When You Can Walk On Water, Take The Boat
When You Can Walk On Water, Take The Boat
When You Can Walk On Water, Take The Boat
Dedicated to
Malika Elizabeth, Jonathan Nian
Mardai Elizabeth Harricharan
Special Thanks
I am eternally grateful to Anita Bergen who untiringly
shared the burdens of accuracy and coordination in
the preparation of this work. And a million thanks to
Robert “Butch” James, a very special friend, who made
it possible for this revised edition to be available.
Chapter One
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
Chapter Two
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
Chapter Six
O n Sunday morning June departed for home.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
Chapter Fourteen
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
Chapter Fifteen
cold, but the golden rays of the sun bathed the trees
in a frosty, sparkling beauty. Somehow, deep within me,
I felt this was to be the day for my visit to System 22. Yet
nothing had happened to confirm my feelings.
Christmas day had been spent at home with the family.
It was exciting to help my children set up their toys. I
John Harricharan
reflected on the days of my childhood and how, with great
excitement, I would wait for Christmas day. With anxious
fingers, I would rip the wrappings from my gifts and
delight myself with wild imaginations of their contents.
Christmas hadn’t changed much with time, although, as
I grew older, the spirit of Christmas had taken on an
entirely commercial vein.
Today, however, Christmas was behind me and it was
time to return to the mundane world of commerce. This
evening, I thought, should be a peaceful one. It was a
quiet day at the office and after a good dinner, some time
with the family and a few household chores, I turned in
for the night and fell asleep.
Without warning, it happened again. I was wide awake
looking down at my body sleeping peacefully on the bed.
Standing next to me were Marla and Gideon. “It’s time for
us to go to System 22, John,” said Gideon. “Your body will
be at rest and perfectly safe while we’re gone. You ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied, and without further
ado, they each grasped one of my hands and we were off
again. We experienced the same flying sensation and suddenly
there was the feeling of falling. Almost immediately,
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
we were standing in a brightly-lit room of enormous
dimensions. The room was full of strangers. They were
talking to one another and occasionally glancing at various
giant screens on the wall. Two younger men walked
over and greeted us. “Your turn will come shortly,
Gideon,” one of them said. They led us into what appeared
to be a waiting room. It was tastefully decorated with
expensive furnishings that seemed to be of the same style
I saw at G & M Headquarters. We sat down and helped
ourselves to some freshly brewed coffee. The thought
occurred to me that even out of my body I enjoyed a
good cup of coffee.
“Gideon, what is this place?” I asked.
“This is the first step in the ‘translation’ process from
earth to the heavens,” he answered.
“What do you mean?” I was frankly puzzled.
“To reach System 22 from earth there are several transfer
points. Each person who wants to go or is invited to
visit must first go through one of these transfer points. I
don’t know the exact reason why, but I understand it has
something to do with space-time coordinates. Purely technical,
I guess. There are a number of these locations here
John Harricharan
on earth and a few of them are in this country. Right now,
we’re in an area you call Arizona. There are also transfer
points in California, Virginia Beach and Massachusetts.
Two new ones are in the process of being completed in
Washington and Atlanta.
“Outside this country, other points are located, for
example, in Canada, England, Australia and India. A few
more in Africa, China and elsewhere. We chose Arizona
for no particular reason, except that we’re familiar with it.
You see, we’ve done this many times before. However,
we could have gone to any of the other points.
“You’ll notice that we all appear to have bodies. These
bodies are mental ones, not physical ones and, therefore,
are not subject to the same time, space and density
constraints as earth bodies. In fact, the earth body
is a physical image of your spirit body, somewhat
similar to the way a picture shows an actual scene.
From this transfer point we’ll go directly to System
22 where you’ll meet some very interesting people and,
finally, the Chief. I think they’re almost ready for us.
Let’s go.”
We stood up and walked over to one of the large
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
screens, which was now glowing white. The two young
men we’d met earlier waved us on. Gideon, Marla and I
joined hands once again and before I could realize what
was happening, we walked right through the screen. I
mean, through the screen and into a different world.
Immediately there was complete darkness, a sound not
unlike music, then absolute silence. I was no longer afraid,
just extremely curious. After what seemed like an eternity,
but in reality couldn’t have been more than a few
seconds, we emerged into another brilliantly lit room similar
to the one we’d just left. I turned to Gideon and said,
“We don’t seem to have gone anywhere.”
Smiling, he replied, “We’re light years away from where
we started.”
