Dean Uli Jon Roth Sky Guitar Owners Manual PDF
Dean Uli Jon Roth Sky Guitar Owners Manual PDF
Dean Uli Jon Roth Sky Guitar Owners Manual PDF
Dear new Owner of a Sky Guitar!
You have just joined the club of an elite few, and we hope this guitar will fulfill its promises
to you over many years to come.
We would like to apologize for your having to wait for so long after having placed the order.
May it console you to know that the waiting queue is only bound to get even longer in the
future... These instruments are much more intricate and more difficult to build than normal
electric guitars and a lot of love and care went into building them. That is one of the main
reasons why it took so long to complete them.
Table of contents:
DEAR NEW OWNER OF A SKY GUITAR ............................................ 2
THE SKY IS THE LIMIT ........................................................................... 3-4
THE IDEA .......................................................................................................... 5
GENERAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE SKY GUITAR ........................... 6
THE SHAPE - THE SCRATCH PLATES & PLAQUES ..................... 7
THE WOOD ...................................................................................................... 8
THE FINISH ...................................................................................................... 8
THE VARNISH ................................................................................................. 8
THE NECK .................................................................................................... 8-9
STRING SPACING - 6-STRING VS. 7-STRING ................................ 10
THE FRETS ............................................................................................... 11-12
THE PICK HOLDER ................................................................................... 13
THE SCALE LENGTH ................................................................................ 13
THE STRING GAUGES .............................................................................. 14
THE TREMOLO SYSTEM AND BRIDGE .......................................... 16
THE PICK-UP SYSTEM & ELECTRONICS ...................................... 17
THE 18-VOLT POWER-SUPPLY ............................................................. 17
THE MEGA-WING PICK-UPS ................................................................ 18
THE FIVE-WAY POSITION TOGGLE SWITCH .....................,....... 19
THE ELECTRONICS: MEGA-WING III SYSTEM .......................... 19
THE FIVE CONTROL KNOBS ........................................................ 19-22
SKY GUITAR COMMUNITY AND WEBSITE ................................. 23
The Sky is the Limit!
There had also been many illegal and incompetent
copies in several countries over the years, which had
been made without my consent and which were Sky
Guitars only in name… They were not authentic, they
didn’t play well, they didn’t sound right, most of them
looked wrong or even atrocious... I even have a few
of them at home, because they were given to me, so I
know what I am talking about.
It is true to say that no expense was spared in the
making of the Sky Guitars. Here is why I chose to go with Dean Guitars; it was
because their CEO, my friend Elliott Rubinson, gave
Most instruments are built with the intention to me carte blanche to come up with the best possible
make money – and therefore the thought to keep the guitar – rather than the most profitable guitar!
production cost as low as possible is a major factor
in the resulting quality - or lack of it, for that matter. We don’t see the Sky Guitar as a means to make lots
Business interests drive the markets, and that means of cash, but rather as an exciting new project, which
the concept of making money is always at the bottom brings forth something phenomenal, which all those
line of all these decisions. The dollar rules with an iron involved can be proud of for a long time to come.
fist. That is why there are so few truly great instruments
on the market. The result of this refreshing approach, which flies into
the face of any self-respecting business man’s mental
The applied philosophy in building the Sky Guitars tool box - was that we actually managed to produce the
was rather the opposite, and I am proud of that! For guitars that I had wanted, rather than some watered
once the iron fist of the dollar got soft like a bud of down, compromise-ridden tool of sadness; which no
cotton-wool, and - somehow and miraculously - the doubt would have resulted, had we chosen the one-
Sky Guitar managed to escape the clutches of this way route prescribed by business acumen. Therefore
ever-hungry, grey-eyed monster. Often the demands - although the guitars may seem expensive – in fact
of true Art and Spirit – are diametrically opposed to they ARE expensive – the current cost of bringing
those of Mammon and Greed. These concepts don’t go them to the market is actually not much less than what
together well most of the time. Instead, they tend to their purchase price is! From this you can see that
cancel out one another. the Sky Guitars are not primarily a business venture,
but that there is something else, which is much more
Over the years, many commercial guitar manufacturers important; this is to produce new instruments for the
had been keen to try and produce Sky Guitars for me future, which will stand the test of time and which can
to go the market. But I had always had far too many be a strong and lasting source of inspiration for years
reservations to get excited about this. I didn’t want to to come.
end up with a lousy compromise, which wouldn’t have
been worthy of the lofty concept and my aspirations Another crucial factor was also that Elliott allowed me
for the spirit of the Sky Guitar. to choose my own master luthier for the project, and
this was a lucky, but shrewd move. My choice fell on
I wanted it untarnished and unfettered from Boris Dommenget, who is truly gifted and who was the
commercial aspirations as much as possible. True only luthier known to me who was in the same league
top quality and commercial interests are usually and had the same magic touch as Andreas Demetriou
contradictions in terms – even with many so-called has had, who had unfortunately given up building
high-end products… guitars a long time ago due to problems with his back.
