Ingles Aº1 Tarea 2 Writing

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Ingles Aº1

Tarea 2 Writing


Martha Elena Paternina Carmona


Kendry Johana olivares

Código: (900001)

Escuela de ciencias artes y humanidades (ECSAH)




Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Where are you from? 4. Where do you live?
5. Who do you live with? 6. What is your profession? 7. What are you studying? 8. What
is your hobby or your favorite sport? 9. What is your favorite TV show?

My name is martha Paternina I am 21  years old. I am from corozal sucre I currently live in
Corozal. I live with my father and my two sisters. I'm a babysitterand I study psychology at
UNAD. In my free time I check my social networks and share with my family I also love
listening to music. My favorite food is spaghetti. My favorite Tv the Simpsons .


Parte del texto Oraciones para los párrafos

Name and age and occupation Physical 1. My name is Martha.

2. I am tall and thin.

3. I’m 165 cm tall.

4.My hair is black chlorine,

I'm a nanny and I study at
UNAD Psychology

Activities in the morning 1. In the morning I wake up, I

bathe and have breakfast.

2. I'm going to work.

3. The girl is ready for school.

4. I give her breakfast and

take her to school

Activities in the afternoon 1. sleep for a while

2. I take care of the girl I take

care of

3. I feed him his snack from

3:00 pm

4.I leave my job and take the

bus on my way home
Activities in the evening 1.I get to my house

2. I bathe frown

3. I help organize the kitchen

4. at 8:00 am I turn on my

computer and study until

Activities I like doing in my free time 1. dance me

2.take a walk

3. I check my social networks

4. do sport

My name is Martha. I am twenty one years old. I live in Corozal Sucre. In my house I live with
my dad and two sisters. I am working as a nanny and I study psychology at UNAD. In my free
time I like to walk check my social networks. My favorite TV show is the Simpsons

 Usually, I always get up at 6:30 or 6:45 in the morning.

First I brush my teeth, brush my face, then dress and have a glass of coffee with a bread. I go to
work on my motorcycle, I always arrive at my work at 7:30 before 8:00 o'clock in the morning.

sometimes I'm late for work because of little things that happen to me along the way

I leave my job to work at 5:00 o'clock and arrive at my house at 5:30

I always have dinner with my family and sometimes not. Then I bathe and turn on my computer
and start studying. When I finish studying I have a glass of milk with cookies

On weekends I like to go to the movies or just like to stay at home watching television. When
I'm too bored I go to the gym.

Always before bed I call my best friend and tell him everything I did on the day

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