Philosophy of Education

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Philosophy of Education
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Philosophy of Education
Beliefs that inform practice
Being a teacher is a tough job. However, I enjoy spending time with children
and teaching them new things everyday. I am working hard to become my own kind
of teacher. I understand that all children are unique and must have a stimulating
learning environment, where they will grow emotionally, physically and mentally. As
a teacher, it is my desire to create such kind of atmosphere where my learners will
meet their full potential. I will also create a safe environment where learners will feel
free to share their ideas with their peers.
According to the NAEYC, teachers face many daily decisions that have moral
and ethical implications. As a teacher, I am expected to care for and educate children
in positive social and emotional environments to stimulate and support the child’s
culture, ethnicity, language and family structure. I am also expected to protect
children and report any suspect case of child abuse or neglect (NAEYC, 2011).
Teachers should also treat all learners equally and do not discriminate against
children. Moreover, teachers should ensure all children, including those with special
needs have access to the support services they require for successful learning.
A good teacher can make an impact in a learner’s life. I believe that a good
teacher should have strong communication skill. They must also have the ability to
listen to their students so as to understand the needs of their students and tailor lessons
that meet their learners’ needs. Moreover, when a teacher pays attention to their
learners, they open a door for learners to share their ideas and open up. In addition, a
good teacher should be engaging. They need to engage their learners with humor,
creative thinking lessons. Lastly, a good teacher should show empathy. They need to
be empathetic with their learners and understand what they might be going through.
By doing so, the teacher is able to engage the learners and improve their learning.
I believe that a teacher should enter the classroom hoping to deliver to their
level best. They should also have high expectations for their students. As a teacher, I
will always enter the classroom with an open mind and a positive attitude towards the
lesson. I believe that I owe it to my students, to bring positivity and motivation in the
classroom and encourage learners to posses such traits as well.
I also believe that a classroom should be a safe, caring environment where
learners are able to speak their mind and share their learning experiences with their
peers. To ensure that children collaborate in the classroom, I will apply several
strategies. For instance, I will organize the learners in groups and ask them to solve
some tasks as a team. The approach will not only improve their problem solving
skills, but will also encourage them to work together, giving each team member an
opportunity to express their ideas.
Moreover, I will focus on the five essential elements required for conducive
learning. They include; the teacher’s role as a guide, learners must have access to
hands on activities, learners should also have choices and be directed to learn by their
curiosity (Alqahtani Mofareh, 2019). Also, they should be able to practice their skills
in a safe environment and technology needs to be incorporated in their school days.
In conclusion, although teaching is a tough job, it is also an enjoyable and a
fulfilling experience that I would like to continue sharing with my students. I hope I
will be able to positively impact the lives of my learners as they work hard to create a

brighter future. Moreover, I hope my learners will develop their own ways of learning
and interacting with other people in the community.
Alqahtani Mofareh, A. (2019). The Teaching Philosophy of the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal , 6.
NAEYC. (2011, May). Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment.
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