Car Loan: Steps To RTO Hypothecation Removal From RC After Car Loan Closure
Car Loan: Steps To RTO Hypothecation Removal From RC After Car Loan Closure
Car Loan: Steps To RTO Hypothecation Removal From RC After Car Loan Closure
If you have bought a car with help of a car loan, and completely repaid the loan
either by paying through to last EMI or prepaying for it, then the first thing you
must do is get the vehicle transferred in your name from that of the bank. The
procedure is called the removal of hypothecation. This ensures that the bank
does not have control over the car anymore, and you gain the rightful ownership
to it.
The term hypothecation (HP) simply means submitting a collateral or entity for a
loan you have to take. If you cannot repay the loan, the lender seizes control
over the submitted collateral. In case of a car loan, the car itself becomes the
collateral. Once you are done paying off the car loan, you should get the
hypothecation removed from the RC (registration certificate) of the car.
Hypothecation Removal or HP Termination at the RTO Officee
Here are a few tips that will help in removing hypothecation from the
Registration Certificate:
• If you are pressed for time, then you can hire a reliable agent to do the
needful. The agent shall charge a fee for his/her services. However, the
entire procedure of visiting the RTO for HP removal is easy. You can do all of
it by yourself.
• Know about the HP removal process in advance before visiting the nearest
RTO. This way you will save time and avoid confusion.
• It is best to keep all the necessary documents prepared at the time of
submission. Sort the documents in order so that the verification does not
take much time.
• Be polite and respectful towards the clerks and officers of the Regional
Transport Office.
Frequently Asked Questions about RC, HP Termination, and More