Blood Ow Restriction Augments The Skeletal Muscle Response During Very Low-Load Resistance Exercise To Volitional Failure
Blood Ow Restriction Augments The Skeletal Muscle Response During Very Low-Load Resistance Exercise To Volitional Failure
Blood Ow Restriction Augments The Skeletal Muscle Response During Very Low-Load Resistance Exercise To Volitional Failure
180–193 (2019)
DOI: 10.1556/2060.106.2019.15
The purpose of this study was to compare the acute muscular response with resistance exercise between the following
conditions [labeled (% one-repetition maximum/% arterial occlusion pressure)]: high-load (70/0), very low-load
(15/0), very low-load with moderate (15/40), and high (15/80) blood flow restriction pressures. Twenty-three
participants completed four sets of unilateral knee extension to failure (up to 90 repetitions) with each condition,
one condition per leg, each day. Muscle thickness and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) were measured before
(Pre), immediately after (Post-0), and 15 min after (Post-15) exercise and electromyography (EMG) amplitude during
exercise. Pre to Post-0 muscle thickness changes in cm [95% CI] were greater with 15/40 [0.57 (0.41, 0.73)] and
15/80 [0.49 (0.35, 0.62)] compared to 70/0 [0.33 (0.25, 0.40)]. Pre to Post-0 MVC changes in Nm [95% CI] were
higher with 15/40 [−127.0 (−162.1, −91.9)] and 15/80 [−133.6 (−162.8, −104.4)] compared to 70/0 [−48.4 (−70.1,
−26.6)] and 15/0 [−98.4 (−121.9, −74.9)], which were also different. Over the first three repetitions, EMG increased
across sets, whereas in the last three repetitions it did not. EMG was also different between conditions and was
generally greater during 70/0. Repetitions decreased across sets reaching the lowest for 70/0, and for very low loads
decreased with increased pressure. In trained participants exercising to failure, lower load and the application of
restriction pressure augment changes in muscle thickness and torque. The EMG amplitude was augmented by load.
Training studies should compare these conditions, as the results herein suggest some muscular adaptations may
Keywords: occlusion, electromyography, muscle thickness, fatigue, voluntary contraction
The traditional recommendation to increase muscle mass and function is moderate- or
high-load [i.e., 60%–80% one-repetition maximum (1RM)] resistance training (1). In
addition, resistance training loads as low as 30% 1RM can elicit similar increases in muscle
mass and function as high loads as long as they are taken to volitional failure (25). Thus, those
who would like to avoid high mechanical loads may opt to train with relatively low loads
Experimental design
This protocol was designed to compare the acute muscular response, as measured by changes
in muscle thickness, MVC, and EMG, to resistance exercise under four different conditions
[labeled as % 1RM/% arterial occlusion pressure (AOP)]: traditional high load (70/0), very
low load (15/0), and very low load with moderate (15/40) and high (15/80) blood flow
restriction pressures. This was part of a larger experiment involving the upper and lower
body. To assess the response in the lower body, participants made three visits to the
laboratory at approximately the same time of day (±2 h), each separated by at least 1 week.
Visit 1 began by assessing exclusionary criteria and completing the informed consent
followed by measurements of height, body mass, AOP, and 1RM. Participants were then
familiarized with testing of MVC and blood flow restriction exercise (1 set of 15 knee
extensions in each leg using 15% 1RM and 40% AOP). The four experimental conditions
were applied unilaterally over the second and third testing visits (two each day) to minimize
any lasting effect of exercise on the same leg. For the testing visits, participants performed
unilateral knee extension exercise to volitional failure with two of the four conditions
(randomized and counterbalanced), completing one condition per leg; the following two
conditions were tested on the last visit in the same manner. Testing visits began with 10 min
of rest, followed by measurements of AOP (participant seated on the knee-extension
machine), muscle thickness, and MVC (baseline measurements coded as Pre). Participants
then completed the exercise protocol during which EMG amplitude was collected.
