Lipasa Calixareno

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Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

DOI 10.1007/s00449-014-1299-x


Improvement of catalytic activity of lipase in the presence

of calix[4]arene valeric acid or hydrazine derivative
Enise Akoz • Serkan Sayin • Selcuk Kaplan •

Mustafa Yilmaz

Received: 11 August 2014 / Accepted: 30 September 2014

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Sol–gel encapsulation is a simple but powerful important biocatalysts in several applications, such as the
method to enhance the enantioselectivity of lipase-cata- synthesis of useful chemical compounds for pharmaceuti-
lyzed transformations in an isooctane/aqueous buffer cal, flavor, fragrances, vitamins and other fine chemicals
solution. Candida rugosa lipase was encapsulated accord- and agrochemical derivatives [2]. In particular, Candida
ing to a sol–gel procedure in the presence and absence of rugosa lipase is an important industrial lipase, and due to
calix[4]arene hydrazine or carboxylic acid derivatives with its broad substrate specificity, it is successfully used in a
Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles as an additive. The activity variety of esterification and hydrolysis reactions [3, 4].
of the encapsulated lipases was evaluated for the enantio- Several methods have been recommended to improve the
selective hydrolysis of racemic Naproxen methyl ester and performance of lipase-catalyzed reactions for optical res-
the hydrolysis of p-Nitrophenylpalmitate. The results olution. These include the optimization of reaction condi-
indicate that the encapsulated lipase without calix[4]arene tions, modification of substrate, optimization of the nature
derivative has lower conversion and enantioselectivity of the solvent [5] and of the water content [6], chemical
compared to the encapsulated lipase with calix[4]arene and non-covalent modifications of enzymes, and the use of
derivative. It was found that the calix[4]arene hydrazine an additive that regulates lipase reactivity. Among these,
and carboxylic acid-based encapsulated lipases have the additive method is the most advantageous [7]. It is
excellent activity and enantioselectivity (E [300) com- simple to use, but only a few compounds have been
pared to encapsulated lipase without the calix[4]arene reported as an additive to enhance the enantioselectivity of
derivatives. lipase reactions [8, 9]. Several macrocyclic compounds,
such as cyclodextrins [10] and crown ether derivatives
Keywords Nanoparticles  Fe3O4  Lipase  Calixarene  have been used [11].
Enantioselectivity The calix[n]arenes are a fascinating class of macrocyclic
molecules that have been used extensively in supramolec-
ular chemistry [12], together with cyclodextrins [13] and
Introduction crown ethers [14]. The highly ordered structures of calix-
arenes offer not only boundless possibilities for chemical
Lipases are enzymes that are widely used in synthetic modification but also make them extremely useful in the
organic chemistry and can catalyze an extensive range of study of molecular recognition and supramolecular pro-
regio- and enantioselective reactions such as esterifications, cesses. Calixarenes derived from phenol–formaldehyde can
hydrolysis, transesterifications and ammoniolysis [1]. undergo chemical modification by the introduction of
Because of their regio- and enantioselectivity, lipases are functional moieties at the phenolic –OH groups. In addi-
tion, the easy removal of tert-butyl groups attached to
phenyl rings makes it possible to attach a large variety of
E. Akoz  S. Sayin  S. Kaplan  M. Yilmaz (&)
functional groups to the upper rim of calixarenes. Their
Department of Chemistry, Selcuk University,
42031 Konya, Turkey rigid conformation enables calixarenes to act as host mol-
e-mail: [email protected] ecules because of their preformed hydrophobic cavities.

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

15 % NaOH, EtOH,
ref lux



C[4]-C4-(COOH) 2

K2 CO3, Acetone,
Ethyl 5-bromovalerate


K2 CO3, Acetone,
Methyl bromoacetate
reflux 15 % NaOH, EtOH,
ref lux

C[4]-(COOH) 2
O HO OH O Hydrazine,



C[4]CO-(NHNH 2) 2

Scheme 1 A schematic representation of the synthesis of calix[4]arene-based additive