The Sky is the Limit! (continued...)
That was the reason why – after a period of almost are kind-of self-evident to experienced players
20 years (!) - there had been no further authentic anyway - but will mainly concentrate on those
Sky Guitars since the original five prototypes built features which makes the SG different from other
by Andy in the Eighties. guitars, and I will sometimes explain the reasoning
behind certain choices we made.
During that time period quite a few people had
tried to build Sky Guitars over the years, but they Sky Guitars are not for every one. For instance,
always fell way short of what I had in mind and they are also not really for beginners, it appears
what I was searching for. The project “Perfecting to me. I believe that they respond best to a certain
the Sky Guitar” had come to a grinding halt and it mind-set in order to get the most out of them. A
went into hibernation for many years. player who doesn’t rise to the occasion will not be
able to unlock their full potential, which is vast.
I simply never came across a builder to fill Andy’s
shoes until Boris came along. This instrument has the ability to humble us –
particularly the 7-string ones…
Due to their intricacies, Sky Guitars also take way
longer to build to perfection than other hand- It is not an ordinary guitar by a far cry, and therefore
built guitars – about four times as long, we reckon, it is advisable and important to spend some time
which is one of the main reasons why the waiting exploring its possibilities and to try and rise to the
list is so long. new challenges by striving for a new level of mastery.
Let the instrument speak to you.
I have personally played every single one of these
Limited Edition Sky Guitars, have spent a fair The Sky Guitar can take you by the hand and
amount of time with each one of these, and checked guide you in this process, but only if you allow
them through thoroughly in my studio before this to happen, will you manage to establish a
sending them on the journey. And I love them all! If personal, individual relationship with this powerful
anything wasn’t to my satisfaction, the guitars were instrument. Each Sky Guitar is different and has a
modified until they were right. distinct personality of its own - as you will soon
find out, hopefully.
It is maybe unusual to have an extensive manual for
an electric guitar, because most things should be But you may have to walk the extra mile to unlock
self-evident. However, Sky Guitars are different in its hidden mysteries and potential.
certain respects.
Otherwise there is a good chance that the
I am sure you will find your own way of exploring instrument will not respond amicably and may stay
its possibilities, but it may still be helpful to share either indifferent towards you, or possibly even
some of my experience regarding this. I have played reject you, which would be deplorable.
Sky Guitars for 27 years now, and you might benefit
from a few personal tips regarding how to get the “The wand chooses its wizard…” (not that I believe
best out of these amazing instruments. it is advisable to practice magician-ship or other
forms of sorcery – as evidenced by the lyrics to
I cannot explain ALL the features - most of which “Sails of Charon”, he he.)
The Idea
The idea for this new instrument came to me create a new instrument, which would go way
at the end of the year 1982, pretty much 28 beyond that and would offer way more range and
years ago, while I was living at Little Thatch in versatility. The Sky Guitar was the first guitar
Seaford, Sussex. that provided a vastly extended upper range and
thus opened the doors to a new dimension of
The first Sky Guitar was built by master luthier guitar playing. It was brimming with innovation,
Andy Demetriou in Brighton, England, in but some of that was subtle and not instantly
1983. This one already had virtually all the visible.
typical features regarding the shape, but in
other ways there was still quite a bit of room for But from the very beginning I was also intending
improvement. to eventually achieve a guitar that would be able
to produce the creamy rich tones of a Gibson
But although it may look similar, the first-ever Les Paul, as well as having the incomparable
Sky Guitar - the Dolphin Sky - which is in a clarity and precision of a Strat. Initially that
museum now - did nowhere near have the same seemed like an impossible undertaking, because
sonic abilities that the new instruments have. there were many hurdles to overcome, but I can
The guitar you are holding today is the latest now honestly say that this goal has not only
incarnation of Sky Guitars, and they have come been achieved, but also been surpassed. This is
a long way since those early days. something of a tight-rope straddle that – to my
knowledge – no other guitar has achieved so far.
The first thing that defines a Sky Guitar is the And it took many years to get to this point.
characteristic shape with the S-shaped scratch
plates. The intention behind the whole design The idea for the Sky Guitar was also partially
was to combine a practical necessity – that of inspired by the concept of the classical violin.
obtaining a more comfortable access to the top It has always been an aspiration of mine to
registers of the guitar – with an equally strong give the guitar the same kind of wings a violin
aesthetic demand. I wanted to design a guitar, has – meaning to extend its potential into that
which not only went way beyond existing models direction… There is no instrument which has
in terms of natural range, but I also wanted to do mastered the art of singing and sheer playful
full justice to the aspects of ergonomics, sonic virtuosity the way the violin has. Of all the
prowess and overall response; and last - but not guitars on the market that I have played – for
least – I wanted a guitar that looked beautiful at me, at least – Sky Guitars are capable to produce
the same time. the most singing tone. Perhaps their closest
counterpart in the violin world might be the
The Sky Guitar was intended to be a true virtuoso priceless Guarneri del Gesú violins, which were
guitar. It was designed to be the most versatile, built in the 1700s in Italy by the amazing pupil
most powerful guitar on the planet at the time. of the venerated master builder from Cremona –
Antonio Stradivari.
