Notes in Academic Writing
Notes in Academic Writing
Notes in Academic Writing
Formality – reflects your dignified stance in your writing as a member if the academic community.
1. Choosing expanded modal forms over contracted forms. Ex. Cannot (instead of can’t)
2. Choosing one verb form over two-word verbs. Ex. Damage (instead of mess up)
3. Choosing expanded terms over their abbreviated equivalents. Ex. As soon as possible (instead of
4. Avoiding colloquial/idiomatic expressions. Ex. Kind of like (piece of cake, bring home the bacon,
break a leg)
Sample sentence: this will cut down a lot of drug required and the cost won’t be the same.
This will reduce plenty of drugs required and the cost will not be the same.
Objectivity - Academic writing requires a special knowledge and use of more complex language and
4. Other examples:
- Don’t write “In my opinion, this is a very interesting study” – this is a very interesting study.
- Don’t write “You can easily forget how difficult life was 50 years ago” – it is easy to forget how
difficult life was 50 years ago.
Explicitness – academic writing demands the use of sign posts (transitional devices) that allow readers
to trace the relationships in the parts of a study.
1. If you intend to show a change in your line if argument, make it clear by using HOWEVER.
the following phrases may be useful in making ideas , explicit: this is due to the, this resulted in
2. When two ideas seem the same express each clearly by using SIMILARLY
3. If you intend to give extra information in your sentence, make it clear by writing IN ADDITION
4. If you’re giving examples, do so explicitly by writing FOR EXAMPLE
Caution - academic writing requires care since knowledge is build/built from proven theories and
- Important features of academic writing are the concept of cautious language, often called
hedging or vague language.
- Hedging s the use of linguistic devices to express hesitation or uncertainty as well as to
demonstrate politeness and indirectness.
1. To minimize the possibility of another academic opposing the claims that is being made.
2. To conform to currently accepted style of academic writing
3. To enable the author to device a politeness strategy where they are able to acknowledge that
they may be in their claims.
1. Government official are corrupt.
Some government official may be corrupt 9modal verb)
Corruption is commonly linked to some key government officials(adverb)
A number of government officials tend to be linked with cases of corruption (verb)
Verbs indicating caution: tends, suggests, appear to be, think, believe, doubt , indicate
a. Formality
- colloquial/ “trite expressions”
- Contractions
- Abbreviations
- Two-word verbs, modifiers
b. Objectivity
-personal pronouns
-rhetorical questions
-Emotive language
c. Explicitness
- we use connectives
- similarly
-this is due to the (effect – cause)
-this resulted to (cause – effect)
-for example
-in addition
d. Caution
- Conclusive statement
-Aside from language, sentences need to be constructed in such way that they show a level
of complexity that reflects the sophistication of an academic writer.
-Combining ideas effectively, nominalization and passivation are some ways to achieve fit
for academic writing.
In combining ideas effectively, you will need to avoid redundancy and at the same time,
make sure that ideas are packed effectively.
- The earthquake caused loss of life.
- The earthquake caused massive property damage.
- The earthquake changed the landscape of the village.
Though the sentences are grammatically correct, they need to be improved by continuing
similar ideas expressing them through a more complex construction and to make it more
The earthquake was a disaster that caused loss of life, property damage, and permanent
changes in landscape.
Oxford commas
- In nominalization, the verbs are made central as they denote action. Transforming verbs
into nouns help the readers focus the action and not on the doer of the action.
The mall distributed several free items to consumers in the hope to boost sales.
Using nominalization:
Distribution of free items for consumers was done in the hope to boost sales.
In passive constructions, the results of actions are highlighted. In academic writing, since the
writer of the paper is presumed to have done the collection and analysis of data, it is
understood that all the actions are a product of the writer’s work.
Using passivization:
Experiments were conducted to validate the hypothesis.