MODULE 4 Student Study Guide
MODULE 4 Student Study Guide
MODULE 4 Student Study Guide
Scientific Investigation is a quest to find answer to a question using scientific method. It puts theory into practice through careful observation and
prediction. In doing scientific investigation observations and its types are valuable. In this lesson students will use their thinking skills by
observing simple objects and patterns and report their observations. Make simple predictions and inferences based upon observations.
Observing is the fundamental science process skill. We observe objects and events using all our five senses, and this is how we learn about the
world around us. The ability to make good observations is essential to the development of the other science process skills: communicating,
classifying, measuring, inferring, and predicting
Describe the components of a scientific 1. What are the series of steps that are used in doing scientific investigation?
investigation 2. Why observation and inference important in science? What is used to make
Understand the scientific language used when inferences from observations?
making observations and inferences. 3. What is the difference between a qualitative and quantitative observation?
Identify qualitative and quantitative
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