Growing Tree Fruits in Alaska: Cultural Considerations
Growing Tree Fruits in Alaska: Cultural Considerations
Growing Tree Fruits in Alaska: Cultural Considerations
zone of a tree. It is advisable to plant trees at least 15 recommended. The hole should be no deeper than
to 30 feet away from power lines, power poles, build- the height of the tree from the base of trunk flare to
ings or other structures. the bottom of the roots (Figure 2).
Table 1. Distance Recommended Between Fruit Trees To expose and identify the upper portion of the main
Type of tree Distance Estimated room system, carefully remove the soil from the
between height at top of the root ball. For trees that come in burlap, a
trees (feet) maturity (feet) basket or a container, you may want to soak the root
Apricot 20 20 ball in a large tub of water to remove some of the
Apple, standard 30 20-25 soil from around the roots. Removing soil will allow
Apple, semidwarf 15 12-15 any circling or damaged roots to be identified and
Apple, dwarf 10 10 removed prior to planting. Prune any roots that are
Cherry, standard sweet 20 30 diseased, circling or damaged. Prune roots back to
Cherry, semidwarf sweet 15 15-20 where there is white, healthy tissue. Try to leave most
Cherry, dwarf sweet 10 12-15 of the roots intact. Removing soil may also reduce
Cherry, standard sour 20 20 the risk of weed invasion and will allow the tree to
Cherry, semidwarf sour 15 12-15 grow in a more uniform soil medium. Lastly, remov-
Cherry, dwarf sour 10 8
ing some of the soil can make the tree lighter and
easier to handle while planting.
Pear, standard 20 20
Pear, semidwarf 15 15 The hole for the tree should be shallow and wide.
Pear, dwarf 12 12-15 Any grass, leaves or large rocks within the hole
Plum 20 20 should be removed. The sides and bottom of the hole
Plum, semidwarf 12 12-15 should be roughened — but not made too soft — just
Plum, dwarf 10 8-10 enough to allow for root penetration after the tree
is planted. Newly planted trees should sit on firm,
Planting Your Tree not loose, soil. Loose soil will settle after planting
and result in an unstable root system. Once the hole
Do not postpone planting your tree. The growing
has been properly prepared, gently set your tree into
season in Alaska is relatively short. Make the most
the hole. Spread and separate the roots so that they
of suitable growing conditions. Water your tree prior
to planting. It is also advisable
to plant your tree on a cool or
cloudy day to avoid excessive
moisture loss. Before you start
digging a hole, remove any
twine, wire, wrap or tags from
around the tree, and remove
the tree from the burlap, wire
basket or container that was
used for transport. Dig the hole
so that it is at least two times
wider than the spread (width)
of the roots. If the soil is poor
(compacted and low in organic
matter), a hole up to four or five
times the width of the roots is
will grow out into the sur-
rounding soil. The trunk flare
should be just above ground
level. Do not plant the tree
too deep. Planting the tree
too deep may reduce the
amount of water and oxygen
available for the tree roots,
causing the roots and trunk
to die and decay.
Prior to planting, it is advis-
able to conduct a soil pH test.
The ideal pH for fruit trees is
between 6 and 6.5. A soil test
will indicate whether or not
lime is required; requesting
a lime recommendation at
the time of your soil test will Figure 3. Tree planted with mulch
indicate how much lime to
add to your soil if it is needed. If lime is recommend- requires additional nutrients.
ed, incorporate the proper amount and any other
Newly planted trees should not have mulch placed
amendments into the parent soil that was excavated
directly over the root ball (Figure 3). Mulch (wood/
from the hole. Do not add too much lime. In situa-
bark chips) can be applied the second year after
tions where the parent soil is compacted, heavy sand,
planting. Do not use sawdust. Sawdust can inhib-
heavy clay or very gravelly, it is advisable to amend
it proper movement of air and water into the soil.
