CS8391 Question Bank

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CS8391 – Data Structures Question Bank

Part – A

1. Define ADT. Give any two examples.

2. Distinguish between linear and non linear data structures.
3. Compare calloc() and realloc() function and mention its application in linked list.
4. Describe the differences between singly and doubly linked lists.
5. List out the areas in which data structures are applied extensively.
6. Define non linear data structure.
7. Compare singly linked list with circular linked list.
8. What are the types of linked list?
9. List out the advantage of circular linked list.
10. Binary search cannot be performed on a linked list. Examine.
11. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of linked lists and arrays.
12. Give an example for linked list application.
13. Specify the use of Header node in a linked list.
14. Illustrate the use of linked list with an example.
15. Show the ways in which list ADT can be implemented.
16. Differentiate arrays and linked lists.
17. Analyze and write a find routine in array implementation.
18. Analyze and write the array representation of a polynomial: p(x) = 4x 3+6x2+7x+9
19. Should arrays or linked lists be used for the following types of applications? Support your
1. Many search operations in sorted list.
2. Many search operations in Unsorted list.
20. Develop an algorithm for insertion operation in a singly linked list.

Part – B
1. Describe the following:
i. Applications of lists. (5)
ii. Polynomial manipulation. (8)
2. i. What is a linked list? (2)
ii. Describe the suitable routine segments for any four operations. (11)
3. List an algorithm to perform the following operations in a doubly linked list.
i. Insert a node at the end of the list.(6)
ii. Delete the last node in the list. (7)
4. i. Discuss the insertion and deletion procedures for cursor based linked lists.(7)
ii. Give an algorithm for the deletion and reverse operations on doubly linked list. (6)
5. i. Give the algorithm to perform insertion on a doubly linked list.(7)
ii. Give the algorithm to perform deletion on a doubly linked list.(6)

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