The original aim was to take the concept of the
Fender Stratocaster as a departure and then
Playing Position – Balance –
General Philosophy of the Sky Guitar
The Shape –
The Scratch Plates & Plaques
The Wood The Varnish
Most Sky Guitars are made of alder, which is a The varnish on the first models of this edition is
preferred wood for the Strat. nitrocellulose lacquer, which is the same that is
The present series uses mainly Bavarian alder. used on Gibson guitars. There are advantages and
Some guitars come with quilted maple tops – very disadvantages to this – as with all things. The use
few with a flamed top. of nitro is going to be outlawed soon it appears,
because of environmental concerns – a lot of the
Most 7-string Sky Guitars are made of mahogany, gas just evaporates when applying it.
and most of them feature a quilted maple-top –
even those which don’t show the pattern of the The Sky Guitars from number Eight onwards
wood, like the Blue Infinity Sky, which is one of are varnished with polyurethane – which is the
my recent preferred prototypes. These guitars varnish that was also used for Mighty Wing.
sound amazing – as do the 6-string ones – but in
a different way.
The Neck
Talking about long-term maintenance: most of finger does not dampen the string in the same way
my Sky Guitars have been “pleked” by now. If you as when we are in direct contact with the wood,
are not familiar with this ingenious invention, you and the result is a more resonant, a more freely
may want to take the time to read up about it on vibrating string. If one listens closely, this is quite
the web. The Plek machine effectively measures obvious.
all the height and detail of each and every single
fret on the guitar. The scalloping, however, is a definite drawback
when it comes to the intonation of certain
It analyses the perfect curve and shows the result complex chord patterns. Since the majority of
in 3-D. Then it polishes each single fret to the chords is played on the lower half of the neck
perfect height that is wanted. It is an amazing section and lead is predominantly played in the
process and really works. This is particularly higher positions – at least this has always been
helpful, when – after much playing – certain frets my personal preference for reasons of sonority
become worn down more than others. Rather - my solution was to leave the first positions
than completely re-fret the guitar, which is a unscalloped.
somewhat drastic option – the Plek process can
make sure that there is no unwanted string-buzz Should there ever be any questions regarding the
and other abnormalities. guitars which you may have, feel free to contact
Boris Dommenget at [email protected]. He
At this point a word of caution: we strongly will gladly assist you and answer your queries.
advise against changing or personalizing any of
the features of the Sky Guitar. This instrument
has been conceived as an organic whole, and any
type of changes may detract from its quality, apart
from the fact that it would definitely devalue the
guitar seriously. You can be assured that these
limited edition guitars will one day become very
expensive collector’s items. Their value will never
diminish – as long as they are in good condition.
Instead, their value will increase substantially over
time, because there are so few of them around,
and they are extra-special.
String Spacing –
6-String vs 7-String
Another idiosyncrasy, which you may notice comment on, because it is slightly asymmetrical -
upon closer inspection, is the fact that my top but was made by design and is fully intentional.
E-string has considerably more distance from
the edge of the fingerboard than you will find on The 7-string Sky Guitars implement a somewhat
other guitars. Armed with a real Sky Guitar you narrower string-spacing than the 6-string ones.
will probably be the only kid on the block (or In certain respects they are even more virtuoso
man in the city) who manages a decent full-depth guitars and are “geared” slightly differently. Due
vibrato on the top E-string! to the narrower string spacing, it is easier to play
extensive arpeggios and to fly over the strings like
This is something that is simply impossible to one can on a violin. However, this type of spacing
achieve on most electric guitars. Don’t ask me may take some getting used to. It demands a
why nobody seems to have ever questioned this, greater picking precision and is more generally
because it seems a very obvious defect, but 99.9 unforgiving of any kind of sloppy playing, On
percent of guitars seem to suffer this deficiency. the 7-string guitars there is very little margin for
Sky Guitars finally put an end to that sorry state error.
of affairs.
One simply HAS to be precise with those.
