Information About Feature Access Codes
Information About Feature Access Codes
Information About Feature Access Codes
Note Directory Numbers configured on the Unified CME router should not overlap with the numbers you assign
for FAC Standard or FAC Custom in a FAC configuration. Also, ensure that the FAC code always starts with
an asterisk, followed by digits.
Note For Custom FAC configuration, no two FAC codes should overlap with one another. A sample configuration
(with 54 overlapping) that you need to avoid, is as follows:
Table 1: Standard Feature Access Codes, on page 2 contains a list of the standard predefined FACs.
**4 plus group number Pick up a ringing call in the specified pickup group. Specified pickup group
must already configured in Cisco Unified CME.
**6 plus optional park-slot Call park, if the phone user has an active call and if the phone user presses
number the Transfer softkey (IP phone) or hookflash (analog phone) before dialing
this FAC. Target park slot must be already configured in Cisco Unified
**8 Redial.
*3 plus hunt group pilot number Join ephone-hunt group. If multiple hunt groups have been created that
allow dynamic membership, the hunt group to be joined is identified by its
pilot number.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. fac {standard | custom {alias alias-tag custom-fac to existing-fac [extra-digits]} | feature
5. end
Step 4 fac {standard | custom {alias alias-tag custom-fac to Enables standard FACs or creates a custom FAC or alias.
existing-fac [extra-digits]} | feature custom-fac}}
• standard—Enables standard FACs for all phones.
• custom—Creates a custom FAC for a FAC type.
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom callfwd *#5
• alias—Creates a custom FAC for an existing FAC or
a existing FAC plus extra digits.
• alias-tag—Unique identifying number for this alias.
Range: 0 to 9.
• custom-fac—User-defined code to be dialed using the
keypad on an IP or analog phone. Custom FAC can
be up to 256 characters long and contain numbers 0 to
9 and * and #.
• to—Maps custom FAC to specified target.
• existing-fac—Already configured custom FAC that is
automatically dialed when the phone user dials the
custom FAC being configured.
The following example shows the output when custom FACs are configured:
Router# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# fac standard
fac standard is set!
The following example shows how the standard FAC for the Call Forward All feature is changed to a custom
FAC (#45). Then an alias is created to map a second custom fac to #45 plus an extension (1111). The custom
FAC (#44) allows the phone user to press #44 to forward all calls to extension 1111, without requiring the
phone user to dial the extra digits that are the extension number.
Router# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom callfwd all #45
fac callfwd all code has been configured to #45
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom alias 0 #44 to #451111
fac alias0 code has been configurated to #44!
alias0 map code has been configurated to #451111!
The following example shows how to define an alias for the group pickup of group 123. The alias substitutes
the digits #4 for the standard FAC for group pickup (**4) and adds the group number (123) to the dial pattern.
Using this custom FAC, a phone user can dial #4 to pick up a ringing call in group 123, instead of dialing the
standard FAC **4 plus the group number 123.
Router# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom alias 5 #4 to **4123
Transfer to Voice Mail. 7.0/4.3 FAC for Transfer to Voice Mail was added.