Validity and Practicality of Guided Inquiry Based Modules To Increase Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) On Colloid Material
Validity and Practicality of Guided Inquiry Based Modules To Increase Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) On Colloid Material
Validity and Practicality of Guided Inquiry Based Modules To Increase Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) On Colloid Material
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:-The scientific learning that was launched in knowledge and skills but to developHOTS[1]. HOTS is the
the 2013 curriculum is a form of the effort of Indonesian ability to change the knowledge and experience that is
government to improve the quality of human resources. already owned in solving problems creatively and critically
Scientific learning process is not only just transferring [3].
knowledge and skills but also buildingHigher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS). Study is aimed to develop a A Revised Bloom taxonomy, states that indicators to
guided inquiry based module and to see the validity and measure HOTS include analyzing (C4), namely the ability to
practicality. The kind of research study conducted is describe problems or objects into their elements and
Research and Development (R & D) by using the model determine how the relationship between these elements is
of Plomp Development which consist 3 phases, they are evaluated (C5), namely making a judgment based on criteria
(1) Preliminary research, (2) Prototyping stage, and (3) and standards exist, and create (C6), namely the ability to
Assessment phase. The validity test was carried out by 4 combine elements into a form of unity [4].
chemistry lecturers of State University of Padang, 1
chemistry teacher at SMAN 1 Painan and 1 chemistry HOTS cannot be applied instantly and suddenly to
teacher at SMAN 3 Painan. The practicality test was students [5]. Getting used to HOTS requires strategies from
carried out by 2 teachers of chemistry at SMAN 1 teachers. Teachers cannot charge students with HOTS-type
Painan and 2 teachers of chemistryat SMAN 3 Painan measurements and assessments at the end of the lesson
and 36 students from SMAN 1 Painan and 24 students without doing HOTS learning first. One of the strategies of
from SMAN 3 Painan. The results of the research learning which can be applied to train HOTS is inquiry
analyzed by the Cohen Kappa formula show that the based learning [5]. HOTS is an important component of
Guided Inquiry Based Module is valid for use as a inquiry [6]. HOTS of students can be improved through
learning medium, as evidenced by the validation result inquiry learning model [7].
data limitations of content aspects, constructions,
language and graphic component, respectively 0.90, 0.90, Inquiry learning is more than just a hand activity,
0.88 and 0.87 including in the very high category. The "inquiry is more than hands on" [8]. Inquiry is an activity of
practical aspects of the Small Group are reviewed based thinking. The process carried out in inquiry is used to
on the criteria of convenience, time efficiency, and explore questions, ideas, and phenomena in finding and
benefits respectively getting 0.86, 0.77, 0.82 and the finding answers to the problems being asked. The problem
practicality of the Field Test respectively 0.83, 0.83, 0.86 solving process carried out by students will involve various
in the very high category. While the results of the levels of cognition. Where learners start by identifying and
practicality of the teachers were respectively 0.89, 0.86, understanding a problem. The process is continued by
0.98 in the very high category. formulating problems, making plans or methodologies to
solve problems, making decisions and drawing conclusions.
Keywords:-Validity, Practicality, Module, Guided Inquiry, These processes are what train HOTS students.
Inquiry learning is closely related to chemistry.
I. INTRODUCTION Chemistry is classified as a difficult and abstract subject so
many students are afraid to learn it [9]. One of the materials
The 21st century is the era when tech,and scientific in the second semester of SMA class XI chemistry subject is
advances become the foundation. Human resources colloid. Based on interviews that have been conducted with
capability to prosses kinds of needed skills to overcome the several teachers and students at SMAN 1 Painan, SMAN 2
global challenges [1]. The scientific learning that was Painan, and SMAN 3 Painan regarding chemistry learning,
launched in the 2013 curriculum is the effort of Indonesian especially on colloid material, it is stated that basically
government to improve the human resources quality. students consider chemistry to be a pure calculating subject,
Scientific learning emphasizes active and critical thinking in so when given the material which is memorizing they have
building and understanding material through scientific difficulty memorizing and understanding it. This is due to
stages [2]. Learning is seen as not just a transferring the lack of interest of students in finding relevant