May 2013
Adjunct Associate Professor, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Professor, PRISM and School of Economics, University of Cape Town and corresponding author [email protected]
Both authors have been extensively involved as advisors to the dti on automotive policy.
The Motor Industry Development Programme (MIDP) has been one of the most significant industrial
policy interventions since 1994, both because of the powerful incentive structure it established and
because of the sheer size of the industry it impacted. Because of these factors, as well as the cost of
support, the industry is central to any analysis of the impact of South African industrial policy on
employment and inclusive growth – and not only within the sector itself but more importantly on the
economy as a whole. This experience also has lessons for the conduct of industrial policy in other sectors.
The MIDP reduced tariffs and provided strong support for exports. The result was rapid export expansion,
although the sector remains vulnerable to declining support. Domestic consumers have far greater choice
but soaring vehicle and parts imports have contributed to a growing trade deficit. Progress has been made
in rationalising the industry but it still operates below minimum efficient scale. Growing investment and
much higher levels of foreign ownership have modernised the sector and integrated it into global
production networks. But the orientation of MNCs is towards the domestic market and South Africa is a
long way from being a true export platform for global firms.
The paper concludes with some lessons from nearly two decades of policy experience including some
comments about the recent introduction of the replacement Automotive Production and Development
Programme (APDP). The growth and structure of the industry has arguably been too influenced by
automotive policy. Long term certainty and gradual policy adjustments should be the objective and policy
makers must be cautious about policy which diverts too far from market outcomes. While the MIDP has
made a positive impact on the development of the industry, its provision of easy access to import credits
has resulted in a rapid climb in imports, arguably to unsustainable levels. This trend has continued under
the APDP in 2013 and needs to be substantially curbed. Policy should have the objective of reducing the
share of imported vehicles and components below current levels.
The important question of cost of the MIDP is only briefly addressed. The key point is that the MIDP
marked a decline in support from its inception and this support declined steadily through the course of the
programme. A related question is the whether the sector will continue to rely on high levels of state
assistance to remain viable. In this regard, one fundamental recent change has brightened prospects
considerably. Rapid growth in the southern African region and in Africa as a whole will, in the medium
term, provide a large and rapidly growing regional and continental market, the lack of which has always
been the Achilles’ heel of the domestic industry. Properly handled, this represents an opportunity for
rapid and sustainable growth in the sector in South African and the region.
The automotive industry is one of South Africa’s largest manufacturing sectors and has a long history of
government support. From 1995-2012, it was subject to the Motor Industry Development Programme
(MIDP) which has perhaps been the most significant industrial policy intervention since 1994, both
because of the powerful incentive structure it established and because of the size of the industry it
The South African automotive industry grew under high levels of protection. While considerable
diversified development took place under this protective regime, the industry was highly inward oriented.
In a process, which began in 1989 and accelerated with the introduction of the MIDP in 1995, the
automotive industry has become increasingly exposed to international competition as government has
sought to make it more competitive and also to encourage exports and a more rational industry structure.
Lower tariffs were accompanied by import-export complementation arrangements, which enabled firms to
rebate import duties by exporting. As a result of these measures, the industry has been through a period of
rapid international integration and structural change.
Trade liberalisation reduces the prices of liberalised products relative both to other goods in the domestic
market and to similar commodities internationally. Both standard trade theory and the general equilibrium
models used to analyse the sectoral impact of tariff reductions predict a fall in output for the affected
sector with the benefits accruing to the rest of the economy in the form of lower prices and a more
efficient allocation of resources. But reality at the sectoral level is more complex especially in the context
of import-export complementation arrangements and there are a number of important dynamic effects,
which impact on outcomes in the sector in question. While the reduction in relative prices would of itself
be to the detriment of the sector, these changes are refracted through the prism of variables such as
domestic demand (influenced by lower prices), structural change (which may reduce production costs),
growing international integration (which will impact on investment and trade in the sector) and
productivity enhancement (influenced by the level of investment and by growing competition). These
dynamic effects are of particular importance in a sector such as the automotive industry where economies
of scale are important and where a handful of multinational vehicle producers dominate global production
and exercise considerable influence over the location of new investments by first tier component
suppliers. In this environment, comparative advantage is much less a function of existing endowments as
suggested by conventional trade theory. Rather, comparative advantage emerges as the outcome of three
complex, interrelated forces: the global strategy of multinational corporations, host country policy and
domestic (and regional) market conditions.
Views on the impact of the MIDP vary widely. In his overview of economic reform since 1994, Hirsch
(2005) cites the MIDP as one of the “notable successes” (p. 159) of this period and argues that “the
automobile assembly and component sectors were strongly assisted by a well-designed Motor Industry
Development Programme” (p. 250). While acknowledging the strides made in productivity, earlier work
by Barnes and Kaplinsky (2000a, 2000b) pointed to weaknesses in the domestically owned component
industry and the growing role of foreign ownership. Barnes, Kaplinsky and Morris (2004) argue that it
helped develop dynamic competitive advantage in the industry. Black (2009), while acknowledging that
the MIDP has facilitated a strong supply response to the changed incentive regime because it encouraged
international automotive firms to integrate South African based producers into global networks, points to
the limitations of this process and the fact that South Africa is far from being an export hub. Flatters and
Netshitomboni (2007) take a much more critical view, citing the heavy costs of the MIDP and arguing for
more rapid liberalisation. The MIDP has also received considerable positive media comment over a long
period.3 This has focused on what has been achieved, for example, in terms of export expansion, new
foreign investment or vehicle prices. More recently, there has been a greater focus on negative attributes,
especially the costs of the programme.4
The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of the MIDP in terms of the objectives set by government. It
also considers the question of the whether the MIDP has been worth its heavy cost and what lessons can
be learned for industrial policy more generally. Section two provides a brief overview of the
development of the industry. The MIDP and its objectives are explained in section three. The main part of
the paper (section four) examines the impact of the MIDP. Section five concludes with some lessons from
this experience.
The South African vehicle market grew very rapidly from 1950 to the early 1980s with sales increasing
tenfold over this period. The market stagnated during the 1980s as the economy entered a phase of very
slow expansion with growth constrained by political instability and increasing international isolation.
Gradual recovery followed and after 2002, sales grew strongly, boosted by rising incomes, a strong rand
and low interest rates reaching record levels of 714,000 units in 2006. Sales plummeted in the aftermath
See for example ‘Development programmes SA’s biggest success story’ (Sunday Times, Business Times, 25 March, 2007); ‘State motor plan a
success says KPMG’ (Business Report, 7 March, 2007); ‘Export deal revs SA car industry into life’ (Sunday Times, Business Times, 21
September, 2003)
See for example, ‘Costly ambition’ (Financial Mail, 23 May, 2013).
of the global financial crisis, but recovered to reach 624,000 vehicles in 2012. This constitutes a fairly
small market in global terms and the regional market, apart from South Africa, remains very small.
Production has tracked sales quite closely but recently has failed to keep pace with the expansion in the
domestic market. In 2012, 540,000 vehicles were produced, of which 52.4% were exported.
