Training Plan

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Chapter 1

Training Plan
Project Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Project Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Permit Number: ________________________________________________________________________________
Commissioning Provider #: _______________________________________________________________________
Chapter 2

Item No. Training Items Included? Y/N

1. General Training Information
Outline of instructional topics related to the systems, subsystems, equipment, and assemblies.
These topics should address the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of
commissioned systems, assemblies, and equipment. A review and utilization of the Systems
Manual should be included.
Chapter 3

2. Objectives and Methods

Learning objectives and training delivery methods, locations and duration for each instructional
topic in conformance to the OPR and Commissioning Plan.
3. Materials and Records
Training materials and instructor requirements to be employed during the instructional process.
Chapter 4

Training report, records, and recording requirements.

Commissioning Provider Acknowledgment

I have reviewed the documents and verified that they meet the Owner’s Project Requirements:
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 5

Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Owner/Owner’s Representative Acknowledgment

The project documents include the items listed on this form and have been approved by the Owner or Owner’s
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
 Owner  Owner’s Representative
Appendix A

Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Appendix B
Appendix B

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