LLEs and Near Misses Safety Report 73 IAEA PDF
LLEs and Near Misses Safety Report 73 IAEA PDF
LLEs and Near Misses Safety Report 73 IAEA PDF
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1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3. Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
FIG. 1. Relationship between events that affect nuclear safety and other, less significant events.
A low level event is the discovery of a weakness or a deficiency that could cause an
undesirable effect but has not, owing to the existence of one (or more) barriers of defence in
depth [1].
A near miss is a potential significant event that could have occurred as the
consequence of a sequence of actual occurrences but that did not occur, owing to the plant
conditions prevailing at the time [1].
Events at the top of the pyramid, often referred to as significant events, may
result in injury and loss, have an environmental impact and cause significant
disruption of production processes. These significant events are often obvious,
are readily brought to the attention of management, and are normally reviewed
according to nuclear power plant (NPP) protocols.
LLEs and NMs compose the lower portion of the pyramid. These events
have the potential to result in immediate loss, but normally do not. LLEs and
NMs are often less obvious than significant events and consequential events, and
normally have little, if any, immediate impact on individuals or processes.
However, LLEs and NMs provide insight into weaknesses in the defences
necessary to prevent higher level events and offer an opportunity to improve
safety, production and cost performance.
As numerous significant events illustrate, management failure to capture,
understand and remedy LLEs and NMs often foreshadows significant events.
Notable examples where NM precursors have been observed but not effectively
managed include:
— The 1979 Three Mile Island event, in which an unrevealed fault with the
power operated relief valve (PORV) led operators to an inappropriate
course of action, resulting in a loss of primary coolant, a partially uncovered
reactor core and an environmental release of radioactivity. The Kemeny
Commission report revealed that before the event, plants of similar design
had experienced problems with the PORVs on nine separate occasions.
Weaknesses were also identified in OE arrangements for the investigation
and remediation of the accident precursor conditions [2].
— The 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, in which engineers had
identified and reported degraded O-ring seals on previous missions dating
back to 1982, with degradation increasing as ambient lift-off temperature
decreased. The night before the disaster, management had been warned of
the potential for catastrophic failure when lifting off at ambient
temperatures of 11.6ºC or less (the lift-off temperature was 2.2ºC) [3].
— The 1999 Paddington train crash, in which 31 people died. From 1993 to
1999, eight NMs, or ‘signals passed at danger’ (SPADs), had occurred at
the location (signal 109) where the eventual collision and explosion
occurred. At the time of the crash, the signal was one of 22 signals with the
greatest number of SPADs recorded [4].
— A primary coolant leak at the Davis-Besse NPP in 2002, which led to
significant corrosion of the vessel head and resulted in a quarter inch
stainless steel liner becoming the only reactor coolant pressure boundary. A
number of lower level precursors, including observable leakage at the
reactor vessel head, containment air coolers fouling with increased
frequency, frequent clogging of containment atmosphere radiation
monitoring filters with rust coloured boron deposits, and above normal
primary coolant make-up rates, had not been adequately reviewed and
evaluated via the LLE and NM process. This resulted in significant reactor
downtime and had a great financial impact on the utility and a broad impact
on the nuclear industry as a whole.
— The 1995 incident at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Canada in
which an electrical relay failed to release and a transport trolley (114 t)
carrying a fuelling machine loaded with 16 irradiated fuel bundles failed to
stop at the designated position. The fuelling machine continued
uncontrolled to the physical limits and only came to a stop when the drive
motor tripped on overload. Fortunately, although one cable was severed and
another was shorted, cooling of the irradiated fuel was not immediately
affected; otherwise, the consequences could have been much more
significant. There were at least three LLE or NM precursors that could have
identified the specific relay problem or the deficiencies in the trolley drive
As these examples illustrate, failure to use LLE and NM data to address and
correct flawed defences can have catastrophic or highly significant results.
Within the context of the nuclear industry, the IAEA and other international
organizations such as the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) and
the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) continually promote the
efficient and effective use of a LLE and NM process within the OE field of
activity to reduce the possibility of significant events and improve plant
performance and safety.
In this publication, best practices for the management of LLEs and NMs are
presented, with an emphasis on obtaining operational and strategic value from
such events. The premise of this publication is that LLEs and NMs provide
information important for accident and event prevention at nuclear facilities,
resulting in overall improvements in safety, production and cost performance.
This requires well designed processes for identifying, reporting, conducting trend
and pattern assessment, analysing, disseminating information about and
correcting precursor conditions of LLEs and NMs. This publication is intended to
present best practices for LLE and NM arrangements in the belief these practices
are widely applicable and can be customized to match the majority of nuclear
facilities, and to fit particular organizational and business needs.
for Operating Experience (IRS), Report Number 7045, IAEA, Vienna (1997).
1.3. SCOPE
Identifying Reporting of internal events Immediate review of
(IAEA-TECDOC-1581) (IAEA-TECDOC-1581) significant events
Internal events (from A plant level event is identified Prior to changes in plant
operation, on the job and recorded. If reporting criteria conditions or restart of an
activities, observations and are reached, event is reported, as operation, an immediate
inspections). appropriate: within the plant review of a significant
(utility), to regulatory body, to event is expected, in order
external organizations. to preclude recurrence.
External OE review
Reports on other nuclear
installations and their
experiences to learn and
preclude a similar event.
Utilization and
dissemination of OE Corrective actions Trend analysis
(IAEA-TECDOC-1580) (IAEA-TECDOC-1458) and review
Ensuring that operating Consideration of the results
experience of generic of in-depth analysis to Process allowing a developing
interest is effectively used determine actions required or emergent problem to be
within a plant and shared to restore situation recognized so that proactive
with external organizations. and to prevent recurrence. action can be taken.
of actions is to be tracked
and recorded.
FIG. 2. Typical OE programme arrangements and IAEA publications dealing with its various
elements [5–10].
2.1.1. Implementation of a LLE and NM process
— Ensure that the concept and benefits of the process are fully understood and
— Develop expectations and goals for the process;
— Ensure that personnel are trained to understand and correctly implement
— Ensure that the process is simple and easy to understand;
— Ensure that staff are ‘calibrated’ to recognize and report deviations from
expected standards in a timely manner;
— Develop and maintain a ‘blame free’ or ‘just’ environment;
— Encourage the reporting of human performance issues;
— Develop a sense of ownership of the process within the NPP;
— Develop inquisitive attitudes and attention to detail;
— Maintain listening attitudes and attention to problems reported by staff;
— Avoid complacency and acceptance of known deficiencies and low
— Enhance standards through continuous improvement;
— Ensure that the process receives wide support;
— Ensure that the process is aligned to generate meaningful results.
Above all, managers ensure that responsibilities and accountabilities for the
LLE and NM process are clearly communicated and reinforced as it is introduced
and developed.
A desirable additional management objective would be to integrate
experience gained from LLEs and NMs into all aspects of NPP operations. This
includes such elements as work package planning, task performance, and
development of publications and directives.
themselves as well as the tasks and work environment. In some organizations,
managers have used generic accountability ladder models to communicate and
reinforce such responsibilities among their staff (see Annex IV).