Table 1: Production and exports of passenger cars/light commercial vehicles – 1995 to 2012
Passenger cars Light commercial vehicles
Market Exports Market Exports
Domestic Exports Total as a % of Domestic Export Total as a % of
total total
1995 233 512 8 976 242 488 3,7 127 363 6 356 133 719 4,8
1996 231 616 3 743 235 359 1,6 128 516 7 125 135 641 5,3
1997 215 784 10 458 226 242 4,6 113 204 8 000 121 204 6,6
1998 174 870 18 342 193 212 9,5 98 056 6 806 104 862 6,5
1999 159 944 52 347 212 291 24,7 95 326 6 581 101 907 6,5
2000 172 373 58 204 230 577 25,2 104 121 9 148 113 269 8,1
2001 172 052 97 599 269 651 36,2 113 111 10 229 123 340 8,3
2002 163 474 113 025 276 499 40,9 101 956 11 699 113 655 10,3
2003 176 340 114 909 291 249 39,5 102 007 11 283 113 290 10,0
2004 200 264 100 699 300 963 33,5 123 467 9 360 132 827 7,0
2005 210 976 113 899 324 875 35,1 146 933 25 589 172 522 14,8
2006 215 311 119 171 334 482 35,6 159 469 60 149 219 618 27,4
2007 169 558 106 460 276 018 38,6 156 626 64 127 220 753 29,0
2008 125 454 195 670 321 124 60,9 118 641 87 314 205 955 42,4
2009 94 379 128 602 222 981 57,7 85 663 45 514 131 177 34,7
2010 113 740 181 654 295 394 61,5 96 823 56 950 153 773 37,0
2011 124 736 187 529 312 265 60,1 108 704 84 125 192 829 43,6
2012 121 677 153 196 274 873 55,7 112 118 123 623 235 741 52,4
Note: Medium and heavy commercial vehicles are excluded from this table.
Source: AIEC (2013)
There are currently seven producers of light vehicles in South Africa and there have been no major new
entrants into the assembly industry over the last decade. There has, however, been a significant increase
in foreign ownership and all assemblers are now wholly owned by multinational firms. This was not the
case in the early 1990s, when most assemblers were under majority local ownership. There has also been
growing foreign ownership in the component sector, which numbers some 350 firms. The majority of
large component firms (over 500 employees) are now foreign owned.
In many respects, South Africa followed a programme of import substitution similar to that adopted in
other developing countries, especially in Latin America. High tariffs were placed on built up vehicles
which when combined with a rapidly growing market, acted as a magnet to a large number of (initially
foreign) companies which established assembly plants in the country. These operations, although in many
cases highly profitable, were very small in international terms with correspondingly high unit costs.
Production was aimed solely at the domestic market and the South African assembly plants were kept
isolated from the global production networks of the parent companies except as markets for completely
knocked down (CKD) packs of imported parts (Black, 2001).
The first in a series of local content programmes was introduced in 1961 and followed by a number of
adjustments which increased local content requirements over time. Considerable diversified development
took place under this protective regime. Imports of vehicles were minimal. A major driver was foreign
direct investment but there was also significant domestic ownership, especially in the component sector.
The component industry developed significant investment and production capability as well as the
capacity to innovate in process development and to a lesser extent in product development. A major
problem was the failure to use some form of industrial policy to limit the excessive proliferation apparent
in the large number of models and makes of vehicle being assembled in low volume. This in turn forced
component firms to produce at below efficient scale.
The problems of high protection and associated low volume production had become increasingly apparent
by the late 1980s. South Africa’s automotive industry was inefficient and highly inward oriented. Phase
VI of the local content program, introduced in 1989, marked the beginning of reduced protection for the
industry. The component sector was partly liberalized and vehicle producers could meet part of their local
content requirements by exporting and, as such, were proactive in developing international marketing
channels. Exports rose rapidly from negligible volumes in the mid-1980s to R2,245 million in 1994. The
level of protection on built up vehicles, however, remained prohibitive at 115% (100% ad valorem plus
15% surcharge). In the early 1990s, South African car prices were well above international prices and
Phase VI was widely blamed in the media and by industry analysts as being a contributing factor. Also,
Phase VI did nothing to reduce the proliferation of models being assembled domestically. This
proliferation of models was in turn one of the major reasons for the component sector being
Phase VI came in for heavy criticism particularly from the component producer federation, NAACAM,
who were concerned with rising import competition and the fragmented structure of the assembly
industry. In late 1992, a tripartite forum, the Motor Industry Task Group (MITG) was appointed to re-
examine the programme and advise government as to the future development policy for the industry.
Government also made it clear that tariffs had to be reduced in line with the country’s GATT obligations.
All stakeholders were able to agree on the basic architecture which drew on the 1985 Australian
Passenger Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Plan, more commonly known as the ‘Button Plan’, that
consisted of duty phase downs and a facility under which vehicles and component exporters could rebate
import duties. However, there were protracted and sometimes acrimonious discussions on the actual
levels of these policy parameters. In the final announcement of the MIDP, Government only partly
accepted the recommendations of the MITG. Most notably, the contentious proposal to encourage higher
model volumes and force a degree of rationalisation was not accepted, as a result of strong opposition
from the vehicle producers’ federation, NAAMSA.
The MIDP continued the direction taken by Phase VI and entrenched the principle of import-export
complementation. However, it went a step further by abolishing local content requirements and
introducing a tariff phase down at a steeper rate than required by the terms of South Africa’s offer to the
a) The excise duty based local content system was dropped and replaced by a tariff driven
b) Tariffs on light vehicles were to be phased down to 40% for light vehicles and 30% for
components by 2002.
c) Manufacturers of light vehicles for the domestic market were entitled to a duty free allowance
(DFA). Components to the value of 27% of the wholesale price of the vehicle could be imported
duty free.
d) Import duties on components and vehicles could be offset by Import Rebate Credit Certificates
(IRCCs) derived from the export of vehicles and components.
While nominal duties on imported vehicles were set to remain quite high in the medium term, the ability
to rebate import duties by exporting, enabled importers to bring in vehicles at lower effective rates of
duty. Import-export complementation also enabled assemblers to use import credits to source components
at close to international prices. These credits could also be traded. Thus declining nominal protection on
vehicles was to some extent, therefore, compensated by reduced protection for components.
An important difference with the Australian plan was the fact that import credits could be earned on the
full domestic content value of exports, including raw material content. In the Button plan, only value
A Small Vehicle Incentive (SVI) was also introduced, which gave vehicle assemblers an additional duty rebate incentive on the assembly of
entry-level vehicles. This incentive was, however, removed in 1999.
added within the automotive industry qualified. The result of this distinction was that the MIDP provided
a strong export incentive on products with high raw material content and corresponding low ‘automotive
value added’. The DTI was itself divided on this issue and after the introduction of the MIDP, the
feasibility of a ‘value added’ system was investigated but never implemented. This proved to be a serious
error. Exceptionally rapid export growth, especially of raw material intensive components such as
automotive leather and catalytic converters, led to a rapid decline in protection for the component sector,
and a disincentive on the part of vehicle assemblers to increase their local content levels.
To assess the impact of the MIDP and provide long term policy certainty to the industry, the DTI
conducted two policy reviews, in 1998 and 2002. These extended the MIDP, first until 2007 and later
until 2012 but on a phasing down basis. The gradual decline in tariffs continued and the import/export
complementation provisions were retained, although the qualifying value of eligible export performance
declined from 2003 (Table 2). This meant that while exports of components with a local content value of
R100 would allow the exporter to import R100 of components on a duty free basis in 2002, by 2012 only
components to the value of R70 could be imported. Coupled with the continuing phase down of tariffs
this meant that export assistance was reduced quite rapidly. It also offset, to some extent, the liberalising
effect of tariff reductions by requiring a greater level of exports to rebate duties on a given level of
In the 1998 review there were again extensive discussions regarding the imposition of direct industrial
policy measures to rationalise the industry, but these were not adopted. An important late change
introduced into this process as a result of concerted pressure on the Minister of Trade and Industry by
vehicle manufacturers, who were planning major export programmes, was the introduction of a
Productive Asset Allowance (PAA). In terms of the PAA, firms making ‘qualifying investments’ 6
received import duty credits equal to 20% of the value of these investments, spread over five years.
