Well Planning Workflow: © 2011 Halliburton
Well Planning Workflow: © 2011 Halliburton
Well Planning Workflow: © 2011 Halliburton
© 2011 Halliburton
© 2011 Halliburton
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3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3D Surveillance, 3DFS, 3DView, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance, Adaptive Mesh
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Contents Well Planning Workflow
Contents Contents
Contents iii
Well Planning Workflow Contents
iv Contents 5000.1.8.0
Well Planning Workflow
Well Planning Workflow
• CasingSeat™
• StressCheck™
Well Planning Workflow
4b. WELLCAT software: All modules (Drill, Prod, Tube, Casing, and
MultiString) in the WELLCAT software are used. This workflow
provides a guide through using each of these modules, allowing
you to perform the analysis you require.
This workflow can be altered in many ways. Your analysis may require
that you use the WELLCAT software to further explore thermal and
pressure effects after you complete the casing design analysis using the
StressCheck software. Or, you may want to use the WELLPLAN
software to predict that hole cleaning will be a problem with the current
wellpath. In this case, COMPASS software could be used to calculated
another planned Design, which would require the use of CasingSeat
and StressCheck software to redesign the casing.
Data Flow
COMPASS Software
Data Input Using COMPASS software:
Company Properties: name, anticollision settings, survey calculation defaults, and survey tool
information (including error models)
Project Properties: map information
Site Properties: location information
Well Properties: well name, depth reference, location
Wellbore Properties: name
Design Properties: Design type (prototype, planned, actual), depth reference, casing points, and
survey data (name, tool used, tie-on point, stations) or plan trajectory
Targets: depth and geometry
CasingSeat Software
Data From COMPASS software:
Company properties, project properties, site properties, well properties, wellbore properties,
Design properties, lithologies, plan trajectories, and targets.
Data input using CasingSeat software that will be available to StressCheck software:
Pore pressure, fracture pressure, additional lithology data can be added to the data from
COMPASS software, and geothermal temperature gradient.
StressCheck Software
Data From CasingSeat or COMPASS software:
Company properties, project properties, site properties, well properties, wellbore properties, Design
properties, targets, pore pressure, fracture pressure, lithology data, casing shoes and sizes (Active
Well Configuration), and geothermal temperature gradient.
Data input or calculated using StressCheck software that will be available to WELLPLAN software:
Casings sizes, properties, and setting depths.
8 Data Flow
Well Planning Workflow
Workflow Steps
Create Company
3. Create a new company. From the Well Explorer, right-click on the
database level, and select New Company from the drop-down
a) Select the Company Properties > General tab then name the
b) Use the Survey Tools dialog to create a survey tool, or click the
Import button to import tool data from a file. Click the Default
Tool box to use the highlighted as the default survey tool.
Workflow Steps 9
Well Planning Workflow
Create a Project
7. Select File > New > Project to create a new project.
b) Select the Project Properties > Map Info tab to specify map
Create a Site
8. Create a new site when prompted by clicking the Yes button.
a) Select the Site Properties > General tab to specify general site
b) Select the Site Properties > Location tab to specify the site
Create a Well
9. Create a new well when prompted by clicking the Yes button.
a) Select the Well Properties > General tab to specify general well
b) Select the Well Properties > Depth Reference tab to specify the
well depth reference, configuration (offshore or onshore), and to
view a depiction of the datum.
Create a Wellbore
10. Create a new wellbore when prompted.
a) Select the Survey Properties > General tab, name and specify
information about the survey.
b) Select Survey Properties > Tie-on tab, specify the tie-on point
of the survey. Close the dialog.
Create a Sidetrack
14. This example has a sidetrack. If there isn’t a sidetrack, skip this
step. To create a sidetrack:
a) From the Well Explorer, right-click on the well level and select
New Wellbore from the menu.
Create a Target
15. Right-click on the sidetrack wellbore you created, and select
Targets to access the Target Editor. Use the Target Editor to
define the targets for the wellbore. You can access the Target
Editor for the site by right-clicking on the project, and selecting
Targets from the menu.
a) Select the Name & Location tab to define the name, TVD, and
center location of the target.
