.
4. How are staff compensated, and what are wage As per payroll.
costs as a proportion of total costs? Nearly 30%-
5. What is the level of staff morale and labour High turnover
turnover? & Lower
8. Methods
SL. Question Yes No Remarks/
No. Comments
1. How are activities carried out? Are they capital Labor
intensive or labour intensive? Intensive.
2. Which activities are performed in-house, and Operation &
which activities are outsourced? Taking
outside expert
3. How does the organization handle its supply Pull Method
chain process, e.g. push method, and pull
9. Money
SL. Question Yes No Remarks/
No. Comments
1. What is the organization’s cash position? Relevant to
2. What is the credit period? EMI 2/3 years
3. What is the turnover period? 1-2 Months
4. What kind of short-term and long-term Short term:
financing does the organization have access to? Installment
sale, bank
Loan from a
Retain Profits,
Issue Equities
5. What is the organization’s debt-to-asset ratio? 0.50
What are its investment plans, and how will Direct Equity.
they be funded?