The initial objectives of the MIDP were to provide high quality affordable vehicles, provide sustainable
employment and through increased production, contribute to economic growth (Department of Trade and
Industry, 1997). More specifically, the MIDP was devised as a trade facilitating measure with very
particular industry policy objectives. As a result of protection, the industry structure had historically been
very fragmented and the resultant failure to achieve economies of scale had not only made the assembly
industry inefficient, but imposed major negative externalities on the component sector. So an objective of
‘Qualifying investments’ had to contribute to the rationalisation of the industry. Component producers could also qualify but the vast
share of the PAA went to vehicle producers.
the MIDP was to increase the volume and scale of production through a greater level of specialisation in
terms of both vehicle models and components. The MIDP sought therefore to provide support for the
automotive industry on a gradually declining basis. This required it to meet a number of objectives,
including some protection for vehicle assembly and components production as well as support for exports
and investment.
Sources: Adapted from Black and Barnes (2003) and NAAMSA (2005)
Notes: The Duty Free Allowance of 27% remained unchanged during this period.
The Productive Asset Allowance (PAA) was put in place until 2007 to be reviewed later.
Essentially what was sought was a transition from completely knocked down (CKD) assembly, which
was characteristic of vehicle production in protected developing country markets, through a transition
stage to full manufacturing (Table 3). CKD assembly involves relatively light investments in spite of the
fact that the need for precision welding and advanced painting processes in modern CKD plants
increasingly require larger capital outlays (Sturgeon and Florida, 1999). Under CKD assembly,
production costs are usually quite high especially if a high level of localisation is stipulated by
government policy. High local content requirements necessarily require much higher levels of investment
and tend to encourage rationalisation.
In the transition and full manufacturing stages, where exports may become substantial, both quality
standards and the number of derivatives offered, need to be in line with international practice.7 Production
volumes per model also increase in the transition stage and under full manufacturing would approach
world scale. Because firms are exporting, they would need access to components at world prices, so in
spite of higher volumes in the transition stage, local content levels may not increase. In the full
manufacturing stage, much higher volumes would normally be attained, encouraging vehicle makers to
localise components on an economic basis.
The term ‘derivative’ refers to the different permutations within a ‘basic model’. Examples include engine size and body (e.g. saloon or
hatchback) configuration. The carmaker would also have to offer more minor permutations such as a wide range of colours, types of
steering wheel etc.
International competition in the South African automotive industry increased substantially as a result of
the MIDP. Vehicle manufacturers faced the prospect of the domestic market being eroded by imports as
tariffs were reduced from prohibitive levels and as growing exports enabled firms to offset import duties.
The component sector, which had only just begun the transition from low volume, flexible production
faced further restructuring and consolidation. The outcome of the shift towards more open markets
depended not only on the level of import penetration, but also on the supply response of firms, especially
in terms of investment and export expansion.
As protection is reduced, imports can be expected to gain a larger share of the domestic market and rapid
import expansion can threaten the viability of local producers, not only by eroding their domestic market
share but also by limiting their capacity to take advantage of new export opportunities. Until the early
1990s, high protection resulted in very low volumes of vehicle imports. However, total imports of
vehicles and components have grown at a more rapid rate than policy makers expected, in nominal terms
from R16.4 billion in 1995 to R 136.1 billion in 2012 (AIEC, 2013: 32). Automotive imports account for
a significant share of total imports; on average approximately 17% between 1995 and 2012 (Figure 1).
Interestingly, the overall share of automotive imports has not increased over the period although it is
highly cyclical. This, of course, is indicative of the rising share of imports in the South African economy
as a whole. Nevertheless, the major contribution of the automotive sector to South Africa’s trade deficit
has major macroeconomic implications.
Figure 2 shows that at the inception of the MIDP, the automotive trade balance improved. From 2004, a
recovering rand and booming consumer demand led to rapid growth in imports and a deteriorating trade
balance. In 2008, record vehicle exports helped the deficit return to a more stable level (DTI, 2009), with
this then followed by the slump in both exports and imports in the aftermath of the global financial crisis.
Since 2009, the marginal growth in exports has been overwhelmed by the rapid increase in imports.
The nominal tariff on light vehicles, at 25% in 2012 was still reasonably high and cannot on its own
explain the rapid increase in automotive imports. The key factor was that the MIDP enabled firms to
rebate import duties by exporting. An important aspect of the strategy of the carmakers operating in South
Africa was to expand market share via a combination of local production and vehicle imports. Importing
vehicles and components incurred import duties and much of the strategic behaviour of firms was,
therefore, directed at optimising their duty position.
Figure 1: Automotive Imports as a Percentage of Total Merchandise Imports, 1995-2012
Sources: Duxbury (2013), NAAMSA Annual Reports (various years), Automotive Export Manual (various years),
Trade Balance
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011
Minimising duty payments could be achieved in a number of ways. Firstly, firms could limit vehicle
imports. Secondly, local content in domestically produced vehicles could be increased. Thirdly, vehicle
producers could expand exports either of vehicles or components. As exports increased so did the ability
to import automotive products without paying duty. In addition, carmakers undertaking specified
investments which qualified under the Productive Asset Allowance, also received import credits although
these were at a relatively low level in comparison to the credits earned via exporting. The value of Import
Rebate Credit Certificates is therefore central to understanding the impact of exports on the ability to
offset import duties. In this respect it is important to note the phasing down in the qualifying percentage
of platinum in catalytic converter exports from 1999 and the phased reduction in the qualifying
percentage of all exports from 2003 (Table 2). In spite of the phasing down of export assistance, vehicle
manufacturers were able to offset nearly all import duties. From 1996-2011, the average level of duty paid
by vehicle manufacturers was only 0.6% of the total value of their imports of vehicles and components
over this period.8
Vehicle Imports
The opening up of the economy and the phasing down of tariffs have led to an increased level of light
vehicle imports which increased from under two percent of the market in 1990 to 13.9%9 in 1997 and
nearly 40% by 2005. Until the surge in imports during 2004-2005, increases were roughly in line with the
expectations of policymakers and from 1999-2003, the numbers of vehicles exported in some years
exceeded imports. By 2012, the share of imported vehicles had increased to 58.1% of total new vehicle
sales (AIEC, 2013).
Domestic vehicle producers, especially those firms, which had established large-scale vehicle export
programmes, accounted for the major share of vehicle imports. This expansion was related to the
rationalisation of production in the domestic market to a reduced number of platforms, the raising of
production per model and growing exports. This strategy generally required an export allocation by the
parent company, which in turn was seeking to expand market share (including the sale of imported
models) in South Africa.
A key policy issue in the development of the automotive sector both in South Africa and other developing
countries was the level of local content in domestically assembled vehicles. Local content can be defined
in a number of ways and is notoriously difficult to measure. The ‘level’ of local content is also subject to
Calculated from unpublished customs data (Duxbury, 2013).