it with some topsoil, compost or peat. When deter-
Mulch should not be applied directly against the
mining how much topsoil, compost or peat to add
tree trunk, and it should be positioned 6 inches
to the hole, consider a ratio of one part topsoil/peat
away from the trunk flare. Mulch can provide weed
to two parts parent soil. Mix these materials so that
control, moderate soil temperatures and help prevent
the soil has a gradual transition to the surrounding
compaction from foot traffic. Areas to avoid mulch-
area outside of hole. Backfill the hole with the soil in
ing are open, windy areas and areas that already have
one-third increments. After the hole has been com-
wet soils. Mulch should be 3 to 4 inches deep but
pletely backfilled to the proper height (not above the
no deeper than 4 inches. Placing mulch over new-
trunk flare), avoid walking on the soil to prevent root
ly planted trees and applying mulch deeper than 4
damage and soil compaction.
inches may result in reduced oxygen to tree roots.
After Planting
Staking Your Tree
Any broken, dead or diseased branches should be
Trees should be staked only as needed to stabilize
pruned entirely or pruned to within ¾ inch to 1
their roots. If necessary, a tree may be staked and
inch from the first outward-pointing healthy bud.
then tied loosely with nylon hose, rubber hose or
A thorough soaking once or twice a week should
horticultural tape around the trunk to keep it from
provide enough water unless the weather is extreme-
toppling in strong winds. Proper staking lets the tree
ly dry. Fertilizer is not generally recommended at
sway a few inches (wiggle room) but will not allow
the time of planting. Delaying the use of fertilizer
it to topple over. Do not use wire for staking, even if
will avoid creating a nutrient-rich hole surrounded
it is coated or housed within rubber or hose. When
by poor soil, and it will help encourage root growth
attaching ties to deciduous trees, the tie is generally
into surrounding soil. Testing the soil the spring after
located just below the lowest branch or one-third of
planting may be a good time to determine if the soil
the way up from the bottom of the tree. Ties can be Apple Tree Varieties
removed within one year or kept, as needed, until the
roots have grown to anchor the tree into the soil. Many of the apple trees purchased today are the
result of grafting two different trees together. Graft-
Protecting Your Tree ing involves fixing a desirable fruit producing scion
(top) on to a dependable and hardy rootstock (bot-
Protecting young trees from browse damage by
tom). The rootstock that is used will often determine
moose or deer may be the most important action
tree size, fruit bearing age, resistance to drought or
you take for your tree. Many methods of repelling
disease, and tolerance to cold. In Alaska, rootstocks
moose and deer have been attempted, but none are
are chosen primarily to obtain superior cold hardi-
foolproof. Exclusion of herbivores using a protec-
ness. For this reason, rootstock for Alaska-grown
tive barrier has the highest rate of success. A stout
apple trees are typically sourced from either the
cage, built of two-by-two boards and chicken wire is
Siberian crabapple (Malus baccata) or other cold
suitable for protecting a single tree. Additionally, a
hardy crabapple varieties (Columbia, Dolgo, Ranetka
length of 4-foot-tall fencing hung from posts that are
or Red Splendor). Antanovka and Beautiful Arcade
positioned with the fencing 3 to 7 feet off the ground
apple varieties have also been used with satisfactory
have been used. Even retired fishing nets supported
on posts have been used effectively. Trees should
be protected at least from late summer until early The Malling, Merton Malling and EMLA dwarfing
spring. Fencing should be placed far enough from rootstocks commonly used by nurseries in the Lower
the tree to provide a big enough buffer for the tree to 48 are not reliably winter-hardy in Alaska. These are
grow and to prevent a deer or moose from reaching commonly designated by a letter followed by a num-
over or through the fence to eat the tender branches ber, such as M.26, EMLA 7, MM 111, etc. Dwarfing
inside. A better long-term solution for several trees rootstocks such as these and others lack the vigor re-
is to erect a wire fence at least 8 feet high around the quired to grow well in Alaska’s short growing season.
outside of the orchard area. Apple trees in Alaska may require decades to grow
over 15 feet high.
