Anna University Examination Questions: EE6201-Circuit Theory NOV - 2014

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Anna University Examination Questions

EE6201-Circuit Theory
NOV – 2014
Part A
1.An electrical appliance consumes
1.2KWh in 30 minutes at 120 Volt.
What is the current drawn by the

P Energy 1200
I    20 Amps V 12
V t V 120  0.5 IN    0.1Amps.
R 120
2.Find the equivalent resistance of the 4. State Maximum power transfer
circuit shown in Fig.1 theorem for DC networks.
Maximum power transfer to the load
occurs when it has a value equal to the
resistance of the network looking back
at it from the load terminals.
5.Two coils with self inductances
The star network comprising 5Ω,10Ω
L1=33 mH and L2=47 mH are
and 10Ω is converted into delta
connected in series aiding. The
network and superimposed in the
coefficient of coupling between the
given network as shown below:
two coils is o.6. Find the total
M  K L1 L2  0.6 0.033  0.047  0.024 H

Leq   L1  L2  2M   0.127 H
6.Define quality factor in the resonant
Refer Q.No.5.EE6201 April 2014
 20  10  Answer Key
Req    20  5 
 30 
7.A coil of resistance 2.2Ω and an
3. Calculate the value of IN for the inductance 0.01 H is connected in
circuit shown in Fig.2. series with a capacitor across 220 V
mains. Find the value of capacitance
such that maximum current flows in
the circuit at a frequency of 190 Hz.
Also find the maximum current.
1 1
f0   C   70.2 f
2 LC 4 f 0 2 L

Prepared by Prof.S.Nagammai, HOD/EIE, KLNCE A.25

Anna University Examination Questions

V 220 Total active power is,

I   100 Amps.
R 2.2 PT  3 VL I L cos
PT  3  400  9.24  0.8  5.12 K watt
8.A 50µF capacitor is discharged
Part B
through a 100KΩ resistor. If the
11.(a) (i) Using nodal analysis find the
capacitor is initially charged to 400
node voltages and the current through all
Volt determine the initial energy.
resistors for the circuit shown in Fig. [12]
E  0.5 CV 2  0.5  50 106  4002  4 J

9. Write the equation for the phasor

differences between potentials of the
delta connected network.
For RYB phase sequence taking VRY as
reference, the line voltages are,
VRY  VP 00 VYB  VP   1200 VBR  VP 1200 Solution:
The 10Ω resistor which is in shunt with
10. Three coils each having a resistance the 20 Volt source act as a dead
of 20Ω and inductive reactance of 15Ω element. The given circuit is redrawn
are connected in star to a 400 Volt as shown in Fig.3.a.
three phase 50 Hz supply. Calculate
line current power factor and power
The line voltage is, VL  400Volts
The inductive reactance is, X L  15
By observation the node basis matrix
In a star connected system, line current is is,
equal to phase current.
1 1 1 
Hence the line currents are,  4  10 
10  V1   25
  
 1 1 1  V2  40
 1
IR 

400 00

 9.24   370 A  10 10 2 
Z 3 (20  j15) 3 (2537 )
Using Grammar’s rule the above
matrix is solved for voltage V1 and V2
  0.55 V1  44 V2  16.5
V 400  1200 400  1200
IY  YN    9.24   1570 A
Z 3 (20  j15) 3 (2537 )
V1 V2
V1   80 Volts V2   30 Volts
 
VBN 4001200 4001200 The current through the 4Ω resistor is,
IB     9.24 830 A
Z 3 (20  j15) 3 (2537 )
I 4   20 Amps
The power factor is, The current through the 10Ω resistor
cos  

= 0.8 lagging is,
Z 400  225

Prepared by Prof.S.Nagammai, HOD/EIE, KLNCE A.26

Anna University Examination Questions

V1  V2 5 4
I10   5 Amps RAB   0.67  2.87 
10 9

The current through the 2Ω resistor is,

V2 11.b)For the circuit shown in Fig.5
I 2  15 Amps find i) the currents in different
The current through the 1Ω resistor is, branches ii) current supplied by the
V2  20
battery iii) potential difference
I1  10 Amps between terminals A and B. [16]
11.a. (ii) Find the equivalent terminals
between terminals A and B of the
network shown in Fig. 4. [4]

Let i1 and i 2 be the mesh currents as
indicated in Fig.5.a.