This includes imports of semi-knocked down vehicles imported under a temporary concession.
the vagaries of the exchange rate. For example, the ‘official’ definition of local content as vehicle
wholesale price (value of production) less the vehicle assemblers’ imported content in Figure 3, overstates
the actual position as it includes assembly costs and profit margins, as well as imported content embedded
in locally purchased components. With no change in the actual sourcing of components, higher prices and
profits would mean a ‘higher’ level of local content, while the increased sourcing of imported components
or materials by Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers would similarly not be captured in the figure. The trend
depicted in Figure 3 is likely to be accurate, although the actual level of local content in South African
assembled vehicles has probably averaged somewhere between 40 and 50% over the period.
Figure 3 : Local content in light vehicles based on value of production less imported content
Another indicator is the value of original equipment imports per vehicle domestically assembled. In
constant rands this doubled from R107,000 per vehicle in 1996 to over R200,000 per vehicle in 2008
before declining to R168,000 in 2012 (Duxbury, 2013). A complicating factor here is the changing profile
of vehicles produced. For example, part of this increase is accounted for by growing production for export
of relatively expensive vehicles such as the BMW 3 Series and Mercedes C Class.
Under the MIDP, protection of the component sector was reduced. Local content requirements were
abolished and duties declined, albeit gradually. Apart from declining protection, there are a number of
further considerations. One of the objectives of the MIDP was to increase model volumes. These
increased and could be expected to have a positive impact on the level of local content. There has also
been significant foreign investment by first tier suppliers and a further key question is the extent to which
these firms are engaged in assembly of imported parts or draw on the domestic supply base of second tier
firms. In many instances, these firms operate as just-in-time sub-assemblers of imported components
using technologically advanced assembly jigs and testing equipment. They are not, however, responsible
for any materials conversion processes and as such cannot be considered true manufacturers. The
advanced materials conversion (and the associated tooling and technology investment) takes place outside
of South Africa and local content and local value adding, even on large-scale vehicle export projects, has
remained low (Black, 2009). This latter characteristic is supported by data drawn from the automotive
component firms which belong to the South African Automotive Benchmarking Club, which show
striking differences in the purchasing patterns of local and foreign owned component firms. Domestic
component firms had local content of nearly 90% while the local content level for foreign owned
component firms was below 70%. The reliance on foreign inputs partly reflects the assembly or ‘system
integrator’ character of many foreign owned supplier operations and is in part a global trend.10 This lack
of local embeddedness may partly result from the limited time that foreign owned suppliers have been
operating in South Africa.11 But it also reflects the fact that many vehicle models are still being produced
in volumes of 50,000 units per annum or less which does not justify heavy investment in component
The increase in local content since 2008 may, in part, be due to the announced provisions of the APDP.
Local content levels are planned well in advance of new models being introduced and since the
announcement of the basic parameters of the Automotive Production and Development Programme
(APDP) in 2008, there have been some indications that local content levels may increase. A number of
vehicle assemblers have cited the APDP as the reason for announced increases in local production and
higher levels of local content.12 But these measures of local content include assembly so actual local
content in terms of local parts in domestically assembled vehicles would be much lower. Also, past
announced plans have frequently not materialised, although the current weakness of the rand will
encourage localisation.
On balance, one can conclude that there has been little change in local content since the introduction of
the MIDP. However, local content levels had previously already declined during Phase VI and were low
in absolute terms. The growth in model production volumes has certainly not led to any significant
increase in local content but may have stabilised the situation under a regime of falling protection.
See, for instance, Humphrey and Salerno (2000).
Among Japanese electronics multinationals, Belderbos et al. (2001) found that Greenfield investments have lower local content than either joint
ventures or acquired firms due to the latters’ embeddedness in the local economy.
See ‘VW targets 80% local content, but warns that it won’t be easy’ (Engineering News, November, 2010) and ‘South Africa: Toyota to boost
local content to 70%’ (BusinessDay, July, 2010).
The Supply Response: Exports
The growth of automotive exports has been the most striking feature of the development of the
automotive industry under the MIDP. Total automotive exports at the start of the Phase VI programme in
1989 were only R443 million. At the inception of the MIDP in 1995 they amounted to R4.2 billion and by
2012 had reached R86.9 billion. In real terms this represents a compound annual growth rate of 12.1%
(Duxbury, 2013). In 1995, automotive exports accounted for just 4% of total exports. This increased
sharply to nearly 15% in 2003 but has since declined to just over 12% in 2012 (Figure 5)
Sources: NAAMSA Annual Reports (various years), Automotive Export Manual (various years), SARS,
Duxbury (2013).
A number of factors have accounted for rapid export expansion. The most important has been the import-
export complementation arrangements under Phase VI and the MIDP. A second factor has simply been
that falling protection and limited domestic market growth, until the mid-2000s, forced firms into the
export market. Thirdly, the rand was quite weak over part of the period. The global downturn of 2009 led
to a sharp reduction of South African automotive exports. Component exports to South Africa’s largest
market, the EU fell from €3.38 billion in 2008 to €2.13 billion in 2009 and have been slow to recover.
Figure 5: Automotive Exports as a Percentage of Total Exports, 1995-2012
It is clear that the MIDP’s incentive structure strongly favoured exports. But the very strong supply
response to changes in the policy regime is also partly attributable to the nature of the automotive industry
value chain. Because lead firms in the automotive value chain control global networks of assembly
operations and linked supplier companies, they were able to rapidly facilitate exports either from their
own South African operations or from South African based suppliers to their international operations.
Vehicle Exports
Vehicle exports have grown rapidly but as Figure 4 indicates, they lagged component exports during the
early stages of the MIDP. Given the growth in exports of ‘peripheral’ components (such as automotive
leather and catalytic converters) in the early years of the MIDP and the relatively slow growth of vehicle
exports until the late 1990s, policy makers were concerned that vehicle producers were using the trade
complementation arrangements of the MIDP to pursue ‘low volume’ as opposed to ‘rationalisation’
strategies. The problem was that vehicle manufacturers initially adopted a strategy of generating import
credits by exporting components, which required only light investments. This allowed them to continue to
introduce new, low volume models into the domestic market utilising imported components. Adopting
this strategy offered an ‘easy’ route to achieving duty neutrality, certainly much easier than increasing
local content in low volume, locally assembled vehicles. It also caused concern among established
original equipment component suppliers to the domestic market who found assemblers adopting much
more aggressive pricing strategies. But this strategy also left vehicle producers in a vulnerable position.
By failing to increase vehicle volumes through exporting, unit production costs remained high and vehicle
manufacturers were progressively less able to compete as tariff reductions continued.
High volume vehicle exports are not just a function of competitiveness but depend on the global strategy
of the parent company, including its desire to optimise global production capacity in the context of the
policy regime prevailing in each production location. The parent company needs to take the major
strategic decision to allocate specific markets to the home country assembler and then follow this up with
the required investments. Rising production efficiencies, pressure on local margins as well as clear
government policy are necessary to force the hand of the parent company. The result is that exports
increase in a non-incremental fashion, dependent on the award of long term contracts. For instance, the
three German firms (BMW, Mercedes and VW) were the first to be incorporated as vehicle exporters into
their respective parent company networks. The result was that by 2001, these three firms exported over
90,000 vehicles while exports by the other four assemblers totalled only approximately 10,000 vehicles.
The boom in vehicle exports was driven by the MIDP. Firms did not perceive South Africa as an export
platform. Nevertheless, costs were low in some respects and the weak currency up until 2002, and after
2011, offered some advantage. But South African operations incurred significant cost disadvantages in
the area of inbound and outbound logistics. This was a function of high transport costs and long distances
to foreign markets as well as high levels of imported content. The expansion of low cost capacity in
central Europe posed a further problem. As a result, South African firms were essentially ‘swing’
producers into a wide range of markets depending on fluctuations in global demand, and thereby
occupying a peripheral position in the global networks. An indication of this is that no South African
assembler has yet been allocated sole or even lead global responsibility for a single model.
