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Experiment Name

Experimental verification of Bernoulli’s equation


• To calculate the total head of the pipe in various direction

• To investigate the validity of Bernoulli’s Theorem as applied to the

flow of water in a tapering circular duct


According to the Bernoulli’s principle when area available for the fluid to flow
decrease then flow velocity of the fluid increase and at the mean while time the
fluid pressure or the fluid potential energy decreases (R.K. Bansal (n.d)). This
principle was name after the Daniel Bernoulli who first writes this principle in
book named Hydrodynamic. 

According to Miller, R.W (1996) Law of conservation of energy was the main
deriving factor behind the derivation of the Bernoulli’s principle. Bernoulli’s
principle state that the in a steady flowing fluid the sum of all the mechanical
energies including kinetic energy, dynamic head, fluid pressure and potential
energy should remain same at all the point of the flow. So if any type of energy
increase like if kinetic energy increase then the other type of the energy like
potential energy, pressure will decrease to make the final sum same as before. The
well known Bernoulli equation is derived under the following assumption:

1. Fluid is incompressible

2. Flow is steady

3. Flow is frictionless; along a stream line

According to the Bernoulli equation a flowing fluid have three things

Pressure head

Kinetic Energy

Potential Energy

So we have

p 1 v 21
+ + z=h
ρg 2 g

p 2 v 22
+ + z=h
ρg 2 g

According to the law of conservation of energy, energies at the input should be

equal to the output so

p 2 v 22 p1 v 21
+ + z= + + z
ρg 2 g ρg 2 g

Bernoulli equation for an ideal fluid can be written as:

p 2 v 22
h*= + +¿ z= constant
ρg 2 g

Where no friction loss (h=0) is considered, or:

In the above equation 

P=fluid static pressure at the cross section in N/m2

V = mean velocity of fluid flow at the cross section in m/s

Z = elevation head of fluid flow at the cross section with respect to a datum Z=0

ρ = density Of the flowing fluid in kg/m3

g=acceleration due to gravity in m/s2

From Bernoulli’s principle it can be stated that the density and pressure are
inversely proportional to each other’s means high density fluid will apply more
pressure while moving than the low density fluids. 

In the horizontal pipe where the inlet and outlet of the are at same height, the z
quantity can be removed to give the above mention equation of Bernoulli’s
principle a new look from where we can calculate the height at any point of the
flow if we have the initial height of flow and velocity at respective positions. 

p 2 v 22
H*= + +¿ z= constant
ρg 2 g

Design and Calculation

Experimental setup

Position the inlet head tank and the variable head outlet tank on the mounting studs
provided on the hydraulic bench working surface and connect the Bernoulli
apparatus between them using the union connections. Connect the bench feed hose
to the inlet head tank and attach an overflow hose to the overflow outlet of the inlet
head tank.

Prepare the equipment to the following specification:

Inlet: Constant head inlet tank with overflow extension fitted.

Test section: Bernoulli apparatus.

Exit: Variable head outlet tank.


• Bernoulli (Venturi-type) flow apparatus with column-manometers and pitot


• Measuring Bucket

• Stop watch

• Weight machine

Working procedure

1. Have to check that whether all manometer tubing is properly connected to

the corresponding pressure taps and are air-bubble free. If needed, have to
flush the air-bubbles by slowly closing the exit valve and draining the water
(and the air-bubbles) through the manometer tubing.
2. Have to measure the diameter of the pipes in various position.
3. Have to open the supply valve and then have to take the observations when
the flow is steady.
4. Have to collect the liquid in the measuring tank. The time will have to be
taken with the help of a stop watch. The volume of the liquid is determined
from the discharge.
5. Have to wait for some time for the level in manometer tube to stabilize.
6. After that, the deflection of the pressure head is will have to be obtained.
7. Have to repeat the procedure for different discharge which are obtained by
regulating the supply valve.


1 When fluid is flowing, there is a fluctuation in the hight of piezometer tubes note
the mean position carefully.

2 Carefully keep some level of fluid in inlet and outlet supplytank.


a .Area of cross section under the foot of each point

1: 4.91*10-4 m2

2: 1.517*10-4m2

3: 1.093*10-4m2

4: 8.99*10-5 m2

5: 7.854*10-5m2

For the first flow

No. of Diameter ,D Volume( m3) Time ,t (s) Flowrate ,

observ (m)
Q = V/t
1 .025 0.00149 16.23 0.0000918
2 .0139 0.00149 16.23 0.0000918
3 .0118 0.00149 16.23 0.0000918
4 .0107 0.00149 16.23 0.0000918

5 .010 0.00149 16.23 0.0000918

No. of Area, Velocity, Velocity Pressure Total head,

observatio head, head,
A =π*(D/2)2 V = Q/A (ms-1) (V2/2g) +
(m2) V2/2g (m) P/ϒ (m) (P/ϒ) + Z
1 .00049 0.187 0.001784 0.205 0.20678
2 .0001517 0.605 0.0186 0.185 0.20367
3 .00010935 0.840 0.036 0.168 0.20423
4 .0000899 1.0213 0.053 0.148 0.20161
5 .00007854 1.17 0.0698 0.134 0.20431

For the 2nd flow:

No. of Diameter ,D Volume( m3) Time ,t (s) Flowrate ,
observ (m)
Q = V/t
1 .025 .001486 14.215 .0001045
2 .0139 .001486 14.215 .0001045
3 .0118 .001486 14.215 .0001045
4 .0107 .001486 14.215 .0001045

5 .010 001486 14.215 .0001045

No. of Area, Velocity, Velocity Pressure Total head,

observatio head, head,
A =π*(D/2)2 V = Q/A (ms-1) (V2/2g) +
(m2) V2/2g (m) P/ϒ (m) (P/ϒ) + Z
1 .00049 .213 .002315 .190 .192
2 .0001517 .688 .024 .167 .1911
3 .00010935 .955 .0465 .141 .188
4 .0000899 1.162 .0688 .121 .190
5 .00007854 1.33 .09025 .095 .186

Signed page on performance data

Results and Discussion:

By the end of the experiment, we can say that, for every cross sectional
area and velocity, the sum of velocity head and pressure head is a constant
number.And it is always same for every cross sectional area and velocity. So we
can say BERNOULLI equation is proved.


• From the calculation it is very clear that with decrease in area of the flow velocity
increase and pressure decrease

• As shown in graph of all three test that the decrease in area of flow decrease the
height of water in manometer column means they are directly proportional to each

• Difference in the theoretical and measured value it can be said that water is not an
ideal fluid 

• Height of water in the final column was not equal to the initial values which show
that there are friction losses in water particle

• This type of information is very use full in the case if nozzles, jets and diffusers


Aim objective of this experiment was to discuss the behavior of ideal and real fluid
and on the basis of the test result it can be concluded that the experiment was
successful because there is difference in measured and theoretical values. This is
because of the friction losses in the real fluid; ideal fluid does not have friction
losses. From the experiment it can be conclude that with decrease in area of flow
there is an increase invelocity and decrease in the flow pressure of the fluid. 

• Repeat the experiment several times to get and accurate result

• The eye of observers should be placed parallel to the scale of manometer to

get an accurate reading

• Make sure the bubbles in the manometer are completely removed by

adjusting the bleed screw

• The valve should be controlled slowly so that the pressure difference can be


• R.K. Bansal (n.d) Chapter 8 flow measurement, A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics

• Miller, R.W (1996) Flow Measurement engineering Handbook 3Rd ED.

McGraw-Hill Book, New York N.Y

• USBR (1996) Flow Measurement Manual. Water Resource Publication LLC

Highland Ranch Co

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