Another advantage of this is that the string also Therefore they really are made for expert hands,
sounds much better, because it isn’t as close to who can get the best out of them. The 7-string
the edge of the neck as on a standard guitar. And also allows for easier access to the very top notes,
even the B-string benefits by allowing for an even because the bridge is in a different position
wider and more secure, resonant vibrato, because altogether. The 7-string Sky Guitars are based
it is further away from the edge, where the tone directly on Mighty Wing, which has always played
gets thinner and more brittle. like a dream, but which is taking a sabbatical right
So, the placement of the nut is not a sloppy
accident - as an observant luthier would probably
- 10 -
The Frets
Top Notes - Whole Tone Spacing
In general, I do prefer frets to be super jumbo – I don’t difficult and the whole instrument becomes more
want to feel them. You may have noticed that the temperamental, less even and less predictable. But - on
width of the fret wire on these guitars is not the same the plus side – a high action guitar is definitely more
throughout. That is intentional. The fret wire on all individualistic in terms of overall response.
Sky Guitars gets less wide as we go up the neck in order
to guarantee space for the fingers on the higher frets. You will have noticed that the fret spacing suddenly
doubles from the top A onwards (on some guitars
The extended finger board is, of course, one of the from the top B). This is due to the fact that on the very
main features on Sky Guitars. first Sky Guitars it was virtually impossible to create a
truly singing tones on the very highest notes, because
The actual number of frets may vary between the there was simply not enough space for my fingers to fit
different models. Theoretically, there could be a few comfortably between the top frets.
more frets on these guitars, but we have experimented
a lot with this, and I opted against it. The main We overcame this problem by settling on a compromise
reason for this being the fact that it is pretty nigh-on – but a compromise that definitely works very well.
impossible to get musically convincing sounds out of Most good solutions to problems involve a compromise
these highest notes on the guitar. of sorts. That is a design law. Every gain incorporates a
loss – and the opposite holds true as well: in every loss
We also deliberately left a space between the bridge there is a gain…
pick-up and the fingerboard to allow for some deep
picking. It is an idiosyncrasy of Sky Guitars that, when The solution was to – for want of a better expression -
picking closer to the neck, the depth of the picking “change gear” and to change the spacing by switching
needs to be adjusted a little, because one is effectively to whole-tone steps, instead of semi-tones, which is the
picking over the finger board. standard for all guitars. That worked. Mighty Wing
has beautiful singing tones from the top A upwards,
This also very much depends on the height of your and it is a joy to play those notes with comparable ease.
action. I personally have always favoured a high action When I say “comparable ease”, it must be taken with a
for reasons of tone, increased dynamic range - and pinch of salt, because it will never be as “easy” to play
sheer physical control over the string. With a higher up there in these regions as it is in the centre of the
action, it is possible to really lay into the strings, when neck – and why should it?
it is desirable. And one can achieve any dynamic
shading from double pianissimo to triple fortissimo In terms of music – to me these are the extreme
without the string collapsing, as is the case so often regions – the Himalaya of guitar craft - and they are
with low action. best treated with the respect they deserve… One needs
extra oxygen up there and the sun-light is so intense
The control over vertical vibrato is also so much better that one needs shades…
with a high action guitar.
It would also be artistically unsavoury to constantly
Most tone-conscious players do favour a higher action. play up there – and it would go on every one’s nerves,
The downside is, of course, that guitars with a high too. To me these high notes are more like the end
action are harder to play and therefore somewhat points of a potential journey and I use them sparingly.
“slower” when it comes to fast playing. That way they stay more precious, too. An operatic
tenor doesn’t constantly fire off his precious top C’s all
Further cons are that the intonation becomes more (continued...)
- 11 -
The Frets (continued...)
the time. The result would be an inflation and “How many frets do they have?” I am still giving
the value of something that is extra special would the same answer that I have always given:
decrease and become cheapened and common
place, by over-extensive and indiscriminate use. “I don’t know!” I don’t think in terms of frets,
but in terms of musical tones.
When I first started playing “up there”, my hands
had to develop a new approach, because very The truth is that a lot of Sky Guitars have slightly
different ergonomic rules apply. Depending on different numbers of frets. This may seem odd,
the shape of one’s hand, it may be best to bring but can be explained easily: we have always
forward the thumb and to play in a hovering experimented with the number of top-frets, and
position. This is, of course, unusual at first and very often I have asked the guitar builders to
takes some getting used to, because the thumb take away or add certain frets.
is the master controller behind the scenes in
normal playing. New muscles come into play Furthermore – I would count the top frets –
– or, at least, the muscles have to perform in a which are whole-tone steps – as two frets per
different way and in a different sequence. But step, although physically there is only one fret
after some time this will become second nature. there. It depends on this decision how one
counts. If I count the frets on the new Sky
Another hurdle is the fact that – when playing fast Guitars, the number is 37, although some have
– the chromatic notes seem to have disappeared 35, which is my current preferred state. I may
at first. But they have not – they are only harder still change my mind about that, though. I like
to come by… There are two ways to deal with the to have the extra space there for the deep picking
absence of the chromatic top notes: the first is angle. There have been attempts to go as far as
– to simply play them on the B-string, instead 40 frets, but I wasn’t happy with the results, and
of the E-string. That means that a chromatic run had them removed. The string just gets too short
would have to criss-cross between the E- and the up there to produce meaningful results.
