Balantang Memorial Cemetery National Shrine
Balantang Memorial Cemetery National Shrine
Balantang Memorial Cemetery National Shrine
I. Background
Balantang Memorial Cemetery is a national shrine located at Balantang, Jaro, Iloilo
City. This is the only military cemetery established outside Metro Manila. Colonel Macario
Peralta Jr., Infantry (PA) is the founder and overall commander of the Sixth Military District
Philippine Army, Military Guerilla Command otherwise known as the “Free Panay Guerilla
Forces”. Their resistance liberated the island of Panay from the Japanese Imperial Army
during World War II. The battle took place on this site, which is considered as the bloodiest
battle of the guerilla forces. Their encounter started on February 6 1945 up to the liberation of
Iloilo City on March 20 1945. (But the liberation of Panay is being commemorated on March
18: see Proclamation No. 430 of 1989)
This site was declared as a National Shrine on July 13 1994 by virtue of Proclamation
No. 425 by former President Fidel V. Ramos.
A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 4483 port.) Cadastral Survey of Iloilo, situated in the
District of Jaro, City of Iloilo, Island of Panay.
Bounded on the southeast, along line 1-2 by the National Road; on the southwest,
along line 2-3 by Lot 4483 port.; on the northwest, along line 3-4 by Lot 4483 port.; and on
the northeast, along line 4-1 by Lot 4483 port.; all of Iloilo Cadastre.
Beginning at the point marked “1” on plan being N. 26-43′ E., 770.32 m. from BBM
No. 69, Iloilo Cad. thence
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the
Republic of the Philippines to be affixed.
Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of July in the year of Our Lord, nineteen
hundred and ninety four.
WHEREAS, the Free Panay Guerilla Forest, 6th Military District, composed of the
officers and men of the 61st Division Philippine Army (USAFFE), who preferred continuing
the fight to surrendering after the fall of Bataan, together with those of other units of the
United States Army Forces in the Far East and the civilian volunteers from all walks of life
— lawyers, doctors, engineers, nurses, teachers, fishermen, farmers and students — who
joined the underground resistance movement — harassed, sabotaged and decimated the
Japanese Imperial Armed Forces in the islands of Panay and Romblon throughout World War
II in the name of country, freedom and democracy;
DONE in the City of Manila, this 21st day of July, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen
Hundred and Eighty-Nine.
By the President:
Executive Secretary
V. References