Flexible S-Band TT&C (Telemetry, Tracking, and Command) For Small Spacecraft in LEO

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Flexible S-Band TT&C (Telemetry, Tracking, and Command) for Small Spacecraft in LEO
Iraklis Hatziathanasiou
COM DEV International Systems (United Kingdom)
Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 5SX, U.K.; +44 (0)1296 616418
[email protected]

Colin McLaren
COM DEV International Systems (United Kingdom)
Triangle Business Park, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 5SX, U.K.; +44 (0)1296 616431
[email protected]

The increasing demand for commercial and institutional missions with smaller spacecraft has been a catalyst in the
development of smaller and higher efficiency technologies for space applications. Additional pressure from ever
evolving standards and the need to adapt to conditions in-flight (when necessary) has been driving the development
of a new generation of small, flexible products able to modify in-flight the operational parameters.

The S-Band TT&C transceiver presented in this paper is based on ECSS class-3 component selection and represents
the latest generation of products developed by COM DEV in its Aylesbury facility in Europe. The class-3
philosophy combined with exhaustive testing has been employed to verify the equipment’s ability to function in
space and achieve the high degree of flexibility required for the type of missions this product range is targeting.
Careful component selection is also used to enable a route to miniaturization leading to an S-Band TT&C transceiver
with mass of 2.2 lbs, and a volume envelope of 7 x 5.5 x 1.8 in.

The product architecture and characteristics are presented in this paper together with some of the available mission-
specific options focused around mission architects needs to evolve and adapt missions after launch.

Figure 1: STC-MS03 Transceiver

Hatziathanasiou 1 28th Annual AIAA/USU

Conference on Small Satellites
The space industry is accustomed to following strict The product aims to address the needs of smaller
guidelines for development and manufacture of satellites with limited power so parameters affecting
equipment that are suited to products with life volume, mass and power have been in the core of the
expectations of 15 years or more. However, when the product design. To reduce the space envelope and
mission requirements have a reduced scope of life minimize interconnects, the product is laid out in three
expectancy and orbital altitudes, the traditional modules.
processes are not always desirable due to the cost and  The RF Receiver and Modem module: Implements
timescale burden they add to the development of the the receiver section, the digital processing and
equipment. Having analyzed the traditional control functions. The digital signal processing
requirements, COM DEV is one of the pioneering functionality is realized on an ACTEL FPGA
companies that has developed equipment designed to which delivers a high degree of flexibility and
withstand those environments without carrying the cost reconfiguration.
and timescale burden of traditional space developments.  The Power Amplifier module: This is based on a
The product presented in this paper follows this high efficiency GaN technology which has
approach. excellent characteristics in relation to radiation
SPECIFICATION  The Power supply module: This module contains
Considerable effort was placed at the early stages of the independent DC/DC converters for the transmit and
programme in identifying the most appropriate and receive sections of the transceiver as well as EMI
flexible set of specifications required for the target filtering to ensure EMC compatibility with the
range of spacecraft platforms. The equipment design primary power bus.
have been focused on spacecraft operating in LEO with
a mass of 50 Kg or more and with an expected mission
lifetime of seven years. The Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C)
Table 1 presents the general characteristics of the subsystem has two main functions.
Transceiver.  Telecommand-receive function: Receives and
demodulates the uplink signal from the ground
Table 1: General Characteristics of STC-MS03 station and delivers the received telecommands to
the spacecraft On Board Computer (OBC)
Expected life 7 years  Telemetry-transmit function: Processes and
Mass 2.2 lbs modulates the downlink payload telemetry from the
Volume 7 x 5.5 x 1.8 in OBC for transmission to the ground station.
DC Power Consumption 30 W (Total at 37 dBm out)
Supply Voltage 28V ±6 V
Data Interfaces Dual RS-422 Dependent upon mission requirements the transceiver
Operating Temperature Range -20°C to +60°C
may need additional filtering in the form of
Radiation Tolerance 10 KRad
S-Band Receiver  a diplexer - when using a common transmit/receive
Modulation Format / Data Rates PCM (NRZ-L)/PSK/PM antenna
8kHz (0.5,1,2 Kbps) & 16kHz  individual transmit and receive filters – when using
SC (1,2,4 Kbps), PCM (NRZ- dedicated transmit and receive antennas
L)/BPSK (64 to 1024 kbps)
Modulation Index TC 0.2 to 1.5 rad
Receiver Power Consumption 4W
Input Power Range -135 to -40 dBm This filtering (which can be effectively supplemented
Carrier Acquisition Threshold -120 dBm by the antenna to antenna isolation when using
Carrier Acquisition Sweep Rate ±32 kHz/s dedicated antennas) provides the following
Carrier Tracking Range ±150 kHz functionality
S-Band Transmitter
 Reduction in transmitter noise in the receive band
Tx Power Consumption 26W at 37 dBm RF-out
to well below the noise floor hence improving
Output Power Range 0.2 to 5W (23 to 37 dBm)
TM Modulation Formats QPSK, OQPSK, BPSK sensitivity
Data Modulation Formats BPSK, (O)QPSK SRRC filter,  Preventing overdriving of the receiver LNA, either
NRZ/BPSK/PCM, SP-L from the transmitter or other mission specific
Data Rate 32 to 1024 kbps BPSK
1024 to 6250 kbps
interferers – hence maintaining sensitivity
Encoding Convolutional
QPSK/OQPSK1/2, NRZ-M, NRZ-  Compliance with ITU spectral requirements from
L, PCM the transmitter

