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Distribution of Dwarf Snakehead Channa gachua Hamilton, 1822 (Teleostei,

Channidae) on Brantas River Basin, Indonesia

Article  in  Ecology, Environment and Conservation · January 2020


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4 authors, including:

Maheno S Widodo Veryl Hasan

Airlangga University

Akhmad Taufiq Mukti

Airlangga University


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Eco. Env. & Cons. 26 (2) : 2020; pp. (618-621)
Copyright@ EM International
ISSN 0971–765X

Distribution of Dwarf Snakehead Channa gachua

Hamilton, 1822 (Teleostei, Channidae) on Brantas
River Basin, Indonesia
Maheno S. Widodo, 2Veryl Hasan*, 2Akhmad T. Mukti and 3Baruna Kusuma

Universitas Brawijaya, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Aquatic Resources Management
Department, Veteran Malang, 65145, East Java, Indonesia
Universitas Airlangga, Fisheries and Marine Faculty, Fish Health Management and Aquaculture
Department, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Aquaculture
Department, Karangwangkal, Purwokerto 53122, Central Java, Indonesia

(Recieved 1 December, 2019; Accepted 15 January, 2020)

Channa gachua Hamilton, 1822, a native freshwater predator fish in family channidae, is known from South
Asia to Western Indonesia archipelago. We provide a brief description of contemporary distribution records
of this species in the Brantas river basin, one of the widest rivers basin in Java. The specimens of C. gachua
were characterized as follows: dorsal fin rays 33-35; ventral fin rays 6; pectoral fin rays 15-16; anal fin rays
22-24. A description of detailed morphological characters of a live specimen are provided.

Key words: Distribution, Freshwater fish, Java, Predator fish

Introduction Brantas river basin, East Java province.

Channa is a genus of freshwater fish that is wide- Materials and Methods

spread in Southeast Asia (Kottelat et al., 1993). One
of the native species Channa in the Western Indone- The fish sampling and description of the study sites
sia archipelago is Dwarf Snakehead Channa gachua
We conducted a random sampling survey of the fish
Hamilton, 1822 (Robert, 1993; Kottelat, 2013).
diversity in all parts of the Brantas river basin. In the
Channa gachua were used as a raw material for
upstream (Malang and Blitar regency), midstream
medicine (Mustafa et al., 2012) and ornamental fish
(Tulungagung, Kediri, Jombang and Mojokerto re-
(Talwar and Jhingran, 1992).
gency) and downstream of (Sidoarjo regency and
Especially in Java, Channa gachua was spread in
Surabaya City) (Fig. 1). Live specimens of C. gachua
the Brantas river basin, East Java province (Weber
were obtained from a local people during a field-
and de Beaufort, 1916; Hariati et al., 2019). However,
work carried out on 5 January-16 May, 2019. We
the presence of Channa gachua in the all part of
collected specimens of C.gachua from local fisher-
Brantas river basin has not been recorded. The pur-
men who used traditional fish traps, landing nets
pose of this study is to provide information about
and small hook (Stein et al., 2012).
contemporary distribution records of C. gachua in
*Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]

Fig. 3. Preserve specimen of Channa gachua (LH.0001)

Body compressed posteriorly; Head depressed,

flatabove, its upper profile sloping down in a nearly
straight line; Tip of snout in the horizontal through
middle or upper part of eye; Dorsal beginning be-
hind origin of pectorals and ending behind anal;
Pectorals more or less than postorbital part of head;
Ventrals originating before origin of dorsal, about
Fig. 1. Sampling site and map of Brantas river basin.
half as long as pectorals. Colour in live specimen:
body brownish, above, lighter below, with traces of
Fish identification darker crossbars; Dorsal, caudal and anal with a
In order to ensure the validity of the species, the white margin, the rest of the fins uniformly blue or
morphological characters analysis of Channa gachua green; Pectorals black at the base, the black area
was carried out based on Weber and de Beaufort bordered behind by a white band; Ventrals hyaline,
(1922) and Roberts (1993). with a dusky streak. All of these characters were
found in specimens of Channa from the Brantas river
Results basin, East Java province.
Specimens collection
As for the distribution of Channa gachua, the species
The Fifty four (54) specimens of Channa gachua had was found to be distributed in the Brantas river ba-
a total length between 8 and 28 cm . Six (6) of them sin of both the upstream and midstream, but not
were labeled and fixed in 96% ethanol (Hasan et al., found in downstream. Channa gachua is more avail-
2019a) and deposited at the Hydrobiology Labora- able in the upstream than midstream. During sam-
tory, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia pling, we have obtained 49 specimens in the up-
(LH.0001) (Fig. 2). The remaining forty eight (48) stream, whereas in the midstream 5 specimens
were kept as livestock at the Fish Reproduction (Table 1).
Laboratory, Brawijaya University, Malang Indone- The distribution of C. gachua in uppstream and
sia (Fig. 3). midstream could be due to topography and several
water quality parameters. The conditions of up-
stream and midstream Brantas river basin is domi-
nated by water spring, clear, shallow and rocky so
that the condition is more suitable for C. gachua
habitat (Figs. 4) (Lee and Ng, 1991; Pethiyagoda,
1991; Baensch et al., 1991) compared to the down-
stream that dominated by murky waters, deep and
muddy. Besides that there is a predatory competi-
tion segmentation factor in Brantas river basin. In
the upper reaches of the river C. gachua dominates
as the top predator (Lee and Ng, 1994). While in the
Fig. 2. Live Stock of Channa gachua captured from Brantas midstream and downstream there are other preda-
river basin, East Java. tors that are more dominant such as Channa striata,
Hemibagrus nemurus and Hampa macrolepidota.
However, need more extensive research on the
Detailed morphological characters are as follows: current conditions of the distribution of C. gachua in
620 Eco. Env. & Cons. 26 (2) : 2020

Table 1. Location of Channa gachua was found in Brantas river basin

No Name of location Position Number Coordinate
1 Sumber brantas Upstream 33 7°48’28"S; 112°31’55"E
2 Konto river Upstream 16 7°50’20"S; 112°22’09"E
3 Brantas river Middle stream 5 8°04’29"S; 111°52’53"E
4 Rolak Songo dam Middle stream - 7°26’42"S; 112°27’55"E
5 Porong river Downstream - 7°32’43"S; 112°43’17"E
6 Mas river Downstream - 7°18’32"S; 112°42’44"E

tory, Universitas Brawijaya as live individuals stock



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