With regard to the LLE and NM process, the goal is for individuals to
exhibit the following behaviours:
Most LLEs and NMs are caused by error prone circumstances (for example,
work places, work practices, environment, job pressure) rather than error prone
workers. Studies show that almost all industrial events are rooted in latent
organizational weaknesses rather than human error. Managers must remember
that people do not intend to make errors, and that most people want a ‘blame free’
or ‘just’ environment that treats people fairly, honestly and with respect.
Reference [16] provides a model that can be used by managers to help
determine both the level of culpability (accountability) shared between
individuals and the organizational weaknesses related to events (see Annex VII).
Some NPPs use versions of the model in conjunction with their investigations of
human performance events. The model helps managers to identify the prevalent
individual or organizational factors that contributed to the event. The model
supports the fair and consistent application of performance coaching — or
discipline, if appropriate — across all departments and work groups.
In one example, Naviair, Denmark’s air traffic service provider, observed
that after a change in the reporting requirements and the law in Denmark, which
made non-punitive confidential reporting possible for aviation professionals, the
number of NMs (separation losses between aircrafts) reported rose from
approximately 15 to between 40 and 50 a year two years after the change was
implemented (see Annex VIII).
Thus, an important role for managers is to create a positive environment in
which personnel feel comfortable reporting LLEs and NMs without undue
concern about a punitive response from management — a so-called blame free or
just environment. Failure to do so can result in decreased performance, including
reduced reporting of LLEs and NMs due to a deterioration of trust between
workers and managers — the so-called blame cycle [16]. Safety policies are
intended to actively encourage effective reporting and, by defining the line
between acceptable performance (often unintended errors) and unacceptable
performance (such as negligence, recklessness, violations or sabotage), provide
fair treatment to those who report.
Often, low level human errors are not self-revealing, except to the
individual who committed the error. Consequently, such errors may not be
accessible for analysis if they are not reported, and a wealth of information may
potentially be lost. To maximize the benefit from LLE and NM information, it is
important that managers foster an environment in which such information is
captured. Major advantages in capturing LLE and NM information from staff are
Ideally, managers will give the topic of LLEs and NMs a high profile and
provide individuals with timely positive reinforcement for identifying, reporting
and learning from their own or others’ errors. Typically, in high performing
plants, a reward and recognition system is established and applied in a way that
motivates the reporting of LLEs and NMs by all personnel and contributes to
building a low-threshold reporting culture. This does not necessarily mean
financial reward; often, staff members who report LLEs and NMs respond well to
praise for sharing their actions among their peer groups.
Some organizations operate an employee of the week/month scheme where
the name and photo of the staff member are published at the plant (sometimes
called a ‘good catch’ scheme). Others award plaques or shields to the best
reporting division or department. Some plants award certificates to those
individuals with the best safety submissions on an annual basis. Other plants use
a lottery scheme wherein people who have made a significant contribution to the
LLE and NM process or who have identified a significant safety related precursor
are entered into prize lotteries, with drawings held quarterly, biannually or
annually. Examples of prizes include vouchers, dinner at a local restaurant or
event tickets.
Once the basic framework of a LLE and NM process has been established,
a major role for managers is to foster an environment in which staff members are
comfortable with the process. The reporting of slips, lapses and errors with no or
only minor consequences is a complex area in which human emotions play a key
factor. Pride, embarrassment, and fear of criticism and possible ridicule by
managers, peers and subordinates are real issues for staff involved in LLE and
NM reporting. For these reasons, it takes time to build up the trust and confidence
of staff. NPPs often avoid including workers’ names in reports of LLEs and NMs,
and take steps to remove any names, where applicable, by using position titles or
other anonymous wording.
Managers’ responses to and actions taken regarding events, including LLEs
and NMs, will determine how successful the process is. In this respect, it is
essential to clearly communicate and reinforce expectations, as well as to
maintain a consistent approach. The saying that “reputations take a lifetime to
build but only seconds to destroy” is never more pertinent than in this field of a
manager’s activities.
There are many examples, if not reported then certainly experienced, where
managers spend years building an OE programme and staff confidence in LLE
and NM reporting only to destroy any staff confidence gained by a single
inappropriate response to a particular event. This can happen when a manager
asks, ‘Who did that?’ rather than, ‘How did that happen?’, or worse still, when he
or she takes punitive action rather than seeking to understand what happened and
why. Additionally, failure to appropriately reinforce good behaviours and actions
can harm an open reporting culture.
Clearly, the nature of an event or a staff member’s action will have a
defining influence on management’s response. However, managers always need
to step back and ask themselves, “Is our investment in the potential long term
benefits of the LLE and NM process worth jeopardizing for our instinctive
reaction to this one event?”
Again, Reason’s model [16] can be used by managers as an aid to determine
the level of culpability (accountability) shared between individuals, and the
organizational weaknesses related to events (see Annex VII).
For example, a utility in the United States of America (USA) reduced the
number of consequential errors from 3.4 to 0.07 per 10 000 work hours within an
18 month period (see Section II–2 of Annex II). A direct contributor to this
success was the focus on learning from LLEs and NMs to prevent errors and
accidents of greater consequence. Examples of success using equipment trend
analysis in an NPP are detailed in Annex IX.
Additionally, a US study has shown that, on average, each consequential
error costs approximately US $110 000 to address and correct (see Annex X).
More significant station events can cost an NPP much more. Thus a strong LLE
and NM process greatly contributes to improved safety and performance and to
real bottom line cost savings in the long run.
well as in event analysis techniques. This extends to staff beyond those dedicated
to the oversight of the OE programme to those in operation, maintenance and
engineering functions, to ensure that there is a wide base of knowledge
concerning the techniques. Best practice indicates that such trained staff routinely
apply this training so that skills are maintained. Managers are responsible for
keeping an appropriate number of staff available for these activities.
— Performance indicator development for a LLE and NM process;
— Human performance training — detailed training;
— Programme effectiveness/self-assessment of the health of a LLE and NM
— Accessing a database — good practices and pitfalls.
Training sessions are an important focus area for managers to establish and
maintain the correct balance of reporting for their nuclear power plant, both
initially when a LLE and NM process is being set up and routinely during staff
refresher training. It is necessary that this training include reviews of recent
examples of significant, consequential events, as well as LLEs and NMs
(possibly using external OE examples). Such an approach is particularly effective
in maintaining focus on what is appropriate to report regarding LLEs and NMs.
contained within one database, allowing for extensive and consistent trend and
pattern analysis.
In many organizations, difficulties exist in deciding what should be
included in the LLE and NM process or in other existing processes such as work
management systems or observation programmes. The examples in Table 1 are
meant to help clarify what typically does or does not meet the LLE and NM
reporting threshold.