Because, young apple, cherry, crabapple and pear
trees have thin bark, they are susceptible to sunscald Yellow Transparent, Rescue, and Summerred apple
injury from October to early May, especially in sun- tree varieties are considered highly self-fertile. For
ny locations. When tree bark that has been heated by other varieties and to reduce the risk of pollination
the sun is abruptly exposed to cold temperatures, the failure, it is best to plant two or more different apple
living cells just inside the outer bark (phloem and varieties together. White-blossomed crabapples are
cambium) can be damaged. Older trees with thick- excellent pollinators for either crabapples or stan-
er bark are generally not affected. Protecting trees dard apples and are included in many orchards. Tree
from sunscald is relatively easy and inexpensive and spacing is important to improve the odds of pollina-
involves insulating and/or shading the bark during tion (Table 1).
winter and early spring for a minimum of three
winters. Flexible tree wrap can be applied season- Only a select group of apple tree varieties are both
ally to protect young trees, but the wrap should be cold-hardy and productive in Alaska. Nevertheless,
removed in spring to avoid harboring pests. There there are dozens of apple and applecrab (apple-cra-
are many different tree wraps available for purchase. bapple crosses) varieties available to choose from.
Tree wraps should be light-colored, opaque, nonab-
sorbent and flexible. Wrapping trees may also protect
Considerations for Bearing-Age Apple Trees
trunks from rodent damage. An alternative to tree Most fruit trees will bear fruit productively within
wrapping is to use white latex interior paint. If using three to five years of planting. Once trees begin to
paint, consider diluting the paint 1:1 with water. Do reach bearing age, certain considerations must be
not use exterior paints, since they may contain anti- made. Young trees should not be allowed to over-
microbial agents that can damage the tree. set fruit. Trees with overset fruit may have reduced
winter survival, since oversetting can reduce energy
stores needed for tree roots during long Alaska win- centimeters across, mildly acid and tart with creamy
ters. As a rule, there should be approximately 30 to white, coarse flesh. Fair for eating, better for sauce
40 healthy leaves per apple on the tree for desirable and pies, the fruit is highly perishable and breaks
fruits and to maintain tree health. It is good practice down quickly after ripening. Ripens early September
to thin the first crops of fruit produced to maintain in Fairbanks, mid-September in Anchorage.
this balance and to reduce the risk of poor winter
survival. Thinning fruits in this manner can also help Patterson — Hardy in Zones 1 and 2. This Canadian
prevent tree damage from the excessive weight of apple is represented by bearing trees in Fairbanks. It
overset fruit on flexible young tree limbs. is productive and moderately precocious in bearing.
Fruits are pale green, overlaid with a purplish-red
Structural pruning of the tree should be kept to a blush, 5 to 6 centimeters diameter. Flesh is crisp and
minimum until the tree begins to produce fruit. juicy with a good flavor. The fruit is said to keep well
Limbs that grow into the interior of the tree, rub and ripens early to mid-September in Fairbanks,
against another branch or are growing parallel to mid-September in Southcentral.
and within several inches of another branch may
be pruned in late winter or very early spring while Kerr — Hardy in Zones 1 and 2, represented by
the tree is still dormant. Suckers that start growing productive, healthy trees in Fairbanks, where fruit
from the rootstock should be removed. In later years, ripens early to mid-September. Fruit is purplish-red
pruning should be done to develop strong scaffold in color, 3 to 4 centimeters in diameter, best for
branches. sauce, jellies and pies. It should be allowed to mellow
in storage for a month or two before eating. Keeps
Tree limbs should be spread, if necessary, to form until March. This is an applecrab.
crotches at angles of 45 to 60 degrees to the main
trunk. This will make them stronger, prevent winter Norland — Hardy in Zone 2. This Canadian apple
injury and cause the branches to produce more fruit at is represented by bearing trees in Fairbanks, Palmer
an earlier age. Small pieces of wood with a V-shaped and Anchorage. Tree is a genetic semidwarf, upright
notch in both ends work well for this purpose when to spreading, very hardy, precocious and productive
inserted between the branch and the trunk. in bearing. Fruit is oblong, conic in shape, 5 to 7
centimeters long, greenish-yellow background with
The following recommended varieties of fruit trees are striped red overcolor. Flesh is cream colored, slightly
listed in approximate order of ripening. coarse, moderately acid but with a very good flavor.