Eventually, they find applications as carriers and selective charge of the lysine groups was screened after complexa-
binders, and as model structures for biomimetic studies tion and showed lower availability for salt bridge forma-
[15]. tion. Therefore, the formation of intra- and inter-molecular
Previous studies showed that encapsulated lipases in the salt bridges of ether–lysine complexes might be reduced
presence of different additives such as derivatives of [18–20]. It was demonstrated that the crown ether deriva-
cyclodextrin, 18-crown-6, or calixarene show higher tives have the potential to enhance both the reaction rate
activity and enantioselectivity [16, 17]. The 18-crown-6 and enantioselectivity of the lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of
may also form complexes with the cationic lysine group of 2-cyano-1-methylethyl acetate [14]. These crown com-
enzymes, as it is already known that it has a high affinity pounds cannot change the original enantioselectivity of the
for forming complexes with ammonium groups. The enzyme, but they can enhance its potential ability to a level

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

at which the reaction can be used practically [14]. More- Materials and methods
over, they observed that the macrocyclic effect causes the
activation. Like crown ethers, calix[n]arenes are also the Materials
most important macrocyclic host molecules. The calixa-
rene derivatives are known to form complexes with cat- Bovine serum albumin, p-NPP, and C. rugosa lipase (Type
ionic lysine [21]. VII) were supplied from Sigma-Aldrich; octyltriethoxysi-
In our previous work, first-time calixarene derivatives lane (OTES), tetramethoxysilane (TMOS), and the solvents
were used as additives for lipase immobilization by the were supplied from Fluka, Merck, or Aldrich and were
sol–gel method [12]. The encapsulated lipase was then standard analytical grade and used without further purifi-
used in the enantioselective hydrolysis reaction of racemic cation. All commercial-grade solvents were distilled and
Naproxen methyl ester. S-Naproxen is a non-steroidal anti- stored over molecular sieves. Racemic Naproxen was
inflammatory drug that belongs to the family of 2-aryl produced in the laboratory by the racemization of optically
propionic acid derivatives, it works by reducing hormones pure S-Naproxen as described [24].
that cause inflammation and pain in the body. The physi-
ological activity of the S form of Naproxen is 28-fold that Synthesis
of the R form [22]. However, by introducing magnetic
properties to organic molecules or to biomolecules, The p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene hydrazine (C[4]–(NHNH2)2)
researchers can make separation and reusable processes and carboxylic acid derivatives C[4]–(COOH)2, C[4]–C4–
easy tasks due to magnetic speciation. (COOH)2 were synthesized according to the known pro-
Very recently [22, 23], to observe the role of the cal- cedures [25–27].
ixarene binding site on lipase stability, activity, and e-
nantioselectivity, we reported upper-rim substitute Lipase sol–gel encapsulation within calixarene
calix[n]arene carboxylic acid and N-methylglucamine- derivative
based calix[4]arene derivative-grafted magnetic nanopar-
ticles that were used as additives in the sol–gel encapsu- The encapsulation with and without the calixarene deriv-
lation process, and we explored the influence of the ative was prepared by adapting a known procedure [11]. A
material on the hydrolysis and enantioselectivity of race- mixture of CRL (245 mg) was placed in a 50-mL Erlen-
mic Naproxen methyl ester. The magnetic calix[4]arene- meyer together with PBS (1.56 mL; 0.05 M; pH 7.0),
based encapsulated lipases showed excellent conversion which was gently stirred on a shaker. Then, C[4]–
(50 %) and enantioselectivity (E = 460) compared to the (COOH)2, C[4]–C4–(COOH)2, and C[4]-(NHNH2)2
free enzyme. We consider that it could be taken interesting (100 mg) with Fe3O4 nanoparticles as an additive (100 mg)
results if lipase immobilization presence of the calixarene were added to the mixture, and 400 lL of aqueous poly-
derivatives with acidic or basic groups as well as magnetic vinyl alcohol (PVA) (4 % w/v), aq. NaF (200 lL of a 1 M
nanoparticles using sol–gel process was maintained. solution), and i-PrOH (400 lL) were added and homoge-
Therefore, formation of calixarene–lysine complexes might nized using a shaker. Next, OTES (2.5 mmol, 3,144 lL)
reduce the formation of inter- and intra-molecular salt and TMOS (0.5 mmol; 460 lL) were added, and the
bridges. This phenomenon might be attributed to some mixture was agitated once more for 10–15 s. The gel was
distortion on the protein conformation, reducing the overall washed with distilled water (10 mL) and isopropyl alcohol
flexibility of the enzyme molecules generated from the (10 mL), and then lyophilized. The resulting encapsulated
interactions between the enzyme and the supports during lipase was stored at 4 °C prior to use.
the immobilization. They may interact with certain sites of
the lipase, as suggested in some proteins, thereby activating Activity of the sol–gel encapsulated lipases
the lipase and changing its enantioselectivity and improv-
ing the catalytic activity of the CRL. Activities of the free and immobilized lipases were
The purpose of this study was to use the sol–gel measured by the hydrolysis of p-NPP in an aqueous
encapsulation in the presence of two carboxylic acid phosphate buffer solution (0.05 M PBS buffer, pH 7.0).
derivatives of calix[4]arene (C[4]–(COOH)2, C[4]–C4– The concentration of the hydrolysis product, i.e., p-nitro-
(COOH)2), and a hydrazine-amide (C[4]–(NHNH2)2) of phenol (p-NP), was measured using a spectrophotometry
calix[4]arene as the new additives to produce immobilized method. UV/Vis spectra were measured with a Perkin
lipase. These immobilized derivatives were used as a cat- Elmer Lambda 25 spectrophotometer; the absorbance
alyst in both the enantioselective hydrolysis reaction increase at 400 nm produced by the release of p-NP in the
of racemic Naproxen methyl ester and the hydrolysis of enzymatic hydrolysis of (p-NPP) was measured [28, 29].
p-Nitrophenylpalmitate (p-NPP). One unit of enzyme activity was defined as the amount of