Following the cessation of exercise, muscle thickness and MVC were reassessed immedi-
ately after (Post-0) and 15 min after (Post-15). Following the Post-15 time point, the same
testing protocol, starting with AOP, commenced on the contralateral leg using the next
full range of motion, with arms crossed over the chest (to standardize posture), using one
leg at a time. To minimize subjectivity, the success of each attempt was determined by the
participant’s ability to lift the weight high enough to reach and touch a bar placed at the
end of the full range of motion. Attempts for each leg were alternated and separated by at
least 45 s (90 s between the same legs). The first attempt was completed with a weight
assumed to be approximately 30% of maximum; thereafter, weight was added after each
successful attempt, and weight was removed following any unsuccessful attempt. The
amount of weight added or removed was determined by the investigators and based upon
the speed and effort of the previous attempt. This process was continued until the greatest
load the participant could successfully lift was found. This load was determined as the
1RM and was found within approximately five maximal attempts.
Muscle thickness
Muscle thickness was measured on the anterior portion of the mid thigh (50% distance
from the greater trochanter to the lateral epicondyle of the femur), while the participant
was standing with feet shoulder width apart and weight evenly balanced. Measurements
were taken using B-mode ultrasound (Logiq-e GE, Fairfield, CT, USA). A probe (L4-12t,
GE, Fairfield, CT, USA) was coated with transmission gel and placed against the skin in a
medial–lateral orientation with care taken not to depress the dermal surface. Once an
image was obtained, it was frozen on-screen and the distance from the bone–
muscle interface to the muscle–fat interface was recorded. A second image was taken
following the same procedure and an average of the two measures was determined to be
muscle thickness. If two measures were greater than 0.1 cm apart, a third image was
taken and the average of the two closest measures was used. Muscle thickness was
measured prior to MVC at Pre and Post-15, but was taken after MVC at Post-0 to reduce
the time allowed for torque to recover. The coefficient of variation in muscle thickness
over a similar time period, calculated from previous data in our laboratory, is 1.7%
(n = 40).
Exercise protocol
With arms crossed over their chest and a lap belt pulled securely over their waist,
participants completed four sets of unilateral knee extensions (Hammer Strength
Iso-Lateral Leg Extension Life Fitness) until volitional failure or 90 repetitions (whichever
occurred first). Volitional failure was determined if a participant could no longer maintain
proper exercise cadence (1-s eccentric and 1-s concentric) with a metronome or complete a
full range of motion. To reach a full range of motion, the participants were required to lift
the load from a starting position (approximately 90° knee flexion) to a fixed bar at
approximately 180° knee flexion. For conditions using 15% 1RM, there was an interset
rest period of 30 s, whereas 90 s separated sets for the 70% 1RM condition.
Statistical analysis
All data were analyzed using SPSS 24.0 (IBM, Chicago, IL, USA). One-way repeated
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the changes in muscle
thickness and MVC between conditions. To test for an interaction effect on EMG amplitude
for the first three and last three repetitions of each set, as well as the number of repetitions
completed per set, a 4 (Condition) × 4 (Time) repeated measures ANOVA was used. In case
of a significant interaction, one-way ANOVAs were used across conditions and across time
points to determine the differences. An α level was set at 0.05. Data are represented as mean
(SD) unless otherwise stated.
Participant’s characteristics
On average, participants were 22 (2.7) years old, height of 174.5 (10.2) cm, and a body mass of
75.7 (17.3) kg. The average 1RM of the left and right leg was 36.1 (11.3) and 37.4 (11.3) kg,
Arterial occlusion pressure (AOP)
Despite using a 10-cm-wide cuff, there was one instance (prior to a 15/80 condition) in which
AOP was not reached within 300 mmHg; thus, 240 mmHg was applied during exercise.
Mean pressure applied during blood flow restriction was 80 (15) mmHg during 15/40 and 159
(29) mmHg during 15/80.
