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Validity and Practicality of Guided Inquiry Based Modules To Increase Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) On Colloid Material

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Validity and Practicality of Guided Inquiry Based

Modules to Increase Students' Higher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS) on Colloid Material
WatinDehistora, Alizar*, Ellizar, Ananda Putra Chemistry Education,
Faculty of Mathematics and NaturalSciences Padang State University
Jln. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar, Padang, 25131, Indonesia

Abstract:-The scientific learning that was launched in knowledge and skills but to developHOTS[1]. HOTS is the
the 2013 curriculum is a form of the effort of Indonesian ability to change the knowledge and experience that is
government to improve the quality of human resources. already owned in solving problems creatively and critically
Scientific learning process is not only just transferring [3].
knowledge and skills but also buildingHigher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS). Study is aimed to develop a A Revised Bloom taxonomy, states that indicators to
guided inquiry based module and to see the validity and measure HOTS include analyzing (C4), namely the ability to
practicality. The kind of research study conducted is describe problems or objects into their elements and
Research and Development (R & D) by using the model determine how the relationship between these elements is
of Plomp Development which consist 3 phases, they are evaluated (C5), namely making a judgment based on criteria
(1) Preliminary research, (2) Prototyping stage, and (3) and standards exist, and create (C6), namely the ability to
Assessment phase. The validity test was carried out by 4 combine elements into a form of unity [4].
chemistry lecturers of State University of Padang, 1
chemistry teacher at SMAN 1 Painan and 1 chemistry HOTS cannot be applied instantly and suddenly to
teacher at SMAN 3 Painan. The practicality test was students [5]. Getting used to HOTS requires strategies from
carried out by 2 teachers of chemistry at SMAN 1 teachers. Teachers cannot charge students with HOTS-type
Painan and 2 teachers of chemistryat SMAN 3 Painan measurements and assessments at the end of the lesson
and 36 students from SMAN 1 Painan and 24 students without doing HOTS learning first. One of the strategies of
from SMAN 3 Painan. The results of the research learning which can be applied to train HOTS is inquiry
analyzed by the Cohen Kappa formula show that the based learning [5]. HOTS is an important component of
Guided Inquiry Based Module is valid for use as a inquiry [6]. HOTS of students can be improved through
learning medium, as evidenced by the validation result inquiry learning model [7].
data limitations of content aspects, constructions,
language and graphic component, respectively 0.90, 0.90, Inquiry learning is more than just a hand activity,
0.88 and 0.87 including in the very high category. The "inquiry is more than hands on" [8]. Inquiry is an activity of
practical aspects of the Small Group are reviewed based thinking. The process carried out in inquiry is used to
on the criteria of convenience, time efficiency, and explore questions, ideas, and phenomena in finding and
benefits respectively getting 0.86, 0.77, 0.82 and the finding answers to the problems being asked. The problem
practicality of the Field Test respectively 0.83, 0.83, 0.86 solving process carried out by students will involve various
in the very high category. While the results of the levels of cognition. Where learners start by identifying and
practicality of the teachers were respectively 0.89, 0.86, understanding a problem. The process is continued by
0.98 in the very high category. formulating problems, making plans or methodologies to
solve problems, making decisions and drawing conclusions.
Keywords:-Validity, Practicality, Module, Guided Inquiry, These processes are what train HOTS students.
Inquiry learning is closely related to chemistry.
I. INTRODUCTION Chemistry is classified as a difficult and abstract subject so
many students are afraid to learn it [9]. One of the materials
The 21st century is the era when tech,and scientific in the second semester of SMA class XI chemistry subject is
advances become the foundation. Human resources colloid. Based on interviews that have been conducted with
capability to prosses kinds of needed skills to overcome the several teachers and students at SMAN 1 Painan, SMAN 2
global challenges [1]. The scientific learning that was Painan, and SMAN 3 Painan regarding chemistry learning,
launched in the 2013 curriculum is the effort of Indonesian especially on colloid material, it is stated that basically
government to improve the human resources quality. students consider chemistry to be a pure calculating subject,
Scientific learning emphasizes active and critical thinking in so when given the material which is memorizing they have
building and understanding material through scientific difficulty memorizing and understanding it. This is due to
stages [2]. Learning is seen as not just a transferring the lack of interest of students in finding relevant