Fruit is good for both eating and cooking and stores
Recommended Varieties of Apples at least 16 weeks if picked slightly immature. Ripens
Rescue — Hardy in Zones 1 and 2. Rounded to early to mid-September in Southcentral.
spreading in form. This apple-crabapple cross (ap-
Norkent — Hardy in Zone 2. Very hardy and sturdy.
plecrab) is highly productive, an annual bearer and
Parentage is a cross of the Haralson and Rescue va-
bears very young. Fruit has greenish-yellow back-
rieties. Orange striped yellow apple, 7 centimeters in
ground well washed with dull to bright red, is conic,
diameter. May produce fruit a year earlier than other
3 to 4 centimeters, firm, spicy-sweet, good for eating
varieties. Taste is similar to an apple-pear and often
and excellent for culinary use. It keeps less than a
compared to the Golden Delicious. Fruit is good for
month and becomes mealy when overmature. Fruit
both eating and cooking. May store for approximate-
ripens early to mid-September in Southcentral, early
ly three months.
September in Fairbanks.
Parkland — Hardy in Zone 2. This Canadian apple
Heyer #12 — Hardy in Zones 1 and 2. This apple
is one of the leading apples grown in Alaska. A ge-
grows upright to spreading with large limb-to-
netic semidwarf resulting from a Melba and Rescue
trunk angles. Tree bears regularly in Fairbanks and
crossing. The tree is very hard and productive. Fruit
Southcentral. Tree bears very young, is moderately
is 6 to 7 centimeters long, yellow green in color with
productive and recovers well if winter-injured. Fruit
red blush. Flesh is white with a pleasant tart taste.
is yellowish-green, yellow when overmature, 4 to 6
Makes excellent preserves. Generally, stores longer
and considered a better quality fruit than Norland. Hazen — Hardy in Zone 3. Tree is spreading, mod-
Ripens late August to September in Southcentral. erately productive, a cross of Duchess with Delicious
from North Dakota. Fruit is medium to large, dark
Yellow Transparent — Hardy in Zones 2 and 3, red, with firm yellowish-green flesh, juicy, mild and
a popular variety in Southcentral and Southeast sweet in flavor. Good for eating and cooking; should
Alaska. Tree is somewhat upright in form, bears very keep for a month or two. Ripens mid- to late Sep-
young, is an excellent pollinizer and is productive. tember in Southcentral.
Fruit or skin of fruit is clear, white to pale yellow.
Flesh is white and of good flavor for eating; excellent State Fair — Hardy in Zone 3. Tree is spreading and
for culinary uses. Fruit is round, 5 to 8 centimeters, productive. Fruit is bright red, medium sized, sub-
best picked when slightly immature. It keeps for only acid to sweet with crisp, yellowish flesh. Very good
a few weeks, even under refrigeration. Ripens early keeper, excellent for all purposes. Ripens late Sep-
to mid-September in Southcentral. tember in Southcentral.
Lodi (Improved Yellow Transparent) — Tree is har- Beacon — Hardy in Zone 3. Tree produces fruits 4 to
dy in Zones 2 and 3. Very similar to Yellow Trans- 6 centimeters in diameter and pinkish-red in color.
parent except that it ripens a few days later, is slightly Fruit is juicy, good for eating, and should keep for a
larger and more tart, and it keeps longer. Excellent few months. Beacon was produced commercially in
for culinary use, the fruit is greenish when ripe. Washington in the 1970s. Tree is extremely produc-
Lodi is a commercial cultivar in parts of the Western tive, and fruit size may be improved by thinning the
United States fruit when it is marble-sized. Ripens late September
in Southcentral Alaska.
