Impact of Ethanol, Dry Care and Human Milk On The Time For Umbilical Cord Separation
Impact of Ethanol, Dry Care and Human Milk On The Time For Umbilical Cord Separation
Impact of Ethanol, Dry Care and Human Milk On The Time For Umbilical Cord Separation
Impact of ethanol, dry care and human milk on the time for umbilical cord separation
Mohammad Golshan, Nematizadeh Hossein
Objective: To compare the extraction time and infection rate of umbilical cord by applying ethanol, humanmilk or
dry care.
Method: The parallel single-blinded randomised clinical trial was performed on 300 neonates at Shahid Sadougi
University of Medical Sciences and Health Service, Yazd, Iran, between March and September 2010. The neonates
were divided into three random but numerically equal groups. Each group was assigned the application of ethanol
or mother’s milk or to keep the stump dry. The neonates were visited on the 3rd and the 7th day after birth and
follow-up was maintained telephonically until umbilical separation. Umbilical separation time and umbilical local
infection frequency were considered as the study outcome, which was compared among the three groups
according to age, gender and delivery type of the neonates.
Results: Umbilical separation time in neonates of the human milk group had significant difference with the ethanol
group (p=0.0001) and drying groups (p=0.003). Frequency of omphalitis had no significant difference among the
three groups.
Conclusion: Topical usage of human milk on umbilical cord stamp decreased separation time and incidence rate of
Keywords: Umbilical cord, Human milk, Ethanol, Dry care, Separation time. (JPMA 63: 1117; 2013)
70%. The mean of umbilical cord separating time had no infiltration between the umbilical cord stump and the
significant difference between the two groups.5 A study abdominal wall. Human milk accelerates umbilical cord
on 118 neonates in two groups of human milk and drying separation process because it has polymorphonuclear
for colonisation of pathogen and non-pathogen and photolytic enzymes.3
organisms showed that pathogen organisms colonised
significantly lower in neonates who received topical Conclusion
human milk in their umbilical cord against the non- The use of human milk as topical therapy can decrease
pathogen organisms. The mean of separation time of the separation time in neonates compared other methods.
umbilical cord was significantly lower in neonates with This can be used as a suitable, safe and non-expensive
topical human milk.1 In the light of to above studies, it method for umbilical cord management.
seems that in developing countries, health policy of
umbilical cord drying needs more assessments. References
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