SPSS Assignment 3 1.: Paired Samples Test

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SPSS Assignment 3


Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence Interval of the
Difference t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Lower Upper
Pair 1 Distance run in km for -.13550 .09539 .02133 -.18015 -.09085 -6.352 19 .000
carbohydrate only trial -
Distance run in km for
carbohydrate-protein trial

H0= There is no difference between the groups

H1= There is a difference between the groups

The p-value is 0 and our level of significance was 0.05. This means that the p-value is less than 0.05 meaning that there is a difference between the groups and the
null hypothesis was rejected.

2. Independent sample t-test

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interv
Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Difference Lower
Prefer Equal variances assumed 3.869 .050 -1.630 646 .104 -.096 .059 -.211
Equal variances not assumed -1.630 645.443 .104 -.096 .059 -.211

H0 = There is no difference in chocolate preference between male and female

H1= There is a difference in chocolate preference between male and female

Since the p-value is above 0.05 we fail to reject the null hypothesis meaning that there is no difference in preference between male and female.

How amny kitkats do you buy a week?
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 6624.142 2 3312.071 874.389 .000
Within Groups 2424.235 640 3.788
Total 9048.376 642

H0= There is no significant value in KitKat purchase among 3 age groups

H1= There is a significant difference in KitKat purchase with at least 2 age groups

Significant value is less that 0.05 therefore we reject the null hypothesis because there is a difference in a purchase between ages. This means that there is a
significant difference.

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