Create a Plan
16. Create a plan.
b) Select the Plan Design Properties > Tie-on tab, specify the tie-
on point.
c) Select the Plan Design Properties > Vert Section tab, specify
the vertical section information.
17. Use the Plan Editor to specify the plan. Save and close the plan
after it is created.
21. Select Plot > Ladder View and review anticollision risk.
22. Lock the planned Design. To lock the Design, check the Design is
Locked box on the Plan Design Properties > General tab.
23. Leave COMPASS software open while you start the next step of
the workflow.
A reload notification dialog appears when the owner of the active data item
saves changes to the database. SAM then notifies any other EDM
applications of the changes. The change notification dialog is then offered
to the user to reload or ignore the data owner's changes or cancel the dialog
box. The dialog that appears displays the user name for the owner as well as
the application in which the changes were made. This enables the user to
identify the source of the posted change. It is highly recommended to
contact the other person who is working with the same data in order to
coordinate work in the Design/Case.
For further details, see the Simultaneous Activity Monitor (SAM) topic in
application Help.
25. Move the cursor over the planned Design icon that you were using
in the COMPASS application. Notice the message displayed
indicates that the plan is already open using another application.
Notice the blue SAM icon indicating that this plan Design is
already open on this computer. In this case, the current user has
full access to the plan - unless the plan is locked.
Open a Design
28. From the Well Explorer, double-click on the planned Design to
open the Design. Notice the message indicating the Design is
locked was not displayed this time.
29. When you open the Design, you will be asked what template you
want to apply to the Design. Apply the template of your choice.
Only templates listed in the
..\Landmark\EDT_5000.0.0\CasingSeat\Client folder are included
in the list.
Calculate Results
38. Select View > Calculate to Calculate results. Use defaults for all
calculation parameters.
40. Select File > Save to save the Design. Close CasingSeat and
COMPASS software if they are still open.
For further details, see the Simultaneous Activity Monitor (SAM) topic in
application Help.
Open a Design
42. From the Well Explorer, double-click on the planned Design to
open it or right-click on the planned Design and select Open from
the drop-down menu. Select the desired template.
53. Specify the burst loads for the casing and/or tubing using Tubular
> Burst Loads.
54. Specify collapse loads for the casing and/or tubing using Tubular
> Collapse Loads.
55. Specify the axial loads using Tubular > Axial Loads.
Double-click on
Temperature Derations in
the Tubular Properties
section of the Well Explorer
to access the Temperature
Derations spreadsheet.
58. Use the Well Explorer to define tubular grades, if needed. Access
of the Grades spreadsheet is similar to accessing the Temperature
Derations spreadsheet.
62. Select Tubular > Connections to specify the connections for the
string section.
Triaxial design limits are met when all load lines are within the
This workflow begins with Step 66b on page 29. The WELLPLAN
software workflow steps (Steps 66a through 94a on pages 23 - 28) are
not performed.
69a. Select the scenario option for each casing scheme. See the
information below for details about the rules and logic behind each
scenario. Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons as needed.
Click Finish when all scenarios are selected to create the Case(s).
For details about the rules and logic behind Drilling and Run Scenarios, see
the Simultaneous Activity Monitor (SAM) topic in application Help.
Double-click on the
Workspace to open it.
a) Open the Hole Section Editor by using Case > Hole Section
Editor or by double-clicking on the Hole Section item in the
Associated Data Viewer.
c) Select the string you want to use from the Select String to Copy
to Hole Section Editor dialog.
d) Specify the hole section depth. (This includes any open hole
section that wasn’t included in the copy from the StressCheck
application.) Update the friction factors and other data as
right-click on the Case you want to paste the Assembly to, and
select Paste from the drop-down menu.
• Click the Torque Drag toolbar button and then select Normal
Analysis from the mode drop-down list
75a. Select Case > Torque Drag Setup and then specify the Torque
Drag analysis options.
76a. Select Parameter > Mode Data and then specify the Torque Drag
analysis parameters. Click Advanced to input friction factors.
