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Electrochimica Acta 295 (2019) 157e163

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Electrochimica Acta
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Enhancement of the electron transfer rate in carbon nanotube flexible

electrochemical sensors by surface functionalization
Keita Nishimura a, Takuya Ushiyama a, Nguyen Xuan Viet a, 1, Masafumi Inaba b,
Shigeru Kishimoto a, Yutaka Ohno a, b, *
Department of Electronics, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan
Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Thin films of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) possess high potential for use in flexible elec-
Received 11 July 2018 trochemical sensors in wearable medical devices. However, the electrochemical activity of such materials
Received in revised form is not yet fully understood. We studied the enhancement in electrochemical activity of SWNT-based
30 September 2018
flexible electrochemical sensors. To exclude the effect of surface contaminations from the fabrication
Accepted 23 October 2018
Available online 25 October 2018
processes on the electrochemical activity, we introduced the dry process for high-quality and clean
SWNT film formation and the clean device fabrication process with a protective layer. So-fabricated
SWNT electrodes exhibited a low electron transfer rate. Electrochemical functionalization with an
Flexible electronics
H2SO4 solution successfully enhanced the electrochemical activity of the SWNT electrode for the inner
Electrochemical biosensor sphere probes such as [Fe(CN)6]4/3. This method is quite gentle and controllable, but also effective at
Single-walled carbon nanotube increasing the electron transfer rate without either degrading the potential window. We found out that
Electron transfer rate there was a correlation between the electron transfer rate and the amount of defects evaluated from
Functionalization Raman scattering spectroscopy. XPS analysis showed that the functionalization process introduced CeO
and C]O species, suggesting that these species constituted active sites for inner sphere probes. The
electrochemical functionalization was also effective for enhancing the limit of detection in dopamine
detection with the flexible SWNT electrode. The limit of detection was ~100 nM for functionalized
electrode whereas it was ~1 mM for as-fabricated electrodes.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction based sensors and peripheral circuits on plastic films.

Despite its potential of SWNTs as flexible sensor material, the
Flexible electronics are attracting much attention for their po- origin of electrochemical activity has not fully been understood yet.
tential use in wearable health monitoring devices [1]. Carbon The electrochemical activity of carbon materials, such as graphite,
nanotube thin films, and especially single-walled carbon nanotube carbon nanotubes, and graphene, have been a focus of research for
(SWNT) thin films, are promising material for flexible electronics many years. In the case of graphite, electrochemical reactions are
applications because of their remarkable electrical [2,3] and me- thought to occur mainly at the edge of graphene, instead of at the
chanical properties [4,5], as well as the simplicity of film manu- surface basal plane [16,17]. Similarly, in the case of multi-walled
facture using solution [6e9] and transfer processes [10,11]. carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), the edges of the MWNTs and defects
Electrochemical sensors can also be constructed on flexible plastic likely are related to the electrochemical reactions [16,17]. The
films using carbon nanotube thin film [12e15], enabling the pro- SWNT sidewall has been generally considered electrochemically
duction of ultrathin wearable devices involving SWNT thin film- inert [18,19]; however, Heller et al. and Dumitrescu et al. reported
that sidewalls of SWNTs grown via chemical-vapor deposition
exhibited more electrochemical activity than previously observed
* Corresponding author. Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, [20,21].
Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan. More recently, the electrochemical activities of graphite and
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Ohno). SWNTs have been revealed using novel scanning probe micros-
Present address: Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, VNU
University of Science, Hanoi, 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam.
copies such as scanning electrochemical microscopy [22] and

0013-4686/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
158 K. Nishimura et al. / Electrochimica Acta 295 (2019) 157e163