B-string in an alternating fashion. Somewhat
cumbersome, but doable. Hey, no obstacle is The second Sky Guitar ever built – the Purple
too great for a great tone, right? A second way Sky from 1985 – even has a fretless section at
is to pre-bend the required notes to the desired the very top. Again, this was an experiment.
chromatic pitch. But that habit may take a little While it yielded some interesting musical
practice. results, I eventually decided against using that
approach on other guitars, because the fretless
Have I already said that the Sky Guitar will section produced a diminished sonority and the
challenge you to rise to a new plateau? response was poor – unless one actually turned
ones’ finger upside down and played the note
Finally, an ever-recurring question regarding Sky with the nail, which I did sometimes.
Guitars, which I have often been asked:
- 12 -
The Pick Holder
It has always bothered me to have to put my
guitar pick into my mouth when switching to
finger picking and back. That’s why I didn’t
used to employ the finger picking technique
a lot when playing live. Finally, after 40-plus
years, we found the perfectly simple solution:
a spring-loaded pick holder at the top of the
bridge-pick-up. Try it for yourself ! It works
a treat! Just snap the pick into position and
retrieve it when needed. With a little practice
this is very easy and it makes the change-over
- 13 -
The String Gauges
The instruments are currently fitted with slightly But on Sky Guitars – due to the length of the head-
thicker gauge strings than I am using personally. The stock – strings feel a little harder than on most
action is also slightly lower than mine, but still fairly guitars. This will also give you greater clarity. An
on the high side. Most people would not be happy 008-string on a Sky Guitar may feel like a 009 on a
with the height of the action on my personal guitars. Strat or a 010-string on a Les Paul.
It is definitely harder to play like that, and many a
guitarist may not want to give up vital points in the My favourite B-string has always been the 011.
department of ease and dexterity for the sake of tone
alone. G-strings have always been either 014 or 015 – these
both have advantages and disadvantages.
The way the guitar responds is also very much
connected with the particular tuning you choose. D-strings are always wound. They tend to vary from
The guitars do react completely differently as soon 022 to 024 to 026.
as the tuning changes. Even tuning down a semi tone
from standard E-tuning to E-flat totally changes the A-strings tend to vary a lot with me. Currently they
overall response of the guitar in more ways than one. are either 030 or 032, but in the past they were
Furthermore, this is also directly related to string sometimes as thick as 036 for the Electric Sun sound,
gauges and scale-length. which was slightly harder and tighter.
Here are the string gauges as I currently use them; The bottom E-string is varying a lot from 042 (rare)
over the years I have tried many different gauges, but to 046, 050. In Electric Sun days they used to be
certain gauges seem to be my favourite constant. 052 sometimes, whereas during early Scorpions
days, I remember them being as light as 038 (!) at
In general, I tend to prefer lighter strings on the first. I don’t really remember when I migrated to
top while leaning towards the more heavy types for heavier bass strings, but when I did, the sound of the
the bass range. To me that gives the guitar a nice guitars improved considerably. I guess it was during
grounding, and I prefer chords that way with a the “Earthquake” period of Electric Sun in the late
distinct, clear-cut bass, but with a more shimmering, Seventies.
slightly softer ring towards the treble register. I also
don’t want to have to overcome too much physical The bottom B-string on the seven-strings can also
resistance while manipulating the top strings during vary a lot. One has to find the right kind of type
solos. of string. You will get good results from 050-058,
possibly thicker, but sometimes these are too slow in
My favourite E-strings for Sky Guitars are definitely response because of their thickness.
008s. I sometimes use 009s, particularly when
tuning down, but the top 008 gives a more “shiny”, It also depends on the pitch you tune it to. I sometimes
more alive vibrato. Though there have been albums, tune it to C, to D, or to a low bass A, which results
where I used top 010 E-strings, but with hindsight I in an actual 6-octave instrument (!). A Stratocaster
can tell the difference in the tone of the vibrato and or a standard Gibson guitar has only three and a half
I don’t like it. octaves in comparison… The 7-string Sky Guitar is
Of course on a Les Paul, with a shorter scale length, virtually a different instrument altogether.
even I would use heavier top-strings.
- 14 -
Led Position Lights in the Finger Board
As I got older, my eye sight gradually started to
deteriorate… The finger board became more and
more blurry, and when the light was low I saw even
- 15 -
The Tremolo System & Bridge
All Sky Guitars come equipped with free-floating If one prefers the tight approach of a flat bridge, an
tremolo systems and don’t have a locking mechanism. easy solution is to insert a locking spring.