Muscle thickness
All conditions increased muscle thickness from Pre to Post-0 (Fig. 1). The change for 70/0
was lower compared to 15/40 and 15/80 with a mean difference [95% CI] of −0.24 [−0.42,
−0.06] and −0.15 [−0.30, −0.01] cm, respectively. The decrease in muscle thickness from
Post-0 to Post-15 did not differ between conditions. However, muscle thickness at Post-15
remained elevated over Pre with a lower change for 70/0 compared to 15/40 [mean difference
(95% CI): −0.26 (−0.43, −0.10) cm] and 15/80 [mean difference (95% CI): −0.20 (−0.34,
−0.07) cm]. All changes are portrayed in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Muscle thickness. Muscle thickness measures taken immediately before (Pre), immediately after (Post-0), and
15 min after (Post-15) exercise. Data presented as changes between time points (95% CI). An asterisk indicates a
statistically significant change. Letters indicate differences between conditions within each time comparison. If two
conditions share at least one letter, there are no differences. α level = 0.05
Fig. 2. Maximal voluntary contraction. Measures of maximal voluntary contraction taken immediately before (Pre),
immediately after (Post-0), and 15 min after (Post-15) exercise. Data presented as changes between time points (95%
CI). An asterisk indicates a statistically significant change. Letters indicate differences between conditions within
each time comparison. If two conditions share at least one letter, there are no differences. α level = 0.05
15/40 = 78.5 (47.5, 109.6) vs. 15/80 = 85.2 (55.4, 115.1) Nm]. In addition, 15/0 changes were
smaller than 15/40 [mean difference (95% CI): 28.5 (0.6, 56.4)] and 15/80 [mean difference
(95% CI): 35.2 (11.0, 59.4)]. Torque increased from Post-0 to Post-15. Changes were lowest for
70/0 [mean difference (95% CI): vs. 15/0 = −29.1 (−53.8, −4.4) vs. 15/40 = −52.1 (−84.8,
−19.4) vs. 15/80 = −93.0 (−126.0, −59.9) Nm] and greatest for 15/80 [mean difference (95%
CI): vs. 15/0 = 63.8 (40.4, 87.2) vs. 15/40 = 40.8 (20.8, 60.8) Nm]. Post-15 torque remained
below Pre values for 15/0, 15/40, and 70/0, while 15/80 did not differ. All changes in torque are
portrayed in Fig. 2.
15/0 32.1 (11.9)a 45.5 (18.7)a 53.0 (19.4)a 55.9 (19.4)ab 1 vs. 2, 3, 4; 2 vs.
3, 4; 3 vs. 4
15/40 30.8 (13.3)a 46.7 (18.3)a 53.1 (22.9)a 55.5 (24.2)ab 1 vs. 2, 3, 4; 2 vs.
3, 4
15/80 30.5 (11.6)a 45.5 (18.6)a 47.0 (17.9)a 47.3 (18.3)a 1 vs. 2, 3, 4
b b b b
70/0 70.9 (26.7) 68.7 (23.2) 69.5 (25.1) 68.8 (27.1)
Electromyography amplitude measured during the first and last three repetitions of each set and normalized to
amplitude measured during maximal voluntary contraction (% MVC). Data are presented as mean (SD). Time
column represents differences across sets within each condition. Superscript letters next to numeric values indicate
differences between conditions within the set. Superscript letters next to condition labels indicate differences due to
main effects of condition (regardless of set). If at least one superscript letter is the same, there are no differences.
α level = 0.05
Regarding relative EMG amplitude of the vastus lateralis for the first three repetitions,
there was an interaction effect of condition and time (p < 0.001; Table II). The EMG amplitude
of the vastus lateralis generally increased with successive sets: [effect of time for 15/0, 15/40,
and 15/80 (all p < 0.001)] except for 70/0 (p = 0.781). The EMG over the first three repetitions
was different across conditions for Set 1 (p < 0.001), Set 2 (p = 0.004), Set 3 (p = 0.009), and
Set 4 (p = 0.012). Also, 70/0 was generally greater than all other conditions. In contrast, there
was no interaction effect on EMG amplitude during the last three repetitions for the vastus
lateralis (p = 0.231). There was a main effect of time (p = 0.007) and condition (p = .025). The
EMG amplitude was lowest during Set 1 compared to all other sets (p ≤ 0.034) and did not
differ across other sets (all p ≥ 0.391). A main effect of condition revealed that EMG amplitude
during 70/0 was greater than all other conditions (all p ≤ 0.046).
