LRA Peace Agreement
LRA Peace Agreement
LRA Peace Agreement
PURSUANT TO the terms of the Principal Agreement calling for the adoption of
mechanisms for implementing accountability and reconciliation;
HAVING CARRIED OUT broad consultations within and outside Uganda, and in
particular, with communities that have suffered most as a result of the conflict;
Primacy of the Principal Agreement
3. The Government, under clause 2 above, shall take into account any
representations from the parties on findings arising from the consultations
undertaken by the Parties and any input by the public during the
legislative process.
4. The Government shall by law establish a body to be conferred with all the
necessary powers and immunities, whose functions shall include:
(a) to consider and analyse any relevant matters including the history of
the conflict;
(c) to inquire into human rights violations committed during the conflict,
giving particular attention to the experiences of women and children;
(e) to make provision for witness protection, especially for children and
(f) to make special provision for cases involving gender based violence;
(j) to make recommendations for the most appropriate modalities for
implementing a regime of reparations, taking into account the
principles set out in the Principal Agreement;
(m) to undertake any other functions relevant to the principles set out in
this Agreement.
5. In the fulfilment of its functions, the body shall give precedence to any
investigations or formal proceedings instituted pursuant to the terms of
this Agreement. Detailed guidelines and working practices shall be
established to regulate the relationship between the body and any other
adjudicatory body seized of a case relating to this Agreement.
8. The special division of the High Court shall have a registry dedicated to
the work of the division and in particular, shall make arrangements to
facilitate the protection and participation of witnesses, victims, women and
(e) The recognition of traditional and community justice processes
in proceedings.
10. The Government shall establish a unit for carrying out investigations and
prosecutions in support of trials and other formal proceedings as
envisaged by the Principal Agreement.
12. The Director of Public Prosecutions shall have overall control of the
criminal investigations of the unit and of the prosecutions before the
special division.
15. Rules and procedures shall regulate the manner in which an individual
may cooperate with any investigations and proceedings arising from this
Agreement, by disclosure of all relevant information relating to:
(d) any other relevant information.
(Principal Agreement: clauses 6.4 & 9)
16. The Government shall establish the necessary arrangements for making
reparations to victims of the conflict in accordance with the terms of the
Principal Agreement.
Traditional Justice
(Principal Agreement: clause 3.1)
19. Traditional justice shall form a central part of the alternative justice and
reconciliation framework identified in the Principal Agreement.
Provisions of General Application
23. Subject to clause 4.1 of the Principal Agreement, the Government shall
ensure that serious crimes committed during the conflict are addressed by
the special Division of the High Court; traditional justice mechanisms; and
any other alternative justice mechanism established under the Principal
Agreement, but not the military courts.
26. The Mediator shall from time to time receive or make requests for reports
on the progress of the implementation of the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the duly authorized representatives of the Parties have
signed this Annexure in Juba on the 19th day of February 2008
……………….……………….. ………………………………..……..
Hon. Ruhakana Rugunda (Dr) Dr David Nyekorach Matsanga
Minister of Internal Affairs and Leader of the LRA/M Delegation
Head of GoU Delegation
H.E. Lt. General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon (PhD)
Vice President, Government of Southern Sudan
And Chief Mediator of the Peace Talks
H.E. André M Kapanga (PhD)
For the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo
H.E. Japheth R. Getugi
For the Government of the Republic of Kenya
H.E. Nsavike G. Ndatta
For the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania
H.E. Francisco Caetano Madeira
For the Government of the Republic of Mozambique
Lt. Gen. (Rtd.) Gilbert Lebeko Ramano
For the Government of the Republic of South Africa
H.E. Jan Ledang
For the Government of Norway
Ms Anna Sundström
Political Advisor to the EU Special Representative for the Great Lakes Region,
For the European Union
Mr Timothy R. Shortley
Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs,
For the Government of the United States of America