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

enzyme that liberates 1 lmol p-nitrophenol min-1. By concentration of R-enantiomer and concentration of S-
dividing total activity (U) by the amount of lipase bound enantiomer, respectively.
to sol–gel polymers, the specific activity was calculated
and expressed as U/mg protein. In these experiments, the
substrate solution was added to the sol–gel encapsulated Results and discussion
lipase at 35 °C on a shaker at 110 rpm for 5 min. After
collecting nanoparticles with a magnet, the supernatant X-ray diffraction (XRD) clearly shows characteristic peaks
was removed to measure the amount of p-NP. For the free of Fe3O4 nanoparticles (Fig. 1) in the obtained product
lipase, the same amount of lipase was mixed with the from sol–gel media. Peaks of amorphous silica as well as
substrate solution. All measurements were performed at calixarene units from 2h = 10o to 27o can also be seen. By
least three times, and the experimental error rate was less the appearance of those peaks in XRD, it can be concluded
than 3 %. that the encapsulated lipase contains both Fe3O4 nanopar-
The protein content of the encapsulated lipases was ticles and calixarene derivative.
calculated by measuring the initial and final concentration
of protein in the immobilization medium using the Brad- Sol–gel encapsulation of Candida rugosa lipase (CRL)
ford protein assay method [30]. using calix[n]arene