The  network comprising 4Ω, 2Ω and

6Ω resistor is converted into
 network and the elements are,
8 24
R1   0.67  R2   2
12 12
R3   1
12 i1  10 
9 4
The network is redrawn as shown in 4 i    10
  2  
Using Grammar’s rule the above
matrix is solved for current i1 and i2 .
  146 i1  140 i2  50
i1 i2
i1   0.958 Amps i2   0.342Amps
 
The current through the 2Ω and 3Ω
resistor is,
i1  0.958Amps
The current through the 4Ω resistor is,
i1  i2  1.3Amps
The current through the 6Ω and 8Ω
resistor is,
Prepared by Prof.S.Nagammai, HOD/EIE, KLNCE A.27
Anna University Examination Questions

i2  0.342Amps
The current supplied by the battery is,
i1  i2  1.3Amps
The potential difference between
terminals A and B is,
VAB  6i2  2i1  0.136Volts
12.a) Using Thevenin’s theorem find
the current through the 20Ω
resistor in the circuit shown in
Case i) considered that 9A current
Fig.6. [16]
source alone is acting while 4A and
16A current sources are short circuited.
Let V1 and V2 be the node potentials as
indicated in Fig
By inspection the node basis matrix is,
1 1 1 1 1 
5  2  4  
2 4  V1  9 
  
 1  1 1 1 1  V2  0 
 
 2 4 10 4 2 
12.b) Using Superposition theorem
Using Grammar’s rule the matrix is
find the current through the 5Ω
solved for voltage V1 .
resistor in the circuit shown in Fig.
[16]  0.95 0.75
   0.245 V1  7.65
0.75 0.85 
V1   31.22 Volts

The current through the 5Ω resistor is,
V1 31.22
I 5 = = =6.24Amps
5 5

Solution: Case ii) considered that 4A current

The 32V voltage source in series with 2Ω source alone is acting while 9A and
resistor is transformed into current source 16A current sources are short circuited.
in shunt with 2Ω resistor and circuit is By inspection the node basis matrix is,
redrawn as shown in Fig below. 1 1 1 1 1 
5  2  4  
2 4  V1   0 
  
 1  1 1 1 1  V2   4 
 
 2 4 10 4 2 
Using Grammar’s rule the matrix is
solved for voltage V1 .
 0.95 0.75
   0.245 V1  3
0.75 0.85 

Prepared by Prof.S.Nagammai, HOD/EIE, KLNCE A.28

Anna University Examination Questions

V1 The current through the 5Ω resistor is,

V1   12.24 Volts

V1 50
The current through the 5Ω resistor is, I 5 = = =10Amps
5 5
V1 12.24 13.(a)Impedances Z1 and Z2 are
I 5 ' == =2.45Amps
5 5 connected in parallel and this
Case iii) considered that 16A current combination is in series with an
source alone is acting while 9A and 4A impedance Z3, connected to a 100 V,
current sources are short circuited. 50 Hz AC supply. Z1   5  jX C   ,
By inspection the node basis matrix is,
Z2   5  j 0  Z3   6.25  j1.25  .
1 1 1 1 1 
5  2  4  
2 4  V1   16  Determine the value of capacitance
  
 1  1 1 1 1  V2   16  such that the total current of the
 
 2 4 10 4 2 
circuit will be in phase with the total
Using Grammar’s rule the matrix is voltage. Find the circuit current and
solved for voltage V1 . power. [16]
 0.95 0.75 Solution:
   0.245
0.75 0.85  5  5  jX C 
ZT    6.25  j1.25
 16 0.75
10  jX C 
V1     1.6
 16 0.85   250  j50 X C  j 25 X C  5 X C  
=  6.25  j1.25
V1 10 2
 XC2 
V1   6.53Volts
 At resonance,
The current through the 5Ω resistor is,  j 25 X C
Im  ZT   0   j1.25  0
V1 6.53
= =1.31Amps
102  X C 2 
5 5 25 X C
 1.25  X C  10
Applying super position, the current 100  X C 2 
through the 5Ω resistor is, 1 1
10  C   318 f
I  I + I ' +I "=6.24+2.45+1.31=10Amps C 2  50  10
5 5 5

As a check, it is considered that all the The dynamic resistance of the circuit
three sources are acting in the circuit. is,
By inspection the node basis matrix is,
Rdy  Re  ZT  
 250  5 X C  
 6.25
1 1 1
5  2  4
1 1 
  10 2
 XC2 
2 4  V1   25 
  
 1  1 1 1 1  V2   12 
  Rdy 
 250  50  6.25  7.75
 2 4 10 4 2   200
Using Grammar’s rule the matrix is
The circuit current is,
solved for voltage V1 .
I= =13Amps
 0.95 0.75 7.75
   0.245
0.75 0.85  The power absorbed by the resistor is,
 25 0.75 P  I 2 R dy =1309.75watts
V1     12.25
 12 0.85 
V1   50Volts

Prepared by Prof.S.Nagammai, HOD/EIE, KLNCE A.29

Anna University Examination Questions

13.(b) The switch in the circuit shown  N   N  

M 2   1 1  2 2  K 2
in Fig is moved from position 1 to 2 at  i1  i2 
t=0. Find the expression for voltage M 2  K 2 L1 L2
across resistance and capacitor, M  K L1 L2
energy in the capacitor for t>0. [16]
14.a.ii) For the coupled circuit shown
in Fig, find the value of V2 so that the
current i1 =0. [10]

With the switch is in position 1 for a long
time the 50µf capacitor act as a open
circuit and it is charged to 50 volts.
With the switch moved to position 2, the
differential equation is,
20  100i(t ) 
50  i(t ) dt The loop equations are,
(5  j8)i1  j 2i2  10900
 2 104  20 50
100   I (S )   (2  j 2)i2  j 2i1  V2
 S  S S
5  j 8 j 2  i1  10 900 
100S  2 104  I (S )  70  j2