The regional market has been of only minor importance. Apart from the small size of these economies,
cheap imported used vehicles have undermined their markets for new cars. But rapid growth in the rest of
Africa together with developing regional integration arrangements means that the market is growing in
importance. For example, in 2005 vehicle exports to SADC amounted to only R890 million, or 4.2% of
total vehicle exports. By 2012, the figure had increased to R3.7 billion, or 7.6% of light vehicle exports.
But the real growth has taken place to other African markets, with Africa as a whole accounting for 22%
of light vehicle exports by value in 2012. If we consider all automotive exports, Africa looks set to
overtake North America as the second largest regional market for South African automotive exports after
Component Exports
As indicated in Table 4, component exports have expanded dramatically. From a low base of R3.3 billion
in 1995, component exports expanded to R44.1 billion in 2008 before declining to R36.9 billion in 2012.
A key objective of the import-export complementation scheme under the MIDP was to assist component
suppliers generate high volumes which would make them more efficient, and able to compete in the
domestic market against imports. A linked objective was that reduced production costs would have the
added benefit of providing lower input cost into the assembly industry. The objective of higher
component volumes was certainly achieved at least in the sense that export development was usually
accompanied by higher volumes and specialisation. Many component producers rationalised their product
However, the nature of export expansion has raised two concerns. Firstly, there is the issue of the
implications for the overall integration of the industry particularly given the profile of products being
exported. Secondly, there is the question of the sustainability of the rapid export expansion that has taken
A wide range of components were exported under the MIDP. In 2012 there were no less than 23
component categories for which exports were R100 million or more. But a striking feature is the large
share of total exports taken up by a few component categories. Catalytic converter exports alone
amounted to R16.3 billion (44.3% of component exports) in 2012. From the early years of the MIDP,
catalytic converters have been the product of choice for carmakers wanting to generate import credits.
From the perspective of multinational carmakers wanting to rapidly generate exports, catalytic converters
offered a number of advantages. Global demand for catalytic converters was expanding rapidly due to
environmental legislation, which their platinum content makes catalytic converters high value products.
In 1995 the industry supplying leather seat covers accounted for 30.7% of total component exports and
continued to grow rapidly until the early 2000s, but has since declined. Over the period, South Africa
supplied the bulk of BMW’s global automotive leather requirements and was an important supplier to a
number of other foreign vehicle manufacturers. Major export categories such as catalytic converters,
silencers/exhausts and stitched leather seat parts could be described as ‘peripheral’ in the sense of being
relatively minor components, which have high raw material content and are not particularly complex in
terms of incorporating large numbers of sub-components.13 The bulk of export expansion has, therefore,
not been by ‘traditional’ component suppliers but by a rapidly emerging new group of mainly foreign
owned firms frequently with links to vehicle manufacturers.14 Relatively light investments with a low
level of integration into the domestic industry, either in terms of supply to domestic vehicles or in terms
of the use of sub-components, have been one outcome. Because exports account for the vast share of
output in most of these cases, domestic consumers (either assemblers, first tier suppliers or the
aftermarket) did not receive the benefit of reduced costs due to economies of scale. It could be argued,
therefore, that local assemblers in conjunction with their multinational parents developed large
component export businesses, which did not contribute to the more integrated development of the
automotive industry.
However, the argument that the profile of component exports is dominated by a few categories needs to
be qualified. Firstly, if the growing volume of vehicle exports is included in the export profile, the picture
looks very different. Vehicle exports averaged only 18.3% of total exports for the years 1995-96 but this
share had increased to 56% by 2012. Vehicles are high value added products and include a wide range of
locally produced components. Secondly, while a substantial shift in the profile of exports has taken place
over the last few years and the proportion of total exports accounted for by a small number of products
has increased, it is not clear that this has all been in the direction of low value added components. Most
notable among the growth of high value added, complex components was the expansion of engines and
engine parts, which by 2012 generated exports of R3.4 billion.
The visiting chief executive of a major carmaker referred disparagingly to them as “salami”.
Similar trends have been observed in other countries experiencing rapid international integration and export expansion such as Brazil
(Posthuma, 1995) and Argentina (Miozzo, 2000).
A second key question concerns the sustainability of the large fixed investments and export volumes
established. Sustainability under a regime of falling assistance, is a function of cost factors such as labour,
materials and logistics but also depends on more dynamic attributes such as scale of production (in
relation to minimum efficient scale) and the rate of productivity improvement over time.
Even though the catalytic converter industry is capital intensive, this is in part due to high working capital
requirements as a result of the high value of platinum group metals (PGMs), which are integral to the
production process. Early investments in the sector gave the impression of being somewhat footloose.
Only limited segments of the total production process were carried out in South Africa. Initial investment
involved the establishment of plants, which undertook the coating and canning of the imported ceramic
substrates. The pace of expansion increased following the signing of a number of very large contracts
from 1999 to 2000 and by 2005 South Africa was producing approximately 14% of total world supply.
The industry reached sufficient critical mass to justify backward integration beyond the relatively simple
coating and canning processes, with the two world leaders in ceramic substrates, Corning and NGK
Insulators, establishing plants in South Africa to undertake the cutting and baking of the substrate.
However, they failed to make the very large investments required for substrate production. In addition,
there was significant investment in ancillary industries such as flexible connections, matt manufacture and
manifold, exhaust system and silencer assemblies.
Automotive leather is a very labour intensive process and shares some of the attributes of the notoriously
footloose garment industry. However, in this sector too, the value chain was increasingly embedded with
the development of world class capabilities ranging from tanning of high quality leathers to JIT logistics.
While exports remained substantial, they declined from R3.1 billion in 2008 to R1.7 billion in 2012. This
was due to a number of factors. BMW and Mercedes Benz moved contracts to Eastern Europe even
though the tanneries there also source a proportion of their automotive wet blue grade hides from South
Africa.15 Automotive policy issues also played a role. When the MIDP first came under scrutiny as an
export subsidy under the WTO, it was the Australian government, under pressure from domestic
producers of automotive leather that first threatened to challenge the policy. While the APDP only came
into effect in 2013, its basic parameters were clear some years earlier and affected investment decision
making, leading vehicle producers to diversify away from South Africa as a source. Under the APDP
vehicle and component producers earn production credits but highly export oriented sectors of the
This section draws on telephonic interview with Dawie Bezuidenhout, JAG on Automotive Interiors (JALI), December, 2013.
component industry had support levels much diminished, even though they were included in the category
of ‘vulnerable industries’.
The supply response to the realignment of domestic and international prices is a key variable determining
the impact of liberalisation and this in turn hinges on investments made by firms. When imports are
liberalised, it is possible that profit margins will fall in the short term and this could impact negatively on
both the motivation and capacity to invest in the industry. While profits are declining in a more
competitive market, there is clearly the risk of investment being reduced and gradual attrition taking place
leading eventually to plant closure. However, the investment behaviour of the assemblers has been
influenced by a number of industry specific factors. The importance of economies of scale means that the
increased competitive temperature places some pressure on firms to increase production as a way of
reducing unit costs. This in turn may require that the parent company creates export opportunities for the
South African subsidiary and invests accordingly. Investments have to be enlarged or firms face the
prospect of losing market position and eventually becoming unviable. Thus the situation that faced the
local assemblers and their parent companies in the mid to late 1990s was akin to a game of poker - to stay
in the game the stakes had to be increased.16 Given that the key investment decisions are made outside
South Africa by the global parent, short term profitability in a minor South African subsidiary has been a
lesser consideration than medium term market prospects and strategic concerns related to market share
and the requirements of global production networks.