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Conference on Small Satellites
Figure 2 shows the STC-MS03 with a mounted accommodates the interface connectors for the power
diplexer. supply and RF-transmit output.

The upper tray houses a single board that encompasses

the RF receiver and modem elements of the system
including the digital processing and data interfaces. The
board is carefully partitioned to minimize interference
and cross-talk. This is a proven technique widely
adopted by COM DEV with very successful results and
allows for a mechanically compact board with
minimum interconnects. Figure 4 depicts the upper-tray
board with the partitioning. The individual sections are
fully enclosed with lids during assembly.

Figure 2: TT&C with mounted diplexer

The transceivers have dual redundant interfaces to

allow for cross-strapping in missions aiming to operate
in redundant mode. Mission architects have the option
of operating the equipment in full cold-redundant mode
or a combination of hot redundancy for the receivers
and cold redundancy for the transmitters.

The TT&C product consists of two trays assembled
together to form the complete unit as presented in Figure 4: Upper-tray board with RF fencing (lids
Figure 3. removed)

Receiver RF Chain
The receiver RF chain performs the following

 Converts the received frequency into an

intermediate frequency, filtering interference or
 Provides the necessary power amplification whilst
minimizing the receiver noise figure

The major components of the receiver are a two stage

LNA that amplifies the input signal, an image-reject
filter and a mixer that down-converts the signal to the
IF frequency. Amplifying stages are used to ensure
Figure 3: Two tray assembly sufficient signal amplification throughout the receive
chain. The receiver gain control is achieved via a
The lower tray houses the Power amplifier and power
limiting amplifier and an AGC loop.
supply including the DC/DC Converters and EMI
filters. Those are the parts of the system that are likely
to generate heat during operation and as such need
direct contact with the spacecraft thermal plate to cool
the components appropriately. The lower tray also

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Conference on Small Satellites
The signals involved in the frequency conversion are:
 The RF signal (radiofrequency signal in S-band).
 The LO signal (local oscillator signal).
 The IF signal (intermediate frequency signal output
of the mixer).
Figure 6 presents the block diagram of the frequency
conversion in the receiver chain.
Figure 5: Receiver RF Chain

A TCXO provides the reference frequency for the

receive and transmit PLLs and the FPGA. The part
chosen has been selected for its excellent performance
over temperature and minimal drift. The short term
frequency stability has been measured at ≤1.0ppm over
-40°C to +85°C and ≤10ppm over seven years aging.
Radiation endurance of the TCXO is enhanced by extra
shielding provided by the enclosure.

The performance of the receiver chain is presented in

Table 2.

Table 2: Performance parameters of receiver

(including diplexer)
Parameter Specification
Frequency 2025MHz to 2110MHz
Input dynamic range From -120dBm to -35dBm
Carrier acquisition threshold -124dBm
Figure 6: Frequency conversion block diagram
Carrier acquisition range ±150kHz and ±32kHz/s The TCXO provides the reference frequency to the
Noise Figure ≤ 3 dB synthesizer in order to generate the LO signal. This is
Implementation loss ≤ 2 dB set to 190 MHz below the RF signal frequency to derive
Long term frequency stability ≤ ±10ppm a 190MHz IF signal. The synthesizer includes an
Data Rate From 0.5 kbps to 1024 kbps amplification stage that helps to obtain 13dBm of
PCM encoding NRZ-M, NRZ-L power at the mixer input.
Modulation schemes NRZ/PSK/PM, SP-L, BPSK
BER at Eb/N0=10.6dB <10-5 After the LNA, the RF signal is passed through a
DC power consumption ≤ 4 W EOL standard amplification block and a custom designed
Band Pass Filter (BPF) with the characteristics shown
in Figure 7.
Low noise amplification