Effect of temperature and pH on activity In the literature [15], it has been reported that di-substituted
calix[4]arene derivatives acted as receptors for molecules,
The reaction temperature and the optimum pH of immo- ions, and effective binding sites. In view of these properties
bilized and free lipases were determined as the relative of calixarene derivatives, some of the calix[4]arene-based
activity under the variety of temperatures (30–60 °C) and compounds carrying acidic (C[4]–(COOH)2 and C[4]–C4–
pH (0.05 M PBS for pH 4.0–9.0). The relative activities (COOH)2), and basic (C[4]–(NHNH2)2) functional groups
were recorded as the ratio of the activity of encapsulated have been used as additives for the encapsulation of the
lipases after incubation to the activity at the temperature lipase via sol–gel method. Moreover, all encapsulated
and optimum reaction pH [12]. lipases with or without calixarene derivatives were driven
as bio-catalyst in the enantioselective hydrolysis reaction
General procedures for encapsulated lipase-catalyzed of racemic Naproxen methyl ester.
enantioselective hydrolysis of racemic Naproxen The hydrolytic activity of the encapsulated lipases was
methyl esters evaluated in the hydrolysis of (p-NPP). Table 1 shows the
specific activities and protein amounts of encapsulated
The hydrolysis reactions were conducted in an aqueous lipases with p-NPP. However, the encapsulated lipase with
phase/organic solvent batch reaction system. A solution of C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2 was found to be more efficient than the
racemic methyl ester (20 mM) in 2 mL of isooctane was carboxylic acid derivatives of calix[4]arene (C[4]–
added to a 2 mL buffer solution (pH 7.0, 50 mM PBS) (COOH)2, C[4]–C4–(COOH)2), with respect to the
containing encapsulated lipases (5–50 mg, depending on expression of immobilized lipase activity.
the activity). The reactions were carried out inside a shaker This is not a surprising result because the carboxylic
at 150 rpm at 35 °C, and after 24 h, samples from the acid derivatives of calix[4]arene (C[4]–(COOH)2, C[4]–
isooctane phase were collected. C4–(COOH)2) containing –COOH groups are highly
HPLC was used to calculate the enantioselectivity and effective complexing agents [15], which means some car-
conversion and the results were given as the enantiomeric boxyl groups interact with the active center of lipase by a
ratio (E) estimated from the enantiomeric excess of the combination of hydrogen bonding and electrostatic inter-
substrate (ees) and the product (eep) and the conversion (x) actions. Most probably, the lipase is not only physically
using the equation [31]. encapsulated, but there is also additional multipoint inter-
ln½ð1  xÞð1  ees Þ action through hydrogen bonding, ionic, and hydrophobic

ln½ð1  xÞð1  ees Þ interactions. Moreover, this could be explained by the
modification in the three-dimensional structure of the
ees CR  CS CS  CR
x¼ ees ¼ eeP ¼ enzyme, which leads to a conformation change of the
ees þ eep CR þ CS CS þ CR
active center. The presence of the hydrazine derivative
E, ees, eep, x, CR and CS indicate enantiomeric ratio for C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2 hinders the accessibility of substrate to
irreversible reactions, enantiomeric excess of substrate, the enzyme-active site and limits mass transfer of substrate
enantiomeric excess of product, racemate conversion, and product.

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

Fig. 1 XRD pattern of Fe3O4 nanoparticles and the sol–gel product with C[4]–C4–(COOH)2 and Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The bottom rows of tick
marks with blue color imply the standard magnetite pattern

Table 1 Yields of protein loading and activity of the calix[4]arene- as additive was 6.0. After immobilization, the optimum pH
encapsulated lipases for reactions catalyzed by free lipase was slightly shifted
Protein Protein Lipase Specific toward acidic values. The immobilized lipase offered better
loading loading activity (U/ activity (U/ pH stability and, hence, resistance to acidic environments
(mg/g yield (%) g support) mg protein) than did free lipase. After immobilization, variations of
optimum pH range on hydrolysis activity have been reported
Enc-lipasea 28.5 58 95 3.3 by some researchers, and these depend on the methods of
C[4]CO- 20.4 47.5 96 9.4 immobilization and the secondary interactions (hydrophilic
(NHNH2)2 and hydrophobic) between the enzyme and support [32], as
C[4]-C4- 19.9 46 54 2.7 well as when the enzymes are immobilized onto polycationic
(COOH)2 supports [33].
C[4]- 11.6 27 72 6.2 At pH 7.0, the temperature dependence of the p-NPP
hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by encapsulated and free lipa-
Encapsulated free lipase without calix[4]arene derivatives. pH 7.0 ses was studied from 30 to 60 °C, and these results are given
and temperature 35 °C in Fig. 3. The observed optimum temperature for the
encapsulated lipase (Enc-lipase) and C[4]–(COOH)2 was
pH and temperature effect on the activity
approximately 35 °C, while it shifted to nearly 45 °C for the
of encapsulated lipases
C[4]–C4–(COOH)2 and (C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2). This could be
explained by either creation of conformational limitations on
Because the enzyme activity is markedly influenced by
the enzyme movements as the results of hydrophobic inter-
environmental conditions, it was seen especially that pH is
action between the enzyme and the support or an improved
the most efficient parameter altering enzymatic activity in an
resistance of the protein to thermal denaturation [6].
aqueous medium. Figure 2 illustrates the effect of pH on the
activity of the free and immobilized lipases in the hydrolysis
of p-NPP, determined by altering the reaction medium pH Enantioselective hydrolysis of racemic Naproxen
from 4 to 9. As shown in Fig. 2, the optimum pHs of the methyl ester with the encapsulated lipases
carboxylic acid derivative of calix[4]arene C[4]–(COOH)2
and C[4]–C4–(COOH)2 as additives were 5.0, and the Enantiopure compounds are currently achieved by chiral
hydrazine derivative of calix[4]arene (C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2) chemical synthesis using metal catalysts or by enzymatic