While inflows of foreign direct investment into the South African economy have been moderate during
the tenure of the MIDP, the automotive sector has been a significant recipient. But much of this FDI
involved the purchase of partial or full ownership by Ford (in Samcor), Toyota Motor Corp. (in Toyota
SA), Nissan Motor Corp. (in Nissan SA) and General Motors (in Delta).
Fixed investment by vehicle manufacturers increased slowly after the trough of the mid-1990s, when
political and policy uncertainty together with a weak domestic market led to a serious slump in new
capital expenditure. All firms have modernised and expanded their plants and firms such as Toyota and
VW now have the capacity to produce at world scale. But as Figure 6 shows, in real terms there has only
been a modest increase in investment in vehicle manufacture, apart from the spike in 2005-2006. In 2012
rands, capital investment in 2010-2012 averaged R4.5 billion which is hardly an impressive increase on
At the time of TMC’s purchase of a 27.8% stake in Toyota (South Africa), Shinji Sakai a senior managing director of Toyota Motor
Company stated that “since the freeing of South Africa’s economic system we are seeing more competition and we need to enhance our
strength”. See ‘Toyota Japan to buy chunk of its local carmaker in a move to boost output’ (Sunday Independent, 13 October, 1999).
the low base of just over R3 billion for the first 3 years of the MIDP. The investments made in plants
have continued to lag, both in a quantitative and qualitative sense, behind the massive investments that
have been made in booming emerging market industries in Brazil, Thailand, China, India and central
Europe over the last two decades.
There has also been some expansion in investment in the component sector, while FDI has played an
increasingly important role. While there have been a number of greenfield investments, the takeover of
existing firms has accounted for a large share of FDI (Gelb and Black, 2004). Since 2000, growing
investment has taken place in first tier suppliers locating close to assembly plants with vehicle export
projects, but many of these involve assembly type operations with limited local content. As is the case
with vehicle assembly, investment levels have been modest. South African Automotive Benchmarking
Club (SAABC) data for the automotive components industry, shows that average capital expenditure in
the South African industry consistently lagged investment levels amongst international competitors from
the late 1990s (Figure 7). Average investment levels breached six percent of sales in only two years of the
15-year period, indicating consistently depressed levels of investment in the supply chain – even during
the ‘boom years’ of the industry from 2001-2006.
Economic theory would attribute growing exports by multinational corporations from a developing
economy such as South Africa, to efficiency seeking FDI targeted at taking advantage of the
comparatively low cost structure of the developing economy. Yet this was patently not the case under the
MIDP. The boom in exports evident over the period of the MIDP was largely driven by the import-export
complementation scheme, and hence by the strategic intent of exporting firms to earn sufficient import
credits to offset their duty exposure in the domestic market. This does not mean that the South African
automotive industry did not improve its competitiveness under the MIDP. The evidence for both vehicle
assemblers and automotive component manufacturers is unequivocal in this regard. Automotive industry
productivity in the early 1990s was very low in South Africa and improved rapidly. Data collected by the
International Motor Vehicle Programme based on detailed assembly plant surveys conducted in 1994 and
1996 showed that the average South African assembly plant compared poorly with assembly plants in
other countries.17 The main reasons for this were ascribed to low levels of automation and the complexity
of most assembly plants, which produced a range of models in relatively low volumes. A crude measure
of assembly plant productivity is to measure vehicle output per employee. This increased from 9.7 in
Unpublished data, International Motor Vehicle Programme.
1995 to 14.5 in 2005 and 16.9 in 2012.18 At the same time, a number of South African assemblers, such as
Mercedes Benz and BMW, have received international awards for the quality of the vehicles sold in
export markets.
An important factor impacting on assembly plant productivity has been increased specialisation with a
reduction the number of models produced. For example the number of passenger car models being
domestically produced fell from 21 in 1995 to 12 in 2005 and seven in 2012. This was accompanied by a
substantial increase in average model volumes, which in turn also encouraged higher levels of
automation. Improved operational competitiveness drawing on lean production principles has also played
a role (Black and Barnes, 2003).
Data from the SAABC for automotive component manufacturers reveals a very similar picture. Whilst not
strictly comparable from one year to the next due to constantly shifting participation in the SAABC, the
average performance standard of automotive component manufacturers improved markedly over the
period 1998/1999 to 2012 (
While these data provide a good estimate of productivity improvements they underestimate the number of vehicles produced per worker as they
include only light vehicles but all employment, including in commercial vehicle production.
Table 5). For each of the seven metrics analysed, the performance of the set of South African firms
benchmarked annually improved markedly over the period. For certain Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) performance improved very significantly. For example, customer return rates improved from
3,270 parts per million (ppm) in 1998/9 to 254 ppm in 2006 to 226 in 2012, an improvement of 93.1%.
Notwithstanding these improvements, the major competitiveness challenge for the South African
automotive components industry over the duration of the MIDP appears to have been four-fold.
First, the industry improved its performance off a weak base in the late 1990s. While it may have closed
some of the gap on international performance standards by 2012, it remained some distance behind in
certain performance areas. Examples of this in
Table 5 include customer return rates, internal scrap rates, and absenteeism. Despite improving by 93.1%,
59.5% and 31.8% respectively from 1998/9 to 2012, South African performance standards lagged that of
the international firms (located in India, Central Europe and North America) benchmarked in 2012 for the
three measures.
Table 5: Competitiveness improvements in the performance of the South African automotive
components industry, 1998/9 to 2012, and international comparisons
Sources: Barnes and Morris (2008), SAABC database, accessed January 2014
Second, the South African automotive industry’s international benchmarks have changed significantly
over the duration of the MIDP. The automotive components industry has become fully internationalised
over the last two decades. Multinational organisations with global production strategies now dominate the
first two tiers of the automotive supply chain. They have the capability to discern the best locations for
their new production facilities at a global level, and focus their investments on these locations. Mid, and
high-cost production locations have lost out in the process. The only exceptions to this relate to instances
where (a) the volumetric profile of components produced renders them expensive to trade across long
distances, (b) sub-assemblies need to be supplied to vehicle assemblers on a Just in Time or Just in
Sequence basis, or (c) trade barriers prevent the supply of the components across national economies.
This internationalisation has resulted in an intensification of competitive pressure across the automotive
supply chain, forcing price discipline and significantly improved performance across a range of critical
non-price factors, such as inventory management, quality, reliability, flexibility, and innovation. In an
ongoing review of the declining Australian automotive industry19, by the government’s Productivity
The Australian automotive industry represents an interesting counterfactual to the South African industry. The Australian government
aggressively reduced industry tariffs under the ‘Button Plan’ (from 27.5% in 1995 to 15% in 2001), and then to only 5% in 2010 under the
Automotive Competitiveness and Investment Scheme (ACIS). This liberalisation has resulted in vehicle production dropping to less than 200,000
units, with all three remaining vehicle assemblers (Ford, Holden and Toyota) confirming the closure of their Australian plants by 2017. The
Commission, it is for example noted that the price of the Toyota Camry in the United States reduced by
1% per annum in real terms over the decade to 2010, while at the same time having $1,400 worth of
additional safety, fuel efficiency, and quality improvements made to the vehicle (Productivity
Commission, 2013: 17). These cost adjustments have been countered by a relentless search for savings in
both assembly and component costs.
