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Anna University Examination Questions: EE6201-Circuit Theory NOV - 2015

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Anna University Examination Questions

EE6201-Circuit Theory The fraction of the magnetic flux

NOV – 2015 produced by one oil linking with the
Part A
1.State Kirchoff’s law. other coil is known as coefficient of
KVL: This law states that, the algebraic coupling between two coils.
sum of the potential around a closed
7.Distinguish steady state and
circuit is zero.
transient state.
KCL:This law states that the algebraic
The transient response is the circuit’s
sum of all current meeting at a
common node is zero. temporary response that will die out
2.Find the equivalent resistance of with time.
the circuit shown in Fig The steady state response is the
behavior of the circuit a long time after
an external excitation is applied.
8.What is the time constant of RL and
RC circuit?
The time constant of RL transient
3.2  4.27
R eq   1  2.83
7.47 L
circuit is,   sec .It is defined as the

3. List the applications of Thevenin’s time taken by the current response to

 It is applied to all linear circuits, reach 63.2 % of its final value.
including electronic circuits The time constant of RC transient
represented by the controlled circuit is,   RC sec . It is defined as the
sources. time taken by the current response to
 It is useful when it is desired to reach 36.8% of its initial value.
know the effect of the response 9.What are the advantages of three
in the network. phase system?
4. Two resistors 4Ω and 6Ω are
connected in parallel. If the total The output of a three phase machine
current is 30A, find the current
through each resistor? generating electricity is more than the
output of a single phase machine of the
30  6 30  4 same size.
I 4   18 A I 6   12 A
10 10
Three phase power transmission is
5.Define selectivity.
more economical than single power
o transmission.
selectivity 
BW The power factor of three phase system
is better than single phase system.
6.What is co efficient of coupling.

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Anna University Examination Questions

The power output of a symmetrical 11.a.ii). Determine the power

dissipation in the 4Ω resistor of the
three phase system is steady while that
given circuit shown in Fig. (8)
of single phase system is fluctuating.
10. When a 3-phase supply system is
called balanced supply system.

When all the 3 phase voltages are

equal in magnitude and displaced by
1200 in phase, the supply system is Solution:
called 3-phase balanced supply Let i1 , i2 and i3 be the mesh currents as
PART B indicated in Fig
11.a.i) Determine the magnitude and
direction of current in the 2V battery in
the circuit shown in Fig (8)

By observation the loop basis matrix is,

8 - 3 0  i1  50 
-3 9 - 4  i  = 0 
   2  
0 - 4 10  i3  -10 

Using Grammar’s rule the matrix is

Solution: solved for current i2 and i3 .
Applying KVL to loop ABCDA,   502

2  4  3i b  2i a Δi2 =1180 and Δi3 = -30

Applying KVL to loop DCBEFAD, i2 = 2.35A and i3 = -0.05A

4  3 1.5  ia  i b   2i a The power dissipated in the 4Ω resistor

Putting the equations in matrix form, is, P = 4×  i2 - i3  2= 23.23W

2 3  i a   6 
3.5  1.5    11.b. Using node analysis find the voltage
  i b   7 
Using Grammar’s rule the above Vx for the circuit shown in Fig [16]

matrix is solved for current i b .

ib 7
 ib    0.5185 A
 13.5
The current supplied by the 2V battery
is 0.5185Amps flowing in the direction
from B to A.
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Anna University Examination Questions

Using Grammar’s rule the above

matrix is solved for voltage V1 .

1.25 0.5 0.5

   5 1 1   2.75
 1 1.5 1.5 

 6 0.5 0.5
V1   0 1 1   12
 6 1.5 1.5 
V1   4.363Volts
Let V1 ,V2 and V3 be the node potentials 

as indicated in Fig The voltage Vx=V1=4.363 Volts

12.a.Obtain the Thevenin equivalent
circuit for the network shown in Fig below

Applying KCL at node 1,

To find Rth :
1 1 1 1 1
   V1  V2  V3  2  4 All the voltage sources are short
2 4 2 2 2
circuited and current sources are open
1.25V1  0.5V2  0.5V3  6  1 circuited. Referring to Fig below,
Applying super node technique at
node 2 & 3,