Single light bulb failure in office area Emergency light bulb failure in office area
Valve packing leakage within acceptable limit Valve packing leakage above acceptable limit
Administrative worker arrives late for work Licensed operator arrives late for work
Worker picks up wrong dosimetry badge, Worker picks up wrong dosimetry badge and
immediately realizes it and replaces it wears it into the work place
Shift operator performs walkdown but forgets Shift operator fails to perform walkdown in
to sign the walkdown checklist in the safety the safety equipment room
equipment room
Job task takes longer than required Job task in radiological area takes longer than
(no consequence) required
Work order contains incorrect name of worker Work order contains incorrect piece of
to perform the work equipment to be worked on
Maintenance worker forgets tools required for Maintenance worker performs maintenance
performance of maintenance task with incorrect tools
The actual reporting level of events will depend on the organizational
development/maturity (see Annexes V and VI), and on the management systems
and processes that are in place. In a plant with a strong safety culture, the timely
reporting of LLEs and NMs will be well established for conditions that meet
thresholds similar to those described in Table 1.
Each NPP will need to develop its own threshold for reporting LLEs and
NMs based on its current stage of organizational development/maturity. External
benchmarking visits are an extremely useful tool for establishing industry norms
and best practice, and these are well supported through organizations such as the
IAEA, WANO, INPO and various reactor type owner groups.
— Providing proper training on the use of tools for reporting LLEs and NMs;
— Providing feedback on LLE and NM results;
— Publicizing improvements that result from LLEs and NMs;
— Including the reporter in the development of actions based on his/her own
— Using a quick and simple reporting format/style;
— Creating a well established ‘blame free’ or ‘just’ culture;
— Visible incentive programmes;
— Ensuring active management engagement and support, including
reinforcement of expectations.
LLEs and NMs usually fall into the last two categories and only require
simple correction or inclusion in trend analysis; however, investigations may be
initiated into special cases after screening. Some NPPs use risk matrices to
determine the significance of reports. These risk assessments determine the
priority of corrective actions; if appropriate, this will result in LLEs and NMs
having as high a priority as some significant events (see Section II–5 of Annex II
for examples of risk analysis matrices).
FIG. 3. LLE and NM process without LLE and NM reporting and trend analysis.
In Fig. 4, insufficient LLE and NM reporting and trend analysis is
performed; therefore, significant latent organizational weaknesses remain
undetected. The time between significant events is long enough that the
significant organizational weaknesses are not exposed and corrected, resulting in
a catastrophic event.
FIG. 4. LLE and NM process with insufficient LLE and NM reporting and trend analysis.
FIG. 5. LLE and NM process with regular trend analysis and correction of LLEs and NMs.
— Event codes: used in every report to categorize what happened or what
nearly happened;
— Causal codes: used to categorize why an event happened (where possible or
— Key words: may be used to enhance text searching capabilities.
Note that for more complex reports, more than one event code may be
utilized to further enable trend analysis capabilities. Also, free text searches are
often used to further enable the identification and analysis of trends.
Ideally, coding schemes will enable effective trend analysis and analysis of
generated reports. For example, too many trend codes associated with a relatively
low total number of reports can delay the identification of important trends.
Conversely, too few trend codes with a high total number of reports make
analysis of meaningful trends too difficult.
Special attention has to be given to ensuring that events are coded
consistently and that trend codes are collectively reviewed by a multidisciplinary
group with consistent representation. Furthermore, before closing an event report,
it is desirable to review trend codes and, when necessary, update them to reflect
the further evaluation that was performed.
The best performing coding schemes are capable of transforming large
amounts of data into useful information that supports decision making and
reduces workload for staff at a low cost. Good database software enables efficient
and effective coding and analysis of a lot of information. Software needs to be
user friendly and easily available, and provide a wide range of features without
the need for significant training.
an effective trend analysis process include management involvement and be
proactive instead of reactive in nature.
Better performing plants routinely carry out an important independent
quality check of trend analysis. It is important to monitor the generation of event
reports by departments or sections in order to identify and ensure adequate
engagement in the event reporting process by all sections. Inadequate
engagement can result in undetected shortfalls or deterioration of performance.
There are several types of trend that may indicate that further action is
required. These include:
— Emerging trend: a trend that is just starting to appear at a frequency or
significance level not yet at the acute level that may nonetheless require
proactive correction.
— Acute trend: a large increase in the frequency of events over a short period
of time.
— Watch list monitoring trend: improvement sought within a department or
process for a previously identified deficiency that is not progressing at the
desired rate.
— Unstable process trend: sporadic frequency of events over a long period of
— Negative engagement trend: absence of event report data for a department
or process from which data were expected, revealing a lack of self-
identification or reporting of issues.
— Cognitive trend: identification of a perceived trend by individuals or
The management of each NPP will need to decide what degree of statistical
boundaries is appropriate for its level of LLE and NM analysis; differing
boundaries reflect the individual maturity levels of plants.
An example of a simplified trend process flow sheet is included in
Annex XI.
submission of the trend evaluation for approval and action by the station
management team. An example of a trend evaluation check sheet from an NPP is
included in Annex XII.
In order for staff to continue to be motivated to share and report LLEs and
NMs, timely and effective dissemination and application of data is necessary.
Some common methods used by NPPs to disseminate information include:
— Training activities;
— Just-in-time information;
— Pre-job briefings and work packages;
— Shift briefings;
— Safety meetings;
— Management and work control meetings;
— Plant information display screens;
— Station publications highlighting industry and facility OE information;
— Industry and station OE via electronic bulletin boards and email;
— OE notebooks;
— Utility web sites and databases;
— Information from and to a designer/vendor, if applicable.
After the LLE and NM process has been successful in reducing the number
of significant events, dissemination of information is an essential tool to maintain
staff alertness to potential risks.
Additionally, external organizations such as vendor groups, reactor type
owners groups (e.g. CANDU Owners Group, Westinghouse Owners Group) and
national and international organizations (e.g. INPO, WANO, Electrical Power
Research Institute (EPRI)) exchange LLEs and NMs data, including steps taken
to correct adverse conditions and trends, where appropriate.
It is important for managers to regularly assure plant personnel that their
efforts to identify LLEs and NMs are worthwhile and valued. The engagement of
staff can also be reviewed through anonymous surveys. Results from the LLE and
NM process, together with staff survey results, are therefore fed back to those
involved, as appropriate, and to personnel, who are expected to initiate reports.
Good practice concerning sharing of NM information with plant staff and
contractors, identified during an OSART mission to the Mihama NPP in Japan, is
included in Annex XIII.
The best performing plants establish and maintain a suite of LLE and NM
indicators to monitor and manage the LLE and NM process. Such indicators are
periodically assessed to pinpoint opportunities to adjust and improve individual
and organizational performance.
Some examples of useful process indicators include:
NM process. To facilitate a self-assessment programme, indicators of process
effectiveness are developed by the NPP. These may include those listed in
Section 8.1.
External reviews (e.g. OSART, PROSPER, WANO/INPO peer reviews)
determine whether a programme for operating experience feedback, including
LLE and NM activities, meets internationally accepted standards and identifies
areas for improvement. Such reviews normally relate the performance of the LLE
and NM process to international standards and best practices and consider
different approaches to implementation of the process.
In addition to the above methods, high performance organizations also take
advantage of other improvement opportunities. Examples include but are not
limited to:
Terminology Used in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, 2007 Edition, IAEA,
Vienna (2007),
[2] KEMENY, J.G., Report of the President’s Commission on the Accident at Three Mile
Island, US Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC (1979).