Red Duchess — Hardy in Zones 2 and 3. Tree blos-
soms early in season, produces red fruits 5 to 7 cen- Chinese Golden Early — Hardy in Zone 3. Tree is
timeters diameter and ripens mid- to late September. very upright, forms numerous fruit spurs, bears very
Fruit is tart, best for culinary use only. young and annually, and appears to be a good pol-
linator. Fruit is yellow, sweet, 3 to 5 centimeters in
Oriole — Hardy in Zones 2 and 3. Tree is a cross of diameter, good for eating but only fair for cooking
Yellow Transparent with Liveland Raspberry (Min- and pies. It is highly perishable and subject to wa-
nesota, 1949). Fruit is round to slightly flattened, 6 to tercore when fully ripe. Ripens from late August to
8 centimeters across, yellow with orange-red stripes mid-September in Southcentral Alaska.
on one side. Flesh is very firm, moderately sweet
with some underlying tartness. Fruit is of excellent Geneva Early — Hardy in Zone 3. Tree is a vigorous
quality for eating and cooking, stores 8 to 12 weeks grower. Fruit is 5 to 7 centimeters across, solid pink-
and ripens late September in Southcentral. Repre- ish-red. Flesh is aromatic, creamy white tinged with
sented by 20-year-old trees in Anchorage. pink, semi-firm. Best for fresh eating but will keep at
least a month. Ripens early September.
Mantet — Hardy in Zone 3. Tree is somewhat
spreading, attractive and productive. Fruit is amber, Vista Bella — Hardy in Zone 3. Tree is a vigorous
washed and striped with red, 5 to 7 centimeters di- grower and produces fruit 5 to 8 centimeters across,
ameter, excellent for fresh eating and pies but bruises dark red, sweet, and firm. Should keep a month or
easily. Flesh is juicy, tender, aromatic and sweet. Rip- two. Vista Bella is being grown commercially in
ens mid- to late September in Southcentral. Tree is a Washington, and it ripens in Alaska in early Septem-
cross of McIntosh with the Russian apple Tetovsky. ber, with Geneva Early.
Westland — Hardy in Zone 3, possibly in 2. Tree is Summerred — Hardy in Zone 3. Tree is upright to
upright-spreading, moderately precocious and pro- spreading, productive, moderately precocious, some-
ductive, represented by bearing trees in Anchorage what self-fertile. Tends to grow long and lanky. Fruit
and Palmer. Fruits are 6 to 8 centimeters in diameter, turns red before it is ripe. Flesh is very firm. Fruit
greenish when ripe, very good for cooking, fair for is best for culinary use when first picked but makes
eating. excellent eating after a few months of storage. Keeps
until March or April. Fruit is 4 to 7 centimeters Dwarf. Fruit slightly larger than North Star Dwarf.
diameter and ripens late September in Southcentral
Alaska. Montmorency — The standard commercial pie
cherry. Hardy to Zone 4, possibly Zone 3, but not
There are a number of less available Canadian apples as hardy as North Star Dwarf or Meteor. Fruit is
surviving on Siberian crabapple rootstocks. These brilliant red, excellent for pies and preserves. Tree is
bearing trees are located at the University of Alaska larger than Meteor.
Fairbanks Experiment Farm and the Plant Materials
Center in Palmer. Included are the six Nor-series Recommended Varieties of Plums
cultivars from Beaverlodge, Alberta: (in order of rip- The Manchurian plum, Prunus salicina mandshurica,
ening) Norcue, Noret, Norhey, Norson, Norda and is the only variety currently proved to be winter-har-
Noran. The Trailman applecrab likewise survives, dy in Southcentral Alaska. It can also yield ripe,
bears and ripens fully at those locations. All seven sweet fruit. The quality, taste, size, ripening time and
cultivars are precocious in bearing, hardy and good hardiness may vary somewhat because it is propa-
to eat, but only Norson, Norda and Noran will keep gated from seed. Two Manchurian plum trees are
more than three months. Norda and Noran may required for cross-pollination. Plums tolerate heavier
not always ripen fully in Fairbanks’ short growing soils and more exposed locations than cherry trees.
season. Goodland, Battleford and Carroll are three Cultural practices and requirements are similar to
other Canadian cultivars which are bearing apples in those for cherries.
one or two locations in Fairbanks.