 
2  j 2 i2   V2

 S  2 00 I (S )  0.7   2  j 26 i1  20  j 20  j 2  V2
0.7 i1 20  j 20  j 2  V2
I (S )  i1   0
S  200  2  j 26
20  j 20  j 2  V2  0
i(t )  0.7 e200 t Amps
20  j 20
V2   14.14450 Volts
1 t
VC (t )  V0   i(t ) dt  50 
C 0
106 t
50  0

0.7e200t dt  j2

14.b) With neat illustration describe

 
 50  70 e200t  20  70 e200t
0 the parallel resonant circuit and the
14.a. i) For the magnetically circuit, equivalent parallel network for a
derive the expression for mutual series RL combination. Also derive
inductance in terms of L1 and L2. [6] the power factor and resonant
Solution: frequency. [16]
The fraction of total flux which links
with the other coil is known as co- The parallel circuit consisting of branches
efficient of coupling. with pure elements R, L & C is an ideal
  circuit. The RLC parallel circuit shown in
K  12  21 Fig. has a complex admittance of the three
1 2
elements given as,
N1 N 2 12 21 N1 N2 K1 K 2
We have, M 2    1 
i1 i2 i1 i2 Y  G  j  C    G  j  BC  BL   G  jB
  L

Prepared by Prof.S.Nagammai, HOD/EIE, KLNCE A.30

Anna University Examination Questions

Total active power

PT  3 VL I L cos  3  400  46.2  0.8  25.6 K watt

Total reactive power,

Fig. A parallel resonant circuit
BC   C (Capacitive susceptance) &
QT  3 VL I L sin   3  400  46.2  0.6  19.2 KVAR
BL  (inductive susceptance)
The circuit is in resonance when B = 0, 15.b.ii) Three star connected
(i.e.)  C 
or  
 0 impedances Z1   20  j37.7   per
phase are in parallel with three delta
connected impedance
15.(a) Show that three phase power
Z A   30  j159.3  per phase. The line
can be measured by two wattmeters.
Draw the phasor diagram. Derive an voltage is 398 Volt. Find the line
expression for power factor in terms currents, power factor, power and
of wattmeter readings. [16] reactive volt ampere taken by the
Refer material combination. [8]
15.b. (i) A 400V (line to line) is Solution:
applied to star connected identical Based on the data’s given the
impedance each consisting of a 4Ω polyphase circuit is drawn as shown in
resistance in series with 3 Ω inductive Fig below.
reactance. Find the line currents, and
total power. [8]

The line voltage is, VL  400Volts
In a star connected system, line current
is equal to phase current.
Hence the line currents are,

VRN VL  00 400 Solution:

IR     46.2   370 A
Z 3 (4  j3) 3 (5370 ) The star delta transformation is carried
out using the formula as follows:
VYN VL   1200 400  1200 Z1Z 2  Z 2 Z 3  Z 3Z1
IY     46.2   1570 A ZB 
Z 3 (4  j3) 3 (5370 ) Z2
3  42.67620  42.67620
ZB   128620 
VBN V 1200 4001200 42.67620
IB   L   46.2 830 A
Z 3 (4  j3) 3 (537 )
The circuit above is redrawn as shown
The power factor,
R 4
cos   = 0.8 lagging
Z 5

Prepared by Prof.S.Nagammai, HOD/EIE, KLNCE A.31

Anna University Examination Questions

I C  I CA  I BC  1.94 110.20  1.94   129.80

I C  3.36   1350 Amps

The power factor,

R 201.7
cos     0.985
Z 204.8
The total active power is,
PT  3 VL I L cos
PT  3  398  3.36  0.985  2281.5 watts
The total reactive power,

QT  3 VL I L sin 
QT  3  398  3.36  Sin  9.940   399.6 watts

The watt meter readings are,

The line voltage is VL  VP  398Volt (  is the angle of load impedance)
w1  VL I L cos  30 0   0

The phase voltages are, w1  398  3.36cos  30 0 9.8 0   1027.4 watts
VAB  398 0 ; 0

w2  VL I L cos  30 0   0

VB C  398   120 ; 0

w2  398  3.36cos  30 0 9.8 0   1255.1watts

VCA  398 120 0

The phase currents are,

VAB 398 00
I AB    1.94   9.80 Amps
Z 204.8 9.80

VB C 398   1200
I BC    1.94   129.80 Amps
Z 204.8 9.80

VCA 398 1200

I CA    1.94 110.20 Amps
Z 204.8 9.80
The line currents are,
I A  I AB  I CA  1.94   9.80  1.94 110.20
I A  3.36 1050 Amps
I A  3 1.94 1050  3.36 1050 Amps
I B  I BC  I AB  1.94   129.80  1.94   9.80
I B  3.36   150 Amps

Prepared by Prof.S.Nagammai, HOD/EIE, KLNCE A.32

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