[3] VAUGHAN, D., The Challenger Launch Decision, University of Chicago Press,
Chicago (1996).
[4] CULLEN, Rt. Hon. Lord, The Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry, Part 1, HSE Books, Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office, Norwich (2001).
[5] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Best Practices in Identifying,
Reporting and Screening Operating Experience at Nuclear Power Plants,
IAEA-TECDOC-1581, IAEA, Vienna (2008).
for Peer Review and for Plant Self-assessment of Operational Experience Feedback
Process, IAEA Services Series No. 10, IAEA, Vienna (2003).
[7] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Best Practices in the Organization,
Management and Conduct of an Effective Investigation of Events at Nuclear Power
Plants, IAEA-TECDOC-1600, IAEA, Vienna (2008).
[8] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Best Practices in the Utilization
and Dissemination of Operating Experience at Nuclear Power Plants,
IAEA-TECDOC-1580, IAEA, Vienna (2008).
[9] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Effective Corrective Actions to
Enhance Operational Safety of Nuclear Installations, IAEA-TECDOC-1458, IAEA,
Vienna (2005).
[10] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Trending of Low Level Events and
Near Misses to Enhance Safety Performance in Nuclear Power Plants,
IAEA-TECDOC-1477, IAEA, Vienna (2005).
Fundamental Safety Principles: Safety Fundamentals, IAEA Safety Standards Series
No. SF-1, IAEA, Vienna (2006).
[12] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants:
Commissioning and Operation, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSR-2/2, IAEA,
Vienna (2011).
[13] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Application of the Management
System for Facilities and Activities, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GS-G-3.1,
IAEA, Vienna (2006).
[14] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, A System for the Feedback of
Experience from Events in Nuclear Installations, IAEA Safety Standards Series
No. NS-G-2.11, IAEA, Vienna (2006).
[15] WESTRUM, R., A typology of organizational cultures, Qual. Saf. Health Care 13
(2004) 22–27.
[16] REASON, J., Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents, Ashgate, Aldershot
Annex I
The following extracts from the IAEA Operational Safety Review Team
(OSART) and IAEA Peer Review of the Effectiveness of the Operational Safety
Performance Experience (PROSPER) review guidelines provide examples of
typical questions used by reviewers to assess LLE and NM process efficiency and
effectiveness at an NPP:
— Does the scope of the OE programme include the reporting of LLE and NM
— Is LLE and NM reporting actively encouraged?
— Is the reporting threshold appropriately chosen to encourage the reporting
of LLEs?
— Is the reporting process user friendly (ease of reporting, availability of
forms/access to computers, access to results and feedback to staff)?
— Is there a declared policy of ‘blame free’/‘just’ reporting? What is the staff
perception? Are actions considered to be punitive?
— Is there evidence in the plant of unreported deficiencies, event precursors or
error likely situations (e.g. defective equipment, poor material conditions,
poor or unsafe working practices, uncontrolled operators’ aids, lack of
document control, operator logbook entries not captured in the LLE and
NM process)?
— Does the event reporting database include LLEs and NMs?
— Does the event screening process include screening of LLEs and NMs?
— Are trend codes adequate to allow for proper coding of LLEs and NMs?
— Is trend analysis carried out on a regular basis, with the results of analysis
reported to management?
— Are corrective actions identified through trend analysis and completed in a
timely manner?
— Are effectiveness reviews performed for corrective actions from trend
analysis, and have the identified trends actually been corrected?
— Does the trend analysis and evaluation process identify generic
implications, precursors of declining performance and root causes of
adverse trends?
Annex II
The examples contained in this annex are intended to provide insights into
what some of the better performing utilities programmes cover within the LLE
and NM environment. These examples are not intended to be prescriptive; rather,
they provide potential benchmarking opportunities.
OE organization
Management expectations
— Events, incidents and error likely situations are adequately documented.
— Cause(s) are determined.
— Appropriate corrective action(s) are implemented.
— Lessons learned are identified for communication to internal and external
Levels of investigation
responsible manager is a department manager or section manager. Resolution
category C will be assigned.
Trend evaluation. Requires an investigation into the common causes of an
adverse trend in accordance with procedure BP-PROC-00644, Trend
Evaluation. The investigation is usually conducted by a single investigator
within 35 days of the date the MRM assigns an evaluation. The
responsible manager is a department manager or section manager. Resolution
category C will be assigned.
Corrective actions assigned. Requires specific defined action to correct an
adverse condition. If ‘corrective actions assigned’ is the recommended level of
investigation, the front line manager needs to provide the following information:
a description of the corrective action required, the due date for completion, the
alert group the action ought to be assigned to, and the name of the person who has
accepted the action. Resolution category D will be assigned.
No further action required. This level of investigation is normally only
recommended if the adverse condition has been corrected and documented in the
SCR in the ‘immediate actions taken’ field, or of the adverse condition is being
documented to provide data in support of an adverse trend identification and/or
evaluation. Resolution category E will be assigned.
Overview of OE resources
— The reporting level for LLEs and NMs has increased from approximately
600 reports per unit eight years ago to approximately 3500 reports per unit
in 2009.
— There has been an increase in the identification of trend evaluations on
identified adverse trends at a significance level of 3 or above. The company
recently implemented an upgraded trend evaluation process that now turns
a number of related SCRs into organizational and/or programmatic causes
which are evaluated via an ACE or RCE, depending on the significance of
the adverse trend.
— Conditions reportable to the Canadian regulator (Regulatory Standard S-99)
have steadily declined as the reporting of issues has increased.
— Conventional safety improvements have been seen, with over 18 million
person-hours worked on the six operating units without a ‘lost time injury’,
(the last one occurred in June 2007). The use of an improved CAP,
including a significant increase in the reporting of LLEs and NMs
(precursor issues), followed by trend evaluations, has been instrumental in
achieving this significant improvement. The benefits to the company,
including reduced loss of morale, reduced loss of production and reduced
accident handling costs, are significant.
Figure II–1 plots safety events, safety precursors and total SCR generation
at the site from 2006 through 2009. Significant safety events have declined as
SCR generation and subsequent low level precursor identification have
Figure II–2 plots conditions reportable to the Canadian regulator
(Regulatory Standard S-99), which declined steadily as the reporting of issues
increased from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2009. As SCR generation and
subsequent low level precursor identification have improved and have been dealt
with, reportable S-99 events have declined.
FIG. II–1. Bruce Power: safety events, safety precursors and total SCR generation,
FIG. II–2. Bruce Power S-99 report trends per operating unit, 2006–2009.
Entergy owns ten nuclear stations with 12 plants. These plants are as
OE organization
Management expectations
Company procedures, aligned for all plants in the fleet, provide for the
reporting of adverse conditions and conditions adverse to quality, as well as any
condition that may challenge the safe operation of a plant. Workers are
encouraged and expected to report all conditions at any level, and the programme
is designed to screen conditions to ensure the appropriate response level.
Overview of OE resources
The CAP was developed many years ago and has been continually
developed and improved over time. Experience gained on the job, through
information exchanges, via benchmarking, and by participation in internal and
external assessments shows that initial implementation of a CAP is sometimes
difficult. In the early implementation phases (20 or more years ago), staff
sometimes resisted the change driven by the new programme. However, a strong
commitment and belief in the programme by senior management has resulted in
workers taking full advantage of the process and in significant performance
improvement over time.