V2  V3  5Vx  V2  V3  5V1   2 

1  1 
  1V2  V1    1V3    2  4 
2  2  23 
Rth    1 2  1.05 
 5 
V1  1.5V2  1.5V3  6   3
To find Vth :
1.25 0.5 0.5  V1   6 
 5 Applying source transformation the
 1 1   V2    0 
 1 1.5 1.5   V3   6
circuit is redrawn as shown in

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Anna University Examination Questions


By observation the loop basis matrix is,

In matrix form, 10  8 i1   20
 8 22  i    0 
 5 2  i1   0    2  
 2 5  i    21 Using Grammar’s rule the above
  2  
  25  4  21 matrix is solved for current i2 .
5 0 i2
i2     105  i2   1.0256 A
 2 21 
105 Vth  5  10i2  15.3Volts
i2   5 Amps
21 Now, the maximum power is
Vth  3  i2  10= -6Volts transferred to the load when
12.b.Determine the value of load
RL  Rth  3.6 
resistance that may be connected
across A and B so that maximum  15.3 
iL     2.125 Amps
power is transferred to the load  2  3.6 
resistance. Also determine the
maximum power transferred. (16) PL  iL 2  RL  2.1252  3.6  16.2 watts

13.a. A series circuit with R  5 ,

L  0.03H and C  100 f has an applied

voltage V  200o Volts Determine the

frequency at which the circuit

resonates. Also find the quality factor,
voltage across the inductance and
To find Rth : Both the voltage sources
are short circuited. capacitance at resonance. (16)
The resonant frequency is
1 1
0    577.5 rad / s
LC 0.3  100  106

 16 
At resonance, Z  R  5 , Now
Rth    4  10  3.59
 10  V 20
I   4 Amps
Z 5
To find Vth :
At resonance the reactance’s are equal;
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Anna University Examination Questions

1 1
XC    17.3 
0C 577.35  100  106

 X L  X C  17.3

VL  jI X L  4 17.390o  69.390o Volt

VC   jI X C  4 17.3  90o  69.3  90o Volt

0 L 17.3
Q   3.46
R 5 Solution:
13.b. Find the mutual inductance Xm With the switch in position 1 the
in the coupled circuit shown in Fig
below. [16] differential equation is,
di(t )
2 i(t )  0.2 5

Taking the Laplace transform,

2 I ( s)  0.2  sI ( s) 

Solution:  2  0.2S  I (s) 
The loop equations in matrix form is, 25
I ( s) 
S ( S  10)
5  j 5  jX m  i1  100
   
  jX m 8  j12 i2   0  I ( s) 

S S  10
  X m 2  20  j100 500  A(S  250)  BS

i2 
j100 X m Solving for constants A and B
Xm 2
 20  j100
A  2.5 and B  2.5
j100 X m
100  i2  8  8
1 1 
I ( s)  2.5   
Xm 2
 20  j100  S S  10 
X m  3.54
i(t )  2.5  2.5e10t for t  100 m sec

14.a. In the RL series circuit shown in This transient will exist till t 100 m sec

Fig…, the switch is closed on position At t 100 m sec ,

1 at t  0 . At time
i(0.1)  2  2e100.1  1.58 Amps
t =100 msec, the switch is moved to
Negative sign is used because the
position 2. Find i(t) and sketch the
initial current is in opposition with
transient current. (16)
transient current.

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Anna University Examination Questions

When the switch is moved to position  2S  2 

 2S  1
2 the differential equation is, Z11 

 2S  2   2
 S 2  2S 

 2S   1  S  2.5S  0.5
 2S  2 
di(t ) 
2 i(t )  0.2  20  2S  2 

20 14.b.ii) For the two port network

2I ( s)  0.2  SI ( s)   1.58 
S shown in Fig find the h parameters.
10  S  I (s)   1.58
200  1.58S
I ( s) 
S ( S  10)

