Chemical Reactions of Carbohydrates
Chemical Reactions of Carbohydrates
Chemical Reactions of Carbohydrates
Chemical reactions involving carbohydrates include caramelization, the Maillard reaction, gelation, starch
gelatinization, and retrodegradation. Some carbohydrates are formulated into food for their ability to
react, while other reactions are undesirable.
Caramelization is the direct heating of carbohydrates, usually sugarsand sugar syrups. The reaction is
facilitated by small amounts of acids and certain salts. Sucrose melts at 160°C (320°F) and breaks down
into glucose (glucosan and levulosan) anhydride. Caramelization of sucrose requires a temperature of
200°C (392°F). As sucrose is heated, it loses some of its water molecules and the final product of
caramelization (as heating continues at greater than 200°C) is C 125H188O80 which is called caramelin.
Caramelin is a dark, bitter, and insoluble pigment. This product is to be avoided. Prior to the production
of caramelin, desirable flavors occur which are the result of a number of sugar fragmentation and
dehydration products, including diacetyl and acetic acid. Baking soda is often used to help remove the
bitter flavor from caramelization reactions.
Commercial types of caramel color include acid-fast, brewer’s color, baker’s color, and others. Acid-fast
caramel color uses an ammonium bisulfite catalyst to produce a cola color. Brewer’s color is the product
of heating a sucrose solution with ammonium ions. Through the pyrolysis of sucrose, a burnt sugar color
is produced which is called baker’s color.
The Maillard Reaction
The Maillard reaction is a non-enzymatic browning reaction occurring when a protein and a reducing
sugar are heated or stored together over time. This reaction is significant in foods due to its ability to
affect color, taste, and texture. The Maillard reaction occurs to produce desirabl color during the
browning of meat, or the undesirable browning of spray dried egg whites or fruit. The Maillard reaction
also produces flavors that are desirable in some applications, such as the flavors in bakery items and
roasted coffee. Later stages of the Maillard reaction may result in the development of toxicity in the foods
and the reduction of nutritional value.
The Maillard reaction occurs when proteins and reducing sugars are joined together, leading to the onset
of brown pigments. The Maillard reaction cannot occur without the existence of protein and reducing
sugars. It is important for food product developers to know that all monosaccharides are reducing. Table
sugar (sucrose) is not a reducing sugar, but lactose and maltose are. The browning reaction is catalyzed by
heat. In some cases, the occurrence of the Maillard reaction is incorrectly referred to as “caramelization.”