scanning electrochemical cell microscopy [23], which have shown spectrum of the SWNT thin film indicated that the grown SWNTs
the graphite basal plane and SWNT sidewall to be as electro- had an average diameter of 1.7 nm, and that the abundance of
chemically active as Pt [22,23]; however, high electron transfer semiconducting SWNTs [27] was ~70%.
rates were obtained only when the surfaces were free from This simple dry-transfer film formation method is advantageous
airborne contaminants and impurities in the sample electrolyte in terms of electrical conductivity and film cleanliness compared to
solution [23]. The graphite electron transfer rate is degraded by a solution processes, in which SWNTs are generally damaged by
few orders of magnitude due to surface contamination within a few ultrasonication and contaminated by the surfactants used to enable
minutes of cleavage by airborne hydrocarbons [24]. During prac- stable dispersion in water. Moreover, the dry-transfer method also
tical nanocarbon-based electrochemical sensor applications, this offers the excellent uniformity of carbon nanotube thin film [3], as
surface contamination is unavoidable and surface functionalization compared to the solution-based film formation process used in
would be essential in enhancing the electron transfer kinetics previous carbon nanotube-based flexible sensors [12e15]. In the
[19,25] to obtain sufficient detection sensitivity. solution process, the aggregation of carbon nanotubes often occurs
In this work, we studied the electrochemical activity of flexible due to the surface tension of liquid, resulting in a formation of voids
SWNT thin-film sensors fabricated on a plastic film. To avoid con- in the film. For sensor applications, surface cleanliness and uni-
taminations of SWNT surface during the sensor fabrication, we formity are essential to sensor characteristic reproducibility and
introduced clean processes such as the dry transfer process for high electrochemical activity.
SWNT thin film formation and the sensor fabrication process with a
surface protective layer. The surface functionalization with elec- 2.2. Device fabrication
trochemical method and the effect on the structure of SWNTs and
the electron transfer kinetics were studied, using cyclic voltam- Fig. 1(a) shows a structural schematic of the SWNT-based flex-
metry, Raman scattering spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron ible electrochemical sensor fabricated in this work. The sensor
spectroscopy (XPS). Finally, we demonstrated an enhancement in device consisted of a SWNT thin film, Ti/Au metal wires (10/
sensitivity in dopamine (DA) detection by the functionalization 100 nm), SiO2 (70 nm) and Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)
with flexible SWNT sensors. (700 nm) protective layers, and PEN film. It is known that the
polymers such as photoresist are hard to remove from the SWNT
2. Materials and methods surface once they are attached [28]. The SiO2 layer was deposited
just after the SWNT thin film formation to prevent the SWNT sur-
2.1. Materials face from being contaminated by the photoresist and PMMA used
in the device fabrication process. The PMMA top layer, along with
The SWNT thin film was formed using a dry transfer process the SiO2 layer, avoided the short circuit between the electrolyte
based on floating-catalyst chemical vapor deposition (FC CVD) solution and metal wires so that only the SWNT thin film served as
[10,26]. SWNTs were grown by an ambient-pressure FC CVD tech- an electrochemical electrode, unlike previous devices [29,30]. An
nique with CO as the carbon source, wherein catalyst nanoparticles array of 72 electrodes was fabricated on the PEN film, as shown in
were produced by the decomposition of ferrocene vapors. CO (200 Fig. 1(b). Each SWNT electrode measured 0.2  1 mm2. The unifor-
sccm) was passed through a cartridge containing ferrocene powder. mity of the SWNT thin film can be confirmed by the SEM image.
Additional CO (200 sccm) and CO2 (3 sccm) were introduced into After the wiring was produced on the PEN film via photoli-
the furnace. The SWNTs were grown at 850  C, then discharged thography, electron-beam (EB) evaporation, and a lift-off process,
from the CVD furnace and collected by a membrane filter. Then, the the SWNT thin film was transferred using above-mentioned dry
SWNT film was transferred from the membrane filter onto a poly- transfer process. The SiO2 layer was deposited via EB evaporation
ethylenenaphthalate (PEN) film (Teijin, Teonex Q65HA). The SWNT over the entire sample surface. The SiO2 layer and SWNT thin film
film was densified by immersion in isopropanol and subsequent air were patterned using photolithography and reactive ion etching
drying. The SWNT thin film was ~30 nm thick. The absorption (RIE), which was performed with CF4 for SiO2 and with O2 for

Fig. 1. Flexible electrochemical sensor based on SWNT thin film. (a) Structural schematic; (b) photograph of the fabricated sample, including an electrode micrograph and an SEM
image of the SWNT thin film. (c) Experimental setup.
K. Nishimura et al. / Electrochimica Acta 295 (2019) 157e163 159

SWNT, to electrically separate each sensor. After spin-coating the 25 mV/s, respectively. The potential window was also measured via
PMMA layer, the electrode windows were created by etching the cyclic voltammetry in PBS 1 at a scan rate of 25 mV/s. Note that
PMMA via RIE with O2 and SiO2 with a buffered HF solution. [Fe(CN)6]4/3 is known as inner sphere probe, and it is useful to
investigate the functionalization effect on electron transfer rate of
2.3. Setup for electrochemical experiments inner sphere molecules such as DA and other neurotransmitters.
We also investigated the functionalization effect for [Ru(NH3)6]2þ/