As the first stage of the receiver dominates the overall

noise figure a custom designed Low Noise Amplifier
(LNA) is utilized for optimum performance. The LNA
typically has a noise figure of 0.9dB and a gain of

Frequency conversion
The receiver frequency conversion converts the
received signal to a lower frequency suitable for the
Figure 7: Band-pass filter frequency response

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Conference on Small Satellites
Transmitter RF Chain Modulator and Power Amplifier
The transmitter RF chain is designed to accomplish the The modulator is driven with a 0dBm LO at the
following functions: transmit frequency. In-phase and Quadrature signals are
delivered by a 12 bit DAC. I and Q signals have bias
 To modulate the downlink carrier with the signal to and amplitude level adjusted to obtain an optimum
be transmitted. performance at the modulator output. The modulator
 To amplify the signal to the requested output power output power is controlled by a variable attenuator to
setting. obtain the desired transmitter output power.
 To automatically control the output power.
The PA is designed to apply filtering to the carrier
signal from the modulator aiming to remove any
harmonics in the signal and then achieve the required
Figure 8 presents a detailed transceiver block diagram.
transmit power level through two initial pre-driver and
The green continuous path indicates the transmitted
driver stages (which are based on MMIC technology).
signal path. The green dashed line indicates the output
Finally a GaN Solid State Power Amplifier amplifies
power control loop path. Table 3 gives the performance
the signal to the required level. At this stage, an isolator
of the transmit chain.
is in place to protect the amplifier from any reflected
Table 3: Performance parameters of transmitter power and a sensor is used as a power detector in a
(including diplexer) closed loop control circuit to maintain the transmit
power at the correct level.
Parameter Specification
Frequency 2200 MHz - 2290 MHz
Long term frequency stability ≤ ±10ppm
Modulation schemes PCM/BPSK/PM Tx +5V #1 Tx +5V #2 PA bias Tx +28V


Subcarrier offset 2 to 300 kHz SMA Bandpass Pre-driver Driver GaN stage Coupler SMA

Modulation index 0.2 to 1.5 rad

°C sensor

Maximum data rate 6.25 Mbps Power


QPSK pulse shaping filter SRRC 0.35 and 0.5

Channel coding Convolutional 1/2 SPI Det. out

Variable output power (1dB +24 dBm to +33 dBm (standard

steps) at diplexer output configuration) or Figure 9: Power Amplifier Block Diagram
+24 dBm to +37 dBm (high-
power configuration)
DC power consumption at ≤ 26 W EOL
diplexer when output power is The block diagram in Figure 10 is demonstrating the
37dBm functional blocks of the digital sub-system.

Figure 10: Digital layout

Figure 8: Transmitter RF chain

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Conference on Small Satellites
The digital signal processing of the transceiver involves electrically isolated from the primary power bus. The
the following functions: outputs are then individually regulated to provide low-
 Receiver baseband conversion and sampling: noise supplies for each sub-section of the unit. The
Frequency down conversion of the IF signal with a transmitter DC/DC converter is switched off entirely
one bit sampling. Given the bandwidth of the during “reception only” mode to minimize the
signal is approximately 5MHz (or less), the transceiver power consumption. The receiver DC/DC
sampled signal is highly over-sampled thus converter has an external reset facility which allows
spreading the quantization noise out of the signal power cycling of the whole sub-system in-flight. This is
bandwidth. Moreover, utilizing a one bit sampling provided as a method for recovery from potential latch-
scheme results in a BER degradation of less than up situations due to single events upsets.
1dB. This combined with the demodulator
implementation loss results to very low total The DC/DC converters are designed to operate under a
implementation loss. non-regulated +28V line with EMI protection at the
 Demodulation: Digital demodulation of the down- input and comply with typical spacecraft EMC
converted signal using a complex demodulator to a requirements (conducted emissions and conducted
baseband signal. So the outputs are complex susceptibility).
baseband I and Q signals.
 Analogue telemetries monitoring: Two 8-channels Interfaces
ADCs convert the analogue telemetries to digital The S-band transceiver provides the following power
measurements. The digital telemetries are then and data interfaces:
reported in the housekeeping data stream. The
ADCs also convert the analogue signal from the  Power interface.
transmitter output sensor and the received signal  Primary digital interface
strength indicator (RSSI), which is then fed to the  Redundant digital interface
output power gain control and the receiver AGC
loop respectively.
 Receiver AGC loop-control: The implementation The power interface is based on a single 15-way MDM
of the receiver AGC, which is used to control the connector. Transmitter and receiver DC/DC converters
receiver variable attenuator to within a certain use dedicated pins on the connector, thus allowing
target range. If the measured level is within this independent LCLs on the spacecraft power distribution.
range there is no change to the DAC. If a signal is Power interfaces are protected with EMI filters to
outside this range, adjustment steps occur at fixed ensure Electromagnetic Compatibility with the main
update rates until the signal is within the target power bus.
 In-phase and quadrature signal generation: I and Q Interface with the spacecraft On Board Computer
signals are generated by the FPGA firmware. (OBC) is done via two 31-way MDM connectors.
Baseband filtering is implemented to control the Digital interfaces contain the following data lines:
transmitted signal spectral efficiency, I and Q
signals from the modulation combiner are fed into  Mode interface
a cordic transform and then converted to an  Housekeeping interface
analogue form via a dual 12-bit ADC.  Telecommand interface
 Power-on control: The FPGA provides the ability  Telemetry interface
to control its power-on sequence functions via a  Carrier lock line
power supply rail monitoring circuit, which holds
the FPGA in reset until the supply rails are stable.
The dual interface enables system redundancy when
each connector is linked to the primary and redundant
Power supply module OBC. Primary and redundant digital interfaces are
The power supply module contains two separated internally cross-strapped in the transceiver, thus
DC/DC converter chains, one for the receiver and one simplifying the spacecraft system design. The mode,
for the transmitter. This approach allows the DC/DC housekeeping and telecommand interfaces implement
converters to be optimised to deliver the required hot redundancy so that both interfaces receive and
secondary voltages and currents, delivering an optimum transmit simultaneously. The telemetry interface
overall system power performance. Each DC/DC implements cold redundancy and the active interface
converter provides an unregulated output that is must be selected via command.