A delegation awaited us — a group of friendly people
who came forward and surrounded us. Searching the faces
around us, I was taken by surprise to find my father, looking
exactly as I knew him back on earth. He looked straight
into my eyes; I thought for sure I was dreaming. I became
overwhelmed by emotions as I rushed up and threw my
arms around him. I had missed him so much.
“No, you’re not dreaming, son,” he said to me.
John Harricharan
“You’re alive, Dad?” I said, more as a statement than
a question.
“As alive, as I ever was or will be,” he replied. He
seemed to be happy and at peace. The crowd parted as
we walked across the room toward a large door. As we
approached, the door opened automatically and we
proceeded into a scene of indescribable beauty. Although
we’d left the transfer point at night, it was now full daylight.
Perhaps, it’s less confusing not to analyze the mysteries
of time and space.
Marla said, “We’ll be back with you shortly, John,”
and she and Gideon vanished, leaving me alone with my
Dad. I looked at the man who had raised me and taught
me so much about life. Was it the light again or did he
seem to be surrounded by a faint, silvery aura?
“Sit down, son,” he said as he pointed toward a bench
beneath a tree. “Tell me how you’ve been.”
“Well, to say the least, I’ve been having a real rough
time, Dad. I don’t know how, but I’m sure things will
work out eventually. What’s this place and what are you
doing here?” Somehow, I felt that he already knew how I
was doing.
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
“This is a reception center for visitors from various parts
of the universe. I’ll be here for a while. I chose this assignment
because of the opportunities for growth and learning,
but I have to admit it’s also fun.”
“Why did you leave us so suddenly, Dad? Don’t you
know how much all of us miss you, especially Mom? She
speaks of you all the time. Recently, she was very ill, but
she’s doing much better now. I think she misses you more
than everyone else put together.”
I seemed to catch a glimpse of sadness in his eyes as
he said, “It was time for me to go on.” He was quiet for a
short while as if reflecting on what I’d said. Then he continued,
“I’d completed as much of my earth work as I
could and there was nothing else for me to do. From
here, it’s possible to help you and the others much more
than I was able to do while I was there. I watch over your
mother constantly. It’ll be a few more years before she
joins me, but you’ve just started your work. All that came
before was just preparation. Your visit here is the next
step. It’s like a graduation before going on to other, more
complex work.
“I’ll be with you whenever you need me. Just call me
John Harricharan
in your thoughts like you called me aloud when you were
a little boy. I’ll answer and help you as I always did. I
never really left you at all; it only seems that way. Whenever
you want to talk with me, find a quiet spot, close
your eyes and see the house in the old country and the
coconut palm growing by the edge of the little stream. I’ll
meet you under the tamarind tree and we’ll discuss whatever
it is that’s troubling you.
“There are others here who’ll be helping you, too. I’ve
known Gideon and Marla from many lifetimes. There is
also a group of three called the Companions. I know you
see them often in your dreams. They always bring you
valid information that very often you choose to ignore.
They are your higher self — your guiding, knowing self.
Everyone has several helpers. You’re aware of some of
yours, but most people never discover the help that is
available to them until they cross over to this side.”
“Dad, I feel like crying — not tears of sadness, but
tears of joy.”
“There’s no need for tears at all. The Chief is all Love
and Joy. You, son and the others on earth are the ones
who believe that life is supposed to be a vale of tears and
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
suffering. The Loving Force only wants for you that which
you desire for yourselves. Some of you choose sadness
and others happiness.”
There was such peace and serenity surrounding us as
we sat there. It seemed as though he’d always been alive;
that he’d lived forever, this dad of mine whom I miss
terribly. I knew then that he’d never really died and I
could always meet or see him whenever I wanted.
“Keep working, learning and growing, son,” he
continued. “Never give up. You’ve heard it said ‘When
the student is ready, the teacher will appear.’ I believe
‘When the teacher is ready, the master will appear.’ You’ll
be meeting with the Chief soon. Then you will know that
we’re all one. You’ll understand you’ve never been separated
from your Creator; that you and He are one.
“We must go now. Gideon and Marla are coming for
you and the Lord is waiting.”
Gideon and Marla reappeared as suddenly as they had
left. My dad hugged me warmly and patted me on the
back. Tears fell from the corners of my eyes as he said
good-bye. It was so good just to see him again. Of course,
it was obvious now that he was not dead, but transformed.
John Harricharan
As the butterfly lives within the caterpillar, so, now he
was a butterfly of the universe instead of a caterpillar of
Earth. “We wanted you to spend some time alone with
him, J.H.,” Gideon said. “Now we’ll go to see God.” He
paused, winked at me, then continued, “the Chief, First
Cause, Creator and All That Is.”
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
Chapter Sixteen