Prunus americana, the native American plum, is
Other apples surviving and bearing in Southcentral commonly used as a rootstock for Japanese-Amer-
are Collet, Viking and Sweet 16. This list is by no ican hybrid plums. It is hardy in Anchorage and is
means exhaustive. It is provided to give detailed de- said to be hardy throughout Zone 3. Named Jap-
scriptions of cultivars noted for their early ripening, anese-American hybrid plums that have survived
hardiness, good flavor, and availability. three or more winters in Anchorage are listed below.
These are only recommended for planting on an
Recommended Varieties of Cherries experimental basis.
No sweet cherry varieties have proved hardy in
Southcentral. There are individual trees in Southeast, Toka — This plum is a superb pollinator of other
however. Sour or tart (pie) cherries are considerably hardy Japanese-American hybrids and produces
hardier and will survive through Zone 3. Tart cher- spicy-sweet, good-quality fruit. Toka has survived
ries do best on a well-drained, sandy loam soil. The and blossomed in a few locations in Anchorage but
three varieties most available (Meteor, North Star has not fruited yet.
and Montmorency) are all self-fertile and produc- Underwood — This cultivar ripens very early and
tive. Maheleb is the rootstock most commonly used has proved hardy in Anchorage and the Matanus-
to propagate them. ka-Susitna Valley. It has blossomed in these locations
North Star Dwarf — Tree is genetic dwarf, grows but has not fruited.
about 6 to 8 feet high at maturity. Fruit is dark red Pembina — Originating in Canada, this plum has
with yellowish flesh, meaty, juicy, with good flavor proved fully hardy in west Anchorage and has blos-
for pies and fresh eating. Fruit ripens late July to ear- somed, but not fruited, there after three winters.
ly August in Anchorage and is about 15 to 20 milli-
meters diameter; keeps about two weeks. Sapa — Has survived three winters (including a test
winter) in west Anchorage and is worth a try else-
Meteor — Tree is 8 to 10 feet tall when mature and where.
is slightly more cold-hardy than North Star Dwarf.
Fruit is bright red with yellowish flesh, medium firm, Pipestone — The fruit ripens fairly early and shows
medium juicy, with freestone pit. Good for pies and promise of being fairly hardy, but its pollen is sterile
fresh eating; ripens about the same time as North Star and will not pollinize other plums.
Superior — A Minnesota plum whose fruit quality The Har-Series — Developed in the province of On-
is worthy of the name, it is the pollinizer of choice tario, the two earliest ripening are Harcot and Har-
for Toka. Superior is not as hardy as the above and is grand, which ripens nine days later than Harcot. In
best for warmer and more sheltered locations. Illinois, they fruited after -25°F. Fruit quality is high.
Other Japanese-American hybrid plums that show Goldcot — This Michigan apricot, more self-fertile
promise for Southcentral and Southeast Alaska in- than most, ripens four days after Harcot. Fruit is
clude LaCrescent, Alderman and Waneta. medium-sized with good flavor, although the skin is
said to be thick and tough.
Mount Royal, of the European plums, produces ripe
fruit in Juneau. This Canadian cultivar is self-fertile Scout and Manchu — These two selected Manchu-
and may be tried on an experimental basis in South- rian apricot seedlings were selected for good-quality
central Alaska. fruit as well as for hardiness. Both are said to be bet-
ter for cooking than for eating. They evidently ripen
Plums have proven difficult to pollinate in Alaska. at the same time as Goldcot or slightly later.