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Conference on Small Satellites
Equipment commands and housekeeping telemetry data generation of space equipment able to reduce costs
are provided via the Mode and Housekeeping whilst maintaining high levels of reliability.
interfaces, which conform to the RS422 electrical
standard and the TTC.B.01 data format standard. Mode From a technical perspective, the product offers a high
commands are fixed 16-bit length and comprise an 8-bit performance and high reliability communications link
command byte followed by an 8-bit data byte. with the ground whilst addressing mission planers
Housekeeping data is comprised of several words of 16 requirements for in-flight re-configurability (e.g.
bits each and provide detailed information concerning modulation, data-rate) by allowing changes that
key functions of the TT&C transceiver, which can to be maximize the mission’s potential and minimize the risk
monitored periodically by the satellite OBC. of losing the spacecraft when unexpected incidents
A large set of internal housekeeping information is
available, allowing continuous monitoring of the The TT&C equipment has successful heritage from the
transmitter and receiver. Table 4 provides a non- ADS1B mission and has been integrated on the M3M
exhaustive list of the main transceiver telemetries. spacecraft awaiting launch in July 2014. This will be
closely followed by the launch of six spacecraft flying
Table 4: Available Housekeeping readings redundant TT&Cs in the FormoSAT-7 constellation
Receiver Housekeeping Transmitter Housekeeping
Internal temperature Internal temperature
Receiver DC/DC secondary Transmitter DCDC secondary
voltages voltages References
Receiver power Transmitter power
consumption consumption 1. Roeper G., Maguire P. "DEVELOPMENT OF
Input signal strength Transmitter VCO frequency A FLEXIBLE AND MODULAR TT&C
AGC setting TRANSPONDER", Proceedings of the 4th
Receiver PLL status
ESA International Workshop on TT&C, 2007
Receiver VCO frequency
2. Hatziathanasiou I., Roeper G., Goldsmith R.,
Received Signal to Noise McLaren C., Maguire P., " MINIATURE
Carrier lock
(LEO)", Proceedings of the Symposium on
Uplink telecommand data from the ground station are Small Satellite Systems and Services, 2010
presented on the Telecommand line with an additional
output signal indicating whether the data is valid.
Downlink telemetry data to the ground station are
presented real time to the Telemetry line.

The receive RF input and transmit RF output ports are

SMA female connectors. Power supply and data
connectors are MDM type.

The equipment has undergone a full qualification
campaign and was tested for Total Dose radiation up to
28 KRad. The equipment survived this radiation level
with no deterioration of performance. The equipment
also has flight heritage proving its ability to cope with
the environment of operation in space.

The paper presented COM DEV’s approach in
developing a small, flexible TT&C complying with
ECSS Class-3 requirements. This is the first of a new

Hatziathanasiou 7 28th Annual AIAA/USU

Conference on Small Satellites

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