Third, several leading automotive producer countries in 2012, such as China, India and Thailand, did not
feature as major global competitors in 1995. These economies have the advantages of large domestic
markets, major regional market opportunities, cheap production costs, and growing technological
capabilities. In combination with the internationalisation of the automotive components industry, these
economies have fundamentally changed the international automotive landscape. A recent comparison of
the competitiveness of the South African and Thai automotive components industries from 2008 to 2013
(Barnes, Black and Tekachanont, 2014) revealed the extent of the gap between the two countries. In spite
of the fact that Thai employee costs were much lower, manufacturing standards were superior in areas
such as cost control, quality performance and operational flexibility. In addition, Thai operating
overheads such as electricity (3% cheaper) and water (16%) were considerably lower than in South
Africa. Only factory rentals were cheaper in South Africa (by 9%). Based on a model of a typical
automotive component manufacturer in South Africa, the Thai operating cost advantage was calculated at
14%, given the same levels of production output as evident in South Africa.
In a presentation given to the members (mostly automotive component manufacturers) of the Durban
Automotive Cluster in 2013, Toyota South Africa management highlighted the magnitude of the change
by identifying the cost challenges facing South African suppliers to Toyota. According to Toyota’s
calculations, the average cost of their South African sourced components was 107-110 on their Cost Index
of Manufacture (CIM) in 2013, with China at 91, India at 85, and Thailand at 92. Yet, the performance of
the ‘traditional’ competitors on Toyota’s CIM averaged 100 in Europe, much closer to average South
African levels.
A further problem in South Africa has been the steep increases in factor costs. While the industry has
become more efficient, and is operating closer to acceptable global operating standards, the input costs
into operations have climbed steeply. This is evident for energy costs, municipal service costs (solid
waste removal, water, etc.) and taxes, labour costs, skilled staff costs, and national government
administered prices, such as port charges. In combination, these costs have rendered the automotive
reasons provided for the plant closures by the MNCs is the lack of their competitiveness in the face of Asian cost benchmarks and the ease of
accessing the Australian vehicle market from these economies.
industry substantially less competitive than leading automotive production economies such as Thailand
(Barnes, Black and Tekachanont, 2014). The recent depreciation of the rand will have reduced the gap to
some extent.
Another major objective of the MIDP was to maintain employment during the process of restructuring.
Total employment in the vehicle manufacturing industry (assembly and components) increased quite
strongly from 104,100 in 1995 to 112,300 in 2005 and then declined to 100,159 in 2012. While cyclical
factors especially the impact of the global financial crisis have an important effect on employment levels,
assembly plant employment has declined significantly since 1995. A degree of rationalisation, as well as
outsourcing of certain activities previously performed in-house, account for this.
There has also been significant rationalisation of sections of the component sector. Greater specialisation
within firms in many cases led to job losses. A typical scenario would be the replacement of multiple
lines using labour intensive methods with more automated and specialised production of a lower number
of products. However, South African component suppliers have in many cases retained their flexible, low
volume capacity in aftermarket production. In the component sector, where there have been declines in
employment in ‘traditional’ suppliers, the rapid growth of exports has had a positive impact on
employment especially in labour intensive sub-sectors such as automotive leather and wiring harnesses.
But the problems in automotive leather over the last decade have adversely affected employment in a sub-
sector that at its peak employed several thousand workers. The largest component export sector, catalytic
converters, is highly capital intensive and generates relatively few jobs in relation to the huge values of
exports being generated. The tyre sector has been extensively rationalised and employment has declined
It is important to note that the motor trade (servicing, distribution etc.) employs far more people than
manufacturing. This has grown over the period, along with increasing car sales and a larger vehicle
population. Lower vehicle prices partly as a result of trade liberalisation have also played a role.
The 2007-2008 review of the MIDP, which led to its termination in 2012, and the subsequent
establishment of the APDP in 2013, was shaped by three streams of government and broader stakeholder
concern. The first related to the MIDP’s potential challenge at the World Trade Organisation, with at least
two national governments raising questions as to the status of the MIDP in respect of South Africa’s
compliance with the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. It was broadly
accepted by all stakeholders that the MIDP was a potentially actionable subsidy, and that formal action
against the MIDP was likely within the WTO unless its termination was announced and a more compliant
policy framework created. Second, the distortions of the MIDP, which were principally created through
the materials-inclusive calculation of export-based benefits, were of major concern to government,
NUMSA and NAACAM. Low local content levels in exported vehicles were largely attributed to the ease
of earning import credits through the export of ‘peripheral’ components such as catalytic converters.
Correcting these types of unintended MIDP consequences was a major objective of the review process.
The brief of the 2007/2008 review was therefore to replace the MIDP with a WTO compliant
development programme in 2013 that corrected the market and associated production distortions of the
MIDP, and that was of similar overall benefit to the South African automotive industry. The 2007/2008
review was riven with tension from the outset. A number of the vehicle assemblers were in the process of
planning the replacement of their locally manufactured models and demanded confirmation of
government support prior to finalising the extent of their investments. This led government to provide
verbal guarantees to the industry in respect of support levels post 2012. These guarantees were then used
to influence the review process. The recommendations put forward by the review committee allowed for
ongoing support for investment through the Productive Asset Allowance (now the Automotive
Investment Scheme), replacing the domestic market only DFA with a market-neutral Volume Assembly
Allowance (VAA), and implementing a WTO-compliant, market-neutral Production Incentive in place of
the export-oriented IRCC scheme.
The recommended architecture of the APDP was largely accepted by the industry, although intensive
lobbying then took place to upwardly adjust the proposed levels of support within each of the support
areas included within the new programme. As a result, significant changes were subsequently made to the
programme. This included an increase in the VAA from a recommended 15% to 20%, the inclusion of
certain standard materials in the calculation of value addition through domestic supply chains (e.g.
platinum, leather and non-ferrous metals), and the declaration of certain component manufacturing sub-
sectors as ‘vulnerable’ and therefore deserving of additional transitional support. The standard applied
rate of the Automotive Investment Scheme also increased. The adjustments made were meant to
ameliorate the costs associated with the transition of the industry from the MIDP to APDP operating
environment, but they provided additional support in the form of Import Rebate Credit Certificates (now
called Production Rebate Credit Certificates) that again make it far too easy to import vehicles into the
South African market.
The APDP, which became operational in January 2013, is therefore only partly aligned with the factors
that drove its establishment. While it is more aligned with the rules of the WTO, some of the distortions
of the MIDP were not decisively dealt with (evident in the recognition of certain standard materials as
local value addition), while the benefit afforded to the industry is potentially too generous, resulting in the
continued expansion of vehicle imports which incur minimal duty, and limited pressure on vehicle
assemblers to increase their local content levels.
In the early 1990s, the South African automotive sector was widely regarded as inefficient and
uncompetitive, and ultimately dependent on heavy protection for its existence. South Africa was far from
major markets and the small domestic market showed little sign of growth. In the face of the prospect of
globalisation, the prognosis for the industry was poor.