• Number of overdue corrective actions;
• Number and rate of industrial accidents, LLEs and NMs related to non-
consequential human performance errors (NCEs), consequential errors,
human performance events.
Work is being done at Entergy Nuclear to gain better results from the data
tracked for NCEs, which equate to LLEs and NMs, by developing a performance
indicator that is intended to track self-identified versus externally identified
NCEs. The aim is to encourage more self-reporting of NCEs, with increased data
and a greater opportunity to learn from LLEs and NMs, resulting in fewer
consequential errors and events. It is recognized that higher level conditions are
prevented by learning from lower level conditions, and thus the focus is on
learning from LLEs and NMs.
— Trend analysis of low level industrial safety incidents at one plant led to a
team evaluation of the causes of and contributors to commonalities and to
the development of actions to improve performance. As a result, a 44%
reduction in the number of industrial safety incidents was achieved at that
plant in a six month period.
— Trend analysis of low level industrial safety incidents for a specific fleet
department led to a team evaluation of the causes of and contributors to
commonalities and developing actions to improve performance. As a result,
a 33% reduction in the number of industrial safety incidents was achieved
within that department in a six month period.
— Trend analysis of low level material handling errors resulted in a team
evaluation of the causes of and contributors to commonalities and to the
development of actions to improve performance. As a result, no significant
material handling incidents occurred within the fleet of 12 plants in the
subsequent six month period.
The programme is very robust with some basic practices for any developing
utility to consider emulating. The following are examples of good practices to
— A strong nuclear safety culture with well trained staff willing to report
incidents at every level;
— A significant focus on industrial safety, human performance and continuous
performance improvement;
— A strong commitment by senior management to the CAP, including the use
of OE and LLE and NM data to prevent future incidents;
— Full time staff administering the CAP, which includes the OE and the LLE
and NM processes;
— Well trained cause evaluators and a strong commitment to providing
resources to complete high quality cause evaluations;
— Encouragement of reporting at every level;
— The possibility for any worker to issue a CR;
— High volumes of corrective action data;
— Continuous monitoring of the programme by CRG, CARB, HURB,
department management, etc.;
— Well developed and implemented corrective action, human performance
and industrial safety performance indicators;
— Information sharing through the OE programme, both internally and with
external organizations;
— A robust OE dissemination and application process;
— A defined and well implemented self-assessment and benchmarking
process overseen by the Self-Assessment Review Board (SARB), chaired
by the site vice president;
— Expectation of and commitment to timely implementation of corrective
One particularly strong practice has been the implementation of a HURB.
This process permits the periodic presentation of LLE and NM related human
performance data to a senior management team. This results in a strong focus on
continuous human performance improvement and challenges issued by the
HURB to strengthen actions by individual departments.
The two unit stations employ about 650 full time workers each, and the
single unit stations employ about 450 workers each. During significant outages
staff typically doubles, with a contracted work force used for most of the reactor
and turbine/generator or large project work.
OE organization
daily CAP functions, including screening, trend analysis and evaluation of
condition reports.
Management expectations
Within Exelon Nuclear, there are clear management expectations that all
deficiencies and equipment failures will be documented within the CAP. This
expectation specifically includes not only consequential deficiencies but also
NMs and LLEs. These low level issues feed into a robust trend analysis process
that is recognized by senior leadership as important to the success of Exelon. In
order to reinforce the reporting of LLEs, assessments and audits, as well as
metrics, measure the amount of reporting to ensure proper engagement in the
programme. The nuclear oversight organization performs a comprehensive CAP
audit every two years across the nuclear fleet to ensure that the CAP is being
utilized from a regulatory compliance perspective as well as adding maximum
value to the company. In addition, the NRC regularly performs a problem
identification and resolution audit of each station’s CAP to ensure that regulatory
compliance has been met.
experienced within their discipline to ensure that adequate representation is
achieved during screening. Guidance for assignment of issue severity and priority
is undertaken in accordance with procedural examples for consistency.
Once all information has been gathered and proposed actions have been
assigned to an IR, the IRs are reviewed by the Management Review Committee
(MRC). This committee consists of senior managers, who review all of the IRs
that have been generated, including severity and actions or evaluations assigned.
The ultimate responsibility for CAP implementation resides with this committee
and not with programme administrators. This is how line ownership of a CAP is
In 2010, Exelon generated 95 849 IRs within the entire company, with 3053
of these generated at the corporate office and the rest at the ten nuclear stations.
Significance is measured by number at Exelon, with the lowest number being the
most significant. Level 5 issues are typically enhancements. The following
numbers are the breakdown of IRs generated in 2010 by significance level:
Level 1 — 5; Level 2 — 74; Level 3 — 1993; Level 4 — 86 744; Level 5 — 7033.
Typically, LLEs fall into the Level 4 and NMs into the Level 3 categories of
Low level trend analysis of issues and evaluation of these trends has proved
to be one of the most successful vehicles at Exelon for driving performance
improvement. As there is a very low reporting threshold, there are many
opportunities to expose low level trends. However, CAP metrics are utilized to
ensure that the right level of engagement is also monitored so that low level
trends are not missed due to lack of data.
The most recent focus area within the company is equipment reliability.
Exelon utilizes an enhanced version of the INPO AP-913 model for equipment
reliability causal determination. This model, in conjunction with the careful
identification of operational critical systems and components, provides the right
focus on equipment reliability trend analysis to ensure that the majority of effort
is expended on issues that can impact nuclear safety and generation.
Annex IX provides examples where trend analysis of LLEs and NMs has
had a positive impact within Exelon.
— RAPS 2 (PHWR), 1 × 200 MW(e);
— RAPS 3 and 4 (PHWR), 2 × 220 MW(e);
— RAPS 5 and 6 (PHWR), 2 × 220 MW(e);
— MAPS 1 and 2 (PHWR), 2 × 220 MW(e);
— NAPS 1 and 2 (PHWR), 2 × 220 MW(e);
— KAPS 1 and 2 (PHWR), 2 × 220 MW(e);
— Kaiga 1 and 2 (PHWR), 2 × 220 MW(e);
— Kaiga 3 and 4 (PHWR), 2 × 220 MW(e);
— TAPS 3 and 4 (PHWR), 2 × 540 MW(e).
Management expectations
Overview of the programme
Trend analysis
A LLE programme was initiated in 2005. Initially, LLE reporting was being
done on paper in a prescribed format. The coverage area and LLE reporting were
FIG. II–3. Total number of LLEs reported at RAPS 3 and 4 during 2009 according to category.
The category codes are as follows: 1.0 — error reduction technique; 2.0 — radiation
protection; 3.0 — industrial/fire safety; 4.0 — work practices; 5.0 — repetitive jobs; 6.0 — low
level maintenance works; 7.0 — environmental conditions; 8.0 — equipment performance.
very low. After the WANO technical support mission in 2007, the organization’s
policy on the reporting of LLEs and NMs was revised.