When the guitar is set up properly there will be no
problem to keep the guitars in tune, even when using I personally prefer three tremolo springs - instead of
the whammy bar extensively. I prefer to have a subtle five or two - to balance the system, the tension and the
and accurate response of the whammy bar, and the sound.
systems we use give me exactly that.
The choice to have no rear plate to cover the springs is
However, it is not a Floyd Rose system, which is a deliberate one.
more extreme. The basic idea of the Floyd Rose is
appealing in one way, but the sound they produce Each guitar has a resonance of its own, usually several,
is awful. By clamping down the strings in such a depending on the propensities and density of the
“brutal”, unforgiving way, the guitar loses a lot of its wood. But the springs also have definite pitches of their
overall resonance and beauty of sound. Floyd Rose and own which are close to a B-flat, a B natural, sometimes
similar systems always deaden the sound of the guitar. higher. While this can be very desirable, because it
To my ears that is totally unacceptable. The sound leads to some kind of cathedral effect, particularly
of an unamplified electric guitar is small enough in in certain keys, it can also be a nuisance, when one is
physical terms; the last thing we need is to make it even looking for a super-tight, super-clean sound. I usually
smaller… hold the SG in such a way that the springs are muted
by my body. However, sometimes I will consciously
To help the guitar stay in tune, I use a simple, yet use the “reverberation” of the springs and will keep the
effective method: I either use a Graphite solution, guitar away from the body. It then works almost like
which is easily obtainable or “Nut Sauce” on the nut, some kind of eerie echo chamber.
sometimes also on the tuning pegs and even the saddles
of the bridge sometimes. That eliminates any potential I dislike having to tune a guitar, because of many
points of friction, where the string might get stuck reasons. Just like I want to drive a car without having to
in one position which leads to tuning instabilities. first calibrate the wheels each time I prefer to just pick
It is not necessary to do this often in my experience, up the guitar and play. There is a tuning system which
because the stuff lasts for quite a while once it has been I love, which was developed by my good friend, Chris
applied. Since I don’t change my strings often, I need Adams, in Hamburg. It was originally called Tronical
to apply the stuff only rarely. Powertune. These systems are already available on
many of the new Gibson guitars and are fantastic
The bridge allows you to change the intonation of each and are even getting better all the time. I was hoping
string with a small Allen key, which is provided. This to include them on the first guitars of the new series,
may become necessary, when using different gauge but so far they are not yet available for Sky Guitars
strings. unfortunately. When they are, they can be retrofitted,
and we will let you know, in case you are interested.
My tremolo systems are always free floating with the I will certainly have all of my guitars equipped with
ability to go up as well as down. these, because you can change to any desired tuning
in split seconds. Since I often play in either standard
This allows a better tremolo vibrato as well as pulling tuning or E-flat tuning, I will be able to do this on the
up to achieve upward glissando sounds or downward fly on stage, which is veritable dream.
dive bombs.
- 16 -
The Pick-Up System & Electronics
Mega Wing III
It took many years to get the Mega Wing system of a whole host of improvements right away.
Well, today – some 23 years later – most of these
The electronics were designed by none other have been implemented on the Mega-Wing III.
than my old friend John Oram, aka “the father But the project went through several stages of
of British EQ”. The Mega-Wing project began in research and development, before we arrived at
the late Eighties, when John asked me the loaded the “perfect” solution for the electronics.
question: “If you had the chance to dream up
the perfect pick-up system – what would it have To the best of my knowledge the MEGA-WING
to be like for you?” A dream question, to which III is easily the currently most powerful and most
I didn’t hesitate to reply with a whole string of effective and versatile pick-up system on the
unreasonable demands. In short, I was deeply planet. Please correct me if I am wrong, and you
dissatisfied with existing pick-ups and could think will make your own opinion about that.
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The Mega-Wing Pick-Ups
All MEGA-WING III pick-ups are hand-wired As it is – Mega-Wing systems on Sky Guitars are not
by Boris Dommenget, who is a superb and very microphonic at all (within reason), but will give you
experienced maker of pick-ups. What is more, Boris tremendous amounts of natural and desirable feed-
has developed an amazing patent, which actually back from the amps.
changes the magnetic field of the pick-up and manages
to achieve a perfectly clear single-coil Strat type sound The actual noise levels are also very low, even at full
as well as a super-fat hum-bucker Les Paul type at the blast. But it is obvious that any form of EQ that you
flick of a switch from one and the same pick-up. And dial in and a raise in the master gain level will result in
this totally works! If you look at the Sky Guitar, you a slightly higher noise level. If you step on a Wah-Wah
will see a little toggle switch on the lower scratch plate pedal or switch on a gain-boosting stomp box you will
below the pick-up position switch. know what I mean. The Mega-Wings – in comparison -
are much quieter than that, although the actual output
When the toggle points downwards, the whole guitar is enormous. We have opted against a noise limiter,
is in perfect single coil mode – and it has a beautiful because the threshold settings are volatile and don’t
single coil tone, which is not harsh or grating, but allow for truly dynamic playing. I always immediately
pleasing to the ear. turn off my guitar volume knob as soon as I stop
playing. It is a very healthy habit, which I was forced to
When you flick the switch upwards you will be greeted acquire in my early days of playing super-noisy, hum-
by sweet roaring thunder: a very powerful, creamy, sensitive Stratocaster single-coil pick-ups.