Fig. 1(c) shows a photograph of the setup for the electrochemical known as outer sphere probe. The experimental method was
experiments. During the electrochemical functionalization process same as that for [Fe(CN)6]4/3.
and successive electrochemical measurements, the sample was set Raman scattering spectroscopy and XPS were used to investi-
on the probe station stage and the SWNT working electrode (WE) gate the structural and chemical modifications arising from func-
was electrically contacted via the probe needle. Then, 20 ml of tionalization. For Raman and XPS, SWNT samples were prepared on
electrolyte solution was placed onto the sample, where the elec- a Si substrate with a 100-nm-thick thermally-grown oxide film to
trolyte was repelled somewhat by the hydrophobic PMMA top layer avoid interference from the PEN film. The Raman measurement was
so as to form a droplet on the sample surface. An Ag/AgCl reference carried out the micro-Raman spectrometer (Renishaw, inVia™)
electrode (RE) of 2 mm in diameter (World Precision Instruments, equipped with an excitation laser of wavelength of 532 nm. XPS
DRIRFE-2) and Pt counter electrode (CE) of 0.5 mm in diameter measurements were performed with an Al Ka X-ray source (VG
(Bio-Logic Science Instruments, A-002222) were inserted into the Systems, ESCALAB250).
electrolyte droplet. A potentiostat (Metrohm, Autolab) was used for
electrochemical functionalization and subsequent measurements. 2.6. Detection of DA
All the electrochemical experiments were performed in the
ambient air. DA sensing experiments were performed with the same elec-
trochemical setup described previously. DA (100 nM-10 mM) cyclic
2.4. Surface functionalization voltammetry was performed in PBS 1  with a scan rage of 0.3 V
to 1.0 V and a scan rate of 25 mV/s.
Surface functionalization was performed to improve the SWNT
electron transfer rate. There are several methods for nanocarbon 3. Results and discussion
material functionalization, including gas-phase oxidation [31],
strong acid treatment [32,33], and electrochemical oxidation [17]. 3.1. Effect of electrochemical functionalization
The gas-phase oxidation and the acid treatments are not applicable
for flexible sensors because they require high temperature treat- Fig. 2(a) shows the oxidation and reduction potentials (Eox and
ment at about 750  C and chemically violate the plastic substrate, Ered) and Fermi level (EF) of a semiconducting SWNT with a diam-
respectively. Only electrochemical oxidation, which features a eter of 1.7 nm and the standard potential (E0) of [Fe(CN)6]3/4. The
moderate and controllable oxidation rate at room temperature, is E0 of [Fe(CN)6]3/4 is located in the forbidden band of the semi-
appropriate for the SWNT thin-film electrodes on plastic film. conducting SWNTs. Hence, the density of states is zero near the E0
Functionalization was performed by the application of a constant of [Fe(CN)6]3-/4-, and, thus, the semiconducting SWNTs are
potential of 1.6e2.2 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) to the SWNT electrodes for 10 s considered to be hardly active in the electrochemical reaction [23].
in a 2 M H2SO4 solution. Previous studies have shown that defect states are formed in the
middle of the forbidden band in semiconducting SWNTs [34e37],
2.5. Characterization and defect states may enhance electrochemical activity. In addition,
for the case of inner sphere electron transfer probes such as
The electrochemical characteristics of the SWNT electrodes [Fe(CN)6]3/4 and DA, the electron transfer rate is sensitive to the
were evaluated by measuring the cyclic voltammetry of the redox surface condition. Because 70% of the SWNTs herein are semi-
reaction involving [Fe(CN)6]4/3 (100 mM) in a 0.1 M KCl solution. conductive, as described in the previous section, the electro-
The scan range and scan rate were 0.3e0.8 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) and chemical functionalization would be essential to the high electron