Use at least two different Japanese-American hybrid
cultivars or seedling Manchurian plums to insure Puget Gold — This 1987 introduction from Wash-
cross pollination and plant in full sunlight. Plant ington State University originated as a seedling
trees close together (8 to 10 feet). Planting the trees tree in Anacortes, Washington, on Puget Sound. Its
near a source of bumblebees or honeybees will also blossoms are exceptionally frost-resistant. The tree
help. The trees will blossom in late May to early June. appears to be better adapted to cool, moist growing
conditions than most apricots and the fruit ripens
Recommended Varieties of Apricots early. As such, it may be worth trying in Southcen-
Manchurian apricots are the only reliably win- tral or Southeast Alaska.
ter-hardy variety in Southcentral Alaska. Like the
Strathmore — This Canadian cultivar is represent-
Manchurian plum, they are propagated by seed and
ed by two trees in south Anchorage that survived
hence vary in quality. The greater heat requirement
the winter of 1987-88 with little winterkill on their
of apricots suggests that they should be planted in
branch tips. According to Valley Nursery in Helena,
the warmest, sunniest location available. As with the
Montana, it is hardier and bears better quality fruit
Manchurian plum, ripening dates, taste and size will
than Scout.
vary somewhat, but Manchurian apricots are self-fer-
tile. Hardiness is Zone 3 and 4. Other apricots that, if available, are worth planting
on an experimental basis include Precious and Ad-
So far, on record, no named apricot cultivars have
irondack Gold (from New York) and from Canada,
fruited or even blossomed in Alaska outdoors. Nev-
the cultivars Westcot, Morden 604, Debbie’s Gold
ertheless, the cultivars described below are worth
and Sunrise, all of which were developed in the Prai-
planting experimentally based on hardiness and
rie Provinces.
early ripening.
Manchurian apricots bloom in mid- to late May in
For rootstocks, Manchurian apricot seedlings are
Anchorage and are ripe by late September. The rip-
significantly hardier than common apricot seedlings.
ening times of other named cultivars are unknown
Apricots are sometimes grown on plum rootstocks
but probably will not occur before September 1.
in heavier or less well-drained soils, but suitability of
this combination for Alaska is unknown. Recommended Varieties of Pears
Moongold and Sungold — These two Minnesota Ussurian pears are the only type considered reli-
apricots have survived three winters at one loca- ably winter-hardy in Fairbanks and Anchorage, and
tion in west Anchorage. Each requires the other for generally their fruit is extremely sour and small (2 to
cross pollination. (The other apricots mentioned are 3 centimeters). Pears of unknown variety have been
self-fertile). established in Kodiak and Hope. Most pears require
a pollinator and take somewhat longer (5 to 8 years)
to come into bearing than cherries, apples, plums or Luscious — Prairie pear, very hardy, good quality.
apricots. Ure, Nova and Luscious should ripen in late Septem-
ber in Southcentral Alaska.
The following cultivars are recommended for plant-
ing on an experimental basis only. This recommen- General Considerations for Experimentation
dation is based on attempts to grow them in Anchor-
The grower considering purchase of fruit tree culti-
age or in other short-season locations with severe
vars other than hardy apples or cherries from Lower
cold in the Lower 48 and Canada. None of these has
48 nurseries, or even here in Alaska, should consider
fruited in Alaska. As with plums, every effort should
the following:
be made to promote cross-pollination by planting
two different varieties close together and providing 1. How hardy or how far north is it currently being
or encouraging pollinating insects. Pyrus communis, grown?
the common seedling European pear, seems satisfac-
2. On what rootstock is it being sold?
tory as a rootstock for Southcentral and Southeast
Alaska. The Old Home x Farmindale 333 rootstock 3. What are its genetic parents?
appears satisfactory for Anchorage and points south. 4. What are its pollination requirements?