77a. Use the Advanced Options dialog to specify friction factors for
each operating mode selected using the Mode Data - Normal
Analysis dialog.
78a. Select View > Table > Summary Loads and review a summary of
the Normal Analysis results.
80a. Select Case > Circulating System and then specify the circulating
b) Select Case > Circulating System > Mud Pumps tab and then
specify the pumps.
81a. Select Parameter > Rates and then specify the analysis
82a. Select View > Plot > Pressure Loss and then review the pressure
loss for the range of pump rates.
84a. Select Parameter > Transport Analysis Data and then specify
the hole cleaning analysis parameters.
85a. Select View > Plot > Operational then determine if a cuttings bed
is likely to form.
Change the ROP and/or pump rate using the A cuttings bed at the specified
sliders or by typing in the associated box. ROP and pump rate is not likely
Notice that as the pump rate declines, a to form.
cuttings bed forms.
87a. Select Case > Pore Pressure and review pore pressure data to
ensure that the data entered using CasingSeat software is available
to the WELLPLAN application.
88a. Select Case > Fracture Gradient and review fracture gradient
data to ensure that the data entered using CasingSeat software is
available to the WELLPLAN application.
89a. Select Case > Formation Properties and then specify formation
90a. Select Case > Cement Properties and then specify cement
91a. Select Case > Eccentricity and then specify the workstring is
centered in the annulus, even in the deviated sections.
92a. Select Parameter > Job Data ensure the desired mud is used in
the analysis by reviewing.
94a. Select View > Operation Plot > Transient Response Plot and
review the transient results.
67b. Select the recently created StressCheck design, and make a copy of
it to the associated wellbore.
68b. Rename the design.(The design will have a default name when you
copy it.)
70b. The Open Template dialog is displayed. Select the template you
want to use, and click OK.
73b. Access the Drill module by clicking the Drill toolbar button,
or by accessing Tools > Select Product > Drill.
74b. Define the fluids using Inventories > Fluids. Notice there is a
separate tab to define each fluid type. Define all required fluids.
Refer to the online help for additional information.
c) Select the operation that preceded the operation you are defining
from the Prior Drill Operation drop-down list.
d) Select the next casing string from the Next Casing String drop-
down list.
76b. Repeat the previous step to define all drill operations required.
77b. Use Results > Calculate to calculate the results. The Calculate
dialog will be displayed. Highlight the operations you want to
calculate. Use CTRL and Shift keys to select multiple operations.
80b. Review results using the options available in the Results menu.
82b. Define any additional fluids using Inventories > Fluids. Notice
there is a separate tab to define each fluid type. Define all required
fluids. Refer to the online help for additional information.
83b. Use Operations > Operations to define the operations you want
to analyze.
c) Use the Type drop-down list to select the operation type for the
Flow Path. In many cases, the Type selected for one flow path
will automatically select the Type for the remaining flow path.
d) Select the Fluid associated with each Flow Path and operation
85b. Use Results > Calculate to calculate the results. The Calculate
dialog will be displayed. Highlight the operations you want to
calculate. Use CTRL and Shift keys to select multiple operations.
88b. Review results using the options available in the Results menu.
90b. Use the Current String drop-down list to select the casing you
want to analyze.
92b. Use Loads > Design Parameters > Design Factors to input or
review the design factors that will be used in the analysis. These
are the same design factors used in the StressCheck software.
93b. Use Loads > Design Parameters > Analysis Options to input or
review the various analysis options that will be used.
94b. Use Loads > Initial Conditions to specify the initial conditions
for the load by defining casing/tubing and annulus profiles. This
dialog contains tabs to define the initial conditions for both the
string and the annulus. Click the Fill button on each tab to use the
values from an operation defined using Drill.
95b. . Use Loads > Loads to define the loads you want to analyze.
97b. Use Results > Calculate to calculate the results. The Calculate
dialog will be displayed. Highlight the loads you want to calculate.
Use CTRL and Shift keys to select multiple loads.
98b. Review results using the options available in the Results menu.
106b.Use Loads > Loads to define the loads you want to analyze.