— Since January 2009, LLE reporting has been computerized. The coverage
area has increased significantly.
— Initially, the data received were absurd, as the defined codes were
inadequate and thus led to improper codification by users.
— Training and refresher training courses were provided to users on the proper
categorization of LLE codes.
— More codes were defined to cater to requirements.
— A periodic review of the programme is being undertaken.
— Initial training;
— Refresher training;
— Training on industrial safety and emergency preparedness.
Examples of success
FIG. II–4. Success stories: Trend for subcategory 6.7 (deficiencies in JBs/panels, indicator
lamp not glowing, etc.) in 2009 (RAPS 3 and 4).
FIG. II–5. Success stories: Reversal of trend for subcategory 6.7 (deficiencies in JBs/panels,
indicator lamp not glowing, etc.) starting in the first quarter of 2010 (RAPS 3 and 4).
The events being collected in the LLE and NM process belong primarily to
the area of maintenance, including equipment performance. There is still a need
to capture events in the area of human performance in order to prevent events on
account of human errors.
OE organization
Management expectations
Plant managers at all levels are responsible for supporting the identification,
reporting and resolution of NM and LLE events, and for encouraging their staff to
openly communicate with regard to problems encountered in their workplace or
observed elsewhere. The purpose of dealing with operational events and their
precursors is not to identify a guilty person, but instead to find out what
happened, and how and why it happened, so that necessary corrective measures
can be identified to prevent event recurrence or to mitigate consequences.
The prime goal of Mochovce NPP in the feedback area is to minimize the
number of significant events and consequential events. A proactive approach in
this area on behalf of the organization is a precondition to reaching this goal. The
organization’s preventive attitude is based on the use of opportunities to learn
lessons by means of analyses and dealing with operational event precursors.
A major goal of the collection and analysis of LLEs and NMs is to maintain
a certain level of risk awareness, especially when the occurrence of significant
events in an organization is low. Permanent motivation is critical for safety
culture and for the safe behaviour of personnel at all levels.
High C1 B1 A
Intermediate D1 C2 B2
Low E D2 C3
Recurrence probability
Corrective actions
Trend analysis
Trend analysis of event codes (including LLEs and NMs) is done by the
OE section. Results of trend analyses are presented in quarterly and annual
reports, which are discussed and approved by the plant director.
Human related codes appointed to LLEs and NMs undergo trend analysis,
and the results are used as one of the main inputs into a human performance
improvement programme at the plant.
If a group of similar LLEs and NMs with human performance issues is
identified, a just-in-time report is developed. Such a report (a summary of lessons
learned from LLEs and NMs, or industry OE) is then used in pre-job briefings to
increase personnel awareness of the potential risks connected with a task.
At Mochovce NPP, LLEs and NMs do not cover all problems reported by
personnel. There is another low tier programme managed by the quality
assurance (QA) department. Only minor quality non-conformances (without any
actual risk) and suggestions for improvements can be reported in this programme
(statistically, thousands per year).
Mochovce NPP uses the WANO coding system.
— More stress was placed on positive reinforcement, improvement of
recognition and reward strategies.
— The training of personnel in OE processes has improved, with a special
focus on benefits generated by the LLE and NM system.
Annex III
Failed barriers and failed
Area Brief description Consequences
good work practices
Human Portable gamma alarm Situational awareness and Lost time on job to
performance monitors inadvertently questioning attitude not correct the situation,
unplugged during work used, essential equipment potential for
in a radiation area. plug not adequately unplanned radiation
tagged. dose uptake,
worker protection
Failed barriers and failed
Area Brief description Consequences
good work practices
Annex IV
The material in this annex is extracted from: RIDENOURE, R., Leadership for
Smarties, Southern California Edison, Rosemead, CA (2009).
Annex V
Do not want to know May not find out Actively seek information
New ideas are New ideas present problems New ideas are welcomed
actively crushed
WESTRUM, R., A typology of organizational cultures, Qual. Saf. Health Care 13 (2004)
Annex VI
HUDSON, P., “Safety management and safety culture: the long, hard and winding road”, Proc.
1st Natl Conf. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS), Sydney,
Australia, 2000, OHSMS, Sydney, Australia (2001) 3–31.
Annex VII
Medical Deficiency in
YES condition? Were procedures training &
selection or YES NO
available, workable,
intelligible and experience?
Were the
consequences NO
as intended?
error but
NO error
YES corrective
Systems training or
YES induced counselling
NO indicated
System error
YES Possible violation
Sabotage, Substance
mitigation g
malevolent abuse with hin
inis y
Dim abilit
damage, mitigation
suicide, etc. p
REASON, J., Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents, Ashgate, Aldershot (1997).
Annex VIII
In 2001, a new law was passed by the Danish Parliament mandating the
establishment of a compulsory, strictly non-punitive, and strictly confidential
system for the reporting of aviation incidents. A particular and perhaps unusual
feature of this reporting system is that not only are employees (typically air traffic
controllers and pilots) guaranteed strict immunity against penalties and disclosure
but also any breach against the non-disclosure guarantee is made a punishable
The re-engineered system in Denmark is a mandatory, non-punitive and
strictly confidential system. The reporting system is mandatory in the sense that
air traffic personnel are obliged to submit reports of events, and it is strictly non-
punitive in the sense that personnel are guaranteed indemnity against prosecution
or disciplinary actions for any event they have reported.
Furthermore, the reporting system is strictly confidential in the sense that
the reporter’s identity may not be revealed outside the agency dealing with
occurrence reports. Reporters of incidents are assured immunity from any penal
and disciplinary measure related to an incident if they submit a report within
72 hours of its occurrence and if it does not involve an accident or deliberate
sabotage or negligence due to substance abuse (e.g. alcohol). Moreover, punitive
measures are stipulated against any breach of the guaranteed confidentiality.
The important distinction between an anonymous and a confidential
reporting system lies in the fact that with an anonymous reporting system reports
are unidentifiable, while with confidential reports the reporter is known. An
anonymous report offers no possibility to derive further facts in the investigation
process. However, with a confidential system the reporter submits his or her name
and can thus be contacted during the investigation process for further clarification
and feedback purposes.
The material in this annex is extracted from: EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR
THE SAFETY OF AIR NAVIGATION, EAM 2/GUI 6 — Establishment of ‘Just Culture’
Principles in ATM Safety Data Reporting and Assessment, EUROCONTROL, Brussels
reports from this scheme would be granted exemption from the provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act. Investigators would, by law, be obliged to keep
information from the reports undisclosed. However, the law would grant no
immunity if gross negligence or substance abuse was present in the reported
situations, and it would also be punishable by a fine not to report an incident in
In most democratic countries, the Freedom of Information Act is almost a
sacred institution. This is also the case in Denmark. It was acknowledged by
politicians and aviation specialists that the public had a right to know the facts
about the level of safety in Danish aviation. In order to accommodate this, it was
written in the law that the regulatory authority of Danish aviation, based on
incoming reports, is required to publish overview statistics twice a year, based on
de-identified data from these reports.
This law was passed unanimously by the Danish Parliament in May 2001.