There was a significant interaction effect between condition and time on repetitions
(p < 0.001; Table III). Repetitions decreased across sets for 15/0 (p < 0.001), 15/40
(p < 0.001), 15/80 (p < 0.001), and 70/0 (p < 0.001). There was a difference between
conditions within Sets 1–4 (all p < 0.001). Within Set 1, all conditions were different from
one another [15/0 > 15/40 > 15/80 > 70/0 (all p ≤ 0.006)]. Within Sets 2–4, all conditions
were different (all p < 0.001) except for 15/80 and 70/0 when compared to each other
(p ≥ 0.368).
15/0 25.2 (8.8)a 44.3 (18.0)a 55.0 (20.9)a 58.1 (24.1)a 1 vs. 2, 3, 4; 2 vs.
3, 4
15/40 25.2 (11.9)a 50.6 (23.6)ab 54.7 (23.9)a 58.9 (25.6)a 1 vs. 2, 3, 4; 2 vs.
3, 4; 3 vs. 4
15/80 25.8 (11.6)a 52.8 (19.1)b 57.8 (21.0)a 57.4 (22.4)a 1 vs. 2, 3, 4; 2
vs. 3
Electromyography amplitude measured during the first and last three repetitions of each set and normalized to
amplitude measured during maximal voluntary contraction (% MVC). Data are presented as mean (SD). Time
column represents differences across sets within each condition. Superscript letters next to numeric values indicate
differences between conditions within the set. Superscript letters next to condition labels indicate differences due to
main effects of condition (regardless of set). Letters next to set labels indicate differences due to main effects of time
(regardless of condition). If at least one superscript letters is the same, there are no differences. α level = 0.05
The number of repetitions required for participants to reach volitional failure during each set. Data are presented as
mean (SD). Time column represents differences across sets within each condition. Superscript letters next to numeric
values indicate differences between conditions within the set. If at least one superscript letters is the same, there are no
differences. α level = 0.05
The major findings of the study were that increases in muscle thickness induced by exercise
were lower using high loads compared to very low loads combined with blood flow
restriction. The decrease in torque production of the knee extensors was greater with the
lower loads and further augmented by restriction. The EMG amplitude of the first three
repetitions generally increased across sets in the low-load conditions, while staying similar
for the last three repetitions. Amplitude was also highest during the high-load condition,
despite not changing across sets. Finally, on average, individuals reached volitional failure
with 15% 1RM alone suggesting that blood flow restriction was not necessary. However, the
number of repetitions required to reach failure was decreased in a pressure-dependent
manner. Overall, the acute muscular responses previously associated with muscle hypertro-
phy may be augmented by blood flow restriction using a high load or very low load alone.
Muscle thickness
Muscle cell swelling has been proposed as one of the mechanisms through which blood flow
restriction stimulates muscle growth (19), since previous experimental protocols in hepa-
tocytes showed that greater cell swelling leads to an inhibition in protein breakdown and a
possible increase in protein synthesis (14, 30). Although previous research has supported this
concept in skeletal muscle tissue, it was shown in rodent models (27). Applying blood flow
restriction in humans, in the absence of exercise, has only been shown to attenuate muscle
mass losses over control groups (31). Thus, the stimulus of applying restriction alone may
not be enough to cause hypertrophy through cell swelling. Furthermore, while exercising,
this mechanism may not be unique to blood flow restriction exercise as both low-load and
high-load conditions without restriction increase muscle thickness post-exercise (24). The
current data suggest a fluid shift into the muscle, given the thickness was greater than
baseline immediately after and 15 min after all exercise conditions. Although this response
did not differ between very low-load and high-load exercise alone, the combination of
restriction pressure and very low loads did seem to augment the response over high loads.