Fig. 2. (a) Oxidation and reduction potentials (Eox and Ered) and the Fermi level (EF) of SWNTs with a diameter of 1.7 nm, along with the standard electrode potential E0 of
[Fe(CN)6]3/4; (b) cyclic voltammograms of [Fe(CN)6]3/4 measured for as-fabricated (blue curve) and functionalized (red curve) SWNT materials. Peak separation (DEp) values are
denoted by bars. (c) (upper graph) DEp and (lower graph) k0 as functions of functionalization potential. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the Web version of this article.)
160 K. Nishimura et al. / Electrochimica Acta 295 (2019) 157e163

transfer rates and sensitivity obtained herein through the defect amount of material and also dependent on the crystallinity of the
formation and/or the modification of the surface condition. graphite layer [44]. The D-band is a defect-induced Raman feature
Fig. 2(b) shows cyclic voltammograms of [Fe(CN)6]3/4 for the and thus cannot be seen in highly crystalline SWNTs. The ratio of
as-fabricated SWNT electrodes and an electrode functionalized at the G-band intensity to the D-band intensity (G/D ratio) is used to
2.2 V. The electron transfer rate can be evaluated using the peak characterize the quantity of defects (including functional groups) in
separation (DEp), which is represented by the potential difference the SWNTs. The as-fabricated SWNTs exhibit G/D ratios as high as
between the oxidation and reduction peaks in the cyclic voltam- 88, indicating high crystallinity and material purity. The D-band
mogram. The DEp decreased from 415 to 119 mV after functionali- intensity increases with surface functionalization, as seen in the
zation, indicating an enhancement in electrochemical activity. The spectra. The G/D ratio decreases from 88 to 4.5 with increasing
standard rate constant k0 was evaluated from the DEp value by functionalization potential, as shown in Fig. 3(b), implying that it is
Nicholson's method (See Supplementary Information, 1. Evaluation possible to control defect formation using the electrochemical
of rate constant k0, for the detail) [38]. It should be noted that this functionalization method herein. It was found out that there was a
method was not suitable for the inner sphere redox probes, how- strong correlation between G/D ratio and k0 as shown in Fig. 3(c).
ever, it was employed in this work for comparison with previous This suggests that the introduced defects including functional
literatures [17,39e41]. DEp and k0 are summarized in Fig. 2(c) as groups are the dominant active electrochemical reaction sites in the
functions of functionalization potential. With increasing function- functionalized SWNTs. It should be noted that G/D ratio at func-
alization potential, DEp (k0) monotonically decreases (increases) in tionalization potential of 2.2 V was slightly higher than that at 2.0 V.
this potential regime. Further increases in functionalization po- We observed small bubbles on the surface of SWNT electrode at
tential resulted in bubble generation at the SWNT surface. The k0 2.2 V probably due to the electrolysis of water, and this became
values are 3.6  105 cm/s for the as-grown SWNT and significant at 2.4 V. The small bubbles might impede the function-
1.7  103 cm/s for the electrode functionalized at 2.2 V. The func- alization of SWNTs at 2.2 V.
tionalized SWNT value is comparable to previously reported values We used XPS analysis to investigate the types of functional
for carbon materials such as screen-printed carbon electrodes groups introduced by electrochemical functionalization. Fig. 4(a)
[18,39e42] and SWNTs on a gold surface [43], but they are not shows C1s XPS spectra of as-grown SWNTs and SWNTs function-
flexible. This indicates that the electrochemical functionalization alized at 2.2 V. An asymmetrical peak is observed at 284.5 eV for
can effectively activate SWNT electrodes fabricated on a flexible both samples. The difference between the as-fabricated and func-
plastic film to a usable level. tionalized SWNTs is small, unlike those in previous studies con-
We also carried out the cyclic voltammetry of [Ru(NH3)6]2þ/3þ cerning functionalized MWNTs [17,45] and UV-ozone treated
which is outer sphere probe. In this case, DEp was not varied by the SWNTs [43]. This implies that the electrochemical functionalization
functionalization as shown in Supplementary information (Fig. S2). method used herein effectively enhances the electrochemical ac-
The surface functionalization was effective for the inner sphere tivity of SWNTs despite its mildness.
probes to enhance electron transfer rate, but not for the outer For clarity, the difference between the as-fabricated SWNT XPS
sphere probes. Therefore, the enhancement of electron transfer rate spectrum and the functionalized SWNT spectrum is plotted in
for [Fe(CN)6]3/4 probably resulted from the modification of Fig. 4(b); this difference increases in intensity from 286 to 289 eV.
interaction between [Fe(CN)6]3/4 and the SWNT surface via the Here, we ignored the differences caused by spectral broadening of
functional groups formed on the SWNT surface. The contribution of the main peak due to sp2 CeC bonds. According to the literature,
the defect states in the forbidden band was not confirmed in this XPS peaks at 286.2, 287.5, and 288.9 eV arise from carbon atoms
study. involved in one (CeO), two (C]O), or three (COO) bonds with ox-
We investigated the structural modifications caused by elec- ygen atoms, respectively. The difference spectrum suggests that
trochemical functionalization using Raman and XPS. Fig. 3(a) shows CeO (e.g., alcohols and ethers) and C]O (ketones and aldehydes)
Raman spectra of as-fabricated SNWTs and SNWTs functionalized species were increased by functionalization. This is in contrast to
at potentials of 1.6e2.2 V. The Raman spectra contain two major other functionalization methods, such as acid oxidation (using
peaks, namely a G-band at ~1590 cm1 and a D-band at ~1350 cm1. mixtures of HNO3 and H2SO4), high-temperature air oxidation [45],
The G-band is the inherent vibration mode of the graphite layer in H2O2 oxidation [46], and electrochemical functionalization in PBS
the in-plane direction, where intensity is proportional to the [17], which increase COO species (carboxylic acids and esters) as

