The Transcendence of π: Steve Mayer November 2006
The Transcendence of π: Steve Mayer November 2006
The Transcendence of π: Steve Mayer November 2006
Steve Mayer
November 2006
The proof that π is transcendental is not well-known despite the fact that it
isn’t too difficult for a university mathematics student to follow. The purpose
of this paper is to make the proof more widely available. A bonus is that the
proof also shows that e is transcendental as well.
The material in these notes are not mine; it is taken from a supplement
issued by Ian Stewart as an adjunct to a Rings and Fields course in 1970 at
the University of Warwick.
A proof can be found at
However, no naturally occurring real number (such as e or π) was proved tran-
scendental until Hermite (1873) disposed of e. π held out until 1882 when Linde-
mann, using methods related to those of Hermite, disposed of that. In 1900 David
Hilbert proposed the problem:
If a, b are real numbers algebraic over Q, if a 6= 0 or 1 and b is irrational, prove
ab is transcendental.
This was solved independently in 1934 by the Russian, Gelfond, and a German,
Before proving transcendence of π we shall prove a number of similar theorems,
using simpler versions of the final method, as an aid to comprehension. The tools
needed are first-year analysis.2
Theorem 1. π is irrational
R +1 n
Proof. Let In (x) = −1 (1 − x2 ) cos(αx) dx
Integrating by parts we have
π b
Put α = , and assume π is rational, so that π = , a, b ∈ Z
2 a
b2n+1 In
From (*) we deduce that Jn = is an integer. On the other hand Jn → 0
as n → ∞ since b is fixed and In is bounded by
Z +1 πx
cos dx
−1 2
This was true in 1970. Is it still true today?
Theorem 2. π 2 is irrational (so π does not lie in any quadratic extension of Q)
Proof. Assume π 2 = , a, b ∈ Z.
xn (1 − x)n
f (x) = ,
G(x) = bn π 2n f (x) − π 2n−2 f 00 (x) + . . . + (−1)n π 0 f (2n) (x)
[G0 (x) sin(πx) − πG(x) cos(πx)] = G00 (x) + π 2 G(x) sin(πx)
= bn π 2n+2 f (x) sin(πx) since f (2n+2) (x) = 0
= π 2 an sin(πx)f (x)
so that
1 1
G0 (x) sin(πx)
π a sin(πx)f (x) dx = − G(x) cos(πx)
0 π 0
= 0 + G(0) + G(1)
= integer.
mp−1 mmp
|f (x)| ≤
(p − 1)!
(p − 1)!
d −x
Also (e F (x)) = e−x [F 0 (x) − F (x)] = −e−x f (x)
so that
Z j j
e−x f (x) dx = aj −e−x F (x) 0
= aj F (0) − aj e−j F (j).
We claim that each f (i) (j) is an integer, divisible by p except when j = 0 and
i = p − 1. For only non-zero terms arise from terms where the factor (x − j)p has
been differentiated p times, and then p! cancels (p − 1)! and leaves p, except in the
exceptional case.
We show that in the exceptional case the term is NOT divisible by p. Clearly
f (0) = (−1)p . . . (−m)p . We CHOOSE p larger than m, when this product
cannot have a prime factor p. Hence the right-hand side of the above equation is an
integer 6= 0. But as p → ∞ the left-hand side tends to 0, using the above estimate
for |f (x)|. This is a contradiction.
√ If π satisfies an algebraic equation with coefficents in Q, so does iπ (i =
−1). Let this equation be θ1 (x) = 0, with roots iπ = α1 , . . . , αn . Now eiπ + 1 = 0
(eα1 + 1) . . . (eαn + 1) = 0
We now construct an algebraic equation with integer coefficients whose roots are the
exponents of e in the expansion of the above product. For example, the exponents
in pairs are α1 + α2 , α1 + α3 , . . . , αn−1 + αn . The α s satisfy a polynomial equation
over Q so their elementary symmetric functions are rational. Hence the elementary
symmetric functions of the sums of pairs are symmetric functions of the α s and
are also rational. Thus the pairs are roots of the equation θ2 (x) = 0 with rational
coefficients. Similarly sums of 3 α s are roots of θ3 (x) = 0, etc. Then the equation
is a polynomial equation over Q whose roots are all sums of α s. Deleting zero roots
from this, if any, we get
θ(x) = 0
θ(x) = cxr + c1 xr−1 + . . . cr
and cr 6= 0 since we have deleted zero roots. The roots of this equation are the
non-zero exponents of e in the product when expanded. Call these β1 , . . . βr . The
original equation becomes
eβ1 + . . . eβr + e0 + . . . e0 = 0
ie X
eβi + k = 0
where k is an integer > 0 (6= 0 since the term 1 . . . 1 exists)
Now define
f (x) = cs xp−1
(p − 1)!
where s = rp − 1 and p will be determined later.
F (x) = f (x) + f 0 (x) + . . . + f (s+p) (x).
d −x
e F (x) = −e−x f (x) as before.
Hence we have Z x
e F (x) − F (0) = − e−y f (y) dy
Putting y = λx we get
Z 1
F (x) − e F (0) = −x e(1−λ)x f (λx) dλ.
eβi + k = 0 we get
Let x range over the βi and sum. Since
X r
X Z 1
F (βj ) + kF (0) = − βj e(1−λ)βj f (λβj ) dλ.
j=1 j=1 0
symmetric, and so is an integer provided each coefficient is divisible by cs , which
it is. (symmetric functions are polynomials in coefficients = polynomials in of
degree ≤ s). Thus we have
f (t) (βj ) = pkt t = p, . . . , p + s.
f (t) (0) = 0 t = 0, . . . , p − 2.
f (0) = cs cpr (cr 6= 0)
f (t) (0) = p(some integer) t = p, p + 1, . . . .
So the LHS is an integer multiple of p+cs cpr k. This is not divisible by p if p > k, c, cr .
So it is a non-zero integer. But the RHS → 0 as p → ∞ and we get the usual