Applying partial fraction expansion,

100  1.58S A B
 
S ( S  10) S ( S  10) Solution:
Solving for constants A and B Short circuiting port 2, the voltage
A  10 and B  11.58 across port 2 is zero. i.e., V2  0 .
10 11.58
I ( s)  
S S  10

i(t )  10  11.58e
  for t  100 m sec
10 t 0.1

The sketch of the transient current is

shown in Fig…..
The input impedance is, Zin  10 

h11   Zin  10 

V1  10I 2  10I1  10I 2

h21   1

Open circuiting port 1, the current in

14.b.i)Determine the driving point port 1 is zero. i.e., I1  0 .

impedance of the network shown in
Fig below. (8)

The input impedance is, Zin  20 

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I2 1 IY    I R  I B 
h22    0.05
V2 Zin

V1  20I 2  V1  20  0.05V2  V2

h12  1

15.a. show that three phase power can

be measured by two watt meters.
Draw the phasor diagrams. Derive an
expression for power factor in terms of
wattmeter readings. [16]
Three phase unbalanced star
connected load:
w1  w2  VRN I R +VBN I B  VYN IY
Consider a star connected unbalanced  w1  w2  PR  PY  PB  PT
load with a phase sequence RYB. It is
Hence, the sum of two watt meter
assumed that, the current coils of two
reading gives the value of total power
watt meters are connected in lines R &
in the system.
B and the voltage coils are connected
Three phase balanced star connected
between lines R & Y, lines B & Y as load:
Consider a star connected
shown in fig.
balanced load system as shown in
The two watt meter readings are, Fig…. in which the watt meters are
connected in lines R & B.
w1  VRY I R  I R  VRN  VYN 

w 2  VBY I B  I B  VBN  VYN 


w1  w2  I R  VRN  VYN   I B  VBN  VYN 

w1  w2  VRN I R +VBN I B  VYN  I R  I B 

We know that, for a star connected

system, The two watt meter readings are,
w1  VRY I R cos RRY
w2  VBY I B cos BBY
The line currents are,
I R  RN ;
Z 

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VYN VRN VL  00 440

IY  ; IR   
Z  Z 3 (8  j10) 3 (8  j10)
VBN 440
IB    19.8   51.30 Amps
Z  3 (12.851.30 )

Each line current lags behind the phase VYN VL   1200

IY  
voltage by an angle. From the phasor Z 3 (8  j 6)
diagram shown in Fig.5. the phase 440  1200
  19.8   2770 Amps
angle difference between I R & VRY is 3 (12.851.3 )

30 0  0 & the phase angle difference VBN V 1200

IB   L
Z 3 (8  j 6)
between I B & VBY is 30   .
0 0
  19.8   3970 Amps
3 (12.851.30 )

The power factor is,

R 8
cos    = 0.625 lagging
Z 12.8

Total active power is,

PT  3 VL I L cos   3  440  19.8  0.625  9.43KW

Total reactive power is,

QT  3 VL I L sin   3  440  19.8  0.781  11.78 KVAR
w1  w2  VL I L cos 30 0  0
  cos 30   
0 0

w1  w2  2  VL I L cos30 cos 15.b.ii) The two wattmeter connected

w1  w2  2  VL I L   cos  3 VL I L cos to measure the input to a balanced
15.b.i).Three equal impedances each of three phase circuit indicate 2000W
8  j10  are connected in star. This is &500W, Find the power and power
connected to a three phase, 440V,50 Hz
factor of the circuit.
supply system. Find line current,
phase current, active power and i) When both readings are positive and
reactive power.
ii) When the later reading having been
Solution: obtained by reversing the potential coil
The line voltage is, VL  440Volts
of one instrument. (8) [EE1151 May
In a star connected system, line current
is equal to phase current. 2005]
Hence the line currents are, Solution:
i) w1= 2000 w, w2=500 w
Power = 2000+500 =2500 Watt

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3( w1  w2 ) 3 1500
tan     1.04
w1  w2 2500

power factor  cos   cos 46.1  0.693

ii) w1= 2000 w, w2= -500 w

Power =2000 - 500 = 1500 Watt

3( w1  w2 ) 3  2500
tan     2.886
w1  w2 1500

power factor  cos   cos70.9  0.33

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