Hudar — This New York pear is described as hardy 5. When does it ripen? The hardiness zone of the
in Zones 1 and 2. Fruit is yellow, juicy, good for eat- nursery selling the stock is also worth knowing,
ing and fair for canning. It should ripen in Southcen- especially if the nursery grows its own trees for
tral Alaska in early September. Hudar has survived sale.
three winters in Anchorage. Generally, varieties or rootstocks developed in the
Summer Crisp — Discovered in 1933, this Minneso- Soviet Union, Canada, Manchuria, northern Europe
ta pear is similar to Luscious but ripens much earlier. or the northern U.S. (for example, Minnesota, North
It is a superb pollinizer of other pears and blossoms Dakota, New England) will have the best chance of
at a young age. The original tree has withstood -35°F adapting to Alaska conditions. It should be noted
temperatures and bears fruit, which is best picked however, that Alaska has many microclimates. Fruit
while still crisp. Good for eating and fair for canning, trees that may grow successfully in your neighbor’s
this cultivar shows good promise for Southcentral garden may not grow in yours just a short distance
and Southeast Alaska. It should ripen in mid-Sep- away. The closer your site comes to meeting the ideal
tember in Southcentral. environments of the chosen fruit variety, the greater
the chance for success.
Parker and Patten — These are two Minnesota pears
that have both survived three winters in one location Acknowledgments
in west Anchorage, but are said to be slightly less "Growing Tree Fruits in Alaska" contains major
hardy than Summer Crisp. Fruit quality is said to be revisions from the previous editions. Much useful
good; ripening time, mid- to late September. material was provided by Robert Purvis, the Alaska
Chapter of the North American Fruit Explorers, and
Clapp’s Favorite — Similar to Bartlett but more in-
from information provided by the Alaska Pioneer
tense in flavor. Its hardiness in Southcentral Alaska is
Fruit Growers Association.
not fully proven. It should ripen mid- to late Septem-
ber in Southcentral. References
Ure — An extremely hardy Canadian cross of Europe- USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, 2012. Agricultural
an with Ussurian pear, yielding medium-sized, flavor- Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
ful fruits. Hardy in Zone 1. The tree is a slow grower. Accessed from
Nova — A high-quality New York pear, hardy to
Zone 1, can be used green or ripe.
Glossary Prairie Provinces — Normally referring to the
Canadian provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, and Sas-
Cambium — A region of rapidly dividing cells
beneath the bark which produce xylem cells (woody
tissue) and phloem cells (food conducting tissue). Precocious — Developing very early. Often referring
to plants that flower before the appearance of leaves,
Cultivar — A contraction of “cultivated variety.” A
but is also used to indicate early fruit production.
plant type within a cultivated species which is distin-
guished by one or more unique characteristics. Rootstocks — The root system onto which a fruit
tree is grafted. It may impart such characteristics as
Fruit-set — The formation of the fruit subsequent to
hardiness and dwarfing.
pollination and fertilization taking place.
Self-fertile — A plant that can produce fruit through
Harden-off — The process of acclimating young
self-fertilization with its own pollen.
plants to a new environment. Normally it is a grad-
ual process which allows them to be planted in a Suckers — Shoots that arise from locations along the
harsher outdoor environment. trunk of a tree (water sprouts) or a stem arising from
a root.
Microclimate — The climate in the immediate vi-
cinity; usually referring to a plant’s environment. Sun Scald — Injury produced on the trunk of thin
barked young trees. It normally occurs when the sun
Overset — Usually referring to a fruiting plant pro-
is shining on the bark on a cold winter day and is
ducing more fruit than it can support to maturity.
accompanied by a rapid change in temperature.
pH — A symbol that denotes the relative concentra-
Watercore — The center of an apple which has be-
tion of hydrogen ions in a solution. This determines
come soft as intercellular spaces fill with water.
its acidity or alkalinity. A pH of 7 is neutral. Below
7 is acidic while above 7 is alkaline. The pH values
range from 0 to 14.
This printing was paid for by the Renewable Resources Extension Act (RREA). or 1-877-520-5211
Casey Matney, Extension Faculty, Agriculture and Horticulture. Originally produced by Wayne Vandre, former Extension
Horticulture Specialist.
Published by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture.
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©2019 University of Alaska Fairbanks.
5-71/WV/9-19 Revised May 2018