Compared with other legal norms in Denmark, and probably in most countries,
this law is unique in the sense that it is the only law in Denmark that guarantees
immunity from prosecution when an otherwise punishable offence has been
committed. During the legislative process, public interest in the matter was
surprisingly low, and apart from a few editorials in national newspapers, the
matter was not commented on. After the regulatory authority, based on incoming
flight safety reports, made its first statement, public interest increased. However,
the media were mainly interested not in the system itself, but in the apparently
unsafe nature of Danish aviation.
After the law was passed, the Danish aviation regulatory authority body,
Statens Luftfartsvæsen, implementated the regulatory framework. The regulatory
authority subsequently issued instructions to the following groups, stating that for
these five categories of licence holders it would be mandatory to follow the
reporting system:
Since both pilots and air traffic controllers now have to report various
situations according to the reporting system, it is obvious that these two
categories will sometimes be reporting situations basically created by the other.
This will not incriminate either, as long as each professional abides by the
obligation of reporting. This means that, for example, a situation created by air
traffic control and reported by a pilot will not incriminate the controller as long as
the controller reports the same situation.
In order to make it clear which situations these personnel were obliged to
report, the regulatory authority passed guidance material to each of the five
categories. Since the situations that could pose a threat to aviation are different
for each category, each has its own set of descriptions of mandatory reportable
situations. In the following sections, only the material and the process concerning
air traffic control will be dealt with.
For air traffic control, the regulatory authority issued reporting categories
that were derived from EUROCONTROL requirement ESARR 2.
Within Naviair (the Danish air traffic control service provider employing all
air traffic controllers in Denmark), a high level decision was made to actively
support the implementation process of this new reporting system. This decision
was not made solely because it was mandatory, but also because management
foresaw a benefit to the company’s main product, flight safety. As a consequence,
every air traffic controller received a letter from management explaining the new
system and stating Naviair’s commitment to enhancing flight safety through the
reporting and analysis of safety related events. The incident investigators
responsible for implementation of the new system were given the task of
communicating the change, and were also given a full mandate and support by
An extensive briefing campaign was carried out in order to inform all air
traffic controllers about the new system. In the briefing process, controllers
expressed many concerns, particularly pertaining to confidentiality and the
non-punitive aspect of the system. These concerns were due to the existing
culture and were all anticipated. Typical questions asked during the
implementation process included:
They were dealt with by explaining the intentions of the law governing the
reporting system: the law would not grant media or others access to the reports,
and it would secure freedom from prosecution. Furthermore, it was emphasized
that no major enhancement of flight safety would be possible if no information
about existing hazards was gathered and disseminated, and that the reporting
system might ultimately be able to explain and hopefully eliminate the flaws that
everybody recognized in everyday operations. Naviair basically asked the air
traffic controllers to trust them, and to take ownership of flight safety. In return,
Naviair would try to deal effectively with flight safety.
The reporting system started to operate on 15 August 2001. During the first
24 hours after its introduction, Naviair received 20 reports from air traffic
controllers. In the first year after the reporting system was put into place, Naviair
received 980 reports, compared with 15 the previous year.
Still, the numbers from the new and the old 12 month period cannot be
compared directly.
With the new reporting system, air traffic controllers became obliged to
report instances that were not compulsory to report beforehand. So the best
comparison would be to compare the numbers of reported losses of separation
between aircraft (which were the only mandatory reportable occurrences before
implementation of the new system). This comparison is fair and informative, and
it serves to show the quite dramatic change in reporting culture, not least because
air traffic controllers were punished for the same situations beforehand.
Losses of separation averaged approximately 15 a year before
implementation, whereas two years after implementation 40–50 losses of
separation were reported per year.
It is important to mention that any company management that puts a system
like this in place has to prepare for new and maybe unpopular information. It may
come as a surprise for the management of any company when more breaches of
safety are being reported. It is very important that this new knowledge not be seen
as a sign that safety is sliding. Rather, it is better interpreted as an uncovering of
things that have existed and gone unreported for years. The paradox remains,
however, that the safest companies will initially be viewed as unsafe companies
due to their willingness to elicit a greater number of reports. In the interim, it
takes courage to be safe.
— Aircraft proximity and avoidance manoeuvres;
— Safety nets: their impact on and relevance to the incident;
— System aspects;
— Human factors;
— Procedures;
— Conclusion;
— Recommendations.
In order to evaluate the effects of the reporting system, it helps to look into
the content of these incoming reports and note the effect that the investigation of
these reports has had.
Another flight safety enhancing element that has developed since the new
reporting system was implemented is the sharing of flight safety knowledge. As a
result of investigations of incoming reports, Naviair quickly realized that air
traffic control cannot handle flight safety alone. Many potentially hazardous
situations between aircraft arise as a consequence of the interface between air
traffic controllers and pilots (misuse of phraseology, different understandings of
procedures, different expectations, etc.). If there is to be any hope of making a
new breakthrough in flight safety, it will be important to look at flight safety as a
shared process.
In order to deal more effectively with flight safety, Naviair decided to
establish a Flight Safety Forum. Naviair subsequently invited flight safety
officers from all major Danish airlines to participate in discussion and knowledge
sharing of flight safety relevant information. Everybody involved accepted this
invitation; as a result, the Forum meets twice a year and addresses operational
flight safety in Danish airspace. Furthermore, it has been decided to share this
information for use in incident investigation.
When the changes made to the Danish system (machine/procedure/human)
since the reporting system was implemented are examined, it is obvious that
improvements have been made. Before implementation of the reporting system,
many flight safety relevant observations were reported, but to different
departments in Naviair, thus eliminating the advantage of focused information
gathering and dissemination.
Today, Naviair feels confident that the system put in place is solidly
founded within the Danish air traffic control system. This assessment is based on
what can be heard when listening to discussions among controllers and support
staff, which take place on and off the record, as well as on the amount and content
of the reports received.
Of course, the system has experienced difficulties. Sometimes air traffic
controllers do feel blamed when they learn of an investigation conclusion.
Equally, in the minds of the individuals involved, a non-punitive confidential
culture may appear to be a general amnesty for every mistake made; but that is
not the case. Most of the investigated incidents have human mistakes as their root
cause. That fact can be hard to be face up to, and in such situations it is important
to confront the responsible individual in a way that inspires proactiveness, for
both the organization and the individual, so that both will learn.
What made all this possible? First of all it is important that a legal
framework is in place to run a reporting system. Even the most well meaning
management will have problems instilling trust if legal action can still be taken
against employees.
Second, the management of any company in a safety critical business —
whether in aviation, medical care, power generation or the nuclear industry —
has to be committed. Safety starts at the top.
In order to give the air traffic controllers themselves the ownership of flight
safety, it is very important that the people who are communicating safety have a
professional background. Many feelings arise, and discussions follow, when
endeavouring to communicate flight safety. These discussions and questions have
to be answered by people who have ‘felt’ the business themselves. Management
has to show support and be visible in safety campaigns, but professional
discussions have to take place among professionals.
The ultimate test of any non-punitive, confidential reporting system (the
legal framework, the confidentiality, the psychology) will come if a country
running such a system experiences an aviation disaster with loss of life. When
this happens, everything takes a new and unknown course. To prepare for this, it
is important to focus on the fact that without aviation safety reporting systems,
the likelihood of disasters is much greater.
