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Chapter 1: The Past

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A young girl named Glizenia was living a simple life and contented what she has grown
up in Aringay, La Union with her family. She has 4 sisters and she is second and a 2 stepbrothers
and 1 stepsister with her dad. They accepted whatever the past of their dad because they love him
so much. She and her 3 sisters finished high school and they just walking just to go to school
while their youngest sister finished college. After she graduated high school, she decided to find
a work and to help her family to sustain their everyday needs. After a while, she worked at
Baguio City with her older sister. They find a place where they can stay while finding a job.
They rented in Green Valley Baguio City. She works as a Security Guard while her sister is still
finding a job. After a month’s her sister left her and she has no contact to her because using
cellphone is not usable before. Her neighbor saw her crying so he comes closer to her to ask why
she's crying. She open up what's the reason and also because of the payment of their boarding
that she should pay after the month ends. He said he will pay their boarding unless she stops
crying and she may pay him if she already has money. At first she's shy to accept the offer but
eventually she already agreed because there are no more enough days to pay their boarding.
After the incidents, they introduced themselves to each other and started to be closed and fall in
love in one another. The boy named Florante and he started to court her after a month. They
started to live in one house after a month of being in a relationship.

They decided to introduce one another to their family after they found out that she is
pregnant. They also decided to live in La Union to the province of her husband while waiting for
the child to come out. After 9 months, she woke up early in the morning to prepare their
breakfast. She was happily cooking and preparing for their breakfast but unfortunately she
suddenly feels unconscious, uneasy and dizzy. She shouted out loud that make her husband woke
up and the other people who are still sleeping. She feel like her baby is soon to come out and she
need to deliver it. Her mom immediately calls the midwife while her husband lifts her and lays
her down to the bed. The midwife only allows her husband to stay with her and help her. After a
while, they feel relief and happily when they hear the cry of the baby in the year of 2000
January. They decided to name the girl Krizelle. Baby Krizelle is innocent and beautiful creature
that God gave them. Krizelle was changed by Kaizelle because of the wrong type of the encoder
so they decided to call her by Kaizelle.

After a year of staying in Province, they decided to live in Baguio City and for her
husband to find a job. They rent a house in Green Valley Baguio City. In the year of 2004 they
got married. By 2005 june, they already have 4 children.


At the age of 5 I already started to go to school. We live in Pinget so I ended up studying
in Lucban Elementary School. I was very happy and excited when it was already our dismissal
because my mom is waiting outside. There are so many things like tissue, colors, bond papers
and others that my mom is holding to be submitted to my teacher and she said it was required to
us because this is what we may going to use in our everyday activity. Sadly, in my graduation, it
was my mommy(grandmother) who accompany me because my dad has a work to finish while
my mom is busy caring my sister but after my graduation I am still happy because we celebrate it
together with my family.

When I started entering Grade1, I was enrolled in Liquicia Caba La union but it does not
take for too long for me to stay because in our province it is flooding that is why I transferred
and go back to Lucban Elementary School. I continue studying in Lucban up until I finish

When I am in Grade3, I was transferred in Mabini Elementary School because we move

into another house in Convention together with the family of my mother. When I am in Grade4,
my grandfather died, the father of my father, so we need to go back in our province. I feel sad
and lonely because at a young age, my favorite grandfather is already dead. He was a very kind
person even if he is deaf and he is a special one whom I treasure the most. Every time we visit
them he almost saves some foods that we can get for us to bring home. He is a good person that
makes me love him so much.

When I started to enter Grade5 and Grade6, I studied in Dontogan Elementary school
because we again moved into another house. We do not have a permanent house that is why we
are moving into another house. There are two separated section of Grade5 and for all grade
levels depends on how many the enrollees. In every year, there is Recognition in the School for
all the outstanding students and awards and gladly I am one of it. I am top 6 in the overall when I
was Grade5 and that makes my parents be proud of. I never compete or join any competition in
our school like quiz bee. I am a shy type person. We celebrate a simple occasion.

When I was in Grade6, one of my friends recruits me to join into a sport. He maybe sees
my skills because every time we play "out catcher" they cannot easily catch and get me that am
why he recommends me. It was my first time but I did not hesitate to decline. All the
opportunities that may come I grab it all because this will be the start and God has a reason why
this things happens. At first I play badminton together with my friend because it was a dual game
but unfortunately we lose. After days, I competed in Track and Field and I was very happy that I
have a place in my game. I almost play all the games but because of so many games I joined they
did not want me to run the 1500m because there should only be 3 individual games and 2 relays
and I already existed in that. It was my first time so that whatever my coach said I immediately
did it even if I don't know what to do all I know is to run up until I finish and go back to the
finish line. When the Palarong Lungsod comes, there are so many people who are well trained
and they are all strong. I lose but I also win a gold medal that makes me join the CARAA in
Kalinga. After months, I also won a gold medal in Kalinga that is why I am also one who are
going to compete in Palarong Pambansa in Lingayen.I meet new friends especially in the
different delegates. I am happy to be part of the Palarong Pambansa at a young age . I also joined
Marathon particularly 3k and I also won. In the Graduation 2012 I was awarded as an "Athlete of
the Year" and receiving a medal and a ribbon for being top 6 in the overall. We celebrated a
simple occasion and my family is proud of me.