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
information about the material, and the material that is read Information:
does not last long because students only memorize and K: Kappa moment to indicates the product
remember without inherent understanding of the concepts of validity.
the material. Likewise with group discussions which are P: Realized proportion is computed from
only dominated by clever and diligent students while other dividing the number given by validator by
students still seem difficult to convey ideas due to a lack of the number of the highest score
understanding of the material [10]. Pe : Unrealized proportion, computed mean of
the maximum value minus the total score
Another problem that was found was that the teaching given by the validator divided by the
materials used had not included phases which guided maximum value
students to discover the maximum concept required in
revision of 2013 curriculum, but still emphasized the content The level of validity of this module will be seen after
of the material that presented learning material from the results of the kappa moment calculation are converted to
beginning to end. This causes students not to be directly the categories in the table below [16].
involved in building their own concepts or knowledge. In
addition, the comprehension test questions that were given Intervals Category
to students were still in the C1-C3 cognitive domain. This 0.81-1.00 Outstanding
means that the students' thinking level is still at the Lower 0.61-0.80 Excellent
Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) level, which is a level often 0.41-0.60 Acceptable
used in class to check, understand, and remember 0.21-0.40 Marginal
0.01-0.20 Deficient
One of the most effective inquiry learning models is <0.00 Invalid
guided inquiry [11]. This is in accordance with the statement Table 1:- DecisionsCategories Moment of Kappa
that guided inquiry examination which is related the
psychology of student at elementary and middle school, III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
because the student still receive guidance in a certain
process. [12]. From the data above can appropriate inquiry The find of the development of a guided inquiry-based
level in learning process for the student in high school in colloid module are portrayed as follows:
guided inquiry. 1. Preliminary Research
At this phase, preliminary research is fulfilled to
The inquiry model of learning must be supported by develop guided inquiry-based modules. Preliminary research
the existence of appropriate learning tools so that the begins with needs analysis, curriculum analysis, and concept
teaching and learning process runs smoothly and optimally, of analysis. The findings in this stage are applied as the basis
including the use of modules. Inquiry-based modules are for the initial design of the module. The results of the
modules that involve inquiry steps in carrying out the analysis are described as follows:
learning process. A model of learning which teaches student 1) Colloid is material which is hard for students due to
to learn to discover, infer, arrange, solve the problems in memorization involvement.
which the process help the student to practice their 2) Teaching materials used by teachers such as the internet,
HOTS[13]. worksheets / modules and textbooks have not been able
to optimize the HOTS of students.
II. RESEARCH METHOD 3) Teachers and students expect teaching materials that are
equipped with innovative and attractive according to the
This research uses research and development [14]. The learning objectives and can optimize the HOTS of
development model applied is the Plom model advanced by students.
TjeordPlom. This model consists of 3 main phases, they are
(1) Preliminary research, (2) Prototyping stage, and (3) 2. Prototyping Phase
Assessment phase. [15]. Based on the findings of the preliminary research, a
module is planned according to these results. The first
The validator's assessment was resolved with applying design of this module is named Prototype I. The design of
Kappa moment. this module consists of a cover, a foreword, a table of
contents, a list of pictures, the characteristics of the module,
moment kappa (k) = (P-Pe) / (1-Pe) terms in laboratory activities, laboratory rules, chemical
substances in the laboratory, introduction to laboratory
equipment, dimensions of knowledge , instructions for using
modules, competencies (KI, KD, indicator and objectives of
learning), learning materials, student’s activity sheet,
student’sworksheets, key answer, and bibliography.
Prototype I was carried out by self-evaluation with the aim
of reviewing the completeness of the components that must