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

Fig. 2 Effect of pH on relative 100

activity of encapsulated lipases

Relave Acvity (%)

60 enc lipase

20 C[4]-(COOH)2

4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9

Fig. 3 Effect of reaction 100

temperature on the relative
activity of encapsulated lipases
Relave Acvity (%)

60 enc lipase



30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Temperature (oC)

kinetic resolution of racemic mixtures. The kinetic reso- enantioselectivity [14, 36]. In view of that point, in the
lution depends not only upon the degree of enantioselec- current study some of the calixarene derivatives substituted
tivity but also on the activity and the possibility of with carboxylic acid and hydrazine groups would be a
recycling and reusing the lipase. Candida rugosa lipase is challenge for enhancing not only the enantioselectivity but
widely used in biotransformation due to its high activity in also the activity of the lipase in the hydrolysis reaction of
hydrolysis as well as synthesis [2]. racemic Naproxen methyl ester. Table 2 shows known the
The crystal structure of C. rugosa lipases shows two conversion (x), enantiomeric excess (ee) and enantiomeric
known conformations [34]. In one, called the ‘‘closed ratio (E) in the course of racemic Naproxen methyl ester
form,’’ the helical surface loop partially covers the hydrolyzed by the encapsulated lipases in an aqueous buffer
hydrophobic crevice containing the active site, while in the solution/isooctane reaction system at pH 7 and optimum
other conformation, called the ‘‘open form,’’ the surface pH, at 35 °C. The enantioselective hydrolysis of racemic
loop moves and the space is uncovered [20, 35]. Naproxen methyl ester by encapsulated lipases was studied
We used the calix[4]arene derivatives (C[4]–(COOH)2, in an aqueous buffer solution/isooctane reaction system.
C[4]–C4–(COOH)2, and C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2) as additives From the results (Table 2), it has been revealed that the sol–
for the sol–gel encapsulation of lipase to study the possible gel free encapsulated lipase without calixarene (Enc-lipase)
effects of the calix[4]arene derivatives in the enantiose- has a high enantioselectivity (E) and conversion (x) com-
lective hydrolysis reaction of racemic Naproxen methyl pared with the free lipase (Non-Enc-lipase).
ester. On the hydrolysis of racemic-Naproxen methyl ester
It was reported that a 2-propanol treatment of C. rugosa (Fig. 4), however, using C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2 shows a high
lipase caused modification of enantioselectivity; 2-propa- enantioselectivity at pH 7 as well as at the optimum pH,
nol treatment was proposed to convert the closed form of whereas the resolution reactions with C[4]–(COOH)2 and
this lipase to the open form, thereby enhancing the C[4]–C4–(COOH)2 exhibited higher enantioselectivity