After I graduated in Elementary, I enrolled in the Baguio City High School and I am
belong to the SPS( Special Program in Sport) which my event is Athletics. But before you enter
as an SPS, you should do not have a line of 7 in any subject. We are the first who implemented
the K12. I meet different students who have different skills in sports but it does not stop there
because there are also some students who are intelligent when it comes to academics not just
only in sports. We are the champion overall in the most creative, cleanliness and organized
classroom. We played different activities in Intrams and some competed in quiz bee. We are one
of the most disciplined and most behave classroom. I continue study here up until I Grade10. We
have different activity in school like Prom, Intrams, slogan and poster and many more.

I joined Prom when I was in Grade9. I only wear a simple blue dress and my aunt is the
one who make up me. It was a simple occasion but an elegant one because this is my first time to
attend in a party. It was an enjoyable night for us. There are also a prize for a chosen to be the
King and Queen of the night and also the best gown and suit. The dance floor is open to all. Also
the most unforgettable moment I cannot believe is I am top 3 in our class in 2nd grading. It was
just said to me when I am competing in Manila. I was very happy but there are still who cannot
believe it especially my friends.

When I am in Grade 10, we celebrate our Graduation Ball for our upcoming Moving Up.
I wear a simple dress and make up that suits me. Like for our Prom it is usual for us to wear what
we want outfit that suits us. They announced that a girl is given a chance to which they want to
dance with. This is my chance to dance with my crush but I am shy to ask him so I ask my friend
to do it to me but at first she teased me but in the end she just do it while having a smile to her
face. At the end I dance with him even if I feel intense and sweaty bit I just chin up and inhale
because this will be the last. This is the last event in our life in high school where in to celebrate
our special evening and to have a memorable experience before we moved up to the next level of
our life. For our Graduation, I wear a simple make up and my mommy is the one who
accompanied me in my Moving Up. I was very happy to graduate as an athlete for the 4 years in
high school. I receive a certificate that symbolizes what I achieve in life. In my every year of
high school there is a given certificate to all students who performs well in there event or track
they are and I am happy to be one of it.

After I graduated high school, I decided to study in University of Baguio. Coach Brand
recruited me as an athlete of the school and offers me a full scholarship. I grab the opportunity
because this is for a long lifetime of learning and also to help me to graduate without paying any
tuition fee. First, we have the entrance exam and after a day the result was said to be an ABM
particularly a sales person. But because I want to be a teacher, GAS was offered by me so I
decided to enroll in the GAS Strand together with my best friend Aileen. It was our first time to
study in University of Baguio and we immediately find our room and it take time for us to find it
and also the TBA is we do not know that is why we ask the Marshal where it is and he said it is
"to be announce" there is a question mark in our head then we realize what it is and then we just
laughed together. We immediately enter our classroom but every time they announced the names
our names our not listed. We think that maybe our scholarship is still processing that is why our
names are not written. After 2 days of entering the classroom, Ma'am Navor, a substitute teacher,
was told us that we are not supposedly from Castillo because after she read and see our
scheduled paper we are from Alzona. All along we all know that we are from Castillo because
based from our first enrolment it was said that we are from Castillo but we do not know that it
was changed and we do not even read our schedule paper. We realize bow embarrassing we are.
We meet and we already have friends after 2 days of staying in the classroom. After the incident,
we immediately go to our original classroom and when we knock the door they are already
lecturing in Science. Sir Mavs let us introduced ourselves to everyone and we also share what we
have experience why we are absent in 2 days.

When I moved up to Grade 12, there's only one section for GAS, it was already merged
because there are a lot of students who already shifted. In our 1st grading, I was shocked
because I am top 3 in our class that I cannot believe in. By our 2nd grading, this was very
stressful and intense because soon I will be graduating. The most challenging and unforgettable
task that we face was our research. It was stressful at the same time having closeness and
strongly building a relationship to each other. Since it was grouped by 4, we grouped ourselves
as one. Sometimes there are tendencies that we want to give up but giving ip is not in our
vocabulary. We also experience a defense that gives as more intense.

Before our Graduation we come up with a Graduation Ball that started in evening. I wear
a black gown and my cousin is the one who make up me. We take picture for us to share it on
Facebook. Our Graduation was on May 22, 2018. It started in the morning but we are assigned
in the afternoon 3-5pm. I receive a diploma and a medal symbolizing my performance in my
sports. I thank my family for supporting me wherever I go. We take pictures first before we
celebrate. We celebrate my Graduation in the Good Taste. It was a simple but unforgettable
moment of my life.

I continuously studied in University of Baguio at the same time a scholarship. I decided

to take a Business Administration manor in marketing because my mom do not want me to be a
teacher and I also do not literally know what I want to take because there are a lot of fields I
want. I go to college to boost more my knowledge. In my first time of entering in college makes
me feel a little bit nervous. I have 4 subjects in M,W,F while 3 subjects in T,Th. All my subjects
are in the afternoon that started at 12:00pm because in the morning it was scheduled for our
training. I learn to believe in myself and be confidently facing all the challenges that I may
encounter inlife.

--My short term goal is to finish college and pass all the requirements. I will train hard for me to
explore not only in the Philippines but also to the whole world. My long term goal I will find a
job that relates in my course that I take. I will be matured enough to decide what I want. I will be
a good employee and a good model to everyone.


Birth Certificate

Marriage Certificate

Certificate of Proficiency

Certificate of Merit


Kaizelle Vergara November 27, 2018

BSBA-ABC T, TH 3:30-5:00

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