Previous studies have shown that swelling may be augmented by restriction when using an
arbitrary repetition (30-15-15-15 repetitions) protocol (6). While the response during a goal
repetition protocol may be due to differential levels of fatigue, participants in this study
exercised until volitional failure. In contrast to our findings, others have found that, when
exercise is taken to failure, the acute change in muscle thickness is similar with and without
restriction, as well as with high loads (20, 24, 33). Whether the changes we observed in the
acute response manifest into long-term differences in muscle mass is unknown; thus,
further research is warranted.
previously during very low-load exercise in the upper body. However, this was during an
arbitrary repetition protocol in which most people completed all repetitions (6). When going
to volitional failure with the same relative high load (28), previous researchers have found
that blood flow restriction does not appear to augment the increase in fatigue, but there is
some evidence that it may (20) or may not (4) be augmented by increasing pressure when
exercising with lower loads. It should be noted that both Counts et al. (4) and Jessee et al. (20)
used the same common repetition protocol as Dankel et al. (6), but with 30% 1RM, which
induced failure within all pressure conditions prior to reaching all goal repetitions. Increasing
blood flow restriction pressure causes a greater accumulation of metabolic by-products and
acidity level within the exercising/restricted limb (32), both of which may interfere with
contractile properties of the muscle, thus augmenting fatigue (21). However, this effect may
not last post-cuff deflation, as the immediate change in torque due to exercise (Pre–Post-0)
did not differ between high- and moderate-pressure blood flow restriction exercises. The
changes in torque from Pre to Post-15 were greater with very low load alone and very low
load with lower restriction compared to higher restriction pressure and high-load conditions.
This could potentially be due to the greater number of repetitions performed in the 15/0 and
15/40 conditions and indicates that the muscle may have been stressed to a greater degree
than in the 15/80 and 70/0 conditions. Whether this difference between conditions is also
observed in the days following exercise is unknown.
low-load exercise taken to volitional failure. When not taken to failure, previous studies have
shown a greater EMG amplitude when applying blood flow restriction to a goal repetition
protocol (11). However, this may be a difference in the level of fatigue induced versus a
unique ability of restriction to augment EMG amplitude, whereby the non-restricted
condition would need more time to reach fatigue and stimulate higher threshold fibers
because the restriction of blood flow expedites fatigue (10, 13). This is supported by the lack
of an increase in EMG amplitude when blood flow restriction is applied to a high-load
condition (5).
The results observed for repetitions support those of torque and EMG amplitude. For
example, the muscle would need to lose less capacity overall to fail at a high load, which
was observed to result in the lowest number of repetitions followed by all low-load
conditions. When comparing low-load conditions, the repetitions were decreased with an
increase in pressure, which we think was due to an increasing buildup of metabolites and
acidity within the exercising limb.
The study contains limitations and could be improved upon in future studies. For example,
the ultrasound muscle thickness measurement does not directly measure the fluid inside the
muscle cells; therefore, we cannot be certain that the increase in muscle thickness following
exercise was caused by fluid entering the cell versus fluid accumulating in the extracellular
space. Due to the study design and equipment setup, participants had to move from the knee-
extension machine to the dynamometer to perform an MVC immediately post-exercise;
although this procedure was performed quickly (approximately 30 s), there could have been
some recovery within the muscle causing us to not capture the true fatigue response.
Furthermore, since we used surface EMG, we cannot infer motor unit recruitment from
our data as we did not measure it specifically. However, we believe we were careful in our
interpretation of EMG and did not overstate our findings. Finally, we are only assessing some
of the acute muscular responses to these exercise protocols, not all, to make some inferences
about expected training responses. To confirm, training studies comparing these conditions
would be necessary.
Changes in muscle thickness, fatigue, EMG amplitude, and repetitions to failure differed
across load and pressures. Since the difference in EMG amplitude is likely due to differences
in the timing of motor unit recruitment between protocols, rather than a difference in the
number of fibers recruited, it seems as though exercising to failure with very low loads may
induce a similar or greater muscular response in comparison to high-load training. Applying
blood flow restriction, however, reduced the amount of work required to reach volitional
failure in a pressure-dependent manner. These findings may be important clinically in terms
of limited ability or in healthy populations when wanting to avoid large amounts of
mechanical work/stress, but long-term training studies should be conducted to confirm this
The authors would like to thank all the participants who took part in this study.
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