The period 1995-2012 has been a phase of rapid change. This paper has sought to assess how policy has
impacted on industry structure and how this process has been mediated by the strategic decision making
of foreign and domestic firms. The long term performance indicators presented suggest a fairly positive
development picture given the fact that the industry has been located in an underperforming economy. To
date the costs of liberalisation have been quite low. The share of imports has grown sharply but there has
been a very rapid increase in exports of both vehicles and components. Investment, including foreign
investment has increased, albeit at a modest pace. Significant rationalisation has reduced the extreme
proliferation of makes and models being assembled in very small, uneconomic volumes. While there has
been some employment loss, the automotive sector has not fared badly compared to manufacturing as a
whole. Vehicle prices have also declined in real terms although they remain higher than in most first
world markets. Quality and productivity have improved significantly. So although the sector remains
assisted, its structure is more robust, more competitive and more oriented to global markets.
However, policy has also produced distortions, encouraged uneconomic investments and led to
unforeseen side effects. These impacts limit the gains that have been made and have caused complications
in the transition process to the APDP. One of the most striking changes has been the rapid growth in
exports and imports. The level of export assistance has been far too high, especially at the start of the
MIDP. The orientation of the industry changed fundamentally away from its focus on the small domestic
market. In fact it became ‘ultra-export oriented’20. Growing exports facilitated specialisation and the
achievement of economies of scale. But as yet this has had only a limited effect in terms of increasing
‘economic’ local content. More evident, especially in the early stages, was the expansion in exports of
‘peripheral’ components. The result was the growth of a large component export sector, which was not
integrated with the low volume, low local content assembly industry supplying the domestic market.
Another important effect of rapid export expansion was the increasing ability to rebate import duties,
which added significantly to import pressure on the industry.
Greater international integration has led to growing foreign investment and ownership. The assembly
sector is now completely foreign owned as is a large portion of the component sector. Foreign ownership
has facilitated access to global networks. With few exceptions, domestically owned component firms
neither possessed the technological capability to become independent first tier suppliers nor had
ambitions in this direction. Many have been forced to reposition themselves as second tier suppliers, but
may have gained from being reintegrated into the supply chain with much higher volumes.
The investments now being undertaken are generally on a larger scale than was the case previously and
the industry is in a stable position with tariffs no longer declining under the APDP. Nevertheless,
investments have in fact been quite modest in relation to most other major developing country vehicle
producers. It is clear that there has been a substantial hedging of bets, for example, in the initial reluctance
to make major investments in the assembly sector. It is apparent too, in the somewhat footloose nature of
This is a relative term as a number of countries export a greater share of their automotive production. This refers to the orientation of the
trade regime and the fact that, as a result of the MIDP, South Africa exports a high share of output given its remote location.
investments in key component export sectors such as automotive leather and catalytic converters. The
supply chain remains underdeveloped and heavily reliant on imports. Essentially, the evidence presented
does not indicate that South Africa is en route to becoming a major new production hub or export
platform for the global automotive industry.
1. The industry was liberalised too rapidly – A growth in imports was expected and was absolutely
necessary to increase competition in the domestic market, as well as to allow for specialisation by
domestic producers. However, it was too rapid and too extensive and this has undermined the
prospects of the industry. This was not so much a problem of tariffs being lowered too far but
more the result of the ease with which import duties could be offset.
2. A value chain perspective is essential – In a producer driven value chain, the incentive structure
needs to impact directly on producer firms. This was the case in the MIDP and the vehicle
producers were in a position to orchestrate the rapid expansion of exports. It follows that in a
buyer driven value chain like garments, it may make sense to target the large buyers, as opposed
to the producers more directly.
3. Long term, credible incentives impact on firm behaviour - The establishment of a clear and
transparent incentive structure encouraged multinational firms to make large long term
investments. Before long, this formerly decrepit industry was exporting luxury cars to Japan. One
lesson is that an appropriately designed incentive structure could be used to encourage more
employment intensive growth in the manufacturing sector.
4. Policy changes should be predictable and gradual – Long term policy certainty is of extreme
importance to investment decision making. Gradual policy changes are necessary because firms
have fixed investments and cannot adjust overnight. The export incentives under the MIDP were
too generous and led to a dramatic and sometimes costly shift from import substitution to an
ultra-export orientation. This then also led to a more rapid increase in imports than expected.
5. Intervening to affect market outcomes has its place but requires a solid rationale – More
prescriptive measures should have been used to encourage model rationalisation. However, dis-
connections between policy-induced and market-based outcomes can lead to adverse distortions
and side-effects.
Finally, where does this leave the industry with regard to future policy support? Should government
continue to support the industry and if so on what basis and for what reason? It is argued that the MIDP
has cost the South African government (and hence taxpayers) many billions of rands. Why not reduce
protection further and transfer support to more deserving sectors? After all, vehicles have been assembled
in South Africa for nearly a century and the sector can hardly be characterised as an infant industry.
Furthermore, there is little evidence to date that South Africa is becoming an export hub.
These questions must be answered and it is difficult to argue the case for ongoing high level support
without providing an explanation of how greater dynamic comparative advantage might be developed and
the gap reduced in relation to low cost rival producer countries. In this regard, three major points can be
1. The level of assistance provided the industry is frequently overstated and in any event was greatly
reduced under the MIDP. The MIDP itself was a significant policy reform, with its support levels
and tariffs declining substantially from 1995 to 2012. The figures put out by National Treasury of
budgetary assistance to the tune of R8 to R10 billion per annum are simply incorrect. They are
based on South African Revenue Service (SARS) data on the import duties offset by exporting.
However, if duties were not offset, imports would clearly be much lower. The ability to offset
duties moreover reduced costs and increased imports. Consumers received access to lower cost
vehicles and much greater choice. In fact our view is that the industry has been excessively
liberalised in the sense that import credits were too easily earned under the MIDP. Making this
more difficult would have curbed imports to some degree and been positive for automotive
manufacturing and for the trade deficit. According to the Treasury calculus, this would amount to
reduced support to the industry.
2. While the industry is not competitive with the lowest cost producing countries, it is much more
efficiently structured and competitive than it used to be. This is evident in the more efficient
industry structure, in productivity and quality improvements, and in the modernisation of plants.
All this has been achieved with minimal dislocation in terms of major plant closures or
employment losses.
3. The question remains as to what would enable the industry to catch up with the lowest cost
producers. Historically, the Achilles heel of the South African industry has been its distance from
major markets. South Africa has never constituted a viable ‘automotive space’ – which requires
either a large domestic market, proximity to such a market or membership of a regional grouping
that collectively constitutes such a market. Africa is now the world’s fastest growing region and is
also characterised by extremely low rates of vehicle ownership. Sales are growing dramatically
even though a high percentage of these new additions to the African vehicle population are used
imports, mainly from Japan. Projections for economic growth and the increase in the size of the
middle class point to massive expansion in vehicle ownership over the next few decades. The
question is where will these vehicles be produced? With appropriate industrial policy
arrangements together with ongoing regional integration it is possible to envisage the emergence
of new poles of growth for the automotive industry alongside South Africa - in countries such as
Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia and Egypt. Indeed, booming conditions in most the countries to the
north means that South Africa has suddenly become well located as a production location for the
last major untapped global market. If policy is appropriately managed there are considerable
opportunities for long term growth.
The conditions for successful development of the automotive industry in developing countries remain the
same as they always have been – a viable ‘automotive space’, ongoing improvements in competitiveness
and the ability to attract investment and appropriate trade and other policies. With the booming market in
the region, substantial efforts to improve competitiveness (both inside and outside the factory) and
appropriate policies to regulate competition as well as our links to the region, the South African
automotive industry has the potential for unprecedented growth over the next few decades. All the
attributes are in place – good infrastructure, established firms and production capabilities, affordable
wages - and now the prospect of a booming regional market. Government and industry stakeholders need
to work towards achieving this objective.
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