warm, but singing hum-bucker will be music to your
ears. Enjoy! One extra comment: when one starts to play higher
than the 24th position, it is best to switch to the bridge
There are three pick-ups: the first is actually hidden pick-up, because the first pick-up will by design be out
under the finger board. This gives you the warmest and of range.
richest tone, because it is positioned exactly over the
sweet spot where the string modulates in the richest It will still pick up a little bit of the signal, but won’t be
fashion and where the overtones are the sweetest. able to give you a great tone.
This is pretty much the 24th fret or second octave The centre pick-up does not actually turn into hum-
position. Note: on the 7-strings we found a slightly bucker mode. It is always a single-coil.
different solution regarding the placement of the pick-
ups. This has a great advantage: if you quickly need to
switch to a very different tone while playing (which is
The pick-up under the neck was an idea of Andy sometimes the case), all you need to do is switch the
Demetriou’s who was the original builder of all the first pick-up toggle switch from either 1st or 3rd position
SG prototypes. Amazingly, there is no deterioration of to the middle – or reverse. The middle pick-up on all
sound, because the wood doesn’t affect the magnetism Sky Guitars sounds beautiful – much better than those
of the low impedance pick-ups. The tone is loud and on a Strat, to my mind, which tend to be somewhat
clear. It is, however, important to keep the neck pick- fleshless and nondescript. This is because of its
up flush against the fingerboard, because it physically placement and because of the Mega-Wing system.
supports it from below, but - more importantly –
because microphony would arise if there were air- The bridge pick-up is very powerful, but not piercingly
pockets allowed to develop due to an empty space. bright, and gets even stronger when the pick-up is
raised up with its screws.
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The Five-Way
Position Toggle Switch
The Electronics
Mega-Wing III System
The 5-way toggle switch is currently wired to The electronics are hidden inside a so-called
achieve the following constellations: “black box” inside of the electronics cavity on the
back of the guitar. Please do not try to open that
Position 1: neck pick-up box, which is sealed – doing so would irreparably
Position 2: neck & centre pick-up (resulting in an damage the system.
out-of-phase sound)
Position 3: centre/middle pick-up I have used Oram electronics ever since we had
Position 4: centre & bridge pick up the first Mega-Wings in 1987 I believe and the
Position 5: bridge pick-up old systems are still functioning fully. I have never
had a problem on stage with them, although they
Note: some of the older 7-strings - including were all only prototypes - knock on wood. That is
Mighty Wing - came with two pick-ups only. a pretty good testimony to their durability - and
it is true.
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The Volume Control The Bass EQ
The volume works just like a normal volume control. The fourth knob is the bass control. The previous Mega-
Nothing fancy there. It is conveniently located so that Wing systems didn’t have a bass control yet, but I have
the player can control the volume while picking. This always wanted one… All new systems have a separate
also allows for convenient and smooth swells and bass control – and what a difference it makes… I found
decrescendos. that now it is a lot easier to control an amp through the
guitar. Some amps have very different bass responses.
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The Master Gain (continued...)
is required to obtain a great singing tone is an amp with I can certainly tell you about my own experiences,
lots of head room – the clean channel on most amps is because I have come across many an amp on my travels,
the preferred option. And you never need to switch and not all have lived to tell the tale…
channels again, which in itself for me has always been
an unacceptable compromise – and one that delivers Truth is: Sky Guitars with MEGA-WINGS can be
very poor results. amp killers…
Truly great guitar tones cannot be achieved in the Therefore one word of warning: when you are turning
way most amp manufacturers are aiming at these days. all the knobs clockwise – the kind of setting that
In fact, today, most of these amps are built in such a I almost never go to – the guitar resembles a raging
way that it is impossible to get a fantastic sound. They volcano and is much harder to control on certain
are built for convenience of use, or to cover up for amps. In that state it delivers an incredible 100 dB of
players’ potential deficiencies with super-high, but signal – pure plasma – that is more than ten times the
comparatively crude gain. Some of these sounds may output of a standard Strat! Some amps simply cannot
sound impressive to untrained ears at first hearing, handle this kind of abuse and they will soon cave in,
but they tend to wear off quickly, because they tire the they may get oversaturated with gain, may not have
ear and are usually pretty useless when one seeks for enough headroom – or may simply implode and blow
individual expression and character of tone. a fuse.