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
be included in the guided inquiry module. Following are Based on the assessment of the construct components,
some views of the module components, see figures 1 and 2. the module an average 0.90 of kappa moment with
highlyverified category. The assessment shows there is a
systematic fit between the module preparation and guided
inquiry model steps.Futhermore, the material is delivered
sequentially based on the formulated indicators of
achievement competency in order to make interrelationships
between the consepts studied. This is appropriate with the
opinion that constructthe validity of a product shows that the
various element of the product are connected one and
another in consistent relationship [17]. The product is said to
be valid in terms of the construct if all components are
consistently interrelated [15].

The validity of the module from the linguistic are an

Picture 1. Cover Picture 2. Contentsof
average 0.88 of kappa moment with a highly verified
ofModule Module
category. It indicates that the language used in the module is
in accordance with good and correct Indonesian rules and
Based on the self evaluation results obtained Prototype could be understood confortability. In addition, text and
II. Prototype was verified by skilful persons (lecturers and
pictures can be read clearly. This is consistent with the
chemistry teachers) and individual assesment (one-to-one statement that the indicator valued by language including
evaluation) was carried out with three students. After the legibility,information clarity, suitability of writing
revision was made, a prototype III was produced. Then the
Indonesian correctly rules and use of effective and efficient
validator provides an assessment of the module on the language [18].
validation sheet. The validation value given by the validator
is then resolved using the moment of kappa. The results of In the graphic component, the module validity has a
the module validity resolved are summarized in Table 2. kappa moment value of 0.88 with a very high validity
category. The graphic component shows the aspects of using
Aspects assessed K Category type and font size, module layout, illustrations, images,
Componentof content 0.90 Excellent designs and product colors that are developed so that the
Componentof construct 0.90 Outstanding module is attractive as a whole [18]. The existence of visual
Componentof language 0.88 Outstanding images and symbols in the module can help students
Componentof graphic 0.87 Outstanding understand the concepts being learned [19].
Average 0.88 Outstanding
Table 2. Module Validation Result Although the validity of the guided inquiry-based
colloid module to increase the HOTS of the students
Based on components of the feasibility of the module produced was high, there were still several components that
content have an average0.90 of kappa moment of with a had to be fixed according to the suggestions given by the
very highly verified category. The categoryof kappa moment validator. One of the improvements suggested by the
is very high indicating that inquiry basedguided colloid validator can be seen in Figures 3 and 4. From Figure 3 the
module to increase the HOTS of students developed in validator suggests changing the appearance of learning
agreement with the core of competence, basic competence, objectives and in Figure 4 the validator corrects the image to
indicators and competency achievement must be achieve make it clearer.
indicator. The content of the module which contains material
of learningin the form of facts, concepts, principles and
procedures is scientifically correct in accordance with the
2013 curriculum guidance. In conclusion, the problems
provided are to be investigated by students to lead other
students to figure the concept is in agreement with the
subject material taught. It is in accordance with the theory
that its content of validity indicates the product developed in
accordance with curriculum and based on ardent theoretical
[17]. Validity of product in terms of content if they are
appropriate with the need and component based on the latest
scientific knowledge [15].
(a) Before revision (b) After revision
Figure 3. Display Competency Achievement Indicators (a)
Before and (b) After Revision

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The questionnaireof the teacher response conducted by
4 teachers of chemistry. The average kappa moment for
practicality from the teacher'squestionnaire response is 0.91
with an axcellent category practicality, meaning that the
guided inquiry-based colloid module developed is used by
teacher practically and learning process.


Guided inquiry-based modules on colloid material

(a) Before revision (b) After revision developed are valid and practical for use in learning.
Figure 4. Display of data collection and organization stages
(a) Before and (b) After Revision REFERENCES

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