Fig. 3. (a) Raman scattering spectra of as-fabricated and functionalized SWNT thin films, (b) G/D ratio as a function of functionalization potential, and (c) k0 versus the G/D ratio.
K. Nishimura et al. / Electrochimica Acta 295 (2019) 157e163 161

Fig. 4. (a) C1S XPS spectra of as-fabricated and functionalized SWNT thin films; (b) the
Fig. 5. Cyclic voltammograms used to evaluate potential windows of various materials.
difference spectrum (i.e., the functionalized SWNT spectrum minus the as-fabricated
From the top, data are shown for functionalized SWNTs, as-fabricated SWNTs,
monolayer graphene, and Au.

well as CeO and/or C]O species. Further study is necessary to

understand the mechanism how these functional groups contrib-
utes to the enhancement of the electrochemical interactions be-
tween inner sphere probes and SWNTs.
We carried out the bending test to demonstrate flexibility of the
present SWNT electrode fabricated on plastic film. Even after
bending 1000 times on a cylinder of 37 mm in diameter, we
observed neither open circuit of the wires nor short circuit between
the wire and electrolyte after the bending test. Please see Fig. S3 in
Supplementary Information.

3.2. Potential window

The potential window is an important facet of electrochemical

electrode materials used in sensor applications. Fig. 5 shows cyclic
voltammograms measured in PBS 1 for as-fabricated and func-
tionalized (at 2.2 V) SWNTs, with monolayer graphene and Au for
comparison. Even though the background current slightly
increased, the functionalization causes no significant decreases in
potential. The values of potential window were 0.75 V for Au, 1.80 V
Fig. 6. (a) DA redox reaction; (b) cyclic voltammograms of DA measured with as-
for graphene, 1.68 V for as-fabricated SWNT, and 1.63 V for func- fabricated and functionalized SWNTs under DA concentrations of (left) 10 mМ, (mid-
tionalized SWNT. Here, the potential window was defined at the dle) 1 mМ, and (right) 100 nM.
threshold current of 0.1 mA. The potential window was much wider
than that of Au and comparable to that of monolayer graphene.
concurrent increases in background current due to functionaliza-
3.3. DA detection tion, the signal-to-noise ratio was also increased, probably due to
the enhanced electron transfer rate. As a result, the DA detection
DA, a neurotransmitter, is both a stress marker and a biomarker limit was improved from ~1 mM to ~100 nM by functionalization.
of Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia. In this work, DA was used DA is an inner sphere redox probe as [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- is. From the
to demonstrate the detection sensitivity enhancement in the flex- previous discussions on the mechanism of the enhancement of
ible SWNT electrodes due to electrochemical functionalization. electron transfer rate by the surface functionalization, it was ex-
Fig. 6(a) shows the DA redox reaction scheme; DA transforms pected that the surface functionalization enhanced the interaction
reversibly to o-dopamine quinone via a redox reaction. Measured between the inner sphere redox species and SWNT surface. T. Pal-
cyclic voltammograms are shown in Fig. 6(b) for as-fabricated and om€aki et al. proposed a complicated DA redox reaction consisting of
functionalized (at 2.2 V) SWNT electrodes and three DA concen- adsorption and following chemical steps at the surface of carbon
trations: 10 mM, 1 mM, and 100 nM. In comparison with the as- nanotubes [47,48]. Our result agrees with their redox reaction
fabricated SWNTs, the functionalized SWNTs feature increased DA model including the adsorption step.
signal current and the appearance of a sharp peak. Despite We tested the stability in detection of DA by measuring cyclic
162 K. Nishimura et al. / Electrochimica Acta 295 (2019) 157e163

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electrochemical performance at screen-printed carbon electrodes by a new

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