The concept and the road map with most modern Having said that – some amps, like old Marshall
amplifiers is totally wrong in my eyes. Plexis, Superleads, can handle that kind of input and
still sound great without giving up the ghost. But this
An artistic dead end – a death trap, which results in is not true of all amps. For instance a VOX AC 30 will
people getting used to guitars sounding primitive and sound sweet and beautiful with a Sky Guitar, but if you
one-dimensional. turn it up too much, it won’t last long.
While the Sky Guitar equipped with Mega-Wings may I once blew up an AC30 in 10 seconds by turning it up
not be able to reverse that deplorable trend - which is all the way. It sounded great while it lasted… The same
one that guarantees mediocre results at best - you are happened several times to a poor Fender Bassman amp,
now free to create your very own great tone! You have which also sounded great before it gave up the ghost…
the power tool in your hands. All you need to do is to Peavey graciously sent me two 51/50s after I had
find your own way to get the very best out of it. jammed with Deep Purple and played Steve Morses’
guitar and amp set-up and liked it… Nice sounding
To achieve this it is important to get the kind of amp, but same story: one lasted 30 seconds – the other
amplifier and cabinets that will respond best to the one expired terminally after a few seconds – sounding
power and the resources of the Sky Guitar. You will best just before dying…
find that when you plug into virtually any amp with
a half-way decent clean or crunch channel the Sky Fender Twins last from between 1 hour to three
Guitar will give you superior results… The more the days…
amp distorts by itself, the higher the gain on the amp
channel – the less distinctive quality you will get from Don’t get scared now: I have learnt to not destroy
the Mega-Wings. amps any more (or at least rarely so)…
But to get the very best results, only certain types of And usually it is “only” the fuse that blows anyway.
amps will deliver those. Please feel free to experiment. (continued...)
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The Master Gain (continued...)
It is actually quite simple: just don’t turn up the on my next tour. I particularly like the 100Watt
amps beyond 50 per cent of their capacity! Artisan, and it is even better in conjunction with
a 200W BlackStar head. I even get a great tone out
What’s more: they sound best when not cranked of both channels by just setting them to as low as 1
to their fullest. This was, of course, fundamentally or 2! This is because they have plenty of head-room
different in the olden days of my Strat with its tiny and are not over challenged.
single-coil output going straight into the Marshall
Plexis… In order to get any singing whatsoever one They are built to a very high standard and they
simply HAD to crank the amp and turn it to “ten”. follow the philosophy of the old Marshalls, but
incorporate very important innovations. They
With the Mega-Wing system this approach is sound more musically gratifying to my ears than
usually counter-productive. most of the recent Marshalls, which tend to sound
very hard and unforgiving with the exception of
However, it took me some time to realize this, certain signature models and the KT66 based
I have to admit, because – as caring and careful I Vintage modern. This one sounds beautiful, but
am by nature when it comes to handling guitars belongs to the category of amps, which need
– when it comes to amps I used to be an ogre – a careful handling, otherwise the Sky Guitar/ Mega-
brute – don’t ask me why, but I never used to treat Wing combination will put an untimely end to
amps with respect. Hence the long list of broken their sweet singing voice.
amps. In my old age, however, I have finally come
to my senses and have learnt to give amplifiers the Instead of a summary: like a thoroughbred stallion,
respect they deserve. a Sky Guitar does not like confined spaces. It needs
plenty of headroom to soar into the sky above. It
Should you want to be abusive to amps – for also loves a powerful amp with resources; just like
whatever reason – here are the recommended ones one can’t drive a Formula One car without certain
which will last even if you crank them AND give pre-cautions, it may be necessary to keep the Mega-
them the full-on Mega-Wing treatment: Wing in check on certain amps.
1) Most older Marshalls, particularly when Having said all that – it also depends on the strength
they have new valves and have been properly biased. of your right hand attack, wether an amp lives or
The newer Marshalls, such as the 2000 series will dies. If you are a soft or mellow picker by nature
last, but don’t last as long as, say the Plexis. who generally favours a more piano or pianissimo
picking approach, you are much less likely to cause
2) Framus amps also last when going all out. damage, because you will create less violent peaks
I often played the Framus Cobra in conjunction in your playing.
with a Marshall Super Lead and obtained great
results. It is like a huge Fender Bass Man, but Don’t come crying to me if you blow up any amps
doesn’t break easily, although it sounds a little hard after having read this: in the words of John Cleese:
and Germanic. “I warned you”!…
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Certificate of Authenticity
Certificate of Authenticity to follow, signed and dated by Boris Dommenget, Uli Jon Roth,
John Oram and Elliott Rubinson, CEO of Dean Guitars.
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God bless!
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