Biophoton Papers PDF
Biophoton Papers PDF
Biophoton Papers PDF
scientific, 1992.
2. Popp, Fritz-Albert, Qiao Gu, and Ke-Hsueh Li. "Biophoton emission: Experimental background and
3. Chang, Jiin-Ju, Joachim Fisch, and Fritz-Albert Popp, eds. Biophotons. Springer Science &
4. Popp, Fritz-Albert, et al. "Evidence of non-classical (squeezed) light in biological systems." Physics
5. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology; Vol 41 (5) 2003: Popp, Fritz-Albert. "Properties of
6. Cohen, S., and Fritz-Albert Popp. "Biophoton emission of human body." (same site, May 2003).
7. Popp, Fritz-Albert, and Lev V. Beloussov, eds. Integrative biophysics: biophotonics. Springer
8. Popp, Fritz-Albert. "Some essential questions of biophoton research and probable answers." Recent
10. Popp, Fritz-Albert. "About the coherence of biophotons." Boston University and MIT (eds)
11. Popp, Fritz-Albert, and Yu Yan. "Delayed luminescence of biological systems in terms of coherent
12. Popp, Fritz-Albert, and Jinzhu Zhang. "Mechanism of interaction between electromagnetic fields
(2000): 507-518.
13. Popp, Fritz-Albert. "On the coherence of ultraweak photonemission from living tissues."
(2000): 507-518.
15. Popp, Fritz-Albert. "On the coherence of ultraweak photonemission from living tissues."
16. Yan, Yu, et al. "Further analysis of delayed luminescence of plants." Journal of Photochemistry
17. Popp, Fritz-Albert. "Cancer growth and its inhibition in terms of coherence." Electromagnetic
18. Popp, Fritz-Albert. "About the Coherence of Biophotons. Published in:" Macroscopic Quantum
19. Niggli, Hugo J., et al. "Ultraweak photon emission in assessing bone growth factor efficiency using
fibroblastic differentiation." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 64.1 (2001): 62-68.
20. Slawinski, Janusz, and Fritz-Albert Popp. "Temperature hysteresis of low level luminescence from
plants and its thermodynamical analysis." Journal of plant physiology 130.2-3 (1987): 111-123.
21. Popp, Fritz-Albert. "Evolution as the expansion of coherent states." Recent Advances in Biophoton
22. Popp, Fritz-Albert. "Principles of complementary medicine in terms of a suggested scientific basis."
23. Popp, Fritz-Albert. "Essential differences between coherent and non-coherent effects of photon
emission from living organisms." Biophotonics. Springer, Boston, MA, 2005. 109-124.
24. Popp, Fritz-Albert, et al. "Evidence of light piping (meridian-like channels) in the human body and
nonlocal emf effects." Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 24.3 (2005): 359-374.
25. Zhang, Jinzhu, et al. "Spontaneous and light-induced photon emission from intact brains of chick
26. Liu, T. C. Y., Liu, S., Popp, F. A., & Tang, A. Q. (1996, September). Identical particle model on
biophoton emission. In Lasers in Medicine and Dentistry: Diagnostics and Treatment (Vol. 2887, pp.
27. Popp, Habil Fritz-Albert. "Some elements of homoeopathy." British Homoeopathic Journal 79.3
(1990): 161-166.
28. Schlebusch, Klaus-Peter, Walburg Maric-Oehler, and Fritz-Albert Popp. "Biophotonics in the
infrared spectral range reveal acupuncture meridian structure of the body." Journal of Alternative &
29. Bischof, Marco. "Biophotons—the light in our cells." Journal of Optometric Phototherapy (2005).
30. Slawinski, Janusz. "Biophotons from stressed and dying organisms: toxicological aspects." (2003).
IJEB, Vol41(5)2003
31. Ho, Mae-Wan, and Fritz-Albert Popp. "Bioelectrodynamics and Biocommunication—An Epilogue."
32. 顾樵, and Popp Fritz—Albert. "Biophoton Emission as a Potential Measure of Organizational
33. Niggli, H. J. "Biophotons: ultraweak light impulses regulate life processes in aging." J Gerontol
34. Niggli, Hugo J. "Ultraweak electromagnetic wavelength radiation as biophotonic signals to regulate
“Holographic computer”?
Rahnama, Majid, et al. "Emission of mitochondrial biophotons and their effect on electrical activity of
membrane via microtubules." Journal of integrative neuroscience 10.01 (2011): 65-88.
Hagan, Scott. "An Hypothesis Involving Biophoton Emission in the Microtubular Cytoskeleton of the
Brain." Origins: Brain and self organization (1994): 153.
Rahnama, Majid, Jack Tuszynski, Vahid Salari, Michal Cifra, Istvan Bokkon, and Peyman Sardar.
Emission of biophotons and neural activity of the brain. No. arXiv: 1012.3371. 2010.
Kumar, Sourabh, et al. "Possible existence of optical communication channels in the brain." Scientific
reports 6 (2016): 36508.
Salari, V., et al. "Ultraweak photon emission in the brain." Journal of integrative neuroscience 14.03
(2015): 419-429.
Salari, Vahid, István Bókkon, Roohollah Ghobadi, Felix Scholkmann, and Jack A. Tuszynski.
"Relationship between intelligence and spectral characteristics of brain biophoton emission:
Correlation does not automatically imply causation." Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences 113, no. 38 (2016): E5540-E5541.
Ostovari, Mohsen, Abolfazl Alipour, and Alireza Mehdizadeh. "Entanglement between bio-photons and
Tubulins in brain: implications for memory storage and information processing." NeuroQuantology 12.3
Ultra-weak light emission (biophoton) from cells and organs of all types
of living organisms has been studied since the early 1920s. The optical
communication channel hypothesis in an animal’s body, in conjunction
with this cellular light emission and acupuncture meridians, was
proposed. In this review we consider a concrete realization of this
hypothesis with the recently found primo vascular system in the brain.
The primo vascular system is an anatomical structure corresponding to
the acupuncture meridians. It is a new circulatory system that is
distributed throughout the whole body of an animal, including a human.
Its main function is regeneration of damaged or aging tissues. Recently,
techniques to observe the primo vascular system in the brains of rabbits
and rats have been developed. The primo vessel in the fourth ventricle of
the brain was floating in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and it ran along
the central canal of the spinal cord of a rat or rabbit. It was visualized by
using fluorescent nanoparticles that were injected into the CSF of the
lateral ventricle and were preferentially absorbed by the primo vessel.
Possible applications of the primo vascular system combined with
biophotons for the treatment of various brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s
disease are envisioned.
Bókkon, István, and Vahid Salari. "Hypothesis about brilliant lights by bioluminescent photons in near
death experiences." Medical hypotheses 79.1 (2012): 47-49.
Enaki, N. A., Koroli, V. I., Bazgan, S., Nistreanu, A., Palistrant, S., Bogoev, D., ... & Patel, S. (2016).
Quantum information processes in protein microtubules of brain neurons. In 3rd International
Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering (pp. 245-249). Springer, Singapore.
Persinger, Michael A., and Christina F. Lavallee. "Theoretical and experimental evidence of
macroscopic entanglement between human brain activity and photon emissions: implications for
quantum consciousness and future applications." Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 1,
no. 7 (2010).