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

Table 2 The enantioselective hydrolysis of racemic Naproxen only at their optimum pHs (Table 2). The reason for
methyl ester of using sol–gel improvement of enantioselectivity by immobilization is not
x (%) ees (%) eep (%) E yet well understood. However, some literature [37] repor-
ted that this phenomenon might be attributed to some
Non-Enc-lipasea 11 24 [98 125
distortion on the protein conformation, reducing the overall
Enc lipase 20 25 [98 137 flexibility of the enzyme molecules generated from the
C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2 (pH = 5) 49 92 [98 328 interactions between enzyme and the supports during the
C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2 (pH = 7) 48 90 [98 307 immobilization. Calixarenes represent one of the most
C[4]–C4–(COOH)2 (pH = 6) 49 95 [98 371 important macrocyclic host molecules in supramolecular
C[4]–C4–(COOH)2 (pH = 7) 17 20 [98 121 chemistry. In the literature, it was shown that calixarene
C[4]–(COOH)2 (pH = 5) 47 87 [98 283 derivatives form complexes with cationic lysine [21]. After
C[4]–(COOH)2 (pH = 7) 21 26 [98 128 complexation it may form complexes with cationic lysine
Encapsulated lipases as catalysts. The enantioselective hydrolysis of residue of enzymes. Hence, formation of ether–lysine
racemic Naproxen methyl ester of using sol–gel encapsulated lipases complexes might reduce the formation of inter- and intra-
as catalysts. Enantiomeric excess (ee) as determined by Chiral HPLC, molecular salt bridges. Moreover, researchers observed that
Agilent 1200 Series-chiral column (Chiralcel OD-H); n-hexane/2-
propanol/trifluoroacetic acid (100/1/0.1, v/v/v) as mobile phase; time,
the activation is clearly a macrocyclic effect.
24 h; concentration of substrate, 20 mM; (Optimum pH 5.0 for It was also found that calix[4]arene hydrazine and car-
C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2; pH 6.0 for C[4]–C4–(COOH)2; pH 5.0 for C[4]– boxylic acid-based additives have important effects on the
(COOH)2) and temperature, 35 °C stability of CRL. All the results showed that the catalytic
Non-encapsulated free lipase activity of the CRL might have improved due to the sol–gel
Encapsulated free lipase without calix[4]arene derivatives processes with the calix[4]arene carboxylic acid

Fig. 4 Schematic illustration of

the enantioselective hydrolysis
of (R/S)-Naproxen methyl ester

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

C[4]CO-(NHNH2)2 A
A 50
50 40

40 30

30 20 pH=5

20 10

10 0
1 2 3 4 5
0 Reuse
35 45
Temperature (oC)
B 50

B 50
30 C[4]-C4-(COOH)2

X (%)
C[4]-C4-(COOH)2 20
X (%)

1 2 3 4 5
0 Reuse (pH=6)
35 45
Temperature (oC) C 50

40 C[4]-(COOH)2
C 50
X (%)

30 10
X (%)

20 C[4]-(COOH)2 0
1 2 3 4 5
10 Reuse (pH=5)
35 40 Fig. 6 Reusability on the conversion (x) in the hydrolysis of racemic
Naproxen methyl ester with C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2 (a), C[4]–C4–
Temperature (oC)
(COOH)2 (b) and C[4]–(COOH)2 (c)
Fig. 5 Effect of temperature on conversion in the hydrolysis of
racemic Naproxen methyl ester with C[4]CO–(NHNH2)2 (a), C[4]– conversion ratios were determined at 24 h after initiation of
C4–(COOH)2 (b) and C[4]–(COOH)2 (c)
the reaction. Figure 6 shows that the encapsulated lipases
still retained 36 and 35 % of their conversion ratios for
derivatives used as additives. The calix[4]arene-based (C[4]CO-(NHNH2)2) after the fifth reuse at a pH of 6 and 7,
nanoparticles employed may interact with certain sites of respectively. Furthermore, the immobilized lipases also
the lipase as proposed in some proteins, thereby activating retained 35 and 38 % of their conversion ratios when
the lipase and changing its enantioselectivity. encapsulated with C[4]–(COOH)2 and C[4]–C4–(COOH)2)
To see the temperature dependence of the percentage of after the fifth reuse at their optimum pH, respectively.
conversion (x) of the hydrolysis reaction that is catalyzed These results are due to the inactivation of the enzyme
by encapsulated lipases, we performed our experiments at caused by the denaturation of the protein and the leakage of
35 °C as well as at their optimum pH. The results indicate the protein from the supports upon use.
that the conversion degree increased at their optimum
temperature values (Fig. 5).
The reusability of immobilized enzymes is very Conclusions
important to their application. Therefore, we applied the
encapsulated lipases to reusability studies. After each run, Candida rugosa lipase (CRL) was immobilized by the sol–
the encapsulated lipases were washed with PBS, and all gel encapsulation procedure in the presence and absence of

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

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port of this work. 19. Kapoor M, Gupta MN (2012) Lipase promiscuity and its bio-
chemical applications. Process Biochem 47:555–569
20. Yilmaz E, Sezgin M, Yilmaz M (2010) Enantioselective hydro-
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