Annex IX
lodged in the extraction steam line, resulting in a two day outage. Trend
analysis of these failures and subsequent removal of these valves from the
inventory prevented a future two day unplanned outage, saving the
company more than US $2 million in lost generation and indirect costs, as
well as improving nuclear safety by preventing an unplanned reactor trip.
— A trend was identified at the Braidwood Station regarding several failures
of feedwater heater air supply valves. Further evaluation of this trend
revealed that foreign material (brass chips) had been left inside the valves
by the manufacturer. It was further ascertained that the brass chips had
migrated and affected the valve seating function and could migrate further
into the positioner and impact feedwater valve operations, potentially
affecting generation owing to a loss of feedwater heaters. An inventory
check indicated that three other stations also had these valves; a further
check revealed that the valves also contained the foreign material, which
could have affected those plants as well. The valves were removed from the
inventory, and new valves were procured which were verified not to contain
the foreign material. Previous positioner failure issues had resulted in
3000 MW·h (US $150 000) of lost generation due to a derating during the
— During the trend identification and analysis of proximity switch failures
within the Exelon system, it was determined that switch failures had
occurred because the manufacturer had wired the switches backwards. As a
result, corrective actions, including reviewing inventory for this type of
proximity switch, were undertaken in the Exelon inventory system. One of
these switches was found as it was about to be installed at a station in a high
radiation area. A new switch was procured and the defective switch was
replaced. Failure of the defective proximity switch would have delayed
operation of the switch, and would have resulted in a production risk
evolution in the summer. Replacing the defective switch would have
resulted in an unnecessary additional radiation dose received by workers
due to the high radiation area it was located in.
The parts quality low level trend analysis process has been recognized as a
good practice by the nuclear industry, INPO and the Electric Power Research
Annex X
This review of the US nuclear power industry began with the following
rhetorical question: “What is the actual cost to an employer of an accident?” The
intention was to immediately start the reader thinking about the benefit to cost
trade-off in the implementation of accident reduction activities. The primary
hypothesis of the review was that there is a set of accident investigation practices
that yield top quartile organizational safety performance. The secondary
hypothesis was that organizational influences have a greater impact on accident
rates than investigation practices. These activities are within the span of control
of company owners and managers and thus represent opportunities for cost
savings. This review provides direct correlation to cost benefits associated with
the collection and analysis of LLE and NM data.
A descriptive survey was developed to collect information about safety
performance (in the form of OSHA Form 300A data) and accident investigation
practices. Accident investigation practice questions were developed based on the
related literature and the author’s firsthand experience from over 15 years of
accident and organization investigation. The target population for this review was
manufacturers in northeast Pennsylvania. To be more exact, the review involved
manufacturers with more than 20 employees in 16 counties in northeast
Pennsylvania. The descriptive survey was mailed to 972 manufacturing
companies identified in the 16 county target region in March 2006. As of 1 June
2006, 54 organizations (5.5%) had provided a response with complete survey
data. The responses were evaluated and determined to be representative of
manufacturers in Pennsylvania, as well as technology and other industries.
The direct cost to employers of injuries is staggering. In a 2004 report,
Liberty Mutual reported that serious work related injuries cost American
employers US $49.6 billion in 2002 (Liberty Mutual, 2004). The report only
included ‘serious workplace injuries’, which were defined as events through
which the worker missed six or more days. In the 2005 article titled ‘Reduce
Medical Claims: Workplace Ergonomics’, the author cites a much higher figure
that encompasses all injuries: “Six million workers suffer workplace injuries each
year at a cost to US business of more than US $125 billion”. Using the latter
statistic, the average direct cost per injury is nearly US $21 000. These numbers
This review of the US Nuclear Power Industry is by T.S. Tonkinson. The views
expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the International Atomic Energy Agency or its
Member States.
represent direct costs to employers, such as medical expenses and paid time off.
While this review focused on industrial accidents, a direct correlation has long
being established within the nuclear industry, via the event pyramid, to costs
associated with other types of LLE and NM.
The actual indirect costs to employers from accidents are not well defined or
monitored. In one study, it was estimated that “each $1 of direct costs generated
between US $3 and US $5 of indirect costs”. Assuming this relationship is accurate,
consider several of the direct cost figures discussed previously. The Liberty Mutual
figure of US $49.6 billion in direct costs in 2002 would involve between
US $150 billion and $250 billion in indirect costs. The total lost time value of
US $125 billion in direct costs would involve between US $375 billion and
US $625 billion in indirect costs. The ‘per injury’ value of US $21 000 in direct
costs would involve US $63 000 to US $105 000 in indirect costs.
The intention of the data gathering and analysis was to explore the
relationship between accident rates and accident investigation practices in order
to deduce a set of practices associated with statistically better safety performance.
The results of the review confirm the primary hypothesis that there is a set
of investigation practices that is correlated with better safety performance. The
following practices are considered to be critical elements of an effective accident
investigation programme:
1st quartile range of OSHA lost work day case rate 0.00–0.00
4th quartile range of OSHA lost work day case rate 3.07–16.40
Annex XI
Recommend a level of
investigation for the common
It may be possible to recommend
corrective action/s instead
(if they are obvious).
Annex XII
Does the trend evaluation clearly define the scope and impact of the
trend and the data range?
Are event codes and common causal factor codes listed and has the
SCR been updated with the codes?
Please ensure this evaluation has been approved by the responsible manager or
designee. Approval cannot be delegated below the level of section manager.
Annex XIII
The Mihama NPP has three PWRs of 340 MW(e), 500 MW(e) and
826 MW(e).
— Example 3: Vacuum in a pure water tank while draining its contents. The
operator tried to drain the water from a pure water tank. He confirmed that
the vent line was open. After he started the draining operation, he noticed
that the middle part of the tank was slightly deformed. Thus, he stopped the
draining and checked the tank and its piping. As a result, he found a clogged
mesh in the vent line. The clogging material was granular sand which had
been used during sand blasting of the tank.
Abbas, H. Karachi Nuclear Power Complex, Pakistan
Wang, Z. China National Nuclear Corporation, China
Consultants Meetings
Technical Meeting
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This publication presents an overview of best
p r a c t ices f or th e de velopm en t, i mpl ementati on and
c o n t i nu ou s im pr ovem en t of a low l e v el e v ent (LLE)
a n d n ear m is s (N M) pr oces s . It prov i des i nsi ghts
in t o l eadin g pr actices f or m anagers seeki ng to
d e ve l o p a n e w — or im pr ove an exi sti ng — LLE and
N M p r oces s , with th e g oal of i mprov i ng safety,
production and cost performance. Use of the
g u id an ce an d bes t pr actices prov i ded wi l l hel p i n
r e c o g n izin g em er g in g adver s e trends on the basi s
o f LL E an d N M an alys is . Pr oacti v el y correcti ng
s u c h tr en ds can h elp to pr e vent the occurrence of
s i g n i fican t e ven ts , an d th er eby enhance the safety
a n d r eliability of n u clear power pl ants.